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Wednesday 1 JUNE, 2011 •



Rod Stewart inspires Swansea to Premier League >> pg31 COLUMN

Uncommon Sense

Pants on fire >> pg6


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The Malay Mail

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City Hall takes down ‘St Jhon’ sign

Atilia, next ‘overseas’bound local singer

Diligent Dynas back to acting after baby biz

>> pg2

>> pg12

>> pg15

Lost in ‘love’


Shocking police statistics on runaways show paedophiles ‘eloping’ with children, including a girl and a boy, both aged nine! By ANDREW SAGAYAM and THASHA MANOGARAN crime@mmail.com.my BOYS and girls have become ripe pickings for predatory older men who managed to convince them to run away from home with them — all in the name of ‘love’. Police figures show over the last five years, 2,175 minors who went missing from home did so out of desire to run off with their lovers. Shockingly, 55 of these children were aged between 10 and 13. A nine-year-old girl had also fled with her lover in 2006 while a nine-

year-old boy did the same in 2009. These are among the disturbing figures released by Federal police to The Paper That Cares yesterday. Statistics compiled from 2006 show from the total, 1,076 of the lovelorn runaways were teens aged between 14 and 17. More than 90 per cent are girls. It is believed a majority of these children were lured by paedophiles, who use the Internet to trawl for their victims.

Letters & Opinions ON PG10

Using social networking sites, the predators would embark on a slow process to gain the trust of the children before eventually convincing them to run away with their ‘true love.’ The trend of children running away to be with their lovers has prompted police to urge parents to be vigilant of their kids’ activities. Bukit Aman public affairs unit head ACP Fatimah Abd Hamid said parents had to constantly monitor their children’s movements, espe-

Messy legacy (May 26)

Land transport authority should make its vision public

cially those 18 and below. “Due to pressures at home, children would seek solace in friends of the ‘wrong kind’. Because of their young age, they are not good judges of character and would easily fall victim. “They would believe whatever older people would tell them, making them prime targets,” she said, adding although such children were considered as runaways, they were still classified as missing persons. She said most of the per-


petrators and victims were locals. Fatimah urged the families who have lodged these reports to constantly update the police if they had new information on their children’s whereabouts. “I’m sure parents would not stop searching for their children and might have some new leads on them. Please give us the information so that we can help to locate them for you.” She also advised parents to always make note of what

Residents lose field to City Hall show house >> pg8

their kids were wearing when they went out as this would help the police much in tracking the children down should they go missing. “Parents must also know where their children hang out most, which Internet ca fes, malls or mamak stalls.” Meanwhile, crime analyst Kamal Affendi Hashim said the main factor behind teenagers and children flying the coop was the parents themselves. • Continued on pg2

Bikers butting into pedestrian crossing >> pg9



'Parents should seek advice' ● From page 1 "Some parents are just not ready to raise a family. Many lack parenting skills but refuse to seek help. When a teen goes missing or a child is lured by adults for whatever reason, the fault always lies with the parents. "These youngsters may not have much say at home and, therefore, feel invisible. Most runaway cases happen when a child is not the parents' favourite, so they seek attention elsewhere." Kamal said parents should seek guidance from their religious leaders if they were unable to seek professional family counselling. "Parents can see their local imam, priest or monk for advice if they are having difficulties. They could also refer to the Welfare Department for further assistance." He said parents and children alike could also call Talian Nur (15999) to seek advice if they had family issues.

Parti Keadilan Rakyat filed legal action against the Registrar of Societies yesterday to challenge its decision to revoke party's registration — Lawyer N. Surendran KUALA LUMPUR

Child groomers Paedophiles pose as 'special friends' to gain trust

PAEDOPHILIA is a psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents, usually aged 16 and above, characterised by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children aged 13 years and younger. This disorder brings them to criminal acts such as child sexual abuse, statutory rape and offences involving child pornography, child grooming, stalking and indecent exposure. Studies by the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) show the most popular tactic used by paedophiles to reach their victims is by "child grooming". The groomers usually take an undue interest in someone's child by being the child's "special friend"

to gain their and their parents' trust to access them easily. Besides giving the children gifts and money for no apparent reason, a paedophile would normally show porn videos and pictures to normalise their behaviour, hoping to make it easy for the child to accept such acts. They also talk much about sex. The groomer might talk about problems usually discussed between adults such as emotional marital problems to establish hugging, kissing or other physical contact with the child. Paedophiles also look for opportunities to have time alone with the child by offering to babysit and usually invite the child for

sleepovers for a chance to sleep in the same bed. After this normalisation process, they will move on to molesting their victim. After all the grooming, most children would not realise the improper conduct until a third party suspects something amiss. Unicef studies also confirmed that paedophilia is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors with paedophiles commonly being victims of violence and sex abuse as children, in a victimto-perpetrator cycle. If victims are neglected and lack supervision, they become sexual aggressors as adults to accomplish this emotional shift. This shift is then re-targeted back to children simply because

they are weaker and pliable. Although there is no solid cure for paedophilia, treatments are available with the collaboration between law enforcement and health care professionals such as psychiatrists and doctors. Last year, a local daily reported that a Malaysian was jailed in Singapore for sexual grooming. Poong Foo Yun, 26, had posed as a schoolgirl on a social networking site and cajoled an 11-year-old girl to do indecent acts in front of her web cam.

befriend these youngsters on social networking sites such as Facebook," he told The Malay Mail. "The adults would send their potential victims gifts to entice them. Knowing that they are having problems at home, it would be easier for the paedophiles to make them victims." Chong advised parents to

know who their children's friends are and to know those friends personally. "Through the Internet, these children would not know who they are making friends with. The parents should be by their side to monitor them," he said. "The children should be allowed to use the Internet but under supervision."

Chong is all too familiar with cases of missing pers ons, human trafficking and immigration issues after being the voice of t h e d ow n trodden for about 24 years.

'St Jhon' signboard to be replaced By ALLEN J.P. STANLEY and FAIZAL NOR IZHAM mmnews@mmail.com.my

DISMANTLED: City Hall workers taking down the signboard. A new one will be put up in its place

THE MALAY MAIL IS PUBLISHED BY Malay Mail Sdn Bhd, Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200, Petaling Jaya

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signage is put up and we thank The Malay Mail for highlighting the matter." The error prompted some to wonder if City Hall officers are well-versed in English or had monitored the work done by the signage contractor. St John's, a 107-year-old secondary school founded on Jan 18, 1904, was gazetted as a National Heritage site on May 21 last year. Among the school's illustrious alumni, known as Johannians, are the Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, the Raja Muda of Perak Raja Dr Nazrin Sha h , Pr i me Mi n iste r

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THE Kuala Lumpur Immigration Department conducted an operation to weed out illegal immigrants at Chancellor Condominium, Jalan Kosas, Ampang, this morning. Operation chief Mohd Yusoff Khan said two Pakistani men, an Indian man, a Nigerian and a Mongolian woman, aged between 20 and 30, were picked up for not possessing legal documents. Mohd Yusoff said the 43-member raiding party conducted checks at Blocks A, B and C of the condominium. The operation ended at 2am. The detainees were taken to the Immigration Department's office in Pusat Bandar Damansara for further investigation.

GOVERNMENT spokesman Mussa Ibrahim said yesterday Nato air raids on Libya had killed 718 civilians and wounded 4,067 since they were unleashed on March 19 and up to Thursday. "Since March 19, and up to May 26, there have been 718 martyrs among civilians and 4,067 wounded, 433 of them seriously," Ibrahim told a news conference, citing health ministry figures. He said these figures do not include military casualties, a toll the defence ministry refuses to divulge. — AFP


THE street sign in Jalan Gereja misspelling the name of St John's Institution was taken down by City Hall last night, barely 24 hours after The Malay Mail highlighted the error. Three workers from City Hall, armed with a blowtorch, took the sign down at 11pm. Earlier, KL mayor Datuk Seri Ahmad Fuad Ismail had given an assurance a new sign would be put up to correct the misspelt word — 'Jhon'. "I don't know who made the mistake but as the local authority, we have to admit it's our fault," he said. "I will make sure a new

Five illegals nabbed in Ampang raid

718 civilians killed in air raids: Libya

Know your kid's friends, says Chong MCA Public Services and Complaints Department head Datuk Michael Chong (pic) believes the underaged are mostly lured by paedophiles through the Internet. "Because of the age gap, it is unlikely for these adults to meet children in the open with people around. They would

The Malay Mail Wednesday 1 JUNE, 2011

Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein. It was among the first 30 schools selected into the Cluster School programme introduced in 2007 by the Education Ministry. The La Sallian Brothers and the school's board of governors still hold much autonomy over management of the school, with leeway granted by the ministry. The main school building is in Jalan Bukit Nanas in the heart of the city, next to the Bukit Nanas forest reserve, giving it lush surroundings. It was not known when the new sign would be put up.

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The Malay Mail Wednesday ● 1 JUNE, 2011

More Malaysians infected with HIV/AIDS via sexual transmission last year, making up 48.5 per cent out of the 3,090 new cases — Malaysian AIDS Council's statistics

Red tape in the way PETALING JAYA

'Serdang cat killer might not be prosecuted as govt agencies delay process' By T.K. Letchumy Tamboo t.k.letchumy@mmail.com.my

THE Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) may not be able to prosecute 'Serdang cat killer' Chow Xiao Wei, 21. The decision to bring her to justice is being hampered by the lack of legal support as the process involves going through multiple governmental agencies. DVS d i re c t o r- g e n e ral Datuk Dr Abdul Aziz Jamaluddin said one of the delays in prosecuting Chow, who had admitted publicly for torturing three kittens with an umbrella and stomping them to death in March, was due to the authenticity of the video. "This is the role of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) as they probably have to develop protocols for video authentication that is accepted under general multimedia laws. We have sub-

mitted the video to them. "Subsequently, the DVS, w it h a dv i c e f rom t h e Attorney-General's (AG) Chambers, will open the case for further investigations." However, Dr Abdul Aziz said an investigation methodology could not be determined. "This is b ecaus e the Animals Act 1953 does not have the provision for a video recording to be used as court evidence. The government should develop an effective Act to prosecute perpetrators for any offence based on video evidence." However, several lawyers said there was no need for DVS to limit themselves to the Animals Act 1953 as there were other avenues for the department to bring Chow to face justice (see accompanying story). Asked on the status of the amendment of the Act,

which was called for by various animal rights groups, Dr Abdul Aziz said the AGs Chamber was doing their best to finalise changes recommended by DVS and the Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Ministry. "The next stage will be the inclusion of provision for prosecution of cases based on video evidence." Up on che ck i ng w it h MCMC, The Malay Mail learnt the video is not in their possession and instead with CyberSecurity Malaysia. However, CyberSecurity Malaysia declined to comment. Currently, animal abusers found guilty under the Act only face a maximum fine of RM200 and a threat of six months jail. Animal activists have asked for the fine to be increased to RM50,000 so as to serve as a proper deterrent.


Evidence Act 1950. "If the conditions in the Section are satisfied, this could overwrite the Animal Act 1950." Lawyer Datuk Seri Shafee Abdullah said it was not entirely correct to put the blame on the Animals Act 1953 for not having a provision for video evidence in court. "The Animal Act 1953 governs matters of substance, including offences, created to protect animals. It does not wholly cover procedure and evidential matters. Similarly,

the Penal Code provides for offences of cruelty against animals. "All the offence-creating statutes must use the Evidence Act 1950 for evidence admissibility purposes as it is a statute of general application. The Evidence Act covers evidence by video or Internet provided preconditions of admissibility are met." Shafee said the Animals Act could be blamed in this matter as the Evidence Act governed presentation of all evidence in any offence. Lawyer Datuk Jahabardeen

CAUGHT: The video clip of the incident

Mohamed Yunoos said the video of the cat abuse was not critical. "If the authority is serious about charging the cat killer in court, then go ahead. The authentication of the video has to be done by any certified forensic department such as the police. "The video in this case is relevant but not critical as the abuser has admitted to the offence she had committed. "There are also other evidence such as news reports written based on the public apology she made and the

journalists who were present during the Press conference." Jahabardeen said the level of animal rights consciousness in this country was extremely low. "It is embarrassing that animal abusers found guilty under the Animals Act 1953 only face a maximum fine of RM200 and a threat of six months jail. Furthermore, the provisions under Sections 428 and 429 of the Penal Code is highly disappointing in terms of animal's life as it is tied to economic value."

'No' to night court, Syariah lawyers say By JOSEPH KAOS JR joejr@mmail.com.my

lawyers want the government to reconsider its move to hold Syariah court proceedings at night and on public holidays. While Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim had said the decision was made to reduce case backlogs, Syariah lawyers told The Malay Mail such a move would not be popular among lawyers and judges alike, as the extra work time would burden them. One of them, Datuk Zaid

Zain, said the government should consult with lawyers first before deciding on such a move. He said the Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Syariah Courts had, in fact, implemented night sessions before, but stopped as it did not take off well. “We work from 9am to 6pm. For night sessions, we start at 8pm and it may stretch to midnight. It is exhausting because the next day we have to start early in the morning again.”

He said judges could fix court dates to suit their own schedules, but lawyers did not have such a luxury. “If we work overtime, it will incur extra costs. Naturally, the extra expense will be transferred to our client.” Syar ia h law yer Am li Embong said he had also experienced night sessions when it was implemented some 10 years ago, describing it as a tiring experience. “It’s not suitable for us. We also need time to ourselves, to do research or to spend time


Youth set ablaze in rape attempt A YOUTH was allegedly burnt alive by irate villagers in Warangal district, in the Indian State of Andhra Pradesh, yesterday after he attempted to rape a student. The incident occurred at Raghunathpalli village and the youth was identified as Babu, the Indian Express reports. According to police, Babu went to the house of the student and tried to rape her. When she resisted, Babu hit her with a hammer, causing serious injury. After hearing the girl's shouts, her neighbours caught the accused and set him ablaze after pushing him into a haystack.

Child porn concerns over Nintendo

Prosecute under Evidence Act, say lawyers SEVERAL lawyers told The Malay Mail there are other avenues for the department to bring the cat killer to justice. Senior criminal lawyer Salim Bashir, said even if the Animal Act 1953 did not have the provisions for video evidence to be submitted in court, the Evidence Act 1950 did. "As such, the Serdang cat killer can be prosecuted under this Act. They could also bring in a charge through the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission using Section 90(a) of the


with our family. I don’t think judges are keen on working overtime as well.” Syariah Court prosecutor Shafizan Rosli said since most Syariah cases involved divorce, the shortage of lawyers working under the Bar Council Legal Aid Bureau needed to be addressed. “Most divorce cases involve people from the low income group and they usually engage the services of lawyers under this bureau. But the bureau does not have many lawyers. So, it will be a problem if court

cases are increased.” Syariah lawyer Datuk Muhamad Burok said the government should hire more judges to reduce the burden on present judges. “The government’s suggestion is a good one as we want to reduce the backlog cases but we need to increase the number of judges first.”

A NINTENDO game that allows players to look up the skirts of scantily clad teenage characters is being sold in Australia with a PG rating, the Herald Sun reports. The Australian government has launched an investigation into Dead or Alive: Dimensions, which went on sale in Australia last week. It has already been taken off shelves in Europe for possibly breaking child pornography laws.

Mastermind of 9/11 to be charged THE alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (pic), will be charged by a military tribunal at Guantanamo along with four alleged co-conspirators, the Pentagon said yesterday. All five suspects will be slapped with at least eight charges, said a letter notifying 9/11 victims' families. President Barack Obama's administration last month abandoned efforts to have the five tried by federal courts on American soil, as it reluctantly opted to pursue justice before a military tribunal at Guantanamo. — AFP



National Service Training Department will introduce an improved physical module for NS trainees starting January next year — NSTD director-general Datuk Abdul Hadi Awang Kechil

Transport hub makeover


Pekeliling terminal to integrate bus, LRT and Monorail links By EE ANN NEE ean@mmail.com.my

THE Pekeliling Bus Terminal may be seeing a decline in passengers but the situation may turn positive soon as there are plans to improve it. KL City Hall Urban Transportation Department director Dr Leong Siew Mun told The Malay Mail: “City Hall will work closely with Syarikat Prasarana Negara Bhd (SPNB) to redevelop the terminal as an integrated urban city bus terminal with the LRT and Monorail links.” He said the long distance bus services to the East Coast may have to shift to the Gombak Integrated Transport Terminal (ITT). “For the moment, City Hall

BETTER DAYS AHEAD: Plans underway to turn Pekeliling Bus Terminal into an integrated hub

will continue maintenance works to improve the terminal.” According to industry players, the lack of passengers at the bus terminal could also be

due to the saturation of bus operators. Pahang Association of Consumers (PAC) executive secretary Mohd Saiful Abdullah said the fall in the ridership


businesses there. Mohd Saiful said better and comfortable facilities must be provided by the authorities to promote higher public transport adoption. On Monday, The Malay Mail reported that the Pekeliling Bus Terminal, located off Jalan Tun Razak, saw a decline in passengers over the years. The transport hub, besides serving eastbound routes like Kuantan, Jerantut, Genting, Temerloh and Kuala Lipis, also serves multiple local bus services. It adjoins the Titiwangsa interchange that serves the Ampang Line rapid transit system and KL Monorail.


Do you '1' to be a millionaire? OVER 30,000 MBF cardmembers will potentially be rewarded monthly for using their MBf cards in the 'Got 1, Got Money' contest. From today, card members stand a chance to be the daily cash back winner by just swiping the card for a minimum RM50 transaction with at least one "1" appearing in any order in the 6-digit approval code on the transaction slip. This campaign will run for nine months and the cash back is awarded on a firstcome, first-served basis, from a daily cash pool of RM10,000. With over RM4 million worth of cash prizes up for grabs, lucky cardmembers could win up to 111 per cent daily cash back prizes and a daily cash prize of RM1,111 as well as a grand prize of RM1, 111,111. Potentially, more than 30,000 MBf cardmembers stand a chance to be rewarded, explained Gan Kheng Chai, President of MBF Cards (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. "To be eligible, cardmembers need to register their 6 digit approval code via SMS for local transactions or call MBF Cards Customer Ser-

was generally not just about the number of passengers but due to many bus companies licensed to serve eastbound destinations. “For example, the KL-Temerloh Express was the first to serve the Temerloh route. Now, Transnational, Bulan Restu, Metrobus and Utama Express are also serving this route.” He said since not all bus services originated from the Pekeliling Bus Terminal, passengers need not only board there. Also, due to the convenience of LRT facilities covering this terminal, passengers also do not need to wait long to catch their buses, thus affecting the traders’

vice Hotline for overseas transactions." Every approval code with one or two "1" digits will get 11 per cent cash back and if you have three or more "1" digits, you will be rewarded with 111 per cent cashback.

