Billy Sutton (Fairfield South) President Jan Bertoli (Fairfield Central) Secretary/Treasurer Darlene Sedelmyer (Trails of Fairfield) Director Kate Conrey (Lakes of Fairfield) Director Fairfield Central Neighborhood Association Louis Iselin (President) louis@kipatents.com Patricia Powell (Vice President) Jan Bertoli (Secretary/Treasurer) JLB8848@gmail.com
Quentin Hinds (Director) Qhinds@gmail.com
......................................................... daadams888@gmail.com
.................................................. mmann0330@gmail.com
First Service Residential Help Desk 713-932-1122, contactus.tx@fsresidential.com
Ambulance/Fire/Officer 911 Poison Control 800-222-1222
Public Safety CommitteeFairfield Area Swim Team Team-president@swim4fast.net Fairfield Women’s Club fairfieldwomensclub@gmail.com SAILER - Fairfield Project Manager 16055 Mason Road/Cypress, TX 77433 Phone: 713-332-4761/ Toll Free: 800-932-9449 Email: Jennifer.sailer@fsresidential.com
Table of Contents Around Fairfield 4 Horse rides for kids right in your backyard 6 Our Inclusive Playground Is Soon to Be A Reality 8 Help for learning is in our midst 9 Entreprenuer Spotlight 10 Traveling Seniors 11 Cypress-Tomball Democrats 11 Fairfield Republicans Church News 12 St. Mary's Fall Gift Market 12 First Responder's Day 12 Classic Adults School News 13 New Ticketing Procedures for CFISD 13 WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! - Swenke Elementary PTO Community Info 14 Keeping Active, Involved 14 Juergen's Hall community Center Upcoming Events 15 CFHH's Festival of Trees - November 11 & 12 In Every Issue 15 Teen Job Seekers 15 Classifieds
Inwood Park Neighborhood Association
Fairfield Village South Neighborhood Association
Brian Mcdonough (President) Bmcdonoughdpt@gmail.com
Mark Stine (Vice President) Mark.Stine@gmail.com Billy Sutton (Secretary) blsutton@sbcglobal.net Larry Kohler (Treasurer) Dietrich Gaitz (Director) Dietrich.gaitz@mail.com
Jennifer Sailer 713-332-4761, Jennifer.Sailer@fsresidential.com
Bus Information 281-897-4380 Cy-Fair Administration 281-897-4000 Cy-Ranch High School 281-373-2300 Bridgeland High School..........................................................................281-213-1619
FirstService Residential
Lakes of Fairfield Neighborhood Association
Fairfield Athletic Club (FAC) 281-373-0834 Harris Co. Library 281-890-2665 Harris Co. Mosquito Control .713-440-4800 Harris County Hazardous Waste 281-560-6200 Courthouse Annex 281-859-0685 Driver’s License 281-449-2685 Post Office.............................................................................................. 281-373-9125 Voter Registration 713-224-1919
Janet Sherrill (Secretary) janetsherrill@comcast.net Matthew Mann (Treasurer)
Patrick Wong (President) pcwong1@earthlink.net
Dana Adams (Secretary)
Harriet Tunick (Secretary) htunick00@gmail.com Gloria Whitaker (Treasurer) gloriawhitaker1@yahoo.com
Reliant Energy (Electricity) 713-207-7777 Center Point (Gas) 713-659-2111 Inframark (Water, Trash) 281-398-8211 Best Trash 281-313-2378 Comcast ................................................................................................. 713-341-1000
Trails of Fairfield Neighborhood Association
Darlene Sedelmyer (President) facofficemgr@sbcglobal.net
Salyards Middle School .281-373-2400 Ault Elementary .281-373-2800 Keith Elementary 281-213-1744 Spillane Middle School........................................................................... 281-213-1645 Swenke Elementary 281-213-1200
Marc Newman (President)..........................................
