11 July 2011

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Monday 11 JULY, 2011



Yuna still working on ‘wow’ US debut album >> pg15 Look out for the Arsenal Asia Tour pullout tomorrow LOCAL

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‘Fruitless’ RM17m city orchard

Bus operators, Only a fraction of money used for tree-planting in this soon-to-be launched commuters, urban oasis. And it still needs more funds. traders riled By PEARL LEE pearl@mmail.com.my up over IT was supposed to be an ‘orFour years later and despite made by The Malay Mail fol- Datuk Ruslin Hassan, in anchard within the city’, a sprawl- millions spent on develop- lowing a chance visit to the nouncing the project, had >> pg5 rally said upon completion, the 7.7ha tropical paradise ment, the Taman Dusun Ban- park recently. MAIL EXPOSÉ ing dotted with rows of fruit trees dar ‘orchard park’ project in The park, reportedly due to orchard park would have which would enchant KLites and tourists alike.

Jalan Bellamy hardly resembles the urban oasis it set out to be. More shockingly, only RM600,000 from the RM17.2 million allocation was spent on fruit trees! These were among the discoveries

35 die in India train crash >> pg12 Letters & Opinions ON PG10

open in two months time, is nowhere near reaching its target of being an orchard. In 2005, the then KL Mayor

Pic: SALHANI IBRAHIM Bersih 2.0: Standoff at Merdeka Stadium (July 9)

Was it necessary?


Rasa Permai people’s patrol >> pg8

100 species of local fruits like durian, mangosteen, langsat, duku, rambai, ciku, cempedak, jackfruit, guava and banana trees, among others. An area was also supposed to cater for herbs, coconut palms and spices. The park, Ruslin was quoted as saying, would be one of the city’s major tourist attractions. It would serve as a haven for tourists and locals to learn about local fauna and sample all kinds of local fruits, as well as camp in the area. It was supposed to be launched last December. • Continued on pg2

Cracked up over torn tyres >> pg9



Reeks of bad planning ● From page 1 Our checks at the site, however, showed apart from a handful of mango and ciku trees, the park only had young trees and saplings, some of which were shriveled. There was also an absence of shady trees, forcing visitors to withstand the scorching heat (see accompanying story). It is learnt the project was helmed by former Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing Ministry deputy secretary-general (Planning and Development) Datuk Bakaruddin Othman. The contract was awarded to a company to develop the site, formerly the Kampung Delima squatter area, into an orchard park. However, it is learnt the project has now been handed over to City Hall and there is a possibility more funds will be needed to complete it. A source from City Hall said many trees had died in the area as a result of improper planning. "If you want to transform the area into an orchard park, you cannot plant mango or durian trees from scratch, you have to transplant existing fruit trees to the area." It is also understood the area used to have an uneven topography and it was mainly dominated by slopes. It is alleged the area used to have many fruit trees and others with shady canopies planted by previous residents, but the trees died due to land excavation works done there. The RM17.2 million allocation for the park was made under the Ninth Malaysia Plan.

Bus services at Putra, Puduraya and Jalan Pekeliling terminal resumed operations yesterday — Peninsular Malaysia Express Bus Operators president Tajuddin Mohd Yunus

The Malay Mail Monday 11 JULY, 2011


RM17m fruit for your Poser over whether 'orchard within the city' waste of taxpayers' money By PEARL LEE pearl@mmail.com.my

THE Taman Dusun Bandar, despite its pledge of being an 'orchard within the city', has yet to live up to its promise. A quick chat with a City Hall Landscaping Department staff stationed at the park revealed that the park was expected to be officially launched within the next two months. When pointed out that the fruit trees were scarce, the staff said: Baru tanam, masih kecil lagi (They've just been planted, they're still small). The staff also said City Hall personnel had only moved

into an administrative building in the area about two months ago. "For now, you only get people coming here in the morning to jog. It's open to the public but not many know it exists." A civil servant, Bahari Ayub, 49, told The Malay Mail the area used to have big shady trees including rain trees. "But you can't see them anymore as they are all gone. The area is very hot now, there's not enough big shady trees around and you can see that

even new plants that are being planted are slowly dying," he said. The Malay Mail had chanced upon the park after visiting the famous Seri Menanti Ikan Bakar in Jalan Bellamy and were surprised to see a park next to the stall. We took a stroll in the park to find out more about the fruit trees planted in the area, but we could not find much except for small trees and some which resembled mango trees. We also saw some ciku fruits, but they did not

look tantalising. There were hardly any shady trees in the park and walking under the scorching sun at 11am was an unpleasant experience. We saw plants which had shriveled up and died or their leaves turned completely brown. Hardly any trees were labelled and we were not able to identify most of them save for a few. We finally managed to find a shady area which was near a pond situated behind the

Kuan Cheng Girls School, where there were a couple of big shady trees including a bamboo tree. According to the park's site plan, it has 23 unique spots including a cafeteria, refreshments kiosk, drop off plaza, amphitheater, playground, surau, east bridge, bamboo bridge, curved bridge, disabled and baby-friendly toilets, as well as an administrative building. An impressive list of facilities, yet the fruit trees appear to be missing.

Contractor wanted more money, says mayor MAYOR Tan Sri Ahmad Fuad Ismail (pic) pulled no punches in lambasting the incomplete state of the

Taman Dusun Bandar. "If people were to go there now, there would be nothing to see. People want to know what a durian, ciku, jackfruit or mangosteen tree looks like. If you don't have this, then there is no impact and people will question the relevance of having such a park." He said the contractor handed the park to them two months ago. It is now under the purview of the council's Landscaping and Urban Cleaning Control Department. "Yes, the contractor (Zikhtar Associates Sdn Bhd) was aw ard e d t he contract to carry out not only landscaping works but

also to plant trees. This was a decision made in 2005 and when I stepped into office in 2008, nearly three quarters of the works were completed." A quick check with the C onstr uction Industr y Development Board showed that Zikhtar Associates specialises in general building works, general civil engineering works and also provide miscellaneous mechanical equipment. Ahmad Fuad confirmed that RM17 million went towards the project and the money came from the Federal government. However, he said the contractors had later asked for additional funds to "complete" the park, including planting more trees. Their request for an additional RM7 to RM8 million

was rejected by City Hall. "I did not want to give the money because I believe the RM17 million was more than enough for them to carry out the job. "I don't want to be accused of wasting public funds." He said it was unfortunate to learn that the bulk of the money was used for landscaping and other earth works, and less emphasis on planting big trees. "If you want to have an orchard, you must create an orchard-like environment. You must have trees with lots of fruits, and these must be big shady trees." "When a tree is big, it would probably only take between one to two years before it starts bearing fruit. We can't be waiting for decades." Ahmad Fuad said City

Hall will have to think of how to 'undo the wrong' and ensure that the park meets its objective. On how they plan to do this, Ahmad Fuad said they would scout for fruit trees and perhaps, transplant them at the park. "We may go to rural areas and look for people who want to sell their fruit trees to us. If the price is reasonable then we may consider buying it from them. "But it's going to be tough for us to find trees." Ahmad Fuad also said there were some big fruit trees like rambutan in Jalan Cochrane which used to house government quarters. "We may need to speak to the developers of the area and see if we can take some trees from there."

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The Malay Mail Monday 11 JULY, 2011

Stop inciting the people through SMS, Twitter and Facebook over the Bersih 2.0 illegal rally — Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar




1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



9. Toilet 10. Surau 11. Refreshment Kiosk 12. Maintenance 13. Sculpture 14. Arbour 15. Amphitheater 16. Playground

Entrance Vehicle Park Coach Park Admin Building Drop Off Plaza Pedestrian Arrival Plaza 7. Cafeteria 8. Retail 9 6

18 10 9

23 19


11 4 5 22

14 16 15

17. Picnic Shelter 18. Curved Bridge 19. Zig-zag Bridge 20. Bamboo Bridge 21. Reed Bridge 22. East Bridge 23. Water Feature

21 9



11 20

13 12


Hazards at the park 1. Rusted hand rails and structures for creeping plants 2. Plants attacked by insects, with leaves filled with holes 3. Empty water bottles in the pond 4. Brown and dried up grass 5. Spotlights vandalised

DEAD OR ALIVE: What's left of a lifeless tree in the park

Contractor: Park meets objective BARELY a fraction of the RM17 million orchard park project was used for treeplanting, but the contractor maintains that the park has met its objective. Zikhtar Associates Sdn Bhd company director Zulbainoor Zulkeflee said the bulk of the money was spent on earthworks, landscaping, building works, internal drainage works, lighting as well as treeplanting. He said the total budget for trees was only RM595,000 from the entire allocation. He maintained that treeplanting was not the priority. "You must understand that this was formerly a squatter area and the terrain of this area was uneven and hilly." He said earthworks in the area began in 2007 and the initial target was for big trees to be planted. However, these trees, he said, would take around six years to bear fruits. "City Hall were the ones who set the conditions. They leased the contract to us." Asked if the works carried out were sub-contracted to other parties, he said it was

100 per cent done by his company. "We want to do the best and we delivered what we proposed. We want to make it a place where people can rest and learn about trees." Zulbainoor said they had asked for more money for the trees but their request was denied by City Hall. Asked how was the park was deemed to had met its objective, Zulbainoor said: "City Hall said they will take over (the tree-planting) works." He said the majority of fruit trees in the orchard comprised wild fruit trees, and only 40 per cent were local fruits like mangoes, durian, ciku, lychee, nangka and cempedak. The trees, he said, were planted two years ago and it would take some time before they bear fruits. Asked why the bulk of trees were wild fruit trees, he said: "This is not an ecoresort." He also said that it was impossible for existing big trees, which would take a shorter period to bear fruits, to be planted in the area as they were difficult to find.

"City Hall had asked for 200 big trees to be planted here. But this does not make sense as you cannot get big trees." "You can scour the entire country but you won't be able to find them," Zulbainoor said. "We carried out a lot of research on the soil condition and even though it is mostly clay, it is possible to plant but it will take time." When asked how visitors were supposed to learn about trees when they were all small, he said City Hall was supposed to take pictures of the trees and label them for reference in an education centre within the park. He said some trees were dead or dying because they were struck by lightning and all trees had tags but were missing since two years ago. Zulbainoor also refuted claims the park was handed over to City Hall two months ago as they were in the midst of getting a certificate of completion and compliance. He also said the company has yet to receive full payment for the works carried out.

6. Surau located within toilet area and separated by a wall 7. Not many shady areas 8. Dead mango and palm trees 9. Children's playground with gravel surface 10. Water feature area in front of toilet may pose a threat to children 11. Many trees not tagged


Mortgage write-off gives hope THOUSANDS of struggling homeowners could be in line for debt forgiveness after a Dublin couple had more than €200,000 (RM854,000) of their mortgage debt written off by their lender, the Irish Independent reports. The couple — whose identity is known to the Sunday Independent — secured a written agreement through a Dublin-based solicitor with IIB Bank subsidiary Stepstone Mortgages, last November, which saw their total debt reduced from €360,000 to €154,950. The confirmation that at least one mortgage lender is now taking a pragmatic approach to customers who simply do not have the financial means to repay their total debt will doubtless be greeted with relief by Irish homeowners.

Retired army officer held for shooting THE Army has detained and handed over a retired officer to the local police in the Chennai shooting case that led to the death of a 13-yearold boy who had entered a military compound to pluck fruits, the Indian Express reports. The retired officer, who has not been named, was staying in the military compound and was detained by the Army after he tried to leave for Madurai. The focus of the investigation into the killing has now shifted to the retired officer — he hails from Tamil Nadu — who has been taken into custody by the police.

India awaits Cabinet reshuffle

MURKY WATERS: Plastic bottles in a lake

PRIME Minister Manmohan Singh held another round of discussions with Congress president Sonia Gandhi yesterday regarding the much awaited Cabinet reshuffle, but there was no official confirmation on its timing, the Hindustan Times reports. Sources say the reshuffle was likely to take place in the next three to four days. Earlier indications suggested the reshuffle may be effected as early as today. With no official news so far, the reshuffle may be held after today, the sources added.



Asean and Japan mulling a 10-year plan to turn region into a global production centre to match China and India — International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed

The Malay Mail ● Monday 11 JUly, 2011


PERSONAL INFO: Police carrying out documentation process for detainees

Widow's plea for answers Wife looking for closure to cabbie-driver husband's death at Saturday's rally By Thasha Jayamanogaran thasha@mmail.com.my

TUCKING IN: Detainees treating themselves to food

'Kenduri' for detainees THE atmosphere at the Police Training Centre (Pulapol) on Saturday where Bersih 2.0 rally supporters were detained was akin to a kenduri function which one senior police officer even described it to be like a wedding reception. The Bersih 2.0 detainees in Pulapol were given VIP treatment where their meals were served ala buffet style. The food menu included briyani rice, various types of fried noodles, nasi minyak and other delicacies. Those arrested had the luxury to choose food they wanted and dined in comfort. The makan session was between 2pm to 11pm as those detained were brought in at separate times. KL acting police chief Datuk Amar Singh said police spent RM25 per head for the food specially prepared for those detained. "Even our officers on duty that day did not have this kind of food. We gave them the best treatment," he said during a Press conference at the KL police headquarters yesterday. "For the short period of

time they were under our custody, they were well taken care of. If any party says we mistreated them it is totally untrue." The documentation process of detainees was also efficient with a large number of police officers handling it so the detainees did not have to wait too long. Those who came in with minor injuries, such as eye irritation by tear gas, were given special treatment by doctors stationed at the centre. Meanwhile, Pulapol commandant SAC Zulkifli Mohamed when contacted said: "Those who witnessed how we treated detainees would agree with me that the atmosphere was like a wedding reception." He said even detainees expressed gratitude to him and also thanked police for treating them well. "We do not want other parties to take this opportunity and look down on us. It is our culture to take good care of those under police custody." A total of 1,667 people were detained in the Bersih rally. They included 1,500 men, 151 women and 16 children who accompanied them.

FIRST AID: A detainee receiving help from a medical staff

THE widow of the sole fatality during the Bersih 2.0 rally last Saturday, Setiawangsa Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Wanita chief Rusni Melan, wants closure on her husband's death but feels confused over varying reports and claims pertaining to the cause of his demise. Yesterday, she told The Malay Mail she was not buying any of the claims for now until a full postmortem report is completed. "Initial postmortem results stated my husband died because of a heart failure and breathing difficulties. However, I'm still waiting for a full report VIGIL: Rusni (left) mourns before judging the death of her husband anything." Among reports told to her as he was stuck in the crowd. was that her spouse, Baharu- Some said there was no podin Ahmad, 58, a taxi driver lice involvement in his death and former PAS member, and tear gas was not used at was assaulted by police dur- the scene. There were also updates ing the rally and that he died due to adverse reaction going viral on the Internet to tear gas fired upon the that police refused help and that Baharudin could have crowd. However, some quarters survived if he was rushed to claimed Baharudin encoun- the hospital. Rusni said her husband tered breathing difficulties

LARGE TURNOUT: The big gathering surrounding the funeral of Baharudin at Lembah Keramat Muslim cemetery — Pic: Sin Chew Daily

had other health problems such as diabetic and high blood pressure. Baharudin was reportedly at the KLCC area during the rally when he collapsed in the crowd. His friends contacted the ambulance which rushed him to Hospital Kuala Lumpur where he was declared dead shortly after. Rusni, who was not at the

rally, was only aware of the incident when she got a call from the hospital. The funeral for Baharudin took place yesterday at 12.55pm at the Lembah Keramat Muslim cemetery in Taman Seri Keramat Tengah. A funeral procession of over 500 mourners accompanied Baharudin to his final resting place.

'Bersih supporter died of heart failure' By G. PRAKASH prakash@mmail.com.my

CITY police denied any part in the death of a 59-year-old taxi driver who died following Saturday's Bersih rally. Kuala Lumpur acting police chief Datuk Amar Singh (pic) said yesterday Baharudin Ahmad was at KLCC to take part in the rally. He collapsed after running away from KLCC, where police personnel were instructing the crowd gathered there to disperse.

"Baharudin was at the KLCC area with a friend when police asked the crowd to disperse and the victim, together with his friend, ran towards Avenue K," Amar said. Amar stressed police only asked the crowd to disperse and no tear gas or water cannon were directed towards the crowd. "We did not use tear gas at KLCC, but there are false accusations against us, being spread on social networking websites, that we used tear gas in KLCC and that's the reason why the victim died." From Avenue K, Amar said the

deceased was taken to Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) by ambulance at 5.10pm. "Doctors tried to revive him but he passed away at 5.30pm," Amar said, adding Baharudin's son, when interviewed by police, said his father was suffering from high blood pressure. A post-mortem revealed Baharudin had died of heart failure. The initial post-mortem report, according to Amar, showed the deceased had no external or internal injuries. Police have classified the case as sudden death pending a pathology report.

The Malay Mail Monday 11 JULY, 2011

Those born in 1994 can check if they have been selected to undergo National Service 2012 — National Service Training Department director-general Datuk Abdul Hadi Awang Kechil

WHILE ticket sales plunged for bus operators at the Hentian Duta Express Bus Terminal in Jalan Duta on Saturday due to the Bersih 2.0 rally, it was a very different story for the petty traders there. Operators claimed that buses that were diverted there following the closure of the Puduraya and Putra bus terminals, were only half-full. "Many buses took two to three hours to arrive," said Hanizah Rafiai, 45, a clerk for bus operator Pancaran Matahari (M) Sdn Bhd. One bus took four hours. It apparently left Shah Alam at 9am and only got to Hentian Duta at around 1pm. To make things worse, passengers who arrived did not buy tickets to leave as they were afraid of being held up by the roadblocks outside. "Naturally, we received many complaints. The parking area was severely congested due to the influx of extra buses," said Hanizah. But for traders, the scores of people stranded at the terminal building meant brisk business for them. Some took advantage of


Fresh rioting in Northern Ireland

CALMER: A more relaxed crowd yesterday


Gains and losses Bus firms, passengers lose out but small traders profit on rally day By FAIZAL NOR IZHAM faizal.nor@mmail.com.my

the situation and operated their businesses from 7am on Saturday to 1am yesterday. Tengku Marjan Tengku Yahya, 36, who was one of the vendors said her profits more than doubled. "Many shops outside the station were closed, so we

received a lot of business from non-passengers as well. "Some of our customers included the police who came to rest and eat. Although traders gained a lot from the situation, I feel the blocked roads caused a major inconvenience."

Riza Azan, 24, from Flora Damansara in Petaling Jaya, changed his travel plans because of the roadblocks. Riza, who was given two weekdays off to visit relatives in Taiping, Perak, said: "I initially wanted to leave on Friday and return on Tuesday. But news

that road blocks would begin on Friday made me balik kampung on Sunday, thus cutting my holiday short. I needed to visit my relatives to arrange for my upcoming wedding." Like many of the others interviewed, Riza felt the roadblocks were not necessary.