The aim is to get as many number "1"s as possible to win the daily cash prize of RM1,111. "The lucky Card Member to be the first to get six "1"s in his or her approval code, will be the Grand Prize winner of RM1,111,111." For more information on this contest, go to www.mbfcards.com or call 03-2167 7600.

CASHBACK: Gan launching the contest for MBF cardmembers

'I will continue to speak without fear' By Faizal Nor Izham mmnews@mmail.com.my

OUTSPOKEN Tan Sri Robert Phang Miow Sin, who has just been cleared by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) of bribery allegations, said what happened will not deter him from highlighting the truth about matters affecting the nation. "I will continue to speak without fear as the nation needs daring speakers like myself," said Phang, who is in his 70s, when interviewed by The Malay Mail. "Since I'm very outspoken on various issues, some people have tried to stop me." Phang resigned as a member of MACC's consultation and corruption prevention panel soon after an anonymous blogger's allegation in January that he tried to bribe a senior government official, a secretarygeneral of a ministry, before Hari Raya last year, to induce the awarding of RM900 million worth of contracts. The blogger also said Phang had hidden bribe money in a T-shirt and that the senior government official had told Phang to get out of his office.

"It saddens me when people resort to creating lies but the truth will always prevail in the end," said Phang who left his MACC position in order for the commission to investigate him. "I stepped down as a challenge to the accusers to come forward and the fact they did not shows they are irresponsible cowards." Phang said if any more bloggers spread malicious lies about him, he would continue to stand up to them. "Bloggers who make accusations should have the integrity and courage to identify themselves," he said, adding during MACC's investigation, he also engaged the services of a lawyer and private detective to assist in the commission's investigations. "During my ordeal, I was fortunate to have moral support from various people, including former Attorney-General Tan Sri Abu Talib Othman, and I told them there was no need to worry as the allegations were totally baseless. Unfortunately, the anonymous blogger who accused me could not be traced."

The Malay Mail Wednesday 1 June, 2011

General amnesty decreed SYRIAN President Bashar al-Assad decreed a general amnesty for members of the banned Muslim Brotherhood and for political prisoners and on all (political) crimes committed before yesterday, the official SANA news agency reported. "This measure is insufficient: we demanded this amnesty several years ago, but it's late in coming," said Abdel Razak Eid, an activist from the "Damascus Declaration", a reformist group launched in 2005 to demand democratic change. — AFP

Five more officers defect FIVE more officers have joined the flow of defectors from the regime of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, arriving at the weekend in neighbouring Tunisia. A colonel and four lieutenant-colonels as well as four rank-and-file soldiers arrived by boat on Sunday, the official TAP news agency reported. In Rome on Monday, five generals, two colonels and a major announced they had defected from Gaddafi's forces, calling on other officers to follow their example. — AFP

Suit against ex-attorney general nixed THE US Supreme Court has ruled that former attorneygeneral John Ashcroft cannot be held responsible for police and judicial excesses committed in the period after the Sept 11 attacks. In a unanimous decision, the court overturned an appeals court decision authorising a lawsuit brought against Ashcroft by Abdullah Al-Kidd, an American convert to Islam, who was detained in March 2003 and held without charges as a "material witness", a formulation widely used after the 2001 attacks to ensure suspects were available to testify in terrorism cases. — AFP

wednesday 1 june, 2011

the malay mail




The Education Ministry is striving to have more single-session schools — Deputy Education Minister Dr Mohd Puad Zarkashi

The Malay Mail Wednesday 1 JUNE , 2011

Lying down, speaking up

TRUST is like virginity. You only lose it once. Several years ago, someone I truly trusted and respected looked me in the eye and lied to me. Not bending the truth, softening the blow of truth or even a white lie, but a straightforward lie to cover up something bad he did involving money he borrowed from me. Of course, more lies covered the lie, and when it came to a point when he could not lie any more, only then did he confess. I took it hard. Here was one man I adulated, someone I opened up my heart to, and the fact that he lied, straightfaced to me, hurt a lot. The scar that action left me is still there, and until now, despite his apologies and promise to never repeat it, I could never bring myself to trust anything

UncommonSense With Irwan Abdul Rahman

ON WEDNESDAY he said completely. Yes, I know it’s strange coming from someone working in an industry globally known for treating truths as a grey area — reality is perception and reality really depends on who’s defining it (and who pays the bills). We can go on and on about the virtues and pitfalls of bending the truth (“version”, “half-truth”, “spin”, “PR”, whatever you want to call it), but heaven knows there is always a price to pay when you decide to play with facts.

Even if it’s for a noble reason, telling half-truths will always return to haunt you later, especially in the super-connected world of cyberspace, more well-informed people and their growing sense of cynicism. The six degrees of separation between people have somehow become even smaller when what you do or say will never stay private and secrets will never stay secret. But what is utterly unacceptable is when you decide to knowingly deceive people

for some selfish gain. Our lives and our whole society are run based on some imaginary and intangible concept called trust. When we sign a deal, it’s much more than scribbling ink on the dotted line — it is an invisible bond that binds you to that contract, held only by trust and the integrity of the persons who put down that signature. Without our integrity (which basically means our immovable principles regardless of changing situations), who are we? Friendships, relationships and even family ties are also based on the same. We trust each other to do what we’re supposed to do, and avoid anything that would bring harm to one another. Lying, no matter how seemingly pressing the immediate

benefits are, would only serve to destroy that trust between people, one that is only built and earned over years. Lying also destroys your own credibility, even among people you didn’t lie to. When they see that you have the capability to lie, they perceive you as one without integrity, and their own trust in you is gone. It’s the same with breaking promises — your words eventually get more hollow and meaningless. This is especially important to business too. Brands take a mighty long time, effort and money to build and maintain. But all it takes is for people to find out that you told just one lie — and it all collapses. Transparency is the name of the game now, when every person with a camera phone

and a PC is a nosy journalist and publisher. Even leaders and governments have learned that hiding pertinent facts from the people — THEIR boss — is getting more and more futile by the day. So we might as well stick to the truth, yes? Unless, of course, you have something to hide… IRWAN ABDUL RAHMAN is the executive editor, lifestyle, entertainment and new media of The Malay Mail, in addition to being the paper’s resident cartoonist. He lies truthfully at www. nose4news.wordpress. com, tweets @irwanargh and can be contacted at irwan@mmail.com.my.


Mydin’s unwavering family support By EE ANN NEE ean@mmail.com.my

FAMILY support has always been key to Mydin Mohamed Holdings managing director Datuk Ameer Ali Mydin’s 54-year-old retail business. It was an important value his father, Mydin Mohamed, had taught him and his siblings. Mydin had valued family as being equally important as his business, setting the foundation for his way of life. “At the end of the day, we require family support because we spend long hours in retail, whether in offices, outlets, overseas or at home. Retail is detail,” Ameer told The Malay Mail. As one grows older, he said there was a tendency to look for balance in


1Malaysia stickers grace view from KL Tower TO promote national unity, the KL Tower management has put up 1Malaysia stickers on its window panels. While admiring the spectacular view of the city, visitors will also be reminded of how the nation has progressed,

despite the various cultural differences. As a national icon, it is only fitting the aerial view from the tower is now adorned with a stamp of racial unity and prosperity. — Pic: KHAIRULL AZRY BIDIN

BLOOD IS THICKER THAN WATER: Ameer (left) and executive director Ahimmat Mydin at the Subang Angsana MyMydin outlet — Pic: SHAHIR OMAR

life, where health and wealth took equal footing and quality time with the family became more important. “Family support does not only come from my brothers and sisters but also their spouses and children, who all help in one way or another. We hope they will eventually become the pillars of Mydin,” said the second son of the store founder. Ameer, who has two children, said Mydin had a policy where the founder’s descendants were not allowed to join the company for the first five years

after they graduated. “They have to earn their own keep and go through the hard way of learning how to work with people. When you’re not the boss, you learn to have humility. It teaches you to understand the value of money.” Today, Mydin employs 7,500 people. “I suppose everybody who is young doesn’t really want to work with their fathers but time will tell,” said Ameer.

He g r a du ate d w it h a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry from Western Michigan University and a Masters degree in International Business from the Sonoma State University. After his studies, he returned to Malaysia and worked in a merchant bank for eight years before taking on the family’s business.

wednesday 1 june, 2011

the malay mail


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Wednesday 1 JUNE, 2011

the malay mail

your right to be heard


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Complainants have to submit their personal particulars and provide a detailed account of their complaint. Complainants have to first file their complaints with the respective parties before contacting Hotline. Complaints referred by Hotline to the relevant parties would be published if there is no response in seven days. After a complaint has been resolved, the complainant cannot demand non-publication of the matter.


Don't take our field Cheras residents upset over grounds becoming site for council show house

CLOSED OFF: The field is now off limits to make way for a show house

FOR a long time, it was a playing field for residents to spend their evenings in. Now, it is to become a site for a City Hall show house. Residents of Jalan Selimang and Taman Tenaga in Cheras expressed their disappointment to the Hotline Roving Team, saying the field was closed two weeks ago and construction began two days later. SIN LEN LIAN, who lives at a shop house opposite the field, says she was shocked when contractors began placing zinc planks to enclose the area. "We only knew what was going on from the project information board. We tried

asking the workers but they do not know anything, so, we are still wondering why was this decision made." Another resident, CHEANG SIEW LIN, says they no longer have a place for morning and evening walks, or even tai chi classes. "Where do we go now? Most of the residents are senior citizens who have been living here for years. We have to drive to the nearest park now, and not all of us have cars." CHANG YOKE CHANG, 50, says they were not against the development, but that it should not come at the expense of their activ-

ity grounds. The ongoing construction works, too, have become a nuisance as residents claim work goes on till late into the night. Lorries going in and out of the site also damages the road.

● KUALA LUMPUR mayor Datuk Seri Ahmad Fuad Ismail tells Hotline the show house is part of the sustainable housing redevelopment programme by the National Economic Council. It is for public viewing so residents will know what to expect during redevelopment of the area.

PART OF THE PLAN: Construction already underway

He says the areas to be redeveloped are Taman Perumahan Ikan Emas, Sri

Pulau Pinang, Sri Johor, Ikan Emas longhouse and Sri Melaka, which cover about 130ha and comprise 5,800 houses. Of the 5,800 units, 5,000 units are rented while 800 have been bought. Under the plan, those renting units measuring 450 sq ft and 550 sq ft will obtain a 800 sq ft unit to rent, while those who have purchased the 450 sq ft and 550 sq ft units will be accorded units measuring 800 sq ft and 900 sq ft respectively. The mayor says while the Federal Territories and UrCHEANG: Where do residents go ban Wellbeing Ministry has for morning and evening walks yet to determine rental and

purchasing rates, the rates will be as low as possible. "We hope the residents look at this positively. The flats are currently more than 30 years old and in the time to come, might not be fit to live in. "So, this plan is for better quality homes for residents.” He says the first stage of the plan will start in July after the show unit is launched by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak. "We hope residents will be patient,” Ahmad says, adding the residents will get their field back once the plan is complete.

and tai chi classes?

Hassle over placing online advertisement FOR weeks, JULIE KARDI has been trying to place her advertisement on online shopping portal www.mudah.my, but cannot understand why she has been unsuccessful. KARDI wants to sell her BlackBerry but claims her advertisement was rejected as those who manage the site want a copy of her identification card and contact details. According to KARDI, she was told she would receive a phone call to verify her request. “There was no phone call. I thought I followed all the

instructions. I submitted my advertisement again.” It was again rejected and she was instructed to write to another email address. “I don't understand what I should do.”

● MUDAH.MY Sdn Bhd mar-

keting manager Gillian Chan tells Hotline: "We found the advertiser (KARDI) wanted to advertise in the electronics category.” Chan says in the company’s efforts to reduce fraud, they randomly screen first time advertisers to ensure genuine

items are being sold on the website. This, according to Chan, is to create a safer shopping experience for users. "We apologise for the delay and have since contacted KARDI to resolve the issue." KARDI confirms she received a call from mudah.my on May 17 to reconfirm her identification number. KARDI says although the staff did not give a reason why her initial attempts were rejected, she was told her current advertisement is pending approval.

Asked to pay someone else's bill

OTHMAN PUTIT feels it is unprofessional for a Celcom-appointed agent to send him text messages demanding he pay an outstanding phone bill, especially when it does not even belong to him in the first place. He says on May 20, he received an SMS stating his bill, amounting to RM224.20, was due for payment by May 27. OTHMAN says he replied the SMS informing them of the error. Despite advising them to

be more careful of sending text messages to the right person in the future, OTHMAN says he was given a name of another man and asked if he knew that person. “They were demanding I pay the bill of a person I don't know. “This shows the unprofessional conduct of the agent appointed by Celcom. They must check their facts properly."

● A CELCOM Axiata Berhad spokesman says

OTHMAN’S name and number were registered as the contact or reference of another person. "We have updated our system and removed his details as the other person’s contact.” Following his complaint, the spokesman says the company immediately contacted OTHMAN to inform him of their findings. She says they apologised to OTHMAN and he is satisfied with their explanation.

SYABAS DISTRICT OFFICES • Kuala Lumpur: 03-20885400 • Gombak: 03-61384820 • Petaling: 03-78411000

• Klang: 03-33710144 • Hulu Langat: 03-87335717 • Kuala Langat: 03-31871620

• Hulu Selangor: 03-60641270 • Kuala Selangor: 03-32893024 • Sepang: 03-87061154

Wednesday 1 JUNE, 2011 the malay mail

Astro B.yond far from sight

ONG SIEW HWA is seeking a clearer picture as to why it is taking Astro so long to install Astro B.yond at her new home. ONG says she moved in last May and wanted the B.yond dish installed there. Her problems began when she contacted Astro's call centre, where she was as-

sured a technician would contact her within five days. When nobody got back to her, she began calling them frequently but to no avail. “Weeks passed but no one from Astro seemed to be able to help solve my problem. Instead, I was passed around like a ball.” ONG hopes the matter

can be resolved soon and her Astro B.yond service installed as soon as possible.

● MEASAT Broadcast Network Systems Sdn Bhd senior vice-president (broadcast and operations) Rohaizad Mohamed says: "Astro sincerely apologises for the customer’s

experience and regrets any inconvenience caused." He says the matter has been resolved and the customer is able to receive the Astro services. ONG tells Hotline an Astro personnel contacted her on May 24 and treated her case with utmost urgency.

A road too far

Motorcyclists making illegal U-turn putting many in harm's way


Online Hotline comments www.mmail.com.my Seven-month delay for telephone line (May 30) THE government should not allow monopolies. These agencies can become complacent, resulting in bad and delayed services to their customers. I have read many complaints about Telekom Malaysia in the newspapers lately. It is high time the government permits more telecommuncations service providers to come in alongside TM. — shaktiman 'Staple' food (May 27) THIS is her complaint and her right to report the matter. Issues like hers might appear to be small to others but not for her. Imagine what could have happened had a small child eaten that popiah and died as a result of the staple in the food. It may appear to be a small piece of metal but it can kill. People must think before they criticise. Do people think apologies can bring a person back to life? — Jay Ras THE complainant should stop patronising that stall. She and others should start spreading the word of what happened. That will hit the stall operators hard. — Anonymous THE complainant chose the wrong avenue to air her grouse. She should have complained to a consumers association and not lodge a police report. After all, under what section of the law could her case be investigated under? Attempted murder? — Rayan Ka Goling Hari Raya Ah Long (May 25) THE government should take action against banks which promote personal loans, such as one-hour loans in which no guarantors are required. Almost every month, I get calls from banks and credit card companies offering me personal loans. — dl

WHO'S CROSSING? Motorcyclists making an illegal U-turn in Jalan Medan Tuanku

THIS is an example of laziness being taken too far. Hotline was alerted by reader JUSTIN YEE to the irresponsible attitude of motorcyclists along Jalan Medan Tuanku who use a pedestrian crossing there as to make illegal U-turns. YEE, who uses the road daily, says he often witnesses motorcyclists making this illegal move. He says this has become a

daily occurrence and is distressed by the selfish riders too lazy to follow the road, preferring instead to make their own shortcut, regardless of who they put in harm's way. "Not wanting to take the long way towards Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, many make an illegal U-turn at the traffic light junction, especially during office and rush hour.

“However, motorists in oncoming traffic cannot see them make this shortcut due to the curve." YEE says he has witnessed many accidents almost taking place at this junction and that it is only a matter of time before someone gets injured. Fearing for the safety of other road users and pedestrians, YEE hopes the traffic police will look into the matter.

“This concerns the safety of road users who might have to pay for the inconsiderate actions of these motorcyclists.”

● KUALA LUMPUR traffic

chief ACP Rosli Mohd Noor says he will send his team to the site immediately. Rosli tells Hotline officers will be sent there frequently to monitor the situation and issue summonses to offenders.

Insurance headache over missing iPod ATHILIA EE of Taman Sri Rampai, Setapak, bought a travel insurance policy for a worry-free holiday in Cambodia but things did not turn out the way she planned. EE says she bought the policy from Chartis Insurance. When she returned from her trip, she noticed her luggage had been broken into. "When I reached home, I noticed the padlock on my luggage was missing. When I

opened it, my iPod Touch was missing." EE says she made a claim with the insurance company for compensation. After submitting all the necessary documents, the company only granted compensation for the missing padlock. "The reason they gave me was the company only compensates for lost of electronic devices if it is due to theft.

Their definition of theft was a permanent loss due to a break-in of a premises." She says because the company compensated her for the missing lock, must mean they acknowledged her luggage was broken into. Despite numerous attempts to reason with Chartis Insurance, EE is not entirely happy with the way they are trying to "wash their hands clean" of the matter.

● CHARTIS Malaysia In-

surance Berhad Customer Care senior manager Julie Lau says the company will proceed to grant EE an additional settlement of RM450 under the Loss of Personal Effects benefit. Lau says EE has agreed to the settlement. Ee tells Hotline Chartis Insurance had contacted her and told her the cheque would reach her this week.

