23 May 2011

Page 1

Monday 23 MAY, 2011


Birmingham last day blues

BeingFrank With Frankie D’Cruz >> pg7

Team Malaysia rumble



>> pg31

100,000 copies daily

The Malay Mail


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NSC ‘stripped’ of stripes KUALA LUMPUR


Family reunited in tragedy >> pg3

Sports body has no rights to national squad’s tiger stripe design, say intellectual property keepers By HARESH DEOL haresh@mmail.com.my

‘AF’ votes for orphans

>> pg2


The ShahirRozita poser, and other gossips

>> Centrespread

Letters & Opinions SECTION ON PG10

THE National Sports Council (NSC) does not own the ‘three tiger stripes’ pattern adorning the Malaysian squad jersey, it has emerged. Even the name ‘Panthera’ in the Team Malaysia apparel, launched recently by Telekom Malaysia, has also not been registered with the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (IPCM). IPCM senior director of trade m a r k division Abdul Aziz Ismail, in confirming both findA rape every 2.5 hours (May 19)

AWAM: A rape every 15 minutes!

ings by The Malay Mail, said: “We have not seen any application from the NSC. Our records show Mesuma Sports (Sdn Bhd) is the registered proprietor of the design. “We will have to look into the name Panthera as well.” The latest developments have put the telco giant in a spot and pitted them deeper in the raging controversy involving NSC, the Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) and Mesuma Sports. The firm has been the registered proprietor of the trademark for 10 years, from July 9, 2009, to July 9, 2019. The cer-

tificates of registration were issued on Feb 19 this year. Telekom Malaysia launched the Team Malaysia Panthera jersey sporting the three tiger stripes on April 28. It claimed to have obtained the legal rights from the respective rights owners, namely the NSC and OCM. Telekom Malaysia filed eight applications to register various designs consisting of a TM logo and incorporating the tiger stripes and the words ‘Team Malaysia’ on April 6. Another company, CR Sports Sdn Bhd, meanwhile, filed six applications on May 3 – five days after the Team


Hotline is now two pages daily

Shattered dream dining table >> pg8

Malaysia Panthera jersey was launched – to register the ‘three tiger stripes’ design that had been trademarked by Mesuma Sports. The role of CR Sports in this episode remains unclear. The contention over the name, ‘Panthera’, stems from the name ‘Panther’ that was registered by Secaicho Corporation Japan on Aug 30, 1977. Records show the name, ‘Pantherella’, was registered on June 16, 2009, but was opposed by a third party. The case is pending. Telekom Malaysia, CR Sports and NSC have not applied to register the name ‘Panthera’. • Continued on pg4

Sanitising Sri Petaling’s mindset >> pg9


All of them, they were my brothers — Al-Taqwa orphanage helper at the burial of seven of the landslide victims yesterday


The Malay Mail ● Monday 23 MAY, 2011

Last farewell HULU LANGAT

Seven landslide victims buried in joint grave By JOSEPH KAOS JR joejr@mmail.com.my

FOR Zaitun Abdullah, her journey from Terengganu to Hulu Langat yesterday felt the longest she had made in her life. The trip was to attend the burial of her nephew, Dzahir Haziq Mohd Muin, 17, whom she had helped to raise since he was a baby. “I came all the way from Terengganu and I am still exhausted. I cannot believe he’s gone,” said the distraught 38year-old. Dzahir, who was to begin studies at the Perak Matriculation College today, was helping out at the Al-Taqwa orphanage when two landslides hit the centre on Saturday, killing him and 15 others. Zaitun said Dzahir frequently went to the orphanage to help the young orphans with their homework and studies. “He was a good boy,” she

said, as she sobbed uncontrollably, before her family members came to console her. Dzahir was buried with six others in a joint grave at the Muslim cemetery at Dusun Nanding, a village near Batu 14 Hulu Langat. Family members and friends who attended the burial were still in shock. Meanwhile, friends of 14year-old Nurahimi Rosdi came to pay their final respects. “I was shocked when I heard of Nurahimi’s death," said Aizat Alam Shah, his classmate at SMK Abdul Jalil here. “He was quiet and smart. He was a maths whiz and also very good in English.” Another friend, Rashdan Mohd Razali, said Nurahimi was pious and always the first to arrive at the mosque for prayers. He said Nurahimi was generous and always willing to

DISTRAUGHT: Zaitun consoled by relatives at her nephew's funeral

help others without expecting anything in return. “Once I was hungry and didn’t have money. He gave me some money so I could buy food. When I wanted to pay him back he refused to accept because his treat was ikhlas (sincere). “The last time we met was on Friday at school. It was brief. I wish I had spent more time with him." An orphanage helper, who only wished to be known as

Zai, stood at the edge of the cemetery as he watched the bodies being lowered into the grave. Wiping his tears, he recited prayers for the departed. “All of them, they were my brothers.” Other family members were too distraught to speak to reporters. Idris Musa, the headmaster at the orphanage, was still visibly shaken. "I am not able to speak right now."

Area prone to floods, say residents By AIZAT SHARIF aizat@mmail.com.my

THE area surrounding the Al-Taqwa orphanage is flood-prone, say residents. "Those living near the river had been experiencing floods whenever it rained heavily," said housewife Saja'ah Md Taib, 52. "The flood waters would enter our houses and we would have a tough time KUALA LUMPUR

clearing the debris. On Friday, the water was up to the ankle." Saja'ah said she heard children shouting just before the first landslide on Saturday afternoon. "Within seconds, the children and orphanage staff who had gathered under a canopy were buried by the

landslide." She said her two sons, aged 23 and 20, and other villagers rushed to the scene to help. "While they were digging for survivors, another landslide happened and this forced them to retreat and wait for the rescue personnel and police to arrive. My sons

managed to escape in time." Saja'ah's youngest daughter, Nabila, 18, said: "We moved here six years ago and we often saw the orphans playing in a field nearby. Although I did not know their names, I recognised some of their faces. We feel sad over what had happened."

JOINT GRAVE: Seven of the landslide victims buried together at the Dusun Nanding Muslim cemetery

Probe continues INVESTIGATIONS into Saturday's landslides at the Al-Taqwa orphanage continued long after the search-andrescue operation officially ended at 5.40am yesterday. When The Malay Mail visited the scene at 2.45pm yesterday, several Public Works Department officers were still conducting tests on the soil. Selangor Fire and Rescue Department personnel and police officers had cordoned off the area and set up bases. Volunteers from several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) also helped to coordinate activities there. Acting Selangor Fire and

Astro pledges 'AF' proceeds to orphanage

News Alert

By JOE LEE joelee@mmail.com.my

ASTRO has pledged the proceeds from all text votes from their popular reality talent show Akademi Fantasia's (AF) seventh weekly concert last Saturday night to the Al-Taqwa orphanage. Astro Ria channel manager Azlin Reza Azmi said all proceeds, after payment to the telcos, from the AFUNDI votes that

cost viewers 50 sen each would be channelled to the orphanage. “We w i l l rele as e t he amount by the end of the week after we get all the numbers sorted out but all proceeds will go to the orphanage." Azlin said the tragedy had moved all Malaysians, including the producers of the show, and this was

THE MALAY MAIL IS PUBLISHED BY Malay Mail Sdn Bhd, Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200, Petaling Jaya

Astro's way of giving a little back to the community. AF host Aznil Nawawi had announced the pledge at the beginning of the show. By the end of the night, insiders said, the tot a l numb er of votes reflected the willingness of fans to do their part to help the orphanage. Meanwhile, Saturday’s

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concert also saw the elimination of 18-yearold Sabahan Queennera Francine Francis Kitingon, also known as Nera, from the show. The mechanism of the "immunity" to be handed out in next week’s concert was announced, with the highest-ranked student from the faculty’s grading of performances in

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Rescue Department chief Mohd Puzi Mohd Tabot said their presence was to provide assistance. "Our task is more to help property owners and nearby residents move their belongings and clean up the area." He said a fire truck would be on standby there until today. "At the moment, there are no more earth movements but we fear that may change if it rains heavily again." Kajang district police chief ACP Abdul Rashid Abdul Wahab said his officers would at the scene round-the-clock to keep unauthorised people away.

the seventh concert to be added to this week’s voting to determine who gets a fast-track to the finals. This is the ninth and final season of AF, which airs daily at 9pm as Diari Akademi Fantasia and on Saturdays at 9pm as Konsert Akademi Fantasia over Astro Ria (Channel 104). The show started in 2003.

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The Malay Mail Monday 23 MAY, 2011


It was not that Sa'adiatun and I do not love our sons. We were exhausted of all options and sending them to orphanages was the only way out — Mohd Nazri Mustaman



Together again! Divorced couple reconcile after son rescued from landslide By Muzliza Mustafa crime@mmail.com.my

WHEN nine-year-old Khairul Anuar Mohd Nazri was among the nine rescued from the landslide at the Al-Taqwa orphanage here last Saturday, his divorced parents counted their blessings and decided to reconcile — five years after parting ways. Mohd Nazri Mustaman, the 36-year-old father, said he and Sa'adiatun Mohd Zin, 38, plan to get back together as husband and wife so as to jointly look after Khairul Anuar and their younger son Mohd Daniel, seven. "We almost lost Khairul Anuar and we believe his survival is a sign from god for us, as his parents, to fix our relationship and be a family again," said Mohd Nazri, a security officer in Kuala Lumpur. "Khairul Anuar is terrified by what happened and does not want to return to the madrasah. We will temporarily place him at another

orphanage in Kajang where Mohd Daniel is now staying. Once I have saved enough money for our own home, we can all stay together again." It was also yesterday for the first time in three years at Hospital Ampang that the young brothers were reunited. “Mohd Daniel misses his elder brother and often asked for him. When Sa'adiatun brought Mohd Daniel to hospital, he ran to Khairul Anuar's bed, hugged his elder brother, climbed onto the bed and lay next to Khairul Anuar," said Mohd Nazri. "Even when there were other visitors, Mohd Daniel did not want to leave Khairul Anuar's side. That shows how close the two of them are." Mohd Nazri said sending Khairul Anuar to Hulu Langat orphanage three years ago and placing Mohd Daniel at the Kajang orphanage several months ago were heart-

breaking decisions. “It was not that Sa'adiatun and I do not love our sons. We were exhausted of all options and sending them to orphanages was the only way out because I work all the time and Sa’adiatun earns RM700 as a hotel housekeeper, we find it difficult making ends meet," he said. "This would not have happened if my application to rent a low-cost flat at one of KL City Hall's Public Housing Project (PPR) was successful." Mohd Nazri said he applied twice — the first time when Khairul Anuar was born nine years ago, and the second time five years ago after he and Sa'adiatun divorced. "We now plan to find an affordable place near a school so that the boys can commute to school. It would also be nice if this can be done before the coming Hari Raya," he said.

REUNITED IN LOVE: Mohd Nazri (right) talks to Khairul Anuar, while Sa'adiatun and Mohd Daniel, look on

The orphanage in Hulu Langat where the tragedy struck, is close to a hill. It had 49 occupants, five of them caretakers. All residents of the orphanage are male. The landslide, which

occurred during a kompang training camp at the orphanage grounds, also hit a surau, claiming 16 lives. Selangor police chief, Datuk Tun Hisan Tun Hamzah said the landslides within seconds


'I closed my eyes in fear wishing it was over' Al-TAQWA orphanage occupant Khairul Anuar Mohd Nazri, nine, was cleaning chairs outside the orphanage building when the landslide — which claimed 16 lives, including his friends — occurred on Saturday. Recalling the incident, Khairul Anuar said he was under a tent near the hill when he heard a loud noise. “I was getting the chairs cleaned for a function later. The other children were also busy cleaning when I heard a loud noise. When I looked up, there was earth coming right towards us. I tried to run, but failed.” Khairul Anuar said he could only close his eyes and wish it was over as the mud and the red earth washed over his head, face and the body. “Takut. Saya tutup mata saja. Tanah tolak saya ke dalam dekat kerusi. Kemudian bumbung khemah jatuh (I was scared. I just closed my eyes. The earth pushed me into the soil near the chairs. Then the canopy fell.” “The people came to res-

BEDSIDE VIGIL: Zarina Abdul Aziz (mother, centre) looking at Zulhairi who had his left leg amputated with deputy Health Minister Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin by her side yesterday

cue me, but it was painful. My feet were stuck. I could not move. They had to use a steel bar and other tools to dig out the soil and get me out.” Khairul Anuar also said he could feel his sole burning while he was buried. His father, Mohd Nazri Bustaman, said the skin of

the boy's right sole peeled off in the landslide. “He received more than 20 stitches on the sole in an operation to fix the wound on Saturday night.” As such, Mohd Nazri said Khairul Anuar would not be able to walk just yet due to the injury. “The doctor said he can't stand on his feet just

yet to avoid pressure on the wound and he needs to stay at the hospital at least for a week for observation.” Meanwhile, in the Ampang Hospital ICU, bank officer Zarina Abdul Aziz tried hard not to break down in front of her son - who had lost his limb in the landslide. Zulkhairi Aminuddin, 13,

had to have his left leg amputated as a boulder had crushed his leg. “He was not aware that he had lost his leg. But, he asked his father why was his leg bandaged. We will wait until he gets better before we break the terrible news to him,” said Zarina. Another survivor also lost his limb in the landslide. The victim is Izuan Zakaria, 33, a volunteer at the orphanage. His friend, who declined to be named, said Izuan regained consciousness but was still unaware of the loss of his leg. Izuan’s right leg, up to torso, was amputated. “Let him recover and get out of danger first. He is being kept under sedation and is still weak,” said the friend. Another survivor warded at the ICU, whose identity is being kept a secret, is still in a coma. Meanwhile at noon yesterday, Deputy Health Minister Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin visited the survivors at the Ampang Hospital. She first made her stop at the ICU along with Ampang Puteri Umno members.

of each other, trapped those at the camp. The body of the first victim was pulled out from the debris at 4.30pm on Saturday while the last was recovered yesterday at 5am. KAJANG

Drivers, nurses first at scene AMPANG Hospital ambulance drivers and staff nurses were among the first to reach the landslide site on Saturday at 2.30pm. The first emergency response people there were from the Fire and Rescue Department along with a few villagers. One hospital driver, who wanted to be identified as Izwan, said he heard people screaming and shouting for help from underneath the red earth which covered the area. "Everyone panicked and did not know where to begin as cries for help came from every side. So, we started to dig where we could." Even though he was an ambulance driver, Izwan said he couldn't bear to just sit and wait while others were trying their best to rescue victims. The survivors were given first aid at a camp set up by the medical team before being transferred to Ampang Hospital.



NSC claims stripes ● From page 1

We hope for a swift end to the issue — Mesuma's lawyer, Gary Lim KUALA LUMPUR

Court battle?

Any applications bearing a similar name or design to a registered owner will be objected to by IPCM. The applicants will then need to clarify how their design difMESUMA Sports has enfers from that of the regisgaged lawyers to protect its tered owner. trademarked design adorning If IPCM is satisfied, the Telekom Malaydesign will then be published sia's (TM) in newspapers for any public Team Maobjection. NSC director-general Datuk Zolkples Embong had, after the Malaysia Games draw at Bukit Jalil last Wednesday, claimed “NSC has registered the design” and questioned “what right does Mesuma have to register the design?” Zolkples did not disclose the registration number or show any certificates, claiming “they are in the office”. NSC sources later revealed a registration number but it was not listed in the IPCM data. The Team Malaysia Panthera jersey is sold at selected TMpoint outlets and via the company's website at RM79.90 each while Mesuma's jersey's retail at RM42 each. Meanwhile, Domestic Trade Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry enforcement director Mohd Roslan Mahyuddin said they would initiate investigations, under the Zulmazran ZULKIFLI: Trade Descriptions Act Wearing the triple-striped 1972, when the regis- jersey at the Malaysian International Bowling Open at tered owner lodged a Sunway Mega Lanes yesterday report.

... but let's mediate with relevant parties first, says Mesuma's counsel By Haresh Deol haresh@mmail.com.my

laysia Panthera jersey. Mesuma's lawyer, Gary Lim, reiterated the three tiger stripes design was owned by Mesuma Sports. He said Mesuma Sports would prefer to mediate the matter with the relevant parties for now. “We have the national interest at heart and would like to me-

THROUGH the Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM), Mesuma Sports prepares the attire for the national contingent to major meets. This includes the SEA Games, Asian Games and Olympics. Its contract with OCM ends after the London Olympics next year. Mesuma Sports is a retailer and wholesaler of sportswear, sports equipment, trophies and premium sports items. Based in Brickfields, the company is also involved in organising events, marketing, outdoor advertising and

Wee's Twitter scholarship trail By Shahrim Tamrin shahrimtamrin@mmail.com.my

ple regardless of race. I don’t care what people said even though I have been accused of seeking cheap political publicity. The government is giving out scholarships purely on merit and it’s my duty to ensure I help them,” Wee told The Malay Mail last night. Stating he had been getting requests for his assistance to obtain these scholarships, he said: “I am working in the spirit of 1Malaysia as I be-

for the national contingent to the SEA Games in Indonesia later this year and the London Olympics next year. Mesuma is a sponsor of the on-going Malaysian International Bowling Open at Sunway. The national bowlers don the Mesuma jersey with logos of their sponsors, Canon and Astro.

