Focus Smart Health Education Textbook Mathayom 2 samplebook

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in the Basic Education Curriculum B.E. 2551. Plenty of notes, real-life examples and exercises are given to guide students to understand and apply the concepts in daily life.


Focus Smart Textbook Health Education covers the entire range of topics included


FOCUS SMART TEXTBOOK Health Education Mathayom 2

Published by:

In collaboration with:

Dickens Publishing Ltd.

Suite G7-G8, Davina House, 137-149 Goswell Road, London, EC1V 7ET, United Kingdom. E-mail:

Health Edu M2.indd 1

BBB2235 ISBN 978-616-541-229-2


In collaboration with Dickens Publishing Ltd. (UK)

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Health Education Mathayom

ISBN 978-616-541-229-2 First Published 2015


Written by Ping June

In collaboration with Dickens Publishing Ltd. (UK)

Printed in Malaysia by Gains Print Sdn. Bhd. No. 5, Lorong 7/3A, Kawasan Perindustrian Seri Kembangan, 43300 Selangor Darul Ehsan.

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Chapter 1

Changes in Teenagers and Factors Affecting Them


Chapter 2

Sexuality and Teenagers


Chapter 3

Gender Equality


Chapter 4

Mental Health and Physical Health


Chapter 5

Improving Physical Fitness


Chapter 6

Managing Emotions and Stress


Chapter 7

Health Care Services


Chapter 8

Technology and Health


Chapter 9

Drug Rehabilitation


Chapter 10 Risky Behaviors


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Changes in Teenagers and Factors Affecting Them

Teenagers undergo many developments as they grow and become adults. What are these developments? What are the factors affecting these developments? What should we do in order to ensure a healthy growth and development?

Learning Outline: nagers 1.1 Development in Tee 1.2 Factors Affecting gers Development in Teena an d 1.3 Promoting Growth Development

Learning Stan dard: l, ges in physical, menta H1.1 G8/1 Explain chan ong intellectual aspects am emotional, social an d teenagers. an d tors affecting growth H1.1 G8/2 Specify fac ial soc al, on oti em l, mental, development in physica rs. ge na among tee an d intellectual aspects

Chapter 1 Changes in Teenagers and Factors Affecting Them

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Development in Teenagers

Teenagers or adolescents go through many physical, social, emotional and intellectual developments during puberty.

Physical Development Two of the most obvious changes during puberty are height and weight. Teenagers grow taller and heavier very fast during this period. Some of them grow 5 to 7 cm taller and 4 to 6 kilograms heavier in a year. They seem to have the need to buy new clothes and shoes more often during this period.

Measuring height

Measuring weight

Besides that, these young adults start to experience changes such as growth of hair at the pubic and underarm regions, body odor and acne problem. For the young men, their voices ‘break’ or deepen. More hair will grow on their body. Their penis and testes will enlarge. They will experience erections and wet dreams. For the young women, their breasts will develop and enlarge. Their body will become curvier with wider hip. Besides that, they will begin to experience menstruation too. Removing facial hair


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Social Development Teenagers have the tendency to be closer to friends than family members. Friends are very important to them. They want to be accepted by friends. Teenagers tend to have similar clothing, hair styles, interests and ways of speaking among their friends. They even listen to their friends more than to their parents. Friends are very important to a teenager.

As teenagers grow into adults, they want more independence. They want to do many things that adults do at an earlier age such as putting on make-up, hanging out with friends, owning mobile phones and dating.

Teenagers also want new challenging experiences such as riding roller coasters, racing cars and even taking drugs. Although this is one way for them to learn about the world around them, they usually do not take warning from parents seriously.

Teenagers love thrilling rides.

Emotional Development Teenagers also experience unpredictable mood swings which sometimes leads to conflicts even among their peers. They have to learn to control and express their emotions in an acceptable manner.

Teenagers have unpredictable emotion of anger.