Shop owners grumble about losing money By CECILIA VICTOR cecilia@mmail.com.my

WHILE the rally did some good for a number of businesses in certain areas, other traders were not so happy about having to shut down their shops. Anuja Restaurant owner Mahmood Nagoor said: “I kept my eatery open from morning until around 1.30pm when demonstrators started filling up the area. "I closed my shop for about one-and-a-half hours as I didn't want to risk getting my utensils and furniture damaged in the rally.” However, despite reopening his shop in Jalan Pudu, the


BUSINESS AS USUAL: Bustling once again in Petaling Street as traders resume operations — Pic: SHARUL HAFIZ ZAM

59-year-old claimed no one stepped in. Jewellery store owner Hu

Song closed his shop at Jalan Pekeliling from noon when the crowd started building up.

"On a normal day, I would make more than RM1,000 but on the day of the rally, I only made RM80.'' Meanwhile, a KK Supermart and Superstore Sdn Bhd in Jalan Pekeliling closed for the entire Saturday. A worker, Jaclyn Jackson, 25, said business resumed yesterday and the premises sustained no damage from the rally. As for Lina Mobin, 35, a worker at a bag shop in Petaling Street, the losses for missing an entire day of business was heavy. She said: "My boss decided

to close for a day as he was worried rally supporters might cause havoc and damage. “If we had remained opened, we could have made good money as rental is high.'' Another trader at Petaling Street, known only as Rush, 23, said he makes about RM5,000 to RM6,000 on weekends but was forced to close his shop because of the rally. "For me, it was a huge loss, I could have made some profit on that day, but it was a shame as I couldn't do anything about it. If I had opened, my stall might have been damaged in the rally.''

A BUS was hijacked and petrol bombs hurled at cops as widespread rioting broke out in Northern Ireland, The Sun reports. It left strings of cars torched by the side of the road and several police officers injured. The hijacked bus was used to ram a police vehicle and petrol bombs and other missiles were hurled by a crowd of up to 100 loyalists in Ballyclare. Officers hit back with water cannon and baton rounds.

Halle Berry startled by intruder ACTRESS Halle Berry (pic) had a scare and was forced to call police after an intruder jumped over a privacy wall around her home on Saturday, the Daily Mail reports. The Oscarwinner was startled when she noticed the unwelcome guest lurking around her front yard . Several people inside her home, including Halle's security team, immediately ran outside. But the man was said to have jumped over the wall again and got away, according to entertainment website TMZ.


Kindergartens must ensure security, say kindie bodies By IKRAM ISMAIL ikram.ismail@mmail.com.my

KINDERGARTENS must adhere to security guidelines to ensure the safety of their pupils and teachers, says kindergarten and childcare associations in the wake of a hammer-wielding man who was shot dead by police last Thursday for holding 30 children and four teachers hostage in Sungai Abong, Muar, Johor. In the incident, 40-year-old Lau Hui Chung, believed to be deranged, caused Serikids

Kindergarten, a six-hour ordeal before dying from a single shot to his head. All the pupils and teachers were safe. Malaysian Association of Kindergartens chairman Jayawathi Perera said all kindergartens must employ security guards and vet visitors before allowing them entry. "We have advised our members to do this since March last year when a teacher and

three pupils in a kindergarten, also in Muar, were threatened by a hammer-wielding man. "Kindergarten gates should also be locked the moment all the pupils have gone inside. Unfortunately, not all kindergartens toed the line." Association of Registered Childcare Providers Malaysia president Shamsinah Che Shariff acknowledged that small kindergartens may not be able to afford hiring security guards.

"Then the teachers must ensure the gates are locked when classes are in session so that unauthorised persons cannot simply enter the premises. Kindergarten operators must also ensure all their pupils are safely taken back by their parents and not leave any pupils waiting by themselves." Childline Malaysia project director P. H. Wong lamented that despite recurrent security

breaches at kindergartens, lessons have not been learnt. "Kindergarten operators must not be motivated by profit alone and should treat the safety of their pupils and teachers as a serious priority," she said. "In fact, all operators should always be conscious of upgrading their security and to make periodic assessments and be alert to their surroundings." Malaysia Early Childcare

and Education Council president Datuk Dr Chiam Heng Keng said it was vital kindergartens register and update themselves on governmental requirements. "We are ever ready to help kindergartens comply with the requirements stipulated by the Education Ministry, Fire Department and Housing and Local Government Ministry. "Parents are advised not to enrol their children at unlicensed kindergartens.”




It has been found men die at a higher rate in all age groups and suffer from a greater level of severe mental illness — Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai PETALING JAYA

Helper for maids People-to-people programme to safeguard interests of household help and their employers By T.K. LETCHUMY TAMBOO t.k.letchumy@mmail.com.my

WITH the increasing number of reports on abuse of domestic helpers being lodged, Saba Islamic Domestic Help Advisory (Saidha) initiated the formation of a new programme called Hal Ehwal Pembantu Rumah Indonesia (Helper), aimed at protecting the well-being of Indonesian maids in the country. The Malay Mail spoke to Saidha chairman Sabariah Abdullah to learn more and find out what else is in store for Indonesian maids working in Malaysia.

MM: How did the idea to create Helper come about? SABARIAH: Saidha has been conducting social work for about 20 years and has been helping in abuse cases. When the case of Indonesian maid Muntik Bani surfaced in 2009, we were among the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that went to the Indonesian embassy to show our sympathy and donated RM13,000 to her family. That was when our relationship with the embassy started. In November that year, when the Indonesian embassy asked for “people-to-people” instead of government-to-government assistance, we proposed the Helper programme and it was realised this year. MM: What are the objectives of Helper? SABARIAH: Helper aims to facilitate communication between the departments in the Indonesian embassy with Malaysian government ministries. We also want to restore the country's image. It is sad when it comes to humanitarian issues, Malaysia is painted in a bad light. In a recent survey conducted by Indonesian groups among their university students who were asked whether they thought Malaysia was a cruel countr y, 70 per cent agreed while the other 30 per cent said

they either didn’t agree or were neutral. We want to change that, to show we are a caring society despite having a few 'black sheep'. Also, we would like to advise and assist in protecting the rights of maids and employers. MM: What sort of activities has Helper planned? SABARIAH: Firstly, we will provide training for maids. This training is not similar to the one maids go through under their agencies, where they are taught how to perform certain household chores. Our training will be an acclimatisation programme where we train the maids on Malaysian culture. For example, many Indonesian maids come from poor backgrounds where they cook and clean by the riverside. When they come here, one of the first questions they often ask is where the river is located. We tell them in Malaysia, we cook and clean by using water from taps in our homes. Some maids don't even know what a switch is. We tell them we use electricity and a rice cooker to cook rice. We also provide them with psychological training where they are taught they have the right to report any sort of abuse. We plan for it to be a yearly training. These sessions also provide them the opportunity to voice their grievances. There will also

be seminars for employers who hire new maids and these will be facilitated by the Malaysian Maid Employers Association (Mama), a newly-formed body to look after the interests and well-being of employers. Mama will work hand-in-hand with us on this programme. We ensure the content of the training for maids and seminar for employers complement each other to create quality maids and employers. We also provide a banking service to ensure payment of wages is consistent. Apart from that, the programme also features a ‘violence watch’ which focuses solely on suspected maid abuse. MM: How does violence watch work? SABARIAH: The violence watch network involves the police, volunteer groups and NGOs. Once an abuse situation is identified, our NGO representatives in each State can call our hotline to report it. We will then send these NGOs or volunteer groups with the police to pay the employer's home a visit. Further action will be taken from there. MM: What is the hotline called and what is the number? SABARIAH: Since the programme is still in its early stage,

The Malay Mail Monday 11 JULY, 2011

Bollywood gets July perk AFTER a dull first half of the year, with the ICC World Cup and the IPL taking a toll on box office collections, the film industry has staged a revival of sorts, with releases recording an average occupancy of 70-80 per cent at the theatres, the Indian Express reports. While the industry reportedly lost heavily in the first six months of 2011, blockbusters like Ready and super hits like Delhi Belly and Double Dhamaal in the last few weeks have brought some respite to producers, distributors and exhibitors.

Hit soap 'Dallas' returns

we have not yet set up the hotline. We are in the midst of doing this and we hope to educate the maids about this hotline and encourage them to report any abuse. However, we believe many of them do not know how to use a house phone. This is where neighbours can play an important role. If they see or suspect maids are being abused, they should call our hotline. MM: What are the factors that make a quality maid and quality employer? S A BA R IA H : A q u a l i t y employer would treat their maid humanely, like a member of their family and not like a slave. The employer should also be able to afford a maid. Some families have a joint monthly income of less than RM5,000 and considering their expenses, many simply cannot afford maids. Yet, they are adamant about getting one and end up not paying her salary. On the other hand, quality maids are those who learn to perform their job well, are disciplined and able to deliver their tasks within their contract period.

THE whole world wondered and waited to find out who shot J.R. The cult show from the 1980s is set to return to the small screen more than 20 years after the last show was screened, the Herald Sun reports. Millions of old fans will welcome the return of Larry Hagman as the scheming family patriarch who became a household name at the show's height. Joining him will be other original cast members, including Linda Gray who played wife Sue Ellen, Patrick Duffy, J.R.'s younger brother Bobby, and Charlene Tilton (Lucy Ewing) (pic) in a modern makeover. The new version will focus on the Ewing offspring. J.R. Ewing's son John Ross (Josh Henderson of Desperate Housewives), and Christopher, the adopted son of Bobby and Pam Ewing (Jesse Metcalfe of Desperate Housewives) clash over the family dynasty's future.

MonDay 11 JuLY, 2011

the malay mail


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Monday 11 JULY, 2011 the malay mail


your right to be heard

tel:03-7495 1000/1001/1002 tel:019-261 4948 (after 9pm)

Complainants have to submit their personal particulars and provide a detailed account of their complaint. Complainants have to first file their complaints with the respective parties before contacting Hotline. Complaints referred by Hotline to the relevant parties would be published if there is no response in seven days. After a complaint has been resolved, the complainant cannot demand non-publication of the matter.


Crime-busting residents Association takes own safety measures after authorities fail to act

LAU: Pity the elderly climbing stairs

ALBERT EINSTEIN once said: "Every kind of peaceful cooperation among men is primarily based on mutual trust and only secondarily on institutions such as courts of justice and police." This sums up the efforts by the PPR Rasa Permai Residents Association in Sungai Besi to stop car thefts in their neighbourhood. Says resident KEN HO, 30: "Ever since we set up the association, we have taken safety matters into our own hands after our reports to the police and City Hall proved unfruitful. "After we decided to do our own patrolling, I'm proud to say the cooperation among residents has managed to stop car thefts altogether." He says each household pays a RM30 monthly fee to ensure 24-hour patrolling in the neighbourhood. KEN, whose his car windows were smashed four months ago, says he is lucky to only have his windows damaged as many others have suffered worse.

KUMAR: Van battery stolen three months ago

KEN: Residents do own patrolling

Another resident, NICOLE WOO, says that previously, two or three cars will be broken into daily and have their batteries stolen. "During Chinese New Year this year, seven cars had suffered this fate," the 30-yearold tells Hotline. "Thefts happenned in broad daylight because there weren't any guards patrolling the area during the day before. The culprits stole while the young folk were at work and the older ones at home were defenceless." Grocery shop owner T. KUMAR, 37, says a group of

ROUGH RIDE: Residents complain that the lifts at PPR Rasa Permai are always faulty

youngsters had stolen his car battery about three months ago. "That affected my business. I couldn't go out to buy supplies when my van was in the workshop." In addition to automotive parts, cables have been stolen. "A lot of electric cables were stolen recently," says LEONG ABDULLAH, 50. "The authorities came and investigated but no action was taken." LEONG is helping to supply electricity from his unit to some 50 other units, from the 11th floor to the 17th floor of

Block B. "We had no power for three days, so I decided to help my neighbours by supplying electricity from my house.'' LEONG has been supplying electricity for about a week now and has been hailed as a local hero. LAU KEK LEONG, 48, says the lifts are always faulty. "Complaints to the building management on lifts that don't work have gone unheeded. I'm especially concerned for the elderly walking up all those stairs," says LAU, who has been residing there for a year.

Bus service anything but Nice MUHAMMAD FAZLI ABDUL JALIL feels that Nice should live up to its name to ensure its executive coach passengers get their money's worth. The Subang Bestari resident says his 64-yearold mother and 11-yearold nephew had suffered poor service when travelling from Penang to Kuala Lumpur on June 6. He says the bus was slated to depart at 3pm but ended up departing an hour later, causing his

mother and nephew to arrive at their destination late. "As if that's not bad enough, my mother and nephew also had to endure poor air-conditioning during the long journey. Apparently, it was hot in the bus," says MUHAMMAD FAZLI. "The passengers were also not served the usual packet drinks but only mineral water." He also says one of the television screens in front

of the seats occupied by his mother and nephew was not working. "As regular passengers and holders of the


extends its apologies to MUHAMMAD FAZLI's mother and nephew. Says a spokesman: "Upon receiving the complaint, we conducted checks on the bus and spoke to its driver. The bus has since been sent to

Nice membership card, it is disappointing my mother and nephew had to experience such poor service." the workshop for further checks and repairs." He says Plusliner would like to compensate MUHAMMAD FAZLI's mother and nephew. MUHAMMAD FAZLI says he will call Plusliner and will accept the compensation if offered.

PPR FACT • PPR or the People's

Housing Project was implemented to address the housing concerns of lowincome earners whose household income is less than RM2,500 a month.

The residents are calling for City Hall to build them a boom gate or install similar security measures for added safety.


Hall corporate communications head Anuar Mohd Zain says a team was des-

The average rent for a PPR unit is RM124 a month. A PPR unit can be sold for about RM35,000 in Peninsular Malaysia and RM42,000 in Sabah and Sarawak. patched to investigate the residents' complaints. "After receiving complaints from the residents, our team visited the premises and fixed all the faulty cables last week." He assures residents that their concerns on security are being looked into.

Payment before service? WHAT is the rationale behind banks charging car buyers one per cent payment before documents can be prepared? This is what ADAM ABDULLAH of Putrajaya wants to know. "I was surprised to learn that after I applied for a hire


BERHAD spokesman says they have contacted ADAM and explained that the one

purchase loan with AmBank, I received a call from the loan officer demanding a one per cent payment before they can prepare the documents for me," he tells Hotline. "Is this a standard practice with banks?" ADAM wants AmBank to clarify. per cent is to be paid to the car dealer. "He has accepted our explanation," says the spokesman.

RADIO TAXI SERVICE: • Comfort- 03-80242727 • KL Teksi - 03-92218999 • Public Cab - 03-62592020

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Monday 11 JULY, 2011

• Sulnlight - 03-90589986'

the malay mail

Feeling hot over faulty car air-cond

SHE did not expect the Honda City i-DSI she bought in 2007 to be problematic. But SUZANNE MATHAN claims that in the last three years, her car air-conditioner has malfunctioned six times. The Taman Melewar resident says the car has only been serviced at a Honda authorised service centre in Setapak and nowhere else. "The air-cond first malfunctioned in 2009. Three months after I serviced it, it became faulty again and the problem continued over a six-month period." SUZANNE says that al-

though the service centre replaced several parts, the problem remained. Earlier this month, she lodged another complaint with the service centre and it replaced a few more parts. "Hardly two weeks later, it became faulty again," says SUZANNE, who wonders whether it is because of the quality of the parts or standard of service provided by the technicians. She says the amount of money and time spent travelling to and from the service centre "is not what a customer pays for when they buy a

Honda". "The least Honda can do is replace the unit, which is ob● A HONDA MALAYSIA SDN BHD spokesman says they regret that SUZANNE’s Honda City i-DSI has a problematic air-conditioning unit. "We have communicated with the customer and our dealer to further investigate the root cause of the problem. Our team would conduct a thorough investigation on the

viously faulty, and provide me with a replacement car in the meantime." vehicle as it is uncommon for such a problem to reoccur so many times," he says. The spokesman says the matter is high on Honda's priority list and they hope to solve SUZANNE’s concern permanently. He says the customer has agreed to Honda’s proposal and an appointment has been made.

Shocked by cracked tyres Company provides new set for free 'out of goodwill'

CRACKED tyres are a cause for concern. In August 2009, 31-yearold Petaling Jaya resident M. MAHAVIKNARAJ replaced four Continental Sime Tyre (CST) tyres with four new ones worth RM1,280 but paid only RM320 under a "dealer concession". On June 26 this year, his wife, who usually drives the car, found one tyre to be torn. When AAM inspected the vehicle two days later, the couple was shocked to learn all four tyres were cracked. MAHAVIKNARAJ says the receipt issued by CST PJ to his tyre dealer had stated that the front tyres had 20 per cent wear while the other two were new. He says he has been recommended to change both front tyres for RM140 while the back tyres will be replaced free after a concession. "I have been advised to change to Dunlop tyres as the production of the CST tyres I'm currently using has ceased." However, he questions the need to fork out more money to replace the tyres. "My wife often drives with our 18-month-old son in the car. If anything happens to them, is the company going to compensate me? My family's safety is at risk." On July 1, after being referred to CST in Puchong, MAHAVIKNARAJ claims he was told to top up RM152 for two new front tyres and RM120 for the back tyres.

"It was only after I made noise and threatened media exposure that my plight was noticed by the CEO. I got all four tyres changed for free. "I wonder, what about customers who remain quiet? They would be taken for a ride."