An old friend of sports


DEPUTY Education Minister Datuk Wee Ka Siong's (pic) Twitter account has been bombarded by queries from prospective scholars keen to know whether they qualify for full government scholarships. Following reports the government was reviewing the eligibility list for SPM students, Wee has been receiving queries on his Twitter account the past couple of days. However, Wee’s efforts have instead earned him brickbats from the People's Progressive Party president Datuk M. Kayveas, who questioned the wisdom of making such queries public. In response, Wee said there was nothing wrong in him doing so as his objective was only to help eligible applicants. “I am doing it for the peo-

diate and hope for a swift end to the issue.” Mesuma Sports owner Maya Heng said the three tiger stripes design was synonymous with brand Mesuma. She said the company had been the distributors of official attire for Olympic Council of Malaysia since 2006. Heng said Mesuma would provide the official sports attire

lieve in the prime minister's leadership and his call to provide scholarships on pure merit. "So, I don’t mind helping anybody whether he is Chinese, Indian or Malay. Twitter is one form of communication with anyone regardless of race." Judging from the flow of Twitter messages, many have praised his open communication. A teenager with the nickname @ElweenLocke tweeted:“My heart goes out to Wee Ka Siong. Those who only know how to blow their own horns and shake legs in the Parliament, please shut up.” Even an opposition supporter @seblowkl had glowing praise: "YB, I am a DAP supporter. But you have my support over the scholarships issue..Good job YB!”

● See also pg 7

client servicing. Mesuma is also the importer and distributor of "Marathon" sepak takraw balls and equipment. In 2005, the Sports Ministry ran a contest to design the national jersey in which the designs of the top three winning entries were selected. They were later re-designed by Tan Sri Lim Kok Wing to give it a national theme. The jersey, which was launched by then deputy prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, bore five tiger stripes. Having been the official attire distributors for the OCM since 2006, Mesuma decided to make the jersey sponsor friendly and reduced the design to three tiger stripes.


Council: Name it Adik Naquiddin hall

THE Subang Jaya Municipal Council is mulling whether to rename the Taman Batu Tiga community hall to Adik Naquiddin hall, in memory of the boy who died in a tragic playground electrocution accident two months ago. Its Zone 5 councillor Keshminder Singh said he has already obtained the nod from the neighbourhood residents' association committee to change the name of the community hall in memory of Muhammad Naquiddin Mohd Marzuki (pic). “In renaming the community hall to the deceased, it should also serve as a grim reminder to the contractor concerned, who is still hiding and has refused to come forward,” he said, adding he believed the contractor responsible was closely linked to the neighbourhood. But, when contacted, Marzuki said he was uncomfortable

with the councillor’s suggestion to rename the hall after his son. “I hope the proposal by the council will not be an attempt to hide their mistake and for the investigation to vanish quietly,” said the 44-year-old factory worker.

The Malay Mail Monday 23 MAY, 2011

Princess wedding hat sold on eBay THE flamboyant hat worn by Princess Beatrice at last month's British royal wedding was sold yesterday for the princely sum of £81,100 (RM396,137) on Internet auction site eBay. Proceeds from the sale of the hat, designed by Irish milliner Philip Treacy, will be split between the United Nations Children's Fund and Children in Crisis, a British charity. The princess, the oldest daughter of Prince Andrew and granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth II, provided one of the most memorable moments of a dramatic day when she stepped out in the eccentric headwear, likened to a giant pretzel. — AFP

Republican falls out from race

REPUBLICANS hoping to dethrone President Barack Obama had one fewer possible standard bearers after Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels announced yesterday that he had decided not to make a 2012 White House run. As the clock ticks down ahead of January's crucial Iowa caucuses vote that launches the presidential election season in earnest, Daniels arguably has become the most significant Republican contender to take a pass on the race. — AFP

Astronauts wrap up second walk

TWO astronauts completed a second of four scheduled space walks of the Endeavour shuttle's final mission to the International Space Station (ISS) yesterday, the US space agency said. Drew Feustel and Mike Fincke wrapped up their eight-hour, sevenminute spacewalk after refilling radiators with ammonia, installing stowage beams near the middle of the main truss and lubricating a solar panel joint and parts of Dextre, one of the orbiting station's robotic arms. Endeavour Mission Specialist Greg Chamitoff, who participated in the first spacewalk of the mission, coordinated communications between the spacewalkers and mission control in Houston and choreographed their activities from inside the ISS. — AFP

monday 23 MAY, 2011

the malay mail




We can't shove the baby at them and force them to take what's offered. Parents have to be happy with the baby — OrphanCare deputy president Noraini Hashim

The Malay Mail Monday 23 may, 2011

God's precious gift


Don't be choosy when adopting children, urge social groups By T.K. Letchumy Tamboo t.k.letchumy@mmail.com.my

PROSPECTIVE adoptive parents who are selective when adopting children have drawn mixed reactions from social groups. Non-governmental organisations say this mindset needs to change, but acknowledged it is the right of a parent to chose only the best child for adoption. Pusat Akitiviti Kanak-Kanak Chow Kit centre manager Ananti Rajasingam felt parents should not be choosy and should change their thinking on the criteria set on baby adoption. "Babies should not be judged on physical appear-

ance and adoptive parents need awareness on this issue. Please don't be too choosy. All abandoned babies deserve to be adopted."

Ananti felt it might prove disastrous later on in the child's life when he or she learns their selection was based purely on physical traits. "All I am saying is that babies are created equal. Just accept them. Babies need love not judgment. So, why discriminate? If the child finds out later that he or she was selected for their looks, it might hurt their feelings and jeopardise their relations with the adopted families." However, Ananti's opinion was not shared by Noraini Hashim (pic), deputy president at the country’s first

baby hatch, OrphanCare. Noraini felt prospective adoptive parents have every right to select babies they want to adopt. "We can't shove the baby at them and force them to take what's offered. Parents have to be happy with the baby." Noraini, nevertheless, did not rule out the possibility the whole adoption process would be better if there is no prejudice involved. "Many westerners are not prejudicial when adopting children. White couples do adopt black children. Maybe Malaysians could adopt this sort of mentality as well."

Noraini said there are about 650 couples on Orphancare's waiting list. "We have interviewed 150 couples and 38 adoption were successfully carried out. Admittedly, newborn babies who are fair-skinned are more popular." Meanwhile, Childline Malaysia project director P.H. Wong also felt it was the right of a parent to choose the baby they want. "Of course they want perfect children. They have every right to choose babies they want. The final decision to choose the baby lies with the prospective parents and


Malaysian cocoa a money-spinner By Allen J.P. Stanley allen.j.p.stanley@mmail.com.my

MALAYSIAN cocoa gained a higher profile among locals and foreigners over the threeday International Cocoa, Coffee and Consumer Show (IC3S) at the Exhibition Centre in Mid Valley Megamall here which ended yesterday. Organised by the Malaysian Cocoa Board and Bluedale Events & Consultants, a total of 152 organisations took part. Some 90 per cent of them were small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The event was launched on Friday by Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Tan Sri Bernard Giluk Dompok. Also present

were Malaysian Cocoa Board director-general Datuk Azhar Ismail and Malaysian Timber Industry Board director-general Dr Jalaluddin Harun. Dompok said the plantation and commodity sectors continued to assume a prominent role in the Malaysian economy in terms of export earnings, gross domestic product and national development. "Today, Malaysia is ranked 24th largest trading nation globally with trade links to more than 250 countries," he said. IC3S aims to bring greater awareness of Malaysian brands in the market, such as

Sin Sing, Van Houlten, Power Root and Tongkat Ali. "I believe the IC3S is an additional factor and incentive to develop the related industries, and facilitate the entrepreneurs to explore business opportunities," said Dompok. The minister said Malaysian consumers had been flooded by advertising and information on products of foreign brands more than local products, leading to the average Malaysian's perception that foreign products were of better standard and quality. He said the local media could play a more proactive role in raising awareness and

educating consumers on the advantages of local products. He felt due to strong economic growth, the lifestyle of Malaysians had changed with most hypermarkets shaping their purchasing behaviour. Azhar told The Malay Mail Malaysia produced one of the finest cocoa butter product in the world and was one of the largest agricultural contributors to the nation's earnings, with RM4.2 billion earned

through cocoa exports last year. The exhibition provided the opportunity for local entrepreneurs to promote their products towards the domestic market in a competitive way. Owner of Chococlassic trading, Fazlina Tajuddeen was a hit at the exhibition with her display of rich assortment of chocolates. At Friday's launch, Bluedale also invited four orphanages — PERNIM, Rumah Hope, Rumah Titian Kasih and Rumah Amal Limpahan Kasih — as part of their corporate social responsibility.

Here's to local candies THE International Cocoa, Coffee and Consumer Show (IC3S) 2011 received a positive feedback from exhibitors and the general public on the potential economic boost the show could garner. Many feel the world should be educated on the quality of Malaysia's cocoa production as it is in the same league of quality as the African, Ghanaian and Ivory Coast ones.

Renaissance Hotel Kuala Lumpur executive pastry chef Niklesh Sharma said: "The Malaysian Cocoa Board is doing a fantastic job of marketing local cocoa. Local companies should be encouraged to compete with the big players such as Valrhona who are no doubt award-winners. Currently, I do not see any local big chocolate company having a proper stronghold

in business locally." Malaysia's pastry arts director Lejeune Guillaume, said: "The government should assist and encourage local companies to invite pastry chefs from overseas and promote the usage and marketing of local chocolate products. It's all about branding image and direction. I'm sure local chocolate products can do better in the world market."

sweet takes: Fazlina proudly holds a large tray of assorted chocolates yesterday — Pic: Salhani Ibrahim

there's nothing we can do as it is a very personal choice." On Wednesday, The Malay Mail front-paged a revelation by the Social Welfare Department on traits more desired by potential parents which, among others, including fairskinned, curly-haired, chubby and healthy babies, preferably below the age of one. The department said the adoption rate for children has been increasing but one of the major setback was the various criteria fixed by potential adoptive parents which sometimes cause setbacks to the department in trying to find a perfect match.

Babies rejected for abnormalities

WHILE adoptive parents can be choosy when it comes to the skin tone and even hair texture of a child, babies are also rejected for abnormalities. Pusat Akitiviti Kanak-Kanak Chow Kit's centre manager Ananti Rajasingam shared with The Malay Mail a tale of a Myanmar baby who had 12 fingers and toes and one of his legs was shorter. Ananti said she helped four abandoned babies from the Kuala Lumpur General Hospital get adoptive families. "We had a difficult time finding adoptive parents for the boy as each and every potential couple who saw the baby rejected him because of his disability. For eight months, prospective parents came and went but didn't want to take the baby. "In the end we got the child adopted by a Myanmar family through one of our sponsors. The boy is one and a half years now and both he and the family are doing well." Recounting the backgound, she said: "Out of the four babies available then, he was the disabled one. "The baby boy was born out of wedlock to an 18-year-old Myanmar mother who came to Kuala Lumpur before her pregnancy began to show."

The Malay Mail Monday 23 MAY, 2011

Growling into Team Malaysia row

THE contentious attempt by Telekom Malaysia to trademark the words "Team Malaysia" emblazoned at the back of its newly-launched Team Malaysia Panthera jersey — with an array of "three tiger stripes" designs — has heightened an embarrassing row involving four parties. The move uncovered by The Malay Mail comes on the heels of a burgeoning battle over rights to use the three tiger stripes on the national team jersey. While the National Sports Council (NSC), Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM), Telekom Malaysia and Mesuma Sports Sdn Bhd — the registered owner of the three tiger stripes — are locked in legalities, the fight looks set to damage a national identity. There is anger and anxiety, and questions have arisen over sponsorship deals negotiated by national sports bodies. No one can explain why the three tiger stripes design was never trademarked by the government. Unsettled national sports associations have likened the move by Telekom Malaysia to an attempt to "hijack" and "trademark" national teams. They felt Telekom Malaysia was blatantly using its acronym TM that sits on the front of the jersey to promote the telecomPETALING JAYA


Team Malaysia jersey is not worth having if it is highly commercialised — Frankie D'Cruz

BeingFrank With Frankie D’Cruz

on monday munications giant rather than Team Malaysia. Team Malaysia shirt belongs to the people. It is to inspire every fan, to motivate all the kids who dream of one day wearing national colours. Team Malaysia jersey is not worth having if it is highly commercialised. It will reduce the spontaneity that Team Malaysia jersey means to people. It will be a blow to national pride. Telekom Malaysia filed eight applications to register four different versions incorporating the three tiger stripes on the words Team Malaysia with the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia on April 6 under different classes of goods and services. The designs comprise a logo bearing the letters TM as well. The Formality Section of the Trade Mark Division has inked the status of the applications as: Examination in Progress. How Telekom Malaysia, a government-linked company, expects to be the owner of the words "Team Malaysia" is

beyond many as opposition is bound to mount over allowing a company to register a national identity. National sports associations have raised concerns Telekom Malaysia was dictating terms to them. At a meeting of executive secretaries of national sports bodies called by the NSC last week, a representative of Telekom Malaysia was said to have given a briefing on the company’s legal rights to the three tiger stripes on the national jersey. They were apparently told Telekom Malaysia had been given the "patent" rights for the next five years by the NSC and OCM. The associations were also told to get the written approval of Telekom Malaysia if they were to produce jerseys with that specific design. “We were told all logos printed on the front and back of Telekom Malaysia jerseys should stay. We were cautioned against adding logos of Telekom Malaysia’s competitors, such as

Maxis, Digi and Astro,” said an executive secretary who requested anonymity. That immediately put the spotlight on Malaysian Tenpin Bowling Congress that had Team Malaysia jersey for the ongoing Malaysian International Bowling Open sponsored by Mesuma Sports, the registered owner of the three tiger stripes design. The fight over the rights to the stripes took to the bowling lanes with the Team Malaysia jersey carrying the names of sponsors Mesuma, Astro and Canon on the front and the words "Team Malaysia" behind. As if to score a strike, posters of the jersey were placed on boards at the lanes in the tournament venue in Sunway. This matter will definitely come up today in the second meeting between OCM and Telekom Malaysia to address the rights issue. The OCM has seen Mesuma’s trademark registration while the NSC has merely stated it had registered the three tiger stripes under the Industrial Design Act 1996. There are no records of the NSC having registered the tiger stripes under the Act, which comes under the purview of the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia. Faridah Kasmadi of the cor-

BRANDED: The four designs TM is seeking to register with the Intellectual Property Corporation (left) and Mesuma's three tiger stripes (above)

poration’s Trade Mark Division (Formality Section), in response to queries by MailSport journalist Haresh Deol, wrote: “It is our opinion that as of July 9, 2009, the registered owner of the said tiger stripe mark is Mesuma Sports Sdn Bhd and those registered trademarks 09011365 (Class 18) and 09011366 (Class 25) would become an obstacle to other filings of similar trademarks by any party after that date.” “In April this year, Telekom Malaysia Berhad had filed eight applications containing similar stripes design in their trademark. And in May, another company CR Sports Sdn Bhd had also filed 6 applications for identical trademarks in Class 6, 9, 16, 21, 24, 25.” Patent rights lawyers contend registration of the same design under separate legislation was highly unlikely and unfair to, in this case, Mesuma Sports. The Industrial Design Act is clear: To be eligible for registration, an industrial design must be new at the date an application for registration is filed. A design is considered new only if it has not been made available or disclosed to the public in any way whatsoever in Malaysia before the filing date of application. It also should not be on the record of the Industrial Design Register.

Registered designs are open to public inspection and details of the registration are recorded in the Register of Industrial Designs and published in the Government Gazette. Telekom Malaysia is also in a spot over the name Panthera in its Team Malaysia jersey. It has not applied to register the name Panthera and it seems pointless for them to push ahead with an application. The name Panther was registered by Secaicho Corporation, Japan, in 1977 and an application to register the name Pantherella in 2009 has had objections by a third party. Any applications bearing a similar name or design to a registered owner will also be objected to by the guardians of intellectual property. No one thought it right to trademark "Malaysia Boleh" which was coined in the early 1990s to lift up the spirits and confidence of the nation in sports and everyday lives. Brand Team Malaysia should not be something that can be bought and sold. FRANKIE D'CRUZ is editor-at-large of The Malay Mail. The multiple award-winning journalist can be contacted at frankie@mmail.com.my

Bloggers aid one of their own By Azreen Hani azreenhani@mmail.com.my

THERE is a saying that goes: “Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.” Those words by American writer William Arthur Ward seems befitting to describe wheelchair-bound blogger Ahmad Daniel Shah Sharani, 35, who chose to live his life to the fullest, despite the many challenges he faces. Paralysed after a road accident 17 years ago when he was 18, the accident also claimed the life of a friend. "It took me some time before I rejoined society," said Ahmad, fondly nicknamed Kerp. After regaining his courage, he began writing about the plight of the disabled in the

country. "Writing is my way of contributing to society and to all the people who have given me so much support and encouragement," he said. His numerous articles have been published in print and on his blog at http://letswheel. blogspot.com. A year ago, he took time off from blogging and married his companion of nine years, Molee Kamal. He now faces another challenge as Molee was diagnosed with kidney cancer recently. But it did not take long for Blog House Malaysia, an association for local bloggers, to lend their support to Ahmad and Molee. Blog House secretary-gen-

eral Tony Yew said: "When we found out why Ahmad could not attend the Asean Bloggers Conference last month, our adviser Datuk Ahirudin Attan suggested we help him out." The association's committee members unanimously agreed with the suggestion by Ahirudin, who blogs as Rocky Bru, and launched a fund called Bloggers for Blogger, or B4B=Kerp, last Tuesday. So far, the fund has raised RM14,569. L ast Wednesday, Blog House president Syed Akbar Ali handed Ahmad the first cheque. "The fund is to help Ahmad pay for his wife's medical expenses, so we have not set a deadline or specific amount

for this fund. Through his articles and his blogging, Ahmad has brought greater public awareness on the disabled," said Yew. Ahmad said: "My wife and I are deeply touched by what Blog House is doing for us and we are grateful to all those who contributed, including people we do not know. My wife needs to complete 10 sessions of radiotherapy, once per day on a daily basis. She's a strong woman and I'm praying hard for her." Those who wish to contribute directly to Ahmad can do so via his Maybank account number 1642 5846 2732. For more information, log on to http://www.bloghousemalaysia.com.


