Newsletter October 2018 • Issue 50
Head Above Water AS PART of last month’s London Design Festival, leading furniture
To realise the structure, he worked with structural engineering
designer Steuart Padwick made a dramatic change to the London skyline
experts, Ramboll. More than 20 companies worked on the project
in support of mental health. His 9-metre-high thought-
which PEFC UK was proud to sponsor. The structure weighed 10
provoking installation, Head Above Water towered over the River Thames on London’s South Bank. Steuart first sculpted a head in clay and
tonnes, used 3000 screws, 48 metres of LEDs and took 15 weeks from conception to completion. We were delighted to support such an imaginative
then developed the concept using precision
project. Head Above Water highlighted the
engineered, PEFC-certified CLT panels,
importance of recognising mental health issues while
supplied by Store Enso.
demonstrating the versatility of CLT as a sustainable construction material.
Timber Technology Focus for Stakeholder Day THERE is still time to register for our annual Stakeholder Meeting
wood products manufacturers. Participants
which will be held on 16th October in London. The theme of this year’s
are invited to join us for a networking and
event is innovation and technology in the forest products sector.
drinks reception at the close of the event.
Sponsored by James Latham, SGS and AB Packaging, this event will be
For more information visit:
of interest to sustainability and procurement professionals trading in
wood-based products including retailers, brand owners, contractors and
DATE: TUESDAY 16TH OCTOBER 2018 TIME: 2.00pm – 6.OOpm
Companies in the global technology to further forest industry regularly invest in new products that are bothimprove their operations and to provide high-quality and sustain ably sourced. A growing recognition of the circular econom reduce, reuse and recycle , has seen companiesy and its drive to innovative solutions to transform old waste begin to develop into new products.
Grateful thanks to the followin for their genero g companies us sponsorship of this event:
Click on the link: PEFCUK @PEFC_UK pefcinternational
Sustainable Construction – the Macallan Distillery BUILT on the Easter Elchies estate in Speyside, the new Macallan distillery launched earlier this year. The first whisky ran through the stills in December 2017 while its visitor experience opened in the summer. Premium drinks company Edrington wanted a new centre that could reveal the production processes and welcome visitors, while remaining sensitive to the beautiful surrounding countryside. The resulting building certainly met all these criteria and is in the running for a host of awards. Undoubtedly, the most striking aspect of the new building is its undulating timber roof
which support a natural meadow green
engineering company Wiehag, using high-
structure. It is one of the most complicated
roof. It took almost 12 months of work,
precision, computer-controlled technology
timber roof structures in the world,
using collaborative design and bespoke,
and installed by leading timber construction
comprising 380,000 separate components.
parametric modelling software, to define the
company, Robertson.
The roof is made from 1,750 PEFC-certified
complex geometry, and realise the fluidity
glulam timber beams, making up a 3x3
of the structure. The timber elements were
For more information visit:
meter grid that carries 2,500 cassettes
manufactured by PEFC certified timber
Royal Forestry Society 2018 Awards recognise schools, colleges and universities who increase awareness, understanding and skills related to the environmental, social and economic potential of trees, woodlands and forests, and demonstrate the link between trees and wood products. Judges described Hooke Park as being “one of a kind” and praised the Design + Make programme for encouraging creativity and innovation. The 130-hectare Hooke Park site is a mixed woodland site owned by the Architectural Association’s School of Architecture. It is run as an educational charity which aims to encourage experimentation while educating young people in the use of timber in architectural applications. The connection to the forest is central to teaching at Hooke Park. Students are encouraged to use variable quality Jez Ralph, centre, receives the award with, from left, RFS President Andrew Woods and Alun Watkins from PEFC with architect/presenter Piers Taylor right
materials - wood sourced from the forest - rather than conventional quality or regularised timber for construction.
THE WINNER of this year’s RFS Excellence in Forestry Education and
PEFC UK was proud to sponsor this award for the eighth consecutive
Learning Award was the Architectural Association’s Design + Make
year. The Royal Forestry Society is the UK’s largest forestry education
Masters programme at Hooke Park, Dorset. The award seeks to
charity. It was founded in 1882 and now has almost 4,000 members.