Doug Waterman (Vice President) waterman_doug@hotmail.com
Nikole Cales (Director) Ncales13@gmail.com
Diana Gee (Treasurer) diana.gee@att.net
Harris County Precinct 4 281-376-3472 Vacation Watch .281-401-6200
Fire/Ambulance 713-466-4073 FBI 713-693-5000 Harris County Animal Control 281-999-3191
Dianna Roark (Director) ldroark66@aol.com Douglas Scott (Director) mrdougscott@gmail.com
Sarah Boson (Director) sboson05@sbcglobal.net
Fairfield Project Manager
Kris Cherry (Vice President) kfcherry@gmail.com
The “Master Board” is comprised of one representative from each Neighborhood Association
Portfolio Administrator Amanda West 713-332-4763
Fairfield Village Community Association
Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Fairfield Community Gazette - September 2022 3
Kate Conrey (Vice President) kateconrey@gmail.com
Children are naturally drawn to horses, especially when exposed early on. Nowadays, horses are frequently seen on television and the internet, and are often represented as stuffed animals, action figures, and more. Many groups and organizations, such as 4-H and the United States Pony Club, promote a relationship between horses and children. It's wholesome fun!
Studies have also shown that bonding with a horse can help with anxiety, stress, anger, depression, and even ADD/ADHD. Horses can sense a human's feelings and respond accordingly. No matter how big or small a horse, they are powerful creatures and, at the same time, very kind and respectful if you earn their trust.
Courtney continued, "Building a relationship with a horse is lifeenhancing and something that I believe every person should be able to experience in their life.”
Courtney says, "Riding a horse offers far-reaching health benefits by teaching flexibility, balance, stamina, and coordination. Along with the rider's health, riders can also learn to care for the animal's health by keeping up with their hooves (with the help of a farrier) and daily grooming, as well as making sure the horse’s medical needs, including vaccinations, are met. These caretaking activities naturally help teach a child responsibility.
Introductory Horse Rides is a slow-paced learning experience for all kids! Courtney's goal is to get young riders comfortable with being on a horse to see if they would like to venture further into the horse world. "We go at whatever pace each rider needs, no matter how Continued to Page 5
4 Fairfield Community Gazette -September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Around Fairfield
By Jackie Devine
Experiencing horseback riding and barn life can instill many positive traits in children, from mental and physical development to social skills. Handling, riding, and caring for a horse can help develop important characteristics in children including responsibility, accountability, patience, level-headedness, empathy, kindness, selfdiscipline and respect for animals.
Children can take a horse out for a “test drive” right in our own backyard at 20239 Schiel Road in Cypress.
Horse rides for kids right in your backyard…
Courtney Niland, who began riding when she was in the third grade, knows firsthand the benefits of building relationships with horses.
Luckily for us, local parents and grandparents can see for themselves.
That is why she started offering introductory horseback riding for children in August of 2021. She gives young horse rider “wannabees” a chance to get comfortable riding in a calm, safe environment.
"Get me started," she sighs, "and I can go on forever touting the benefits of being around horses. They are incredibly therapeutic animals that help people in many ways. Parents of children with special needs find that getting physical therapy with the help of horses benefits their young ones physically and emotionally. It can significantly impact the rider's mood for the entire week."

rider and the instructor have confidence in the bond between the rider and horse, we try a very short distance trot for the rider to experience the horse's speed without being at a full run. We lunge the horse if the rider chooses to feel the power and strength of a horse." After the riding session, the students help wash the horse, further emphasizing the importance of taking responsibility and experiencing what is involved in caring for a horse. The last activity is a sharing of gratitude. The rider offers treats to their horse, thanking it for a fun learning experience that will be cherished forever.
Around Fairfield
Find out more at https://www.facebook.com/introductoryhorserides or introductoryhorserides@gmail.com.
Horse Rides for Kids- continued from Page 4 slow," Courtney explains. "Sticking to the basics, we walk around the area for the rider to feel the motion of each muscle of the horse moving under them while learning the horse's body language and signs of "Sometimes,comfort.ifthe
Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Fairfield Community Gazette - September 2022 5

As a special needs parent, I firmly believe that it takes a community (village) to accomplish all that is required of us. I'm sure many others, no matter their circumstance, feel the same. I feel confident in saying, this summer, we have felt the presence of the village.
Nick Leluika, Swenke Special Projects Coordinator
Around Fairfield
In an effort to keep everyone in this village up to date, we'd like to share that as of the end of July, we have raised 85% of our total goal needed to get this project officially started. We are within reach of making this dream a reality. There are some “irons in the fire” and we will see how they turn out. In the meantime, we still need your help. Every dollar counts and will make a difference, so please consider contributing to this amazing project. I'd love our next update to be the one celebrating the groundbreaking of the playground. We look forward to the day when kids of all abilities have a place close to home where they can play, learn, and grow together, no matter their natural ability. Thank you to all who have supported us thus far! Please get in touch with us with questions or for more information at Specialprojects@ swenkepto.org. Inclusive Playground Is Soon to Be A Reality
Hopefully, by now, the majority of the Fairfield community knows that there is an effort to raise funds for an inclusive playground within Fairfield, to be built alongside an existing playground at Swenke Elementary. The playground will be thoughtfully designed to offer a play space for children of varying abilities and will foster a place of acceptance, inclusion, and learning. The inclusive playground has been labeled as a Legacy Project and one that was anticipated to be years in the making. It became apparent that this project had strong backing from the onset and would gain momentum quickly.