THE question which should be asked in this case is: who are the powers behind the Ah Long activities? — GOUNDAMANI Syabas water bill goes missing (May 24) WHAT action did Syabas take against the errant staff? All government agencies and departments have inefficient staff. If any public agency or department receive complaints from the public, then I feel the staff responsible should be suspended without pay. Only with such measures would lazy or incompetent people buck up and perform as required. — shaktiman Sexy Carol to flex muscles (May 25) I HEARD 47 is the new 27. Seriously though, must dress codes be imposed in gyms? It is not as though the complainant was wearing lingerie. As for her allegedly moaning during workouts, hasn't anyone heard the sounds female tennis pros make when playing in a major tournament? — Anonymous LOKE, go ahead and lodge a complaint with the consumers tribunal. There, you can present your case. They will listen to Fitness First as well. Fitness First may want to show video footage of the exercise session you were involved in. That way, both parties can bring witnesses to the hearing to relate their respective experiences. Everything will be told there. — Anonymous

10 letters&opinions Wednesday 1 JUNE, 2011

● Opinions may be in the form of Letters to the Editor or comments posted in relation to all news.

the malay mail

Mail: Letters To The Editor, Malay Mail Sdn Bhd, Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200, Petaling Jaya, Selangor. KUALA LUMPUR

● Letters to the Editor must carry your name, address and contact number. A pseudonym may be included. Email: mmnews@mmail.com.my Fax: 03-7960 5096

Messy legacy (May 26)

Where do we go from here?

IT came as no surprise for members of Transit — Malaysia's public transp or t for um — to hear the Commercial Vehicles Licensing Board (CVLB) was not able to properly manage, regulate or enforce rules for the land-based commercial and public transport industry in the country. We have heard stories of CVLB lacking enforcement officers, unable to act on certain bus companies due to political links, unable to enforce certain regulations due to legal jurisdiction, not to mention stories of wellconnected people receiving CVLB permits. But it was shocking to hear Land Public Transport

Commission (SPAD) representatives, upon visiting CVLB offices in January, discovering files strewn on the floor and the information system in disarray. We knew there were problems within CVLB. At the same time, we also know that when a new organisation comes in and takes over from a previous organisation, sometimes there is a tendency to blame troubles on the past, hoping the public will allow a grace period for the new organisation to adjust. In the United States, they give their incoming presidents 100 days to get established. By any measure, SPAD (which began operations in

September last year) is well beyond its first 100 days. So, why are we only now hearing about these inherited problems? Transit is also wondering how things are going at the Department of Railways (another organisation folded into SPAD). Since 2005, there have been many reports on service disruptions on KTM intercity trains, KTM Komuter, LRT and also monorail services. In many of these cases, passenger safety was not a d d r e s s e d p r o p e r l y. Passengers were allowed to alight from trains and walk along rail lines. In other cases, derailments led to disrupted services. It is not helping that

KUALA LUMPUR RM1m Customs man (May 16)

check the containers before they left the country? I believe this is the tip of the iceberg. It's worrying because the Customs Department supposed to be the "gatekeepers" of the country after the Immigration Department? Kudos to the police and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) for busting the black sheep officers. It makes me wonder how they sleep at night after doing all that. I guess greed and the sight of money can do strange things to people. Everyone

wants to be rich. These culprits should be placed under the Internal Security Act (ISA) as they are a threat to the country. God only knows how much money they have acquired and what sort of items are being smuggled in or out of the country this way. In your article, it was said the payoff for the suspect's role for assisting the car theft ring was more than RM1 million. I dare not do the math on this. I hope change is near for the Customs Department. Jasper

PENANG My First Home Scheme extended nationwide (May 29)

Boon for middle-income earners IT IS wonderful to learn the government is initiating a social housing scheme for middleincome earners to purchase affordable housing. Middle-income earners like myself have long suffered because we are not eligible for low- and low-medium cost housing and yet, upper-middle housing is beyond our price range.

Middle-income housing and low-cost housing do not have to be of poor quality and or located in the middle of nowhere. We should emulate other countries that have successfully developed new towns comprising middle-income housing. Also, the government should use the Rubber Research Institute's land near Sungai

The Malay Mail-Dutch Lady HAMPER FOR CHARITY THE best opinion of the week as decided by the editor will win a hamper from Dutch Lady Malaysia for charitable institutions. Readers are encouraged to nominate charities deserving of this gesture. The Malay Mail will deliver the winning hamper.

the department has not made public any of the results of their investigations. Can SPAD also explain the purpose of the re-registration exercise? It's not that we don't agree with the re-registration;

it is probably necessary given the massive restructuring needed in the commercial vehicle and land-public transport sectors. But we think the public and companies involved need to know and

Moaz Yusuf Ahmad

SHAH ALAM Second post-mortem after alleged abuse (March 4)

Black sheep tip of the iceberg THE revelation that Royal Malaysian Customs Department officers are being probed in connection with a car theft ring so close to the nationwide crackdown on corrupt Customs officials last April, makes me wonder what is really going on inside the department. How can this happen? Imagine, more than 100 containers being shipped out with stolen cars inside and no one noticed? Weren't there documents attached with such large shipments? Didn't anybody bother to

TELL US WHY: SPAD should share their plans for the future

understand the reason before taking part in the exercise. After all, better organisation and efficiency means better services with lower costs. Transit is not surprised that some lorry and bus operators association leaders are grumbling about the increased burden of paperwork. We want SPAD to share their vision for commercial and public transport in Malaysia. We are not asking to see their masterplans, we just want to know what their plans are to invigorate the two sectors which have been on the verge of collapse for decades.

Buloh to build a new town instead of the EPF parceling out plots for developers to build more high-class housing. This will solve the pressing middleincome housing problem which is growing day by day. So as not to fall into the same debacle as the low-cost housing projects, a mechanism should be put in place to regulate this. One measure should be that houses be sold back to a Social Housing Unit at a discount to the market equivalent and to the embedded subsidy adjusted for inflation. One method practised in the United States is for the gains to be shared equally with the Social Housing Unit. This should be fair and equitable as one should not profit from subsidies and charity. Teong CG

Thorough investigation for Pakiam's family T H E Wo m e n’s A i d Organisation (WAO) wishes to extend its sincere condolences to the family of Pakiam Subramaniam, who died in Kedah in February this year, five months after her wedding. It is tragic when a young person passes away and it is especially traumatic for Pakiam’s family as her father, M. Subramaniam, believes his daughter was a victim of domestic violence after seeing the severe injuries she had allegedly sustained. M. Subramaniam had also said the police failed to investigate the case thoroughly, leading him to seek help from

Malaysia’s national human rights commission, Suhakam. A complete investigation into Pakiam's death must be carried out and her family must be kept informed of the progress of the investigation. Section 120 of the Criminal Procedure Code states police investigations must be “completed without unnecessary delay”. Pakiam’s family deserves to know the truth about her death. If Pakiam was a victim of domestic violence, then the perpetrator/s must be brought to justice. WAO works with women who have experienced domestic violence for almost three decades. We have encountered

numerous cases of those who have suffered domestic abuse in silence and died at the hands of abusive partners or family members. When a woman dies in suspicious circumstances at home, domestic violence must always be considered a possibility. Pakiam's family has endured enough with the loss of their daughter. The hospital, police and the authorities must treat the family with respect, care, compassion and openness during what must be the most distressing time of their lives. Sarah Thwaites Programme Officer Women’s Aid Organisation

wednesday 1 june, 2011

the malay mail




First consignment of durians worth RM1 million to be shipped to China in July — Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Datuk Seri Noh Omar


'Here I come' Atilia to wow Indonesia

By Shuhaidah Saharani iedas@mmail.com.my

WHILE Atilia’s latest album Indah didn’t sell quite as well as she would have wished locally, the petite singer has refused to give up. Hoping for greener pastures, Atilia is preparing to spread her wings to Indonesia. “I am signing a deal with a local distribution company in Jakarta, Demajors Records, real soon,” said the 35-yearold. “We are at the ‘all systems go’ stage and just waiting to finalise the new cover. "We designed a new pop-out cover for my album Indah and I'm excited about it. We will include videos for this as well. “We just shot Silly Little Thing (one of her songs in Indah) music video in Jakarta recently with the Indonesian band Sore and I can't wait for fans to see it. It’s a twisted video, we love

it,” she said excitedly. “We are planning to launch the album next month and a tour of Indonesia will follow.” With local singers venturing out of their comfort zones and trying their luck overseas like Zee Avi, Yuna and the latest following the trend, Prema Yin, we asked if Atilia is just following the trend set by others. “At the moment, I’m promoting Indah in Malaysia and Indonesia. I want to do Singapore and Brunei soon too,” said Atilia, who will be performing at Alexis Bistro on Friday and Saturday at 10pm. She might visit Singapore and Brunei sooner than expected. Recently, we heard Atilia is going to perform at this year’s Anugerah Planet Muzik (APM). To the uninitiated, APM is

an award show which honours the best of the region’s artistes and music, and will return to Singapore at Max Pavilion, on July 15, after being away in 2008 (Kuala Lumpur) and 2009 (Jakarta). “Yes, it’s true! The events company called me a few months back. I am excited about that, especially with my plan to go into Indonesia’s market. This will be an awesome platform. I will be singing Kekanda Adinda with Monoloque.” But, she didn’t know if there was any other Malaysian artiste performing there as well. Could her busy work schedule be the reason she is still single? “I have someone,” she said coyly, but keeping the identity of her new love a secret.

Twitter Your S@y

Celebs on gossips By Eena Houzyama eena@mmail.com.my twitter ID: ehouzie1

IN the entertainment world, gossips often plays a big part in making or breaking a celebrity. Yet, do they actually read and believe what is said in gossip columns? Perhaps some are disciplined enough not to read gossips and fall prey to juicy news about other celebrity friends but some surely must be curious to know more. We wanted to find out what lies beyond these myths, celebrity and gossip columns. The Malay Mail asked celebrity friends of @ehouzie1 to state their thoughts on this twisted issue. NanaMahazan: Yup! I do read the newspapers! … Good to keep up with what's going on, but you can't always believe what you read.. Nama pun gosip kan? Hehe.. But most of us, read n believe.. Gossip sells better kan?

ATILIA: Hoping to capture Indonesia market

The Malay Mail Wednesday 1 june, 2011

DaphCLPT: I've been a subject of gossip tabloids. Most are untrue - so no, I don't read. It's neither beneficial nor productive.

NurulAbWahab: I don't. :D MelissaSaila: Yes, I read. But I believe only 70 per cent of it. TizTizTiz: We know more from people than reading. When people talk, it shows people believe, and yes it’s more creative. Somehow, we kind of know the real thing, so we believe less :)

The Malay Mail Wednesday 1 June, 2011

At least six people were killed yesterday in a police crackdown on crime in a northern Rio de Janeiro shanty town, officials said. Weapons and drugs were confiscated — AFP


Powerful hurricanes to hit US THE Atlantic hurricane season kicks off today with elevated threats to the United States and nations around the Caribbean, the latest forecasts show. The season officially begins June 1 and runs to Nov 30, and will feature atmospheric conditions which experts predict will lead to the formation of 12 to 18 named tropical storms, of which six to 10 could become hurricanes, according to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The NOAA predicts between three and six major hurricanes of Category 3 intensity or higher on the five-level Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale. Skies were generally calm across the Atlantic yesterday, and NOAA and other meteorological websites predicted no drama in the opening days of the season. The peak Atlantic storm period is August to early October. This season is predicted to surpass the historical average of 11 tropical storms,which have winds between 63 to 117 kilometres per hour and six hurricanes, including two major Category 3 hurricanes with sustained winds of 178 km per hour or greater, according to NOAA. The first tropical storm of the this season will be named Arlene, according to US authorities, who use an A-to-Z system for naming storms. — AFP CAIRO

Mladic finally in The Hague


Former Bosnian Serb army head accused of masterminding 1995 Srebrenica massacre

FORMER Bosnian Serb army chief Ratko Mladic (pic) arrived in the Netherlands yesterday to face genocide and war crimes charges in The Hague after almost 16 years on the run. Television images showed a plane with "Republic of Serbia" written on the side touch down at Rotterdam airport at 7.45pm local time and taxi to a heav-

ily guarded hangar followed by two black jeeps. A Dutch police helicopter was waiting on the tarmac to take Mladic, 69, to the UN detention unit in The Hague, the seat of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). The prosecution has charged Mladic, former head of the Bosnian Serb army, with genocide, persecution, extermination, murder, deportation, inhumane acts and cruel treatment for his part in a plot to achieve the "elimination or permanent removal" of Muslims from large parts of Bosnia in pursuit of a "Greater Serbia". He is accused of masterminding the 1995 Srebrenica massacre of more than 7,000 Muslim men and boys, Europe's worst atrocity since World War II. He is also charged for the 44-month siege of the capital Sarajevo from M a y 1992

in which 10,000 people died. Earlier yesterday, Serbian judges rejected Mladic's appeal against a transfer to the UNbacked ICTY to stand trial for alleged atrocities committed during the 1992-95 Bosnian war. Europe's most wanted man was arrested in the village of Lazarevo in northeast Serbia on Thursday and detained by the Serbian war crimes court in Belgrade until his departure. The ex-general's appeal on the grounds of his "alarming" health failed and he was declared fit to face charges of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, committed during the 1992-1995 Bosnian war. In The Hague, Mladic will join the former Bosnian Serb political chief Radovan Karadzic, currently on trial. Wanted on 15 counts, Mladic risks a life sentence if found guilty. Upon his arrival, he will be read his rights and asked if

he wishes to talk to a lawyer. Under the tribunal's rules of procedure, he will then appear before a three-judge bench "without delay". On his initial appearance, Mladic will be asked to plea to the charges on the indictment. If he refuses, he will be given another 30 days to reconsider, after which the court will enter a not-guilty plea on his behalf. Mladic has already declared through his son Darko Mladic that he had "nothing to do" with the Srebrenica massacre. Earlier Tuesday he visited the grave of his daughter Ana, who committed suicide aged 23 reportedly because of accusations against her father. The retired general was returned to his detention cell, and later in the afternoon flown by plane to the Netherlands. Serbia generally remained peaceful following news of Mladic's arrest and extradition. Thousands of Bosnian Serbs rallied yesterday to show their support for Mladic. — AFP

Women protesters degraded

AMNESTY International yesterday called on authorities in Egypt to bring to justice those responsible for forced virginity tests on female protesters, slamming it as "nothing less than torture." The London-based rights group's statement comes after an apparent admission by an army general to CNN that women detained on March 9 in Cairo had been subjected to virginity tests. But a senior military official denied reports the army had conducted such tests, saying "these allegations are baseless." The general, speaking to CNN on condition of anonymity, had defended the practice. "We didn't want them to say we had sexually assaulted or raped them, so we wanted to prove that they weren't vir-

gins in the first place," he told the US broadcaster. "The girls who were detained were not like your daughter or mine," the general said. "These were girls who had camped out in tents with male protesters in Tahrir Square, and we found in the tents Molotov cocktails and drugs," he said. Amnesty condemned the admission as "an utterly perverse justification of a degrading form of abuse. "The women were subjected to nothing less than torture," it said. Authorities "must bring those responsible for ordering or conducting forced 'virginity tests' to justice. "This general's implication that only virgins can be victims of rape is a long-discredited sexist attitude and legal

absurdity. When determining a case of rape, it is irrelevant whether or not the victim is a virgin." In March, Amnesty collected testimonies of women after it said army officers used force to clear Cairo's Tahrir Square, the focus of the uprising that forced Hosni Mubarak to resign in February, and detained at least 18 women. Women protesters said they were beaten, given electric shocks, subjected to strip searches while being photographed by male soldiers, then forced to submit to "virginity checks" and threatened with prostitution charges, Amnesty said. In Cairo, the military official told media "all legal measures would be taken regarding what was published because it is based on false information." — AFP

ANGRY: Women were among protesters who demanded Mubarak give up power in Tahrir Square last month — AFPpic



Former Tory peer jailed A DISGRACED former Tory peer was jailed for 12 months yesterday for fiddling his parliamentary expenses. Lord Taylor of Warwick, 58, falsely filed for travel and overnight subsistence to claim more than £11,000 (RM55,000), a court in London heard. He told the House of Lords members' expenses office that his main residence was in Oxford, when in fact he lived in West London. The peer never stayed in and only twice visited the Oxford property, which was owned by his half-nephew's partner.

Children should avoid energy drinks DOCTORS say parents "should never" give their children energy drinks, warning they contain "toxic" levels of caffeine, the Daily Mail reports. A study, published in the journal Paediatrics, has found energy drinks contain up to 14 times more caffeine than other soft drinks, taking them to a level considered "toxic" for children. It warned against both energy and sports drinks, saying they contain extra calories which most children do not burn off and sugar which can cause tooth decay. They called on parents to give their children water instead.

Woman chops off attacker's family jewel A WOMAN cut off a man's penis as he allegedly attempted to rape her and took it to a police station as evidence against him. Monju Begum, 40, attacked the man in Bangladesh after he burst into her shack and reportedly launched his sex attack. The victim then wrapped up the penis in polythene before handing it over to officers, police said. Mozammel Haq Mazi was taken to hospital where he is being treated but is denying attempted rape. He claims he was having an affair with the mother-ofthree and she attacked him because he refused to settle down with her.

14 world Fendi attracts fur-ious protest FENDI is to be allowed to use fur on its catwalk, despite an earlier ruling banning the fashion house from using the material, the Daily Mail reports. The Italian label is to stage a high profile catwalk show in Seoul South Korea tomorrow, at which it had originally planned to show 20 fur items. Following pressure from animal rights groups who threatened massive rallies, Seoul City officials issued Fendi with an ultimatum: pull all fur items from the fashion show, or face a ban. Given the announcement, it is clear that it is Seoul's officials, not Fendi, who backed down.

