Dennerle New Plants 2016/2017

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Experience nature

New products Aquatic plants

Dennerle - Experience nature……

Dennerle - Experience nature…… ….for 50 years already! In one of his first catalogues, company founder Ludwig Dennerle used the following words to describe it: “The hustle and bustle in this day and age makes us restless and unhappy, which is why we urgently need to find a good work-life balance. You have made the right choice: after work and on weekends your hobby helps you to relax. It can give you so much joy to sit in front of your aquarium and just watch the interesting activities of its inhabitants; or to talk shop and discuss some topics with a couple of friends.” This may be a text back from the 60s, but its core statement is still true. There’s nothing more relaxing than to watch the plants and animals in an aquarium after a stressful day in today’s fast-moving and overstimulated world. To us, the ecological balance plays a crucial role in such a confined habitat. To experience nature is also our motivation for our Plantahunter tours – regardless of whether we travel local waters or tropical habitats far away. This years’ tour took us to India – a huge country with extreme contrasts. The fascinating photos don’t always show the truth of such a journey: overpopulation, poverty and environmental degradation dominate the image of this unfortunately no longer ideal part of the world. Nevertheless, this journey had been full of unbelievable botanical impressions and we are proud to be able to present many new plant species from India. One of many highlights is the endemic miniature fern Crepidomanes malabaricum – a true gem from the mountains of Western Ghats in southwestern India. Enjoy viewing and reading the stories Yours Stefan Hummel

2 | Foreword

Plants from A – Z Water is the origin of all life. Aquatic plants are the origin of our company. Aquarium plants are at the heart of our work. They are the most sensitive element in the water. They are not only an indicator of water quality and a requirement for healthy fish, but also the key to well-functioning aquatic worlds. Those who look into the secrets of aquatic plants, gain access to the universe of the aquatic world. In January 2016, we travelled the federal state of Kerala in Southwestern India. A particular highlight was the exploration of the miniature fern Crepidomanes malabaricum in its natural habitat. However, we were also thrilled and enchanted by Eriocaulon breviscapum or a small-growing species of Microsorum pteropus. Be ready for interesting Cryptocorynes for the background, endemic stem plants of the Hygrophila and Rotala species, new plantit-species, plant pads and attractive decorative items and much more that will grab your attention on the next pages, both in text and image. And now enjoy reading about your and our “favourites”.

Item key: Suitable for cichlids Recommended for Nano Cubes Ideal for aquascaping

Easy-care, low-maintenance plant High-maintenance plant A rarity for plant connoisseurs

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Bucephalandra spec. ´Broad Wavy´

Order No. 30149 PG5 | 30167 plant it PG5 | B43

As far as diversity is concerned, the endemic Bucephalandra species from Borneo are second to none – however, it will still take a while until the exact scientific classification is determined. As the name suggests, the leaves of the species ´Broad Wavy´ are a bit broader than of the species ´Wavy Leaf´. The leaves are of bright medium-green colour with slightly reddish brown stalks. Bucephalandra are reophytes and thus grow best when they are attached to stones or root wood. Due to its slow growth and minor size, this plant is ideal for Nano Cubes and other small aquaria. Genus: Species: Family: Native to: Area / Height: Light: Temperature: Growth: pH: Water hardness: CO2: Propagation:

Bucephalandra spec. ´Broad Wavy´ Araceae Borneo Foreground up to 6 cm medium – low 20 – 28°C slow 5-8 soft to medium 0 to 20 mg/l Rhizome cutting

Bucephalandra spec. ´Brownie´

Order No. 30148 • PG 5 | B42

This Bucephalandra was one of the first species introduced from West Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo. The designation “Brownie” refers to its small size and slow growth. The leaves are narrow-elliptic and have entire margins. The colour of the leaves can vary from dark olive green to reddish brown, depending on the intensity of light. Bucephalandras belong to the Araceae family, just like the Anubias and Cryptocorynes. From time to time, the typical flower heads may also develop under water. Genus: Species: Family: Native to: Area/Height: Light: Temperature: Growth: pH: Water hardness: CO2: Propagation:

