4 minute read
Herbal how-to: rosemary
Rosemary in bloom.
Rosemary is from the Mediterranean; it needs at least six to eight hours of intense sunlight a day to survive. Many a rosemary has starved to death in the dark winter months simply because the plant couldn’t get enough sunlight to photosynthesize due to the nature of their leathery, narrow leaves.
In the wild, rosemary is a tough little plant and can fend for itself if given water that drains well and plenty of light. In your home, conditions are much different, making it difficult to overwinter this plant. But you can try.
Put your plant in the sunniest south-facing window you have and slow down its metabolism by reducing watering until the days get longer. Remember, it needs mega amounts of sunshine to thrive. And enough water, but not too much... and just the right humidity. It really doesn’t need fertilizer. If you can’t resist adding a tonic, give it a dose of seaweed tea in springtime.
Watch the leaves for signs of health. Healthy rosemary leaves have a dull sheen. Rosemary leaves that appear lackluster mean that the plant probably needs water.
Rosemary leaves are small but they carry a strong pungent flavour.
While you should not let rosemary dry out completely, don’t overwater. Good drainage is essential, so water your plant in the sink and let the water run through, and then leave it there until it stops dripping. Add sand to the mix of soil you use for potting up rosemary and reduce the amount of peat (if any) used. Compost is fine. Rosemary prefers an alkaline soil. Peat-based mixes tend to be more acidic than the plant can tolerate.
Propagation is quite easy and simple. Just stick a soft-tissue cutting in soil. To hurry up the process, strip off the bottom few leaves and touch the tip up with rooting hormone. You can also layer rosemary to get new plants. h
Fun facts about rosemary
Dried rosemary has many uses, from culinary flavourings to keeping away witches. One variety of rosemary is the cascading type.
• Rosemary, Rosmarinus officinalis, means “dew of the sea” in Latin because legend has it that rosemary was draped around the neck of Aphrodite as she rose from the sea. This aromatic plant was used by Egyptians for incense. It was believed to be able to ward off evil spirits. • Rosemary is the herb of remembrance. It was used to improve memory loss, relieve muscle pain and among numerous other things, to promote hair growth. It is actually approved for this used by the German Commission E, a scientific advisory board. It has been studied for use in treating Alzheimer’s. Research from 10 years ago claims that carnosic acid in rosemary fights off free radical damage to the brain. • Australians wear a sprig of rosemary on their Remembrance Day to honour their First World War soldiers who died on the Gallipoli Peninsula where rosemary grows wild. Shakespeare’s Ophelia in Hamlet also says, “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance. Pray you love, remember.” • Rosemary is a wizard in the kitchen, pairing up very naturally with lamb, but also with chicken and potatoes and carrots. It adds a real sparkle to spaghetti sauces. Just a few rosemary leaves can provide you with the total amount of vitamin A needed in a day. They are also full of vitamins C and B. • And best of all? A few springs of rosemary on your doorstep should keep witches away. If you are troubled by nightmares, then put a sprig under your pillow.
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Looking for a recipe? Try our rosemary chicken.
https://localgardener.net/ fresh-rosemary-chicken-recipe/
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