B4B: Ahmad (right) receiving a cheque from Syed Akbar

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Monday 23 MAY, 2011 the malay mail

your right to be heard


tel:03-7947 2288 fax: 03-7960 5096 tel:019-261 4948 (after 9pm)

Complainants have to submit their personal particulars and provide a detailed account of their complaint. Complainants have to first file their complaints with the respective parties before contacting Hotline. Complaints referred by Hotline to the relevant parties would be published if there is no response in seven days. After a complaint has been resolved, the complainant cannot demand non-publication of the matter.

By Reena Raj, Ikram Ismail and Allen JP STANLEy

Five-day old glass top shatters Furniture company says refund not part of company its policy

SIVARAJ V. SITHAMPARAM'S dream of furnishing his new home with designer furniture has been literally shattered to pieces. This was after he spent RM6,190 purchasing a designer dining table for his new home in Jalan Kent, KL, and the glass top shattered barely five days after it was delivered. "I purchased the glass-top dining table from Lorenzo Jalan Ampang on May 14 and I had it delivered to my new home. But despite not using the table because I've yet to move in, the glass piece shattered after five days." SIVARAJ says his contractor was the one who discovered the damage and alerted him. "The table has not been used as we have yet to move

into the house, so they cannot say that someone caused the damage," he says. "I could have bought a cheaper product but I chose to pay more than RM6,000 expecting quality." He said people do not generally pay a hefty price for furniture that cannot last. "I am disappointed with this incident. The matter in question is safety. I have young children and old parents, I can't imagine what would have happened if this had occurred when they were at home." As the safety of his family is now at stake, SIVARAJ says he would rather Lorenzo take back the table and refund his money as he does not want a replacement for fear the same thing might happen again.

● Ginova Marketing Sdn Bhd after sales-service assistant Michelle Siaw said the Ampang showroom sales manager will liaise with SIVARAJ to resolve the matter. "We will offer him a replacement tempered glass top for his dining table which had shattered. We can't give him a refund as it is not within our policy." When Hotline enquired, SIVARAJ says Lorenzo contacted him and offered to exchange the glass top but he declined their offer. "My concern is with regards to safety and I'm afraid it may happen again and this time someone may get hurt. The glass did not just shatter, it exploded. He says he plans to bring the matter up to the Consumer Claims Tribunal.

PUZZLING: A worker showing the pieces that were once a glass table top

Touch ‘n Go gone haywire ON April 23, VALERIE TAN SHU YIN boarded a RapidKL U68 bus from Taman Sri Sentosa at 8.30am. Her Touch ‘n Go card balance was approximately RM7.20. As per the driver's instructions, she then reloaded RM10 to facilitate the trip's expenses. When VALERIE got off at Brickfields about 8.45am, she was shocked to see the balance showed only RM5.70. The bus driver, who seemed equally baffled, did not know what happened. He also did not provide VALERIE a receipt because she was rushing for an appointment and had no time to resolve the matter at that juncture. The next day, she boarded another U68 bus at 8.30am with a Touch ‘n Go balance of RM5.70. When she beeped in, the screen showed a fare of RM2.50 and a balance of RM3.20. When TAN beeped out at Brickfields at 9am, it showed a fare of RM3 with a balance of 20 sen. "That was a RM5.50 bus fare for a trip that usually costs RM1.90," she says.

She submitted a complaint to careline@touchngo.com.my and RapidKL's Facebook on the same day. Touch ‘n Go responded on April 26 by forwarding the complaint to suggest@rapidkl. com.my. VALERIE says she did not hear from either party and followed up with another email on May 5. "But yet again, Touch ‘n Go replied by asking me to contact RapidKL." VALERIE says she has yet to receive a response from RapidKL. She adds that she registered online to view the transaction record for the card but is unable to login to check the e-statement. She is appalled at the way Touch ‘n Go and RapidKL are handling the matter.

● A spokesperson for the corporate communications team of Touch ‘n Go Sdn Bhd says: "We thank VALERIE for her feedback on Touch 'n Go and wish to take this opportunity to provide clarification for her queries. We are pleased to inform that the refund for the

unsuccessful reload amount of RM10 has been processed for immediate payment at our KL Sentral Hub. On the maximum fare charge for the bus journey on April 24, Touch ‘n Go was informed by RapidKL that a refund of RM4 shall be made to the customer by May 12. We have also assisted VALERIE to activate her e-Statement account for her to view her card transactions record online. We regret the inconveniences caused. We take this opportunity to advise our customers to submit their enquiries or feedback online via e-Customer Service at www.touchngo.com. my. Alternatively, customers can contact our Careline at 037628 5115 or drop an email to careline@touchngo.com.my." When contacted, VALERIE says she has been contacted by Touch ‘n Go and the matter has been resolved to her satisfaction. VALERIE hopes Touch ‘n Go and RapidKL could work together and solve issues more efficiently without passing the buck to one another and confusing customers.

Ex-gratia payment banked in YONG CHEE SHIN was issued a letter by his previous employer, Maxwell Pharma Sdn Bhd, on Jan 26, stating an ex-gratia payment of RM500 would be paid to him by the end of February. After waiting for five months, YONG has still not received the payment. "I tried to follow up with my previous employer but they gave me a list of excuses which I felt was not acceptable. "I tendered by resignation on Jan 31 and completed serving the one-month notice period required." YONG claims Maxwell Pharma said it was wrong for them to pay him the ex-gratia because of his unwillingness to assist the company during the last few weeks after he tendered his resignation. "They said I was un-

willing to stay back or come in on Saturdays or request for a few days from my new employer to enable me to hand over my responsibilities to the new staff and complete what was required before the auditors audited the company’s books." YONG, however, insists he had, to the best of his abilities, completed his duties. YONG says he filed a complaint with the Labour Department on April 19 and an officer had informed him he was required to meet his previous employer for a discussion in a week. But the meeting was not set up and YONG is upset. Whenever he tries to call the Labour Department to follow up, his calls would go unanswered or they would ask him to wait for their official letter for court purposes.

● CHEW LYE LENG, a director of Maxwell Pharma Sdn Bhd, says: "This is to confirm that Maxwell Pharma Sdn Bhd will bank in the RM500 to Yong and the issue is closed." When contacted, YONG says via email: "I hereby confirm my ex-employer, Maxwell Pharma Sdn Bhd, had banked-in the amount of RM500 into my bank account on May 13. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Hotline for taking the time and trouble to follow up on this matter. Hotline only took two days to respond to my complaint whereas the Labour Department sent their official letter on May 16 asking me to come to their office for a hearing on June 7."

BUS/TAXI/AIRPORTS/ RAILWAYS: • Arab-Malaysian: 03 2612 6888 • Bank Islam: 03 2698 9608 • Bumiputra Commerce: 1 300 88 0900

Monday 23 MAY, 2011

• Hong Leong: 1 800 38 8888 • Maybank: 1 800 88 2828 • Public Bank: 03 2163 9191

the malay mail


Landslip due to weak retaining wall THE management company of Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park Apartments has claimed full responsibility for the landslip in Jalan Klang Lama last month. Hotline received a distress call from residents following the landslip on April 29 and they alleged that ongoing works at a nearby construction site were the cause of the incident.

Six cars were damaged when a retaining wall collapsed about 3.30am. However, City Hall directorgeneral Datuk Mohd Salleh Yusop told Hotline that based on their investigations, the landslip did not occur due to construction works but because the retaining wall was weak. Chartwell Asset Management

Sdn Bhd has been instructed to carry out repair works on the retaining wall. "The wall was built by Chartwell, the apartment's building management, and they have been instructed to repair it immediately," said Mohd Salleh. "We spoke to engineers from Akisama Sdn Bhd, the develop-

er of the neighbouring project, and it was clear their works had nothing to do with the damaged retaining wall." Mohd Salleh said Chartwell had been ordered to rebuild the wall and ensured it stays solid. A Chartwell spokesman said the company had assumed full responsibility and would carry out the repairs.

Be responsible Local authorities urge residents to 'clean up' their act

messy morning: The mountain of rubbish before the clean-up

one cannot always blame the authorities when things go wrong. After receiving complaints from residents in Bandar Baru Sri Petaling that cleanliness in the area was appalling, Hotline contacted the authorities for clarification. However, we were informed that while rubbish is collected regularly, it is the residents' attitude that contributes to the problem there. The complaint we received last month was from S.S. GOH, who said the local authorities were collecting rubbish only once every three to four days but that was not regular enough. He said sanitation in the area was horrendous with Jalan Radin Anum 2, Jalan Radin Anum 3, Jalan 1/149D and Jalan 1/149J being the worst. "Rubbish like paper, leaves and food wrappings were being 'disposed off ' behind shoplots and on the roads. Crows are feeding on the trash. "Dirty eateries contribute largely to the area's filth." GOH claims he has complained numerous times to

Kuala Lumpur City Hall and Alam Flora but there has been no remedy.

● Kuala Lumpur City

Hall corporate communications manager Anwar Mohd Zain says cleaning duties have been carried out for three days from April 27 at the said streets. "However, cars parked at the back alleys of commercial centres made it difficult for our trucks to collect rubbish. Our contractors had to use wheelbarrows to move the rubbish." Anwar advises the public to do their part by not parking their vehicles at the back lanes. Alam Flora Sdn Bhd Kuala Lumpur branch planning manager (operation and resources) Raja Amir Hamzah Raja Hassan says they empty the dumpsters for commercial areas (shoplots) at 6.30am everyday and three times a week for housing areas. He says it is difficult to collect rubbish from the back alleys as some cars are parked there permanently. "There are also illegal

same at sunset: Back to square one by the evening ALTHOUGH disposing commercial waste is the responsibility of business owners, Alam Flora Sdn Bhd does provide a paid collection service for such waste. The public can call them at 1800 88 0880 or 03-9206 6666 to find out more.

structures, such as gazebos, cooking stations and storage areas, in the back lanes. "We have been carrying out intensive cleaning works since April 27. The process is ongoing but it would take time due to the obstruction we face." He claims many business owners there have refused to use the 240-litre dumpster although Alam Flora is willing to sell it cheap. "We are waiting for the Solid Waste and Public Cleansing Act 2007 to be enforced. Under this Act, every house and shoplot must have a dustbin or they will be compounded." Raja Amir also acknowledges receiving complaints from GOH. "He has been complaining to us but he's only concerned with commercial waste being dumped at the wrong place. We collect bulk waste weekly, usually on weekends, but it does not

include industrial or commercial waste." Nevertheless, to address the problem, Raja Amir says Alam Flora has provided a 'roll-on and roll-out bin' (roro bin) in their transit centre in Jalan Radin Anum 1 near the police station. He advises residents to bring their rubbish to their transit centre instead of throwing it everywhere. The Hotline roving team visited one of the rubbishprone areas on May 4. We saw rubbish being collected in the morning but when we returned to the same spot at 6.30pm, a new pile of trash had already accumulated. When told of this, Raja Amir says residents will have to change their attitude. "We plan to engage residents in a gotong-royong to make them aware of the situation. They need to cooperate with us and bear some responsibility."

SMASHED: Wall gives way and lands on parked cars

Online Hotline comments www.mmail.com.my Spammed by SMS promos (May 20) • YOU are not alone. I bought a prepaid card for my wife. It was registered under my name. We did not give the number to anyone, but one month later, my wife began receiving calls from a particular bank promoting their products and a furniture shop telling us we have won a free sofa. — Rahim ‘Pondok’ party not wanted (May 19) • ALL gatherings comprising more than five people on public property are illegal without a permit from the police. Can't the police use this law to disperse the troublemakers? — Annaeh • THE police can only ask and warn the troublemakers not to make loud noises after midnight. It is better for the residents to set up a Rukun Tetangga unit and patrol together with the police for a few weeks. Those troublemakers will get the message that they are not welcome to that area anymore. This method really works. Another thing is, the gazebo serves no purpose and it will only invite addicts and vagrants. Town and park planners should re-evaluate if there is a need for gazebos. — johanssmKhunPana Two-year P1 Wimax nightmare (May 19) • OVERLOOKED? Also overlooked the numerous times Ahmad contacted them and asked them to rectify. Customer service in Malaysia is seriously lacking. How can we compete with other developing nations? Soon other countries in SEA will overtake Malaysia. Still in the 'Malaysia Boleh' mentality. — Abugaga One tight squeeze (May 16) • A DETERRENT must be set. What is so hard about using wheel-locks on these vehicles? Issuing on-thespot fines will only create bother when collecting. With wheel-locking, you can make them pay up-front (cash or credit card). Oh, of course, put up a warning sign first. — Anonymous • I'VE been to Mont Kiara once or twice. The location and entrance of the car park are not obvious, nor are there prominent signages directing motorists to the parking facilities, especially when one arrives at night. The location looks posh and motorists tend to associate that with exorbitant parking rates. There's still a lot more the developer can do on their part. — Anonymous Act of defiance (May 11) • THERE are a lot of inconsiderate restaurant owners who steal parking lots for their own selfish purposes. Of course, nothing is done about this. The people are powerless. — Anonymous • SO, now the council is aiding and abetting these restaurants? There is a reason these spaces are called car parks! — Eina

10 letters&opinion Monday 23 May, 2011

the malay mail

● Opinions may be in the form of Letters to the Editor or comments posted in relation to all news.

Mail: Letters To The Editor, Malay Mail Sdn Bhd, Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. KUALA LUMPUR

● Letters to the Editor must carry your name, address and contact number. A pseudonym may be included. Email: mmnews@mmail.com.my Fax: 03-7960 5096

A rape every 2.5 hours (May 19)

Hidden sex scourge

ALL Women’s Action Society (AWAM) notes with concern The Malay Mail’s front page story on May 19 on the alarming rate of sex crimes according to the latest statistics released by Bukit Aman. The article reported 10 women are raped every day. That means a woman gets raped on the average of every two-and-a-half-hours. While these police statistics are alarming, we believe they do not convey the true scale of the crime.

Applying the general rule of thumb that only one in 10 cases is reported, the more accurate picture would be that a rape occurs every 15 minutes. This means that every year, the number of victims accumulated would be enough to fill Bukit Jalil stadium to capacity. If we include other sexual crimes such as incest and harassment, experienced not just by women but also by the transgendered and people of all ages, the numbers could

HULU LANGAT Double landslides

Prevention better than cure NEEDLESS DEATH: The landslide which hit the Madrasah Al-Taqwa Orphanage in Hulu Langat killed 16, mostly children

WE have seen how often landslides occur after heavy rain. In the past, I have written and spoken to the local government that they should move people out of buildings on hillsides. As in the case of Saturday’s landslides, why did we wait for problems to occur first? Innocent children at the orphanage had to die before action was taken. It is my opinion the authorities have not been conducting spot checks at hill areas. Now, we hear Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin saying he wants a “full report”. What is the point of this, after the tragedy has already occurred? We have qualified civil engineers working within the relevant authorities and they can gauge if an area is unsafe. I would also like to stress the need for ‘buffer zones’ between hill slopes and houses. These buffer zones are important, regardless of whether those living there are squatters. The local authorities, too, seem to approve projects, at times without hearing the views of the people. For example, my area Taman Nirvana is crammed, yet an

apartment project has been approved. Once again, I would like to stress that prevention is better than cure. M. Thomas Advisor Ampang Jaya and Pandan People Consultative Council

be double. According to the 2010 Malaysia Millennium Development Goals report, Malaysia ranks among the highest in the world for reported rape cases. Sexual violence has reached epidemic levels in this country. It is a widespread social, developmental and public health issue that needs to be radically addressed and dealt with. Before this report, these PUDU

statistics were classified as sulit (confidential) and withheld by the police, suggesting a sweepunder-the-carpet mentality which shows a resistance to tackling this issue openly and seriously. Similarly, our government’s ambitious Government Transformation Programme and National Key Result Area to reduce crime make no mention of reducing sexual crimes, revealing perhaps a disconnection with the reality that sexual violence forms a huge dimen-

sion of crime in Malaysia. The pitifully low rate of prosecution of 162 rapes in 2009 also suggests that our court system has failed. Meanwhile, the Women’s Ministry is silent on issues of sexual violence. Rape seems to be a crime that is committed with impunity, where perpetrators escape the law and get off scot-free. We need a national strategy to deal with sexual crimes which includes the involvement of all agencies such as

service providers, the judiciary, the police, and medical staff. Prevention strategies that promote education, awareness of gender equality and securing women’s rights are long-term enablers for reducing this crime. We need to approach this epidemic with the guts, the will and the resources to truly eradicate sexual crimes. Ho Yock Lin Acting president All Women’s Action Society

Reopening of Puduraya bus terminal (April 19)

I REFER to David Goh's letter "Poor re-start for Puduraya" in The Malay Mail on April 19, on his bad experience at the reopened terminal. I agree with him that Puduraya is indah khabar dari rupa (sounds better than it looks) and would like to share my family’s experience there last Wednesday. We headed to Puduraya to send my son-in-law off. His bus to Kuantan was scheduled to leave at 8.30pm. When we arrived, a clerk said there was a delay and his bus would leave at 9.30pm. So, we decided to roam the new Puduraya. At first, we were amazed by the nice seats and airconditioning, just like at the KL International Airport (KLIA). But we found the stairs

Bad experience at new station leading to the ticket counters to be troublesome for those travelling with big luggage. Indeed I saw some people having a hard time pulling their bags up each step. As it was raining heavily outside, we looked for restaurants to get some food and hot drinks but we only found a kiosk selling tidbits and cold drinks. A security guard told me the food court is situated on the fourth floor but the lifts were not functioning. Another security guard then said we were supposed to take the lift from the second floor. So up we went but there, too, we were disappointed to find the lifts not working. Finally, we took the stairs up only to find the fourth floor empty.