Bucephalandra spec. ´Serimbu´ Araceae Borneo Foreground up to 8 cm medium – low 20 – 28°C slow 5-8 soft to medium 0 to 20 mg/l Rhizome cuttings

Crepidomanes cf. malabaricum

Order No. 30086 • PG 7 | C100

The new fern Crepidomanes cf. malabaricum is a real rarity. It belongs to the bristle fern family and rather resembles a moss than a fern. In its natural habitat it grows terrestrially on large rocks and is only covered by water in the rainy season. There is only a small amount of cultivation experience; however, it also grows when permanently under water. In this case, growth can be classified as extremely slow. Crepidomanes is an especially good feature for delicate aquascaping layouts. The fragile rhizomes should ideally be attached to stones or roots. Genus : Crepidomanes Species : malabaricum Family : Hymenophyllaceae Native to : Kerala / India Area / height: Foreground up to 2 cm Light : medium - low Temperature : 22-28°C Growth: extremely slow pH : 5-7 Water hardness : soft to medium CO2 : 0 to 20mg/l Propagation : Division

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Jewel from the mountains of Western Ghats Crepidomas malabaricum is an endemic miniature fern that grows hidden in shady areas of streams, cascades and waterfalls in splashing waters. It only grows a few centimetres high and usually lives in a confined area with different mosses on rocks and stones. Supported by our Indian friends we were able to observe and photograph this gem in its natural habitat. The variety name malabaricum refers to its native region Malabar in India. This miniature fern is a true “must-have” for all Aquascapers and other “plant freaks”!

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Cryptocoryne crispatula

Order No. 30162 • PG 5 | C366

The grass-leaved water trumpet is a very attractive plant for the background. The species crispatula is very variable, just like the varieties balansae or tonkinensis. Particularly striking are the more or less nubby leaves with wavy edges. The leaf blades may develop wonderful colours, depending on the intensity of illumination. This water trumpet is especially recommendable for cichlid aquaria with higher water hardness. However, the plant is also a great feature in a larger community aquarium together with other plants.

Genus: Species: Family: Native to: Area/Height: Light: Temperature: Growth: pH: Water hardness: CO2: Propagation:

Cryptocoryne crispatula Araceae India, Thailand Background up to 60 cm medium - low 20 – 28°C medium 6-9 medium hard to very hard 5 to 30 mg/l Runners

Cryptocoryne retrospiralis

Order No. 30141 • PG 4 | C227

The name C. retrospiralis is by mistake often used for other species which are spread among the Asian Region. However, the “true” C. retrospiralis solely exists in India. We found this species in the shore areas of larger and smaller rivers where they live together with Cryptocoryne spiralis. The particularity of this water trumpet is that it forms short “winter leaves” in an aquarium when it is exposed to a short period of lighting. Therefore, a period of lighting of at least 10 hours per day is recommended. Genus: Species: Family: Native to: Area/Height: Light: Temperature: Growth: pH: Water hardness: CO2: Propagation:

Cryptocoryne retrospiralis Araceae India Background up to 40 cm high - medium 22 – 28°C slow 5-8 very soft to hard 5 to 30 mg/l Runners

Cryptocoryne sivadasanii

Order No. 30142 • PG 7 | C228

Cryptocoryne sivadasanii is a real novelty and also a rarity. The extraordinary long and narrow leaf blades are strongly reminiscent of Vallisnerias. This endemic species is spread across the Indian federal states of Karnataka and Kerala. However, on our Plantahunter Tour in India we only found few specimens in flat river beds due to the heavy dry season. Christel Kasselmann has already reported on this new beauty and gained very good experience regarding its growth in the aquarium. Cryptocoryne sivadasanii is particularly well suited for bigger and broader aquaria. Genus: Species: Family: Native to: Area/Height: Light: Temperature: Growth: pH: Water hardness: CO2: Propagation:

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Cryptocoryne sivadasanii Araceae Southwest India Background up to 100 cm medium – low 22 – 28°C slow 5-8 very soft to hard 20 to 30 mg/l Runners