Facebook's oldest user at 106

US space shuttle Endeavour to make final landing early today, becoming the second American shuttle to enter retirement as the programme ends after 30 years — AFP

Royals called 'parasites'


Canadian legislator expresses anti-monarchist sentiments

THE Quebec government is demanding an apology from a legislator who compared the British royal family to parasites and circus performers. Amir Khadir, leader of the tiny left-wing party Quebec solidaire, said yesterday taxpayers had no business footing the bill for this summer's

visit from Prince William and the former Kate Middleton, now known as the Duchess of Cambridge. Khadir said, as a separatist, he was opposed to the monarchy. He made the "parasite" remark in a Quebec tabloid and did not back down yesterday when ques-

tioned by reporters. "If this is a tourist attraction, I would at least like it if the principals involved, the prince and the princess, knew it, knew that we're bringing them here, a little bit like we do with circus tours," said Khadir, who is his party's only member of parliament.

Nathalie Normandeau, a cabinet minister in the Liberal provincial government, said Khadir's comments demonstrated a lack of class and said that many Quebecers had a lot of respect for the royal family. Protests are expected when the royals stop in Frenchspeaking Quebec. The couple


Anti-terror cartoon gets bad press

A GREAT-grandmother will become the oldest Facebook user in the world when she creates her profile – at 106. Lily Strugnell also plans to open a Twitter account after taking a course for pensioners on how to use the Internet, the Daily Mirror reports. The silver surfer, who has three children, four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, had her first social networking lesson last month. Now she wants an iPad for her 107th birthday. Facebook’s current oldest user is Lillian Lowe, 104, of Tenby, Pembrokeshire, Wales, whose user name is Supergran.

Rajinikanth on road to recovery ACTOR Rajinikanth, now being treated at a hospital in Singapore, is fine and recovering well, his son-inlaw and actor Dhanush said yesterday. "He (Rajinikanth) is recovering well. He is doing fine. He is responding well to the treatment," the Indian Express quoted him as saying. "Doctors have found out the root cause of his (Rajini's) trouble. It is something that can be reversed," Dhanush said. According to him, the 61-year-old actor is cheerful and is "in a mood to shop. He eats whatever he wants." He dismissed as a joke reports that the actor required kidney transplantation.

The Malay Mail Wednesday 1 JUNE, 2011

IT was supposed to be a warning about the perils of joining the international jihad. But those behind Wish You Waziristan, a cartoon take on two young Britons' tortured journey

terrorist training camp in Pakistan and back to Britain,where they're taken into custody. "It's a cautionary tale," said Martin Orton, whose company Bold Creative made the animated short with funding from the British government. Orton said yesterday the government appeared

to the heart of the Taliban insurgency, say officials have put the brakes on their government-funded counterextremism project after being spooked by negative press. The six-minute movie follows two England-raised Muslim brothers as they travel to a

to have developed cold feet about releasing the video, which was due to be launched online on Sunday, after hostile newspaper articles. The government denied it had pulled the plug, saying the film simply was not finished. Orton said his company studied the ways in which young Muslims had been radicalised by watching extremist videos online and wanted to help fight back by debunking some of the


Morricone for Rome film fest

OSCAR-WINNING composer Ennio Morricone will head the jury at this year's Rome Film Festival. Morricone has composed scores for movies including The Untouchables, The Mission and the Spaghetti Western The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. He was nominated for an Academy Award five times and won an Oscar for lifetime achievement in 2007. Organisers said yesterday the festival will run from Oct 27 till Nov 4. It will be the festival's sixth edition. — AP

glamour attached to fighting as a jihadist. The movie offers a rather uninspiring picture of what it's like to become a jihadi. The pair of young wouldbe militants are held up at gunpoint and viewed with suspicion by the Islamist militants they want to help. At one point the younger brother has his dignity violated by a particularly exacting body search. A planned grenade attack goes wrong, and they are arrested as they return home. Orton said that the movie was based on two years' worth of research, drawing on interviews with young people who had been to the camps and media reports. British tabloids were unimpressed, wondering at the film's £33,000 (RM163,000) price tag and asking whether a cartoon would be effective in tackling terrorism. The Daily Mail called it "bizarre". — AP


More music for the money COACHELLA festival organisers are doubling the annual music extravaganza. Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival organiSers say next year's festival will be held in Indio, California over two weekends on April 13 to 15 and April 20 to 22. The separate events are expected to feature the "same lineup, same art, same place, different people." This year's three-day event included headlining acts such as Kanye West, the Kings of Leon and Arcade Fire. —AP

will visit Montreal and Quebec City July 2 and 3. A protest when Prince Charles visited in 2009 caused a disturbance at one of his planned Montreal stops but, otherwise, the prince received warm greetings from crowds at his other events in the city. — AP PARIS

'Cell phone use possible cause of cancer' THE use of cell phones and other wireless communication devices are "possibly carcinogenic to humans", the World Health Organisation's cancer research agency said yesterday. The radio frequency electromagnetic fields generated by such devices are possibly cancer-causing "based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer," the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) said in a statement. A group of 31 experts meeting in the French city of Lyon over the past eight days "reached this classification based on its review of the human evidence coming from epidemiological studies," said Jonathan Samet, president of the work group. Two studies in particular, the largest conducted over the last decade, provided evidence that cell phone use was associated with higher rates of glioma, "particularly in those that had the most intensive use of such phones," Samet said. A number of individuals tracked in the studies had used their phones for 10 to 15 years. "We simply don't know what might happen as people use their phones over longer time periods, possibly over a lifetime," he said. There are about five billion mobile phones registered in the world. Both the number of phones in circulation, and the average time spent using them, have climbed steadily in recent years, the working group found. — AFP

lifestyle 15

The Malay Mail Wednesday 1 JUNE, 2011

Breastfeeding in her DnA Dynas jumps back into acting and nurses her baby business

By SHUHAIDAH SAHARANI iedas@mmail.com.my Twitter @edabunny FOR actress Dynas Mokhtar, this year is all about work, work and work. “I'm busy with acting so I’m back in action!” she beamed, after taking a long break to look after her baby daughter Khyra Khalyssa Mohd Hafizy, born on April 24 last year. “I’m also busy designing the collections for my maternity and breastfeeding line, DnA (Dynas Nursing Attire), and taking care of my new shop at The Curve.” Now that her baby girl has turned one year, Dynas has been going full steam ahead on her acting career. “I’ve been busy with Cinta

Antara Kite for TV3’s Akasia slot, I starred in Awan Dania on Astro Ria, I also did a comedy series for Astro Warna titled Dahlan Steady. “Now I'm shooting the third season of Si Kecilku Chak, a parenting programme for TV3 which is airing every Tuesday at 10.30am. Other than that, I am also shooting a comedy horror series for slot Seram TV3 You Saka Pegi Jauh Jauh.” Is she keeping herself busy to avoid the tough chores of motherhood? “No! No matter how busy I am, I will make sure I still have time for my daughter and family. To me, family comes first. “Don’t get me wrong, I love being a mum. That's the reason why I chose to still fully breastfeed my baby, but that doesn't mean I'm going to give up on acting, hosting and modelling. It's all about time management,” said Dynas who launched her outlet at The Curve on May 25, which was attended by the deputy health minister Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin. “I'm truly thankful to have great friends to help me out for this event. Atilia entertained the crowd with her performance of her single Indah and my other friends like Aishah Sinclair, Julia Ziegler, Daphne Iking, Nurul Alis,

Vanida Imran, along with some professional models strutted for a fashion show previewing all of my DNA collections, with Elaine Daily as the emcee of the day. Some of the celebrities who are mothers also showed up to support the event,” said the 28-year-old beauty. This is not the first time Dynas tried her hand at business. Her establishment, previously known as DnA CelebrityStyle was co-owned by Dynas and actor Awal Ashaari, and was situated in Hartamas. But when Dynas got pregnant and Awal got busier with other commitments, they sold off the concept store. Then there was DnA Fashion Cafe, owned by Dynas and a new partner. They had a shop in Empire Shopping Gallery, Subang but unfortunately, that didn't work out either. So Dynas decided to run DnA by herself via online while the new partner took over the venture with a different name (as the 'DnA' trade name was owned by Dynas). Now DnA is back at a different location and is also available online at www.dna.com.my. We wondered why she decided to wear the business hat since she was already doing so well in her acting career. For Dynas, the answer is simply because she loves fashion.

“Since I'm still active in the clothing industry, I decided to merge my two loves — breastfeeding and fashion — so I design my new collections (Dynas Nursing Attire) to suite breastfeeding mothers out there and as a breastfeeding mother myself, I feel that breastfeeding attire helps me breastfeed my baby in public. It makes my life simpler since I don't have to go all the way to the nursing room to feed my baby. “I want to make maternity and breastfeeding clothing to be fashionable, trendy, up to date n most importantly, comfortable. All my maternity collections are also breastfeeding-friendly so you can wear it during your pregnancy and after you give birth.” The store also sells breastpumps, nursing pillows, storage bags (to store milk after expressing it, coming with a special ice bag that can make the milk last for 16 hours), nurturing remedies which help increase breast milk supply, storage bottles and other products and accessories that are related to motherhood. Not content, Dynas is already thinking of other projects after the launch of her new store. “I'm going to start designing the Raya collections for DnA and continue shooting my series and TV programme for TV3. I will also

Dynas Mokhtar

keep promoting breastfeeding and educating people about the goodness of breastfeeding our children, introducing new modern products that can help mothers to breastfeed in public.” And what about a new brother or sister for little Khyra Khalyssa to

play with? “Actually, I would love to have more babies! But we will only start trying for our second child next year as this year is our working year. We don't really mind if the child is going to be a boy or a girl as long as he or she is healthy.”

A momtrepeneur's success story SHEAHNEE Iman Lee quit her full-time job at ntv7 to be a stayat-home mum after she gave birth to baby girl Zara Aaliyah Nazrudin, now 15 months old. Not long after however, the self-professed workaholic began itching for some action. Satisfying her craving by reading the news part-time on ntv7, she also started an online business at www.BuggyBabyBoogie.com “It all started with a playpen really,” said the 32-year-old. “Zara was about five months old and was beginning to get quite mobile. Because childproofing our home would prove to be a rather costly affair, Naz (husband, TV personality and actor Nazrudin Rahman) and I decided we needed to get ourselves a playpen. "Unfortunately we couldn’t find exactly what we were looking for in Malaysia. After searching online, we found the perfect

product from Australia but shipping it in ourselves proved to be a nightmare. It was all worth it though when we finally set it up. Zara loved her new playground and friends began lining up to ask if I could bring some in for them too. That's when we decided, hey, maybe this could be something more!” said Sheahnee. Those friends included Aishah Sinclair, whose nine-month-old daughter Soraya Ann now has a JollyKidz Giant Majicpanel Playpen of her own. Later, when the playpen made its appearance at a baby shower Aishah organised for Sazzy Falak, Daphne Iking discovered that her three-year-old enjoyed being in the playpen so much that she spent the entire party in the safe confines of the playpen. Meanwhile, Sazzy, now the proud mother of Imaan and Tiara, is set to be the latest owner of the

playpen, which thankfully will be large enough for both her twins. “I didn’t go into this intending to start a business, but as they say, luck is when opportunity and timing come together. We were lucky to find a product that we knew other Malaysian parents would appreciate and so we jumped at the chance.” At www.BuggyBabyBoogie.com, parents can browse and shop for products such as Cherub Rubs, Bibz n Bobz, Milk Bands, JollyKidZ, Petit Posh and more. But don’t be surprised by the prices though, these imported goods are not selling cheap! “The Cherub Rubs range isn’t cheap but there's a reason for that. The products are imported from Australia and are the purest organic baby skincare you could probably find in the market. "I believe that if you care about your baby's wellbeing to invest in organic products, then make sure that the organic products you buy are the best you can find. So, yes it's not cheap but when you weigh the price against its worth, it's a real bang for your buck. All the products that we sell on our site are brands that we have used with Zara and know to be good."

The philosophy of the business is that parents need to be able to trust that the products they buy are everything they claim to be, and who better to 'test' those claims than other parents? "We have used our great experiences with these brands to share with others, and I know our customers appreciate that. For products that we haven’t been able to find in the market, I opted to design them. Hence we now have our own range of 'MummyBug nursing wear' and 'booboop diaper bags' (now available for pre-order) that I design myself because I couldn’t find ones that suited my needs.“ If you wondered the reasoning behind the name 'booboop', Sheahnee reveals that the choice of name for the diaper bag line is in honour of her husband’s support and encouragement of her new career as an 'e-trepeneur'. “When ‘Abah’ Naz was still Abang Naz, helming the popular TV3 kid’s show, Kelab Disney, he had a sidekick — a ladybug that he affectionately called 'Booboop'. They eventually became synonymous with one another to the point where the fanmail he received was often addressed to

AMPLE SUPPORT: (From left) Daphne, Naz, Sheahnee and Aishah

Booboop instead! When I married Naz, I told myself that one day I would find a way to resurrect this side of him, and sure enough, when the opportunity came, I did!” Sheahnee said that the bestseller in her collection was the JollyKidZ Giant Majicpanel Playpen. “It's little wonder really because it's the only product of its kind in Malaysia. It's essentially a customisable playpen that you can snap together to create a safe play place as large or small as you wish. “Another surprising bestseller is the Bibz n Bobz Bandana Bibs. I import those from the UK where they are the latest rage in baby fashion, and I thought the price might turn people off (RM20/piece) but my customers just love them and keep coming back for more! “I foresee my next bestseller will probably be my booboop diaper

bags because we had such amazing response towards the prototype at a recent expo that some customers have been emailing me asking how soon they can get their hands on one. Alhamdulillah,” said Sheahnee who comes from a Chinese and Australian parentage. Does this mean that she’ll be going full gear into business and quitting showbiz? “I will continue to read the news part-time for as long as ntv7 wants me,” she said, smiling. “I try not to turn away rezeki unless it clashes with my priorities. Besides, I am and will always be passionate about TV, but because of its extreme time commitments, I just can't give it my all. For now, I use whatever I earn from my part-time stints as capital for other projects that interest me.” — By SHUHAI-


16 lifestyle

Have yourself a green day By JANIS SEET janis@mmail.com.my

GREEN is the new black. Or so it seems. Celebrities and companies are all slowly but surely moving towards the 'Go Green' tagline like flies towards the blue light. A trend of the recent years, perhaps due to education of the masses, the environment has been receiving increased amounts of attention and lots of tender loving care. As consumers, there are a few things which we have to

ask ourselves. Would we go out of the way to be environmentally friendly if it is inconvenient? Well, most would say to ourselves "Why yes! Of course!" but most of us are probably not being sincere. If you genuinely go out of the way to reduce, reuse and/ or recycle, congrats, as every little bit counts. This week, The Malay Mail sources out a few companies who have gone that extra mile to be environmen-

Estee Lauder Comp DID you know that one tree can produce 216 pounds of oxygen a year? If you did not know that, you surely also did not know that one acre of trees removes 2.6 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually. Yes, trees should be important to all of us and no one knows that better than Estee Lauder Companies. This June, Estee Lauder Companies will be giving back to Mother Nature by educating the public on the importance of environmental sustenance, reducing the use of one-time plastic bags and paper bags, as well as aiming to raise funds to re-populate its mangrove swamplands in Sungai

Sepang Kecil. In partnership with Parkson Corporation, Estee Lauder Companies brings us the Beautiful Earth 2011 campaign. Aiming to make environmental friendliness as easy and fun as possible, this year sees the 'A Bag for a Tree' project where you can contribute RM25 to be channelled towards the purchase of a mangrove sapling to be planted in the Estee Lauder Companies mangrove swamplands through the Malaysian Nature’s Society. For your donation of RM25 at any Estee Lauder Companies freestanding stores as well as Parkson outlets, you will not leave empty handed as you will be given a limited edition Beautiful Earth eco-bag, made from 100 per cent environmental friendly materials which you can use to contain your

purchases when you go out shopping. Those who want to try out their creativity skills can also take part in the Eco-Bag Design Competition which is open to all Malaysians. The winner will not only have his design printed for the

QUOTES FROM THE AMBASSADORS I pledge to spread the word! Change shouldn't end with ourselves, so I'm making it my personal mission to 'greenise' my friends. If you know people who are yet to recycle or still leave the lights on, take initiative and do things such as buying them extra bins to get them started on separating their waste. Remember what Ghandi famously said, "Be the change you want to see in the world". — Stephanie Chai, Model and Entrepreneur

I pledge to increase awareness on recycling within my personal capacity and will recycle all paper, bottles, cans and other reusable material. — Zizan Nin, Actor and TV Host

The Malay Mail Wednesday 1 JUNE, 2011


Schwarzkopf A COMMON misconception that many have about green products is that you would have to compromise on quality just to save the environment. Perhaps that is why many are reluctant to switch to environmentally friendly products. Schwarzkopf Professional ESSENSITY Range can now solve that problem for you as it is a range of nature based products with no compromise of performance. "With health and sustainability concerns on the rise, ESSENSITY is the perfect choice for beautiful and fashionable hair without sacrificing health and environment," Schwarzkopf Professional general manager (South East Asia) Peter Theodoulou said. The whole Schwarzkopf Professional ESSENSITY Range replaces synthetic ingredients whenever possible and contains pure certified organic essences drawn using innovative

tally friendly and have made it seem so easy that you really have no excuse not to want to save the environment as well.


Estee Lauder Companies 2012 Beautiful Earth campaign’s ecobag but will also win RM5,000 worth of Estee Lauder Companies products and RM1,000 shopping vouchers from Parkson Corporation. There are also 10 consolation prizes of RM1,000 worth


of Estee Lauder Companies products and RM100 shopping vouchers from Parkson Corporation to be won. So donate, get creative or even just make a pledge to play your part for the environment. More information can be found at www.elcbeautifulearth.com.

I pledge to bring reusable bags on every trip I make to the supermarket. This simple act alone could make a lot of difference in reducing plastics in our waste which are not biodegradable or eco-friendly. — Deja Moss, Singer

extraction methods. The formulas are predominantly biodegradable and the packaging is 100 per cent recyclable. This works well for consumers like us as well especially when we use hair colour. What most of us hate about colouring our hair is that smell of ammonia and that slight burning sensation on the scalp. The good news is that the ESSENSITY Range hair colour is ammonia free and fragrance free. This means no bad odours and it doesn't irritate your scalp as well. With 35 shades available, it not only covers grey perfectly but gives up to four levels of lift. The formula contains grape seed extract, natural Ectoin and bees wax. It does not contain silicones, paraffin, parabens, alcohol and artificial colourants. The lightening system contains 70 per cent natural ingredients, including chamomile essence and delivers up to five levels of lift. One interesting thing that we noted about the range is that its styling products are not aerosol based. The Fixing Spray contains a combination of organic essence of ash tree back and bamboo extract, and it is delivered through a spray nozzle. For volume, instead of mousse from a can, it uses a volumising cream which has organic essence of tapioca and burdock root. The ESSENSITY Range is available at all Schwarzkopf Professional salons.

