Focus Smart Plus English M2 samplebook

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First Published 2024

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Mathayom Teo Hwee Bien Tan Bee Lian Rani Parasuraman AA Azman
Contents Chapter 1 Grammar 1 Chapter 2 Reading 36 A Nouns 1 Common Nouns 1 Proper Nouns Countable Nouns and Uncountable Nouns Singular Nouns and Plural Nouns B Articles Articles ‘A’ and ‘An’ Article ‘The’ C Tenses Simple Past Tense Present Perfect Tense Past Continuous Tense Simple Future Tense Future Continuous Tense D Verbs 19 E Active and Passive Voice 21 21 21 22 24 27 29 29 30 31 33 Part 1 Short Texts (Multiple-Choice Questions) 36 Part 2 Comprehension (Varied Questions) 59 Part 3 Comprehension (Open-Ended Questions) 64 A Advertisements 37 B Labels, Leaflets and Instructions 40 C Graphs, Charts and Tables 43 D Newspaper Reports 46 E Diagrams, Pictorial Guides and Maps 48 F Signs and Notices 50 G Comic Strips 52 H E-mails and Messages 54 I Short Articles 57
Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Writing 73 104 Listening 1104 Part 1 105 Part 2 109 Part 3 111 Part 4 112 Speaking 114 Part 1 114 Part 2 Telling a Process or a Story based on Pictures 117 Part 3 Analysing 120 Part 1 Short Communicative Message 73 A Short Messages / Notes 74 B Informal E-mails 79 C Short Letters 83 Part 2 Note Expansion 87 A Speech 87 B Processes and Procedures 93 C Narratives 99 Test Paper 123

Special Features

Provides students with supplementary information related to the text to widen their horizons

Gives short notes that highlight the additional information for students

Accustoms students to acquire knowledge from the Internet

Model Question and Answer

Provides an exemplary answer for students to understand what is expected from them when answering the question

Guides students to recognise the grammatical errors commonly

Assists students in understanding text

Measures the achievement of students

Chapter 1



Grammar in English is a system of rules that helps us structure and organise words and sentences to convey meaning effectively. It guides us on how to use verbs, nouns, adjectives and many more in a way that makes sense to others. Mastering English grammar is crucial for clear and precise communication.

A Nouns

We use a noun to name a person, animal, place, thing, activity or concept.

Ò Common Nouns

Nouns can be categorised as common nouns and proper nouns. A common noun thing, activity or concept.

• The baby

• Five birds

• James walks to

• I bought a

• Ken went

• Gravity pulls things to the ground.


Choose the correct common nouns.

1. Ms. Brown is a in my school. She teaches Mathematics. A doctor C teacher B driver D pilot

Chapter 1 Grammar Mathayom 2 1
James computer

Chapter 2



There are three parts in the reading component.

Part 1 Short Texts (Multiple-Choice Questions)

Part 1 Short Texts (Multiple-Choice Questions)

A wide variety of short texts will be included in this section such as:

(A) Advertisements

(B)Labels, leaflets and instructions

(C) Graphs, charts and tables (D) Newspaper reports (E) Diagrams, pictorial guides and maps (F) Signs and notices (G) Comic strips (H) E-mails and messages (I) Short articles

Mathayom 2 36 Focus Smart ENGLISH
Reading Components 2015 545 645 500 445 345 245 20162017201820192020 1

How to approach your questions:

1. Read the question quickly to get an idea of what is required of you.

2. Study the stimulus. Pay special attention to the information found in the stimulus.

3. You may need to understand the meanings of the diction used to interpret the information given correctly.

4. Go through all the options given (A, B, C and D). Choose the correct answer.

Ò A  Advertisements

Advertisements serve as public announcements that promote products, services or events to a wide audience. They are designed to capture attention and persuade consumers to make a purchase or take a specific action. Advertisements can be found in various forms such as print media, television commercials, online banners and social media posts. To respond to advert questions, read the advertisements carefully and pay attention to all the small details.

Model Question and Answer

Read the advertisement carefully. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

Based on the advertisement above, if you buy a large cappuccino

A at noon on Tuesday, you will get a free doughnut.

B at 3 p.m. on Sunday, you will get a free doughnut.

C at fifteen minutes to four on Friday, you will get a free doughnut.


D before 2 p.m. on Monday, you will get another cappuccino for free.

 Comment & Answer

The answer is C. You will only get a free classic glazed doughnut if you buy a large cappuccino on any day except Saturday and Sunday from 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Read through all the four answer options and identify the underlying differences. Eliminate the unlikely options before choosing the best option as the correct answer.

Chapter 2 Reading Mathayom 2 37
Available every weekday,
2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. only Get a FREE classic glazed doughnut

1. What are the two essential pieces of equipment for mountain biking?

The two essential pieces of equipment for mountain biking are the bike and a helmet.

2. What are the two main types of mountain bikes mentioned in the text?

The two main types of mountain bikes mentioned are the classic hardtail and the full suspension bikes.

3. What are the key factors when choosing a mountain bike?

One’s budget, personal preference and specific needs are the key factors when choosing a mountain bike.

