Forest Ridge Admissions Guide & Overview

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admissions guide & curriculum overview

Campus Map

The Forest Ridge Campus is located only 12 miles from Seattle in beautiful Bellevue, Washington. Residential Life House Upper Parking Lot Building 100 – Community Relations Head’s Office (Administration) Alumnae Relations Communications Development MS Faculty Offices Middle School Classrooms Building 200 – Pigott Library Middle School Classrooms 7th Grade Lockers Technology (Matrix) Building 300 – Middle School Administration MS Classrooms Wald Sciences

Building 400 – McMenamy Hall Middle & High School Classrooms Building 500 – Schafer Gymnasium Commons 8th Grade Lounge Facilities Office Fitness Center Building 600 – Lee Theatre Fine Arts Center Gallery Lee Theatre Building 700 – Sacred Heart Center Admission Offices Business Offices Main Entrance (Visitor Check-In) Sacred Heart Chapel Building 800 – High School Administration HS Classrooms Faculty Offices Outdoor Learning Center

Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart In keeping with St. Madeleine Sophie Barat’s vision for excellence in educating girls since 1800, Forest Ridge offers a program grounded in our rich Catholic tradition. We provide our young women the courageous leadership skills necessary to act with compassion and conviction in embracing the challenges of a diverse global society. Our graduates respond generously to the needs of their local and global communities and embrace their responsibilities to serve morally and ethically.


Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart educates young women to think critically, embrace challenges, model resilience, confront injustice, seek equality and lead globally in the pioneering spirit of our foundress. Our graduates change the world.

Core Values:

Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart provides a diverse and rigorous college-preparatory environment that inspires young women to become confident compassionate leaders. As a member of a global network of more than 150 schools, we educate to the core of our 200 year tradition through the Sacred Heart Goals and Criteria: • • • • •

a personal and active faith in God a deep respect for intellectual values a social awareness which impels to action the building of community as a Christian value a personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom.

Diversity Statement:

Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart welcomes students, families, faculty and staff into a learning environment that respects and strives for diversity, openness, understanding and acceptance of all human beings. As a member of the International Network of Sacred Heart Schools, Forest Ridge envisions itself as a global leader in promoting, welcoming and benefitting from diversity and building on the strength that comes from diversity. We prepare all our students for higher education. Equally important is our vision of preparing students to be leaders and contributors to our global society.

The Admissions Process We welcome your application to Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart for the 2015-2016 school year. Forest Ridge is one of the Seattle/Eastside area schools using the web-based application called Ravenna for the submission of online applications. A link to Ravenna and our online application process is available on our website, Our admissions process helps us get to know each girl’s cognitive, social and emotional readiness. This includes the core application form, a student visit day, standardized testing, parent/guardian and student personal statements, two teacher evaluations and a family interview.

How to Apply:

Forest Ridge uses a web-based application through Ravenna Solutions for the submission of online applications and supplemental forms such as teacher evaluations, student essays and parent/guardian statements. Apply online at: Submit a core application and application fee.

Admissions Testing:

Domestic student applicants must complete either the ISEE or SSAT to be considered for admission. International student applicants must complete the SSAT, TOEFL (High School) or TOEFLJunior (Middle School). Visit admissions/apply to sign up for a test.

Financial Aid & Scholarships:

We strive to make Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart affordable to a diverse population, including economic diversity. We offer financial aid as well as need-based and merit scholarships. To be

considered for a financial aid award or a need-based scholarship, families must • Complete the online Parents Financial Statement on FAST (Financial Aid for Student Tuition). • Submit a copy of your current income tax return (1040) to FAST. All Forest Ridge applicants will be considered for merit scholarships during the admission review process.

Contact Us:

We would love to meet you. Please contact us for a personal tour. 425.641.0700 Middle School Admissions: Tara Waller, High School Admissions: Shana Abner, International Program: Rosanne Tomich,

School Leaders Mark Pierotti Head of School

Dr. Carola Wittman, Ph.D. Director of High School

Julie Thenell Grasseschi Director of Middle School

Admissions Team Shana Abner, ’94 Director of High School Admission

Tara Waller Director of Middle School Admission

Jasmine Park ’03 Associate Director of High School Admissions

Nancy Harty Associate Director of Middle School Admissions

Rosanne Tomich International and Residential Admission Director


Middle School

For a Forest Ridge woman, it begins with the Four Cs: collaboration, communication, creativity, critical thinking. Our Middle School program encourages students to be life-long learners and problem-solvers. Through direct instruction and application of those C skills in varied settings, students develop essential 21st century skills.

Curriculum Overview

Rooted in the Goals and Criteria of Sacred Heart Education, and informed by research of the Association for Middle Level Education, the Middle School program seeks to develop the whole child. Global perspective, commitment to community and service, leadership, personal growth, integrity, and a sense of faith are desired results of the program. The Middle School program provides opportunities for students to grow in an atmosphere of wise freedom. The academically challenging program prepares students for full participation in the High School program. Interaction with peers and formation of a group identity as children of the Sacred Heart enhance a child’s self-concept and instill a sense of community and a feeling of belonging.

