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What Are Red Flag Warnings and Watches and Why Should You Care?

What are red flag warnings and watches and why should you care? Author: Bill Hamm, Firewise Committee Chair

Wildfire is Everyone’s Fight. You CAN protect your home against wildfires!! Simply put, a red flag warning means that conditions are ripe for wildfires now. A red flag watch means that conditions are forecasted to be ripe for wildfires in the near future. You should care because Steiner Ranch is at high risk for wildfires and there are actions you can take to protect your home and prepare for an evacuation. The actions to protect your home have been outlined in previous articles such as creating defensible space and hardening homes against embers, which cause about 90% of house fires in a wildfire situation. These actions should have already been taken, but a red flag watch/ warning should be an alert to do any last minute checks, such as removing flammable furniture, making sure there are functioning hoses attached to your outside faucets, etc.. You should also check on your readiness to evacuate. For more details, there is a brochure called Ready, Set, Go! on the Firewise web site (https://austintexas.gov/sites/default/files/files/ hsem/ReadySetGoTexasBooklet.pdf ). For a free assessment of your home, please contact srfirewise@gmail.com. To get alerts related to any local emergency including fire, and evacuation orders, sign up at WarnCentralTexas.org. To get alerts for almost any emergency including red flag warnings and watches, download the FEMA app. Remember that wildfires can put many more homes in jeopardy than there are firefighters, so being prepared is essential if your home is to survive a wildfire! Many of you have seen the Smokey the Bear Fire Danger Sign. There is not a direct correspondence with Red Flag watches/ warnings. Red Flag watches/warnings are put out by the National Weather Service, the Smokey sign is governed by the Forest Service (and can be seen outside our LTFR fire house here in Steiner). However, the actions you should take are the same on days when the Fire Danger is reported as Extreme.