Chapter 1 Changes in Teenagers and Factors Affecting Them

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Teenagers are more concern about how they look and how others look at them. They tend to compare themselves with those around them. Their self-esteem is often affected by this.

Teenagers are self-conscious about their look.

They begin to develop strong feelings towards someone they admire such as a celebrity or even a teacher. They tend to daydream of meeting with the person they admire. Later, they will also develop stronger feelings towards the opposite sex. Having crushes on others is common among teenagers.

Intellectual Development Teenagers experience intellectual development too. This involves how their brain works. They will be able to remember and understand better than when they were younger. The way they view the world changes too. They move away from being concrete thinkers to being abstract thinkers. A concrete thinker believes what he can see, hear and touch, while an abstract thinker is able to think and imagine in terms of ideas.

Teenagers' brain is still developing.

With this shift, teenagers are able to theorize and form opinions about the things around them. They can start to compare two poems and reason through problems even in the absence of concrete events or examples. They may even challenge the assumptions and solutions presented by adults.


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Factors Affecting Development in Teenagers

There are a few factors that affect the development in teenagers such as genetic, nutrition, familial bond, peer groups, socialeconomic status and diseases.

When a child is born, he has a unique set of genes inherited from both his parents. These genes determine the height, weight, skin color, eye color, hair color, personality and many traits of the child. Everyone of us inherit certain features from our parents.

Tall parents often produce tall offspring. Despite that, if both your parents are short but your grandmother is tall, there are chances that you will be tall. This is because genetic make-up is very complex as specific traits can appear generations later.

Good nutrition is very important during this period as it promotes the optimum growth and development of teenagers.

Our diet affects our development.

Malnutrition delays physical growth and the onset of puberty. A teenager who is malnourished has low energy level, muscle weakness and learning difficulties. They are often underweight. They may have trouble paying attention and poor body immune function. Iodine deficiency can cause mental retardation and delayed development. Vitamin A deficiency can cause night-blindness. They may also suffer from sicknesses such as measles and influenza.

Chapter 1 Changes in Teenagers and Factors Affecting Them

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Being overweight can affect a teenager’s growth. Carrying the extra weight on growing bones can lead to bone deformity of the lower legs.

We should have healthy body weight.

Obese teenagers have the higher tendency to develop diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol level when they grow older. High blood pressure and high cholesterol level increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Obese people are more likely to become depressed and have lower self-esteem. Familial bond plays a critical role in influencing a teenager’s choices and decisions on whether to become sexually active, smoke, take drugs and even to participate in criminal activities.

Teenagers from strong and supportive families are less likely to become involved in such behaviors as they feel loved and supported at home. The absence of positive family interaction and parental support often cause teenagers to give in to peer pressure.

Strong family bond is important.

Peers are important to teenagers. Teenagers may modify their speech, clothing, choices and behaviors in order to be accepted by their peer group. Therefore, a teenager’s peer group has a great influence on his development. It offers him the opportunity to develop social skills such as leadership, sharing and empathy.


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A supportive peer group can motivate its members to excel in studies, sports and performance. However, a bad mix can have negative influences via peer pressure such as vandalism, bullying and drinking.

A bad mix

The socioeconomic status is generally determined by a combination of variables such as occupation, education, income, wealth and place of residence. It is largely accepted that lower socioeconomic status has negative effects on the development of teenagers.

Teenagers from homes of lower socioeconomic status tend to be more pessimistic, aggressive and hostile, and have lower self-esteem. They have higher likelihood of being sedentary and higher body mass index. Begging for money lowers one’s self-esteem.

Some illnesses, even if temporary, can interfere with the growth and development of teenagers. For example, growth hormone deficiency happens when the growth hormones are not produced enough, slowing down growth or stunting it completely. A sick girl

Chapter 1 Changes in Teenagers and Factors Affecting Them

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Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid hormone level is low, causing slow growth and lower body metabolism. Girls with Turner syndrome do not undergo normal sexual development as their ovaries fail to mature and function normally. Visible signs of illness such as pale complexion, amputation, abnormal height or weight, or treatment marks can reduce self-esteem and cause negative self-image. Some people may experience depression, anxiety and distress as they are unable to cope with the sense of alienation from their peers.


