Made in China / multiples

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Made in China

www. madeinchina - project . org


What is Made in China?

The MADE IN CHINA project establishes practices that enable living, contemporary art to be in touch with its audiences. | MADE IN CHINA is an art-series of versatile multiples that were produced, either as independent works or as derivatives of larger gallery projects, by prominent Slovene artists: Jože Barši, Viktor Bernik, Vasja Cenčič, Lada Cerar, Ksenija Čerče, Vuk Ćosić, Boštjan Drinovec, Vadim Fiškin, Ištvan Išt Huzjan, Janez Janša, Janez Janša, Janez Janša, Žiga Kariž, Laibach, Alen Ožbolt, Arjan Pregl, Sašo Sedlaček, son:DA, Veli & Amos, Matej Andraž Vogrinčič and Sašo Vrabič. | The resulting multiples are artworks with a designated market value, simultaneously existing as objects that bring various artistic fractures into spaces of consumption and that open new opportunities for the mediation of art to those for whom it is intended. | The MADE IN CHINA are marketable commodities as well as art. The long term project assumes the task of operating in both structures, leading to unexpected fractures in seemingly smooth and rather independently functioning market and artistic modes of operation. The MADE IN CHINA project sets as its goal the search for the path of art to its audience. Towards such end it strives without denying what it is – an art project, and what it seeks to become – a beloved and adored object on the shelf of many a consumer. | MADE IN CHINA is a project that, in an environment of a consumptionoriented society in its dying breaths, is aware that this is the moment in which people finally truly must be sold what they so desperately need to enrich their lives: art.

What is Made in China?

MADE IN CHINA is a MADE IN multiple, an art form CHINA is not for originating in the crazy rich people, but for sixties. The object in your aficionados of contemporary hand is a part of the first art and urban culture, who can organized attempt to produce now afford to buy a work of art it in Slovenia. A few promiand give it to their friends as a nent Slovenian artists created present. MADE IN CHINA is conceived editions, which represent the essence of their art, espeSimi- as art to be sold, and consequentially cially for MADE IN CHINA, lar to the it will find its way into the homes and sometimes they added past, the mul- of many, and not merely the selected few. MADE IN CHINA is an idea that allows practicality as an tiple continues to for the artist to experiment. Each unexpected elespread ideas in the ment. MADE IN CHINA object emerges from the present. It is a form of artist’s practice or an individual art that is capable of work of art. Each and every one reaching almost every inof them was designed by a dividual. In everyday life it contemporary artist, who serves you. You can use it to put just like you,lives down flowers, during a special exa full life. perience on the beach, to improve your sleep … Sometimes pleasure is provided by the use of the multiple which differs from its everyday use. The multiple is aimed at experiencing art, without visiting the gallery or purchasing an original. It is created so that you MADE can get to know the artist and contemporary IN CHINA 2013 art. MADE IN CHINA serves you as well as art. And we are not going to attempt to fool you - it is also good for us. Every purchase of a multiple brings us closer to our goal of bringing MADE IN CHINA into every little part of the world! MADE IN CHINA je multipel, umetniška zvrst iz norih šestdesetih let, s predmetom v tvoji roki pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zaživela v Sloveniji. Za MADE IN CHINA so nekateri najvidnejši slovenski umetniki izdelali edicije,ki predstaMADE IN vijo esenco njihove umetnoCHINA ni za bogasti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo taše, ampak za ljubiše nepric ˇakovan eletelje sodobne umetnosti in ment – uporabnost.
 urbane kulture; umetnine so jim zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje Objekti MADE IN CHINA so bili zasnovani kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le nekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperimentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav vsakega so zasnovali umetniki sodobnega trenutka, ki tako kot ti živijo polno življenje.

Nekdaj je multipel širil ideje in tudi danes je tako. Ostaja oblika umetnosti, ki je sposobna priti do slehernika. V vsakdanjem življenju služi vam. Za odlaganje cvetlic, za posebno doživetje na plaži, za boljše spanje … Vc ˇasih je prav uporaba multipla, ki je drugac ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki ponudi užitek. Multipel je namenjen doživetju umetnosti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi v galerijo ali kupiti izvirnik Namenjen je temu, da spoznate umetnika in sodobno umetnost. MADE IN CHINA koristi vam in umetnosti. Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi tudi nam, saj nam boste z nakupom multipla pomagali pripeljati MADE IN CHINA v vsako slovensko vas!

That’s It! For Example ...





Jože Barši

»Dolar, Hegel’s Phenomenology l, pg. ... 2009«, 2013, 4 x A5 notebook, card, string, sticker, stamp, limited edition: 50 x box set 4 notebooks + 4 x 30 individual notebooks, price: 4.5 ¤ single notebook / 45 ¤ box set with certificate

Barši is an artist who reads, walks, thinks and talks a lot. He does it so often that he has developed an art practice based on this, which moves important conceptual foundations on microlevels. Barši is also a sculptor as he is reading, so his multiple is a piece of sculpture, too. On the outside, the notebook is whatever you might like to write on it, this is merely the cover. Its true content is Dolar’s analysis of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. Who has read it? Barši. It is with time and willingness that he has taken it on, and you may well find the power in yourself to make a similar step if you purchase the notebook.







Viktor Bernik

»Stain«, 2013, screenprint on a standard Aladdin 0.35l water bottle, limited edition: 150, certificate, price: 7.95 ¤

Viktor Bernik is the artist to whom the creation of the MADE IN CHINA project must be credited. Initially a painter primarily preoccupied by the notions of space, he bestowed his attention in the second half of the last decade to issues concerning social space and the ways in which art can enter it. The Stain multiple was created when the shop 1001 dar (1001 gifts) provided the artist with an opportunity to create an artistic intervention with their Aladdin water bottles. He did so by printing a stain resembling the African continent. The water bottle is no different to the other water bottles, what is different is the story that it bears. This is a water bottle with the experience of art, intended to add an element of surprise there, where we least expect it.