Cryptocoryne spiralis

Order No. 30140 • PG 4 | C223 Cryptocoryne spiralis is a low-maintenance water trumpet for the background. The leaves are linear with partly ruffled edges. The fresh green colour provides a wonderful contrast to the colourful background plants such as Alternantheras or Ludwigias. Due to its height, this species is recommendable for aquaria from 100 cm. Provide for nutrient-rich substrate and sufficient CO2-supply in order to guarantee lush growth. The sometimes encountered “Crypt melt” does not occur with this variety. Genus: Species: Family: Native to: Area/Height: Light: Temperature: Growth: pH: Water hardness: CO2: Propagation:

Cryptocoryne spiralis Araceae India, Bangladesh Background, up to 70 cm high – medium 22 – 28°C moderate 5-8 very soft to hard 5 to 30 mg/l Runners

Didiplis diandra

Order No. 30159 plant-it • PG 5 | D10 Didiplis diandra is a particularly colourful stem plant from the eastern part of the USA. The submerged needle-like leaflets are arranged crosswise in opposition to each other, which gives the plant a very delicate look. Provide for good lighting and sufficient fertilization to ensure wonderful colours in all shades of orange and red. A good supply of CO2 promotes considerably better and faster growth. In order to support the colourful growth, please also supply the plants with iron and micronutrients. Didiplis beautifully contrasts with purely green stem plants such as Rotala spec. Green or when added to other colourful plants. Genus: Species: Family: Native to: Area/Height: Light: Temperature: Growth: pH: Water hardness: CO2: Propagation:

Didiplis diandra Lythraceae Eastern North America Mid-ground, up to 30 cm high – medium 22 – 26°C moderate 5-7 very soft to medium hard 20 to 30 mg/l Head cuttings, side shoots

Eriocaulon breviscapum

Order No. 30150 • PG 5 | E360

The genus Eriocaulon includes more than 400 species, some of which growing very well submerged. The plants often form rosette-looking flowers which highly resemble Tillandsias. We found specimens of Eriocaulon breviscapum in fast-flowing streams of a river in the federal state of Kerala / India. The lush shrubs grow between rocks having strong and long roots. In an aquarium, this rarity requires a nutrient-rich substrate, plenty of light and sufficient CO2-supply. It is particularly eye-catching as solitary plant between flat-growing species. Genus: Species: Family: Native to: Area/Height: Light: Temperature: Growth: pH: Water hardness: CO2: Propagation:

Eriocaulon breviscapum Eriocaulaceae Southwestern India Mid-ground, up to 15 cm high - medium 20 – 28°C slow 5 -7 soft 20 to 30 mg/l Division New products from A - Z | 7

Eriocaulon – unique beauties in the marshes We have explored numerous Eriocaulon during our trip in India – some of which look very promising for the aquatic hobby!

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Fissidens crispulus

Order No. 30168 • PG 6 | F01 Also known by the name “Zipper Moss”, this moss is very decorative when planting in the foreground. However, the name Fissidens zippelianus is often used erroneously. In its natural habitat, this delicate moss variety is often found in shady areas of springs and streams, where it prefers to grow on stones and roots in splash water areas. Fissidens crispulus is particularly well suited for Nano Cubes; due to its slow growth it is easy to care for. As with many mosses, frequent water changes are favourable – mosses love fresh water!

Genus: Species: Family: Native to: Area/Height: Light: Temperature: Growth: pH: Water hardness: CO2: Propagation:

Fissidens crispulus Fissidentaceae Africa, Asia Foreground, up to 5 cm medium – low 22 – 28°C slow 5-8 soft to hard 10 to 30 mg/l Division

Helanthium bolivianum

Order No. 30166 PG5 | H205

This plant is still known by its old name Echinodorus bolivianus. All dwarf Echinodorus meanwhile belong to the new genus Helanthium. Tending to form runners, this plant is very popular for being planted in the foreground of medium to large-sized aquaria. Almost immediately a dense carpet will form with numerous lanceolate leaves. We found some beautifully red-coloured varieties in the crystal-clear water of Rio Sucuri in Brasil – a spectacle of nature due to extreme direct sunlight shining on the shallow waters. Genus: Species: Family: Native to: Area/Height: Light: Temperature: Growth: pH: Water hardness: CO2: Propagation:

