Blue & Grey of Silver Creek Civil War Roundtable January, 2010
THOUGHTS FROM YOUR PRESIDENT New Year greetings to all of you!
I hope you had a special holiday season and are ready now to get back Meeting an 28 in gear with our normal y, J Thursda routines. One of those 7:00 pm al routines is our monthly gation e r g n o C CWRT meetings. Our First Church next meeting will be on Thursday, January 28th at First Congregational Church here in Highland. We will meet at 7:00 p.m. in the Social Hall. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Jason Stacy from SIUE. His biography and program information can be found elsewhere in this issue of the newsletter. I think it will be a great start to a new year of meetings. I would like to remind you of a couple things before you come. First, don’t forget that dues are now payable for the 2010 calendar year. It is $30 for an individual member and $45 for a family membership. If you have attended in the past on a number of occasions and never joined, I want to encourage you to make a membership commitment this year. Checks can be made payable to the “Blue and Gray of Silver Creek CWRT.”
Also, if you would be willing to bring some refreshments to our meeting, please let me know. I would like to avoid duplications if at all possible. And we will also continue to have our regular raffle, so please consider making a book or magazine donation. The income we generate from this helps keep our treasury solid, which allows us to bring in quality speakers. Finally, we now have a lending library available. So check out some of the books that are here. If you have some titles that you would be willing to donate to our library, please contact myself or Kim Palmer, our librarian. I look forward to seeing all of you on the 28th. Blessings, Mauri Smith
Volume III, Number 1
We are pleased to present Dr. Jason Stacy, professor of history at SIUE, as the guest speaker at our upcoming meeting on January 28, 2010. His program will be entitled “The Poet and the President: Whitman and Lincoln as Allies Across the Political Divide.” In the decade before the Civil War, Walt Whitman and Abraham Lincoln — one a Democrat, the other a Republican — struggled with the existence of slavery and the overwhelming racism of their audiences. Although both have become icons of freedom, and though both thought slavery evil and Emancipation good, they justified these in terms more palatable to their audiences: in Lincoln’s case, the farmers and independent businessmen of Illinois and the leadership of the new Republican Party; in Whitman’s case, the white, working class residents of New York who read his newspaper editorials and, he hoped, his new and strange book of poetry, Leaves of Grass. In this presentation, Professor Stacy will analyze the ways in which both Lincoln and Whitman sought to make African American freedom palatable to a suspicious white population. It will also suggest that their definition of freedom is still useful in modern American.
Dr. Stacy holds a PhD in American History and teaches at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. He is the author of Containing Multitudes: Walt Whitman’s Three Personas in the New Market Economy and editor of Leaves of Grass, 1860: the 150th Anniversary Facsimile Edition.
Annual Dues January thru December Individual $30.00 Family $45.00 (Family category includes immediate family members)
Please make checks payable to: Blue & Grey of Silver Creek Civil War Roundtable Checks may be brought to the meeting or mailed to Donald Carnley, Treasurer P.O. Box 551 • Highland, IL 62249