Metrojaya WE bet you didn't know that shopping at Metrojaya could contribute to saving the environment as well. Teaming up with their business partners to promote eco-friendly products, Metrojaya has gone the extra mile to go green. Some of the brands promoting ecofriendly products include Husk’s Ware which is available in Metrojaya Mid Valley, Bukit Bintang Plaza and The Curve. The products use 100 per cent natural rice husk fibre as the main raw materials and food-grade silicone as the complimentary materials. It carries a full range of dining ware from RM10.90 to RM16.90. Innerwear has also gone green with Triumph Eco Chic Innerwear which uses natural and sustainable materials and offers extreme comfort and non-allergenic benefits to the wearer. Bedding can also be

(From left) K. B. Woo, executive director of Eclimo; Datuk Davy Woo, chairman of Eclimo; Dr Nazily and Pel Loh showing support to the government’s effort to promote Green Technology

eco-friendly with Eco-Friendly Duchess Home Bedding Collection exclusively at Metrojaya Mid Valley. It is made of 100 per cent organic bamboo fabric and costs between RM79 and RM1,299. Shoppers at Metrojaya will also stand a chance to win an Eclimo Lithium-Ion powered

motorbike as long as they make purchases of above RM100 in conjunction with the Go-Green Nature Conservation campaign which will run till end of June. "Metrojaya has always strived to be a leading and caring retail group of company in all that we do and this obviously extends to caring for the environment.

We believe that our role as a corporate citizen is to support the government’s effort to promote Green Technology," Metrojaya’s executive director, Pel Loh said. Malaysian Green Technology Corporation chief executive officer, Dr Nazily Mohd Noor was also present at the launch.

18 lifestyle

The Malay Mail Wednesday 1 JUNE, 2011

Going bare and removing it all for good

By Janis Seet janis@mmail.com.my Twitter@janis_seet LIKE it or not, hairy women are not considered sexy. While body hair is something natural (some have more), we normally take all efforts to be hair free and remain that way. After all, we are considered 'hairless apes' to some extent. Waxing, shaving, tweezing and hair removal creams are some of the conventional and affordable ways of hair removal

which we are sure every woman has tried at some point. Alas, none of the above ways prove to be very permanent at all. While many of us have heard of the IPL way of hair removal, we are sure many of us do not even know what IPL stands for. The Malay Mail recently took a trip down to STRIP: Ministry of Waxing and found out more about what IPL is about as well as tried it out for the first time. IPL stands for Intense Pulse Light and is a semi-permanent hair reduction method. It works by using specially filtered beams of pulse light to disintegrate unwanted hair from the root. Common misconceptions: For those who have not done due research, many would think that all it takes is one session and that it is a permanent measure of hair removal. The fact is that while some hair may not regrow, bear in mind that it is a hair reduction

method and going totally hair free in one session is not normally possible. STRIP advises a course of six sessions for body and 10 sessions for the face and even then they do not promise that you will be totally hair

free but you will see significant reduction in terms of regrowth. PROS: You stay hair free for a long time and it even aids in the lightening of skin pigmentation and helps in diminishing ingrown hair issues. It is a hefty investment but if you compare it to the frequent waxing sessions it might turn out to be cheaper in the long run. CONS: It would be down to the price of the service which by the way does not come cheap. From now until June 30, STRIP has an exclusive offer for a first trial of the IPL Brazilian Hair Reduction Treatment at RM350 (usual price RM900) and IPL Underarm Hair Reduction Treatment at RM150 (usual price RM450). This offer is applicable for first time IPL customers. You can check out www. strip-my.com for more information on the services STRIP has to offer. Our Experience: A week before the IPL Underarm Hair Reduction Treatment at STRIP, we were told not to wax or shave prior to the session as they need a slight regrowth to be able to see where the hair is and to target the follicles. Once we arrived, we were whisked off to a private room where the IPL machine was housed. The therapist was very friendly and we were told that STRIP has completed over 500,000 IPL treatments worldwide and that the machine was customised for STRIP. What was slightly awkward was that the therapist would examine your armpits and help you shave before proceeding with the treatment. A very cold, ice-filled roller

was used to numb the area first before shooting with the machine. The areas were numbed properly — no discomfort at all as you could not feel a thing. For those areas which were not iced that came into contact with the intense pulse light felt a little prickly. The sensation was not altogether uncomfortable or painful especially compared to

waxing. It was all over in about 10 minutes and there was no after effect at all. It has been about two weeks since the session and while there was regrowth, the strange thing is that if you tug slightly at the hair which grows out, it will just fall off. Regrowth is also slow and more scant than before.

What you need to know Why 10 sessions for the face and six sessions for the rest of the body when the hair on our face is finer? At any one time, only 20 per cent of our body hair follicles and only 15 per cent of our facial hair follicles are at the active stage. As IPL works by targeting your active hair follicles — only up to 20 per cent of our body hair follicles or 15 per cent of our facial hair follicles will be destroyed during each session of IPL. Therefore, at least six sessions are needed to ensure effective results for body hair reduction and 10 sessions for facial hair reduction. This is not due to

the texture of the hair. Unlike waxing which requires usage and disposable of material, IPL requires the use of an IPL machine. Why is IPL pricier than waxing? There are different grades of IPL machines available in the market and only the Ferrari of IPL machines is invested by STRIP. Each of STRIP’s IPL machines is Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved and costs SGD100,000 (RM244,555). Therefore, IPL treatment is more expensive in comparison to wax treatment, which has lower material cost.

What’sUp PETALING JAYA: Fabulousity Charity Night – Shake, Rattle & Roll

This charity party is in aid for Rumah Hope to be held at Pool Side Cove, Sunway Lagoon Club on June 10, from 7.30pm to 10.30pm. Brought to you by students of Diploma in Events Management, Sunway University, the event serves an 11-course buffet meal, exciting door gifts from Lancôme and performances as well as games with prizes from A Cut Above, Celebrity Fitness and Adidas Golf. Ministry of Sound is also giving out free passes to their party after the event. Contact 012-3691992 (Shanice) or 017-3014520.

KUALA LUMPUR: Superheroes Fanfest 2011

This school holiday, join the Fahrenheit88 Superheroes Fanfest 2011 which is on from now until June 5 where you can meet your fictional heroes from X-Men, Green Lantern and also Transformers. There will be Cosplay competition, movie trivias, games and prizes! Contact 03-21485488 for enquiries or visit http://www. fahrenheit88.com

CYBERJAYA: Photography Contest

Discover a new way of see-


ing life in Malaysia’s premier cybercity through the lens of a camera by taking part in the Cyberjaya Photography Contest organised by Cyberview Sdn Bhd from now until June 15. The theme of the contest is 'A Zest of Life in Cyberjaya' and contestants stand to win RM3,500, RM2,000 and RM1,500 in cash for first, second and third places respectively, along with a certificate. Five consolation prizes of RM200 will also be offered to winners. For more info, contact Rozi Hanum Shaharudin at rozi. hanum@cyberview.com.my or visit www.cyberview.com.my

KUALA LUMPUR: Serial Killers: The Heat Is On

'Serial Killers: The Heat is On' art exhibition will be held at Galeri TAKSU, 17 Jalan Pawang from June 9 till July 3 and is open from 10am to 6pm. The KL edition gathers Filipino artists works by Argie Bandoy, Patricia Eustaquio, Lyra Garcellano, Nona Garcia, Pow Martinez, Jonathan Olazo, Jayson Oliveria, GaryRoss Pastrana, Norberto Roldan, Maria Taniguchi, Conrado Velasco and MM Yu. Admission is free. Contact 03-42514331 or check out http://www.taksu. com for details.


The effort to curb smoking continues By dr haizal haron kamar lifestyle@mmail.com.my Smoking is unique albeit in a negative way. In which other ‘legal' situation can you find the use of a substance will predictably kill half of its consumers if used according to the manufacturers' instructions? Now let’s put it in a global perspective. Since there are around a billion smokers around the world, 500 million people will die prematurely because of tobacco. This is simply phenomenal! With the amount of publicity about smoking and its detrimental effect on health, especially in the era of information technology, you would have to be in the most remote part of the world, far away from civilisation for you not to know that smoking causes heart disease, stroke, chronic lung disease, lung cancer and many other cancers! Whether you want to believe this is another matter, but really there is no good excuse for not knowing about smoking’s negative impact on health. I wonder how many of my readers know that 31st of May was the World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) for 2011. In fact, the last day of May every year has been selected by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to celebrate WNTD. Created in


how to play

Yesterday'S solution

Sudoku X is a simple variation of Sudoku with the only difference being the squares in white (which make up the numeral X) need to tally from 1 to 9 along with the remaining coloured squares.

lifestyle 19

The Malay Mail Wednesday 1 JUNE, 2011

Dear Dr. Haizal, I have always thought that cholesterol is that evil thing in the blood that causes mayhem to the body. Then someone told me that there were two kinds of cholesterol – bad and good. I’m just a bit confused. What do these good and bad cholesterols do? Can a blood test tell me how much of these two that I have? Jason Dear Jason, You are right. In broad terms, there are two kinds cholesterol – the good and the bad. You see, cholesterol has been getting a lot of bad publicity. It has been implicated in a lot of diseases, namely cardiovascular disease (heart attack and stroke) and rightly so, but not much is known of

1987, it aims to highlight the health risks associated with tobacco use and advocate for effective policies to reduce consumption. There is a different theme every year and for 2011, it is "The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control" (WHO FCTC). FCTC has been in force since 2005. Signed by 170 countries, it is one of the most widely embraced treaties in the United Nations, focusing exclusively on curbing the tobacco epidemic. WNTD 2011 set out to highlight the treaty’s importance. WNTD is a day for everyone, from those in the government and policy-making positions right down to normal public, to observe a complete abstinence from tobacco and organise and participate in activities that raise the level of awareness of tobacco risks. There were various activities and events around the country to celebrate this special day but sadly, a lot more could have been done. The publicity was just not there. On top of that, people were seen smoking on the streets and in public places, just like any other day. It seemed that nobody gave two hoots about WNTD. You can argue that hardly anyone knew about WNTD in the first place. The point is - would smokers observe total tobacco abstinence had they known about WNTD? In Malaysia, we have this

love-hate relationship with the tobacco industry. I remember as a kid how I ‘loved’ Dunhill and Benson & Hedges because they brought live foreign football matches to the television screens at home. I am sure many of you of my generation or older share my views. But increasing public concerns about the ill effects of tobacco brought the move to ban tobacco advertising, both directly and indirectly. We banned direct tobacco advertising in 1982. Indirect advertising by the tobacco industries was only banned in 2004. A year later, the “Tak Nak” anti-smoking campaign was launched by the government in the effort to reach the young who were the most vulnerable. The campaign was somewhat controversial in view of the amount of money spent to make it work. Some said it was a success as there was apparently a decrease of around ten percent in the number of smokers in the country. If that was true, then around 400,000 smokers had stopped because of it, which would be translated into millions of RM saved in terms of health expenses and other resources. Then came October, 2010 when the government imposed a 70 sen increase in the price of a pack of cigarettes. I wondered then if smokers would actually give up the habit as a result of this price

hike. Would people pay more to be unhealthy? The fight against tobacco, currently the second biggest global risk factor for death and diseases in the world after hypertension, will continue. There will be new challenges as tobacco industries find new ways to attract new consumers and avert the different strategies targeted against them. Perhaps, there should really be 365 WNTDs in a year as we are reminded of the mammoth tasks we have at hand. I remember a conversation I had with a smoker patient of mine not too long ago. He was telling me that as a doctor, it was not my job to prevent death. It was in response to my constant warning and advice for him to stop smoking. I told him how true that statement of his was. Death is the only certain thing in life, strangely as it sounds. I went on to say that as a doctor, I was not trying to prevent death, but only helping to prolong health. Stay off those cigarettes and your life and health will be a lot better. Do write to me at haizal@ tropicanamedicalcentre.com if you have any questions or comments. See you again next Wednesday. Dr Haizal Haron Kamar Consultant Cardiologist Tropicana Medical Centre

Is cholesterol always bad? the good effects of cholesterol. Some may not even know that cholesterol is needed to make certain hormones and is also an integral component of our body cell membranes. So cholesterol is indeed an essential part of life. Now let’s look at the two types of cholesterol. Lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol or LDL in short, causes build up cholesterol plaques in the walls of the artery. This process is termed atherosclerosis and if there is progressive narrowing of the coronary arteries, impeding blood flow, then angina or chest pain can occur. This is why LDL is called the “bad cholesterol”. On the other hand, highdensity lipoprotein or HDL, does exactly the opposite. It carries cholesterol away from the arterial walls and returns

it to the bloodstream. This helps to clean up the coronary arteries and reduces the risk of a heart attack or stroke. Hence, HDL is called the “good cholesterol”. Just how important HDL is in protecting the heart can be found in a research published some 20 years ago which found that for each increase of 1 mg/dL (0.03 mmol/L) in HDL, there was a reduction of 2 to 3 per cent in the risk of future coronary heart disease. Such is the importance of HDL that even if your LDL level is very low, the residual risk of cardiovascular is significant if the HDL level is also low. This is exactly why doing a simple total blood cholesterol test is next to useless. It does not tell you the breakdown of your cholesterol. It is possible that a high total cholesterol is

due to a high level of HDL and not LDL, and vice versa. So insist on a ‘full lipid profile’ blood test every time you have a blood test to check your cholesterol level. For the record, a normal blood HDL level for a man is more than 40 mg/dL (1.0 mmol/L) and for a woman is 50 mg/dL (1.3 mmol/L). Just some tips to increase your HDL. They are actually very much the same as lowering your LDL cholesterol: Choose healthy diet • Abstain from tobacco smoking • Exercise regularly • Maintain a healthy weight If these therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLC) fail to increase your HDL, then you may need medicines to help you get to your HDL goal, but only with your doctor’s recommendation.

20 lifestyle

The Malay Mail Wednesday 1 june, 2011

Lady Gaga — Bankrupt! Despite the Hair hitmaker grossing an estimated US$125 million (RM376 million) from her huge 200performance show at one point the production had cost her so much to stage — with its elaborate costumes and backing dancers — she had spent more money than had been earned. She told the Financial Times newspaper: "I put everything in the show, and I actually went bankrupt after the first extension of the 'Monster Ball Tour’. And it was funny because I didn't know! And I remember I called everybody and said, 'Why is everyone

Quit drinking or die Amy Winehouse who has a history of drug and alcohol abuse — checked in to London's The Priory clinic last week and has reportedly been warned by doctors that she won't have long to live if she doesn't dramatically change her lifestyle. A source said: "It's the last chance saloon for Amy. Doctors have come down hard on her because of the severity of her situation. It's a harsh reality but she had to hear it." Amy's father Mitch Winehouse and boyfriend Reg Traviss were by her side as she received the daunting news, but insiders insist the singer took the decision to check into rehab herself. The source added to The

Sun newspaper: "They are worried about her. Mitch has been down this road before during Amy's drug addiction. But she is there of her own accord this time and wants to sort herself out." The Back to Black hitmaker is no stranger to rehab, undergoing stints in the same clinic between 2007 and 2009 to help her addictions to Class A drugs. As she made her way to the facility last week, she was reportedly seen purchasing a small bottle of vodka and drinking it before she checked herself in. An onlooker said: "She seemed out of it. She was stumbling about, slurring her words. I was shocked to see

her buy vodka so early in the day, and even more shocked to see her knock it straight back." — Bang Showbiz

saying I have no money? This is ridiculous, I have five number one singles' — and they said, 'Well, you're US$3 million in debt.' " However, Gaga hasn't curbed her spending since her tour and reportedly recently sent minders to buy memorabilia from London of the British royal family to decorate her home with and remind her of her fans in England. A source told the Daily Mirror newspaper: "Gaga has sent her staff to London to spend £10,000 on Princess Diana and Prince William and Kate Middleton wedding memorabilia. She wants to

set up a room in her New York apartment dedicated to London and all her precious Little Monsters over there.” In addition to her extravagancies, the Judas singer has also been looking after her parents with her riches. She said: "The only big things I've purchased are my dad's heart valve and a Rolls-Royce for my parents, for their anniversary. And that was only because my dad had a Lady Gaga licence plate on our old car and it was making me crazy because he was getting followed everywhere, so I bought him a new car." — Bang Showbiz

Will.i.am a notorious gang member? The Black Eyed Peas star believes he was "saved" from a life of crime by his teenage friendship with bandmate Apl. de.ap and thinks their passion for music has helped preserve their bond over the years. Asked what would have happened if he hadn't formed the band, he said: "I would have been a notorious gang member. First I'd have to rebel against my mum and then rebel against the law. "Rebelling against the law is much easier than rebelling against my mum! "It was the friendship that saved me and then the fact that we both enjoyed music that kept the friendship alive." The I Gotta Feeling hitmaker also revealed he stays grounded thanks to his family and making regular visits to his childhood home — even

though his relatives no longer live there. He added: "My mum and going home makes me grounded. When I go home, I'm just Willy or Weeiam. Every time I go home I go to see the little girl who lives there (in my old house). Her name's Jennifer, she wrote me a text only two days ago." — Bang Showbiz

Simon Cowell ruined his friendship with Cheryl Cole The 51-year-old music mogul — who is thought to be upset at having to let Cheryl Cole go from the US version of The X Factor and replace her with Nicole Scherzinger — is worried about their relationship and thinks the pair may never talk again. A source said: "He was saying, 'She's had it with

me. I've hurt her and she won't forgive me for this.' He is really worried that she won't speak to him ever again. Simon feels guilty as hell about what has happened to Cheryl, he has admitted it was a cock-up but she won't hear him out. "They used to be so close. She'd text him round the clock

for advice. Now she can't bring herself to speak to him. He feels like he's lost a lover." Simon made his first public appearance since her leaving the US show on the semi-final of UK TV show Britain's Got Talent recently, but Cheryl — who has worked closely with the music mogul since joining

the UK version of The X Factor in 2008 — reportedly did not watch and instead searched for holidays on the internet. Another source told The Sun newspaper: "Cheryl had no intention of watching Simon's big night. It was the last thing she would be interested in. She still feels badly let down and

seeing his face will make her more upset. Cheryl spent most of the evening checking out possible holiday destinations. She can't wait to get as far away as possible from all this attention as possible and was eyeing up destinations in the middle of nowhere." — Bang Showbiz

wednesday 1 june, 2011

the malay mail




the malay mail

Wednesday 1 JUNE, 2011

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PROTON MAC 2.58% Saga FL 37k, d/p 0 9yrs RM398 Pesona 46k, d/p 0 9 yrs RM498 Exora 58k, d/p 0 9 yrs RM 608 - Exchange old car get 6K. SALARY RM1200 aprv. - GOV, BLACKLIST Aprv. Student welcome - loan 140% -Trade in accpt. face book: rejalfaaisproton 013-679 9967

ALL MODELS CAR Van & MPV, Toyota Alphard, Wish, BMW, Naza Ria, Kia Spectra, Vios, Waja & Perdana V6 etc. Reasonable price. Free delivery. Tel: 019-599 9973 / 012-2532 566 Roadster Travel (KPL/LN 3540)

RAYA PROMO. ‘0’ d/p. Int. 2.33%.Grad scheme. Islamic loan.High trade in. Free Smart tag,TN Go, Steering Lock&Tinted Voucher. Nazim 012-548 1686

ALL NEW CARS/ MPV available for rental. We are also looking for vehicles under 5 years for long term lease (pajak) Call: 012-241 7736


Fashion/health & beauty

0 AARON MASSAGE Services (1606620-V) by Female. Privacy assured. Out call service available. +6012393 0136

3 HERBALS (Radix Eurycoma, Ginseng & Maca Root) To reestablish sexual performance & General health. 013-354 3369/ 012 3026568



Fashion/health & beauty

Fashion/health & beauty

AROMA TRADITIONAL Massage by local Indian girl. Relaxing for male. 1pm -11pm. Appointment DIVYA 014-6315 227 (002010495-XX)

RELAXING INDIAN Aromatherapy massage for male and female by experienced therapist. Ms Lavinia 017-669 2559 (1668909-A)

BLUE ROSE AROMAS 24A, Lrg Ara Kiri 2, Lucky Gdn Bangsar.Therapist local Indian g i r l s. P r i va t e & c o s y. 1 1 a m 11pm. Ms Meera 03-20945542/ 016-2056003

SAUNA D’ HOME BEAUTY and Health care. Agent required. 019-735 5295 www. saunaku.com 2011 Great Promotion!