Helanthium bolivianum Alismataceae South America Foreground, up to 15 cm high – medium 22 – 28°C fast 5-8 soft to hard 20 to 30 mg/l Runners

Helanthium bolivianum ´Angustifolius´

Order No. 30077 • PG 4 | H188

Unlike other Helanthium species, this plant is tall-growing with very narrow leaf blades. It may grow up to 50 cm in height and is reminiscent of Vallisneria nana. Under strong lighting, it can also be planted in the mid-ground. The emerged form is considerably shorter and very much resembles other Helanthium varieties. Only after a couple of weeks in the aquarium, this delicate plant will reveal its true size and beauty. Nutrient-rich substrate and regular iron fertilization promote lush growth. Genus: Species: Family: Native to : Area/Height: Light : Temperature: Growth: pH: Water hardness: CO2: Propagation:

Helanthium bolivianum ´Angustifolius´ Alismataceae Brasil Background, up to 50 cm high – medium 22-28°C fast 5-8 soft to hard 10 -30 mg/l Runners New products from A - Z | 9

Hygrophila spec. ´Green Olive´

Order No. 30147 • PG 3 | H90

This is a new endemic Hygrophila species from the Goa / Maharashtra region in India. There they grow in boggy flooded areas with less or no sunlight. In an aquarium, the leaves will become a bit slimmer – under good lighting the shoots turn a reddish-brown to dark olive green colour. Hygrophila spec. ´Green Olive´ should always be planted in a larger group to create a beautiful harmonious effect. Early trimming promotes the formation of side shoots – head cuttings can easily be re-integrated into the plant group.

Genus: Species: Family: Native to: Area/Height: Light: Temperature: Growth: pH : Water hardness: CO2: Propagation:

Hygrophila spec. ´Green Olive´ Acanthaceae India Background up to 50 cm high - low 22 – 28°C fast 5-8 very soft to hard 20 to 30 mg/l Head cuttings, side shoots

Limnophila aromatica

Order No. 30146 • PG 3 | L40 Also known as “rice paddy herb“, this plant is distributed widely across Southeast Asia and is very polymorphic with regards to its habitus. Under intense lighting in the aquarium, the leaflets will develop different red colour hues, depending on the nutrients available. As with all stem plants, Limnophila aromatica should be planted in larger groups. The cascade-like arrangement of the leaflets makes for a harmonious appearance. This Asian stem plant can be particularly recommended for planting into an aquarium “Dutch”-style. Genus: Species: Family: Native to: Area/Height: Light: Temperature: Growth: pH: Water hardness: CO2: Propagation:

Limnophila aromatica Scrophulariaceae Southeast Asia Background up to 50 cm high – medium 22 – 28°C medium 5-8 soft to hard 20 to 30 mg/l Head cuttings, side shoots

Ludwigia spec. ´Dark Orange´

Order No. 30078 • PG 4 | L80

A new, attractive stem plant is Ludwigia spec. ´Dark Orange´. The variety name refers to the colour of the underwater leaves it develops in the aquarium. Depending on the light intensity, the colouration varies from a yellow-orange to a deep, dark orange. A further feature is the striking venation of the leaves above water, but this is also clearly visible when it is submerged. As with all stem plants, this colourful novelty should be planted in large numbers to achieve a nice effect. Intense lighting and sufficient CO2-supply guarantee a strong growth. Genus : Ludwigia Species : spec. ´Dark Orange´ Family : Onagraceae Native to : Cultivar Area/Height : Background up to 50 cm Light : high – medium Temperature : 18 – 26°C Growth : medium pH : 5-8 Water hardness : soft to hard CO2 : 20 -30 mg/l Propagation : Head cuttings

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Shape shifters. Most aquarium plants are cultivated above water and often only develop their full blaze of colours once they are in the aquarium – just like the new Ludwigia spec. ´Dark Orange´ with its yellowgreen emerged leaves. After a couple of weeks it will reveal the intensive submerged leaf colours.