CONTINENTAL Sime Tyre PJ Sdn Bhd customer service manager A.K. Lee says: "When MAHAVIKNARAJ reported his tyre condition on June 28, we immediately sent our representative to inspect the tyres and later issued a receipt to him indicating the concession percentage based on the tyres' remaining tread depth. This is standard policy to work out the concession rate." Lee says the receipt, dated June 28, valid for a week, was referred to their dealer in Bandar Sunway where MAHAVIKNARAJ first bought his tyres in 2009. "Our representative also checked with another dealer in Sungai Besi who could instantly change a new tyre set for the complainant but he didn't agree, probably due to travel time." Lee explains that when MAHAVIKNARAJ went to the Bandar Sunway dealer several days later, no stock was available for immediate change. That was why MAHAVIKNARAJ visited their office on July 1 to report on the matter, he says. "We then called our Puchong dealer to ensure avail-


Online Hotline comments www.mmail.com.my Bangsar crawl (July 8) THE congestion at all LRT stations in KL is because of the same problem: taxis and private cars stopping at the roadside to wait for passengers. I mean, this is a known issue, it is up to the relevant parties to take action. Sadly, this is Malaysia bolehland. The authorities will only do their work when there is pressure from media or politician. — Anonymous Should I surrender MyKad? (July 7) I HAD similar experiences at Menara Bata, D'sara Perdana and Block A in PJ 8. Can't they just take down our particulars when we produce our IC for security and verification purposes? — Anonymous It's not a car-stop (July 7) PEOPLE are generally reluctant to leave their cars at home. A congestion fee will force people to think twice about taking the car to the city especially during rush hour. There are more than enough buses and taxis in the city but with too many cars jamming up the roads, how are they supposed to move about quickly? Bus drivers are human, too, and driving through massive jams throughout the day will definitely vex them out during the evening rush hour. — Anonymous Parking nightmare (July 7) DATUK Bandar and DBKL should be more considerate when issuing summonses to vehicles parked along both sides of the roads in Brickfields. A lot of the vehicles, although parked on both sides of the roads, do not actually cause a traffic jam or inconvenience to other road users. DBKL knows there is not ample parking space in Brickfields yet they go there daily to issue summonses. Many of us who frequent the Brickfields area understand and know that parking space is scarce and we do not complain to DBKL about vehicles parked on both sides of the road and we, too, wait to find any empty space to park as well. — Shaktiman YOUR parking summons is used to build the multilevel open car park. — Anonymous

DAMAGED: Mahaviknaraj showing the crack on one of the tyres

able stock and referred the complainant there to get the replacements. We recommended him another pattern on Dunlop. There is usually a price difference, especially over a period of time and the difference in value based on the concession percentage." Lee says out of the com-

pany's goodwill, MAHAVIKNARAJ got a free new set of tyres as well as balancing and alignment checks, and tubeless valve replacement. "We value our customers and deal with each case in a fair, fast and reliable manner."

TYRE TREAD FACT • TREAD depth is a verti-

cal measurement between the top of the tread rubber to the bottom of the tyre's deepest grooves. To preserve the life of your tyres' tread, make sure that they are properly inflated at all

times. Over or under-inflated tyres can put unnecessary wear on the rubber, decreasing your vehicle's fuel efficiency and even making it much more hazardous to drive during bad weather.

Still waiting for concert refund (July 7) NEXT time, just buy the CD or DVD and watch at home. Will cost less than RM200 for the originals. Don't waste time and money watching live concerts here. — Anonymous A sticky situation (July 5) DON'T waste taxpayers' time by removing all the posters. Just check the telephone number on those stickers and arrest their owners accordingly for defacing public properties. Better yet, follow Singapore where such offenders will be whipped. Issued summons despite leaving (July 8) CHOONG, when you are wrong, you are wrong! The fact that you sped off and not being given the summons personally by the policewoman does not mean you are given exemption from an offence you had clearly committed. If only you had not parked your car on the yellow line in the first place then you would not be making the complaint to Hotline, not to mention receiving the RM100 summons! — Lawabiding citizen

10 letters&opinions Monday 11 JULY, 2011

the malay mail

● Opinions may be in the form of Letters to the Editor or comments posted in relation to all news.

Mail: Letters To The Editor, Malay Mail Sdn Bhd, Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200, Petaling Jaya, Selangor

● Letters to the Editor must carry your name, address and contact number. A pseudonym may be included. Email: mmnews@mmail.com.my Fax: 03-7495 1229

Unnecessary hassle

KL Bersih 2.0: Standoff at Merdeka Stadium (July 9)

WAS Saturday's street rally really necessary, to a point of disrupting the lives of the majority of the rakyat? This is a good lesson for the voters to decide who they should not vote for in the next general election. After much publicity in the past month, everybody knew the issues brought up by the Bersih 2.0 comm itt e e . T h e y s ai d t h e y wanted to reform the electoral system. For this, you don't need to take to the streets. All that is necessary is to conduct an indoor meeting, prepare an appropriate memo and submit it to the King or the Prime Minister, who will surely address the issue and give a reply. But taking to the streets and creating havoc is simply unacceptable. There is always a peaceful means to solve problems, especially in the plural society of Malaysia. It makes me wonder why is it that despite numerous calls to the organisers to cancel the rally, they remaine d stubb or n and

Election guesswork

WHY do we Malaysians always have to be trapped in a guessing game when it comes to the general election (GE)? Why does the government always choose a "feel good period" to call for an election? It is an obvious waste of money if we have an early election for every term. Imagine how much of the people's money we can save. Tell me, is this fair to the taxpayers? The time is ripe to pre-fix a

disruption: Taking to the streets and causing havoc is unacceptable

went on with it. Wa s i t b e c a u s e t h e y couldn't call it off? I hope the authorities will investi-

gate this matter. For me, I am hoping there will be no more street rallies in Malaysia in the

future. Street rallies are not for a civilised society. Anandh

Soon, Malaysia will be celebrating 54 years of independence and we have people acting like thugs. In the end, nothing is gained (of course, all the parties involved — Bersih, Patriot and the police force — will beg to differ; each had described the rally a success in their own perspective). So what have we learnt from the rally?

The biggest losers were the general public who were stuck in horrendous traffic jams in the outskirts of the city. Businesses probably lost millions. Cabbies avoided the city altogether while residents nearby were probably hiding in fear. Another thing which one cannot fathom was that after all the hoohah, those arrested were even served with buffet meals while the

policemen on duty took down their personal details. Questioning how things are being done and asking for an effective solution is fine but there is a better way to do things. Together, we must find a better way to make this country a pleasant, prosperous and successful place to stay. Bulbir Singh

KL Astro’s rate hike

Price increase must be justified AS reported recently in the media, many have expressed their dissatisfaction over Astro's planned rate hike. The Cabinet last week rejected the rate hike pending the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission's (MCMC) consent but this seems to be more of a delay than anything. Like many businesses, surely Astro would want to make money. However, it is customers like myself who will have to bear the cost.

Pro Malaysia

Reporting the truth

A waste of time, energy and resources THE question I would like to ask is how can anyone win in a demonstration, more so an illegal one like Saturday's case. Just stop all these rally nonsense, it is not worth it. What should have been done was for all parties to initiate talks first. Street rallies are a waste of time, energy and resources. They are not for us. It is just not the way we do things here.

date, just like the US election. Try zero-campaigning, zeroadvertising on television and zero-donations. Just keep it clean and straightforward and, most of all, be fair to all (including the nation's coffers). Malaysia needs to be a mature country and it needs a mature government more than it needs to be a developed nation.

I have been a loyal customer of Astro for years now but once every few months, there appears to be a price hike in my bills. I used to pay RM60 but now I'm paying about RM100. That is quite a large amount when all of us have other expenses and we can't be paying fees that keep going up as and when Astro sees fit. On July 11, Astro is set to make its decision. If they choose to increase the price, I will certainly encourage

people to stop subscribing. Firstly, is there any justification to the increase? Why do I have to pay so much when most shows are repeated? A call to Astro last week did not yield a satisfactory explanation. The customer service claimed the hike is due to their shows, mostly sports, being telecast live. How could this even be possible when they have sponsors and their own satellites? Furthermore, not everyone subscribes to the sports pack-

ages and it would be unfair to them. The reason why people subscribe to Astro is the chance to watch a variety of shows. I am sure many can identify with me as most of us have been paying so much watching repeats of shows. Increasing the channels won't do much help either because many people won't have the time to watch them. Lucian

THERE were three groups gathering in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday. All three, together with the police's safety measures, contributed to the traffic disruptions, inconvenience to public and losses to businesses. However, the mainstream media, and those aligned to it, reported mainly on one group as being responsible for the disruptions: Bersih 2.0, which is composed of, I think, 52 NGOs whose members include many distinguished citizens, repected persons, professionals and political leaders from PKR, PAS and DAP. The local television stations and media organisations seemed to have selective observation faculties and memory.

They failed to mention the other two groups: 'Patriot', headed by Umno Youth's Khairy Jamaluddin, and Perkasa were equally responsible, with thousands of their supporters gathering near the Maybank/Puduraya areas. For the same reason, referring to the Bersih 2.0 group as "opposition" is also incorrect. The newscasters seemed to have failed to clarify under what category both Patriot and Perkasa were in. Television reports should provide balanced views and be impartial. Maybe this is why viewers have little confidence in the truth of their news and prefer the cyberspace to seek the truth, even though it may not be the case. Gursharan Singh

The Malay Mail-Dutch Lady HAMPER FOR CHARITY THE best opinion of the week as decided by the editor will win a hamper from Dutch Lady Malaysia for charitable institutions. Readers are encouraged to nominate charities deserving of this gesture. The Malay Mail will deliver the winning hamper.

KL There goes my breakfast! (July 6)

Why take so long? IT actually took City Hall 10 long years to come down hard on illegal stall operators in Taman Bunga Raya, Setapak? Kudos are in order, but 10 years? Why does it take so long to take action? This surely does not go well if City Hall wants to

show that it is an efficient entity. And since City Hall is at it, please demolish illegal stalls at other areas around the city, too. There are plenty of them, just to be fair. Awang

The Malay Mail Monday 11 JULY, 2011

Twitter Your S@y Movie madness

Naza plans to open 25 more Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt outlets, bringing the total to 65 — Naza Tutti Frutti (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd executive director Izham Hakimi Hamdi KUALA LUMPUR

A TRIP to the cinema should be an enjoyable time with family or friends but often, the experience is spoiled by people talking loudly as though they are in a restaurant and moving their legs so much they keep knocking into the back of your seat. What are some of your worst experiences in the cinema halls? Here are some of the responses to this writer at @jloong87. Some tweets have been modified without altering the intent of their messages.

Jimmy Shanley's bundle of joy keeps hope of reconciliation with estranged wife alive By JOE LEE joelee@mmail.com.my

@anunair: While watch ing The A-Team, two girls sitting next to me kept saying 'OMG! So cool!' every 30 seconds. Very annoying! Also, I hate it when people ask questions about what's going on while watching. Ask questions later lah. So annoying! @ehouzie1: I hate when people fall asleep in the cinema and star t snoring! Also when they star t talking out loud to their friends.

le @icednyior: Peop e th in ly ud talking lo tcinema commen ie ov m e th ing about r or talking on thei phone. @irwanarg try to imp h: Idiots who re friends w ss their girlith comm taries an end AND pare wisecracks. n crying ba ts who bring bies into the cinema.

ple h: Peo our) or o l h a i r @aza O (body od g next with B eath sittin r bad b . to you

@caydencelo gave himself w: An uncle while watch an 'ahem' in movie. Anyw g a horror a after he was y, he left done.

Daddy's little girl

JIMMY: I may have failed as a husband but I want to be a good father

IT has been nine months since TV personality Jimmy Shanley Norjahan Salleh's wife left him three weeks after they married on Oct 1 last year. He has not given up hopes of a reconciliation, especially since his estranged wife, Nursuhaila Eliani Suhaimy, gave birth to their daughter on June 24. "Hopefully, Nursuhaila and I can reconcile before our daughter Zahrah Shanley starts to speak," said the Ipoh-born, who will turn 31 on Wednesday. "I promised Nursuhaila's parents I would not divorce her and will wait for her to return to me, even if I have to wait until I die." Jimmy regrets filing two applications for kembali taat and nusyuz (recalcitrance) against 25-year-old Nursuhaila in January this year.

"When we exchanged vows nine months ago, I believed it will be till death do us part'," said Jimmy, who gained popularity as the first host of Astro Ria's Trek Selebriti programme that focused on finalists of Akademi Fantasia, the country's first reality TV programme that ran from 2003 to this year. "I have done my best as a husband and although Nursuhaila left me, she never uttered a bad word against me. I am grateful to everyone who has given me moral support." Jimmy said since the birth of Zahrah, he was now a frequent visitor to Nursuhaila's parents' home at Sunway Rahman Putera in Sungai Buloh, Selangor. “I have the permission of my in-laws to take care of Zahrah. It's a wonderful feeling to be a father and experience the joy of holding my own child. "However, I am sad my par-

ents are no longer here to see their grandchild. I may have failed as a husband but I want to be a good father." Jimmy said until he and Nursuhaila reconciled, he did not intend to take Zahrah away from her mother. "I want to spend more time looking after Zahrah and will be limiting my showbiz career to certain projects," he said, adding he had an exclusive talent contract with Astro. "I host Astro Awani's entertainment news programme Gala TV Plus and from today, will be partnering Raja Lawak Astro champion Azrul on a trial basis over Astro radio channel h i t z . fm."



Taiwan to tighten shark fin ban TAIWAN, one of the world's major shark catchers, announced plans yesterday to tighten measures against hunting the ocean predator for its fin, the island's top fisheries official said. Taiwan fishermen are already barred from tossing sharks back into the water to die after slicing off the fin and are required to ship back the carcass. But the measures have failed to stifle criticism from conservationists who say loopholes in the law allow finning to continue. — AFP

Garbage could be killing whales MILLIONS of tonnes of plastic debris dumped each year in the world's oceans could pose a lethal threat to whales, according to a scientific assessment to be presented at a key international whaling forum this week. A review of research literature from the last two decades reveals hundreds of cases in which cetaceans, an order including 80-odd species of whales, dolphins and porpoises, have been sickened or killed by marine litter. — AFP


Rain's last tour before army jaunt By LOONG WAI TING waiting@mmail.com.my

BEFORE marching into 21 months of mandatory military service later this year, South Korean superstar Rain (pic) has a parting treat for his fans — a series of concerts in his homeland over the next two months. The singer-actor, born Jung JiHoon, who just turned 29 on June 25, promised to give his all in what has been billed "The Best Show: Korean Tour". His shows will kick off in Busan on Aug 13 and 14, followed by Daegu on Aug 27, Jeju Island on Sept 3, Gwangju on Sept 17, Daejon on Sept 18 and wrap up in his birth-

place of Seoul on Sept 24 and 25. Tickets go on sale from today. Rain's plan to join the national service has attracted the attention of fans the world over, much like the late Elvis Presley, who took a two-year break from showbiz upon being enlisted in the US army in March 1958 as a private, then posted to Germany in October the same year until he was honorably discharged with the rank of sergeant in March 1960.

'Blade Runner' tops sci-fi film poll CULT hit Blade Runner has been named the greatest science-fiction film of all time by movie buffs, beating the ever-popular Star Wars. Ridley Scott's futuristic tale, starring Harrison Ford as android hunter Rick Deckard, triumphed in a poll for Total Film magazine, reports The Age. The film, which celebrates its 30th anniversary next year, initially struggled at the box office but went on to be viewed as a classic.



US officials in debt crisis talks US President Barack Obama and top Republican foes began crisis talks at the White House yesterday aimed at staving off a potentially catastrophic debt default in early August.Republicans are refusing to raise the US$14.29 trillion (RM42trillion) debt limit unless Obama agrees to curb the ballooning budget deficit by concentrating on trimming costly government-funded social welfare programmes rather than raising taxes on the wealthy. -- AFP

10 killed in Honduras bus crash AT least 10 people were killed and 18 wounded yesterday after a King Quality bus crashed in western Honduras, fire department officials said. The accident occurred on a steep hill near the town of Los Hornos, fire department official Edgardo Orellana told AFP by telephone. King Quality bus is a Salvadoran bus line founded in 1992. — AFP

An explosion near a church outside the Nigerian capital of Lagos yesterday killed at least three people while seven were critically wounded, a Red Cross official said — AFP NEW DELHI

Railway carnage 35 dead, 200 hurt in two separate train crashes in India

HUMAN DISASTER: Bystanders look on as mangled passenger carriages are seen at the site of a train accident in Fatehpur. At least 35 people were killed and up to 100 injured when a train in northern India derailed yesterday. — AFPpic

TWO passenger trains were derailed in separate incidents in India yesterday, leaving at least 35 people dead and 200 injured in a day of carnage on the country's railways. In the first accident in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, a packed train travelling at full speed was thrown off the tracks, killing 35 passengers as twisted carriages were forced on top of each other. Later, an explosion hit another train in the northeastern state of Assam, but police were unable to say whether the blast was caused

by separatist militants active in the area. About 100 people were injured in each of the derailments, officials said, with rescue teams and local residents trying to free people trapped inside the carriages. "We were sitting in our seats when suddenly everything turned upside down," a male passenger interviewed by the CNNIBN news channel said at the scene of the earlier derailment in Uttar Pradesh, 150km south of Lucknow city. "When the train stopped we broke the glass windows to jump

out on the track." K.N. Joshi, the district chief medical officer for nearby Fatehpur, told media some victims remained in the carriages as night fell. The Press Trust of India news agency reported the driver was among the injured and the train, carrying about 1,000 people, was moving at near its top speed of 108km an hour when it derailed. The Kalka Mail was heading from Howrah, the main station for the eastern city of Kolkata, across India to the capital New


Delhi when it left the tracks. Emergency teams were still working in the dark to cut their way into two carriages to search for survivors. Officials said the death toll could rise and that an investigation had been launched. At the incident in Assam state, no fatalities were reported but 20 of the 100 injured were described by police as being in a serious condition. The Guwahati-Puri Express was nearing Ghograpara, about 70km from Assam's main city of Guwahati, when

the blast struck. "There was a loud explosion and it was total chaos soon after," Jiten Das told media by telephone. "The coach in which I was travelling skidded off the track and fell in marshy land with waist-deep water. Somehow we managed to get out. I cut my head and arms and have a wound in my chest." Three days ago, 38 people were killed in a rail crash in Uttar Pradesh when a train slammed into a bus carrying a wedding party. — AFP


Slim hope of finding survivors of sunk Volga cruise ship RUSSIAN divers scoured the murky Volga River early today as hopes dwindled of finding more than 100 people, many of them children, whose Soviet-era cruise ship went down in a heavy storm. Rescuers confirmed two fatalities after picking up some 80 people off the Bulgaria, a 56-year old craft packed with about 150 tourists and more than 30 crew who were taking a traditional ride in a popular vacation spot. But rescuers said the 47 divers who had reached the stricken craft by nightfall had found few signs of life. "The results of the inspection show the chance of us

The Malay Mail Monday 11 JULY, 2011

finding survivors are minimal," an emergencies ministry official in Moscow told the Interfax news agency. Survivors and other witnesses described a storm yesterday afternoon that suddenly made the twodeck boat tilt right in a wide bend of the river before it capsized and sank in a matter of minutes. Officials had initially placed their hopes on a string of 13 islets nearby that could have provided potential shelter for those who slipped into the current. But several weeping survivors draped in thick blankets described how they had been unable to save loved ones after climbing

on board a nearby craft that had rushed to their rescue. "My son-in-law telephoned to say he held out his hand to his wife but she could not grab on," one man standing on a pier and staring into the water told Rossiya 24 State television. "He could not pull her out." Another woman described her own child slipping out of her arms as the boat quickly filled with water as it sank. "I held her to the last. She slipped out," the woman said. "Almost none of the children survived. And there so many children, far more of them than the adults. Some had two, three or four chil-

dren with them," said the woman. One man said around 30 children had gathered in a playroom on the second deck moments before the accident. "I fear they all died," the unnamed survivor said. "It flipped over in three minutes and sank. Lots of people died." The transportation ministry later issued a statement saying the Bulgaria had passed a full safety check on June 15. The accident happened some 800km east of Moscow at one of the widest points of the river. The 80-metre boat sank some three kilometres off shore. — AFP

Pressure builds to prosecute Strauss-Kahn case A NEW YORK state senator and a coalition of women's rights groups and community leaders gathered yesterday to defend the alleged victim of former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn (pic) and demand the prosecution continue the sexual assault case. "We are here to ask the District Attorney to do his job. We ask (DA) Vance to let the victim have her day in court," said New York Democratic Senator Bill Perkins at a news conference in Harlem. Accompanied by representatives from the African American, Muslim and Latino communities in New York, including Miss Guinea USA, Perkins criticised the prosecution for reports they might abandon

the case because of the credibility of the Sofitel employee who brought charges against Strauss-Kahn in May. "A dismissal would discourage victims from coming forward for fear that they themselves would be put on trial," Perkins said, adding that Strauss-Kahn's credibility should also be in question following charges of attempted rape in France. "There appears to be enough compelling physical evidence in support of the victim's allegations for the District Attorney's office to move forward with the pursuit of this case," he said. Strauss-Kahn is a c c us e d of s e ve n charges, including attempted rape. — AFP

The Malay Mail Monday 11 JUly, 2011

Syria opened a 'national dialogue' yesterday as a step towards multi-party democracy after five decades of Baath party rule, although an opposition boycott undermined its credibility -- AFP

Carbon tax hits working families

A LEADING figure in the Irish entertainment industry may be the latest victim of the News of the World hacking scandal, the Irish Independent reports. The well-known entertainer believes they are one of 17 high-profile celebrities targeted by private investigators who were employed by the newspaper. The Irish star is the latest in a long list of celebrities, — including actress Sienna Miller, footballing couple Wayne and Coleen Rooney and comedian Steve Coogan.