CUSTOMIZE HAIRPIECE / Toupee / Wig - RM1,700 only. More info : www.hairsetup.com Call: 019-3118916 , 03- 9274 7857

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GOLDEN MERMAID. Out call Relaxation massage by Male & Female masseurs. Call: 012907 5995 / 03-2021 7637

THAI MASSAGE Jln Tun Razak, near Pasar Pudu Wisma Indah, Interested please call: Erna 016-963 6465

Car for sale M133

Commercial vehicles for sale

GOOD PRICES OFFERED for land / houses and Apt in Shah Alam, PJ & KL. Quick sale. Owners TEL / SMS 019228 6666

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A FULL GLAMOUR Massage (001711965-V) by female. 234,Tmn Maluri, 55100 KL. Call: Stella 017-2555 844

MERCEDES 280S. Year 1999/04. F/S & M/R 95% original & tip top condition. Best Price RM 98000. Interested call Mr. Wong 019-276 4549 (NEW) HICOM, High discount, high trade in, cheapest in town. Call: 016-248 8363 / 012-676 3609.


Houses to let

BUNGALOW HOUSE IN Ampang for rent. Approximately 6,600sf. Unfurnished, 6 Rooms + 6 Bath. Call: 03-2118 8201

ALL TYPE OF VEHICLE, MPV, Sedan, 4x4. Wedding cars and tourism buses also available. Kindly contact Sai at 014-329 3607, 014-326 1395, 03-7982 0131 (off).

ASX. MIT TRITON. PAJERO Sport, Lancer & Grandis. Trade in accepted . Call: 012-977 6961 HARUN

MITSUBISHI ALL new models. Fast loan & fast delivery, (Triton max loan accpt), Grandis, Pajero, Lancer, ASX, Sport back. Good trade in, Attractive promotion, good deal in town. All models stock available. 24 hrs in call. Oscar Tan 012-388 5897

M138 (NEW) INOKOM & HINO Special promotion, free body. Call:012-3211 453/ 0123225334

Financing/insurance service AA MASSAGE: By young female. Rest and relax. Just call: 017-296 3930/ 017-296 3068

PJ SS2/90 Terrace house. 5r3b, near pri school, solar heater, 2 air cond. RM1600. Nego. Interested call: 017-887 9687


Office/office building to let KLANA CENTRE POINT Office unit, 8th flr, 1195s/f, carpeted, a.con, partly furnish. Call: 032093 3606

GOOD NEWS !!! Great promotion. Immediate stock , Fast approval. High trade in. Low d/ payment. Free body kit & sport rim for Forte. All new Sorento ready stock. Sportage, Citra RS, Rondo, Picanto, Pregio. Call: 03-4256 5556 Ampang


Car for sale

‘0’ DEPOSIT ALL PROTON Models, no license can buy, 100% loan for gov. & private staff, int from 3.0%, loan fast approval, high trade in. Meet at your place. Free smart tag, touch n go, full fuel, steering lock, tinted. Open everyday.Mr Lim 012-214 0207

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CAR LOAN Refinancing,Maintain name/ NCB. Blacklisted individual are qualified to apply & purchase. Aerowatts Auto S/B (678070-M) Tel:03-6185 8982, 012-308 3528


Personal messages M135

Vehicles for hire

A DAILY, WEEKLY, MTLY. RM50-RM300. All types of cars. MPV, Van & 4 x 4. Call: ARI 016-683 2111 / BEN 016901 2276

TRADITIONAL MASSAGE AROMA Therapy. 2/7 Bnd. Puteri Puchong. Call: Bella 010509 2004, Maria 012-243 0553, Julia 012-508 4930, Ruby: 016677 1226, Angel 017-311 4544, Shasha 017-623 0609 & Rose 010-520 5292

AAAAA QUEENS SPA Male and female masseurs, out call service available. Private & Cosy. Call: 03-9057 1336/ 016646 9891 www.klqueensland. com

LOOKING FOR THE RIGHT PERSON TO BUY MEN & WOMEN HEALTH PRODUCTS? Tongkat Ali Ginseng, Pearl Collagen Miracle etc? Want to gain & retain vitality & vigor? Call En.Zaini (free delivery): 012232 7577

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AKS BEAUTY CENTRE INDIAN Traditional Hot stone oil massage. Come Experience our exciting services. Call: 037984 3077 for appointment.

AROMA ASIAN Massage. For outdoor only. With Promotion price. Interested please Call Julie: 016-293 1051 OUT DOOR/ HOTEL Full Body massage by young Chinese, Indo, Thai girls. Call: 016-245 1749

OUTCALL TRADITIONAL MASSAGE, pre / post natal,body Scrub for men / women by experienced masseur. Call: Mira 013-336 3160


Wednesday 1 JUNE, 2011 M321

Fashion/health & beauty



OUTDOOR / INCALL MSSG by local Indian girls. 2 1/2 mile Jln Ipoh. 016-679 7786 / 016- 642 3786 Kajal.

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Business for sale


WOOD STAIRCASE, FLOOR, Timber, Pergoda, Furniture, Kitchen Cabinet, Chengal, Balau, Merbau. Call: 019-669 0029 Darwin.

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SECRETS OF WINNING top prizes in any 4D games is revealed. 4D training skills and prediction services for only top prizes winning numbers for MAGNUM, TOTO and KUDA is available now. Call Mr.Vincent @ 012-670 7182

CHECK OUR NEW arrival (2000 pcs each branch). Latest fashion of dresses, blouses, shirts, jeans & pants (all sizes). In big varieties & best price in town, available here. Hurry up while stock last. Lot 142, Ground Floor, Ampang Park Shopping Centre, Jalan Ampang, 50450 KualaLumpur Malaysia. Lot 222 1st floor, Ampang park shopping Centre, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Lot 2.28 2nd Floor, The, Mall. Jalan Putra, 50350 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Tel: 03-4044 8091. Samad 017-696 4657

BUSINESS FOR SALE at Pantai Hill Park. Hair Saloon & Beauty Centre. Regular customer. Good location. Neg. Tel: 010-4389700.

ACCOUNTS, AUDIT ,TAX, Secretarial, MOF & Register co..Door steps service. Lembah Klang.03-5511 5922 / 03-4107 8457 Sainy. Visit www.mhmfirm. com

SBP (UK) - Society of Business Practitioners offers internationally recognized Diplomas. Upgrade yourself for promotions and salary increment. Weekend classes at Mâ ™ Sian Approved Study Centre (Reg:M/242/2/11). SMS <name> SEND TO 33310



Computer SPECIALIST IN REPAIR cushion sofa, curtains, car seat & new sofa, in Jalan Kuchai Lama. Tel: 012- 313 0778 / 037981 1898


Home electrical appliances

QUALITY USED & New a/cond for sale 1-20 HP.Trade in used Air Cond. Also service, repair & reposition of a/c. 012-229 2289 /03-4295 2133

A/C, ASTRO, Install/remove &repair, TV, TV8, wiring, tel, w/ heater, plumbing, w/ machine, fridge.Call: 017-345 6618 Ah Seng

UNIFORM FACTORY at Cheras, we make all types of uniform. Call: William 016-338 3670 Agents are welcome

CREATE PROGRAM MLM / Affiliate For your own Products, or your own Website for your MLM Group that you joint. You can set levels of members from 0 - Unlimited Level, Website Replica, E-Wallet, System Matrix, System REF Sponsor Randomizer / AutoFill / Admin. Promotion price: RM 950. (Including Hosting + Domain + Design). Normal price : RM 1500 â “ RM 5000. Www. WangLebat.Com. 016 - 323 5658 / 013 - 3058445. AIDA

ADMIN CLERK/DISPATCH Wanted. Minimum SPM. Age < 25yrs. Possesses driving license, own transport & hand phone (For Despatch). Malaysian. Fluent in English & BM. Interested? Call: 016-308 4747

WE HAVE more than 1 Million Malaysia Updated Email & Phone List to Boost Up Your Business.10,000 Email List for RM200 & 1,000 Phone List for RM200. This Month Promotion: Free Email Blasting Marketing Software + Training. Call Mr Goh :012-2392775 or Mr Yap :012-2168427

CO FORMATION RM1,400. Work permit, shelf co., rep. of office, MOF, close down, secretarial & audit. Call: 012696 3631.



SIBERIAN HUSKY for sale. RM1200 to RM1300. Call :012249 5424

MUSLIM COMPANY Secretary New & Shelf Co. ROC, MOF Bumi Kem. Kewangan Call: 0340410000 / 0162860000

SALES GIRLS WANTED, 16 above, N0 87 Jln Petaling St. BILBERRY FASHION 012323 1286 / 03-2032 1286 Kok/ Chew

AN ESTABLISHED Logistics Company urgently required General Clerk & Drivers with GDL. Interested candidates kindly call 03-5638 9533


TOY POODLE for sale. RM550 to RM750. view Call : 0122495424 www.puppiesglobe. blogspot.com

AS PART OF Our Diversity & Inclusion work culture, we would like to extend opportunities for experienced retirees and housewives to work in our reputable organization in the areas of finance & accounting; payroll services; and IS. Diploma and/ or Certificate holders are also encouraged to apply. Call Maimunnah at 03-224 69728 for an interview appointment

BUY NEW TONER or ink cartridge, HP, Samsung, Canon, Fuji Xerox, Brother, Oki, Lexmark, high value plus bonuses. Call: 017-674 6308


OPENING POSITIONS for Legal Editors (PT / FT), Marketing Execs, IT Execs & Admin Execs. Please call 010895 5621 or send resume to legal.hrm@gmail.com

Articles wanted ASTROLOGER. VERY ACCURATE Predictions on your life / career & relationships. In times of uncertainties, you need answer, not excuses. RM150 net for a 2 hours consultation at your place anywhere in KL/PJ. Can travel to meet you. Date, time & place of birth are important. Personally handwritten work, not computerized reports. Call experienced Astrologer Jyotisha Ravi at 016-970 0001 for an appointment now. Act now before it is too late.

URGENTLY REQUIRED Call Centre Operations, Managers, Team Leaders, Telemarketers & Marketing Executives (Outdoor). Pls call 03-4257 5000 to setup for an interview or send in your resume to nishaj@callboxinc.com

URGENTLY REQUIRES. 1. Lorry driver 2. Maintenance/ General worker. No 52 Jln Puchong Mesra 1, Batu 7 1/2 , Jln Puchong, 58200 KL. Tel: 03-8076 3311

PLSG ONLINE RM50.00 The Mark of The Great Man. Mobile Agent Wanted. Hotline HQ: 012-758 5800 www. abangpower.com

UP TO 5000 pcs of latest designs Carpets (in all sizes) are now on SALE! Hurry! While stock lasts. Lot 106, Ground Floor, Ampang Park Shopping Center, Jalan Ampang. 50450 Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia. Tel / fax : (603)- 2166 4584

BUY / SELL / PAWN Note book, hand phone new/old 70% digital camera.03-42517755 / 012-3388688 Peter. 208 Plaza Ampang City, KL

CAREER TALK Programmed at Great Eastern. Better career, better income. Interested, please call Ramiza at 012-231 8334.

ORIENTAL TRAINING Centre real estate career path to Registered Estate Agent, Project Marketing 012-214 0161/ 012-3200 757/ 8023 0816

C O N V E Y A N C I N G & CORPORATE CONVEYANCING Lawyer required. 4-5 years experience. Able to work independently. Matured and self-motivated. Call 03-2093 3131 or email to eli@kpartnership.com.my COUNTER SALES, Accounts Executive, Technician, Sales Executive, Inventory & Lorry Driver. 019-601 1000 / 03-4048 1000 / 4042 4688

MAMYPOKO/ HUGGIES/ MAMAN, Korea/ USA/ Europe. Direct from factory! Packing 80 pcs. From RM28 SMS: 012624 9699 Ms Lim



OWN A COMPUTER, put it to work, Part/ full time income RM1000 - RM8000 . Training provided. SMS 012-4444 033

CUPID’S TOUCH high success rate genuine clientele. 0321426118 / 21421118 / 016650 1118 www.cupidstouch. com.my

BISTRO BAR AT DAMANSARA requires: Cashier. (Salary RM 1100++). Preferably Malaysian female. Interested, call Julie at 014-262 6300

CLERK NEEDED IN SERI KEMBANGANInvoicing / Inventory Control- Knowledge in UBS System. Call: 03-8944 2107


SWEET LADIES Available for close friendship w/without commitment. (free/ladies).Mr. Eddy 017-670 5258 (624468-V)

3D/4D JACKPOT Evergreen Nos. (M/P/T) Each RM69.90 No Boxing SMS name & add 016903 2961

Business opportunities

PART TIME/ FULL TIME 1. Promoters (KL,Balakong, PJ) 2. Hamper Packers. We also sell ribbons, organzas and hamper baskets. Agents are welcome to call: 012 337 3310/ 03-6277 7248

MALAY TRADITIONAL CLOTHES Supplier for adults & children s. Wholesale price. Retailers needed. Call: 019603 7908

AGE 21 TO 69- Ladies seek P&C male fried. Free for ladies & girls. M2M, L2L, CPL2CPL. Alan 019-696 9379

MQA APPROVED DIP.in accountancy (ACCT) & Mgt (FT / PT) RM 400 p/m - PTPTN & EPF claimable. Call: 03-6092 5254 / www.asa.edu.my / SMS: 012- 656 1160. MQA/ JPA recognised MBA programme.Credit transfer and exemptions acceptable.P/T weekends.EPF withdrawable. Shree 0126561160

FULL COLOR, 260gsm, art card with matt. Lamination. Other printing services are also available. Call Mr. Rahman H/P 016-3275477 or email adclassic65@gmail.com / adclassic65@yahoo.com


Home repairs/maintenance

Home furniture/furnishing



WE BUY GOLD, White Gold Diamond, Branded watches, Pawn Bills. LG041, BB Plaza, KL. 2145 2800, 017-236 7888.

Business Services







REPAIR ON THE SPOT., Air cond, fridge, water heater, & w/machine. 24hrs & 7 days operation. Call: Syed 017-388 3154




AUDIT/ ACCOUNT assistants needed. Call: 03-2070 0443 / 5. Send your resume & application to lca883@hotmail.com or Fax: 03-2070 2945. Salary up to RM2500


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the malay mail

URGENTLY REQUIRES. CLERK. Qualification: SPM, Able to communicate with customer. Basic computer, Malay/Chinese, own transport & age below 30. Strong frameworks Sdn Bhd. Wisma SA, No 2B, Jln Wawasan 2/10, Bdr Baru Ampang,68000 Selangor. Tel: 03-4278 4205/ 017-311 2820 Fax: 03-4278 4230

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the malay mail

Wednesday 1 JUNE, 2011




















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Wednesday 1 JUNE, 2011 M580


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26 sports

When you are a driver, you don't see it from the other side. They get all the angles — Sir Jackie Stewart's advice to Lewis Hamilton

Force on the field SUNGAI BESI

The Malay Mail Wednesday 1 JUNE, 2011

kuala lumpur

Plans underway to beef up National Defence University's sports might


with Kamaruzaman Ahmad kamaruzaman@mmail.com.my

THERE are plans to make the National Defence University of Malaysia (NDUM) a force to be reckoned with in sports. A stadium complex equipped with a running track and fields will be constructed soon as fundamental towards that objective. Since it was established in 2006, NDUM students had 11 sports to choose from, with martial arts, rugby and triathlon being the most popular among them. NDUM Youth and Sports executive Siti Ayunie Ibrahim, a graduate in sports science and a former State hockey player, said: "We are still a new university and for the time being we just want to get the students interested in sports. "Slowly, we want to start

churning out athletes for the national teams. "We were recently selected as a centre for excellence for shooting by the Ministry of

Higher Education." With a student population of 2,000, NDUM want to be on par with sports-savvy institutions such as UM, UPM and UKM. Construction of the sports complex is expected to begin soon. The university already has a huge field, tennis courts and swimming pool, just a stone's throw away from each other. In triathlon, they have a

promising athlete — Lim Shimri — a foundation student in medicine who emerged first in the junior category of the Kenyir Lake International last year. Ayunie's immediate task is to put up decent and respectable teams for the Malaysian University Sports Council (Masum) sports carnival on June 13-24. In the last Games, NDUM finished 13th among the 22

institutions of higher learning. They will host the third leg of the inter-varsity Malakoff Duathlon (run and cycle) championship on Sept 24 and an annual 10-aside Open rugby tournament on Oct 15.