There has been unbelievable support and encouragement throughout the community. I’d like to send a special shout out to the community's children and youth. A heartfelt thank you goes to the young community citizens who have hosted their own bake sales to raise money, the kids who have walked the neighborhoods asking for donations, and others who have forgone birthday presents this summer and instead requested donations for the playground. These acts of service and charity amongst our youth are a testament to the character and spirit of Fairfield.
I have been taken aback by the initiative of so many people who have found meaningful ways to contribute. We have seen support across the Fairfield community in all shapes and sizes. The Women's Club of Fairfield came together and put on a bake sale at the Fairfield Athletic Club to raise funds. They also invited us to host a booth at their 4th of July event to bring awareness to the project and some of our community’s life skills students participated in the Independence Day parade. Local municipal utility districts invited us to their board meetings to share our project plans and they have generously pledged monetary contributions. Yogurtland of Fairfield hosted a fundraising night in July. There was a great turnout and Yogurtland pledged a percentage of the proceeds to go to directly to the inclusive playground project.
6 Fairfield Community Gazette -September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.

Around Fairfield Help for learning is in our midst
8 Fairfield Community Gazette -September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.
What started as one 4th grade student at a kitchen table has become a service for the entire Cypress community, as well as Tomball, Waller, Magnolia, and even Katy and Houston. Built on the premise of serving "people" rather than clients and doing it individually with heart, Texas Educational Consultants has grown from that one student a week to over a hundred. Situated on Mueschke Rd., right in the heart of Cypress, TEC is easily accessible and about as opposite from the chain and commercial tutoring facilities as possible. Located on a beautiful wooded lot, you feel the calming environment the minute you enter the parking lot, and it carries over into the building shared with Cookin' With Kim and Lotus in Bloom AfterHealing.being greeted and offered water and a snack, all clients spend the first 5 to 7 minutes playing a game. This small activity has garnered huge rewards. In addition to starting the session with something fun and upbeat, it helps build a relationship between the tutor and the child. It allows the child to "let go of" anything negative they came in with (from an angry teacher, a bad grade, an upset parent, or getting stopped by the train at Fry!). All games have an educational purpose: memory, math skills, eye-hand coordination, comprehension, and other cognitive functioning.
On the elementary level, we help many young children who missed crucial building blocks in reading and math while everyone was home and/or working online. Time marched along, but those critical gaps make the continuation of learning in the classroom challenging.
Before Covid, classroom teachers dealt with a range of abilities, but in the past year, the wide extreme from one level of reading or math to the other end of the spectrum has made teaching and reaching each student's needs almost impossible. We're here to help! We communicate with the schools and teachers to ensure we are following what is taught and effectively translating that to our students. Often just sitting in a quieter area with one adult for an hour dramatically affects a child's success. More often than not, the confidence and enthusiasm emoted by the tutor and absorbed by the child make the biggest change. At the middle and high school levels, the number of clients who typically earn all A's and B's has risen dramatically in the past three years. Students know they are not getting everything they need in their classes to be successful in Ourcollege.SAT and ACT prep sessions have garnered the most referrals. TEC teaches not only the content (which in the reading and English portions looks quite different than what is done in the classroom) but also tricks and tools for increasing scores on the standardized entrance tests. "I've learned more in one hour of English here than I did in an entire year of school," said one client at the end of a group session last fall. Texas Educational Consultants looks forward to celebrating the 12th year of serving our community. As always, we will continue to offer discounts to our first responders and military, financially support our local high school theatre departments and provide scholarships as needed.
While the mission has remained the same for 12 years, the services have grown and changed to meet the community's needs. Currently, TEC offers individual tutoring for kindergarten through age 55. We joke that it is only because we haven't had anyone older than that yet! Content-driven small group classes are added during the school year as needed: usually in the upper-level maths and sciences, such as Calculus and Physics. Additionally, we have small group and individual tutoring for SAT/ ACT, help with college entrance essays, resumes, college and career counseling, and help parents navigate parent-teacher conferences, IEPs, and long-term planning.