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Microsorum pteropus ´Green Gnome´

Order No. 30174 • PG 6 | M48

This type of Java fern is polymorphic, which means it has many different leaf forms and growing sizes. In the Western Ghats, a mountain range in Southwestern India, our attention was drawn to a very compact growing variety. It settles in shady areas in splash water regions of streams and cascades. When living emerged, it grows a bit larger, but under water it remains compact and short. Attractive features are the strong venation and the slightly bullous leaf blades. This new variety is perfectly suited for Nano Cubes and Aquascaping! Genus: Specie : Famil : Native to: Area/Height: Light: Temperature: Growth: pH: Water hardness: CO2: Propagation:

Microsorum pteropus ´Green Gnome´ Polypodiaceae Southwestern India Mid-ground up to 15 cm medium – low 22 – 28°C slow 5-8 soft to hard 10 to 30 mg/l daughter plants from leaves and roots

Pilotrichaceae spec. ´Pilo moss´

Order No. 30169 • PG 5 | P100

This new moss is known only to a few “plant freaks” and is not yet identified for sure. Even the natural habitat of this beautiful moss still remains to be clarified – but it is certainly native to the tropics and subtropics. The flattened shoots show an overhanging growth habit and have fine rhizoids (root-like structure) which easily cling to the substrate. Due to the flat growing and overhanging growth habit, this moss can be used variably for nature-like aquarium designs.

Genus: Species: Family: Native to: Area/Height: Light: Temperature: Growth: pH: Water hardness: CO2: Propagation

probably Cyclodictyon spec. ´Pilo moss´ Pilotrichaceae unknown Foreground up to 2 cm medium – low 22 – 28°C slow 5-8 soft to hard 10 to 30 mg/l Division

Proserpinaca palustris

Order No. 30158 • PG 5 | P20

In the emerged stage, this stem plant originating from Cuba, looks rather unimpressive with its simple green leaves. After a period of acclimatisation under water, the plant will gradually reveal its feathery and magnificently colourised underwater leaves. Proserpinaca grows slowly and is recommended for Nano Cubes. The stalks do not branch out too much, which is why the head cuttings should be put back on the same spot. The lower, no longer nice-looking part of the stalk should be removed. Genus: Species: Family: Native to: Area/Height: Light: Temperature: Growth: pH: Water hardness: CO2: Propagation:

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Proserpinaca palustris Haloragaceae North and Central America, West Indies Mid-ground up to 30 cm high – medium 10 - 28 °C moderate 5-8 very soft to medium 20-30 mg/l side shoots

In the shade of the trees The plant Microsorum pteropus is a quite variable fern variety with numerous leaf forms and sizes. During our Plantahunter tour in India, we have discovered a very compact-growing variety, which develops very short leaflets when under water – just perfect for smaller aquaria and Nano Cubes. We called this small type Microsorum pteropus ´Green Gnome´, which is above all suited for creating natural-looking aquascapes.

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Rotala macrandra ´Narrow Red´

Order No. 30144 • PG 3 | R16

Rotala macrandra is a very decorative stem plant with variable growth habits. Besides the known red variety with broad, elliptical leaves, this narrow-leaved red variety may be an interesting alternative in an underwater landscape. The rather upright growth is really ideal for aquaria in Dutch style. In this case, the individual stalks should be arranged in terraces. This Indian beauty is grateful for a good supply of macronutrients and a high supply of CO2 which it rewards with a blaze of colours.

Genus: Species: Family: Native to: Area/Height: Light: Temperature: Growth: pH: Water hardness: CO2: Propagation:

Rotala macrandra ´Narrow Red´ Lythraceae South India Background up to 60 cm high – medium 22 – 28°C fast 5-7 very soft to medium hard 20 to 30 mg/l Head cuttings, side shoots

Rotala spec. ´Coin Leaf´

Order No. 30145 • PG 3 | R17

An Indian hobbyist discovered this interesting Rotala species in a rice field. Distinctive are the circular leaflets, which are tightly arranged around the plant stalk. Under water, this new and unknown Rotala species develops wonderful leaf colours – however, this requires intense lighting. As with many coloured stem plants, a high supply of nutrients promotes colouration. Providing a nutrient-rich substrate as well as sufficient CO2 is essential as basic supply.