There were even puddles of water at certain areas. My 70-year-old mother was made to walk up and down all those stairs just to 'tour' this site. When I complained to yet another security guard, I was angry to hear the food court was not ready! Why didn’t the guards tell us that in the first place? Then my mother and I went to the ladies’ toilet and found we had to pay 30 sen for a dirty, wet and smelly loo. Even more ridiculous, the entrance to the ladies’ toilet was wide open and could be viewed by men who entered the men’s room. Then at 9.25pm, we left my son-in-law to board his bus but was informed it had left without him and one other passenger.

There had been no prior announcement on the departure and although it was the clerk who told us the bus would leave at 9.30pm, my son-in-law and the other passenger were made to buy new tickets. After some argument, the clerk said my son-in-law could pay half price. At the terminal, we also saw a sales person arguing and yelling at a group of Arab tourists. To raise your voice at a tourist, what a shame! I hope whoever is in charge of Puduraya will pay attention to these grouses and take corrective measures. For the sake of tourism, please improve these services. Rokiah Md Sidek

Opinion of the week R. Suresh's views on 'Poor stray conduct can spoil nation's image' explains how the manner in which local council officials catch and look after stray animals reflects poorly on the country's image as a whole and could have international repercussions. He wins a hamper worth RM100 from Dutch Lady, as decided by The Malay Mail editor.

The Malay Mail-Dutch Lady HAMPER FOR CHARITY THE best opinion of the week as decided by the editor will win a hamper from Dutch Lady Malaysia for charitable institutions. Readers are encouraged to nominate charities deserving of this gesture. The Malay Mail will deliver the winning hamper.

The Malay Mail Monday 23 may, 2011

I wonder why people in such powerful positions have no compunctions about being involved in a sexual tryst — Rusdi Mustapha

Power corrupts everything SeriMenanti With Rusdi Mustapha

YOU know what they say, too many surprises in one day can kill. Yes, our frail bodies and minds can only take so many surprises at a time, and more than that, you will either get depressed or melancholic, or be placed on a suicide watch. Malaysians are being fed with all kinds of news in the media, lurid or otherwise. And the ongoing “saga” of the trial of our own former deputy prime minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, charged with sodomy, is now almost staple news for many although it has, to me, become an irritation. Then, when I thought I could escape it all by not reading about sodomy and attempted cases of rape by the prominent and powerful, there was this latest news about my favourite action hero and former California governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger. He fathered a son with one of his domestic housemaids in 1997 and managed to keep it secret for 14 years. Frankly, I don’t care but it just makes me wonder why people in such powerful positions have no compunctions about being involved in a sexual tryst. Austrian-born Schwarzenegger's scandal came to light on May 16 and, on the same day we had the International Monetary Fund (IMF) managing director Dominic StraussKahn charged with attempting to rape a chambermaid in New York City. French-born Strauss-Kahn, until then, was in line to become the French Socialist Party’s candidate for the country’s next presidential election and was believed to have a good chance of unseating current president Nicolas Sarkozy.

Now then, what propelled a very powerful man like 62year-old Strauss-Kahn, who has four daughters and has been married to his third wife since 1991, to behave the way he did? The answer could be, as it was once said, that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. He probably believed that even if he did what he was accused of, that a man in his position could get away with anything, including raping a maid. The thing I like most is the American justice system. In the case of Strauss-Kahn, who was in an Air France aircraft 10 minutes before taking off, the NYC police boarded the plane and he was whisked away and fingerprinted. In the case of 63-year-old Schwarzenegger, who was governor from Nov 17, 2003, to Jan 3, 2011, he only admitted to having fathered an illegitimate son after his wife of 25 years, Maria Shriver, found out about it. They have two daughters (born in 1989 and 1991) and two sons (born in 1993 and 1997). Shriver left Schwarzenegger shortly before the scandal broke, and many fans were disgusted and felt betrayed by their hero. Now, why would people like Schwarzenegger and StraussKahn, with seemingly good standing in society, did what they did? Actually, come to think of it, I don’t know. Then again, perhaps it is not so surprising. But I do know that if you are given a sacred responsibility to do your job, you are accountable and you have to do it with high moral standards and utmost conviction.


HASTA LA VISTA, BABY: Schwarzenegger and Shriver

12 news

People who say this is silly are the ones who are holed up at home at night. Everyone's got a different hobby — D@BikAdik on nighttime cycling

Rare gems shine on

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Liu Yun mesmerises fans at Arena of Stars By Loong Wai Ting waiting@mmail.com.my

WHILE they may be half a century old, just give them a microphone and put them all in the limelight and they can be just as versatile as young stars. Yesterday, thousands of fans crowded the Arena of Stars to witness Sakura Teng, Qing Shan and Liu Yun giving their all at the Classic Rendezvous Concert 2011. Age was not an issue for them as they took fans down memory lane, belting out 60s and 70s numbers. Liu Yun, the oldest among

them, was a little nervous, despite being a veteran who had once commanded the Chinese music industry. She said onstage: "I am indeed very nervous. First, it could be the age. Secondly, I have not sung on a large stage for a long time." However, the applause and praises she received said it all. Despite her age, she had the energy and charisma to give a great performance. Requests for songs and encores came pouring in, and the

highlight came when Qing Shan joined Liu Yun for a duet, He Bi Qu Sau Xiang. In an earlier interview, Qing Shan said he was delighted to be performing with Liu Yun. Their joint performance seemed effortless, although they had only met during the rehearsal. While the night might not have appealed to younger audiences, these three singers were like rare gems of yesteryear continuing to shine even now. • See also pg17

The Malay Mail Monday 23 may, 2011

'Mat Sikal': Sport or hazard? By JOE LEE joelee@mmail.com.my @klubbkiddkl

A TREND has taken to the streets in the form of a new sport. Cycling in the middle of the night in large groups has been reported in several cities throughout the country, especially Malacca, and even in Kuala Lumpur. One occasion saw hundreds of cyclists

weave in and out dangerously among traffic in the middle of the night in Jalan Ampang and Jalan Tun Razak. Most riders are apparently underaged, raising questions about their safety on the streets in the wee hours. Some have even branded them "mat

sikal", successor to the other two-wheeled terrors. Turning to Twitter for feedback, here are some of the reactions to the writer at @klubbkiddkl. Some portions of the tweets have been modified, without alterations to the intent of the message.

@FizarHarun: Harmless but victims to road hogs.

@RaafikTwit: Most of them are a nuisance to others.

@adlysyam: It’s not wrong to go cycling but not in town as it’s too dangerous.

@atanonfire: They’re not all ‘mat sikals’. I think the media has been misinformed.

@elfie_azlan: They’re fixies. It’s a new trend, some of them cycle about for up to three hours.

@pijapijot: People who say this is silly are the ones who are holed up at home at night. Everyone's got a different hobby. @BikAdik: It's dangerous! If only there was supervision.

@wawaFTi : They’re called ‘fixies’. It’s a healthy activity. Fixie bicycles (fixed gears) are quite expensive.

@Langit13iru: Mat Sikals? Don’t they have parents? If an accident happens, what then? Some of them don’t even have money to buy food.

monday 23 MAY, 2011

the malay mail



More than 10 terrorists were inside the base and at least 10 people had been wounded — Pakistan Home ministry official Sharfuddin Memon


Eruption sparks flight fears SAFETY experts warned in Reykjavik, Iceland, yesterday ash from an erupting Icelandic volcano that closed the country's airspace may blow across large swathes of western Europe, raising fears of new flight chaos. Air safety officials said ash from the Grimsvoetn eruption may reach north Scotland by Tuesday before sweeping across Britain to hit France and Spain two days later. -- AFP

Reach out to people, Assad told JORDAN'S King Abdullah II urged Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to reach out to protesters amid a brutal crackdown by the Syrian government that has killed at least 900 people. Speaking in Washington yesterday, his call was echoed by Arab League SecretaryGeneral Amr Moussa, an Egyptian presidential candidate, who called on Assad to accelerate socioeconomic and political reforms, as well as provide more freedoms and set new elections. -- AFP


Military base attacked Gunbattle rages as militants storm naval facility

MILITANTS stormed one of Pakistan's main military bases late yesterday, triggering explosions and gunbattles in the country's largest city three weeks after the US killing of Osama bin Laden. At least 10 people were wounded as towering flames rose over Pakistan naval air base PNS Mehran in the centre of Karachi, where the military and government confirmed that the base was under "terrorist attack". A reporter saw scores of soldiers and navy commando reinforcements entering the base as smoke rose into the night sky. A photographer heard seven blasts and periodic bursts of gunfire. There was no claim of responsibility but Pakistan's military has long been on the front line of attacks blamed on the Taliban and other Al-Qaeda-linked militant groups that have killed more than 4,350 people in four years. The Taliban have recently stepped up threats against Western and Pakistani government targets to avenge the killing of bin Laden by US Navy SEALs in the

garrison city of Abbottabad near the capital Islamabad on May 2. Prime Minister Yousuf R aza Gilani condemned y e s t e rd ay ' s att a c k , an d ordered his interior minister to Karachi to "coordinate security efforts being taken by the civil and military officials," his office said in a statement. Commander Salman Ali, spokesman for the Pakistan Navy, told media early today two Navy staff were wounded and troops were fighting the gunmen. "Terrorists have attacked Pakistan Naval air base PN S Meh ran. T he y are armed with sophisticated weapons and they targeted a Pakistan Navy aircraft. This aircraft has been damaged," he said. "Troops have engaged the terrorists. Two Navy personnel are wounded." Home ministry official Sharfuddin Memon from the southern province Sindh said "more than 10 terrorists" were inside the base and at least 10 people had been wounded, but could provide no further details. In October 2009, Taliban

CHAOS: Ambulances arrive outside the Pakistani military air base after gunmen armed with rockets and explosives stormed the facility, triggering gunbattles that killed two navy staff — AFPpic

militants beseiged the army headquarters in the garrison city of Rawalpindi for two days, killing 22 people and raising serious questions over why it took the military so long to put down the assault. Karachi, Pakistan's financial capital whose sea port is used by NATO to ship supplies to the estimate d 130,000 US-le d foreign troops fighting the Taliban in neighbouring

Afghanistan, has recently seen a spike in attacks on the military. On April 28, four naval personnel and a passing motorcyclist were killed in a bombing, two days after four others were killed in navy bus bombings. Last week, a Saudi diplomat was shot dead as he drove to the Saudi consulate in the city, just days after attackers threw grenades at the mission.

Pakistan's seemingly powerful security establishment was left humiliated by the discovery and killing of the Al-Qaeda terror chief in a unilateral American Navy SEAL raid that has rocked relations with war y ally Washington. Earlier yesterday, thous an d s d e m ons t r at e d i n Kar a c h i t o d e m an d an immediate end to US missile strikes in Pakistan's northwestern tribal belt. — AFP


Bomb blasts kill 19 Iraqis and two US troops

Socialists lose local elections SPAIN'S ruling Socialists suffered a thumping in local elections yesterday as protesters vented outrage over the highest jobless rate in the industrialised world. Support for Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero's party crumbled in the face of the beleaguered economy and massive street protests, a grim omen for next year's general elections. With 90 per cent of the municipal ballots counted, the Socialists had just 27.86 per cent of the total vote compared to 37.53 per cent for their conservative Popular Party opponents. -- AFP

The Malay Mail Monday 23 MAY, 2011

BLACK SUNDAY: An Iraqi soldier inspects the scene of a car bomb explosion in Sadr City yesterday. More than a dozen bomb attacks in and around the Iraqi capital left 13 people dead. — AFPpic

MORE than a dozen bomb att acks in and around Baghdad yesterday left at least 19 Iraqis and two American soldiers dead and more than 80 other people wounded. The series of attacks comes just days after blasts against police in a tense northern city killed 29 people, with just months to go before all US forces must withdraw from Iraq amid questions over whether local security forces are up to the task of maintaining stability in the war-wracked country. A total of 13 roadside b om b s , t h re e v e h i c l e s packed with explosives, one magnetic "sticky bomb" and one suicide attacker struck in the spate of morning blasts on Sunday, although it was not immediately clear to what extent the violence was coordinated. The deadliest attack saw 12 people killed and 23 wounded in a suicide bombing in the town of Taji, 25km north of the capital, an inte-

rior ministry official said, on condition of anonymity. A defence ministry official put the toll at 14 dead and 30 wounded in Taji. A car bomb had initially gone off at around 9am local time in the town and when residents and ambulance crews arrived at the scene, the suicide bomber blew himself up, causing the casualties, the interior ministry official said. Among the victims were eight police killed, while four policemen and three soldiers were wounded. The interior ministry official said the initial car bomb had exploded as a US army convoy was passing through Taji, but an American military spokesman said he had received "no indication" of any such attack. A l s o y e s t e r d a y, t w o American soldiers were killed, a US army statement said, in what an Iraqi security official said was a roadside bombing in the capital's western outskirts. — AFP

The Malay Mail Monday 23 may, 2011

Jackpot for 11 'Idol' finalists THEY are not yet household names, but the top 11 finalists from American Idol will make pretty good money when they go on tour this year, the Daily Mail reported. According to a new report, the amateur musicians will each earn US$1,000 (RM3,000) for every show they perform during the American Idol Live Tour. In addition to that, each finalist will share in merchandise profits from the tour and they will receive US$50 in spending money on the days they are not scheduled to perform.

Pippa starts work with ex-boyfriend

Obviously, I haven't understood it correctly because we're still here — Robert Fitzpatrick, a Doomsday believer, after the moment of truth passed

'Tree of Life' wins at Cannes CANNES

Shy director takes second festival award after three decades

FOR Terrence Malick, who won the Palme d'Or yesterday at the Cannes film festival, the triumph comes at a price: the painfully shy film-maker will find it hard to avoid the spotlight for a while. With The Tree of Life the enigmatic 67-year-old, who also writes and produces, scored a second Cannes honour more than three decades

after he won best director for Days of Heaven. The Tree of Life,which stars Brad Pitt as the tyrannical father of a Texas family in the 1950s, and also features Sean Penn, got mixed plaudits from critics, but clearly won over the Cannes jury chaired by Robert De Niro. Details of Malick's personal life are hard to come by, but by all accounts he stud-

ied philosophy at Harvard and was a Rhodes scholar to Britain's Oxford University. After returning to the US, Malick, whose name comes from his Lebanese immigrant father, worked as a freelance journalist before getting into the film business via writing, including working on Dirty Harry in 1971. Malick won best director at Cannes in 1979 for Days

of Heaven, starring Richard Gere and which was also nominated for best picture. Meanwhile, Jean Dujardin, 39, one of the most bankable stars in French cinema collected best-actor honours for his sparking performance as a vain, fallen Hollywood star, George Valentin, in Michel Hazanavicius's silent movie The Artist. — AFP

PIPPA MIDDLETON picked up a slew of new admirers after putting in a star turn in her role as bridesmaid at the royal wedding. And now Kate Middleton's younger sister has just taken on a new job, the Daily Mail reported. But her boyfriend might be a little green with envy as the 27-year-old is working for her ex, George Percy, who runs a geothermal energy firm. It comes after she spent a week with George, the 26-year-old son of the Duke of Northumberland.

'I lost it to Simon Cowell' MODEL Paula Hamilton, one of the most famous faces of the 1980s, has revealed she lost her virginity to Simon Cowell. Hamilton, 50, star of the decade’s iconic Volkswagen Golf TV commercial, says she was 16 at the time. She said in yesterday’s Daily Mail Weekend magazine that she lost her virginity to "a boy called Simon" – the man who grew up to be the X Factor and Britain’s Got Talent Svengali whose fortune is valued at £200 million (RM980m). She and Cowell were childhood sweethearts while growing up in Hertfordshire in the 1970s.