Cheap wines worry Aussie doctors SURGEON John Crozier operates on some of the 1,500 Australians sent to hospital every week as a result of alcohol and can't understand why wine should sell for as little as A$2 (RM6.50) a bottle, The Age reports. ''If a bottle of water is more expensive than a bottle of wine, something is fundamentally wrong,'' says Dr Crozier. He is deputy chairman of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, the body that played a key role in the introduction of random breath testing in the 1970s.



Musical legacy

FAMILIES earning more than A$110,000 (RM355,000) will feel the pain of Prime Minister Julia Gillard's A$8 billion-a-year carbon tax gamble, the Herald Sun reports. Households face a A$9.90 a week jump in the cost of living, or a 0.7 per cent increase. Electricity will go up A$3.30 a week and gas A$1.50. But tax cuts and increases in welfare and family benefits will deliver average compensation of A$10.10 a week. which began July 1.

Irish star phone hack victim


Pakistan, second home of the Scottish bagpipes

FINAL ENCOUNTER: Space shuttle Atlantis docking with the International Space Station yesterday. Atlantis began its 12-day journey on Friday with a flawless liftoff from Kennedy Space Centre. This final flight marks the end of an era for NASA, leaving Americans with no actively operating government-run human spaceflight programme. – AFPpic


Atlantis' last space stop THE shuttle Atlantis docked at the orbiting International Space Station for one last hitch-up yesterday, on its final space voyage before the entire 30-year US shuttle programme shuts down for good. The shuttle docked at 1507 GMT, just over an hour after the spacecraft performed its habitual slow backflip so that the ISS crew could take pictures of Atlantis's heat shield before clasping onto the lab, NASA said. " We l c o m e t o t h e International Space Station for the last time," said ISS flight engineer Ron Garan after the linkup took place 386km high over New Zealand.

Hatches opened between the two spacecraft and the four Atlantis astronauts floated across to greet their ISS crewmates with hugs and smiles. Atlantis began its 12-day journey on Friday with a picture-perfect liftoff from Kennedy Space Center that was watched locally by hundreds of thousands of tourists, and marked the last-ever blastoff of the three decade long programme. The flight marks the end of an era for NASA, leaving Americans with no actively operating government-run human spaceflight programme and no method for sending astronauts to space


'Transformers' still tops THE film Transformers: Dark of the Moon maintained its box-office dominance, according to industry estimates yesterday, easily overpowering all other comers to become weekend's top earning film for a second week. Actor Shia LaBeouf stars in the blockbuster robot action film, which earned an estimated US$47 million (RM140m), bringing its two-week, North American total to US$261 million. In second place was Horrible Bosses,starring Kevin Spacey and Jennifer Aniston, a dark comedy that grossed slightly more than US$28 million on its opening weekend. — AFP

until private industry comes up with a new capsule, likely by 2015 at the earliest. With the shuttle gone, only Russia's three-seat Soyuz capsules will be capable of carrying astronauts to the ISS at a cost of more than US$50 million (RM149m) per seat. The shuttle's return to Earth is currently scheduled for July 20, though NASA may add an extra day to the mission. After that, NASA will continue working with private industry on plans to build a next generation spacecraft to tote astronauts and cargo to the ISS, while NASA focuses on a multipurpose crew vehicle that could take astronauts to deep space. —AFP

THE skirl of bagpipes may conjure up the chilly moors of Scotland, but a British colonial legacy means the unique sound is echoed on Pakistan's dusty Punjab plains. Not only do Pakistanis play the instruments, they manufacture them and claim to export more than any country except Scotland. "Pakistan is the second country after Scotland which exports bagpipes," said Farooq Ahmad, owner of the Imperial Bagpipe Manufacturing Company, who says he ships abroad up to 6,000 ebony and rosewood bagpipes a year. "Many of our clients prefer Pakistani bagpipes because we sell a good quality ebony wood bagpipe for US$400 (RM1,100), which would cost US$1,632 in Scotland," Farooq added. The bagpipes' wail might be mocked in popular culture but Ahmad's 25-year-old son Ibrahim has been brought up on a musical diet of little else, learning the business and traditional Scottish tunes along the way. His home, the industrious town of Sialkot, has made Pakistan one of the world's top manufacturers of bagpipes and other musical instruments in a trade worth US$6.8 million a year. The history of bagpipe production there began in 1920 when a trader from Scotland came to explore the city as a possible outlet.

"Guaranteeing the export of high quality products is something that requires meticulous craftsmanship and finesse," said Ibrahim, checking over bagpipes at his father's factory, which turns out around 200 a month. "We receive export orders mostly from the United Kingdom, the United states, Australia, France, Germany, New Zealand and China. "I love playing a bagpipe. It is a great source of relaxation," said Ibrahim, who is also a member of a local pipe band in the town, 230km southeast of Islamabad. "We have great potential," he said of the industry, thriving despite a Taliban and al-Qaeda linked insurgency that has killed more than 4,410 people since July 2007. "I have just received 147 queries by email from different countries including Britain, with buyers showing interest in importing ebony wood and rosewood bagpipes, jackets, caps and shawls for bagpipers," he said. Sialkot has more than 20 private bagpipe bands, run mostly by students and businessmen. "This is the kind of fever that allows us to draw the conclusion that bagpipes are still a popular musical instrument in Pakistan," said Zafar Iqbal Geoffrey, bagpipe exporter and owner of M.H. Geoffrey and Company. — AFP

BOX-OFFICE top ten Top grossing films last week 1 Transformers: Dark of the Moon — US$47m (total US$261m) 2 Horrible Bosses — US$28.1m (total US$28.1m) 3 Zookeeper — US$21m (total US$21m) 4 Cars 2 — US$15.2m (total US$149m) 5 Bad Teacher — US$9m (total US$78.8m) 6 Larry Crowne — US$6.26m (total US$26.5m) 7 Super 8 — US$4.83m (total US$118m) 8 Monte Carlo — US$3.8m (total US$16.1m) 9 Green Lantern — US$3.12m (total US$110m) 10 Mr. Popper's Penguins — US$2.85M (total US$57.7M)

CROSS-CULTURES: Ibrahim tests a bagpipe at a factory CRO

in Sialkot. Not only do Pakistanis play the instruments, they manufacture them and claim to export more than any country except Scotland. — AFPpic

14 lifestyle

By anu venugopal anu@mmail.com.my OLD friends were reacquainted, new friends were made and children’s lives were saved at the 12th Charity Jam Session at RP Entertainment Centre, The Saujana Kuala Lumpur recently. Held on July 2 from 2pm until 1am, the 12th edition of the jam session with a cause was organised to help children in need at the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (Picu), a part of University Ma­laya Medical Centre. Like previous editions, the charity event saw Malaysians from all walks of lives spending hours at the venue to lend their support to the good people at Picu who take care of criticallyill children aged one to 14, every day. Organised by the Ma­laysian Association of Hotels (MAH) as part of their corporate social responsibil­ity programme, the generous public were treated to cheap drinks and a variety of food hosted by many hotels in the Klang Valley. The musicfood-drinks gathering also saw the collaboration between The Saujana Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Chef's Association of Malaysia (CAM), the Malaysian Food and Beverage Executives Association (MFBEA), and the Malaysian Association of Housekeepers (Mahir). Members of the public lend their support by purchasing booklets of coupons for food and drinks at the cosy RP En­ tertainment Centre. Many were seen moving their feet and singing along to the popular songs performed by local bands, including con­ temporary hits and numbers from the '60s right up to the '90s. Many contributors to the cause were regulars of the charitable event, which was

The Malay Mail Monday 11 july, 2011

Fun night for a good cause

first held in 2000 at Uncle Chilli's, PJ Hilton before moving to The Saujana the following year. Bands who volunteered their time and talent to make the event successful were Artstream, Fats & Vernon, Small Stones, Joe "Elvis" Rosario, SWV, Chemistry, Sensations, Bon Fire, D'Stags, Carbolic Smoke Balls, Corn Cake Kings and Sharin Band. The members of interestingly-named band Corn Cake Kings are regular volunteers at the Charity Jam, performing seven out of 12 editions. Formed in 2005, the two mainstays, Julian Mokhtar (guitar and vocals) and Aznan Aziz (guitar, vocals and harmonica) entertained the crowd with an assortment of songs from various musical genres, including folk and country rock. The band, who rocked

selves. With Sharin (guitar and vocals), Gmanz (bass) and Man Kanan (drums), the energetic band showed the true meaning of rock with Pink

SUPPORTING THE CAUSE: Food galore at The Saujana Kuala Lumpur

to showcase their talents, with the possibility of them being signed by hotels as in-house bands or even going international. The charitable event, held on the first Saturday of each July since its launch, was sponsored by Carlsberg Malaysia and saw its guests winning complimentary hotel packages

and participating in a Dutch auction with RM11,000 worth of holiday packages won. Hoping to reach a target of RM60,000 to purchase medical equipment to support the well being of children registered at Picu, the event has so far raised RM413,881. This year's Charity Jam was supported by media partners, Hooha Asia and The Malay Mail.

ENERGETIC: Sharin Band rocking ACDC’s Highway To Hell — Pics: Shahir Omar

AIZA: One of the highlights of the purposeful event

REGULAR KINGS: The Corn Cake Kings has performed in seven out of the 12 Charity Jam sessions

ACDC’s Highway To Hell, has performed at various venues in KL and PJ, including Little Havana, No Black Tie and Ol’ Skool bistro. 'Rock and rollers' Sharin Band also gave the audience a good time for their charitable money, performing a string of rock hits that got the crowd feeling like rock stars them-

functions and events. With Indian and Arabic parentage, there is no doubt that her exotic looks and passion for the Middle-eastern dance paved her way to be one of the highlights of the purposeful event. With the philosophy 'No Child Shall Knock In Vain’ close to heart, the Charity Jam is also a good avenue for local bands

Floyd’s We Don’t Need No Education, a crowd-favourite before leaving for their next performance at Dynasty, Plaza Damas. This year’s charity jam, the last one headed by organising chairman S.S. Raja, also had a change of programme this time around. While most performers consisted of men in bands, one of the surprises in store that Saturday evening included the sexy, sashaying talents of belly dancer, Aiza. The petite, youthful looking 30-year-old from Ipoh gave audience a delightful change with her belly dancing techniques, honed after 12 years of experience in the artistic field. No stranger to dancing in charity events, Aiza also performs for

Treating fans like royalty “I made a promise to my fans a long time ago and now I’m finally keeping it.” Aizat Amdan’s rise to the top of the new acts crop that has taken the Malaysian music industry by storm came with the promise, and now finally, the 22-year-old is getting up close and personal with his fans in Borneo. His ‘Borneo Tour’, aptly

themed 'Celebration of Music', will be a treat for his fans in Sabah and Sarawak with stopovers at Stadium Perpaduan, Kuching on July 16 and Dewan KDCA, Penampang, Kota Kinabalu on July 22 for a full-blown concert. "The idea for the concert is to celebrate my fans who have been with me from the start of my career and to thank them personally for their undying support. “These two locations are a start, and if the response is good, I plan to take the show to other venues around the country as well.” At a time when most acts dare not even stage a full-scale concert, let alone a tour — the guitar-toting Aizat admitted that his dream materialised as a result of the sold-out, one-night concert at the Bentley Music Auditorium at Wisma Bentley, Mutiara Damansara last January. “The show will be along the lines of what we did, but definitely more amp-ed up. About two hours long, I will perform along nine musicians and backing vocals. “The arrangements for the live set (of the Borneo Tour) have been put together by myself and my brother Anas to ensure that we are able to deliver the best live concert experience to those who are attending.” Meanwhile, he’s busy beefing up his command of the local language to enable him to BUSY PREPARING: Aizat is currently communicating especially with his Sarawakian fans via social networks

communicate with fans more fluently. As it is, Aizat is busy communicating especially with Sarawakian fans via social networks to ensure that he will be able to banter easily with them. Expect a string of hits to be performed like Hanya Kau Yang Mampu, Fikirlah, Lagu Kita, Kau Aku, Pergi, Years From Now and Sungai Lui, among many from his two albums, Percubaan Pertama and Urusan Aizat Amdan. The concert will feature hip hop act Altimet and DJ Fuzz. The opening act will be Sarawak-born Amir Jahari, a new artiste under Aizat's own Kasi Gegar Entertainment. Amir's first work is produced by Aizat and Anas. For the Sabah leg, the opening act is local talent Jimmy Palikat. Tickets for Aizat's 'Borneo adventure' are priced at RM35 and RM50, with RM5 off every ticket sale to go towards the Taman Harapan Fund. Tickets are on sale online at www.mall. aizatamdan.com as well as at concert venues. Early birds will have the experience magnified as the first 1,000 to purchase tickets will be placed in the Rock Zone right in front of the stage. Tickets are limited with Stadium Perpaduan offering a capacity of 5,000 but Aizat is keeping his fingers crossed that his bet to take the show to East Malaysia will bear fruit. “I’m actually worried about filling the venues, but with the reassurance from my fans, it’s not an impossible feat. At least, I’m keeping my promise to my fans. Better late than never,” he said with a cheeky grin. — By JOE LEE

lifestyle 15

The Malay Mail Monday 11 july, 2011

She's international... but still misses home By JOE LEE joelee@mmail.com.my

twitter @klubbkiddkl “I don’t want to go back,” whined Yunalis Zarai (pic) jokingly. Back home for a short stint for sponsor commitments and also endless media interviews and photo shoots, the 25-year-old may have said it in jest, but a weary look betrays the pleasantries exchanged when she sat with The Malay Mail for a chat. Shuttling between Kuala Lumpur and Los Angeles, where she is signed to Stateside Fader label since beginning of the year, is obviously starting to take a toll. Still, there is more than just a silver lining as her efforts appear to be really taking her places. Of the numerous mentions and the many that have taken note of her music, Yuna’s quick stopover back home also saw news that American celebrity blogger Perez Hilton had promoted her cover of Nirvana’s Come As Your Are in a video that even had a cameo of one-half of The Neptunes, Pharrell Williams. “I’m still trying to get used to all this, the attention…” said Yuna as we had a late night supper at a mamak in Subang Jaya together with her mother, affectionately known as aunty Anum as they juggle discussing renovations to Yuna’s quaint boutique I Am

Jet Fuel in SS15, Subang Jaya. The positive comments and reviews probably don’t help to ease the pressure she’s feeling as she prepares for her fulllength debut in the United States. “I’m still writing for the album, and so far, we’ve recorded some 20 tracks or so,” said Yuna. “I haven’t found anything that has that wow factor and I will keep recording until I get that.” Perhaps, the music that defined Yuna never came with a demand to be produced, and she is just feeling unnecessary stress to deliver as she moves towards her first full studio album for the American market, due out in October. “I want it to be mindblowing and yet, that’s really me. Eclectic, eccentric and still radio-friendly and appealing

to the masses,” she said. Still, it’s admirable that Yuna has kept her feet to the ground despite the accolades, both back home and abroad. While the mainstream media has constantly lavished praise on her works, only occasionally touching on personal matters to fill up gossip columns — authorities within the industry itself have not been too kind to her. Consider the snub by Anugerah Planet Muzik, or even Anugerah Juara Lagu the year before. Or that her hard work on her album here, has been decimated in terms of appreciation with the abolishment of album categories (save for Album of the Year) in the upcoming Anugerah

Industri Muzik. Yuna has remained unperturbed, while others cry foul of the ‘injustices’. “When I started, it wasn’t about my song being played here, or celebrated there. That’s just who I am. “I really like doing what I do, and it was my luck that it was

Performing live, it throws people off. They like it and they find it a novelty, and I’ve had people coming to tell me I’m beautiful or exotic. There hasn’t been really any negative feedback. — Yuna

picked up. For me, I’ve been trained that way where I’m just thankful for even having people listen to me, and it’s just better than anyone celebrating it — though I admit it would be nice to be recognised once in a while, but it’s never going to be a goal.” As things smooth out, and she becomes used to the spotlight, Yuna is enjoying partial anonymity with her life in the States. “When I’m here, people know me, but it’s not as crazy as it was when people used to stare. Over there though, I’m almost enjoying being unknown on the streets.” How long that will last remains to be seen, as her music gains more attention. The question remains, whether Yuna will up and leave for a permanent stint in the US if her music continues to be accepted the way it has been. “It’s already like that. I have a working visa,” she said. “I’ll be back for Aidilfitri, also a while during fasting month, but other than that, I’m working towards my dreams there

full-time.” It’s not just her music that has been getting attention. Yuna dispels stereotypes of Muslim women in post 9-11 US where Islamophobia is very real. “It’s not really an issue. My management mentions it when they introduce me to people, and no one really bats an eyelid, though I have to admit it’s sort of a novelty. “There are questions, it’s difficult for them to grasp the concept I suppose.” While her appearance may not be that of your glitzy pop star, her fashionable take on hijab-donning has gone down well, an embellishment for her honest outlook on music. “Performing live, it throws people off. They like it and they find it a novelty, and I’ve had people coming to tell me I’m beautiful or exotic. “There hasn’t been really any negative feedback. I mean, there are racist comments, but always on the condition of anonymity and never when I’m performing.” And for those who have nothing nice to say about her, her music or her look, Yuna merely offers a shrug in response. “There are always going to be those who will criticise what I do, but I really don’t have enough energy to think of everything. “At this moment, I’m just happy to be where I am, and thankful for it all.”