Click on the link: PEFCUK @PEFC_UK pefcinternational
PEFC Sponsors World Architecture Festival Award
ACROSS the world, the architecture community is embracing solid and engineered wood to deliver high profile, award winning projects and everyday designs - from houses, schools and hotels to restaurants, theatres, supermarkets and OUR featured company this month is a
swimming pools.
manufacturer of pre-insulated roof panel systems, Smartroof. This innovative
Under the theme, PEFC members are
roof system is manufactured offsite in
collaborating to promote the use of wood in
Derbyshire and can be installed in less than
construction in general and certified wood in
a day. The product offers major benefits
to contractors in terms of enhanced site safety, thermal performance, quality
certified timber so they can be confident
As part of this project, PEFC will be
assurance and speed of construction.
that their materials are sourced from
sponsoring a new prize for the Best Use
sustainably-managed forests. For more
of Certified Timber at the WAF Awards.
As a company, Smartroof are committed
information about the Smartroof range,
The prize aims to recognise architects and
to responsible sourcing. They specify PEFC
project teams using certified timber as the main construction material for buildings outstanding in sustainability, innovation, quality and aesthetics. The winner will be
New Addition to the PEFC UK Team
drawn from seven projects which have been
WE ARE delighted to welcome Sarah
PEFC will be exhibiting at the World
Gascoigne to PEFC UK’s Sheffield team
architecture Festival which will be held at
in September. Prior to taking up her
Amsterdam’s RAI Center from 28th – 30th
administrative role at PEFC, Sarah worked in
November. If you are planning to visit the
the student accommodation sector as a sales
show, please drop by our stand – number C95
and service advisor. Earlier in her career,
and say hello.
shortlisted for this award at a gala dinner in Amsterdam on 30th November.
Sarah spent ten years with BSM Driving School as a Business Manager.
For more details and to see the shortlisted projects visit:
Click on the link: PEFCUK @PEFC_UK pefcinternational
London Stakeholder Workshop
WE STILL have a few places remaining for the final workshop of
Structural Timber Awards Dinner PEFC STAKEHOLDER
the year which will be held in London on Tuesday 6th November. These popular half day seminars cover a range of topics
10th October 2018 National Conference Centre, Birmingham
including Sustainable Forest Management, Chain of Custody certification, the use of the PEFC label and the market drivers for certified forest products. They are free to attend and places are limited and allocated on a first come, first served basis. Past participants have included Chain of Custody administrators, marketing and sales people from certified companies as well as end users such as retailers, contractors and brand owners.
Do you really know where your timber, and packaging paper products com e from? Join PEFC in Novembe r
at a workshop to gain a clear of what lies behind understanding the PEFC label and why certificati Custody is so on and Chain important. This of workshop is are strictly limited free to attend and will be allocated but places on a first come, so early registratio first served basis n is recommended. PEFC is widely recognised as a leading advocate management of sustainable and its distinctive forest ‘two trees’ logo products around appears on forest the world – a symbol of responsib assurance of legal le business and and sustainab le sourcing. But label really mean what does the and what does PEFC it guarantee? explain the rigorous The workshop certification procedur will and better equip es behind PEFC you to promote certification your organisat your customer ion’s certified s. status to Key personnel from certified companie s (Chain of Custody marketing and sales) are invited administrators, to take part in number of key discussions surroundi topics. The half ng a day seminar will cover: • Sustainable Forest Managem ent – what it involves • Chain of Custody and why it matters certification – your chance questions answered to have your about the process which tracks a the forest to the product from end user • How to use the PEFC label to promote your in certification company’s investmen to your customer t s
The market drivers for certified forest products (legislatio public sector and corporate n, procurement policies expectations). and consumer
To enable us to better
understand our stakeholders’ needs, we also invite
Annual Stakeholder Meeting 16th October 2018 NCVO, London
delegates to participate in discussing the challenges, be nefits and business opportu nities that PEFC Chain of Custody certifi cation
Tuesday 6th November 2018 NCVO, Society Building, 8 All Saints Street, London, N1 9RL
See over for
provisional agenda
Regional Stakeholder Seminar 6th November 2018
Further details can be found on our website at :
NCVO, London
New Publications from PEFC
World Architecture Festival 28th-30th November 2018 RIAS Centre, Amsterdam Surface Design Show 2019 6th February 2019 Business Design Centre, London Annual Contractor Field Trip 12th June 2019 Windsor Estate
WE have recently revised and updated our brochure for architects – Architects, Building
Design & PEFC Certified Timber. A PDF version can be downloaded from our website at Hard copies can be obtained free of charge by e-mailing
ALUN WATKINS PEFC UK Executive Director / 0114 307 2334
HILARY KHAWAM PEFC UK Communications & Marketing Director / 01689 819902
Please call Alun for all general enquiries and queries about Chain of Custody and use of the PEFC logo.
Click on the link: PEFCUK @PEFC_UK pefcinternational