'Pirates' new release a hit worldwide THE re-engineered Pirates of the Caribbean franchise has sailed again at the box-office, as the On Stranger Tides sequel took a record international haul of US$256.3 million (RM770m), according to studio estimates. Walt Disney Co said yesterday the fourth Pirates instalment earned US$90.1 million domestically. That gives it a worldwide total of US$346.4 million, the fourth largest global opening. The new film jettisons costars Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom, but brings back Johnny Depp as Capt Jack Sparrow. Penelope Cruz and Ian McShane introduce new characters. — AP

BOX-OFFICE top ten Top grossing films last week 1. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. -- US$90.1 million. 2. Bridesmaids, US$21 million. (Total US$57.5m) 3. Thor, US$15.5 million. (Total US$145m) 4. Fast Five, US$10.6 million. (Total US$186m) 5. Rio, US$4.7 million. (Total US$132m) 6. Priest, US$4.6 million. (Total US$23.7m) 7. Jumping the Broom, US$3.7 million. (Total US$31.3m) 8. Something Borrowed, US$3.4 million. (Total US$31.4m) 9. Water For Elephants, $2.2 million. (Total US$52.4m) 10. Madea's Big Happy Family, US$990,000. (Total US$51.8m). -- AP




Quiet apocalypse THE hour of the apocalypse came quietly and went the same way, leaving those who believed Saturday evening would mark the world's end confused, more faithful, or just philosophical. Believers had spent months warning the world of the pending cataclysm. Some had given away earthly belongings. Others took long journeys to be with loved ones. And there were those who drained their savings accounts. All were responding to the Saturday doomsday message by Harold Camping, an 89-year-old retired civil engineer who has built a multimillion-dollar Christian media empire that publicises his apocalyptic prediction. According to Camping, the destruction was likely to have begun its worldwide march as it became 6pm in the various time zones, although some believers said Saturday the exact timing was never written in stone. He had been projecting the apocalyptic prediction for years far and wide via broadcasts and websites. In New York's Times Square, Robert Fitzpatrick, of Staten Island, said he was surprised when the six o'clock hour simply came and went. He had spent his own money to put up advertising about the end of the world. "I can't tell you what I feel right now," he said, surrounded by tourists. "Obviously, I haven't understood it correctly because we're still here." Many followers said the delay was a further test from God to persevere in their faith. Christian leaders from across the spectrum widely dismissed the prophecy, and members of a local church concerned Camping's followers could slip into a deep depression yesterday were part of the crowd outside Family Radio International, the doomsday event headquarters. They held signs declaring Camping a false prophet as motorists drove by. "The cold, hard reality is going to hit them that they did this, and it was false and they basically emptied out everything to follow a false teacher," the Rev Jacob Denys, of the Milpitas-based Calvary Bible Church, said earlier. "We're not all about doom and gloom. Our message is a message of salvation and of hope." — AP

16 lifestyle

Celeb love: To confess or not to confess? ACTRESS Rozita Che Wan may have openly professed and declared her relationship with Akademi Fantasia season eight champion Shahir, although it’s still pretty much a question why he has repeatedly denied stories or has remained silent over the whole ‘love affair’. Shahir himself has been pretty cool about the situation, often dismissing the topic with a glazed over look, or merely insisting repeatedly nothing was going on between the two. So which is it? Are they an item, or not? Perhaps Rozita and Shahir should just clear the air once and for all. After all, we already have the ongoing drama of the on and off relationship between Fasha Sandha and Nora Danish’s ex husband, Jejai. Do we

Hear, Say

By JOE LEE joelee@mmail.com.my

twitter @klubbkiddkl really need another? Or more importantly, do we care? It gets tired after a while, and plus, we doubt any artiste really wants to thrive on just petty gossip. Still, we could be wrong.


Three's a crowd


LAST week’s biggest gossip was what happened on location when Hafiz, the champion of Akademi Fantasia season seven, got into a physical altercation with a supposedly butch girl. The individual involved, was reportedly the same person in question when rumours were spreading about Adira, from last season’s Akademi Fantasia, who was allegedly having a lesbian relationship. According to Twitter bits and pieces we got, as well as eyewitnesses, everything happened so fast, which supposedly ended with Hafiz pushing the girl, and the girl hurting her leg. Hafiz has chosen to keep mum when asked if it was motivated by jealousy, while the other party has

The way of the obsessive observer THIS reality TV contestant was in for a rude shock when he popped into the loo for a bit of ‘heavy investment’. According to sources, the singer, who was taking a dump, suddenly realised a hand extending into his

stall, holding a camera from under the stall divider. Two quick snaps and the pervert disappeared before the singer could get going on the perpetrator. Poor thing. Voyeurism and a strange fetish to boot! Hmm...

denied any involvement with Adira. Last we heard, the floor manager of the production had also lodged a police report. Oh my… isn't there anything better to do than pick a fight in public, especially when people know who you are? Let’s hope all parties settle the matter amicably.


Wild allegations against actor SO who has seen it exactly? Word is spreading that there is a porn vid of actor Zizan Nin circulating. He has denied any knowledge of it, and we’ll leave it at that. Unless we can get our hands on any evidence, though to date, no one has actually come forward with a recording to determine the authenticity of the claims. Poor Zizan. Hopefully there’ll be more things worth his time to worry about than just wild accusations like this.

Zizan Nin

Rozita Che Wan

The Malay Mail Monday 23 MAY, 2011

The reigning Queen of A-go-go

Dealing with copyright issues IS it true that someone wants to sue Mamat Khalid over Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah? Gossip online has it that, an individual is planning to sue the filmmaker over the use of the name 'Kak Limah', which was his late mother’s name! The person has also claimed that several phrases which have become embedded in local pop culture also originated from him. Oh well, the movie did rake in almost RM8 million. Mamat Khalid

The not-sobumpy ride to stardom

Shaheizy Sam

KONGSI: Lu Langsi Lu Mati may have been panned by the critics, but the film, as expected, rode on the stardom of lead, Shaheizy Sam to rake in RM6.2 million within the first week of release. Metrowealth Pictures head honcho, David Teo, may just get his dream to break the RM10 million mark, given the healthy takings so far. At Press time, we hear that the movie has easily passed RM7 million and still going strong. Congratulations to the Metrowealth family and David, and here’s just hoping that fans who went for the movie left in a better state than the reviewers.

TV act demands more than he can chew THIS reality TV act may have been a finalist, but we haven’t heard anything substantial about his career despite being a year in the business. The arrogant singer, was overheard pooh-poohing a show for RM4,000 for two songs, loudly proclaiming that it was beneath him for such a price, considering that


he was a finalist and now signed to a major label. The funny thing we hear is, that his peers label him a RM500 act, as he’s been known to really dip low in terms of his price seeing that he hardly has any show offers. His boasts of raking it in? Well, that's from an average of two shows a month. Ouch! Give it up already.

HER performance said it all. When the time came for the final curtain to be drawn upon the stage of the recent Classic Rendezvous Concert 2011 Live in Genting, fans from all walks of life refused to budge from their seats, chanting and screaming for an encore — even if it means for only one more song. No one could get enough of Sakura Teng! Her reputation as the songbird of Asia is further established when her performances at the Arena of Stars on Saturday night was the most entertaining and the one everyone most looked forward to. Together with Taiwan’s Qing Shan and China’s Liu Yun, Teng shone among her peers just like in the good old days. It wasn’t until the final announcement was made, that fans left with a heavy heart wondering if they will be able to catch their idol performing on the stage ever again. In between her singing, Teng joked that her performance could be her last in Malaysia, citing age as her concern. “I am 63 this year. I’m not sure if I will live long enough to be back in Malaysia for another round of concert,” she said. Teng, who is also a Malaysian, currently resides in New Jersey in the United States. Teng, or Ying Hua among her ardent fans, was once known as the Queen of A-go-go. She was

also a popular singer in the '60s. Her ability to sing in many different languages, including Japanese, Spanish and Indonesian won her many fans from around the world especially throughout the Asian countries. Known for her ability to yodel, Teng sang many unforgettable songs like If Tomorrow Never Comes, Xin Tao Hua Xiang and Fu Shing De Ren that became instant hits. Appearing in a bright pink buttoned-down shirt, Teng appeared on stage for the first time after so many years, together with Qing Shan and Liu Yun for a collaboration of Ye Shanghai. It wasn’t until second half of the show that Teng reappeared in a black and shinny dress and took the stage by storm. Her brilliant interaction with the fans garnered her many wolf-whistles and big applauses as well as requests

to sing her once powerful oldies. Like a true professional, she pleased them all. Jokes and stories were shared during her part of the performance in a talk showlike format and were truly enjoyable without being overdone. She poked fun at the members of the audience, and no one took offence. Even the most 'offensive' joke seemed subtle. Her godsister, Hu Hui Ping, who is also a fellow Malaysian came on stage during the show’s finale to perform a duet song Xin Tao Hua Xiang, which was originally a duet between Teng and Rita Chao — also another popular Mandarin song singer during the '60s. In the meantime, veteran

ness aside, Liu’s persona and charisma hadn’t changed even the slightest bit, and fans could still remember her from Shi Ba Gu Niang Yi Dor Hua, Chi Yi Dao Shi Wu, Yi Tiao Qiao and He Bi Qu Sao Xiang. Qing Shan, who was the first to take centre stage, appeared in an all-white suit. He performed 10 songs in total, including two with Liu Yun. He sang San Hu Lian, Wang Bu Liao De Ni, Ke Ai De Ren Sheng and Lai De Xiao Hua — just to name a few. It was definitely a night to remember, especially for the older generation to be able to hear their idols performing once again after so many years.

singer Liu Yun’s voice hasn’t changed much but despite her experience as a professional singer, she slowed down quite a lot during her part of the concert. She was indeed very nervous and kept on forgetting what song she should sing next. “I haven’t been singing in front of so many people since retiring many years ago. Nowadays, I only watch television and play a game or two of mahjong to pass time. I hardly sing nowadays.” Brushing off her nervous-

It was indeed a trip down memory lane, with songs that reminded them of the good old days, of meeting each other and eventually falling in love, with oldies playing in the background. The three gems — Sakura Teng, Liu Yun and Qing Shan — once again demonstrated true passion and spirit in both their songs and overall performance. For them, old stars don’t just die, they are simply reborn. — By LOONG WAI TING

18 lifestyle

The Malay Mail Monday 23 may, 2011

Marcell's mission in love continues

By Jeremy Tan lifestyle@mmail.com.my

INDONESIAN crooner Marcell Siahaan is back, and at a ripe age of 33, he is continuing his quest in capturing love with his music. The ongoing 'love story' is translated in a collection of 11 tracks, and the Indonesian singing sensation's latest album is set to entertain his fans with more great melodies. Marcell who was in Kuala Lumpur recently said the theme of the new album is all about the "phenomenon of love is there... and that it's here". The album is also Marcell's way and effort to be in touch, relevant and be appreciated by the younger generation and not just by older people or by people in relationships. Well, he certainly isn't as out of touch with younger audiences as he seems to feel. His neo-soul/pop/R&B genre music is hardly reserved solely for niche demographics. Assuming the role of this album's arranger is widely recognised Indonesian composer Andy Rianto, who has also arranged for several other distinctive artistes the likes of

Sheila Majid and Krisdayanti, among others. Marcell regards Rianto very highly, saying that he chose him to arrange his album because the latter is able to “give a good visualisation of the song”, adding that Rianto was very smart. "He's (Rianto) a kind of genius," Marcell said. In fact, there was a time during the production of the album, Rianto took 40 minutes to arrange a whole song, Peri Cintaku, from scratch! Marcell said the time frame to produce the album was about a year and a half, although the actual recording spanned approximately a couple of months (thanks to Rianto). But now with his album finished, what's next for the easily likable singer? Well, it just so happens that this singer/songwriter/actor (triple threat) is also a law graduate to boot, and intends to sit for a bar examination to receive his Certificate of Law come November this year. Things are also looking bright for his band, Konspirasi which is looking forward to the release of their first full album due after the Raya

festivities. Apparently nothing seems to be slowing down for Marcell. In the meantime, the focus is also on the fith album, that was unveiled to Malaysians during an afternoon at the Hard Rock Cafe in Kuala Lumpur last week. The fifth album is aptly titled And The Story Continues... essentially also acts as the sequel to his previous album, Hidup (2008) which was also love-themed. At the launch, the media was also presented with a music video of Peri Cintaku which will be in the album that is slated to be available in Malaysia early this coming June, a week after its release in Indonesia. After the four-minute video that very fittingly showed the soulful singer in all his melodious and sentimental glory, the man himself emerged from a rising projection screen with a guitarist in tow, and immediately owned the small stage with a few acoustic numbers. Marcell had the audience gathered for the afternoon entertained with his incredibly soulful voice married to rich vocals. That performance hinted

at the quality of And The Story Continues... that it will impress fans and the uninitiated alike. This new offering also contains the three hot singles released following Marcell’s merge with E-Motion Entertainment in early 2010 entitled Takkan Terganti, the aforementioned Peri Cintaku and Sisa Semalam respectively. Other notable tracks contained within is Nusantaraku, a song he singlehandedly wrote; Permainan Cinta which he co-wrote; and Tanpa Kata, in which he duets with Indonesian artiste Dewi Sandra. There are even a couple of cover songs by the man himself, which are two of Marcell’s own reinterpretations of popular hits, Mau Dibawa Kemana by Indonesian band Armada and I knew I loved You by Savage Garden. Be sure to catch his album when it hit stores in the coming month. Based on his colourful career and the promising arsenal of songs offered, it's unlikely you'll be left feeling disappointed.

Marcell Siahaan

Striking camaraderie with the rhythm of the drum IF there’s one common link between an individual and the rest of the world’s sentient life forms, it is the universal language of music. For Tugu Drum Circle (TDC), it is a language that brings people, irrespective of differences, together to gain catharsis in the beating, thumping, and hammering pulse of music. A miscellaneous group of drummers and percussionists hailing from all walks of life, irrespective of age, race, and background, TDC now aims to immerse and engage audiences with their unique beats this May 30 in their showcase, Tugu Drum Circle & Friends. What was once simply intended as a gathering of percussion enthusiasts every Sunday, livening up Plaza Tugu Negara (hence their name) three hours from 5.30pm onwards, has become an assembly of talent that is proudly presented by Dewan Filharmonik Petronas (DFP). The upcoming event, which also showcases other percussionists alongside TDC

Tugu Drum Circle

such as Steve Thorton, White Percussion Unit and Aswara Percussion Ensemble, is part of the DFP Spotlight series, an avenue for local artistes to display their talents. With the show less than two weeks away, just how do the members of TDC feel about being part of the series? Paul Lau, the man who founded TDC in March 2002 with fellow percussionist Salim Dastan, had plenty to say during the Press conference

recently. “We’re very honoured to be part of this show. We’ve never, ever dreamt of playing for DFP, and we are really, really honoured," Lau said. TDC is hardly a band. It’s a rather loose gathering of more than 100 people every weekend, with about eight truly dedicated members. And if you’re thinking of signing up, just turn up for three of their Sunday session and you’re considered a

member. You’ll be seeing 18 members out of that huge number eagerly banging melodiously away if you catch the show. They, as Paul puts it, have “enjoyed the camaraderie of working together.” “We started practicing since last October, although having to get them to meet up for rehearsal is a nightmare. Since everyone is busy, everyone’s running the rat race,” Lau said. We’ve become so consumed

with the daily humdrum, in and out of work, that “the activity of play is missing in our lives”, as Lau put it, adding that “making music in our group has empowered us in many ways.” You might also notice that TDC is about empowering the people within and around them. It’s about bringing back a sense of vibrancy, or “sense of play” in the members' lives. “It’s about sharing and making music together, not making money. We still like to see it as more like an organic process,” Lau said. He also noted that of which TDC has evolved through the years. "We’re making up rhythms (during the Sunday sessions) as we go along, it promotes creativity.” The percussion group is all about making “in the moment music”, but now they’re becoming more than just a simple gathering of drummers and percussionists. Lau said that the members are "tired of doing that.” “TDC needs to have more of a structure. Practice and doing

the homework is very, very important.” So here’s what you can expect from the upcoming performance: lots and lots of engagement and immersion, just the way TDC likes it. “When we play, even in the park, we always like to interact with the audience. We like to think the audience as an extension of the group.” The show will have three facilitators, tasked with pumping the audience up to groove along with the group, clapping and stomping and simply just joining in on the fun. “It’s going to be a participative show on the audience’s behalf, hopefully. Though no one is allowed on stage, for security purposes,” Lau added. Readying themselves for an incredibly lively and energetic performance, TDC looks to impact the stage like a resounding beat of the drum. With all seats fixed at an affordable RM48 (though early birds get an RM10 discount), be sure to catch the performance that looks to bring down the house this May 30.

lifestyle 19

The Malay Mail Monday 23 may, 2011

When the clock strikes 2

By Loong Wai Ting waiting@mmail.com.my LIFE is about expecting the unexpected, and that's what it is all about for one of South Korea’s hottest boy bands, 2AM. Surprises are the name of the game, especially when it comes to defining the group and its music genre. “We spent so much time practicing together as a group and it’s funny how we are often being compared to our 'brother' 2PM (another South Korean boy band), until a certain point, when the fans started to name us 'One Day'! “However, being compared

to our senior doesn’t necessarily mean a bad thing. The only bad thing is that, people are often confused with 2AM and 2PM,” said Changmin, one of the four members in 2AM. “It’s fun really, and it’s not stressful at all,” he added. The boys, who were flown in all the way from Korea were extremely delighted, when they were greeted by die-hard fans who waited for hours for them at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) recently. “We’re really happy about it. We especially appreciate the fans for their support,” said Jinwoon, the youngest member of the group. What initially started as a 'challenge' by DiGi Telecommunication to reach 147,000 'likes' to bring 2AM to Malaysia for a showcase on their Facebook fan page, had quickly became serious business as word spreads like wild fire that if the fans reached the target, DiGi would bring in the band exclusively all the way from Korea. In a matter of hours, the target was reached and DiGi kept

the end of their bargain. Well, it seems like Malaysia is now like a second home for them. “The people here are so polite and good to us. We found some similarity between Malaysia and Korea, in terms of culture and art, especially batik. “Two years ago, we were here only as guest during the MTV World Stage and didn’t get to experience Malaysian culture. This time round, we get to eat the local good food like roti canai, teh tarik and visit the Central Market as well,” said Changmin, who also tried his hands on making roti canai as well. For the fans, keep those fingers crossed as 2AM might be coming again very soon for a concert. "Whenever there is time and opportunity, we’d like to be back again for a full length concert. However, there is no concrete plan yet on when we will be coming to Malaysia for a concert, but we would certainly be happy if we were

2AM found some similarity between Malaysia and Korea, in terms of culture and art

invited again to perform in a full concert,” said Changmin. “Most of the time we have now is spent on preparing for my new solo album, which will be released this year’s summer. I will be writing my own songs and preparation has come to the final stage. It will be a great chance for the fans to get to know another side of me,” said Jinwoon. In the music industry, life’s a brief candle. It’s short and fame will not last forever. But for 2AM, it’s a matter of transformation and redefining who they truly are. “In fact, 2AM is always changing in terms of clothing, fashion and different genres

of music. It’s so much fun for the fans to get to know us one by one every time. Within two years, you will get to see a different side of 2AM — a more mature one that is,” said Changmin. “We’re still young, and we normally get our inspiration for our music through movies, books or other forms of media. We don’t write our own songs, and rely on other media to inspire the emotion in our songs,” he added. When issues pertaining to piracy is raised, Changmin said: “I will be interested to buy one and listen for its quality. I would put the pirated version next to my face and ask the

seller 'how much?'. I would definitely buy one and I promise I won’t punch the guy,” he said with a laugh. “Normally I would buy original albums from music stores instead of downloading them legally on the internet and pay for each song downloaded. Being an artiste myself, I know that hard work has been put into producing each song,” he added. * DiGi Live K-pop 2AM Showcase last weekend was a collaboration between DiGi Telecommunications Sdn Bhd and Universal Music Malaysia.