PLANETROX to crown one M'sian band to headline Quebec From the people who brought The Global Battle of the Bands to Malaysia, comes the next promotion vehicle and music showcase for emerging homegrown talent to gain international exposure and springboard to worldwide success. Introducing PLANETROX, and one Malaysian band will have the chance of a lifetime to perform in front of rock royalty, thousands of fans and top band headliners to be held at the Envol et Macadam - Quebec, Canada’s top alternative music festival


from Sept 29 to Oct 1. In the past years, Bad Religion, Mastodon, Sum 41, Pennywise, Karkwa, The Sounds, Metric, Malajube, Raekwon and Bloc Party are but a few of the well-known artistes that have played and delighted festival goers at Envol et Macadam. In its inaugural year in Malaysia, 100 bands were invited to join the competition. Each participating band uploaded an MP3 of one of their original songs on the PLANETROX website. From

these entries, a panel of international industry judges shortlisted the participants to 10 semifinalists. A public voting process then allowed fans and online audiences The Jespers

to view the 10 semifinalists’ videos and cast their votes for their top five. The results of this public vote combined 50/50 with the Envol et Macadam judgEstranged

Later All

Massacre Conspiracy

es’ vote to determine the final five who will compete in a live Finale on July 16 at Celebrities Hall of Music in Solaris Mont Kiara to decide the winning band. Just like in the semifinal stage, an audience vote combined 50/50 with a panel of industry judges vote will decide the PLANETROX Malaysia Final winner. “We are constantly bringing events, competitions and musical platforms to Malaysia that will mark our local talents’ emergence in the global music arena. We hope that with

PLANETROX, more emerging musical talents will be noticed by respected figures in the international music business,” said Issa Rodriguez, PLANETROX Malaysia Director. The prize for the PLANETROX winner includes a live performance of 20 minutes on one of the outdoor stages of the Envol et Macadam Festival 2011, airfare tickets for the winning band members plus internal travel, four-star accommodation in central Quebec City for four nights, free pass for the Festival and promotion of their band in festival communications. The five finalists competing to represent Malaysia are Massacre Conspiracy, Niskala, Later All, The Jespers and Estranged. Live audience vote will account for 50 per cent of the results so fans are encouraged to support their favourite bands. For inquiries, contact 017-3530953 or email appyours@bandapp.com.

16 lifestyle

Lashed for doing their jo

THE fuss over the Bersih rally last weekend is fizzling out, and everyone’s moving on with their lives. One disturbing thing however, is noticed throughout the past week — how some artistes have been hauled into the limelight for the wrong reasons. We’re not going to go into whether Bersih is apolitical or otherwise, or debate anything related to it. However, it was disturbing that actors Bell Ngasri and Ezany Nizariff have been demonised for their roles in an advertisement condemning the rally. Word is, the duo have received threats over their roles in the snippet aired over RTM. Now, this is disturbing. After all, they’re actors, paid to act out a scene, and that’s

Hear, Say

By JOE LEE joelee@mmail.com.my

twitter @klubbkiddkl how they make a living. On the flip side, former model and TV personality Wardina Saffiyah was chastised for allegedly being in support of Bersih, when it proved to be nothing than an opportunistic attempt

to cash in on her name by linking her name to the rally. Perhaps it will do good for many to realise that at the end of the day, everyone should just leave entertainment out of the political arena, unless individuals choose to be involved and to speak out in their own capacity. There is already enough politics within the entertainment industry that it hardly needs to be hauled centre stage when it comes to the actual political arena. Let’s all hope calm and common sense will prevail, and that those who make the call, will not put others in a spot just for whatever agenda, on whichever side they may be from.

Pay up or you are a

Ezany Nizariff

IT’S been over two months, but the organisers of a weekly event has yet to pay up a bunch of new artistes for their shows. Apparently, despite complaints, word has it that the organis-

ers are holding out, saying they will pay up… soon. Oh my, if you can’t afford it, don’t bother holding weekly events in the first place. Sources claim that there’s now a quandary in who actu-

Something (more) to smile about

JIMMY Shanley may be estranged from his wife, but he definitely has more than something to smile

Singer happy to be unassociated SPEAKING of politics, Ziana Zain apparently is not going to be bothered too soon with a number of artiste organisations available. The diva recently was reported branding the Artistes Association of Malaysia (Seniman), Persatuan Karyawan Ma-

laysia (Karyawan) and Musicians and Composers Association of Malaysia (Papita) “a waste of time”. She was also quoted as saying it was unnecessary to have so many associations, especially when they’re conflicting in interest, and some only exist for the personal gain of certain individuals. Ouch!

about. And we’re not talking about his cute newborn daughter. The new father has been spotted with quite an attractive girl by his side, together out on what we could presume as a

Yuna Ho YUNA is starting to become a favourite of the online community State-side. After having been featured in several online publications there, the latest has been on celebrity blogger, Perez Hilton’s site which promoted her cover of Nirvana’s Come As You Are.

Big shoe

Honesty at its worst form

Ziana Zain

THE excuses of a television station over the cancellation of an act that was supposed to be in their line-up for a programme is laughable at best. This group act had apparently shot down the show, for the low payment and shared billing they were to be given, despite

the spotlight supposedly on them. And when it came to showtime, and the performers were nowhere around, we overheard excuses that the group was supposedly too busy to fulfill the engagement. Oh just be honest…

Ahmad Idham

The Malay Mail Monday 11 JULY, 2011



Musical gets its groove on with Coleman

a thief! ally is the main organiser of the event, thus resulting in non-payment of the acts as no one wants to own up among the pool of parties related to the 'organiser' that shared the stage.

Jimmy Shanley

date. We wonder if they’re just platonic friends or if there really is something taking shape there. Whatever it is, here’s hoping he works things out.

ollywood The video plugged, was a fun effort, which not only featured a cameo of Yuna’s beau in former OAG member, Qi, but also one half of The Neptunes in Pharrell Williams who she’s been working with on songwriting for her full length American debut due out in October.

HE has waited for a long time to get his teeth into such a meaty role. All the while, he would watch from the side as others play it. Now it is Kris Coleman's turn. However, instead of playing the role in his home turf America, Coleman had to fly half the world away to fulfill his dreams to be Jimmy Early (James Thunder) in the Malaysian production of Dreamgirls: The Broadway Musical Sensation. "Jimmy Early is my dream role. I had acted once in Dreamgirls and played Curtis Taylor Jr. but that was not what I was looking for," Coleman said during a recent interview. In the Malaysian production, Coleman is the only imported star. The rest are all Malaysians, including popular television faces and performers like Cheryl Samad, Azura Zainal, Elvira Arul, Dina Nadzir, Indi Nadarajah, Dafi, Tony Eusoff and Ruzana Ibrahim. Zainal Abidin was earlier slotted to play Jimmy Early, but due to certain reasons, he had to decline. "I don't want to sound like I'm exaggerating but this is actually one of the reasons why I became an actor. I wanted to do this role so bad the first time I watched the play," Coleman said. When he was offered the role, all Coleman thought was, "This is it." "This is the time for me, even if I have to fly across the ocean. I believe if I do not grab this one right now, it may never come again and I would just regret it my whole life," Coleman said. Once in Kuala Lumpur, Coleman went straight to rehearsal. He said he is pretty amazed with the local talents as the cast is superb and they are "up to par with any other international talent". "I've been watching them... their ability to sing on the stage and their enthusiasm

WORKING HARD: The cast of Dreamgirls: The Broadway Musical Sensation — Pics: SALHANI IBRAHIM

just wow me. It's not hard or difficult working with them. They are cooperative. There is nothing much that needs to be amended as they are all amazing. "Ever since my first day here, I feel welcomed. To be honest, I don't see much difference between Malaysia and my home town in Florida. The ambiance and people are pretty much the same. Perhaps that's why I don't really feel out of place. Oh yeah, I had the chance to try durian and I love it!" Coleman said. Dreamgirls: The Broadway Musical Sensation is directed by Joanna Bassey and could be one of the most anticipated shows as many are wondering if Malaysians can really pull off a show about the journey of AfricanAmerican musicians. Well, Coleman is the only African-American in the Malaysian production. His involvement in the show might also help

oes to fill SO just who will fill the spot left vacant by National Film Development Corporation (Finas) director-general Mohd Mahyiddin Mustakim? Word is, Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim will be announcing the appointment soon. With Ahmad Idham on the board, and already having weathered the storm last year when he was appointed to it, there is a possibility that he may just be in the running for it.

SOULFUL: Coleman is a widely known name on the Amarican theatre scene

the rest get into the groove, so to speak. After all, Coleman is a widely known name on the Amarican theatre scene. His professional appearance on the Broadway and regional theatre productions include Sister Act, Big River, Steel, Once On This Island, The Amen Corner and A Midsummer Nights Dream as well as the Hampton Little Theatre's production of Dreamgirls in which he played Curtis Taylor Jr. Coleman had also appeared in several films and television series. The person behind the staging, Broadway Academy (M) Sdn Bhd managing director and executive producer Casey Koh, is nervous as the opening day gets nearer. "We just can't wait to debut our performance to the Malaysian viewers. Let them judge because we know for a fact that we have done our best especially in choosing the right people for the show. Having Coleman here with us is a pleasure not only to us, but also to the rest of the cast. We could really learn and share our experiences with him. I believe we are still on track and we are heading to greater heights," Koh said. With the talents that the production has managed to secure, the whole project might just be a good watch. Elvira Arul, for instance, has

HAPPY TO BE HERE: Coleman doesn't see much difference between Malaysia and his home town in Florida

been showcasing her vocal prowess in various other music projects and now she plays Effie Melody White (played by Jennifer Holliday in the original musical and Jennifer Hudson in the film version). The shoes might be big but Elvira might fill them nicely (fingers crossed). Her understudy, Dina Nadzir is the Malaysian Idol first runner-up who is now a radio announcer. Dina is also known for her powerful and soulful voice. This is also the time to check out the other talents who are rarely known for their singing like Cheryl Samad, who plays Deena Jones and Azura Zainal, who plays Lorelle Robinson. Ruzana Ibrahim takes the role of Michelle Morris while Tony Eusoff plays Curtis Taylor Jr. The most senior of the lot is Indi Nadarajah and he will be playing Marty while Dafi, the 'pretty boy' of Akademi Fantasia 5 plays C.C White. Well, it will no longer be important if it's 100 per cent or even 99 per cent Malaysian production when the show makes its debut at Istana Budaya this July 14. There are only four words to describe the show for now — there is no boundary. —


FOR online booking, go to www.airasiaredtix. com or call 03-87754666 / 03-61422601.

18 lifestyle

The Malay Mail Monday 11 july, 2011

The new kings of dance rejoice By JOE LEE joelee@mmail.com.my

twitter @klubbkiddkl AND the real winners of Showdown 2011 are… Yes, we all know by now that popping and locking virtuoso act Elecoldxhot comprising Ooi Kok Wei, Yin Zhen Huang, Yap Jin Hou, Ang Joo Yee and Lin Yit Zhow emerged victorious to the tune of RM50,000 as champions for the night. The real winners, however, are the members of the Funky Fresh Family. For those uninitiated in the street dancers’ scene in Malaysia, the Funky Fresh Family is led by two crews that were placed top three in last year’s Showdown. The two are Wakaka Crew and Floor Fever, and together, they've been spearheading the ‘family’ movement. Two weeks before the final, as the top four were announced with the elimination of girl group Panic, it was a Funky Fresh Family celebration as four other member

crews — ‘seniors’ Elecoldxhot and HMC Phlow and new additions Bounce Stepperz and RokuSteps — made the cut, too. A week later, the four crews were secure in the final with no eliminations before they EPIC: Final battle between HMC Phlow and Elecoldxhot


SHOWDOWN 2011: A night of celebration for the best street dance crews

visually thrilling: Elecoldxhot stamped its seniority with excellent showmanship — Pics: Ashraf Shamsul Azlan

were to take the stage for the last time. Elecoldxhot stamped its seniority and excellence when it beat fellow family members with much style and panache to approval from their competitors. When the final curtain call for Showdown 2011 at i-City, Shah Alam came, it was truly a night of celebration for the best street dance crews within the same family to take the stage to show their skills in the healthiest of competitive drives, something that had been obliterated by the likes of Force 136 who initiated a scuffle on live TV in an earlier episode. Elecoldxhot members stamped their mark, and led the pack all the way with not just their mind-boggling skills, especially their signature popping and locking, but also their aptitude in bringing out

a sense of showmanship that was visually thrilling. It’s no surprise that the group announced as best performer for five weeks of the competition, took the title as Showdown 2011 champions.

FUSION DANCERS: Bounce Stepperz Crew

"We were definitely confident with all the praise we got, but it sort of changed into nervousness towards the finals as pressure mounted, not to mention the fantastic performances from the other crews for

HOT JUDGE: Joe Flizzow and Maple

FIRST TO GO: RokuSteps

the final,” said Yin. And that it was, as the other crews turned up the heat. RokuSteps was the first out of the competition on the night when they had the lowest votes for the first round. Still, their capoeira-esque tribute was nothing to be scoffed at, despite the lack of showcasing their expertise in B-boying, being the only B-boy crew to remain. Bounce Stepperz was next to go, but not before they stamped their mark on fusing traditional dances and choreography such as traditional Indian and bhangra with silat together with their take on contemporary street elements. The final battle between Elecoldxhot and HMC Phlow was epic, with both crews churning out their best moves. While Elecoldxhot was obviously always a step ahead of the competition, HMC Phlow was not exactly left that far behind in its comprehensive display from its members'

arsenal of moves. For Elecoldxhot member Ooi, it was definitely a win that meant a lot, not only as the final showdown took place between ’family’ members, but that everyone delivered their best. “The hardest week for us was the theme of 'Replicate N’ Represent', to do our take on Jay Chou,” said Ooi. “We however, have learnt a lot from this competition and time spent, and now it’s time for a holiday after dropping everything for two months. “Only then will we decide where Elecoldxhot will go after this, though I can tell you our next target will be the World Hip Hop Dance Championship.” With influences ranging from the King of Pop, Michael Jackson to obscure Japanese popping act Hilty and Bosch, Elecoldxhot members are now the new kings of dance, and proudly carry the tradition of the ‘family’ for another year.

What’sUp KUALA LUMPUR: 1Malaysia Mega Sale

The 1Malaysia Mega Sale is on until Aug 31 in participating stores and malls all over Malaysia. Get your bargain shopping now! For more information, contact 03-26158188 or visit http://www.tourism.gov. my

KUALA LUMPUR: Charity Carnival

There will be a Real Community Charity Carnival at the National Stadium Bukit Jalil car park A on July 17 from 10am to 4pm, to garner donations and more for the underprivileged and orphan homes. If you like to help out, email Molly Brown at targ3t@gmail.com.

SELANGOR: Help the animals at PAWS

The PAWS Animal Welfare Society would appreciate your household throwaways for the centre. So if you have some cash to spare, donations to be used for food, medicines, shelter repairs and more, bring them over to PAWS today! Other items needed


include newspapers, canned or dry pet food, pet toys, pet milk powder, flea powder or shampoo, large plastic rubbish bags, old clothes, detergent, soap and brushes, cat litter and if you have time, do volunteer to help out to make a difference to these animals' lives. Visit PAWS at Pilmoor Estate, Subang Airport Road, Subang, Selangor on Monday to Sunday (closed on Wednesdays) from 9am to 4pm. For more info, contact 03-78461087 or visit www.paws.org.my/

KUALA LUMPUR: Arsenal FC Malaysia Tour 2011

Attention footballers! Arsenal Football Club will be heading down to Malaysia for a friendly match with our national football team at Bukit Jalil National Stadium on July 13 at 8.45pm. Tickets are priced at RM58, RM68, RM108 and RM388 at selected Nike stores and Ticketpro outlets. Go to http://www.ticketpro.com.my or contact 03-78807999 for details.


how to play Sudoku X is a simple variation of Sudoku with the only difference being the squares in white (which make up the numeral X) need to tally from 1 to 9 along with the remaining coloured squares.

FRIday'S solution

lifestyle 19

The Malay Mail Monday 11 JUly, 2011

Actor feels 'unclean' GEORGE CLOONEY (right pic), 50, began humanitarian work in Sudan in 2005 after feeling the need to do something more beneficial to the world after tiring of "campaigning" to be recognised for his movie achievements. He explained: "I had just come out of Oscar season and you really do campaign, like kissing babies. "By the time it's over, you sort of feel unclean. You want to do something that makes you feel better." Following his first trip to the war-torn country with his father, George donated money to build a well and huts, but soon learned to use other ways than his wealth to help the African territory because

of what happened to his gifts. He explained: "A year later, the next-door villagers — who wanted water and needed shelter — killed some people to get to that well and shelter. "It's devastating. We have to be careful — sometimes helping is not throwing money at a problem." George believes other celebrities should follow his lead and use their positions to help the world. He added to Marie Claire magazine: "There is ever more attention on celebrity than ever — and there is a use for that besides selling products. "We can't make policy but we can 'encourage' politicians more than ever before."

Zoe Saldana has 'respect' for guns The Avatar actress (below pic) says she has grown up around weapons and enjoys using them, but always makes sure she's careful whenever she does. She said: "On a personal level, I have respect for weapons and I like using them. I grew up in a family of hunters so I've been around guns my whole life, although I would never actually hunt myself. I've never taken a life, except maybe an ant or insect here and there... and it still haunts me." Zoe also revealed how she is "addicted to adrenalin" even though it often leaves her "black and blue". Talking about her latest assassin movie

Colombiana, Zoe, 33, told Total Film magazine: "I always go home looking like a map. That's what my mum tells me because I have black and blue all over the place. But I'm addicted to the adrenalin of being a physical person. "That said, I'm entering the consciousness of mortality. With Avatar I was fine: I'd get hurt, I'd get up, I'd brush it off and keep going. But my body feels like it's aged 10 years. It can't reboot as quickly."