Promoting Growth and Development

Here are some ways we can improve our own growth and development.

We should eat healthily. By eating a variety of food moderately, we can get the nutrition we need for our growth and development. Choosing healthy snacks such as fruits and vegetables, and avoiding fast food and junk food, help to build our immune system.

Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Keeping ourselves physically active is very important too. Regular physical activities contribute to overall health and well-being, and reduce the risk of diseases. Participating in regular physical activities also increases our muscles and bone strength, reduces anxiety and depression, and improves our mood. Be physically active.


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Sleep plays an important role in good health. Getting good quality sleep at nights allows our brain to relax and prepare for the next day.

Have sufficient quality sleep.

Sleep also helps us to be attentive, make good decisions and be creative. It also allows our body to heal and repair damaged parts, and triggers the body to release hormones that promote normal growth and development.

People who think positively have an optimistic view of life that affects their life and well-being. They view an obstacle as a temporary event that is limited in scope and manageable, whereas pessimistic people are the opposite. Have positive thinking.

Positive thinking is believed to help strengthen our immune system and plays a role in the recovery from illnesses. It also allows us to cope better during hardships and reduce depression, anxiety and stress in our live. Ultimately, we should opt for positive thinking as optimistic people are generally better off in life than pessimists. A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. – Winston Churchill

Chapter 1 Changes in Teenagers and Factors Affecting Them

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1. List the types of development a teenager experiences as he grows.

2. List the factors that affect development in teenagers.

3. List four ways to improve our growth and development.


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Sexuality and Teenagers

2 Young people are generally curious about sexuality. What factors influence our attitudes towards sexuality? Should a young couple engage in sexual activity? Should this be encouraged?

Learning Outline: 2.1 Sexuality

ces of 2.2 Possible Consequen nagers Tee g Sexual Activity Amon aception 2.3 Safe Sex an d Contr

Learning Stan dard: des tors influencing attitu H2.1 G8/2 Analyze fac about sexual matters. having blems an d effects of H2.1 G8/2 Analyze pro school age. sexual intercourse at n thod of self-protectio H2.1 G8/3 Explain me an d DS AI s, se ea dis itted an d avoid sexual transm unwante d pregnancy.

Chapter 2 Sexuality and Teenagers

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Teenagers have a lot of questions about sexuality. What is sexuality? Is sexuality only about sexual activities and genitals? Sexuality is about how we think about ourselves, our feelings for others, our values and honor, and is also about accepting and giving love and affection. It is about our physical and emotional needs, pleasure and fulfillment too.

With the onset of sexual maturation, teenagers are curious about sexuality. They want to know more about their body and feelings. They want to be taught and informed about all aspects of sex and sexual health before they begin to experiment with sexual activity.

This often occurs before teenagers are fully aware of the consequences of their actions. Teenagers are encouraged not to participate in sexual activity too early, but instead to wait until they are more mature.

What is sexuality?

There are a few factors that influence how we view and feel about sexuality. Parents definitely have the greatest influence. This includes parents’ marital status, their values and attitude towards sexuality, their relationship with their children, and parental supervision. Parents have great influence on their children.


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in the Basic Education Curriculum B.E. 2551. Plenty of notes, real-life examples and exercises are given to guide students to understand and apply the concepts in daily life.


Focus Smart Textbook Health Education covers the entire range of topics included


FOCUS SMART TEXTBOOK Health Education Mathayom 2

Published by:

In collaboration with:

Dickens Publishing Ltd.

Suite G7-G8, Davina House, 137-149 Goswell Road, London, EC1V 7ET, United Kingdom. E-mail:

Health Edu M2.indd 1

BBB2235 ISBN 978-616-541-229-2


In collaboration with Dickens Publishing Ltd. (UK)

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