20 lifestyle

The Malay Mail Monday 23 may, 2011

Breezy jazz in Borneo

Over 7,000 audience gave the musicians a rousing applause — Pics courtesy of Pein Lee (Sarawak Tourism Board)

By anu venugopal anu@mmail.com.my

Victor Yong & The Electric Carnival

who got the audience of their feet for a few salsa moves, Dhruv (led by guitarist Dhruv IT was a celebration of relaGhanekar) combined the tionships at the Borneo Jazz classic sounds of jazz with Festival recently. contemporary Indian roots Relationships — between and rock with songs from their bands, musical diversity, and album Distance, including one fans both old and new — of Cunning Politics and a track blossomed in the three-day dedicated to victims of the musical affair in honour of State of Monc tsunami tragedy in Japan. the classic and contemporary Bassist Sheldon D’ Silva mes- It Up) on the second day of sounds of blues and jazz. the festival. merised the audience with his Held from May 12 to 15 in Taking Chinese jazz to the finger flying solos as drummer the quiet and charming city next level, the band comprisGino Banks did with his Indian of Miri Sarawak, the festival ing Ng Cheuk-yin on the sheng percussion language scatting. claimed the hearts of music (traditional Chinese mouth Setting the benchmark for fans near and far with hopes organ), Jason Lau (zheng) and fusion bands, Dhruv of listening to unadulterated Cass Lam (sanxian) spiced up was followed by Hong jazz-centric tunes by known the more known bass, drums Kong ‘s SIU2 (Shang and emerging musicians from and piano arrangements to across the globe. give audience a chance to Among the few unexpected discover what sonic spaces are surprises at the festival was all about with songs from their Dhruv, the Mumbai jazz-fusion two albums Kon-Fusion and band who gained many new Open Door. fans in the audience with Next act Cunha e Piper, with their melodic expression of Fernanda Cunha on vocals and experimental jazz on the first Ray Piper on guitar, slowed evening at the Marina Bay down the pace a little, offering Seafood Restaurant. the audience at the grounds Playing after the more mainof Parkcity Everly Hotel a taste stream sounds of Miri-based of Brazilian influenced bossa Latin-cover band CQuence, SIU2 nova and samba rhythms. The highlight of day two of the Borneo Jazz Festival had to be Grammy Awardwinning John Hammond, who continued the mix of acts with his classic, soulful rendition of the blues. Hammond, who has collaborated with many blues bigwigs like Muddy Waters, Eric Clapton and John Lee Hooker, belted out a string All 10 bands rocked the final performance with a bang

of hits as he switched from two guitars to the harmonica smoothly. His raspy voice and uninhibited passion for the blues successfully converted a new generation of music fans as they yelled for more from the 68-year-old who was recently inducted in the Blues Hall of Fame. While Hammond was the star of the evening, French gypsy jazz band Les Doigts de L’Homme (Fingers Of Men) gave the audience a sweet surprise with their high-energy and lively acoustic tunes. Presenting a mixture of swing with gypsy melodies and rhythms, the smartly dressed band of three acoustic guitarists and a bassist, wowed the audience with their faultless coordination in their tracks, including one called National Identity. United by their passion for the plight of the gypsy community, band members Kikteff Olivier, Alcocer Yannick, Blum Tanguy and Convert Benoit not only entertained the audience with their rich, appealing music, but also with their sense of humour on stage. In between the acts on both days, Systa BB (Kate Welshman) from Melbourne spun a variety of world music dance tunes to keep the crowd entertained. Expectations were high on day three of the festival with more people packing up the stage and hotel grounds, while enjoying the local de-

Les Doigts de L’Homme

Dhruv lights that were available. Getting the audience into a celebratory mood was Victor Yong & The Electric Carnival. Led by Miri-born, Vancouverbased Victor Yong, the guitarist and his band presented electric Latin jazz melodies while getting the most cheers doing the contagious Brazillian batucada (percussive fast paced ensemble act) on stage. Japanese quintet Ralyzz Digg headed by saxophonist Yuichiro Tokuda followed with their take on progressive jazz, consisting of their leader’s original compositions, including one entitled Brunei. While State of Monc from Holland thrilled electronic music fans with their mix of dance, complex breakbeats and traditional jazz, with Bernardus Dungen on saxophone stealing the spotlight. However, only multiple Grammy-nominee Maria Muldaur got the crowd, young, older and in-between to get on their feet at the sixth Borneo Jazz Festival. The 67-year-old blues and swing singer spiced up the evening’s performance with sexy classics including It Ain’t the Meat, It’s the Motion and her well known hit Midnight at the Oasis. The festival ended with a finale featuring all 10 bands joining Muldaur on stage as

John Hammond

she ended with the catchy Wang Dang Doodle, coordinated by the festival’s artistic director Randy Raine Reush. Hosted by Radio24 anchor Gerard Vincent Ratnam, the over 7,000 audience gave the musicians a rousing applause, while some adjourned to the hotel lounge to catch their favourites jam together. Besides the outdoor performance, this year’s festival also featured musical meetings and a Sunday matinee featuring Cunha and Piper at the Eastwood Valley Golf Club — which were less popular with many of the attendees from the media. While interesting in theory, the format perhaps need to be modified to take advantage of the talents at the festival. Originally called the Miri International Jazz Festival, the rebranding of one of Malaysia’s fringe festival shows has got the Sarawak Tourism Board in serious plans to put it on the world map annually, like the well known Rainforest Festival in Kuching held in July. Overall, the festival was an inspiring and entertaining one, giving Malaysians a chance to embrace the spirit of fringe festivals in Malaysia. Let's hope there will be more to come.

What’sUp PETALING JAYA: Gawai Fest 2011

The Borneo Rainforest Café at Sunway Pyramid will have their second annual Gawai Fest 2011 for the denizens of the Klang Valley this May 28 from 5pm onwards. The free event offers a fun-filled evening for the family, with yummy food, cultural performances and an eco-bazaar! For more info, contact 03-54359583.

SHAH ALAM: Special offers at BRAND'S Experience Centre

IN conjunction with the upcoming Father’s Day, Cerebos (M) Sdn Bhd is offering a special promotion for those who visit their fun and educational BRAND’S Experience Centre on June 3 and 17 from 10am onwards where you can enjoy special factory price offers on BRAND'S range of health foods. Pre-registration is required to secure your places so call MZ Cheng at 03-78448686 (8.30am-5.30pm) or email at brands.smart.living@gmail. com. As a bonus treat, the first 10 registrants to bring along a friend will receive a special gift.

MINES: 2011 International Book Fair

The International Book Fair will be held at Mines Interna-

tional Exhibition Centre, 2nd Floor, MIECC, Jalan Dulang, MINES Resort City, Selangor from 11am till 10pm, on May 27 until June 5. Admission is free. Contact 03-89495566 for enquiries or visit http://www. readmalaysia.my.

A psychedelic self realisation

SUBANG JAYA: Assunta Class of '78 Reunion Cum Birthday Bash

Assunta girls who left school in 1978 are invited to the reunion and birthday bash get-together, which will be held at Holiday Villa Subang on June 25 at 6.30pm. The guest of honour for the evening will be Sister Enda and a host of teachers, advisors, PTA members and your childhood friends. For ticket reservation and inquiries, contact Sabrina (012-6324611) or Jacky Klassen (012-3298470).

ACTOR Johnny Depp (left), 47, stars as Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Carribean movie franchise based on the popular theme park ride at Disneyland, and Johnny revealed he and co-star Geoffrey Rush (Captain Hector Barbossa) found it surreal when they realised they had been incorporated into the attraction. He said: “It’s pretty psychedelic actually. I suppose you could make it even more psychedelic, but we probably shouldn’t go into that. But yeah, the idea of wandering through this ride and, suddenly, there you are, three times

KUALA LUMPUR: World Digestive Health Day 2011

Experience the World Digestive Health Day 2011 at Oval Concourse, One Utama Shopping Centre, from May 25 until 29, from 10am to 11pm with lots of fun educational activities for you and family. Admission is free. For more details, contact 0356211408.

how to play Sudoku X is a simple variation of Sudoku with the only difference being the squares in white (which make up the numeral X) need to tally from 1 to 9 along with the remaining coloured squares.

over. Geoffrey had a similar experience. He had to go and get his head round it as well. It’s quite an honour in a weird way, that what you helped create becomes this forever object.” Along with seeing his character on the theme park ride, Johnny revealed he often finds himself slipping back into character especially when his kids, 12-year-old daughter Lily Rose and nine-year-old son Jack are around. He said: “I can’t shake Jack (Sparrow). He won’t leave me alone and keeps showing up at odd times. In fact he arrived this morning when I was getting the kids ready for school. I had to shoo him away.” — Bang Showbiz

Britney Spears’ tour will be substance-free Check It Out hitmaker Nicki Minaj (left) — who is opening Britney Spears‘ ‘Femme Fatale’ world tour — explained with the troubled singer being the “queen of her castle”, everyone around her will be more responsible when it comes to avoiding alcohol and other substances (during her world tour). She told Life & Style: “I think it's a great thing. If that's the way Britney wants it, so be it. She's the queen of her castle. It trickles down and makes ev-


MONDAY'S solution

lifestyle 21

The Malay Mail Monday 23 may, 2011

Actress hates watching her own films CHARLIZE Theron (right), the 35-year-old actress admits she finds it difficult to watch herself on the big screen — but she did enjoy seeing her Oscar-winning performance in 2003’s Monster. She told German TV station TELE 5: “I hate to see myself on screen. When I did Monster it wasn’t too bad, because I didn’t look like Charlize Theron.” The South African-born beauty had to re-watch many of her scenes in the film — in which she portrayed real life serial killer Aileen Wuornos — because she acted as a producer on the project. She added: “During the rough cut I had to watch a lot

of my scenes over and over again. I would slit my wrists if I had to watch my other films that often.” Charlize also thinks the fact that Monster didn’t have a big budget turned out to be an advantage. She explained: “The fact that we didn’t have a lot of money saved us, this way everything seemed a lot more authentic. With a bigger budget we automatically would have used prosthetics, but fortunately we weren’t able to afford more than false teeth.” — Bang Showbiz

eryone responsible. We start on June 17, and I'm sure it's going to be a whirlwind. I'm sure it's going to change the way I view touring. Every tour I do is different, and I get new energy.” Nicki — who has appeared

on tracks by the likes of Kanye West, Rihanna and Drake and Sean Kingston in the past — recently revealed she is “done” with collaborations, and would only consider performing alongside Britney in the near future. She said: “I'm done with collabs. No more collabs for the next two years. Although — Britney's a snatch like me and she's cute. Yes. We might do something." — Bang Showbiz



the malay mail

Monday 23 MAY, 2011

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Articles for sale

AS PART OF Our Diversity & Inclusion work culture, we would like to extend opportunities for experienced retirees and housewives to work in our reputable organization in the areas of finance & accounting; payroll services; and IS. Diploma and/ or Certificate holders are also encouraged to apply. Call Maimunnah at 03-224 69728 for an interview appointment

MAMYPOKO/ HUGGIES/MAMAN, Korea/ USA/ Europe. Direct from factory! Packing 80 pcs. From RM28 SMS: 012624 9699 Ms Lim






ACCOUNTING FIRM at Jalan Klang Lama have vacancies for: 1)Account Assistant. Required Min CAT/Diploma In Accounting/LCCI Knowledge of UBS software & MS office 2) Admin Assistant. Please sent resume to: Fax: 03-7987 5200 Email: recruitment@lsca.com. my

ACCOUNTS CLERK able to handle full set of accounts with knowledge in payroll (knowledge in UBS preferred). 2) HR Exec with UBS payroll knowledge. 3) Admin cum Sales Clerk with experiences on shipping documentations. Vacancies are available at Balakong, pls contact Ms Yap 019-655 6018, Rose 016-269 2369 or email to sch_yap@yahoo.com

ADMIN COORDINATORS vacancies for Admin Coordinators, min 1 yr working experience, good interpersonal & communication skill, good salary + allowance, preferably Chinese & staying nearby Old Klang Road, KL. Interested candidate pls call Ms Yani / Sara - 03-7981 8166 / 019-273 1989 or email your resume to: iscahr@yahoo.com

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BOUTIQUE / Retail Assistant (Female) wanted at Cats Whiskers boutique. Good salary package. Call 7725 0460 on Mon -Thurs between 9am-6pm.

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GENERAL WORKER wanted at Cats Whiskers (Damansara Perdana). Female only. Call 7725 0460 between Mon â “ Thurs between 9am-6pm.

Articles wanted

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the malay mail

SBP (UK) - Society of Business Practitioners SMS <name> SEND TO 33310


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Monday 23 MAY, 2011

















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We managed to make the most out of our possibilities today which is good news — Michael Schumacher

The Malay Mail Monday 23 MAY, 2011

LUCKY NO. 13: The outlet at Kota Damansara has shops and restaurants — Pix: HUSSEIN SHAHARUDDIN



with Hussein Shaharuddin hussein@mmail.com.my


Berita Harian dominate media tourney

Spreading its wings


SP ORT S P L A N E T Kot a D amans ara organis e d a Media Futsal Tournament yesterday in conjunction with the annual Sports Planet Ultimate Champions League being held across Malaysia. This is the third edition of the media tournament. Twelve media teams took part in the one-day event that saw Berita Harian emerge champions after beating Scoreboard FC 2-1 in the final. "This is our way of giving back to the media for promoting our Ultimate Champions League tourna-

Sports Planet continues to grow

AVID futsalers in the area no longer have to worry about having to deal with rush hour traffic when they want a piece of the action. Sports Planet, which has Malaysia's largest chain of venues, has spread its wings to Kota Damansara as well. The venue at Sunrise Avenue is its 13th. They also have a futsal court each in Jakarta and Singapore. Sports Planet manager Hernani Hamzah is optimistic about the new outlet. She reckons the location is perfect. "We are situated close to the Kota Damansara Commercial Centre, where traffic is heavy," she said. "There are also shops and restaurants at Sunrise Avenue, so the place is like a one-stop centre."


ment and also for promoting the sport in general," said Sports Planet manager Hernani Hamzah. "I'm very delighted everything went smoothly," she said. "We saw some excellent skills and great camaraderie, on and off the court. What more can one ask for?" Berita Harian took home a hamper from Revive, a trophy and RM700 cash. There were also lucky draws. Scoreboard FC finished second while the team from Karangkraf were third All in all, it was an actionpacked Saturday.

N MEM ON-MEMB BERS ERS NORMAL PITCH Weekdays (Before 6pm) (After 6pm)

CLOSER TO HOME: Patrons could take their time as there is little to no traffic congestion

Hilmi Ismail, a regular at Kota Damansara Sports Planet, was delighted that there was now a futsal court close to home. "Previously, we had to get out of Kota Damansara to go to Sunway. The traffic after work just to get from Kota Damansara to Sunway can be

quite horrendous," said Hilmi. "But now I can go home, have dinner and just take my time knowing Sports Planet is just five minutes away. And no traffic jam... that's the best part." Sports Planet Kota Damansara has four normal "Sports Court" futsal pitches


GOOD PLATFORM: Organising chairman Andrew (centre) with sponsors Ng Ping Loong from Nestle (fifth from lef) and Muhammad Fauzi Bin Ahmad from F&N (fourth from right) — Pic: RAZAK GHAZALI

STUDENTS Weekdays (Before 6pm) Weekends & Public Holidays FIFA PITCH Everyday (Before 8pm) (After 8pm)

RM 60

RM 75

RM 120 RM 135

RM 50

RM 65

RM 120 RM 135

RM 180 RM 195 RM 220 RM 235

and one official Fifa-sized pitch. For bookings or enquiries, please call 03-6150 0066/77 or log on to www.sportsplanet. com.my.

NO SHIRT TUGGING: The team from Berita Harian won the tournament by beating Scoreboard FC 2-1

Little League aiming to shine again

THE 3rd Ulu Kelang Recreational Club (UKRC) International Under-10 and Under-12 Soccer 7s will be held this weekend. Each age-categor y will have 12 teams and will be divided into two groups. The top two teams from each group (from both age categories) will play in the second round which will comprise two groups of four teams each. The other 16 teams will play in the plate competition. UKRC president Andrew

Gopal said: "The club has been organising this tournament to provide a platform and exposure for young players to improve their skills. "Apart from winners' medals, there will be special awards for the topscorer and for fairplay." The team to watch out for would be Under-12 defending champions, Little League, who defeated Jasmine Putra United by a solitary goal in last year's final. Both teams are playing this year as well.


Under-10: Bravehearts (Singapore), JSSL Arsenal (Singapore), Astaka FC (Japan), Goal Academy (KL), Little League (KL), UKRC (Selangor), CIMB-YFA (KL), Bintang Biru (Penang), 1st Touch Assumption (Penang), Jasmine Putra United (KL), Junior Soccer School (KL), Soccer Kids MBSA (Selangor). Under-12: Bravehearts (Singapore), JSSL Arsenal (Singapore), Astaka FC (Japan), Goal Academy (KL), Little League (KL), UKRC (Selangor), CIMB-YFA (KL), Bintang Biru (Penang), 1st Touch Assumption (Penang), Jasmine Putra United (KL), Junior Soccer School (KL), Soccer Kids MBSA (Selangor).