GEARED UP: NDUM duathletes are prepared for the Malakoff Duathlon championship


Kuala Lumpur: athletics

Bulgaria escape for athletes By HARESH DEOL haresh@mmail.com.my

THE Malaysian Amateur Athletics Union (MAAU) finally responded to the National Sports Institute (NSI) who wanted to know the whereabouts of the three national athletes who skipped the doping test last week. However, it wasn't the answer NSI director-general Datuk Dr Ramlan Aziz

was hoping for. MAAU replied the trio — Noor Imran Ab Hadi, Nurul Sarah Abd Kadir and Norjannah Hafiszah — were in Bulgaria. "The letter states the athletes are in Bulgaria but Bulgaria is not (as small as) Puchong. We need to know the exact location of the ath-

letes in Bulgaria," said Dr Ramlan. "We've written back to them and now the ball is in their court." Ramlan declined to comment further but added NSI have not received the test results of the other sprinters Siti Fatimah Mohamed, Siti Zubaidah Adabi and Yee Li

Leng. The athletes were said to have taken "pink tablets" for relaxation and recovery. The Bulgarian Athletics Federation yesterday denied any knowledge of Malaysian athletes training there. However, checks with Hotel Sport Palace in Sliven, southeastern Bulgaria showed there were reser-

vations for five Malaysians last week but they were "not confirmed". Bulgarian coach Vasko Tsvetanov Nedyalkov is said to have made the arrangements for the Malaysians. The National Sports Council (NSC) had lodged a report at the Sri Petaling police station on Sunday.


Blade Runner needs improvement for worlds, Olympics

DOUBLE-AMPUTEE sprinter Oscar Pistorius (pic) was no closer to qualifying for this year's world championships and next year's Olympics when he clocked 46.19 seconds in the 400 meters at the Golden Spike this morning. The South African finished sixth. Pistorius, known as the "Blade Runner", needs to run a personal-best 45.25s to qualify for the worlds in

Daegu, South Korea, this summer and the London Games. He said: "I'm a bit disappointed with the time, I thought I could have done better." He ran his best of 45.61s in South Africa's Pretoria in March and will have more chances at US meets in Portland and New York City. He runs on carbon-fibre prosthetic limbs.

Meanwhile, world recordholder Usain Bolt clocked 9.91s to win the 100m. In only his second race of the season, Bolt pulled away from fellow Jamaican Steve Mullings to finish with the exact same time he set in Rome last week. Mullings timed 9.97s for the second place and Daniel Bailey of Antigua was third in 10.08s. Bolt's next stop will be the Bislett Games, a Diamond

League meeting in Oslo on June 9 as he warms up for

the Aug 27-Sept 4 world championships. — AP

Patricia's elusive dream Hammer thrower Patricia Pang Mei Chin (pic) wants to realise her dream to compete in the Jakarta Sea Games. The 24-year-old "iron maiden" reckons it is time to step out of Tan Song Hwa's shadows after having played second fiddle for umpteen years. "I've not competed in major sports events except for some athletic meets such as Asian Schools and Hong Kong Open," said Patricia, a mass communications student at UPM. "It would be a dream come true to make my Sea Games debut. It will also allow me to move away from my good friend Song Hwa. "We started in athletics the same time. We are from Kuantan and have been friends since we were kids. Look at where she (Song Hwa) is now." She has doubled her efforts in training after winning silver medals with distances of 48m and 47m in the Pahang Open and MAAU Grand Prix respectively this year. Her personal best is 49.86. There is more to be done in order to reach the Sea Games qualifying mark of 54m. She is already 24 and knows it is "now or never". "I have about six months to qualify. The Pahang Open and MAAU meets were just warm-ups. I'm working very hard in training. "If I cannot qualify under Category A, then I can at least try for Category B," she added. There are still the various State AAA meets which provide that glimmer of hope for Patricia.

The Malay Mail Wednesday 1 JUNE, 2011

We feel we are in position to have that event (Bahrain GP) back — Bahrain International Circuit chairman Zayed Rashid Alzayani

Speak up!



Athletes should be given an outlet to voice out concerns LET'S evaluate a typical administrator in Malaysia. He comes with handsome perks, stamps his authority with ridiculous demands and once there is a change of regime, the administrator disappears. This happens repeatedly, only to see the subordinates suffer. The Malaysian sports scene is no better. Just look at the fiasco in the athletics scene. The whereabouts of three national sprinters — Noor Imran Ab Hadi, Nurul Sarah Abd Kadir and Norjannah Hafiszah — remain a mystery. The National Sports Council and National Sports Institute are clueless over the status of the runners after they "skipped" a doping test last week. It was only on Sunday night that Malaysian Amateur

Athletics Union (MAAU) deputy president Karim Ibrahim confirmed they were somewhere in Bulgaria. He stopped short of revealing the exact location. But the Bulgarian Athletics Federation are unaware of any Malaysian athletes in the country. Conspiracy theorists claim the doping test episode was designed to fix Karim and Co. There is a Malay saying — gajah sama gajah bergaduh, pelanduk mati di tengah-tengah. The pelanduk in this case are our athletes. Who is fighting for their cause? Who is speaking up for them? No one. There isn't a single body that fights for the rights of our athletes without being biased towards another entity. What about the situation

FromTheSidelines with Haresh Deol


Missing in action: The whereabouts of Norjannah (left) and Noor Imran are still unknown — FILEpic

faced by national badminton doubles players Tan Bin Shen and Gan Teik Chai?

They were sidelined from the World Championship in London in August when

the BA of Malaysia (BAM) decided to list Hoon Thien How and Zakry Abdul Latif instead. BAM claimed Thien How and Zakry were "more consistent" despite Bin Shen and Teik Chai being ranked higher. Perhaps BAM know better. But has anyone fought for Bin Shen and Teik Chai's cause? Anyone at all? Have any of our national footballers questioned the role played by the FA of Malaysia or even the Professional Footballer's Association when it comes to their rights? Sadly, these administrators have no qualms if a talented athlete leaves. New Delhi Commonwealth Games gold medalist Elaine Koon's departure is a good example. Olympic Council of Malay-

sia secretary Datuk Sieh Kok Chi has the solution. A former international water polo player, Kok Chi said: "It's time for athletes to start forming their own opinions and speaking up. I know many people will not like me for saying this but I always have the interest of the athletes at heart." True Kok Chi, but it looks like we're supposed to be a Pak Turut to advance in life. And this is one of the many reasons why organisations — especially in Malaysian sports — fail. Haresh Deol is a Senior Journalist with The Malay Mail. He has yet to master the art of apple polishing and doesn’t plan to. He blogs at www. hareshdeol.blogspot.com and receives brickbats at haresh@mmail.com.my



I lost my concentration at 4-1 in the second. I was dictating the game but then I wasn't aggressive enough, and I just didn't serve well — Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova on her defeat

paris: tennis/French open

Results (Collated)

Ankle concern for Murray

ANDY MURRAY has admitted that his troublesome ankle will be a source of concern when he meets unseeded Argentine Juan Ignacio Chela for a place in the French Open semifinals tomorrow. The British fourth seed prevailed in five sets against Serbian 15th seed Victor Troicki in the fourth round, after an ankle injury sustained in his third-round win over German Michael Berrer almost ended his tournament. Having begun the match

gingerly owing to the pain in his ankle, the Scot gradually realised he was able to put more pressure on it, but he says one false move against Chela could scupper his hopes of making the last four. "The problem is if you go over on the ankle again," said Murray, who sprained his right ankle and sustained a partial tendon tear against Berrer. "That's the danger because obviously it's weak just now... It's one thing I have to be careful with. Going over on it again

would be an issue." Murray has a 6-1 record against Chela, having beaten him at Roland Garros in both 2009 and 2010, and said the knowledge the Argentine was awaiting him in the last eight was a motivating factor in his comeback against Troicki. "No disrespect to any of the boys I've played with, but I thought it was a good chance for me to do well," said the three-time Grand Slam runner-up. Meanwhile, former world No.

1 and three time Grand Slam champion Maria Sharapova will take on German Andrea Petkovic in the a women's quarterfinal match-up. The 6'3" Russian pin-up queen has vowed to put years of claycourt under-achievement behind her, starting with victory over the 15th seeded Petkovic. "I've always said it would be challenging to win here but I've always worked hard on preparing myself as best as I could," said Sharapova. — Agencies

Men's quarterfinals Roger Federer (SWI) bt Gael Monfils (FRA) 6-4, 6-3, 7-6 (7-3); Novak Djokovic (SRB) bt Fabio Fognini (ITA) — walkover Fourth round Andy Murray (GBR) bt Victor Troicki (SRB) 4-6, 4-6, 6-3, 6-2, 7-5


Into the Joker's den Below-par Federer sets up Djokovic semifinal clash

THIRD seed Roger Federer will meet in-form Novak Djokovic for a place in the French Open final after beating home favourite Gael Monfils 6-4, 6-3, 7-6 (7-3) in a low-quality quarterfinal match this morning. The 16-time Grand Slam winner, who lost in the last eight last year following four straight final appearances, faces Djokovic after the second seed's scheduled quarterfinal opponent, Italy's Fabio Fognini, withdrew through injury. "He (Monfils) is a superb player, so I knew the danger of this quarterfinal," said Federer after his sixth career victory over Monfils. "I'm very happy to be in the semifinals." Fo r m e r w or l d No. 1 Federer, the 2009 champion, has made steady progress in the tournament to date and is yet to lose a set. Djokovic, however, has beaten the great Swiss in their three previous encounters and requires just one

GOOD GAME: Monfils (right) congratulates Federer after their match — AFPpic

more victory to level John McEnroe's 1984 record of 42 matches unbeaten at the start of a season. A victory on Saturday will also crown the Serb as the new world No. 1. "Playing a semifinal here

at Roland Garros is a great moment and playing such a great player is what we train for," added Federer. Federer made an uncertain start amid windy, overcast conditions on Court Philippe Chatrier and was

broken to love in his second service game. The Swiss broke back i m m e d i a t e l y, h o w e v e r, thanks to a perfectly judged backhand drop shot that bit and died in the dust, before obliging the ninth-seeded

Monfils to fight off three break points in the eighth game. Seeded outside the top two at a Grand Slam for the first time since Wimbledon in 2003, Federer brought up two set points on Monfils' serve shortly afterwards and then clinched the first set when the world No. 9 put a forehand wide. Following an exchange of breaks in the second set, Federer broke for a 4-2 lead when Monfils double-faulted, prompting the Frenchman to fling his racquet to the ground in disgust. Both men were culpable of some dismal shot-making, but it did not prevent Federer from closing out the set when a stretching Monfils sent a backhand long. Monfils saved three break points at 4-4 in the third set and two at 5-5, but swiftly fell 6-1 down in the ensuing tiebreak and was finally beaten when Federer thrashed a forehand winner down the line. — AFP

Bartoli, Schiavone on crash course

DEFENDING champion Francesca Schiavone and Marion Bartoli, two of the tour's most intense players, set-up a French Open semifinal duel this morning. Schiavone, the 30-year-old Italian, battled from a set and 4-1 down to defeat Russian teenager Anastasia

BARTOLI: Determined to win her next match — AFPpic

Pavlyuchenkova. Bartoli became the first French player since Mary Pierce in 2005 to make the semifinals thanks to a 7-6 (7-4), 6-4 win over Russia's 2009 champion Svetlana Kuznetsova. Schiavone, the first Italian woman to win a Grand Slam title when she won last year, clinched a 1-6, 7-5, 7-5 win over 19-year-old Pavlyuchenkova in a sloppy quarterfinal that featured 13 service breaks and 79 unforced errors. Over on Court Suzanne Lenglen, 26-year-old Bartoli and Kuznetsova fought out an untidy first set, which featured seven breaks of serve in 13

games. Eleventh seed Bartoli, an emotional jumping jack of nervous energy, clinched the tie break when 13th seed Kuznetsova misdirected a forehand off a deep approach. The Frenchwoman, a Wimbledon runner-up in 2007, was a break ahead in the opening game of the second set and backed it up with another break to lead 5-2. But the experienced Russian clawed a break back in the eighth game as Bartoli served for the match. Kuznetsova held for 4-5 but Bartoli claimed victory on her first match point when

The Malay Mail Wednesday 1 June, 2011

Kuznetova ballooned a forehand into the stands. "Thanks to the fans and to my father (Walter, her coach). We won it together," said Bartoli. "I prepared well for this match with my dad. I am very happy and proud." Bartoli said she was looking forward to facing Schiavone, when a win would put her just one step from following Pierce, the champion in 2000, as a home-grown Roland Garros winner. "I will go onto the court with the same attitude, I will think only of winning," she said. — AFP

Women's quarterfinals Marion Bartoli (FRA) bt Svetlana Kuznetsova (RUS) 7-6 (7-4), 6-4; Francesca Schiavone (ITA) bt Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova (RUS) 1-6, 7-5, 7-5

Koellerer banned for life AUSTRIAN tennis player Daniel Ko e l l e r e r (pic) was banned from t he spor t for life and f i n e d US$100,000 (RM303,000) after being found guilty of corruption, the Tennis Integrity Unit announced this morning. The 27-year-old, former world 55, who is now 385 in the rankings, was found guilty on three charges after a twoday hearing held in London on April 27 and 28. "The life ban applies with immediate effect, and means that Mr Koellerer is not eligible to participate in any tournament or competition organised or sanctioned by the governing bodies of professional tennis," said the TIU statement. The three violations of the anti-corruption programme took place between October 2009 and July 2010. Koellerer had already been suspended while the investigation took place. — AFP

Kuznetsova bamboozled SVETLANA KUZNETSOVA admitted it was "weird and frustrating" to take on hyper-active Marion Bartoli after the unorthodox French player won their Roland Garros quarterfinal. But the 2009 champion Kuznetsova was bamboozled by the constant movement on the other side of the net. "It's weird. I just try not to think about it but it's a little bit hard, a bit frustrating when you serve and you look at the opponent and she's swinging the racquet," said Kuznetsova. "But it's not the reason I lost. I had a horrible match." — AFP

Trophy parade helped lift players' spirits after Champions League final defeat — Manchester United's Darren Fletcher

The Malay Mail Wednesday 1 JUNE, 2011



Peace-loving ace BUENOS AIRES: football/ copa america

Messi denies rift with Tevez or anyone else

BARCELONA'S little magician Lionel Messi brushed aside rumours he has a problem with Manchester City's Carlos Tevez or anyone else in the Argentina national setup. La Pulga or "The Flea", who put in a Man-of-theMatch performance to lift his third Champions League title against Manchester United at Wembley last Saturday, arrived yesterday at Ezeiza airport to a crowd of journalists

and photographers. "Tevez has spoken and he said there is no fight. You guys have already had me fighting with Tevez, Juan Roman Riquelme, Diego Maradona... I have no problems with anyone and I do not plan to," said Messi. Messi's next target now is to replicate his club success at international scene, starting by lifting the Copa America to beld in Argentina on July 1-24.

LONDON: football/ euro 2012 qualifier

"I have been lucky enough to win everything with Barca and individually, but my goal now is to win things with Argentina," said a blushing Messi after he was surprised with a big kiss planted on his cheek by an admirer. The 23-year-old will have a short holiday in his home town of Rosario until June 8 when he links up with coach Sergio Batista's squad for the countdown to the Copa America.

Downing aims to establish himself with England WINGER Stewart Downing (pic) is hoping he is in the process of "rebuilding" his international career as he looks to secure a spot in the England team to face Switzerland at Wembley on Saturday. The Aston Villa man has endured a frustrating time with England over the past few seasons since being included in the 2006 World Cup squad. He started his first game for England in more than two years when impressing against Ghana last March and has also been voted Villa's Player-ofthe-Year. "It's been frustrating. I've been in and out and you just want a run as a player, to get in the squad or the team," said Downing. "Maybe I am rebuilding my international career. I've been in and out of squads since I made my debut. But I'm fit and well. With the country, I've been involved in the last two games. "I was pleased to get a start so long may that continue. I'm feeling confident. Hopefully I will play some part and show the manager I'm good enough to be here and to play. "But, with the competition, I think every trip you go on, you've got to prove yourself and constantly impress the manager. You can't rely on your last game or last performance because one iffy performance and you are out. "There is great competition and great for the manager he has got those options. I've got

to catch his eye," said Downing. Downing, 26, is confident England will be switched on mentally for the clash against Switzerland after a week's rest at the conclusion of the domestic season. "I've finished the season quite well so I just want to keep on playing," he said. "All players will tell you that if they are on a good run. We've had a week off to rest so we should be fresh for the game and ready to win it. "I ended on a high at club level with the win against Liverpool and, with England, it will be nice to get a win going into the August-September games. It breeds confidence in the squad and we just want to carry on winning. "If we repeat the performances of recently, we will have no problem. The message is simply 'let's get a win'. "If we can win and head into next season top of the group, qualification starts to seem a little closer. It will give us a big step forward."

For the record, Messi has won five Primera Liga titles, and three Champions League titles with Barcelona. He has also an Olympic gold medal with Argentina after their success of beating Nigeria in the Beijing Olympics in 2008. However, he has yet to win anything at the senior level and the coming Copa America is the best stage for him to achieve this — in front of his home fans.

friendships: Messi insists that he has no problems with Tevez or any other player in the national set-up — GETTYpic

MUNICH: football/ euro 2012 qualifier

Khedira fit for match against Austria REAL MADRID midfielder Sami Khedira (pic) is winning his battle to be fit for Germany's clash against Austria on Friday. Khedira has been struggling with a thigh injury but Germany assistant coach Hans-Dieter Flick is confident the former Stuttgart man will be available for the clash in Vienna. "With Khedira all has gone to plan and we are on target," said Flick. "His muscle injury has healed. He trained with the ball yesterday and will do so today. We are confident he can play on Friday but we won't take any risks. He won't play if he is not fully fit as we have a commitment to the players." Cologne's Lukas Podolski remains a doubt for the game. Meanwhile, another Real midfielder, Mesut Oezil, believes the Austrians should not

be taken lightly. "For Austria it is their last chance in qualifying and they will be extremely motivated," he said. Bayern Munich's Toni Kroos also said the clash should be explosive and the crowd will make a great atmosphere. "But if we are focused we should prevail as we are the better team," he said. Germany are on top of Group A with maximum points from their five games. Austria are fourth but just three points behind second-placed Belgium with a game in hand.