With the post-Covid age upon us, Texas Educational Consultants has adjusted and adapted along with everyone else. Whereas four or more years ago, the typical tutoring clientele would be primarily students who were failing or in danger of failing, more and more people are coming for other reasons.

Houston has a new expert in home theater and HiFi. Get ready, Fairfield! Home Theater Experience is a new company ready to serve your HiFi, media room or dedicated home theater needs.
Home Theater Experience is a veteran-owned and operated business serving Houston, Austin, DFW and pretty much anywhere in Texas. The owner, Dr. Chris Mata, brings his military experience to the audio video industry. “Military focus and attention to detail are the difference that we bring to the table. We approach every job with fresh eyes and make our recommendations based on your needs and budget. We don’t do cookie cutter systems; every client is unique and deserves a personal consultation,” says Chris.
Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Fairfield Community Gazette - September 2022 9 Around Fairfield
Home Theater Experience is a new company but it brings years of industry experience, including designing, building, and outfitting home theaters with the best combination of equipment for the customer. “I have designed and installed home theaters of all budgets. I treat everyone with the courtesy and respect of a million-dollar client. Home theaters should not be exclusive. We tailor systems to meet your needs,” says Chris. Wherever you are in your audio journey - soundbar in the living room, massive TV installation, multi-purpose family room with a 120-inch image or full-on immersive dedicated theater space - Home Theater Experience is ready to tackle your next upgrade with you. Contact them at 972-900-4901 or email info@TheHomeTheaterExperience. com to get started today. You can also check out their new website at www.TheHomeTheaterExperience.com, You’ve heard the rest; experience the best!
Chris has always been fascinated by home theater and audio performance. Like many, his journey started with watching Star Wars as a kid. “We connected every speaker in the house in a 5.1 surround sound configuration and I was hooked.” He never gave up his passion for audio but it was reignited when he saw Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2. “I saw it in the Dolby Atmos Theater and instantly knew I needed this at home. These new immersive audio formats like Dolby Atmos and DTS:X Pro are game changers,” he said. While in graduate school, Chris started a YouTube Channel building Dolby Atmos home theaters. The Channel is called “That Home Theater Dude” and has a focus towards honest reviews to educate the public on the latest and greatest theater and HiFi equipment. He currently has over 75,000 subscribers and 15M+ views.
Home Theater Experience Comes to Fairfield

October17-20, 2022, Dallas: 3 nights/4 days $495.00 double occupancy. Bus leaves at 8:00 from FBC. Request details from jackie. Maydevine@comcast.net.13-21,2023,Garden of the Gods, The Royal Gorge, and Colorado Springs, Colorado $995. Eight nights lodging 4 consecutive nights in scenic Colorado, 14 meals: 8 breakfasts and 6 dinners. Departure: Fairfield Baptist Church at 8:00 am.
Second and Fourth Thursday: Cards with Karen Cervenka: 5 Crowns, Lakeside Trails Clubhouse 1:00 to 4:00. Second and Fourth Friday: Hand and Foot with Jim and Shirley, Lakeside Trails Clubhouse 1:00 to 4:00.
TravelingSeniors of Cypress
Around Fairfield
Wednesday Breakfast, House of Pies: Between 8:30 and 9:00. Breakfast at Denny's: 1st and 3rd Friday at Denny's on 290 Traveling Seniors of Cypress Jo Ann Lambert at pstlgrl@gmail.com or Jackie Devine at jackie.devine@comcast.ne
September 15: Potluck and Bingo. Activities begin at noon at Lakeside Trails Clubhouse.
TravelingSeniors of Cypress Exchange. Bring a side dish or desert. We provide the turkey. See you at noon at Lakeside Trails Clubhouse.
October 13: Halloween Potluck & 5 Crowns. If you don't know how to play, come and learn. Dress festively! The fun begins at noon.
October 22: Renaissance Festival: The bus leaves at 8:30 from FBC. November$27.0015: 1940 Air Terminal/Longhorn NASA project. Lunch at Bubba Gumps on the Kemah Boardwalk, on your own.Leaving at 10:00 from FBC. $5.00.
September 27: Good Shepherd United Church. Tour the Painted Churches. Bus leaves at GSUMC at 8:00 am $20.00.