Faith & Service

Goal I of Sacred Heart education calls each girl to a personal and active faith in God. Forest Ridge educates girls through a Catholic lens while encouraging students of all faiths to grow in their relationships with God. In addition to religion classes, girls participate in regular prayer services and liturgical celebrations. Middle school girls are challenged to form personal values and standards of behavior consistent

with Gospel values. These values are expressed through intentional and regular community service relationships across the Puget Sound area. In each grade, girls participate in ongoing community service with developmentally-appropriate experiences.


Our philosophy of leadership is one of servant leadership: leaders are people who make a difference in their community by sharing their unique gifts and by working with others to solve problems. Students at Forest Ridge practice leadership through structured class situations and through experiential leadership opportunities. In 5th and 6th grades, students receive direct instruction in leadership skills and have many opportunities to apply these skills and practice foundational habits of a leader. Students in 7th and 8th grade build on those lessons through their advisory program and team challenges.

Extra-Curricular Opportunities

Middle school students have many opportunities to explore interests and discover new ones. A variety of organized activities are available outside of the school day. These include after-school experiences in the fine and performing arts and team and individual athletics. Girls can also participate in weekend outdoor education activities. In the summer, we offer two experiential learning trips. A group of girls and teachers travele.

Extended Day

Supervised care is available for students in grades 5-8 outside of school hours. Before-school care begins at 7:00 a.m. in the Commons; breakfast is also available at that time. After-school care is in the Library until 5:30 p.m.


5th Grade

7th Grade

CLASSES: • Religion • Integrated humanities (Literature, Language Arts, Social Studies) • Writing Lab • Science • Math • Physical Education • Music • Visual Arts • Communication Lab: Students apply leadership, technology, communication and presentation skills • Creativity Lab: Students explore STEAM concepts • Advisory • Clubs

CLASSES: • Religion • English • Social Studies • Writing Lab • Science • Math (Pre-Algebra or Honors Algebra I) • International Language (French, Spanish, Japanese or Mandarin) • Physical Education • Fine Arts options*: Music, Studio Art, Graphic Design, Ceramics, Drama • Advisory • Clubs

6th Grade

CLASSES: • Religion • English • Writing • Science • Math (Algebra I or Honors Geometry) • International Language: French, Spanish, Japanese or Mandarinn, continued from 7th grade • Physical Education • Fine Arts options*: Public Speaking, Studio Art, Video Production, Literary Magazine, Computer Programming • Advisory • Clubs

CLASSES: • Religion • Integrated humanities (Literature, Language Arts, Social Studies) • Writing Lab • Science • Math (Integrated Math or Pre-Algebra) • Latin • Physical Education • Music • Fine Arts options: Studio Art, Drama, Video Production or Computer Programming Basics • Computer Science • Advisory • Clubs

8th Grade

ADVISORY: During advisory sessions, girls meet with their advisors and classmates others to build relationships, deepen their understanding of themselves as learners, develop study and organizational skills and practice goal-setting and reflection. They have opportunities to celebrate together and to collaborate

with one another as they learn more about the Goals and Criteria of Sacred Heart education. Advisory periods also provide time for girls to check in with their advisors and to address challenges that arise through the year.Middle School Clubs Include: CLUBS: • Robotics • Tinkering Club • Improv Club • Knitting Club • Student Leadership Council* *A voluntary club open to 7th and 8th graders. Girls run “Middle School Home Room” and other Middle School activities.

AFTER-SCHOOL OFFERINGS: • Visual Art • Choir • Drama productions • Conditioning classes, dance, yoga • Team sports: soccer, basketball, volleyball, track, golf


High School

The high school academic program reflects the School’s commitment to the Goals and Criteria of Sacred Heart education, particularly Goal II: “Schools of the Sacred educate to a deep respect for intellectual values.” Faculty engage in on-going professional development in order to create rigorous courses that incorporate all forms of critical thinking, while recognizing a variety of learning styles. Our goal is that our students graduate confident of their competence to pursue whatever disciplines interest them in college and that they develop a lifelong love of learning. All students complete a service requirement and write an extended research paper completed in their senior year, which is determined by a student’s English class. Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart graduation requirements exceed the Washington state graduation requirements.

Global Seminar:

The global seminar classes foster student-centered learning and student leadership. In these classes, the teachers and students engage in intense dialogue. Both teachers and students present and discuss course content with particular emphasis on critical thinking, active listening, and student leadership. Encouraged to think independently, students ask such questions as “ Students also reflect on course content in light of their personal beliefs and attitudes.

The Global Seminar requires multiple serious, critical essays and a major reflective paper as well as 30 hours of self-initiated service or community work. Seminar students compose a lengthy seminar paper under the tutelage of an advisor during their senior year; this paper is their keystone project.

