THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE SPRING TRAILS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION VOL 4 ISSUE 9 September 16, 2002 the Articles of Incorporation of Spring Trails were filed and the beautiful community we call home began. Spring Trails was originally planned to hold over 4,000 homes on 2,000+ acres. The end result was much smaller than that original plan, but the original vision remains to this day. A community embedded within and dedicated to nature. How blessed we are! Happy Anniversary Spring Trails
Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Spring Trails - September 2022 3 Community Contact Information Newsletter Information Due to decreased demand for advertising space and increased supplies and printing costs, the September 2022 issue of the Spring Trails Community newsletter will be the final issue. On behalf of the residents of Spring Trails, the Board of Directors would like to thank Peel Inc. for their service and wish them much luck and future success. Visit the Spring Trails website for links to these and other community service providers SEPTEMBER 1ST – 2022 BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOMINATION PERIOD OPENS SEPTEMBER 3RD - SATURDAY IN THE GARDEN & SOUND WALL CLEAN UP * SEPTEMBER 5TH – CONROE ISD HOLIDAY SEPTEMBER 6TH – MUD 94 BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 9TH – HEAVY TRASH DAY SEPTEMBER 14TH – RECYCLE PICK UP SEPTEMBER 15TH – HOA BOARD MEETING SEPTEMBER 15TH – CELEBRATING SPRING TRAILS PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST DEADLINE * SEPTEMBER 17TH – FALL COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE SEPTEMBER 28TH – RECYCLE PICK UP SEPTEMBER 29TH – 2022 BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOMINATION PERIOD CLOSES OCTOBER 4TH – MUD 94 BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 7TH – CONROE ISD STAFF DEVELOPMENT (NO STUDENTS) OCTOBER 10TH – CONROE ISD HOLIDAY OCTOBER 12TH – RECYCLE PICK UP OCTOBER 13TH – HOA BOARD MEETING & ELECTION CANDIDATES MEET & GREET OCTOBER 14TH – HEAVY TRASH DAY OCTOBER 26TH – RECYCLE PICK UP OCTOBER 29TH – MARKET DAY * Find details for these and other upcoming activities on the Spring Trails website Calendar. *Enter to win a door prize at the Spring Trails anniversary celebration. Must be a resident to win. Mark CalendarsYour Visit the link below: INFRAMARK (Spring Trails Property Management) 281.870.0585 SPRING TRAILS HOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Request Manager through GLENN HERMANN TROY MONTGOMERYROGERLEANNEAMANDAHILLKEEDYKESSLEROLSENCOUNTY MUD 94 MUD 94/Board of Directors ....................... MUD 94 / H2O Innovations (water and sewer) 281.355.1312 MUD 94/Republic Services (trash/recycle pickup) 713.726.7300 SCHOOLS Sue Park Broadway Elementary.......................... 281.367.4677 Cox Intermediate School 281.465.3200 York Junior High School 832.592.8600 Grand Oaks High School 281.939.0000 Conroe I.S.D. Administration 936.709.7752 ALL EMERGENCIES – 911 NON-EMERGENCY SERVICES Law Enforcement (Sheriff or Constable)936.760.5800 & press 3 Fire (South Montgomery Fire Department).......... 281.363.3473 EMS (Montgomery County Hospital District) 936.523.5000 MONTGOMERY COUNTY GOVERNMENT Montgomery County 936.756.0571 Precinct 3 Commissioner James Noack 936.539.7817 Sheriff Rand Henderson 936.760.5871 Constable Ryan Gable 281.364.4211
4 Spring Trails - September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. SPRING TRAILS HOA Updates DAY 1 0: 00a-1:00p T ai Sprinrls g MARKET Oct ober 29 , 20 22 Ca rd inal Par k Crafts Food Candy Trades
At a special meeting August 1, 2022, Ms. Amanda Keedy was appointed to the HOA Board of Directors to serve the balance of one of the two positions vacated in June. Amanda and her family have lived in Spring Trails for just over 4 years. Amanda is interested in exploring ways to improve on communications as well as the potential for new and/or more modern amenities.
Board of Directors
Nominations for the Spring Trails Board of Directors are now being accepted. This November the Association will elect 2 candidates to serve a 3-year term on the Association’s Board of Directors. Nominations can be submitted through the Spring Trails website at and will be accepted through September 29th. Not sure what to expect? You’re not alone. Community associations are unique entities, and the Board of Directors that lead them fill unique roles. Community association board members are expected to anticipate issues, solve problems, meet member expectations, protect jointly owned assets, and establish and enforce policies involving finances, contracts, management and legal responsibilities. Simply stated, community association boards: 1. represent and protect the interests of the community; 2. preserve the quality of life of residents; and 3. protect and increase property values. Join our strong community of volunteers and be part of preserving The Forest of Possibilities.