November 17: Thanksgiving Potluck & Kitchen Towel
September 6: Enjoy the Astros game in the Gallagher Club: Buffet and ballgame ticket included. The bus leaves FBC at 4:30. September$122.00.8:Wine Tour. Three wineries and tastings. $30 for tastings, and lunch on your own, leaving from FBC at 9:00 am.
Submitted by Jo Ann Lambert, trip coordinator You've heard it time and time again; traveling with a group can push you out of your comfort zone. When you don't have to worry about logistics and safety, you are free to focus on relaxing and enjoying the ride. Plus, meeting friends with different interests may encourage you to explore new horizons! Fall just might the be time for you to try it, especially if you haven't been to the Texas State Fair, seen a Longhorn Cattle Drive, visited the George W. Bush Library, or explored Dealey Plaza and the John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza. The Traveling Seniors of Cypress has five seats left, for our October17-20, 2022, Dallas: 3 nights/4 days. Deciding to travel along, could be the decision that will give you a new lease on life.
18 from 2 to 4 pm Cookie and Gift Exchange. Bring two or three dozen of your favorite cookies and a gift to exchange with your friends. Pay upon sign-up. Must be 50 years of age to ride the Harris County Bus. Tickets are non-refundable.
10 Fairfield Community Gazette -September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.
November 22: Good Shepherd Brookwood Tour. Tour the facilities; poinsettias will be in full bloom. Lunch included in the Tea Room $30.00. The bus leaves FBC at 8:30.
December 13: Zoo Lights Dinner at Cleburne's on your own. Price TBD. We won't know the price until November. Leaving FBC at 5:30 Decemberpm.

Our speaker will be Christian Menefee – Harris County Attorney. As the Harris County Attorney, Christian D. Menefee is the chief civil lawyer for the largest county in Texas. He is the first African-American and the youngest person to serve in the position.
Cypress-Tomball Democrats Fairfield Republicans
Fairfield Republicans is a group of conservative like-minded neighbors residing in Fairfield and neighboring areas. While we are predominately residents of Fairfield and the adjoining subdivisions, we welcome people from other precincts to attend our meetings as well. Our group meets every month to provide information to our community about current legislative priorities and other pertinent information. We can be found on Facebook under the heading of Fairfield Republicans. Please check those pages for confirmation of the upcoming meeting dates. In addition, you may contact Bill Ely at 832-919-4999 for more information.
Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Fairfield Community Gazette - September 2022 11
Before serving as Harris County Attorney, Christian practiced in the Houston offices of two international law firms, focusing on business litigation and corporate investigations. In private practice, Christian also focused heavily on pro bono work, including advising the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, advising immigrants and their families at Bush Intercontinental Airport during the “Muslim ban,” and working with Texas Appleseed on expanding alternatives to involuntary commitment for the mentally ill. Additionally, he completed a fellowship with the Harris County Public Defender’s Office. The son of two veterans, Christian attended public schools in Harris County and was the first in his family to attend college. He is a graduate of The University of Texas at San Antonio, and Washington University St. Louis School of Law. All are welcome to attend and to join this growing club, which meets on the third Monday of every month. For more information email us at cytomdems@yahoo.com, go to our CypressTomball Democrats Group on Facebook, or visit the club’s Website at cytomdemocrats.org.
Around Fairfield
The Cypress-Tomball Democrats will hold its next monthly meeting, Monday, September 19, 2022 at Rudy’s Grill and Cantina, located at 11790 Grant Rd, Cypress, TX 77429. There is a meet and greet at 6:30 p.m. The general meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. For More info, visit our website at cytomdemocrats.org.

Monday, September 12, 2022 11:45am • Good Shepherd UMC Youth Room
12 Fairfield Community Gazette -September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Church News
This month's lunch will be a Jason's Deli box lunch with a sandwich (ham, turkey, or chicken salad), chips, a cookie, and a drink for $10 per person. Please register for the luncheon before Thursday, September 8th. Call the church at 281-373-2273 with any questions.
Mark your calendars for Monday, October 3rd at 11:45 am in the Youth Room for a Potluck Dinner and to learn about the "Philosophies of Phil" —an entertaining and inspiring presentation by Good Shepherd's Will Rogers, Phil Sharp!
In his engaging style, Phil will talk about how our Christian commitments can help us face the divisions in this country. He will explain why he is a Christian and will share his struggles and the lessons he learned from them.
