Focus Smart Plus English M3 samplebook

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First Published 2024

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Mathayom Teo Hwee Bien Tan Bee Lian Rani Parasuraman AA Azman


Indefinite Pronouns

B Verbs

Stative Verbs

Auxiliary Verbs Irregular


Contents Chapter 1 Grammar 1 A Pronouns 1 Personal Pronouns 1 Possessive Pronouns
Pronouns Demonstrative Pronouns
Tenses Present Perfect Tense Present Perfect Continuous Tense Past Perfect Tense
Perfect Continuous Future Perfect Tense D Active and Passive Voice (Simple Past) 16 16 16 17 18 19 22 Conditionals, Causatives, Gerunds 24 24 25 26 26 28 30 31 K Error Correction 32 Chapter 2 Reading 36 Part 1 Short Texts (Multiple-Choice Questions) 36 A Advertisements 37 B Labels, Leaflets and Instructions 40 C Graphs, Charts and Tables 43 D Newspaper Reports 45 E Diagrams, Pictorial Guides and Maps 48 F Signs and Notices 51 G Comic Strips 54 H E-mails and Messages 56 I Short Articles 59
Test Paper 130 Part 2 Comprehension (Varied Questions) 63 Part 3 Comprehension (Open-Ended Questions) 68 Chapter 4 107 Listening 1107 Part 1 108 Part 2 115 Part 3 116 Part 4 117 Speaking 119 Part 1 119 Part 2 Analysing 122 Part 3 Elaborating Ideas 126 Chapter 3 Writing 76 Part 1 Short Communicative Message 76 A Short Messages / Notes 77 B Informal E-mails 82 C Short Letters 86 Part 2 90 A Formal Letters B Reviews Survey 99 103

Special Features

Provides supplementary related their horizons

Gives short notes the additional students

Accustoms students to acquire knowledge from the Internet

Model Question and Answer

Provides an exemplary answer for students to understand what is expected from them when answering the question

Guides students to recognise commonly

Assists students in understanding text

Measures the achievement of students

Chapter 1



Grammar in English is a system of rules that helps us structure and organise words and sentences to convey meaning effectively. It guides us on how to use verbs, nouns, adjectives and many more in a way that makes sense to others. Mastering English grammar is crucial for clear and precise communication.

A Pronouns

Read the two passages. Which sounds better?

Jimen and Jungka love to sing and dance. Jimen and Jungka’s teacher suggests that Jimen and Jungka perform on Children’s Day. Jimen and Junka’s teacher says to Jimen and Jungka, “The stage will be Jimen and

Jimen and Jungka love to sing and dance. they perform on teacher says to them, for 10 minutes.”

A pronoun is a word that can replace a noun in a sentence. ‘Their’, ‘they’, ‘them’ and ‘yours’ in the passage above are some examples of pronouns. There are a few types of pronouns.

Ò Personal Pronouns

Personal pronouns are used to replace nouns that refer to people, animals or things. There are two types of personal pronouns, namely subject pronouns and object pronouns.

Subject pronoun Iyouhesheitwethey

Object pronoun meyouhimheritusthem

Subject pronouns are used as the subject of a verb.

The subject pronoun ‘He’ replaces the noun ‘Ake’. The noun ‘Ake’ is the subject. Ake is coming soon.

He is coming soon.

Chapter 1 Grammar Mathayom 3 1

Chapter 2 Reading

There are three parts in the reading component.

Reading Components

Part 1 Short Texts (Multiple-Choice Questions)

Part 1 Short Texts (Multiple-Choice Questions)

A wide variety of short texts will be included in this section such as:

(A) Advertisements

(B)Labels, leaflets and instructions

(C) Graphs, charts and tables

(D) Newspaper reports

(E) Diagrams, pictorial guides and maps (F) Signs and notices

(G) Comic strips (H) E-mails and messages (I) Short articles

Mathayom 3 36 Focus Smart ENGLISH
CLOSED CLOSED Sorry, we're

How to approach your questions:

1. Read the question quickly to get an idea of what is required of you.

2. Study the stimulus. Pay special attention to the information found in the stimulus.

3. You may need to understand the meanings of the diction used to interpret the information given correctly.

4. Go through all the options given (A, B, C and D). Choose the best answer.

Ò A  Advertisements

Advertisements serve as public announcements that promote products, services or events to a wide audience. To respond to questions regarding advertisements, read carefully the advertisement and study thoroughly all the small details.