EURO 2012 QUALIFIERS FIXTURES FRIDAY Group A Kazakhstan v Azerbaijan Austria v Germany Belgium v Turkey GROUP C Faroe Islands v Slovenia Italy v Estonia GROUP D Romania v Bosnia-Herzegovina Belarus v France GROUP E Moldova v Sweden San Marino v Finland GROUP F Croatia v Georgia GROUP I Liechtenstein v Lithuania SATURDAY GROUP B Russia v Armenia Slovakia v Andorra Macedonia v Ireland GROUP F Latvia v Israel Greece v Malta GROUP G England v Switzerland Montenegro v Bulgaria GROUP H Iceland v Denmark Portugal v Norway

LONDON: motorsport/ formula 1

Petrov eyes Montreal return

LOTUS RENAULT'S Vitaly Petrov believes he will be cleared to return to action at the Canadian Grand Prix despite his heavy crash in Monaco last Sunday. The Russian was lucky not to suffer a leg fracture after he hit the barrier of the swimming pool with six laps to go at Monte Carlo. And Petrov is now upbeat about his chances of racing again in Montreal on June 12. "I'm fine. I have some hurting in my legs, but it should be fine for Canada," he told Lotus Renault's website. "I couldn't get out of the car because first of all my

legs were blocked. And also I didn't feel them. So I thought 'oh, I have a problem', because it looked like my leg was broken or something. I was in the car, waiting for the people to help me get out. "At the hospital they did a full body check and analysis and it looks like I'm fine. I need just a little bit of rest and then we'll see what is going on." Petrov insists he had little hope of avoiding a crash after drivers in front of him slowed as Adrian Sutil's ailing Force India had suffered a puncture. "I saw the Force India go wide because I think he

touched the wall and then he had a puncture," said Petrov. "Then (Jaime) Alguersuari, I don't know why he overtook me because he was being lapped. "Then I think Alguersuari started to brake because Lewis (Hamilton) started to brake — he tried to avoid the accident, he braked quite hard and Alguersuari tried to do the same. "But he touched Hamilton's tyre and went flying a little bit. I started to brake, braked as hard as I could, but it was maybe too late. In this situation you cannot do anything. So I hit the wall."



He considers the transparency of the international governing body to be integral to the good -- A statement released by the English FA on Prince William's stand

ZURICH: football

'Coronation of Blatter' Elections should be called off as matter of principle F O O T B A L L ASSOCIATION chairman David Bernstein admitted their attempt to have the Fifa presidential election today called off is almost certain to fail but insisted a "coronation" of Sepp Bl atter i s u n a c c e pt able. Bernstein also wants Fifa to appoint an independent body to supervise reforms after the s c an d a l s of t h e l a st month which have caused a crisis in the world governing body. The FA will need 75 p er c ent of t h e 2 0 8 ass o ciati ons to b ack them today — and that looks a forlorn hope, with Bernstein admitting: "To get 150-odd votes clearly would be extremely difficult when we starting from a standing start but there was actually a matter of

ENJOY THE SHOW: Blatter (left) sits next to IOC President Jacques Rogge prior to the opening of the 61st Fifa Congress at the Zurich Hallenstadion — AFPpic

Fifa need to reform fast, warns Swiss president

FIFA need to reform and set about doing so quickly, Swiss president Micheline CalmyRey warned in an address to delegates at the opening ceremony of the 61st Congress this morning. After opening addresses from beleaguered Fifa president Sepp Blatter and Jacques Rogge, the president of the International Olympic Committee, CalmyRey warned the world body to waste no time in getting their house in order. She hoped also it would not be long before women were seen among the members of the 24-man executive committee. Fifa have been rocked by a series of scandals recently and Calmy-Rey urged the governing body to "take seriously the many criticisms voiced about corruption and a lack of transparency." "Fifa are important to Switzerland so I wish you the energy necessary to overcome the many challenges which face you." Meanwhile, Portuguese football federation president Gilberto Madail said the number of terms Fifa presidents can serve should be limited. He added if the president of world football's governing body

stays too long in his post, he can start making mistakes without even noticing. Maidal's comments came on the eve of the presidential vote where Sepp Blatter, who has already been at the helm for 13 years, is set to be elected unopposed for another four. Blatter's predecessor Joao Havelange was in power for 24 years and Fifa have only had eight presidents in their 107-year history. "I always said there should be a limit on the number of mandates otherwise people get too used to being in power," Maidal told Portuguese television station RTP. "If you don't correct this, then Fifa will lose public respect," said Madail. "It's time for Fifa to be looked at from top to bottom because if the public stop respecting the body, football will not be respected."

WHAT CRISIS? Jamaican-American singer, model and actress Grace Jones performs during the opening ceremony — AFP

principle involved. "Myself and the FA feel the situation Fifa have got themselves into is in many ways unac c e ptabl e. G oing for ward in this situation if he does with a c oron at i on r at h e r than an election I don't think does anybody any good — including Mr Blatter." Bernstein's move came after Asian footb a l l c h i ef Moh am e d Bin Hammam pulled out of the race against Blatter at the weekend - hours before he and F I FA v i c e - p r e s i d e n t Jack Warner were provisionally banned from all football-related activities on briber y charges. There have been rumours some European countries w i l l tr y to p ersuade Blatter to say he will

step d ow n after two years rather than four, but Bernstein said he had no knowledge of that. The FA's move has been publicly supported only by the Scottish FA, and there was criticism from USA's Fifa member Chuck Blazer, the man who blew the whistle on the bribery claims. "Unfortunately with them (the FA), everything is too little too late," said Blazer. "If they wanted other candidates they should have done things before the deadline. If they wanted to report malfeasance they shouldn't have waited for a Par l i am ent ar y h e aring. "The FA need to learn to be ahead of the curve and not behind the game."

More sponsors pressure FOUR of Fifa's six biggest sponsors raised pressure on Sepp Blatter to accept reform of football's scandal-torn governing body, as the president welcomed delegates due to reelect him today with jugglers and folk dancing. While Blatter was opening the 61st Fifa Congress yesterday at a party in an ice-hockey arena, English football chiefs were seeking support for their proposal that today's election, with the president as sole candidate, should be postponed. Such an outcome seemed unlikely as even Jack Warner, the suspended vice-president who said on Monday Blatter must be stopped, issued an extraordinary letter urging Caribbean Football Union officials to vote for the incumbent. Among the clearest calls for reform at the world governing body came from anti-corruption watchdog Transparency International, who said Fifa should allow an external inquiry. England's FA made a similar call but of more concern to Fifa may be the views of sponsors. Visa Inc and Emirates Airlines were the latest of Fifa's most important sponsors, or Partners as the governing body calls them, to express disquiet at recent allegations

of corruption. "The current situation is not good for the game and we ask that Fifa take all necessary steps to resolve the concerns that have been raised," said Visa Europe in a statement. Emirates airline expressed its concern saying it was "disappointed with the issues that are currently surrounding the administration of the sport". Earlier, Coca-Cola said the allegations were "distressing and bad for the sport". German sportswear maker adidas also said the controversy had hurt football. The other two members of the six-strong group of Partners, Sony and HyundaiKia, had made no comment on the recent claims of bribery in the presidential election campaign and in last year's World Cup vote. The situation has been widely referred to as the worst crisis the game has faced but Blatter, the 75-year-old who has run football since 1998, has been downplaying the problem. "Crisis? Where is the crisis?", Blatter asked reporters in a bad-tempered news conference on Monday. Crisis or not, German legend Franz Beckenbauer who sits on Fifa's decision-making executive committee, said the current situation had spoiled the atmosphere.

The Malay Mail Wednesday 1 June, 2011


daily mirror

Allardyce poised to take up Hammers

WEST HAM'S hunt for the man they will entrust to take them back to the Premier League could end tomorrow, with Sam Allardyce thought to be close to taking the Upton Park reins. The Hammers sacked Avram Grant last month after their relegation to the Championship was confirmed with a game to spare, and a number of names, such as Dave Jones, Neil Warnock and Malky Mackay had all been touted. But Press Association Sport understand that 56-year-old Allardyce has impressed co-owners David Gold and David Sullivan so much that he could be unveiled on a two-year deal as early as today.


United to pay more to get Young MANCHESTER UNITED have been told to cough up £16m to sign Aston Villa’s Ashley Young. Villa are resigned to losing the 25-year-old England star this summer and are close to agreeing a deal with the Premier League champions. But they have told Alex Ferguson to forget getting Young on the cheap in a cut-price £12m deal, and instead splash out a realistic fee for their best player.


Hunt blasts Irish absentees

STEPHEN HUNT told the Republic of Ireland's absentee Premier League stars they are no longer welcome in the camp. Wolves midfielder Hunt helped Giovanni Trapattoni’s side beat Scotland in Dublin on Sunday to lift the inaugural Nations Cup. Skipper Robbie Keane, 30, scored the only goal of the game 24 hours after blasting Wigan’s James McCarthy, 20, and Stoke duo Marc Wilson, 23, and Jon Walters, 27, for not turning up. Hunt, 29, then fired another stinging broadside at the missing trio, who have just six caps between them.

The Malay Mail Wednesday 1 JUNE, 2011

If there were no important bases and reassurances I would not have considered my project and I would not have chosen Juventus despite my great affection which ties me here — Antonio Conte, after being hired as 'Old lady' manager

Presstalk DAILY STAR

Hand of Rod! SWANSEA boss Brendan Rodgers revealed Rod Stewart was their inspiration as they saw off Reading to land a £90m Premier League jackpot on Monday. Scott Sinclair bagged only the second ever Wembley play-off final hattrick and Stephen Dobbie was also on target as Swansea sealed a return to the top flight after a 28-year absence. And as well as a £90m bonanza for going up, Rodgers and his side will get to share a stage with legendary rocker Rod Stewart tomorrow night after clinching promotion. Rodgers said: “We had a great motivation going into the game. “We have Rod Stewart on at the Liberty Stadium on Wednesday and he said if we win the game he wants us all on stage. “So staff, players — we are all on there Wednesday night, up with Rod, Maggie May the whole lot. “I love Rod Stewart. But I’m a hopeless singer.”


Barca trio are benchmark WAYNE ROONEY believes Barcelona's "three amigos" are the template for footballing perfection. While the Manchester United striker was gutted to lose the Champions League final 3-1 on Saturday, he has nothing but admiration for Lionel Messi, Xavi and Andres Iniesta. "Messi is the best player ever. What we've seen over the last two or three years is incredible. It will be difficult to see that again. "Messi wins them the games but Xavi and Iniesta destroy the opposition's legs. "You have to work so hard to get near to them and it's harder than in any other game. Then Messi kills you off."


Houllier to quit Villa GERARD HOULLIER (pic) is set to leave Aston Villa this week because of ongoing concerns about his health. The former Liverpool boss was keen to stay on but has reluctantly agreed with the club that it is too risky to continue in front line management following his recent heart scare. The club are expected to confirm the news today. Fulham's Mark Hughes, David Moyes of Everton and former England boss Steve McClaren have been linked with the job.



Operation Cesc

BARCELONA: football/premier league

Barca out to land Fabregas, especially for 'Pep'

BARCELONA manager Josep "Pep" Guardiola has launched his team's attempt to sign Arsenal captain and midfielder Cesc Fabregas. Guardiola urged club sporting director Andoni Zubizarreta and president Sandro Rosell to go all-out to sign Fabregas and make Barca’s Champions League winners even better. The Catalans have already agreed a £35 million deal to sign Villarreal’s former Manchester United striker Giuseppe Rossi and Guardiola is now determined to get Fabregas. But Barca do face a financial

struggle to get Fabregas even though the Spain international has made it clear if he leaves Arsenal it would only be for Nou Camp, especially as there is also strong interest from Manchester City. Arsenal will do everything to rebuff Barca's interest, which is likely to start around the £30m mark, but there is a feeling that if a huge offer, of around £50m, came in then they might be tempted to do business. City boss Roberto Mancini’s admiration of Fabregas has already been documented, and their wealth could force the

player's value up — and leave Barca struggling to compete. Amid Barca’s Champions league final celebrations, veteran defender Carles Puyol made it clear the players want the club to sign Fabregas. “I am convinced that Cesc will soon be playing with us,” he said. Guardiola wants to make it happen as well, as he looks to make the best even better, and Zubizarreta and Rosell are now set to begin their operation to try and land Fabregas. It would represent another attempt by Barca to keep Guar-



"All of our key players are under contract. The chairman and I have discussed this and we have no intention of selling any of them," said Redknapp. "They are at a top club and we are looking to improve the squad in the summer, not weaken it, in order to push for a Champions League place again next season." Despite Bale's outstanding form at home and in Europe, Modric was arguably Spurs' best player last season. The 25-year-old, signed from Dinamo Zagreb in 2008, scored only four goals in the campaign, but his tireless work in the centre of the park and his creativity would make him a plausible option for United after Scholes' retirement. Spurs embarked upon a policy of tying their stars down on long-term deals last year. Bale signed a new fourand-a-half-year contract in March and Modric committed himself to the club by penning a six-year deal to-

COME AND GET ME: Barcelona setting up bid for Fabregas — GETTYpic


Modric not for sale, says defiant Redknapp TOTTENHAM boss Harry Redknapp reiterated his stance that none of the club's top players will be sold this summer. Luka Modric (pic) was the latest Spurs player to be linked with a move from White Hart Lane yesterday, with Manchester United reportedly ready to part with around £25 million for the Croatian midfielder, who has enjoyed a brilliant season at the London club. The retirement of Paul Scholes means United are on the lookout for a replacement and although Modric insists he is happy at his current club, Alex Ferguson could offer the midfielder Champions League football, and Spurs cannot. Redknapp, who took Spurs to the Champions League quarterfinals last season, is determined to hang on to his most prized assets, however, and warned that selling such players as Modric and Gareth Bale would undermine his long-term project of making the club top four regulars.

diola happy, as the manager dropped hints after their Wembley win that he may quit in a year’s time. Rosell is determined to keep his manager and ensure Barca win more silverware. Guardiola would be a target for Chelsea and Manchester United in the future, while 2022 World Cup hosts Qatar want to make him a megabucks offer to be national team boss. Rosell said: “Guardiola is with us and that is for sure. The money will not change his decision.”

Hiddink gives strong hint of Chelsea return

wards the end of last season. Modric has insisted before this year that he is happy at Spurs and he is adamant that he would only leave if the club shifted their policy and said they were interested in selling him. Redknapp is closing in on his first signing of the summer, with Spurs understood to be in talks with former Aston Villa goalkeeper Brad Friedel about a potential two-year deal. Friedel is out of contract following his spell at Villa Park and Redknapp wants to sign the 40-year-old to provide the erratic Heurelho Gomes with competition next season. Redknapp is also in talks with Jonathan Woodgate over the possibility of offering the injury-plagued defender a pay-as-you-play contract.

TURKEY coach Guus Hiddink heightened speculation of a possible return to Chelsea by insisting a club role is 'more preferable'. The Dutch tactician, who had a successful five-month stint in charge of the Blues two years ago, is one of the favourites to take over from Carlo Ancelotti who was sacked last month. Hiddink previously managed Australia and PSV Eindhoven at the same time, as well as Russia and Chelsea, and says he would prefer the tempo of a club role to a national coaching job. In an interview yesterday, Hiddink, whose Turkey side face Belgium in a crucial Euro 2012 qualifier on Friday, said he felt energetic at the age of 65. "I feel energetic, so a club role is more preferable. And that's what I like, working every day. I feel I need to do more,' he told Turkish daily Haberturk. "I've trained Australia and PSV at the same time, as well as Russia and Chelsea, and I was very happy. We'll

see what happens with Turkey." Turkey are third in Group A, one point behind Belgium and six points behind leaders Germany, and a loss on Friday would jeopardise their chances of competing at Euro 2012. Turkish media reports said Hiddink could be sacked if the team fail to qualify for the finals, although the Dutchman insists he has not received any official offers from any club sides. "There is no official offer yet, but I can't guarantee anything. I haven't told the chairman (Turkish Football Federation chairman Mahmut Ozgener) what I thought yet. But he's an intelligent man. I am sure he follows the world media," said Hiddink, whose Turkey contract is valid for another year. "I never told anybody I was going to continue working here. The team are focussed on me, I would affect the team negatively if I answered the speculation," he said.

Sad Rooney pays tribute to Scholes

STRIKER Wayne Rooney paid tribute to the retiring Paul Scholes (pic) by describing his former Manchester United teammate as the best player he has ever played with, or against. Scholes announced his retirement yesterday at the age of 36 after a glittering career at Old Trafford. Former England interna-

tional Scholes, who made his United debut in 1994, making 676 appearances, will now join the coaching staff at United next season. Rooney is a huge admirer of Scholes and admits his retirement will leave a big void in Alex Ferguson's side. "He'll be missed greatly. I just heard the news this morning," Rooney told talkSPORT.

"He'll be a big miss for us. He's the best I've played with and against. "We knew he'd make a decision but didn't think it would be this quick. We're all sad to see him stop playing. He's been great for United and England and he'll be missed by all of us. "He hasn't started that many games of late and I'm

sure that's come into his head and he's made his decision. But he'll be a big miss for us. "He's only small but it's so difficult to get the ball off him. Every United fan will miss him." United legend Bobby Charlton added his own glowing tribute to the plaudits paid to Scholes. Charlton, himself a former

England international, is disappointed Scholes has finally hung up his boots, believing it is "an absolute tragedy" he will no longer be playing for the club.

wednesday 1 june, 2011

the malay mail

Published by Malay Mail Sdn Bhd (239512V), Lot 2A, Jalan 13/2, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, and printed by The New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Berhad (4485-H), 31, Jalan Riong, 59100 KL


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