Have you ever watched the news and been amazed at how K-9 units work to control crime? If so, mark your calendar for an exciting program and luncheon on September 12th at 11:45 am in the Youth Room of Good Shepherd UMC. Our program will be the K-9 unit of the Harris County Constables. These canines are qualified for patrol and search operations, and the narcotics dogs have been used to locate and seize illegal drugs and for many more roles! We will hear from deputies about the effort that goes into training K-9s and then watch demonstrations of their work. Plus, they will give us an overview of how Fairfield and surrounding communities are doing with the crime!
Phil is an ordained Disciples of Christ pastor and now a member of our Methodist church. He completed a two-year psychiatric residency, serving troubled congregations in Iowa and Kentucky and later in North Carolina. After obtaining a doctorate, Phil served the state of Alabama as chaplain to the criminally insane men's unit, then was promoted to hospital administer serving 125 mentally ill women. Later, he returned to the pastorate and served churches in Bellaire, Texas, Duncan & Oklahoma City, OK, before returning to Houston.

Season Ticket Renewals: Members of the Cy-Fair and Cypress Ridge High School varsity football teams meet during a District 17-6A matchup at Pridgeon Stadium in 2021. Season tickets for the Bobcats, Rams and other varsity teams were eligible for renewal beginning July 25.
CFISD Athletic Department recently announced its ticketing procedures for the 2022 varsity football season, which included a new online ticketing provider, Hometown Ticketing. Season tickets went on sale for previous season ticket holders on Monday, July 25.
COMING UP THIS SCHOOL YEAR: We all have busy schedules, so it’s never too early to plan for the most important events of the year. Make sure to mark your calendars for the annual Candy Cane Fun Run on January 7, 2023.
SEPTEMBER EVENTS: The PTO is thrilled to announce several awesome events coming up in September: 5th Grade Celebration Kick-Off Meeting Spirit Night at Yogurtland Go Gold for Childhood Cancer PTO General Meeting
Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Fairfield Community Gazette - September 2022 13 Schools
The initial renewal period ran from July 25 through August 7. During that time, no changes or additions to the original ticketing package were permitted. However, modifications to prior-year season ticket orders were allowed from Monday, August 8 through Friday, August 12.
During the modification period (August 8-12), season ticket holders were able to add additional seats or move their tickets to any open and available seats. Additionally, a season ticket renewal order completed during the initial renewal period was required to gain access to modifications or additions to the original package. Any season tickets not renewed during the renewal and modification periods were released to the public for open season ticket sales on Monday, August 15 and were available through Sunday, August 21. Call the CFISD Athletic Department or visit the district’s athletics webpage for additional information.
Renewal instructions, as well as a link to facilitate the renewal process, were sent by Hometown Ticketing to all 2021 season ticket holders by 8 a.m. on July 25. That email included instructions that enabled previous season ticket holders to renew their tickets in full or renew a portion of their prior order.
The Swenke PTO would like to welcome everyone to the 20222023 school year! Please check out our website, Facebook page, and Newsletter for all upcoming events, fundraisers, and volunteer opportunities!
New Ticketing Procedures for CFISD
OCTOBER EVENTS: Not only is October the time for pumpkin-spiced lattes; it’s also the time for awesome events at school: Spirit Night at Spring Creek Spirit Night at Half Baked Cookies And more!

Wednesday, To Be Scheduled, Municipal Utility District (MUD) #396. The August meeting was held in Fairfield at the Bradford Creek Clubhouse. Most likely, the meeting will be in Fairfield again for September, and the date has not been determined. Meetings usually begin at 10:00 AM and most often last less than one hour. If you plan to participate or reside in a different Fairfield MUD, call 713-6515345 for the date. Or, you may contact Bill Wilson at 832-653-5146 for more information. This is your chance to talk with the Directors and our Attorney about any concerns, requests, or issues you have with water and trash service. Also, you will hear reports about the operations and financial condition of MUD #396.
Monday, September 26, 2022, Fairfield Republicans. This is the regularly scheduled third Monday of the month meeting. The meeting begins at 7:00 PM. The Facebook page is the “Fairfield Republicans” group. Please check that page to confirm the meeting date and location. For additional information, please contact Bill Ely at 832-919-4999.
Fairfield Village Homeowner’s Association. The September meeting time and date has not been determined. When scheduled, it will be at the Lakeside Trails Clubhouse at 8:30 AM. For more information, contact First Service Residential at 713-332-4763.