Genus: Species: Family: Native to: Area/Height: Light: Temperature: Growth: pH: Water hardness: CO2: Propagation:

Rotala spec ´Coin Leaf´ Lythraceae India Background up to 50 cm high – medium 22 – 28°C fast 5-8 soft to hard 20 to 30 mg/l Head cuttings, side shoots

Rotala wallichii

Order No. 30161 plant-it • PG 5 | R30 Rotala wallichii is a particularly delicate and slender stem plant. It has been known to aquatics for quite a while, but due to its high demands it is only suited for true plant lovers. High light intensity and an ideal supply of nutrients as well as a high supply of CO2 are a must. Clear water is also crucial for this filigree stem plant. Under good conditions, Rotala wallichii will display an impressive blaze of colours in all hues of Red and Pink. In Aquascaping, this plant is often used when wanting to add a splash of colour to the aquarium. Genus: Species: Family: Native to: Area/Height: Light: Temperature: Growth: pH: Water hardness: CO2: Propagation:

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Rotala wallichii Lythraceae Southeast Asia Mid-gound up to 40 cm high 22 – 28°C fast 5-7 very soft to medium hard 20 to 30 mg/l Head cuttings, side shoots

Plant pads – foreground planting the easy way Hemianthus callitrichoides ´Cuba´ and Eleocharis pusilla are absolute top sellers when it comes to foreground planting in an aquarium! These two popular species are now also available in pad format 9 x 9 cm: Place onto gravel, press in gently, and you’re done!

30151 Hemianthus ´Cuba´ | PG 7

30152 Eleocharis pusilla | PG 7


Decorative novelties - for a natural look Roots with suction cups are exciting decoration elements in an aquarium. The new Nanowood suckers are the logical further development for Nano Cubes and other small aquaria. Another highlight is Bucephalandra spec.´Wavy Leaf´ on a root – an endemic aroid from Borneo. This little beauty just loves to grow on roots or stones.

30170 Anubias Bonsai on Nanowood with suction cup | PG 8

30155 moss root | PG 5

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30171 Anubias Pinto on Nanowood with suction cup | PG 8

30173 Anubias barteri glabra on stone | PG 8

30191 Bucephalandra spec. ´Wavy Leaf´on root | PG 8

30172 Anubias nana Gold on root | PG 9

Near-natural design with mosses The new moss portions are perfectly suited for individual and natural-looking layouts. Thus, stones, roots and other decorative elements can be grassed in an attractive way. Spread the moss pads across the surface and tie them with a thin fishing line – and you’re done! 30192 Taxiphyllum barbierii Portion | PG 4

30195 Taxiphyllum spec. Flammenmoos Portion | PG 4

30193 Monosolenium tenerum Portion | PG 4

30194 Vesicularia spec. Triangelmoos Portion | PG 4

Scaper Pads | 17

The plant of the future

Active contribution to nature conservation The “plantit“-series is becoming increasingly popular and meanwhile forms an integral part in aquatics. Here, also the contribution to nature preservation plays a big role for many plant lovers. We have complemented our assortment of In-Vitro plants by 10 more species to create even more beautiful and individual underwater landscapes. Besides the true classics, it now includes one or more colourful collector’s plants as well.


Novelties 30160 Bacopa australis | PG 5

30159 Didiplis diandra | PG 5

30163 Limnophila sessiliflora | PG 5

30167 Bucephalandra spec. ´Broad Wavy Leaf´ | PG 5

30166 Helanthium bolivianum | PG 5

30164 Lobelia cardinalis ´Mini´ | PG 5

30162 Cryptocoryne crispatula | PG 5

30165 Hygrophila corymbosa ´Stricta´ | PG 5

30158 Proserpinaca palustris | PG 5

30161 Rotala wallichii | PG 5


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