4. Why is a helmet considered an essential piece of equipment for mountain biking?

A helmet is essential for safety and protection in case of falls or accidents.

5. What extra equipment is recommended for mountain biking adventures?

The recommended extra equipment includes a hydration system with enough water and a puncture kit with tyre levers.

6. Complete the following table with information from the text.

Basic equipment

Choices of bikes to choose from

Factors for choosing a helmet

Other useful extras

Places to go for ride in Bangkok

Comfort and style

Mathayom 2 72 Focus Smart ENGLISH
(d) (e) Water, puncture kit (f) Lumpini Park (g) Bang Krachao Green Lung (h) Suvarnabhumi Green Zone Trail

Chapter 3



• There are two parts in the writing component. In Part 1, you have to write a short communicative message, whereas in Part 2, you are required to write a short essay. Let us look at each part in detail.

Part 1

Based on a given could be a dialogue, an e-mail, a poster, message can be a short message/note,

To accept/decline invitation To complain/ compliment To describe To give information To advise

• Read the question carefully.

• Identify the reason why you should write the message.

• Identify your target audience – a friend, a relative or a teacher.

• Check whether the tone should be formal or informal.

• Be concise, clear and straight to the point.

• Use proper format.

• Check your spelling, tenses and punctuation.

To persuade

To express an opinion/a viewpoint

Chapter 3 Writing Mathayom 2 73
Writing Components Short Expansion

Chapter 4

Listening and Speaking

Listening in English is essential because it helps you understand the language better and it also improves your communication skills, so that you can engage in conversations that take place in different situations.You should also be aware of the following aspects when it comes to listening in English:

Practise regularly

Consistent practice improves listening skills over time.

Receive feedback from teachers or peers to identify areas for improvement.

Take notes

Jot down important keywords. Use abbreviations and symbols to write faster.

104 Mathayom 2 Focus Smart ENGLISH

Part 1 Four-Option Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ)

• Listen and scan for details.

• The answers could be important information from the spoken text:

 Number of people/objects

 Place

 Solution of a problem

 Date or time

• Basically, you will be asked the 5Ws and 1H questions: what, when, why, who, where, how.

• Go through the questions before listening to the audio.

• Underline the keyword in the question so that you know what you should focus on when you are listening.

Model Question and Answer

A Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.

Conversation 1


Emma :

Amy :

Emma :

Amy : It’s where you get to learn traditional dances and meet people.

Emma :

Amy :

Emma :

1. A I believe

B I will get

C Have you been

D I’m thinking of

2. A Are you new

B Are you done

C Is this your first time

D Is this your experience

3. A it’s nothing

B it’s a great way

C there is no way

D it doesn’t matter


Break the ice:

To make people who have not met before feel more relaxed with each other

Traditional Thai dancing is a combination of graceful body movements along with elaborate costumes and enchanting music. The six different types of Thai dance are the khon, li-khe, ram wong, shadow puppetry, lakhon lek and lakhon. What makes Thai dance special is the stunning attire adorned with gold, silver and even beetle wings.

Chapter 4 Listening and Speaking 105 Mathayom 2

Practice 1

1. Analyse this leaflet with a partner. Role-play a mother and a daughter respectively. Discuss which mobile phone to buy. Compare the phones and decide on one.

Model YY

4,000B only

Weight: 170 g

Storage: 64 GB

Camera: 32 MP

Model XX

5,000B only

Storage: 128 GB

Camera: 50 MP

2. Analyse the Venn chart with a partner. Role-play a man and his nephew. Discuss online learning and face-to-face learning based on the chart.

Online learning

• Less social

• No travelling

• Delayed response

More social interaction

122 Mathayom 2 Focus Smart ENGLISH
97% Mobifone Wednesday,29July21 00 : Mobifone September 4567123 1213141516171819 2021222324252627 28293031 23 tomorrow,


Part 1

Underline the correct words.

1. The students were excited as they watched the birds fly (over, above, at) the playground during recess.

2. He watched the ball fly (on, out, out of) the field and into the parking lot.

3. I looked (at, around, inside) the room, searching for my lost keys.

4. I (have finished, have finishing, will finish) the project ahead of schedule and am now ready to move on to the next task.

5. The workers (are, , were) there at 10 a.m. tomorrow to fix the air conditioner.

Part 2

Fill in the blanks with the correct words. give and take alive and well

[5 marks]

1. My teacher spoke so softly that I only heard some words here and there .

2. In order to maintain a healthy friendship, it is important for friends to give and take

3. After a long day at work, I seek to relax and rest my tired mind.

4. The hiker after being lost for three days.

5. The two friends played a game of ping pong, hitting the ball back and forth across the table.

Part 3

Replace the underlined words with the suitable words from the list provided. ragged frail venerable ancient

[5 marks]

1. The old professor shared his knowledge with the keen students. ( venerable )

2. The museum has a collection of artefact from an old civilisation. ( ancient )

3. The old curtains are hanging from the broken windows of the abandoned house. ( ragged )

4. I moved in with my mother as she is too old to live alone. ( frail )

[4 marks]

Test Paper Mathayom 2 123

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