28 sports

I was just playing well all the way, maintaining my form in this tournament and everything fell into place — Malaysian Amateur Open Championship winner Daniel Bringolf



KL SUKMA were surprisingly held 1-1 by Police in a KL women's league match at Pantai Stadium yesterday. KL Sukma head coach Roshin Noordin said it was a very poor performance by his team, adding that although they controlled much of the game in the second-half, they were unlucky not to get another goal. "This is the first time the team are playing and as such the players have yet to gel," he said. Roshin explained the team lacked training time together and that caused them another two points. Both goals were scored in the first-half. KL Sukma took the lead through Nur Syafiqah Mohd Zain, but Police skipper Aida Fazrina Zakaria levelled the score after nine minutes. Roshin, however, had praises for Norazlin Sumantri. "She missed the game against Seri Titiwangsa last week. She was in great form today and we hope she can keep on playing like this." Norazlin was without a

RESULTS: Saturday Dutch Ladies v Pahang (Match postponed due to rain) KL Hockey Club 4 UiTM 0 Yesterday KL Sukma 1 Police 1 Convent Bukit Nanas 0 Seri Titiwangsa 0 FIXTURES Saturday Dutch Ladies v Seri Titiwangsa (5.30pm) Army v Pahang (7pm) Sunday Pahang v Police (5.30pm) UiTM v Army (7pm)

give us time: KL SUKMA's Norazlin Sumantri (right) battles for the ball with PDRM's Aida Fazriniza Zakaria during the ladies hockey league match at Pantai Stadium yesterday — Pic: RAZAK GHAZALI

doubt the heartbeat of the team. It was her assist that led to the goal the team

scored. Last week, KL Sukma beat Army 4-2.

The Malay Mail Monday 23 may, 2011

Must win situation

Petaling Jaya: motorsport

Going gets tough for GSR Pennzoil

THE GSR Pennzoil team know they have a mountain to climb as they prepare for the second round of the Malaysian Rally 2011 in Kangar over the weekend. They have already been left far behind after the opening round in Kota Tinggi last month, where their established names had a miserable outing. Karamjit Singh, (right) the 2010 runner-up and his co-driver Vivek Ponnasamy did not finish the race; Japan's Katsu Taguchi, last year's winner of the Malaysian round of the Asia Pacific Championship and his Australian partner Mark Stacey saw their Mitsubishi Lancer grounded after hitting a huge rock and Cody Crocker, a four-time overall winner of the Asia Pacific Championship also suffered mechanical problems to his Subaru Impreza. "In rallying, past achievements and reputation count for nothing. What matters most is the day's performance, nothing else. "Of course we suffered some misfortunes in Kota Tinggi but it's time to make up for the losses. We have to

start winning in Kangar or else we are out of the running," said GSR Pennzoil team leader R. Gunaseelan. And the Australian-born Cody, who is also a threetime Australian Rally Championship winner, must surely feel the pressure. "I'm really looking forward to getting back into competition again after the experience in Kota Tinggi. I had a bad day in the opening round where my car went off the road. "But at least I came back on the second day to finish the race and bag two points. The Malaysian championship looks to be the hottest competition in the region with so many top Asia Pacific Championship drivers competing. "It's going to be tough with teamates Katsu and Karamjit all in the fray. But I think I might be at a disadvantage heading into Perlis because I haven't been there before," added Cody. In fact, the Kangar round has been thrown wide open with the absence of China's Fan Fan and Fang Junwei, the winners of the opening round in Kota Tinggi. The two of them, who were

in Queensland for the Australian Rally last week, told their friends that they could not get their Malaysian visas in time and therefore had to skip the Kangar round. Which leaves secondplaced Muhammad Rafiq Udhaya and co-driver Sean Gregory in their Subaru Impreza, to carry on from where they left off in Johor last month. Muhammad Rafiq, the defending overall champion, is looking forward to consolidating his lead, knowing very well that another podium finish in Kangar could kill off his challengers.

sunway: Bowling

Zulmazran struggling with new technique

ZULMAZRAN ZULKLIFLI admits he has yet to master his new throwing technique. The bowler was forced to change his bowling style after picking up a wrist injury a day before official practice at the Guangzhou Asian Games. "It is hard to cope with this new style. My performance this year has been inconsistent. I can't seem to find my rhythm," said Zulmazran. Zulmazran won the Commonwealth championships in February but failed to qualify for the step-ladder at the Paris Brunswick Euro Challenge the following month. "Though inconsistent, I’m glad my progress is going as

planned. I should get accustomed to the new style in three months," he added. Zulmazran was met at the Malaysian International Open at Sunway Megalanes in Sunway Pyramid. The Open started on May 20 and ends this Saturday. Having lost to Hussain alSuwaidi (UAE) in the quarterfinals last year, the bowler is looking forward to a better outing this year. "I go to every tournament wanting to win. This (Malaysia International Open) is no different." Besides this tournament, Zulmazran is hoping to shine at the Singapore Open next week. "We have to take every op-

portunity. Due to budget cuts, we (bowlers) are not going to many tournaments," he added. Zulmazran is currently in third place of the men's open qualifying (local pool) with 1,421 points as fellow national bowler Alex Liew leads the qualifying with 1,504 points. First day leader and former national bowler Kang Bo Long trails Alex by 70 points while defending champion Adrian Ang is at fourth place with 1,416 points. In the women's category Zatil Iman leads with 1,432 points while Zandra Aziela trails at second place with 1,349 points. First day leader Sin Li Jane is at third place, 10 points behind.

The Malay Mail Monday 23 may, 2011

YESTERDAY At a glance Weather: Sunny and windy. High of 22°C Attendance: 31,343. Stat of the Day: 67 — unforced errors made by Marin Cilic in his 7-6, 6-4, 6-4 loss to Ruben Ramirez Hidalgo. Quote of the Day: "I'd love to go a little bit further this year." — Sam Stosur, who reached the French Open final last season and the semifinals two years ago.

Results (Collated) Men's first round David Ferrer (ESP) bt Jarkko Nieminen (FIN) 6-3, 6-3, 6-1; Julien Benneteau (FRA) bt Rui Machado (POR) 4-6, 6-1, 6-2, 6-0; Kei Nishikori (JPN) bt Lu Yen-hsun (TPE) 6-1, 6-3, 6-4; Sergiy Stakhovsky (UKR) bt David Guez (FRA) 6-7 (7-9), 6-3, 6-3, 6-3; Guillaume Rufin (FRA) bt Adrian Mannarino (FRA) 6-2, 6-3, 6-2; Stanislas Wawrinka (SUI) bt Augustin Gensse (FRA) 4-6, 6-3, 6-4, 6-2; Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (FRA) bt Jan Hajek (CZE) 6-3, 6-2, 6-2; Pere Riba (ESP) bt Ivan Dodig (CRO) 6-3, 3-6, 7-6 (8-6), 6-4; Maxime Teixeira (FRA) bt Vincent Millot (FRA) 6-2, 5-7, 6-7 (4-7), 6-4, 6-1; Fabio Fognini (ITA) bt Denis Istomin (UZB) 6-4, 6-2, 6-2; Guillermo Garcia-Lopez (ESP) bt Robert Kendrick (USA) 6-1, 7-5, 4-6, 6-3; Ruben Ramirez Hidalgo (ESP) bt Marin Cilic (CRO) 7-6 (7-5), 6-4, 6-4; Albert Montanes (ESP) bt Marc Gicquel (FRA) 6-4, 6-4, 6-2; Andreas Seppi (ITA) bt Teimuraz Gabashvili (RUS) 6-3, 7-5, 7-5; Blaz Kavcic (SLO) bt Ernests Gulbis (LAT) 6-1, 6-4, 6-2 Women's first round Maria Jose Martinez (ESP) bt Shahar Peer (ISR) 7-6 (7-4), 6-1; Rebecca Marino (CAN) bt Kateryna Bondarenko (UKR) 6-3, 6-3; Svetlana Kuznetsova (RUS) bt Magdalena Rybarikova (SVK) 6-2, 6-3; Lucie Safarova (CZE) bt Kirsten Flipkens (BEL) 6-1, 6-1; Julia Goerges (GER) bt Mathilde Johansson (FRA) 6-1, 6-4; Tsvetana Pironkova (BUL) bt Casey Dellacqua (AUS) 7-5, 6-3; Gisela Dulko (ARG) bt Irina Falconi (USA) 6-3, 6-4; Simona Halep (ROM) bt Alla Kudryavtseva (RUS) 6-2, 6-1; Samantha Stosur (AUS) bt Iveta Benesova (CZE) 6-2, 6-3; Alize Cornet (FRA) bt Renata Voracova (CZE) 6-4, 6-2; Mona Barthel (GER) bt Sybille Bammer (AUT) 6-1, 7-5; Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova (RUS) bt Yaroslava Shvedova (KAZ) 7-5, 6-3; Jelena Jankovic (SRB) bt Alona Bondarenko (UKR) 6-3, 6-1; Vera Dushevina (RUS) bt Jelena Dokic (AUS) 4-6, 6-3, 6-2; Bethanie Mattek-Sands (USA) bt Arantxa Parra (ESP) 2-6, 7-6 (7-5), 6-3; Varvara Lepchenko (USA) bt Flavia Pennetta (ITA) 6-3, 2-6, 6-3; Polona Hercog (SLO) bt Olivia Sanchez (FRA) 6-0, 6-1


It's my greatest victory this season, that's for sure — Spanish tennis player Ruben Ramirez Hidalgo

The Joker rising paris: tennis/French open

Djokovic will be feeling invincible, says Becker

NOVAK DJOKOVIC will begin his French Open quest feeling "invincible" tomorrow, according to former world No. 1 Boris Becker. The 23-ye ar-old S erb has Dutchman Thiemo de Bakker in his sights in the first round on Court Philippe Chatrier when a 38th consecutive victory since the beginning of the year looks a formality. "He will be feeling invincible at the moment," sixtime Grand Slam champion Becker said in an interview on the eve of the French Open. "It's pretty incredible what Novak has achieved since the start of the year. "I don't see massive changes in his game but mentally he has so much belief in what he is doing now that when he gets in a tight match he pulls through as we saw in Rome when he was down and in trouble against Andy Murray." Becker, who was at a west London tennis centre training ball kids for the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals at the end of the year, recalled a similar run that he enjoyed during his glittering career. "I think the best run I had was something like 20 match-

GET IN THE BEAT: American DJ "Big Ali" (left) and Djokovic perform after an exhibition match against France's Jo-Wilfried Tsonga on the eve of the French Open —AFPpic

es during the indoor season," said Becker, who won the last of his Grand Slam titles at the 1996 Australian Open. "I won three indoors in a row and then reached the final of the next one. "You get into such a rhythm and the same situations start to repeat themselves and you know that you came through it one the previous occasion. "The other thing is that it changes the psychology of

the players opposing you. They already have doubts when they walk on to the court and that's a huge thing in your favour. Having that is like having another shot in your locker." Becker still tips Rafa Nadal to win this year's French Open and equal Bjorn Borg's record of six titles. "For Nadal it's the easiest one to win because of his game, it's impossible for him to lose against most players,"

Becker, whose best showing on the Parisian clay was three semifinals, said. "The Slams on faster courts are more dangerous because some guy comes out and serves huge and you can lose to anyone." Djokovic is closing in on John McEnroe's record 42-match streak at the start of the 1984 season and should he win his first French Open title would become the new world No. 1. — Reuters

casares: golf

Poulter stuns Donald to win Match Play title

IAN POULTER (pic) produced a battling display to defeat Luke Donald 2 and 1 in the final of the Volvo World Match Play Championship here this morning. In a match opposing two Englishmen and European Ryder Cup stars, Poulter fell behind early and at times was clinging on grimly, but he finished the stronger as Donald saw his normally reliable putting touch desert him. It was Poulter's 11th win on the European Tour and it will put him up to 15th in the world rankings ending a prolonged slump in his form. The defeat was a huge blow for Donald who would have become the world number one for the first time in his career, replacing Lee Westwood, had he won. "It is pretty special. I had a look at the names on the trophy and I thought it is (son) Luke's birthday today and he is seven and I just

thought it would be pretty special to put my name on the list of winners," said Poulter who had to play 108 holes in his six matches en route to the title. "There were a lot of questions being asked of me in the first five months of the year. I didn't play my best today but managed to hole some putts and got away with it. That's what you have to do in this game." Donald started the final as a slight favourite having enjoyed a smoother and less tiring run into the final than Poulter and he was soon ahead as Poulter bogeyed the second. But it was back to level pegging two holes later after Donald's drive finished on rocks by the green and he was forced to take a penalty drop. Poulter then went one up at the fifth before Donald sank a 25-footer at the next hole to restore parity.

After going round the turn level in what was a surprisingly scrappy contest, Donald again went one up at the 10th, but a couple of missed putts prevented him from breaking clear and the dogged Poulter made him pay by winning the 12th and 14th with birdies to take the lead. Donald's uncustomar y problems on the greens continued when he missed a four-footer at the 15th which would have put him level and with the confidence seeping out of his opponent Poulter pounced to move two up with two to play at the next.

The conclusion came at the par-three 17th where Poulter needed two putts from the edge of the green to par and win the title. He left his first effort way short, but then sunk a nervy six-footer for one of the biggest wins of his career. A dismayed Donald said that it had been a disappointing way to lose by playing so poorly. "I would not have minded losing if I played well. It will leave a sour taste in the mouth, but I will move on next week. I just ran out of steam." — AFP RESULTS Final Ian Poulter (ENG) bt Luke Donald (ENG) 2 and 1 Semifinals Luke Donald (ENG) bt Martin Kaymer (GER) 5 and 3; Ian Poulter (ENG) bt Nicolas Colsaerts (BEL) at the 19th hole


Schiavone 'happy and ready' TWO years ago, Francesca Schiavone left the French Open after a first-round loss. Last year, she knelt down and kissed the clay to celebrate departing as the champion, Italy's first woman to win a Grand Slam title — and, just shy of 30, the oldest woman since 1969 to win a major trophy. Schiavone returns tomorrow to the site of her greatest professional triumph, Court Philippe Chatrier, to play her first-round match at this year's French Open against Melanie Oudin of the United States. When steps back on that court, Schiavone said, she imagines she'll be flooded with "a lot of emotions and beautiful memories". Her run in Paris in 2010 forever changed Schiavone as a person and player, she said. It also left her wanting more. "I made my mark in some ways at this tournament and this city — and maybe even a bit in the world. I'm very proud of that," Schiavone said. "At the same time, I'm back at Roland Garros wanting to write another page in the history books, wanting to feel my best and to experience the joys I can feel playing tennis." In summary, she added: "I'm happy and ready." — AP

In loving memory SOME French players wore black ribbons on their shir ts during first-round matches this morning at Roland Garros in memory of Stephane Vidal, the fiance of French player Virginie Razzano. Vidal died of a brain tumour at age 32 last Monday. Razzano's doubles partner, Alize Cornet, had her friends on her mind while beating Renata Voracova of the Czech Republic 6-4, 6-2. "I thought about this when there was too much tension on the court today," Cornet said. "I thought about Stephane and Virginie and about what they went through. I thought I was lucky to be here and realised all the stress on my shoulders was nothing compared to what happened to them." Cornet will wear the black ribbon throughout the tournament. "I will dedicate all my wins to him," Cornet said, "because he is someone I really loved." -- AP



I am ready to play in Champions League final if needed — Barcelona striker Bojan Krkic

barcelona: Motorsport/formula 1

COMING TO GET YOU: Hamilton (left) hot on Vettel's tail during the race — AFPpic

The Malay Mail Monday 23 MAY, 2011

● barcelona: football

Barca must be mentally prepared for Wembley, says 'Pep'

Rattled Vettel Red Bull ace admits Hamilton gave him a scare

RED BULL'S Sebastian Vettel feared for his position as he attempted to hold McLaren's Lewis Hamilton for victory in the closing laps of a thrilling Spanish Grand Prix at Circuit de Catalunya yesterday. This was the German's fourth victory out of five races this season. Vettel crossed the line just 0.6 seconds ahead of Hamilton after a tense battle in the final 16 laps of the race. The Red Bull of Vettel had the advantage in the corners but Hamilton's McLaren was quicker on the long pit straight, with KERS and DRS working to its advantage. But in the last laps Vettel said his tyres were going off towards the end of the race — as they did in China when he lost out to Hamilton — and was concerned he would come under attack.

LEWIS HAMILTON (Mclaren): "I was pleasantly surprised by how fast we were today. In race trim, I actually think we were quicker than the Red Bulls, except through the really high-speed stuff. I pushed as hard as I could all afternoon, and I'm really happy with the result — a few more laps and it might have been a different order at the front, but I just ran out of time at the end. Despite DRS, it's still very difficult to overtake at this track — you can't follow through Turn Three or Turn Nine, so that makes it really hard. Also, I was in Sebastian's (Vettel) dirty air and the car was sliding a lot — it was incredibly tough behind him. We're probably still losing out a bit too much in qualifying, but our race pace is right there. So, as you'd expect, we'll

F1Spanish Grand Prix


Drivers Sebastian Vettel


Lewis Hamilton Jenson Button




Times Red Bull


(average: 186.020 kph)



at 0.630


at 35.697

World championship rankings Drivers Sebastian Vettel (GER) Lewis Hamilton (GBR) Mark Webber (AUS) Jenson Button (GBR) Fernando Alonso (ESP)


118 77 67 61 51

"I knew it would be very close and in the last few laps I was feeling a bit like China where I felt my tyres going away from me," said the defending champion. "I was just praying the same thing was happening to Hamilton because he was catching up and they seemed

Teams Red Bull McLaren Ferrari Lotus-Renault Mercedes GP


185 138 75 46 40

to be so much quicker in the last sector and the DRS zone. "At the start of the pit straight he was quite a long way away and then at the end of the straight you'd look in the mirror and he was there or thereabouts. So you don't know if you should defend


be looking at ways of improving our qualifying pace. I was also really happy to see Jenson come through and finish on the podium — it's a great result for the team."