Call for Candidates
Vendors may register through the Spring Trails website.
Pass it On Kindness is Contagious
As for watering, at the time I wrote this article (early August), Spring Trails was not under water conservancy requirements. The best guidance for maintaining your lawn until cooler temperatures and rain return is give your lawn at least one inch of water per week. What does that look like? Poke your finger into the turf. If your finger comes back with a touch of moist soil or seems moist, you’re probably doing ok. If you see dry patches, puncture the surface with a shovel or pitch fork so that water can penetrate and hand water those areas. You may not win the battle completely but you will limit your loss.
How Does Your Garden Grow?
DON’T water your garden or lawn at night! It might seem like a good idea, but it’s not and if you do, you will eventually see a serious case of brown patch take over your lawn and fungus on your roses and other plants. Brown patch season is just around the corner anyway so don’t stress your lawn or garden by granting free reign to plant disease.
First, understand that some drought sensitive plants are already lost. In biology, once a plant reaches its “permanent wilting point”, it’s pretty much over for the plant. This phrase is tech talk for the point at which a plant can no longer extract moisture from the soil, even though some residual moisture may be present. Those plants will need to be replaced at the next appropriate planting season.
Donate unneeded clothing. Many of us will rid ourselves of unneeded items during this month’s community garage sale. But remember that donating gently worn clothes to local shelters or church organizations can really help individuals and families in need.
Contributed by Roger Olsen
Be Informed
Stay up-to-date on community news by registering with the Spring Trails website at . There you can review the Community’s governing documents, preview and RSVP to upcoming community events, contact property management and the Board of Directors, request amenity access, sign up for text and email announcements, read about community initiatives, and much more.
Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Spring Trails - September 2022 5 SPRING TRAILS
The effects of record heat and drought have had a significant impact on our nature, forest and landscape areas. When it doesn’t rain enough for weeks on end, it’s truly hard on our plant friends, including our lawns. You may have already lost patches of your lawn or seen valued plants wither and die despite your best efforts to save them. What can you do now to avoid further losses?
A final note for Hurricane Prep: The height of the season is midSeptember. Doesn’t mean there won’t be storms before or after that so PLEASE PREPARE by using one of the many published hurricane guides. They are basic and will help you survive. Probably not in comfort, but alive.
In this area of Texas, and frankly in a lot of Texas, we are just one rain interruption away from drought so it’s smart to invest in plants that are “drought tolerant” and yet add beauty to our yards. Just because a plant is drought tolerant doesn’t mean it’s ugly. It’s not too late to check with your local nursery or visit Mercer Arboretum, to learn from experts what plants will do well in your yard given the amount of sunshine and competition from other plants (like trees) for available water as well as the type of soil in your garden. I recommend you take a soil sample with you on your visit.
Second, certain lawn plants will return once conditions are more favorable. If you have a Bermuda lawn it will likely return. Hard to kill that stuff. However, most of us have St Augustine which is not known for its drought resistance. You have probably already noticed that your St Augustine lawn drinks up water like you owned your own well. OR, you have lost patches ranging from a few square feet to major portions. Potential bad news here: You may have to sprig large loss areas in the spring or do complete turf replacement if the loss is severe. For smaller patches, only time will tell.
RAK Bonus: Don’t forget the animals. Animal shelters and veterinary clinics are always in need of blankets and towels when caring for our furry friends.
RAK (random act of kindness):
6 Spring Trails - September 2022 Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. SPRING TRAILS Montgomery County Constable's Office, Precint #3 Spring Trails Community MAY 2022 Stats Alarms 11 Animal Humane 2 Assault 0 Building Check................................................................................280 Disturbance........................................................................................... 2 Family Violence................................................................................. 2 Harassment 0 Medical 10 Motor Vehicle Crash 2 Parking Violations 7 Robbery 0 Suspicious Activity/Person/Vehicle 13 Theft...............................................................................................................1 Traffic Contacts................................................................................ 82 Trespassing 0 Vacation Watch 103 Welfare Check 8 "Celebrate Spring Trails" Community Photography ContestContest Rules: 1. Contestants must be residents of Spring Trails. 2. Photos must be taken within Spring Trails. 3. Digital photos only. 4. Photos must be original work. Submit photograph entries through the Spring Trails website: Click Photo Contest 2022 under the Residents menu and follow the prompts. Complete contest rules available underwww.springtrails.comattheResidentsmenu. Entry Deadline:Sept. 15, 2022
Copyright © 2022 Peel, Inc. Spring Trails - September 2022 7 Spring Trails Flashback
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