Jessie J used to 'boo' her critics The Do It Like a Dude hitmaker (pic) refused to let audience members undermine her confidence when she supported Chris Brown in 2009, so she came up with a unique way to confront those who didn't like her music. She explained: "I remember getting booed one night because everyone wanted to see the main act so I just booed back. "I said, 'I'm only here for 10 minutes, so if you like it, scream. If you don't, boo me but I'll boo back as loud as you.' It made them laugh. "You've got to believe in yourself and be confident. That was a great development for me to learn my craft with-

out being in the limelight." Jessie originally signed to a US label as a songwriter and had to "beg" to be allowed to release her own music in her native UK before she was launched as an artiste Stateside. She explained to Closer magazine: "I grew up watching Top of the Pops and always wanted to be a part of the British music scene. I begged my American label, 'Please let me release in the UK first.' "Do It Like a Dude went to number one in the UK charts for two weeks. I beat Lady Gaga to the top spot in the second week, which was the most indescribable, amazing feat of accomplishment."

Daniel Radcliffe wants to study archaeology The 21-year-old actor is sad that the Harry Potter movie series — in which he has played the titular boy wizard in all eight films — is coming to a close, but happy he will now have more free time to pursue his interests. He said: "I watch a huge amount of stuff on the Discovery Channel and have started considering doing an Open University course because I'm becoming more and more fascinated by archaeology. "So yes, as sad as I am to say goodbye to Harry, I'm really

excited to see what the future holds." While Daniel is looking forward to pursuing other interests, fans can expect not to see him getting involved in sport as he admits he is "hopeless". He told Britain's Hello! magazine: "I'm fit. I can run and I'm very agile but in terms of sports, I've always been pretty rubbish. "I love cricket but I'm abysmal at it. What I love about cricket is there's a place for hopeless enthusiasts and that's what I am. If nothing else, I can bring out the half-time oranges and keep score." — Bang Showbiz


the malay mail

Monday 11 July, 2011

MonDay 11 JuLY, 2011

the malay mail




the malay mail

Monday 11 JULY, 2011

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RAYA PROMO. ‘0’ d/p.for Grad scheme & Gov staff. Islamic loan.High trade in. Free Smart tag,TN Go, Steering Lock&Tinted Voucher.Discount ,depend models. Nazim 012548 1686. Pls visit: www. wanrosnah.com/protonpj.htm J/N Ampang Holiday Villa near LRT Ampang Park 1080sq ft Freehold Renovated F/F/Facilities & 1Car Park RM580K Call-012 2883978 SHAH ALAM, Tmn Sri Muda,Sec 25. Double sty house for sales, RM160K Nego. Fully renovated. Interested call: Shanthi 017-352 1239

SUBANG Bungalow 10000sf. Interested Mustaffa:

JAYA SS19 Lot for SALE, Prime location. please contact 019-389 0325.


Car for sale

HYUNDAI PROMOTION !!! Sonata, Tucson, Santa Fe, Starex, Avante, i30, Accent, Getz, i10. Special discount. Super high trade in (any car). Low d/p & interest. Easy loan approval. Mystery gift. Beautiful plate no. Fast delivery. Excellent customer service. HQ 012-381 0737 TOYOTA NEW, All models. Vios, Altis, Camry, Prius, Avanza, Inova, Rush, Hilux, Fortuner, & Hiace Van. Full & Islamic loan, Int rate at 2. ++%, Special discount + free acc @ service @ tinted vou etc. Fax 03-6201 7113 @ email: shaharudin.toyota@gmail.com


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GOOD PRICES OFFERED for land / houses and Apt in Shah Alam, PJ & KL. Quick sale. Owners TEL / SMS 019-228 6666

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Commercial vehicles for sale

K.LUMPUR Jalan Alor. Wisma City Tower Apparment, 15 floor. 4r2b. Price Nego. Interested call: Jack Lee 016-380 8951

0 DOWNPAYMENT. ALL CAR MODELS 2011. Full loan arrangement, graduated scheme. No-license accepted. All INSPIRA rate from 2.33%, SAGA BLM RM378 (Best). FREE gifts given. Call 019-321 3100

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Apartments to let

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CAR LOAN Refinancing,Buy Used car / New car Blacklisted name are qualified to apply. Aerowatts Auto S/B(678070-M) Tel:03-6185 8982 012-308 3528,019-314 3601

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AROMA ASIAN Massage. For outdoor only. With Promotion price. Interested please Call Julie: 016-293 1051


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BLUE ROSE AROMAS 24A, Lrg Ara Kiri 2, Lucky Gdn Bangsar.Therapist local Indian g i r l s . P r i v a t e & c o s y. 1 1 a m 11pm. Ms Meera 0320945542/ 016-2056003

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Home repairs/maintenance

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Home services/renovations



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Servicing & repairs

Financing/insurance service

ALL NEW MODELS. Attractive promotion. Lancer. Fast delevery, max loan. Good service. Pls call: 012-326 9849, 012-6961 552


Office/office building for sale

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Apartments for sale

A FULL GLAMOUR Massage (001711965-V) by female. 234,Tmn Maluri, 55100 KL. Call: Stella 017-2555 844

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Office for sale/to let

NISSAN ALL NEW Models Promotion. Full loan. Debit cash RM3k - 10K. 100% ready stock with impuls earo kit. Leader seats, tinted. Guarantee 1 week delivery. High trade in. 24 hrs approval. Door to door service. Call: Junson 016-6666 132

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GENUINE MALAY Healthy Trad Massage. Any Gender. RM100- 2 hours. 9am-7pm. Antah Tower Condo, Jln Kuching. Alia 019-248 0412

Home furniture/furnishing

TRADITIONAL MASSAGE in Cheras & Serdang. Call Sonia,Hanisha, Julia, Mira & Rosa. 0123676 780. 012-258 1334 SPECIALIST IN REPAIR cushion sofa, curtains, car seat & new sofa, in Jalan Kuchai Lama. Tel: 012313 0778 / 03- 7981 1898

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Home electrical appliances A PRIVATE MASSAGE Done by full or part time young models. Sure quality. Out call only : 019-255 6622

GOLDEN MERMAID. Out call Relaxation massage by Male & Female masseurs. Call: 012-907 5995 / 03-2021 7637

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A/C, ASTRO, dismantle/ reinstall, t.v, tel, water heater, wiring, plumbing, lights & W/ machine. Sam 012-201 8305


Monday 11 JULY, 2011

Business opportunities

Overseas opportunities


Distributors/agents wanted

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Business Services

2 MONTH OLD Toy poodle puppies for sale price: RM600 RM800 call: 012-249 5424 www. puppiesglobe.blogspot.com

CO FORMATION RM1,400. Work permit, shelf co., rep. of office, MOF, close down, secretarial & audit. Call: 012-696 3631.

MUSLIM COMPANY Secretary New & Shelf Co. ROC, MOF Bumi Kem. Kewangan Call: 03-40410000 / 0162860000


Articles for sale TANNET (M) SDN BHD. Unit 17.03, Level 17, Amoda 22, Jalan Imbi, 55100, Kuala Lumpur. Tel: 603 - 2145 5360 www.tannet.my

SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING for business success. Learn how to use FACEBOOK, YOUTUBE, TWITTER, LINKEDIN etc: to market your business and interact with your customers. Tel: 03-7877 9216


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SALES PROMOTERS wanted to promote and sell health supplements at retail outlets throughout Selangor & Klang Valley. Basic salary (min. RM 1,500, based on years of related working experiences), allowances, commissions, guaranteed bonus, annual monetary incentive & incentive trips. Contact Ms Catherine at 03-7729 3873. WE ARE AN Established Air-Conditioning specialist contractor in Bndr. Puteri Puchong & looking for suitable candidates to fill the following position. 1) PROJECT ENGINEER with Dip./ Deg. in Mechanical Engineering. 2) ESTIMATOR with min.SPM / Dip. Positions 1 & 2, require good communication skill & computer literate with 2 yrs working experience in airconditioning industry. Fresh graduates encouraged to apply. 3) M & E DRAUGHTSMAN with preferably min.1 yr experience in related field. Able to work with min. supervision. 4) GENERAL CLERK with min.SPM / equivalent and computer literate. Interested candidates, kindly email / send resume stating experience, current/expected salary & recent photograph to: Wai-K Engineering Sdn Bhd, Puchong. Email: waik9911@ yahoo.com. Tel: 03-8065 3133 or Fax: 03-8065 1776.






the malay mail









Monday 11 JULY, 2011





03-7495 1273






The Malay Mail Monday 11 JULY, 2011

A-Tomic power


kuala lumpur: tennis

Australia's latest sensation to take part in Malaysian Open THE tennis world is talking about him. He is one of the most exciting prospects in world tennis and he is coming to Kuala Lumpur for the Malaysian Open on Sept 24-Oct 2 at Putra Stadium. The player in question is 18-year-old Australian Bernard Tomic, who told tournament director Nick Freyer he will be playing in the tournament. Nicknamed "A-Tomic", he thrilled the record crowds at Wimbledon by reaching the quarterfinals where it took the might of eventual champion Novak Djokovic to stop him. And even then, the four-set TOMIC: In action for Australia in the Davis Cup yesterday — GETTYpic

match was one of most hard fought encounters 'The Joker' played during the fortnight. Tomic's run at the All England Club was one of the stories of the Championships and he soon became tennis' hot property. He went through an arduous qualifying round, dispatched No. 29 seed and 2009 Malaysian Open winner Nikolay Davydenko in the first round, rallied from two sets down to beat Igor Andreev, before straight set victories over fifth seed Robin Soderling and Xavier Malisse followed on his way to the last eight.

"I am thrilled to have Tomic playing the Malaysian Open once again and to be able to welcome him, and his father and coach John, back. I know the tournament is touched that he enjoyed the Malaysian hospitality enough to make an early decision to come back and play here," said Freyer. "Malaysian tennis fans had a brief opportunity to see him last year in Kuala Lumpur when he accepted a wildcard but when he arrives for this year's tournament, we will see a different Tomic. "I had the opportunity to watch a couple of his early matches at Wimbledon and he was fantastic. He is a more confident guy. He is hitting the ball beautifully and he is playing with such maturity. "He has always had the talent and he has shown many glimpses of his promise but now he is genuinely showing the tennis world why he is considered the next big thing. "To have a youngster deliver so handsomely on his potential and do it with maturity that belies his age is very exciting. He promises to be a sensational addition to the player field for this year's tournament." Tomic, who won the 2009 US Open juniors and, at the age of 15 in 2008 was the youngest player ever to win the Australian Open juniors, says grass is his favourite surface and his run at Wimbledon has made him excited about what is coming up for him. "When you have results like this, it tells you you're only a few matches away from winning a title and I know what my goals are now," said Tomic. "I definitely think I have the game. I definitely think I belong with these guys. "This has just shown me what I'm capable of doing in the future. "I am looking forward to coming to Kuala Lumpur again and continuing the type of tennis I played at Wimbledon. "I enjoyed being in the city last year and hopefully the week there will be a great one."



The Terengganu State government will offer scholarship to students representing the State in the recent Sukma to pursue their higher studies, if they have yet to receive any other scholarship — Bernama

The Malay Mail Monday 11 JULY, 2011

Giants land in Indonesia


Selangor's Safiq, Amirul Hadi to follow in Safee's footsteps By HARESH DEOL haresh@mmail.com.my

NATIONAL captain Safiq Rahim and teammate Amir ul Hadi Zainal have expressed their interest to play in the Indonesian Super League (ISL) next season. Indonesian news portals have over the week highlighted that Safiq and Amirul Hadi are linked to several clubs in the Republic. This was confirmed by Safiq to Mailsport yesterday. "Yes, we have had talks with our agent (Soccerindo) in Indonesia and are still in the midst of discussion. We've identified Persib Bandung and Persija Jakarta but nothing is

ON FIRE: Safiq's recent performances for Selangor and the national team have alerted a number of Indonesian clubs looking to sign him


Al Amin lands in BAC BA of Malaysia (BAM) deputy president Datuk Al Amin Majid added another feather to his cap after he was elected as Badminton Asia Confederation (BAC) vice-president at the annual general meeting held at the Taj Hotel in Lucknow, India yesterday. The result, which was first highlighted by former Mailsport journalist SS Dhaliwal in his blog Malaysian Sports, saw Al Amin receive 23 votes to gain the post. Joining him in the same position are Liu Fengyan of China (23 votes), Indonesian Juniarto Suhandinata (23), India BA president Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta (22), Lebanon’s Jassem Kanso (21) and Korean Kim Hak Suk (14). Katsuto Momli was elected as BAC president unopposed following the withdrawal of BAM president Datuk Nadzmi Salleh. Surasak Songvarakulpan of Thailand won the honourary secretary post unopposed after Jan Hadi Santosa Tanzil of Indonesia withdrew from the election. Hong Kong’s Tong Wai Lun, meanwhile, was named honourary treasurer.

SECOND IN COMMAND: Al Amin was elected vice president of the BAC in India yesterday — FILEpic

concrete yet," said Safiq. "It will be interesting to play there. Amirul has also expressed his interest in playing there (ISL)." Safiq was earlier linked to a move to Indonesia after the national team won the Asean Cup for the first time late last year. The Negri Sembilan-born lad had then dismissed such talks, adding he was committed towards the national team and Selangor. The interest in Malaysian players is not new after national striker Safee Sali moved to Pelita Jaya earlier this year. Soccerindo – an agent for foreign players in the Republic – have also been "selling" the likes of national goalkeeper

Khairul Fahmi Che Mat and Singaporean goalkeeper Lionel Lewis to several Indonesian clubs. InilahJabar.com, a news portal in Jawa Barat, had in an article on Friday quoted Persib Bandung manager Umuh Muchtar as saying: "It boils down to the players and they will decide. But we will not close that possibility. If they are interested, why not?" Soccerindo chief executive officer Hardimen Koto, meanwhile, told Bola.net: "Besides Persib Balikpapan, there are other ISL clubs where Safiq can be based including Persija Jakarta, Persib Bandung, Pelita Jaya and Sriwijaya Palembang."


CIMB champs again

Safiq and Amirul Hadi currently play for Selangor, who are also known as the Red Giants. The Klang Valley team ended third in the recently concluded Malaysia Super League. However, FA of Selangor general secretary Datuk Hamidin Amin confirmed they have not had any formal communication with any clubs from Indonesia regarding the duo. Safiq, Amirul, Safee and Khairul joined their teammates as they prepare for the clash against English Premier League giants Arsenal (Wednesday) and Liverpool (Saturday) before taking on Singapore in Round 2 of the pre-World Cup tournament later this month. ISOLATED: Anthony (left) was often left alone up front without support — Pic: RAZAK GHAZALI

By VIJHAY VICK vijhayvick@mmail.com.my

ANTHONY Chai put on a disappointing face as Royal S el angor C lub (RSC) Harimau yet again failed to end CIMB YFA's two year domination of the RSC International Soccer 7s in the Under-12 category yesterday. He has every right to be disappointed as it was he who at times single-handedly tried to lift the team. When Harimau were down by one goal, Anthony was their best hope. When they conceded again the young boy tried his best but started to look frustrated as the match drew to an end. "I needed support when we were attacking but there wasn't any. I cannot be left alone up front," said Anthony. The 12-ye ar-old striker was skillful as he took on a couple of

Results UNDER-12 Plate World Cup Vision 2 Brazil International FC Indian 0 Cup CIMB YFA 2 RSC Harimau 0 SENIOR Master Plate Bankers FC 2 NST 0 Cup Kilat Veterans 0 BP Soccer 0 (Kilat win 2-0 on penalties) Grand Master Plate Singapore Poly Sports 1 Korean FC 0 Cup KIA & RM Falcom declared joint winners on technical issues.

defenders but could not do much as he was often surrounded by the CIMB players. Both of CIMB's goals were scored by another interesting talent, Aliff Haiqal Loqman Hakim. Anthony picked up football at the age of seven by joining boys in his neighborhood in Pusat Bandar Puchong. He dreams of playing football at a higher level but admitted he needs to work harder and train more often. He is eager to finish his

schooling year in SJK (C) Han Ming as they do not have a football team. "They should have but decided not to as not many students are involved in football there. "I will join Sri Emas

International School next year and follow my brother's footsteps there. Sri Emas has a football team," he added. Anthony's brother, Marcus Chai, represents Sri Emas in Under-16 football competitions.

The Malay Mail Monday 11 july, 2011


Donald braves the storm

WORLD No. 1 Luke Donald warmed up for the British Open in the best way possible with a three-stroke victory in the storm-hit Scottish Open this morning. The 33-year-old Englishman captured his third title this year with a third and final round eight-under 63 for a 19-under tally in a tournament reduced to 54 holes after Saturday's action was suspended due to heavy rain and even landslides. Donald had commenced the last day in a share of fifth place at one stroke behind four players who led at 11-under. He then collected a sixth European Tour success, and his 10th title worldwide, with a round that included eight birdies and among them four in succession from the third hole. Sweden's Fredrick Andersson Hed secured second place with a 10-under par 62, the lowest score of the week. Colin Montgomerie's score of 10 under par was not good enough to see him qualify for the British Open, an event he will sit out for the first time since 1989. Last year's Ryder Cup-winning captain needed a top-five finish to make the field at Royal St George's, but a double-bogey on the short 11th ultimately cost him and he eventually finished back in joint 31st place. "I got in a position and it's disappointing. It was going well and then I sort of ran out of puff. I'm just driving home now and it will sink in then." The final place in the British Open went instead to fellow Scot Scott Jamieson who carded a three under par 69 to finish five shots off the pace in a share of third place. — AFP FINAL LEADERBOARD (Selected) 197 - Luke Donald 67-67-63; 201 - Fredrik Andersson Hed (SWE) 73-66-62; 202 - Martin Wiegele (AUT) 69-68-65, Mark Tullo (CHI) 65-71-66, Nicolas Colsaerts (BEL) 69-66-67, Angel Cabrera (ARG) 71-64-67, George Coetzee (RSA) 66-6967, Lorenzo Gagli (ITA) 68-6866, Scott Jamieson 67-66-69; 203 - Peter Hanson (SWE) 66-67-70, Robert Coles 70-6964, Jamie Donaldson 67-68-68, Matt Kuchar (USA) 70-6667; 204 - Robert Jan Derksen (NED) 71-67-66, Retief Goosen (RSA) 67-71-66, Jose Manuel Lara (ESP) 68-66-70

We don't have very good memories of playing against them (Japan), but we hope to do better this time — Sweden coach Thomas Dennerby




Wambach, Solo key in dramatic US win NOT THIS TIME, GIRLFRIEND: Solo saves a penalty kick shot by Brazil's defender Daiane (not in picture) — AFPpic

Results Brazil 2 United States 2 (aet) United States win 5-3 on penalties Sweden 3 Australia 1

