Wincor Nixdorf: Life Cycle Assessment moves Green IT into the future.
The successful Life Cycle Assessment pilot study moves Wincor
solutions, customers can use resources more efficiently. At
Nixdorf’s Green IT program forward. The study builds the
the same time, Green IT and sustainably con-figured system
lower energy consumption and reduced emissions, and contri-
reality which sets the company apart from the competition in
foundation for the pioneering concept of the green ATM, with
butes to the company’s eco-design guideline optimization. Wincor Nixdorf can now declare a valid environmental impact of their products.
The Challenge Wincor Nixdorf is one of the world’s leading IT
Solutions and Service providers for retail banks and retailers. The portfolio is designed to optimize these companies’ pro-
cesses and provide the end customers with the highest userfriendly experience possible. Green IT product development
at Wincor Nixdorf is growing due to rising demand, because
with the help of sustainable and environmentally-friendly IT
landscapes developed from being a »nice to have« feature to a terms of communication with customers and end users.
The Solution PE INTERNATIONAL collaborated with Wincor Nixdorf, developing and improving upon their initial LCA, to
produce what became the very first, internally-generated LCA
for an ATM. The data from the existing LCA were examined, expanded upon and, in some places, improved. The data quality is now uniform and consistent, and ready for subsequent
verification. The results evaluation determined the ATM’s standby mode to be the largest electricity consumer.
PE INTERNATIONAL AG Hauptstraße 111-113 70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen Deutschland
Telefon +49 711 341817-0 Fax +49 711 341817-25
The Result PE INTERNATIONAL created a report for Wincor
During the Wincor World Fair, the results were presented to
uments the environmental impacts of Wincor Nixdorf’s ATM.
the customers and the expected savings during the use phase
Nixdorf, which essentially corresponds to an EPD* and docWith this new information Wincor Nixdorf developed the new ProCash 8xx0 series and the new CINEO system family, whose
energy consumption during the use phase is reduced by 20 to
30 %, depending on the model, while at the same time being fully functional for the customer.
Benefit to the Customer Wincor Nixdorf has reaffirmed their commitment to Green IT through sustainable product development and optimization (Ecodesign). Their customers benefit
from this modern technology and at the same time, the
company is complying with the demands that arise from being
a sustainability company. The study raises awareness of sustainability and contributes to building a central knowledge
base for future projects. The findings will be used in internal
and external communications. The high transparency of the validated data can be used by Wincor Nixdorf for customer inquiries, offers or participation in tenders for banking and commerce.
approximately 8,000 participants. The positive response from have led Wincor Nixdorf to adapt their internal development
guidelines according to the newly discovered insights, and to further optimize their Ecodesign process. Wincor Nixdorf – Solution at a glance: Industry and Headquarters: IT, Germany
Scope: Quality assurance, validation and verification of a Life Cycle Assessment study for ATMs
Products and Services: Life Cycle Assessment study and creation of an EPD* Advantages: > External communications, use by sales and
marketing for inquiries and tenders, active contribution to image-building and stakeholder dialogue
> Internal sustainability awareness, building of a knowledge base
> Optimization of internal Ecodesign guidelines
»The experts at PE INTERNATIONAL
get us on the right track.
»The project with PE INTERNATIONAL was a resounding success: Speedy implementation, years of experience and relevant expertise in electronics have more than paid off for us. The experts at
PE INTERNATIONAL get us on the right track with Green IT and
Sustainability.« Uwe Krause, Vice President Banking Division,
Wincor Nixdorf
* What is an EPD? »An EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) is a Type III environmental declaration, the quantified environmental information comprising the life cycle of a product or service. An EPD is based on independently verified data from a Life Cycle Assessment, life cycle inventories or information modules, and is compliant with the ISO 14040 standard. There are currently no guidelines available for the creation of an EPD for ATMs, which is why we created an EPD-like document for Wincor Nixdorf.« Dr. Constantin Herrmann, Principal Consultant, PE INTERNATIONAL