Model Question and Answer

Read the advertisement carefully. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.


For only 9,088 Baht

(Normal price:12,800 Baht)

*only available at City Mall

 Comment & Answer

The purpose of the advertisement is to

A sell the mobile phone for 9,088 Baht.

B clear the existing stock of this mobile phone.

C make sure more people will buy the limited mobile phone.

D let more people know that mobile phones are sold at City Mall.

The answer is B. This can be inferred from the statement ‘STOCK CLEARANCE PROMOTION,’ which indicates that the main goal is to clear out the existing stock of the W-phone S21. The advertisement also mentions a discounted price of 9,088 Baht, which further supports the idea that they are trying to sell off the remaining inventory. Options C and D are not directly related to the purpose of the advertisement.

Chapter 2 Reading Mathayom 3 37
Mobile Digits

Chapter 3 Writing

There are two parts in the writing component. In Part 1, you have to write a short communicative message, whereas in Part 2, you are required to write a short essay. Let

Writing Components

Short Communicative

Part 1 Short Communicative Message

In this part, you have to write a short message based on a given stimulus. The stimulus could be a dialogue, an e-mail, a poster, a letter, a graph or a picture. A short communicative message can be a short message/note, an e-mail or a short letter.

To give suggestions

To give information To advise

To express an opinion/a viewpoint

To complain/ compliment To describe

•Read the question carefully.

•Identify the reason why you should write the message.

•Identify your target audience – a friend, a relative or a teacher.

•Check whether the tone should be formal or informal.

•Be concise, clear and straight to the point.

•Use proper format.

•Check your spelling, tenses and punctuation.

To accept/decline invitation

Mathayom 3 76 Focus Smart ENGLISH

Ò A  Short Messages/Notes

A message/note is a short piece of information you give someone when you cannot speak to them directly. It is usually short and conveys only the important information so that it is easy to understand.

Model Question and Answer

Read the message from Pranee.

Hi Ahtit,

I’m thinking of having a pet. However, my parents feel that I’m still too young to do so, saying that it is a big responsibility. What do you think? How do I persuade my parents to let me have a pet? Bye!

Imagine that you’re Ahtit. Write a reply to Pranee giving her your ideas.

Briefly greet whom the message is for (Pranee).

Give your suggestion with two to three supporting explanations.

End the message with a wish.

Sign off by stating whom the message is from (Ahtit).

Yes, I agree that it is a big responsibility. You have to clean the cage and feed, groom and play with it. However, you can learn to take on the responsibility by turning it into a daily routine. If you are not able to manage alone, you can always get help from your older siblings.

Besides that, you will develop your nurturing and empathy skills by taking care of the pet. These skills are important in your later life.

Lastly, by having a pet such as a dog, you can take it for a walk in the park. Walking your dog will keep you active and you can also make

I hope my ideas can help to convince your parents! Best of luck.

Chapter 3 Writing Mathayom 3 77
Pranee Ahtit


You had a nightmare. Describe your dream as interestingly as possible. You may use the notes below to help you.

• Where were you? – A dark, weird place

• How did you feel? – Bad feeling, strange whispers – scared

• What did you see? – Things around kept changing – a creepy figure floating – red glowing eyes – staring at me

• What did you do? – Tried to run away – kept getting closer

• What happened? – Ground disappeared – falling forever

• How did you feel when you woke up? – Felt relieved – just a dream – still scared

Last night, I had a nightmare It was like being in a really scary movie. I can still remember vividly what the nightmare was about. I was in a dark, weird place. I had a feeling that something really bad was about to happen. Strange whispers filled the damp, stale air, making everything even scarier. The things around me kept changing their shapes and taking on strange and unsettling forms.

Out of nowhere, a creepy figure showed up. It was floating. Its red glowing eyes seemed to see right through me, giving me a really uncomfortable feeling. I could feel my body breaking out in cold sweat and my heart was trying to leap out from my chest. I tried to run away, but no matter how fast I went, the figure kept getting closer.

