Nick Leluika, Swenke Special Projects Coordinator
The playground will be thoughtfully designed to offer a play space for children of varying abilities and will foster a place of acceptance, inclusion, and learning.
Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Lakes of Fairhaven - August 2022 1 News For The Residents at Lakes of FairhavenSeptember 2022 Volume 15, Issue 9 Continued to Page 2
Hopefully, by now, the majority of the Fairfield community knows that there is an effort to raise funds for an inclusive playground within Fairfield, to be built alongside an existing playground at Swenke Elementary.
The inclusive playground has been labeled as a Legacy Project and one that was anticipated to be years in the making. It became apparent that this project had strong backing from the onset and would gain momentum quickly.
There has been unbelievable support and encouragement throughout the community. I’d like to send a special shout out to the community's children and youth. A heartfelt thank you goes to the young community citizens who have hosted their own bake sales to raise money, the kids who have walked the neighborhoods asking for donations, and others who have forgone birthday presents this summer and instead requested donations for Inclusive Playground Is Soon to Be A Reality
I have been taken aback by the initiative of so many people who have found meaningful ways to contribute. We have seen support across the Fairfield community in all shapes and sizes. The Women's Club of Fairfield came together and put on a bake sale at the Fairfield Athletic Club to raise funds. They also invited us to host a booth at their 4th of July event to bring awareness to the project and some of our community’s life skills students participated in the Independence Day parade. Local municipal utility districts invited us to their board meetings to share our project plans and they have generously pledged monetary contributions. Yogurtland of Fairfield hosted a fundraising night in July. There was a great turnout and Yogurtland pledged a percentage of the proceeds to go to directly to the inclusive playground project.

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Business classifieds (offering a service or product line for profit) are $65, limit 40 words, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales Office @ 512- 263-9181 or the playground. These acts of service and charity amongst our youth are a testament to the character and spirit of Fairfield. As a special needs parent, I firmly believe that it takes a community (village) to accomplish all that is required of us. I'm sure many others, no matter their circumstance, feel the same. I feel confident in saying, this summer, we have felt the presence of the village. In an effort to keep everyone in this village up to date, we'd like to share that as of the end of July, we have raised 85% of our total goal needed to get this project officially started. We are within reach of making this dream a reality. There are some “irons in the fire” and we will see how they turn out. In the meantime, we still need your help. Every dollar counts and will make a difference, so please consider contributing to this amazing project. I'd love our next update to be the one celebrating the groundbreaking of the playground. We look forward to the day when kids of all abilities have a place close to home where they can play, learn, and grow together, no matter their natural ability. Thank you to all who have supported us thus far! Please get in touch with us with questions or for more information at Specialprojects@
Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Lakes of Fairhaven - August 2022 3 The Beacon Continued from Cover
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Introductory Horse Rides is a slow-paced learning experience for all kids! Courtney's goal is to get young riders comfortable with being on a horse to see if they would like to venture further into the horse Continued to Page 5
Horse rides for kids right in your backyard…
That is why she started offering introductory horseback riding for children in August of 2021. She gives young horse rider “wannabees” a chance to get comfortable riding in a calm, safe environment.
Courtney says, "Riding a horse offers far-reaching health benefits by teaching flexibility, balance, stamina, and coordination. Along with the rider's health, riders can also learn to care for the animal's health by keeping up with their hooves (with the help of a farrier) and daily grooming, as well as making sure the horse’s medical needs, including vaccinations, are met. These caretaking activities naturally help teach a child responsibility.
Courtney Niland, who began riding when she was in the third grade, knows firsthand the benefits of building relationships with horses.
Children are naturally drawn to horses, especially when exposed early on. Nowadays, horses are frequently seen on television and the internet, and are often represented as stuffed animals, action figures, and more. Many groups and organizations, such as 4-H and the United States Pony Club, promote a relationship between horses and children. It's wholesome fun!
Children can take a horse out for a “test drive” right in our own backyard at 20239 Schiel Road in Cypress.
Experiencing horseback riding and barn life can instill many positive traits in children, from mental and physical development to social skills. Handling, riding, and caring for a horse can help develop important characteristics in children including responsibility, accountability, patience, level-headedness, empathy, kindness, selfdiscipline and respect for animals.
4 Lakes of Fairhaven - August 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. The Beacon
Luckily for us, local parents and grandparents can see for themselves.
Studies have also shown that bonding with a horse can help with anxiety, stress, anger, depression, and even ADD/ADHD. Horses can sense a human's feelings and respond accordingly. No matter how big or small a horse, they are powerful creatures and, at the same time, very kind and respectful if you earn their trust.
Courtney continued, "Building a relationship with a horse is lifeenhancing and something that I believe every person should be able to experience in their life.”
By Jackie Devine
"Get me started," she sighs, "and I can go on forever touting the benefits of being around horses. They are incredibly therapeutic animals that help people in many ways. Parents of children with special needs find that getting physical therapy with the help of horses benefits their young ones physically and emotionally. It can significantly impact the rider's mood for the entire week."

Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Lakes of Fairhaven - August 2022 5 Horse Rides for Kids- continued from Page 4 world. "We go at whatever pace each rider needs, no matter how slow," Courtney explains. "Sticking to the basics, we walk around the area for the rider to feel the motion of each muscle of the horse moving under them while learning the horse's body language and signs of "Sometimes,comfort.ifthe rider and the instructor have confidence in the bond between the rider and horse, we try a very short distance trot for the rider to experience the horse's speed without being at a full run. We lunge the horse if the rider chooses to feel the power and strength of a horse." After the riding session, the students help wash the horse, further emphasizing the importance of taking responsibility and experiencing what is involved in caring for a horse. The last activity is a sharing of gratitude. The rider offers treats to their horse, thanking it for a fun learning experience that will be cherished forever. Find out more at or
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Home Theater Experience Comes to Fairfield
Houston has a new expert in home theater and HiFi. Get ready, Fairfield! Home Theater Experience is a new company ready to serve your HiFi, media room or dedicated home theater needs.
Home Theater Experience is a new company but it brings years of industry experience, including designing, building, and outfitting home theaters with the best combination of equipment for the customer. “I have designed and installed home theaters of all budgets. I treat everyone with the courtesy and respect of a million-dollar client. Home theaters should not be exclusive. We tailor systems to meet your needs,” says Chris. Wherever you are in your audio journey - soundbar in the living room, massive TV installation, multi-purpose family room with a 120-inch image or full-on immersive dedicated theater space - Home Theater Experience is ready to tackle your next upgrade with you. Contact them at 972-900-4901 or email info@TheHomeTheaterExperience. com to get started today. You can also check out their new website at, You’ve heard the rest; experience the best!
6 Lakes of Fairhaven - August 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. The Beacon
Home Theater Experience is a veteran-owned and operated business serving Houston, Austin, DFW and pretty much anywhere in Texas. The owner, Dr. Chris Mata, brings his military experience to the audio video industry. “Military focus and attention to detail are the difference that we bring to the table. We approach every job with fresh eyes and make our recommendations based on your needs and budget. We don’t do cookie cutter systems; every client is unique and deserves a personal consultation,” says Chris.
Chris has always been fascinated by home theater and audio performance. Like many, his journey started with watching Star Wars as a kid. “We connected every speaker in the house in a 5.1 surround sound configuration and I was hooked.” He never gave up his passion for audio but it was reignited when he saw Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2. “I saw it in the Dolby Atmos Theater and instantly knew I needed this at home. These new immersive audio formats like Dolby Atmos and DTS:X Pro are game changers,” he said. While in graduate school, Chris started a YouTube Channel building Dolby Atmos home theaters. The Channel is called “That Home Theater Dude” and has a focus towards honest reviews to educate the public on the latest and greatest theater and HiFi equipment. He currently has over 75,000 subscribers and 15M+ views.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022, Yellow Rose of Texas Republican Women. This is the regularly scheduled meeting on the fourth Tuesday of every month at Harris County Smokehouse, 14243 FM 2920, Tomball, TX 77377 (phone) 281-351-4060. The meetings begin at 6:30 PM. You are not required to be a member to attend nor are you required to purchase a meal. Arrive early if you plan to have a meal.
Monday, September 26, 2022, Fairfield Republicans. This is the regularly scheduled third Monday of the month meeting. The meeting begins at 7:00 PM. The Facebook page is the “Fairfield Republicans” group. Please check that page to confirm the meeting date and location. For additional information, please contact Bill Ely at 832-919-4999.
Submitted by William Wilson
Fairfield Village Homeowner’s Association. The September meeting time and date has not been determined. When scheduled, it will be at the Lakeside Trails Clubhouse at 8:30 AM. For more information, contact First Service Residential at 713-332-4763.
Wednesday, To Be Scheduled, Municipal Utility District (MUD) #396. The August meeting was held in Fairfield at the Bradford Creek Clubhouse. Most likely, the meeting will be in Fairfield again for September, and the date has not been determined. Meetings usually begin at 10:00 AM and most often last less than one hour. If you plan to participate or reside in a different Fairfield MUD, call 713-6515345 for the date. Or, you may contact Bill Wilson at 832-653-5146 for more information. This is your chance to talk with the Directors and our Attorney about any concerns, requests, or issues you have with water and trash service. Also, you will hear reports about the operations and financial condition of MUD #396.
Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Lakes of Fairhaven - August 2022 7 The Beacon Keeping Active, Involved
Tuesday, September 13, 2022 Fairfield Village South Homeowner Association. The next meeting will be at Central Park Clubhouse, 15015 Heath Green Circle near Salyards School at 4:30 PM. First Service Residential has information about this and other Village meetings and can be contacted at 713-332-4763.
Saturday, September 24, 2022, Cypress Texas Tea Party (CTTP). This is the regularly scheduled fourth Saturday of each month meeting. The meeting begins at 12 Noon and is at Spring Creek BBQ, 25831 Northwest Fwy, Cypress, TX 77429 (phone) 281-758-1450. CTTP does not charge a fee to attend the meeting and does not have membership dues. You do not have to purchase a meal to attend although most do. Please check the CTTP website for confirmation of the scheduled meeting, location, and speakers.

The Beacon FH PO Box 1148 Round Rock, Texas 78680