TWO-TIME winners the USA beat Brazil 5-3 on penalties in dramatic fashion to advance to the semifinals of the women's World Cup this morning after the tie had been locked 2-2 in extra-time. US defender Alex Krieger hit the winning penalty after her goalkeeper Hope Solo had earlier saved from Brazil's Daiane to give her side the advantage in the shoot-out. On the final whistle, American striker Abby Wambach had kept her side in the quarterfinal with a dramatic header in the 122nd minute to level the scores after Brazil playmaker Marta had scored in the 92nd minute. "This is the perfect example of what the United States is all about," said Wambach. "We never give up. This is incredile, I am so happy. The path is now marked for us and we want to win this tournament." The game went into extratime with the scores 1-1 as an own-goal by Brazil defender Daiane after just two minutes was cancelled out by Marta's penalty on 68 minutes which she converted at the


Fifty lucky fans get to meet and greet Gunners

IN conjunction with its 10th anniversary celebrations in Malaysia, Arsenal Exclusive Asia Tour promoters ProEvents International gave 50 lucky fans a lifetime opportunity to meet and greet the Gunners. The lucky 50 were picked through a computerised ticket serial draw conducted by Ticketpro. It was open to all those who had bought tickets

until 9pm yesterday for the Malaysia X1 vs Arsenal match at the National Stadium in Bukit Jalil on Wednesday (kick-off 8.45pm). "We gave the fans a rare opportunity to meet and greet their idols from the Gunners. Unfortunately, only 50 lucky ticket holders won themselves this lifetime opportunity. "The Gunners have a strong fan base here. It is also one way

to get up close-and-personal with the Arsenal players and welcome them to Malaysia," said ProEvents chief executive officer Julian Kam. The following lucky ticket holders will get to meet the Gunners today. Please bring your tickets to the Ballroom, Saujana Hotel from 3-4pm for registration. The event starts at 4:30pm. The lucky winners are:

TICKET BARCODE NO 0458.2872.6338.9822 4971.8517.3497.5093 0934.4059.1312.4093 5049.8140.4877.4769 1004.4653.6932.2160 5525.6271.1822.3993 1022.3023.5192.4350 5594.8968.8758.2769 1504.7437.6361.2922 5700.7195.6311.3148 1680.9104.2126.2963 5807.1697.2808.8697 2155.9332.1673.7400 6000.6811.5261.5679 2323.0208.6999.2629 6009.4767.0902.7579 2429.7792.4520.6138 6097.7516.4188.8820

2543.8493.6078.6168 6634.2397.8144.0178 2789.2175.3775.4227 6650.4280.3347.0519 2790.0765.4799.7310 6836.5837.9414.9043 2806.9123.3351.5317 7144.2107.7659.3983 3273.8616.4743.4353 7733.7906.6835.8712 3343.0965.2031.1927 7785.4317.4425.7594 3836.8116.1769.7916 8261.5519.3723.2113 3923.7069.0968.7863 8269.2860.4977.5679 4020.7688.7515.5122 4021.8006.9464.9013

4337.3632.1250.6675 4407.5268.5521.6242 4470.0959.5549.6060 4477.7930.7376.5943 4478.9263.9154.4944 4971.7486.7254.0728 8279.1816.5436.3197 8340.3758.7870.2644 8348.4175.8420.6394 8858.6254.2337.7464 8903.3960.7832.6388 8912.1229.1500.2482 8912.1229.1500.2482 8972.6653.1081.2728

NOTE: ● Restricted to one item to be signed per player. ● The organiser reserves the right to cancel or postpone the event.

second attempt. The US had been reduced to 10 players when defender Rachel Buehler was sent off just moments before. The USA will now face France in Moenchengladbach in Wednesday's semifinal for a place in next Sunday's final in Frankfurt while Brazil go home. While the Americans came to Dresden having lost 2-1 to Sweden in their final Group C game, Brazil did not concede a goal in the group stages as they swept past Australia, Norway and Equatorial Guinea as Group D winners. But Brazil leaked their first goal here after just two minutes in front of a sell-out crowd of 25,598. USA midfielder Shannon Boxx whipped in the first cross of the game and Daiane could only watch in horror as her clearance kick sliced into her own net. Marta also served a reminder to the US defence of her status as five-time world player of the year when she dribbled from the halfway line at full speed only to fire her shot over the

bar on 20 minutes. The game turned against the Americans in the 65th minute when Buehler brought down Marta in the area as they both went for the ball, but was shown a straight red card by Australian referee Jacqui Melksham. Justice seemed to have been done when Cristiane's first penalty attempt was saved by Solo. But Solo appeared to hop in the direction before she dived, so Melksham insisted the penalty be re-taken — with furious protests from the Americans — and Marta slammed home the second attempt on 68 minutes. Solo was booked for her angry response. Neither side could break the deadlock in normal time, but Marta popped up with what looked like the winner in the 92nd minute when she pivoted on a cross from left wing Maurine. Wit h t ime a lmost up, Wambach's header at the death gave her side the precious life line which was all they needed for a historic win in the shootout. In an earlier match, Sweden beat Australia 3-1 to advance to the semifinals.— AFP


Serbia shrug off Djokovic absence to reach semis DEFENDING champions Serbia eased into the Davis Cup semifinals this morning after Janko Tipsarevic, standing in for Wimbledon winner Novak Djokovic, defeated Sweden's Michael Ryderstedt. Tipsarevic won the fourth rubber of the quarterfinal 6 - 2 , 7 - 5 , 6 - 3 to s e c u re Serbia a September semifinal meeting with Argentina, themselves easy 5-0 winners against Kazakhstan. "It feels really good. I know that S erbia was a huge favourite with Robin (Soederling) not here and with Novak," Tipsarevic said. "I'm happy that I helped my country once again to go through to the semifinals." Ry d e r s t e d t , w h o w a s playing his first ever Davis Cup with a world ranking of 297, had put up a good fight but lost to Viktor Troicki in the first rubber on Friday. Tipsarevic then gave Serbia a 2-0 lead, getting

past Ervin Eleskovic when the home player retired injured. The hosts did see their hopes rekindled on Saturday when Simon Aspelin and Robert Lindstedt won the doubles rubber in straight sets, defeating world No. 1 D j o k ov i c a n d Ne n a d Zimonjic, who ranks sixth in the world for doubles. But this morning, Tipsarevic, again deputising for D j okov ic w ho had complained of a knee problem on Friday, clearly had the upper hand, breaking Ryderstedt six times en route to victory. " It w a s a v e r y t o u g h weekend for me playing two players who were much higher ranked," Ryderstedt admitted. "But I fought hard, I did my best, and I learned a lot." Lindstedt meanwhile had to give up against Troicki in the final rubber due to a problem with his wrist in the second set as Serbia wrapped up a 4-1 lead. — AFP



Sauber were fined €20,000 (RM85,000) for a pitstop incident involving Japanese Formula 1 driver Kamui Kobayashi at the British Grand Prix — Reuters

Jenson's jinx

Frustrated Webber ignored team orders


British GP hoodoo continues for Button JENSON BUTTON'S (pic) British Grand Prix jinx continued yesterday when the McLaren driver retired from his home race after a pitstop blunder while chasing a possible podium finish. The 2009 world champion, who pitted 12 laps from the finish, was inadvertently cleared to leave the pitlane before the right front wheelnut had been secured. With the wheel wobbling off, Button pulled over at the pitlane exit and parked up the car before walking back to the garages. "The guy on the front right lost a wheel nut and he went to get another one but as he turned I think the lollipop

man thought we were good to go," he said. "I'm sorry for the fans that we couldn't do better because there was definitely a podium (to be had). This seems to be the way of it at British Grands Prix for me, but I'll try again next year." Button has never stood on the Formula 1 podium at Silverstone in 12 attempts. His best previous result there was fourth place last year and in 2004. The Briton had been second in the championship before yesterday's race, 77 points behind Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel, and slipped to fifth place, 95 off the lead. "We all make mistakes and you always hope they won't

British Grand Prix Results Drivers Fernando Alonso



Sebastian Vettel Mark Webber

Time Ferrari


1:28:41.196 (average: 207.527 kph)


Red Bull


Red Bull

at 16.511 at 16.947

World championship standings Drivers Sebastian Vettel (GER) Mark Webber (AUS) Fernando Alonso (ESP) Lewis Hamilton (GBR) Jenson Button (GBR)




204 124 112 109 109

Red Bull McLaren Ferrari Mercedes GP Lotus-Renault

328 218 164 68 65

happen, but it's even more disappointing because it's in front of my home crowd," he said of the error. "I was really enjoying the race, I had a good couple of battles out there, and the pace was very good. It was all looking pretty sweet." Team principal Martin Whitmarsh agreed that Button, who was chasing fourth place at the time, could have caught the two Red Bull drivers who ended up second and third. "I can't say 'yes he would have been on the podium' but I think he could have got on to it. He drove a fantastic race...I think he would have been in a good position to attack (Red Bull's Mark) Webber." Whitmarsh defended the pit crew, pointing out the immense pressure the individuals were under and the hours they were working, and said the mechanic concerned could be assured of his and the team's support. "We mustn't be too hard on individuals," he said. "I know he's being very hard on himself right now. You can imagine, you can pinpoint it. "Often when something goes wrong you can't but this is an unfortunate one that can be pinpointed on an individual who is doing his best." — Reuters

Schumacher takes blame for Kobayashi shunt SEVEN-TIME world champion Michael Schumacher (pic) admitted that it was his mistake that caused the accident that led to Japanese driver Kamui Kobayashi retiring from the British Grand Prix yesterday. T h e 42-year-old Mercedes driver collided

with Kobayashi's Sauber on lap nine and was given a stop and go penalty, going on to finish ninth. But Kobayashi, who qualified eighth, was forced to retire from the race owing to an oil leak. Schumacher put the blame squarely on his drag reduction system (DRS). "Having used DRS for the first time in the race, I was arriving at the corner with over-run," he said. "Underestimating the effect, my braking was not good and this is how the collision happened." Kobayashi battled on before

retiring on lap 24 with smoke pouring from his engine. "It is a real shame because our overall performance was good this weekend," he said. "In today's race I was very unlucky. I think there is not a lot for me to say about the accident with Michael (Schumacher). We were not side by side, and he obviously hit the rear of my car. From then on I had to drive with a damaged car. "Then I had bad luck with the pitstop, was given a stop and go penalty (for a pit lane incident when he was released too early), and finally had to stop because I was told on the

The Malay Mail Monday 11 JULY, 2011

radio there was an oil leak and I should pull off the track." Schumacher was also disappointed with his performance believing that he should have been challenging for the top six. "My result is a bit of a shame, and of course I am not happy about it," said the German who won here in 1998, 2002 and 2004. "I think fifth or even fourth place would not have been out of question. I would so much have wished to bring them some decent points this evening when we go back to the factory for a barbeque with their families. But unfor-

tunately, and due to my fault, I cannot. He added that he felt the stop-go penalty was too harsh but was encouraged by the improved performance of his car. "It was right to get a penalty but why it had to be a stopgo, and not a drive-through penalty, I would like to understand better as I felt it was too hard. "Anyway, the good thing is that step-by-step, the hard work of our team is paying off more and more, and this is a good feeling heading towards our next home race." — AFP

FRUSTRATED Mark Webber admitted he ignored team orders not to overtake his Red Bull teammate Sebastian Vettel during the final stages of yesterday's British Grand Prix. The 34-year-old Australian caught German Vettel in the final laps and despite instructions from his team telling him to "maintain the gap", he mounted several unsuccessful overtaking attempts before settling for third behind winner Fernando Alonso. Webber, who famously remarked "not bad for a No. 2 driver" after his victory at Silverstone last year, said he was unhappy with the team's decision and had decided to ignore them. "I am not fine with it, no," he said. "If Fernando (Alonso) retires on the last lap, we are fighting for the win. "Of course I ignored the team because I wanted to try and get a place. Seb was doing his best, I was doing my best. I wasn't going to crash with anyone. "I try to do my best with the amount of one way conversation I was having — I was trying to do my best to pass the guy in front." Webber played down talk of another favouritism row and suggested that if the situation had been reversed, Vettel would have responded in the same way. When asked if he was feeling like the number two driver again, he said: "Not really. "Four or five laps to go, they started to chat to me about holding my position. I wanted the points but I also wanted to get some more points as well. "I just wanted to race to the end and I'm sure if it had been the other way round it would have been like that as well." Defending drivers' champion Vettel, 24, said he understood why the team asked them not to race each other but conceded that he had enjoyed the battle. "I try to stay ahead, nothing wrong with that," he said. "If you have the cars quite isolated in second and third, with the first guy away and the fourth guy pretty far away, from the team's point of view there is no point racing and doing something stupid. "The difference between second and third is not massive but we naturally try to race. I tried to hold position. I was struggling, Mark was faster and then there was the chequered flag." — AFP

The Malay Mail Monday 11 JULY, 2011

Wednesday's Copa America clash between Chile and Peru is simply a football match and should not be used as an excuse to stir up nationalist sentiments — Peru coach Sergio Markarian

Roque blues

CORDOBA: football/ copa america

Paraguay striker frustrated over last-minute error

PARAGUAY striker Roque Santa Cruz was highly disappointed at his side's inability to hold on for a win, after Brazil dramatically snatched a 2-2 draw in the closing minutes of their Group B clash at Mario Kempes Stadium yesterday. After the Brazilians took a 1-0 lead in the 38th minute via Jadson, Santa Cruz equalised in the 54th minute before substitute striker Nelson Valdez put Paraguay ahead 12 minutes later. But Gerardo Martino's side were unable to see out the match when substitute striker Fred struck for Brazil in the 89th minute. "It was a tough game for both," said Santa Cruz. "We played a great game, but we are disappointed by the outcome, with a tie in the closing minutes." With his goal, Santa Cruz became Paraguay's all-time top scorer with 26 goals in 85 appearances. "Given the aspirations we have, if we want to be a big team, we have to avoid errors like this in the last minute," said the Manchester City striker, who was on loan at Blackburn last season. Paraguay are second in the group with two points and play leaders Venezuela, who have four points, in their next match. Teammates, in striker Lucas Barrios and winger Marcelo Estigarribia, were also left to rue their side's failure to hold on for a win over the champions. Barrios found the late goal

PLAYER RATINGS BRAZIL ONE MAN ARMY: Roque (centre) tries to elude Brazilian defenders Lucio (right) and Thiago Silva — AFPpic

conceded tough to accept. "We leave with a bitter taste in our mouths but that is football. We were 1-0 down and you in the media were thinking we would lose 3-0 or 4-0 but it did not turn out that way,” he said. Barrios, a regular with Bundesliga champions Borussia Dortmund, started the game but had to make way for Valdez later in the match. "I was not upset at being subbed because the aim is to play well as a team and not as an individual,” he said. "In the end, it was the right decision because Nelson came on, did well and scored. “You never like to leave the pitch but you have to look at what was the best thing for the team. We go into the

Venezuela game feeling good. We have the ability to go through." Estigarribia was the main man behind Paraguay's attack as he created all sorts of problems for Brazil rightback Dani Alves. "We leave annoyed with ourselves (by conceding the equaliser),” he said. “We tried to get the result and controlled the ball well without taking our chances. We have no choice now but to beat Venezuela. "As we said after the last game, sometimes the results just don't go your way. It's a credit to Brazil that they could score in the last minute but this came about after we suffered a lapse in concentration."

Julio Cesar Andre Santos Lucio Thiago Silva Dani Alves Jadson Lucas Leiva Ramires Ganso Neymar Alexandre Pato

6 5 5 6 4.5 7 6 7.5 6.5 5 6

SUBSTITUTIONS Elano Lucas Marcelinho Fred

6 6 7


Justo Villar Aureliano Torres Antolín Alcaraz Paulo Cesar Da Silva Darío Verón Marcelo Estigarribia Cristian Riveros Néstor Ortigoza Enrique Vera Roque Santa Cruz Lucas Barrios

6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 8 6 7 6 8 6

SUBSTITUTIONS Víctor Cáceres Nelson Valdez Osvaldo Martinez

6 6.5 n/a

Brazil have lots more to improve, says Julio Cesar BRAZIL goalkeeper Julio Cesar understands the fans' anger at their performance in the 2-2 draw with Paraguay in a Group B match at Mario Kempes Stadium yesterday. "Certainly for the fans, it is not a wonderful result. But given the game, it was not a bad draw," said the Inter Milan man. "I understand the anger of our people, but we're also not happy." Julio Cesar conceded the champions did not play well for parts of the game, but said they could take away many positives from it. "I think we have to repeat

some of the things we did well in the first-half and not look at the poor performance in the second. We have much work still to find what the fans seek." Meanwhile, coach Mano Menezes says Paraguay would not have been deserved winners. "It would have been cruel to suffer a defeat. Paraguay did little to beat us," he said. "They started better, so we had to adjust. Then we took control, made ​​it 1-0 and applied pressure." Menezes, who took over from Dunga after the World Cup Finals in South Africa last

year, called for patience from the fans and argued Brazil were playing as the "visiting team" — given the massive Paraguayan support inside the stadium. Striker Alexandre Pato gave a vote of confidence to the under-fire Menezes despite the team's stuttering start in the tournament. "I think the training sessions are getting better every day," said the AC Milan ace. "We are coming together. At least we scored goals today. Now we have to work in order to improve and get better results. "It was good to play with

two attacking midfielders and two strikers because the central striker has a player right next to him. Mano is doing a great job." Pato admitted the draw with Paraguay was below expectations but added it was time to move on. "Once again, it was not the result that everyone expected. They turned things around quickly and we were not expecting that. Now we just have to forget about this game and keep on working."



Defiant Neymar blasts critics BRAZIL striker Neymar (pic) hit out at his critics after their 2-2 draw with Paraguay at Mario Kempes Stadium yesterday. The 19-year-old Santos sensation failed to score for the second consecutive game and has so far failed to set the tournament alight. He refused to speak directly to journalists after the match but remains defiant in the face of criticism. Neymar took to social networking site Twitter to say: "The ones who criticise you today applauded you yesterday and certainly will applaud you tomorrow." He then commented directly on the game and said: "It was not the result we wanted... let's lift our heads and work because there is more to come on Wednesday!" One person who was free of Neymar's wrath was his teammate for both club and country Ganso. He told Neymar on Twitter: "I love you little brother," to which Neymar replied: "Love you too little brother." However, rightback Dani Alves gave an honest appraisal of his own personal performance. "I think we were playing well but after their equaliser, they began to get better. Then, I made a bad error, which resulted in their second goal at a time when we were controlling the game," said the Barcelona star. "(Centreback) Lucio told me to get rid of the ball. I let the ball slip a little and then it got stuck in the grass and the Paraguayan player was very clever in being able to see this and take the ball away from my grasp. "I take my share of the blame and apologise to my teammates because until that point, we were in control of the game." Alves was equally forthcoming with his opinions on the general state of the team, who have performed below expectations thus far. "We have to get better. We know the responsibility that comes with playing for the Selecao. We know what we did wrong and what we did right," he said. "I think that everyone has to be aware of their own responsibility within the squad and try to get better as time goes on. The competition should bring us more rhythm and understanding. "People demand immediate results but we can't despair. We must learn to accept the criticism and get better." Brazil will take on Ecuador in the final group game on Thursday (8.45am).