All of a sudden, the ground disappeared, and I felt like I was falling uncontrollably. It was so scary not knowing where and when I would land. Then, I woke up, breathing really fast. It was a huge relief to realise that it was only a dream, but the scary feeling stuck with me even after I opened my eyes.

(suggested answer)

Nightmares are bad dreams that can cause a person to wake up from sleep, feeling scared or anxious. Occasional nightmares are a normal part of our experience. However, frequent or recurring nightmares may be indicative of underlying psychological or emotional issues, and seeking support from a doctor may be beneficial.

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Chapter 4

Listening and Speaking

Listening is key to mastering English. Pay attention to conversations, music, audiobooks and more. Practise daily to improve your English listening skills! Here are some more aspects you can focus on when it comes to listening in English.

In group discussions or interviews, different speakers might have varying viewpoints. Focus on transitions between speakers and their perspectives.


Use your background knowledge and context clues to infer meanings of words or phrases you might not be familiar with.


Consider why the speaker is talking and what his goal is. Understanding the purpose can aid in

Listening for attitude and emotion

Pay attention to the speaker’s attitude and emotions. Is the speaker excited, happy or serious? This can add depth to your understanding.

Variety of accents

English is spoken in various accents worldwide. You should expose yourself to different accents to better communicate with people from various regions.

Pay attention to both British and American English accents.

Chapter 4 Listening and Speaking 107 Mathayom 3
ENGLISH L istening


Part 1

Underline the correct words.

1. Alan decided to reward (he, him, himself) for all his hard work by purchasing a new bicycle.

2. I’m not sure where I have left my keys, but I think I may have dropped them (somewhere, anywhere, everywhere) while I was walking to the school gate.

3. After the thief (snatches, had snatched, has been snatching) the woman’s purse, he disappeared quickly into the crowd.

4. I (am waiting, have been waiting, had waited) for the bus for over an hour now.

5. By the end of the week, the students (had decided, will have decided, have deciding) on their research topics for the semester.

6. The wind blew (as fiercely as, more fiercely, most fiercely) than ever, bending the trees in its path.

Part 2

Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

[6 marks]

1. After a thorough investigation, the police have agreed to foul play.

2. In any horror movie, it is a common reaction of the audience to cry out at the sudden jump scares.

3. Don’t forget to hand in your homework by tomorrow morning.

4. Friends should stick up for each other in times of need.

5. It’s not healthy to bottle up your unhappy emotions; speak to someone who can help you.

6. After receiving the job offer, I need some time to think over the terms and conditions before making a decision.

[6 marks] hand in cry out

Mathayom 3 130 Focus Smart ENGLISH

Part 3

Read the text below and correct the underlined errors. Write the correct words in the boxes provided.

An eclipse, either the moon eclipse or the sun eclipse, is a natural phenomenon. A total sun eclipse or solar eclipse is a frightening experience to certain people (1) which do not have any knowledge of Science. Indeed, it can be scary to watch the Sun (2) disappearing during the day, and the sky becoming dark within minutes. This can happen when the Sun, Moon and Earth are align as in a total eclipse. In total eclipse, the Moon totally covers the of the Sun whereas in partial and annular eclipses, only part of the Sun obscured. The solar eclipse of 2019 which occurred on Thursday, 26th of December, is an annular eclipse. An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Sun and Moon, are being in line with the Earth. However, the size of the Moon is than that of the Sun. Hence the Sun appears as a very bright ring, or annulus, surrounding the dark disk of the Moon. The ring (7) glowing a red, yellow and orange colour, thus the so-called “ring of fire”. People in the Eastern Hemisphere, along a path that is 118 kilometres wide, stretching (8) for Saudi Arabia and Oman to India, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines have been lucky enough to see this type of eclipse which occurs every year or two but it can be decades before the same pattern is repeated.

Reference:, and Wikipedia

1. who 2. slowly 3. aligned 4. surface

5. is 6. smaller 7. glows 8. from

[8 marks]

Test Paper Mathayom 3 131

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