Submitted by William Wilson Community Info
14 Fairfield Community Gazette -September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc.
Keeping Active, Involved
Saturday, September 24, 2022, Cypress Texas Tea Party (CTTP). This is the regularly scheduled fourth Saturday of each month meeting. The meeting begins at 12 Noon and is at Spring Creek BBQ, 25831 Northwest Fwy, Cypress, TX 77429 (phone) 281-758-1450. CTTP does not charge a fee to attend the meeting and does not have membership dues. You do not have to purchase a meal to attend although most do. Please check the CTTP website for confirmation of the scheduled meeting, location, and speakers.
Tuesday, September 13, 2022 Fairfield Village South Homeowner Association. The next meeting will be at Central Park Clubhouse, 15015 Heath Green Circle near Salyards School at 4:30 PM. First Service Residential has information about this and other Village meetings and can be contacted at 713-332-4763.
Tuesday, September 27, 2022, Yellow Rose of Texas Republican Women. This is the regularly scheduled meeting on the fourth Tuesday of every month at Harris County Smokehouse, 14243 FM 2920, Tomball, TX 77377 (phone) 281-351-4060. The meetings begin at 6:30 PM. You are not required to be a member to attend nor are you required to purchase a meal. Arrive early if you plan to have a meal.

Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Fairfield Community Gazette - September 2022 15 TEENAGE JOB SEEKERS Baby Pet Yard Name Age Sit Sit Work Phone Colby Inman 18 •DW, HS 832-904-2939 Paisley Ferrell*+ 12 • •DW 832-754-9963 Sara Kate Nichols 13 • •DW • 936-419-3287 Madelyn Taylor 15 • •DW 832-257-2002 Dylan Taylor 13 • •DW 832-302-0165 Izzy Guzman 16 • •DW 832-771-9931 Madelyn Radzavich 15 • •DW 817-823-6288 Amanda Nichols*+ 16 • •DW 713-321-0240 Rayna Hanson*+ 16 • 203-768-1398 Jase Taylor 16 • •DW, HS 832-458-5102 Mayela Fernandez 19 • •DW 832-272-1227 Alicia Fernandez 13 •DW 832-272-1227 Jaelyn Williams 15 • 832-465-7179 Brittany Sparks 16 • •DW 832-525-7337 Makayla Taylor 18 • •DW 281-804-4946 Haley Williams 15 • 281-928-0218 Tabitha Simper*+ 16 • 832-444-6645 Madelyn Taylor*+ 17 • •DW 832-257-2002 Chloe Geil*+ 13 • • 760-586-9419 Holly Evans 15 • • 832-684-6373 Avery Reed 14 • • 337-344-0543 Alyssa Dixon 14 • 832-745-1418 Halo Criss 14 • • 707-223-1254 Samaira Garcia*+ 16 • 443-510-7250 Paige Grandjean* 13 • •HS 832-334-6545 Kylie Grandjean* 12 • •HS 832-544-7652 Avalyn Lewis*+ • 832-498-2183 Caroline Lewis*+ • 832-498-2183 Isabel Serralde 15 • • 346-333-8970 Chloe Dill* 13 • •DW 713-594-6722 Victoria Hayes 18 • • 713-501-2135 Marley Moran •DW, HS 281-744-7366 Edgar Fernandez • • 832-272-1227 Alicia Fernandez • • 832-272-1227 Shelby Blanton*+AED 16 •DW, HS...713-292-4558 *-CPR Training +-First Aid Training (Ask to see your baby-sitter’s course completion card.) CORNERSTONE CARPENTER INC : Home Improvements, Home Repairs, Remodeling, Siding Painting, Patios, Flagstone, Shade Arbors and More. Lots of references. Call 281-890-6474 or visit our website: cornerstonecarpenter.com. CPA: Serving the Cypress and surrounding areas for over 20 years, Self-employed, Providing professional Tax and Accounting Services for Individuals and Businesses. Convenient pick-up and delivery services provided; a true benefit valued by my clients. Please call me at 713899-1760 to schedule an appointment. Many tax law changes to consider. BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS Classified Ads Business classifieds (offering a service or product line for profit) are $65, limit 40 words, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales Office @ 512- 263-9181 or advertising@PEELinc.com. Not Available Online

PO Box 1148 Round Rock, Texas 78680