Injured Uruguay striker Edinson Cavani will miss his side's must-win Copa America clash with Mexico while leftback Martin Caceres is suspended -- Reuters zagreb: football/ premier league

The Malay Mail Monday 11 JuLY, 2011

Presstalk daily mirror

Rovers told to cough up

Modric strikes back

just let me go: Spurs not prepared to negotiate a transfer — GETTYpic

BLACKBURN will have to pay a staggering £8.5m to sign FC Copenhagen striker Dame N’Doye. Rovers boss Steve Kean is chasing the giant Senegalese star — the top scorer in Denmark last season — after his Danish assistant John Jensen recommended him. However, Copenhagen are looking for a massive fee for the forward, even though he had been a mere journeyman striker until his last couple of seasons with them. N’Boye, also wanted by Saudi side Al Hilal, is looking for a contract worth £50,000-a-week– which would make him the toppaid player at Ewood Park.

the people

Mertesacker tops Gunners list

Croatian playmaker claims Spurs' chariman threatened him PLAYMAKER Luka Modric hit out at Daniel Levy after the Tottenham chairman reaffirmed his desire to keep the Croatia international at White Hart Lane, despite firm interest from Chelsea. Modric had previously admitted he would like to leave Spurs for pastures new, with the Blues his favoured destination, as it would allow him to remain in the capital. But Spurs, who received a £22 million (RM105.6m) bid from Chelsea, issued a series of statements insisting that Modric, nor any of their A-list players, will be leaving

the club this summer. Ahead of his return to England for pre-season training, Modric was involved in clear-the-air talks with Levy, after which the chairman revealed issues had been resolved, and that the player understood the club’s position. However, despite Levy’s insistence that they held a "very good conversation" and that "once he’s back with his teammates everything will be fine", Modric has quickly rebuffed what he claims has been a "twisted account of what happened", before reaffirming his desire

buenos aires: football/ copa america

Maradona tells 'idiots' to lay off Messi

LEGEND Diego Maradona (pic) has moved to defend superstar Lionel Messi in the aftermath of Argentina's disappointing performances at the 2011 Copa America. Sergio Batista's men have only two p oints f rom two games after draws against Bolivia and Colombia in Group A with Messi unable to replicate his fine Barcelona form for the national side. "In the saddest moment of my life, I want to defend Messi," Maradona told Ole, as he referred to the deteriorating health of his mother. "The national team didn’t attack at all (against Colombia) and we blame him

— we are being very unfair to Messi when I hear all those idiots slamming him." The 50-year-old also spoke about his own for m a h e a d of the 1986 World Cup and how he received his fair share of criticism before leading his side to victory over West Germany in the final. "I spoke to him during the week and I told him to remain calm. Before the 1986 World Cup I was a disaster and I was criticised by 80 per cent of the journalists in Argentina. Later, there wasn’t one who didn’t ask me for a story, so I can understand what’s going on."

to leave the club. "A lot has been published in the Press about the meeting with Levy, who gave the public a twisted account of what happened," Modric told Sportske Novosti. "I must say that I am genuinely disappointed about what Levy said to me. "He threatened me — he said if I didn't accept the club's stance, they would make me sit on the bench or in the stands. "I hope that eventually he will understand the situation and that we will reach an agreement and go our separate ways in an appro-

priate manner." Spurs' stance has been that, having signed a contract extension last summer, keeping him at White Hart Lane until 2016, that they would not entertain any offers for their prized asset. But Modric is adamant that when he held discussions with Levy over the new deal, the latter had promised to discuss any offers received from other clubs. "I reminded the chairman of our gentleman's agreement when we were in Dubrovnik last summer

and I agreed a contract extension with Spurs," said Modric. "Then I had an open chat with Levy — that if a bigger club came in with a concrete offer, we would consider it and agree the best solution for all concerned. The chairman said, 'Okay, we'll sit and talk about any offer. "Now Levy doesn't want to talk to me and said there is no possibility that I can leave Spurs. He didn't care about what I was telling him. It all only convinced me further that I was right to consider moving on to another club."

london: football/ world cup

World Cup 2022 'whistleblower' retracts

AN official who alleged that Qatar paid bribes to three Fifa members to secure the World Cup in 2022 has retracted her claims, it was reported this morning. Phaedra Al Majid, who worked as a Press officer for Qatar 2022, told the BBC she wanted to avenge losing her job on the campaign, but now had decided to go public to admit that the allegations had been fabricated. Al Majid has signed a legal affadavit retracting the allegations and insisted that she had not been put under any pressure by the Qataris to make her public denial. "I was very upset after I

left the bid and wanted to basically hurt the bid back," she said. "My intentions were to make a few headlines, I never expected that my lies would be carried on. It just went too far. I never expected it to come to this point. There was never anything suspicious or any w rongd oi ng on Q at ar ' s part. "I cannot tell you how sorr y I am. I have hurt reputations of three members of the Fifa executive committee, I have hur t their reputation, and more importantly I have hurt my colleagues on the Qatar bid." Al Majid original-

ly said African Football Confederation president Issa Hayatou, Ivory Coast Fifa member Jacques Anomua and Nigeria's suspended official Amos Adamu were paid to vote for Qatar. T h e a l l e g at i on s w e re denied by all three men but were made public under parliamentary privilege in the United Kingdom when the Sunday Times submitted evidence from their investigation into Fifa in May. The BB C, whose programme on the 2022 tournament will be aired today, admitted that their staff only interviewed Al Majid after being put in touch with her by Qatar bid officials. — AFP

ARSENAL BOSS Arsene Wenger is poised to rekindle his interest in Germany star Per Mertesacker (pic) as his search for a new centrehalf continues. The Arsenal boss is a longterm admirer of the 26-year-old and is considering taking advantage of the fact the player only has a year left on his contract with Werder Bremen. Wenger feels, at 6'6", Mertesacker could be the imposing defender to give his side some backbone. The player has huge experience, having been capped 75 times by Germany, and will cost £7m. Blackburn defender Chris Samba and Bolton’s Gary Cahill are also targets.

the people

Downing deal imminent?

ARSENE WENGER is now trying to tempt Aston Villa star Stewart Downing to the Emirates because he wants a guaranteed replacement for Samir Nasri before he will even consider selling. And in a warning to both Manchester clubs chasing Nasri, Wenger has ­insisted he’ll make Sir Alex Ferguson and Roberto Mancini sweat right down to deadline day as they pursue his star man. Nasri has a year left on his contract but wants out and Wenger was preparing a £17m bid for Downing last night. Even though Nasri is part of Arsenal’s pre-season tour of Malaysia, Wenger sees leftwinger Downing as a viable replacement for the Frenchman who has turned down a new £90,000-a-week five-year deal.

The Malay Mail Monday 11 JULY, 2011

A Turkish court sent Fenerbahce's president to prison to await trial in a high-profile match-fixing probe — AFP



Real interest for Tevez REAL MADRID are lining up an audacious £50m swoop for wantaway Carlos Tevez. The Argentina striker went public with his desire to quit Manchester City early last week despite taking Roberto Mancini’s men into the Champions League and lifting the FA Cup. Tevez insists a desire to be nearer his children in Buenos Aires is behind his decision although Blues insiders are sceptical about his motives. Their determination to hold on to Tevez this summer will come under scrutiny when Real’s whopping offer is faxed through. Madrid are willing to offer £25m plus senior players such as strikers Karim Benzema and Tevez’s countryman Gonzalo Higuain.


Inter agree to sell Sneijder to Man United




Cech Special

Liverpool hint at Anfield stadium exit

Chelsea goalkeeper hopes to stay cool in Asian heat

CHELSEA goalkeeper Petr Cech (pic) is relishing a tough schedule in pre-season, already pinpointing their Asian tour as when the workload will be at its hardest. With four games in 10 days, not to mention training in extra heat and humidity, Cech knows it will be a difficult examination as much as an exciting sightseeing opportunity. Cech has not visited Asia since Chelsea's tour in 2008, when Luiz Felipe Scolari had just taken charge, and he is hoping for a similar welcome under the leadership of new boss Andre Villas-Boas. "I have not been to Asia apart from that last tour with Chelsea because normally there is no time to go to that part of the world," said the 29-year-old. "You remember the hospitality and the people being excited to see you there, but on the other hand you travel a lot and

there is a big time difference and a huge humidity. "You run in 40 degree heat with high humidity and it is difficult but you know it is part of the business and part of raising the fan base of the club. "You know it will be tough before so you need to drink a lot and make sure you don't get sunburnt but we know what to expect so the experience of going there first time will obviously help everybody get ready for this tour so it might be even better." There is now just over a week until Chelsea fly out to Malaysia, with tickets selling well for their game in Kuala Lumpur on July 21. Cech knows it will be a special occasion for the fans lucky enough to be at Bukit Jalil Stadium. "All the people supporting us there have the opportunity to see us play which is obviously brilliant for them, and

this is also the reason why we tour there so you will always re me m b e r it w it h good memories because of the excitement of the people around, you can see them smile which is nice to see," he said. After Malaysia, the Blues travel to Thailand where they will meet a Thai Premier League All Stars XI on July 24 at Bangkok's R aj am an a g a l a Nat i on a l Stadium, before moving on to Hong Kong for the Asia Trophy, where they will play local champions Kitchee on July 27,

and either Blackburn Rovers or Aston Villa on July 30 before flying back to London. EXCLUSIVE FROM CHELSEA FC For more information on the tour and tickets visit www. chelseafc.com/ontour


INTER MILAN'S board will meet tomorrow to sanction the sale of Wesley Sneijder (pic) to Manchester United. And Inter boss Gian Piero Gasperini said: “I try not to be worried about Sneijder. “He is one of the best players in Europe. But I am convinced we can find a new player when he goes.” Sneijder, 27, will be the £35m replacement for Paul Scholes.


Pjanic in Spurs' plans TOTTENHAM are making a move for Lyon’s Bosnian playmaker Miralem Pjanic — in case Luka Modric jumps ship in the transfer window. Spurs have approached the French giants and asked for first refusal on the £9m-rated 21-year-old who has been a hit for club and country. Pjanic, similar to Modric in style, is rated one of the more accomplished creative players in French football. And Lyon are prepared to cash in, so Harry Redknapp will have a chance if the worst happens with Modric.

Iniesta's vest goes on display at Espanyol AlMOST a year to the day since Spain's World Cup final victory over Holland, the vest Andres Iniesta revealed after scoring the dramatic winning goal has gone on display at Espanyol's stadium in Barcelona. After firing into the net in the second period of extratime on July 11, 2010, Iniesta tore off his shirt to show a white sleeveless vest emblazoned with the Spanish Dani Jarque siempre con nosotros (Dani Jarque always with us).

Seen by hundreds of millions of television viewers around the world, it was a tribute to Iniesta's friend and former Espanyol captain Jarque, who collapsed and died aged 26 on a preseason tour of Italy in August 2009. "With this gesture, Iniesta won the hearts of a l l blue

and white (Espanyol) supporters," Espanyol said this morning in a statement on their website (www. rcdespanyol.com). Iniesta presented the shirt to Espanyol last November and it has been put on display next to a mural remembering Jarque inside the stadium. Vi s itors c an s e e the shirt


on matchdays and when taking one of the official tours of the Cornella-El Prat arena. "Without doubt it will become one of the most prized and admired objects in our stadium for all that it represents," Espanyol said. Iniesta was given two standing ovations by the home fans when his Barcelona team played at Cornella-El Prat in December in stark contrast to the usual hostile reception reserved for Espanyol's city rivals. — Reuters


LIVERPOOL paved the way for a move away from their Anfield stadium yesterday, when they released a statement saying it was "increasingly unlikely" they could refurbish their home of 119 years. Anfield currently holds around 45,000 fans, significantly less than the stadiums of rivals Manchester United and Arsenal. The club's owners want to increase the capacity to more than 60,000, but have yet to decide whether to redevelop their current ground or to move to a new stadium on nearby Stanley Park. Principal owner John Henry, who successfully redeveloped Fenway Park as owner of the Boston Red Sox baseball team, expressed a preference to remain at Anfield on his Twitter account last week. But in a statem e n t o n the club website (www.liverpoolfc.tv), managing director Ian Ayre said logistical and geographical issues could thwart their ambitions to stay put. "It looks increasingly unlikely there is any way we can move forward on a refurbishment of Anfield unless there are significant changes in those areas," he said. — Reuters LOS ANGELES: FOOTBALL

Beckhams welcome baby girl

SUPERSTAR David Beckham's wife Victoria has given birth to a baby girl, their first daughter to add to three sons, the couple announced this morning. "David and Victoria Beckham are delighted to announce the birth of their daughter," said a spokesman, in a statement which gave no name for the new arrival. "Happy and healthy, she arrived at 7.55 am this morning at Cedars Sinai hospital in Los Angeles and weighed 7lbs 10oz. Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz are excited to welcome their new baby sister to the family." Victoria — known as "Posh Spice" during her days with the Spice Girls — had said before her pregnancy was announced that she was open to the idea of another child, but resigned to the fact that she may never have a daughter. — AFP

American women deliver

>> pg27

Iniesta’s tribute on display

STRIKER Abby Wambach and keeper Hope Solo (pic) the key figures in dramatic US penalty shootout win over Brazil


Spreading their wings

Monday 11 JULY, 2011

THE vest that Andres Iniesta wore in tribute to a deceased player in the World Cup final has gone on display at Espanyol’s stadium

>> pg31

santa fe: football/ copa america

MALAYSIA’S Safiq Rahim and Amirul Hadi Zainal have expressed interest in playing in the Indonesian Super League (ISL) next season

>> pg26


LEAP OF FAITH: Falcao celebrates after scoring his second goal against Bolivia -- AFPpic

Radical Radamel

Button’s blues pile on

Falcao fires Colombia through to last eight

JENSON BUTTON’S (pic) British Grand Prix jinx continued yesterday when the McLaren driver retired from his home race after a pitstop blunder

>> pg28


War of words at the Lane PLAYMAKER Luka Modric hit out at Daniel Levy, claiming the Tottenham chairman ‘twisted’ his words to prevent the Croatia international leaving

>> pg30


Madrid in for Tevez REAL MADRID are lining up an audacious £50m swoop for want-away Manchester City striker Carlos Tevez

>> pg31

COLOMBIA marched into the quarterfinals of the Copa America this morning after a 2-0 win over Bolivia wrapped up top spot in Group A. With the best two thirdplaced finishers at the event also reaching the quarters, Colombia’s win spelt joy for Chile, Peru and Venezuela as they all have four points and cannot now be caught by the side which will take third spot in Group A. That team will be either hosts Argentina or Costa Rica, who meet tomorrow. One of that pair will take

runners-up spot and the side left in third cannot equal the tally of Chile, Peru or Venezuela, allowing that trio to join Colombia in the next phase. Porto hitman Radamel Falcao put the contest to bed in the first half-hour with a crisp opener on 14 minutes and a penalty after 26 minutes as the Colombians hit the ground running. Colombian coach Hernan Dario Gomez said his side had stuck to their game plan and been rewarded. “We put them under early pressure, went out for the ear-

ly goal, and we got it,” Gomez noted with satisfaction. Colombia’s Wigan star Hugo Rodallega was also pleased. “We are extremely satisfied with how the group phase has gone. We came to Argentina with a goal (to qualify from the group) and we have done just that.” The Cafeteros (Coffee Growers) had already seen off Costa Rica and had the better of a draw with hosts Argentina. They completed an impressive first phase showing against a Bolivian side who started well enough in holding

the Argentinians before flunking their Costa Rican test. After Falcao’s rip-roaring opening, Adrian Ramos, Freddy Guarin and Dayro Moreno all went close for the Colombians as they threatened to overwhelm their rivals before they took their foot off the accelerator after the break. After Falcao sent his spotkick hard and low past Bolivian keeper Carlos Arias, who had saved a penalty in the previous game gainst the Costa Ricans, the Colombians celebrated by holding aloft a shirt belonging to David Os-

pina, their usual first choice keeper. Ospina, who plays for French side Nice, missed the event after fracturing his nose in a training ground collision with Wigan’s Rodallega, forcing the Colombians to promote Nelson Ramos of Millonarios. Meanwhile, Colombia president Juan Manuel Santos sent the team a good-luck message just before the game. “Get up for the match. We are going to win,” Santos said on his Twitter feed. — Agencies

buenos aires: FOOTBALL/ copa america

Desperate Batista to make four changes against Costa Rica UNDER-FIRE Argentina coach Sergio Batista is set to make up to four significant changes to his starting line-up in their crucial Group A clash against Costa Rica at Mario Kempes Stadium tomorrow (8.45am) — with striker Carlos Tevez among those set to be dropped. Draws against Bolivia (1-1) and Colombia (0-0) in the first two matches seemed to have forced Batista to consider using different options for this must-win match. ESPN Deportes reported Manchester City’s Tevez, Napoli striker

Ezequiel Lavezzi, Valencia midfielder Ever Banega, and Inter Milan midfielder Esteban Cambiasso are expected to be axed after producing poor performances. Replacing them will be Real Madrid midfielder Fernando Gago and attackers Sergio “Kun” Aguero (Atletico Madrid), Angel Di Maria and Gonzalo Higuain (both of Real Madrid). Batista is also expected to switch the formation from 4-3-3 to 4-2-3-1 with Higuain acting as a “lone striker”. The starting line-up should

read: Sergio Romero, Pablo Zabaleta, Nicolas Burdisso, Gabriel Milito, Javier Zanetti, Gago, Javier Mascherano, Aguero, Lionel Messi, Di Maria and Higuain. Argentina are now third in the standings with only two points from two matches and this does not augur well in their bid to win the title for a record 15th time. Messi still believes Argentina will still qualify for the quarterfinals in spite of an indifferent start. “I am feeling good and looking forward to it. “I am confident we will qualify.

We will progress,” the Barcelona superstar told Argentine newspaper Ole. Messi has been criticised for failing to carry his club form into international tournaments — something which many felt was a problem during last summer’s World Cup in South Africa. However, several have come out in support of the 24-year-old, including Barca teammate and Argentina captain Javier Mascherano, as well as Messi’s father Jorge. “Lionel is struggling with this situation. He can’t understand where

it has come from. But people are free to opine what they wish,” Jorge told Radio 10. Meanwhile, reports suggested a locker room bust-up between Messi and Burdisso. Burdisso is believed to have confronted Messi after the attacker put in yet another below par performance for his country against Colombia. Burdisso told the normally cool Messi in no uncertain terms to pull his finger out. When Messi reacted to the comment, teammates had to separate the pair.

Published by Malay Mail Sdn Bhd (239512V), Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, and printed by The New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Berhad (4485-H), 31, Jalan Riong, 59100 KL

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