International Baccalaureate:

Students have the option of participating in the International Baccalaureate [IB] Diploma Programme during their junior and senior years. This program, now offered in 4,000 schools worldwide, enables students to study six disciplines in-depth while also recognizing the concurrency of learning across disciplines and fostering international mindedness. Students electing to earn an IB Diploma must take classes from each of the six areas of the IB hexagon with 3 being Higher Level (HL) courses and 3 being Standard Level (SL) courses. *Students who do not intend to earn an IB Diploma are welcome to enroll in individual IB classes wherein they may qualify to earn discipline-specific Certificates.

College Counseling:

Our office is staffed with two full-time, experienced college counselors who understand that at the heart of the college search and application process is a young woman with hopes and dreams about her college years. Given the size of our graduating class, we meet with each individual student regularly to provide attentive and personalized counseling during each step of the process.


9th Grade:

COURSES: • English • Western Civilization • Religious Studies • International Language (French, Spanish, Japanese, or Mandarin) • Math (Algebra I, Geometry, Honors Geometry, Algebra II, or Honors Algebra II) • Physics/Honors option 2nd semester) • Physical Education • Health

10th Grade

COURSES: • American Studies English • American Studies History • Religious Studies with Community Service • International Language (French, Spanish, Japanese, or Mandarin) • Math (Geometry, Honors Geometry, Algebra II, Honors Algebra II, or Honors Pre-Calculus) • Chemistry/Honors option • Physical Education • Elective

11th Grade

COURSES: • Begin Global Seminar or IB studies humanities courses (English and History) • Religious Studies • International Language OR two semester-long electives if language requirement satisfied (French, Spanish, Japanese, or Mandarin) • Math (Algebra II, Honors Algebra II, IB Math Studies, Honors PreCalculus/IB Math SL1, Calculus/IB Math SL 2)

• IB Biology or Life Science course • Two semester-long electives, may include Physical Education • IB options elective and core classes available in most subject areas

12th Grade

COURSES • Continue Global Seminar or IB studies humanities courses (English and History) • Religious Studies (Global Seminar or IB pathway) • Continued study of International Language OR two semester-long electives • Math (Advanced Integrated Math/IB Math Studies, Honors Pre-Calculus, Calculus/ IB Math SL 2, or IB Math HL) • Complete IB Biology or elective science offerings available • Two semester-long electives or completions of IB electives

CLUBS • Chance to Dance • Knowledge Bowl • Chinese Celebration Club • Math Club • FR Gives Back • Ski Club • Green Club • SOS (Challenge Success) • International Student Union • Student Admissions Team • JSA (Junior States of America)

Minimum Graduation Requirements: 4 years English 4 years Social Studies 3.5 - 4 years Religious Studies 3 years Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology or Life Science) 4 years Math 3rd year Proficiency in International Language (French, Spanish, Japanese, or Mandarin) 4 semesters Physical Education/Health 1 year Fine Arts (Theatre, Music, Visual Arts) Global Seminar or International Baccalaureate * senior research paper and community service required EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Available in Music, Athletics, Arts, Sacred Heart Network Opportunities, Global Program, and Outdoor Education *During junior and senior year, the P.E. requirement may be met by playing a sport.

College Acceptances

Agnes Scott College American University The University of Arizona (Honors College) Bard College Barnard College Bates College Baylor University Beloit College Binghamton University Boston College Boston University Bowdoin College University of British Columbia Bryn Mawr College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo University of California, Davis University of California, Irvine University of California, Los Angeles University of California, Riverside University of California, San Diego University of California, Santa Barbara University of California, Santa Cruz Carleton College Carnegie Mellon University Chapman University Clark University Colgate University University of Colorado at Boulder Connecticut College Denison University

University of Denver DePaul University Dickinson College Drexel University Emmanuel College Emory University Fairfield University Fordham University Franklin and Marshall College The George Washington University Georgetown University Gonzaga University Grinnell College Hampshire College Hampton University Hawaii Pacific University College of the Holy Cross

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Indiana University at Bloomington Ithaca College Lafayette College Lake Forest College Lawrence University Lewis & Clark College Loyola Marymount University Loyola University Chicago Loyola University Maryland Loyola University New Orleans Macalester College University of Maryland, College Park

University of Michigan Mount Holyoke College New York University Northeastern University Northwestern University Oberlin College Occidental College University of Oregon Pacific Lutheran University Pacific University University of the Pacific Pennsylvania State University University of Pennsylvania Pitzer College Pomona College University of Portland University of Puget Sound Purdue University Reed College Regis University Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Rice University University of Rochester Saint Joseph’s University Saint Martin’s University University of San Diego University of San Francisco Santa Clara University Scripps College Seattle Pacific University Seattle University Seton Hall University Simmons College Skidmore College Smith College University of Southern California St. Lawrence University St. Olaf College Stockton University Syracuse University Temple University Texas Christian University University of Toronto

Tufts University Virginia Tech University of Virginia Wake Forest University Washington State University University of Washington University of Washington, Bothell Wellesley College Wesleyan University Western Washington University Whitman College Whittier College Whitworth University Willamette University College of William and Mary York College of Pennsylvania

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4800 139th Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98006-3015 Forest Ridge admits students without regard to race, color, religion, sexual orientation or national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to the students of the School.

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