JENSON BUTTON (McLaren): "I had a terrible start and was on the outside into Turn One and Turn Three, where I lost further places. I was down in 10th at the end of the first lap, which was extremely disappointing. After that, I didn't think third would really be possible, but as the others all made their pitstops so early, and as my tyres still felt good, I started to think it might be on. After Turkey, it was really fantastic to make the strategy work for me today. We stayed on the Option for as long as possible and I did three stops to the others' four — and the

result was that I had a great race."

FERNANDO ALONSO (Ferrari, who finished fifth): "The best bit of the race was obviously the start. We have worked so much on this area and you could see the outcome. It was fantastic to see the crowd cheering in the grandstands! I tried to do the maximum, keeping the quickest ones behind me for around twenty laps, but after that, there was nothing I could do. It was very stressful having them filling my mirrors all the time and we tried as much as possible to copy or anticipate their moves. That meant doing over the half the race on the hards, which penalised us heavily and made the gap bigger than it is in reality. We lack aerodynamic downforce, here

or not. Thankfully in the last two laps I got quite a good run in the last sector and enough to make it stick." Vettel also lost the use of his KERS power boost towards the end of the race — meaning Hamilton had even more of an advantage on the straights. "On top of that we had KERS on and sometimes off and I was playing around with the buttons and the brake distribution," he said. "It wasn't an easy race and obviously McLaren and Hamilton gave us a very, very hard time. It's quite a big release when you cross the line, see the chequered flag and know that you've made it. "So I'm very happy, it was a great result and after yesterday I think it is another confirmation that we are very, very strong."

we did not have a wing that suited this track. But I am definitely not thinking of giving up on the championship after just five races." MICHAEL SCHUMACHER (Mercedes GP Petronas, who finished sixth): "We managed to make the most out of our possibilities today which is good news, especially for our guys who I am happy for. I had a good start, going right through the middle was tight but fortunately it worked out. Then the race was about holding position from there. We can be happy with the result but other than that, it was just tricky with oversteer, tyre degradation and poor balance to deal with. Still we achieved what we could have, and I look forward to going to Monaco."

HAIL TO THE CHIEF: Guardiola is lifted by his players during the celebrations for winning the Primera Liga at Nou Camp — GETTYpic

BARCELONA manager Josep "Pep" Guardiola has shifted the focus onto the Champions League final against Manchester United at Wembley on Saturday — after his team cruised to a 3-1 away win over Malaga on Saturday to end their triumphant Primera Liga season. A weakened Barca came from behind for the victory despite a number of first team superstars, including Lionel Messi, being rested ahead of the Wembley showdown as Guardiola wants to ensure his players arrive in London with the correct mindset. "We have to work during the week for the United clash and we will have to do plenty of mental work," he said. "We will have a good week and then we will start to get in the mood at the right moment starting from Thursday." Guardiola is happy all his players will be available for the final, and despite insisting the Primera Liga title is the most important, he said the Catalans will be playing to their full potential as they attempt to repeat history after beating United 2-0 in the 2009 showdown. "I am happy to have all the players for the final. Everyone will travel to London knowing we represent a certain way of playing and we will try to do it in the best way possible," said Guardiola. "Winning the final is the objective and you have to be

faithful. We are competing against the rivals and against ourselves. We have to express ourselves to the maximum. "Primera Liga is the most important competition, but now we have to play in the most attractive, fascinating game. The world will be watching us, and we have to represent Spanish football."

Results saturday Malaga Hercules R. Madrid Deportivo Espanyol Levante Mallorca Osasuna Santander Sociedad

1 Barcelona 0 S. Gijon 8 Almeria 0 Valencia 2 Sevilla 1 Zaragoza 3 Atle Madrid 1 Villarreal 1 Ath Bilbao 1 Getafe

3 0 1 2 3 2 4 0 2 1

Standings P Barcelona 38 R. Madrid 38 Valencia 38 Villarreal 38 Sevilla 38 Ath Bilbao 38 Atle Madrid 38 Espanyol 38 Osasuna 38 S. Gijon 38 Malaga 38 Santander 38 Zaragoza 38 Levante 38 Sociedad 38 Getafe 38 Mallorca 38 Deportivo 38 Hercules 38 Almeria 38

W D L F A Pts 30 6 2 95 21 96 29 5 4 102 33 92 21 8 9 64 44 71 18 8 12 54 44 62 17 7 14 62 61 58 18 4 16 59 55 58 17 7 14 62 53 58 15 4 19 46 55 49 13 8 17 45 46 47 11 14 13 35 42 47 13 7 18 54 68 46 12 10 16 41 56 46 12 9 17 40 53 45 12 9 17 41 52 45 14 3 21 49 66 45 12 8 18 49 60 44 12 8 18 41 56 44 10 13 15 31 47 43 9 8 21 36 60 35 6 12 20 36 70 30

Note: Barcelona are champions. Deportivo, Hercules, Almeria relegated.

The Malay Mail Monday 23 MAY, 2011

I am now officially on holiday today but now I don't know how long I will be on that holiday — Carlo Ancelotti, just before he was sacked by Chelsea

Presstalk THE PEOPLE

Not even Fergie could help England GARY NEVILLE sensationally claimed Alex Ferguson would struggle to turn England into world beaters. And as Fabio Capello gears up for the Euro 2012 qualifier with Switzerland at Wembley on June 4, the former Manchester United star and new Sky TV pundit Neville revealed the England camp is a madhouse that can shred the ­reputation of the best managers. Ferguson has been lauded as the greatest of them all after leading United to a record-breaking 19th league title — his 12th in 24 years. There was a time when senior FA officials wanted him in charge of the national team. But Ferguson could never contemplate leaving the ­cocooned environment of Old ­Trafford for the front-line war zone that is England.


Spurs have no intention of selling Modric, Bale, says Levy TOTTENHAM chairman Daniel Levy assured Spurs fans the club have no intention of selling the likes of Gareth Bale and Luka Modric this summer. Bale's two incredible performances against Inter Milan in the Champions League alerted a number of Europe's biggest clubs to the 21-year-old's potential while Modric has enjoyed his finest season at White Hart Lane to date, picking up the supporters' player of the year award after a series of impressive displays. Manchester City, Barcelona and Manchester United have all been linked with big-money moves for the pair in the knowledge that they can offer either player Champions League football that Spurs cannot.


Warnock to stay put as QPR boss BERNIE ECCLESTONE confirmed Neil Warnock will lead Queens Park Rangers into the Premier League next season. The likes of Marcello Lippi, Claudio Ranieri, Giovanni Trapattoni and Martin Jol have all been linked with the Rangers job even though Warnock is the man in position, having just secured promotion by finishing top of the Championship. Ecclestone also dismissed suggestions of a potential takeover of the club by another shareholder, Indian billionaire Lakshmi Mittal. It has been claimed Mittal will launch a bid for the club today but Ecclestone says he is unaware of any likely approach. The Formula One supremo said: "Mittal put a statement out to say he was going to buy all the shares on Monday. But they have forgotten to ask if it's for sale."

PremierLeague sports



Birmingham blues Two-goal Pavlyuchenko sends McLeish's men to the Championship

BIRMINGHAM manager Alex McLeish is gutted after they lost their battle against relegation from the Premier League by losing 2-1 to Tottenham at White Hart Lane yesterday. McL eish's men were on course for sur vival when Craig Gardner's goal cancelled out Roman Pavlyuchenko's effort but the Russian striker dramatically struck the killer second in the 90th minute as Birmingham drop out of the top flight with Blackpool and West Ham. "I'm obviously pretty gutted. When we got a goal I thought we'd done it but then there was the Wolves' comeback and Spurs' late goal," said McLeish, who led his team to League Cup triumph to earn a place in the Europa League next season, told Sky Sports. "You'd expect them to come back — but the way it's happened to us is devastating, losing the battle to avoid relegation. When we got the equaliser I thought things would go for us - but lady luck has avoided us today." Asked if news of developments elsewhere were a

Results Yesterday Aston Villa 1 Liverpool Bolton 0 Man City Everton 1 Chelsea Fulham 2 Arsenal Man Utd 4 Blackpool Newcastle 3 West Brom Stoke 0 Wigan Tottenham 2 Birmingham West Ham 0 Sunderland Wolves 2 Blackburn

KILLer BLOW: Pavlyuchenko scores during the match between Tottenham and Birmingham — AFPpic

distraction, he said: "No, you need to know the other scores to push the lads on and get another goal." What about the future? "I've been knocked down today and I'm going to rise to it. It's going to be

a pretty horrible couple of days — or summer I suppose — but I've got to work to get Birmingham back to the Premier League. I'll chat with the chairman Carsen Yeung in midweek and see where we go from there,"

said McLeish. "We know to get back into the Premier League we have to maintain the quality factor. The players have got to fight on and rise to the next challenge. It's not fatal. They've got to pick


0 2 0 2 2 3 1 1 3 3

Standings P W D L F A Pts Man Utd 38 23 11 4 78 37 80 Chelsea 38 21 8 9 69 33 71 Man City 38 21 8 9 60 33 71 Arsenal 38 19 11 8 72 43 68 Tottenham 38 16 14 8 55 46 62 Liverpool 38 17 7 14 59 44 58 Everton 38 13 15 10 51 45 54 Fulham 38 11 16 11 49 43 49 Aston Villa 38 12 12 14 48 59 48 Sunderland 38 12 11 15 45 56 47 West Brom 38 12 11 15 56 71 47 Newcastle 38 11 13 14 56 57 46 Stoke 38 13 7 18 46 48 46 Bolton 38 12 10 16 52 56 46 Blackburn 38 11 10 17 46 59 43 Wigan 38 9 15 14 40 61 42 Wolves 38 11 7 20 46 66 40 Birmingham 38 8 15 15 37 58 39 Blackpool 38 10 9 19 55 78 39 West Ham 38 7 12 19 43 70 33

Brave Latics deserve it, says Martinez

WIGAN manager Roberto Martinez (pic) is proud of his young side after the Latics escaped relegation by beating Stoke 1-0 at Britannia Stadium yesterday. Striker Hugo Rodallega headed the winner in the 78th minute for Wigan, who began "Sur vival Sunday" second-from-bottom in the table. Wigan had to withstand heavy pressure from the Potters in the first-half before earning the win — the second on the bounce for Martinez's side following two draws. Martinez said he had kept faith in his squad and his players had got their just reward. "We are very, very young but today we showed once more real bravery — we had to defend really well in the

first-half against the wind with Stoke, we know why they've been so successful at home," he told Sky Sports. "I'm extremely, extremely proud. I think it is the least that the players deserve. I'm sure that they should get some credit now because until now it was little Wigan trying to make noises. "I think it has been the hardest Premier League season to stay up — it is an amazing, amazing achievement." Martinez embraced Latics chairman Dave Whelan at the final whistle. "To get a seventh season in the Premier League is a tribute to the chairman. The chairman is on cloud nine. He is an inspiration for everyone at the club and sometimes that puts you under extra pressure because

you don't want to let him d ow n , " s a i d the Spaniard. But amid the joy at staying up, Martinez could also s p are a t h ou g ht for Blackp o ol and Birmingham after the tightest relegation battle in years. "I think it is today, for the teams who are going down, it is to feel about them because nobody des er ve d to go down this season and our thoughts go with them because we know exactly how we felt going into the game."

themselves up again." Me anw hi le, Bl ackp o ol manager Ian Holloway saluted his players' efforts after being relegated. The Seasiders' were demoted following a captivating 4-2 loss to Manchester United at Old Trafford. Charlie Adam and Gary Taylor-Fletcher had scored either side of the break to put Blackpool in front after Park Ji-Sung's first-half strike. At that point, Holloway's men were clear of the drop zone, but Anderson then equalised and Ian Evatt turned Chris Smalling's cross into his own net before Michael Owen confirmed their fate. "This is a special group down here and we're very disappointed right now," said Holloway. "After taking the lead, we had started to believe we can do this. You saw the way we played, the chances we created, we've got to take those. "But United brought on Wayne Rooney, they're used to winning and we lost out. That aside, we've been absolutely outstanding and it's hard to take."

BECKER: Novak is invincible

Novak Djokovic will begin his French Open quest feeling “invincible” tomorrow, according to former world No. 1 Boris Becker

Look out for

OnTheCourts with Haresh Deol



Ancelotti sacked LONDON/ premier league

All or nothing

GSR Pennzoil head into the second round of the Malaysian Rally this weekend knowing they must improve on their last outing in Kota Tinggi last month


Vettel clings to victory

Unhappy Chelsea dismiss trophyless Italian in a haste

CHELSEA sacked manager Carlo Ancelotti — only hours after they finished second to Manchester United in the Premier League. The Blues released a statement following the 1-0 defeat by 10-man Everton at Goodison Park yesterday — saying the club’s performances had “fallen short of expectations”. The winner for Everton was scored by Jermaine Beckford in the 73rd minute. The Toffees had earlier lost Seaman Coleman in the 52nd minute after he received a second yellow card. For the record, Ancelotti moved to Chelsea in 2009 and won a Premier League and FA Cup double in his first season. “This season’s performances have fallen short of expectations and the club feel the time is right to make this change ahead of next season’s preparations,” said a statement from Chelsea. “Carlo will always be welcomed at Stamford Bridge, TURIN/ serie a

where he will be given the reception and respect his position in our history deserves. “Chelsea’s long-term football objectives and ambitions remain unchanged and we will now be concentrating all our efforts on identifying a new manager. There will be no further comment until that appointment is made.” Ancelotti appeared oblivious to his fate in his post-match interview, in which he said: “I am now on holiday — but I am not sure how long my holiday will be! “We haven’t arranged any meeting but I think in the next week, now the season is finished, the club can address my job and they will take a decision. I have to wait and see what happens. I don’t have to say anything to the club ­— they can judge me on my job for two years.” Ancelotti’s dismissal echoes that of West Ham manager Avram Grant, who was given the boot immediately after last

week’s defeat at Wigan. But it is understood Chelsea acted with similar haste as their players go on holiday today. Chelsea ended their campaign this season empty-handed. Rumours Ancelotti was to depart grew after Chelsea crashed out of the Champions League quarterfinals against Manchester United and his fate was ultimately sealed when a late title charge ended with defeat to the same opponents. Chelsea will start next season with their seventh manager in just eight years since Roman Abramovich’s takeover. Guus Hiddink is reportedly the Russian billionaire’s No. 1 target, with Porto sensation Andre Villas-Boas also heavily touted. But securing either of those will not be easy, opening the door for a raft of other candidates.

Red Bull’s Sebastian Vettel (pic) admitted McLaren’s Lewis Hamilton gave him a scare during the Spanish Grand Prix

>> pg30 FOOTBALL

GOODBYE: Chelsea sacked boss Ancelotti (pic) after they failed to win any silverware this season — GETTYpic

Conte to manage ‘Old Lady’

JUVENTUS have decided to appoint Antonio Conte as their manager for next season. The club’s sporting director, Giuseppe Marotta, made the announcement yesterday prior to their Serie A match against Napoli in Turin and also expressed his sorrow at the departure of current boss Luigi Del Neri. “Conte? We will make it official next week,” Marotta told Sky Sport Italia. “There is great sadness at the departure of Del Neri, but that’s part of football.”


Monday 23 MAY, 2011

>> pg29

On Saturday Del Neri was told about his departure and the match against Napoli would be his last in charge of the former Italian and European champions. “Next season, Juventus will have a new manager, the club informed me last Wednesday of this decision,” said the 60year-old. “I accept this choice. But I reiterate I would do it all again. Juventus don’t have the time to wait for change and gradual growth.” Conte, who is now with Siena and led them to promo-

tion from Serie B to Serie A, expressed his delight at being linked with the role at his former club but said he has not signed any contract with Juventus, yet. “I am still Siena manager and I have still not signed any new contract. I am happy to be linked with such a great club as Juventus,” said the 41-year-old. “The Serie A and B seasons are not over yet and it’s right for me to still be considered Siena manager until the game against Albinoleffe.” Juventus started this season

on a promising note and were in the running for a place in the top four in Serie A in the firsthalf of the season. But the “Old Lady” collapsed from January onwards. Meanwhile, Udinese secured the point they needed to qualify for the Champions League after a 0-0 home draw with champions AC yesterday. Lazio finished level on points with Udinese after a 4-2 win at Lecce, but will have to settle for a Europa League spot due to a worst head-to-head record with Udinese over the campaign.

RESULTS This morning Bologna 0 Bari 4 Brescia 2 Fiorentina 2 Cagliari 1 Parma 1 Genoa 3 Cesena 2 Inter Milan 3 Catania 1 Palermo 1 Chievo 3 Juventus 2 Napoli 2 Lecce 2 Lazio 4 Roma 3 Sampdoria 1 Udinese 0 AC Milan 0

Pep warns of complacency

Barcelona manager Josep “Pep” Guardiola has shifted the focus onto the Champions League final against Manchester United at Wembley on Saturday

>> pg30


God save... England?

Alex Ferguson may have won 12 titles in 24 years, but Gary Neville has sensationally claimed that even he would struggle as England manager

Published by Malay Mail Sdn Bhd (239512V), Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, and printed by The New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Berhad (4485-H), 31, Jalan Riong, 59100 KL

>> pg31

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