Vasja Cenčič in Collaboration With the Sculpture Association

»From the Nation for the Nation«, 2012, 54 playing cards for the game of tarock + booklet, 80 x 130 x 25 mm, edition: 500, certificate, price: 15 ¤

The multiple From the Nation for the Nation represents a cross-section of contemporary Slovenian sculpture and is a set of (un)conventional playing cards. Vasja Cenc ˇic ˇ used the commission to design the catalogue for the 17th Exhibition of Slovenian Sculpture so as to elevate it to the status of an art multiple. By using a stylized card hierarchy, Cenc ˇic ˇ made a caricature of the art world system itself; the limited number of inter changeable artists’ names; the role of the curator and the role of the accompanying text.






Vasja Cenčič

»Self-portrait«, 2013 -, siliconized envelopes, print, variable dimensions and colours, unlimited edition, price: 0,33 ¤ for a single envelope or 4,33 ¤ for 13 envelopes (you save 0,4 ¤)

Current language suport: Albanian, Azeri, Bosanian, Chinese, Dutch, English, Estonian, French, Friulian, German, Italian, Macedonian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Serbian, Spanish, Svedish, Turkish Current support of paper formats and colours: C5 eco chamois, C6 eco blue, C6/5 white








Lada Cerar

»Art as Therapy / Sleep Glasses«, 2003 / 2013; (Sleep Glasses / Malevich), plush, satin, felt; (Sleep Glasses / Klein), plush, satin, felt; (Sleep Glasses / Oppenheim), fake fur, satin, felt; limited edition: 3 x 45, certificate, price: 32 ¤€

Lada Cerar is an artist that draws the substance for her humorous and at the same time often awareness-raising projects from everyday life. Her project Art as Therapy, which was produced in 2003 at the P74 Gallery and Centre, was based on the concept of “how to revalue the artworks of the 20th century and put them into a new context, in this case as therapeutic devices that wish to bring art, in the form of physical and psychological self-medication aids, closer to the viewer”. The Sleep Glasses are the artist’s appropriation of the global giants of modernism, Kazimir Malevich, Yves Klein and Meret Oppenheim.







Ksenija Čerče

»The Processes for the Ballad about the Vacuum, no technique«, 2008 / 2013, paper mounted on a light bulb 10 x 6.2 cm, signed A4 archival print, unlimited edition*, certificate, price: 30 ¤

*(The edition is limited by the amount of light bulbs of specific dimensions, which were withdrawn from sale by a EU directive in 2009)







Vuk Čosić

»The How-Do-You-Do Machine«, 1992 / 2013, turned handle, diagonal 27 cm, limited edition: 20, certificate price: 75 ¤

The-How-Do-You-Do Machine multiple is from a time when ˇosic Vuk C ´ was enthusiastic about Duchamp and Man Ray, before he began to live them on the net. During this period nearly a dozen poetic objects were produced, which ˇosic C ´ placed in the Machines for Small Processes family. A convenient handle for two, with no door required to pass on, prevents any physical contact and keeps the other person at an appropriate distance. This is particularly welcome at a time when viruses and colds are rife. It is convenient for business when recruiting new staff, since interviewees can pass on the handle whilst sitting.






Vuk Čosić & Matej Andraž Vogrinčič

»History Now«, 2013, Molotov cocktail, height 25 cm, edition: 120, price: 20 ¤





Boštjan Drinovec

»Tree Fragment HC – Lb 127«, 2013, glass jar, cover, foil, print on photo paper, 67 x 67 x 127 mm, limited edition: 45, certificate, price: 30 ¤

Sculptor Boštjan Drinovec, known for his large sound sculptures and small sculptures of astronauts, has created a multiple which substitutes the dreams of a green balcony or a small bonsai. The Tree Fragment needs no pruning of roots or watering. This is a multiple suitable for nature lovers and for those who prefer technology, biology or even art and metaphysics. Drinovec claims that the Tree Fragment is a model for a metaphysical device, with which he is exploring the human relationship to nature. The tree robbed of its very nature of being a tree remains only the bearer of a biotechnological model, an idea of a possibility, sterilized and vacuum-sealed into a glass jar of art.







Vadim Fiškin

»Anti Birthday«, 2013, windmill, electro-generator, light bulb, limited edition: 100, certificate, price: 75 ¤

Vadim Fiškin’s Anti Birthday multiple stems from the thought that birthday candles are boring, and that birthdays can be equally boring and wonderless. The multiple uses the birthday energy to create rather than destroy light. Only a little of energy is required to make it work and it can be used over and over again. This versatile multiple is also handy during storms, electricitysaving or power cuts.







Ištvan Išt Huzjan

»There is a Hole in your Teaspoon«, 2013, teaspoon with a hole, shoelace, 135 x 10 mm, limited edition: 100, certificate, price: 25 ¤€

The projects of Ištvan Išt Huzjan step along a slippery divide between the intimate and the social. They are split by the tradition of the avant-garde and the conceptual seventies, with the desire to achieve the maximum on the aesthetic and intellectual level of art with minimal, sometimes almost imperceptible elements or interventions into things that already exist. There is a Hole in your Teaspoon is a completely ordinary teaspoon with a hole. A cup of tea cannot be sipped to its end with it, since the liquid slips away in the same way as the individual’s rights to decent health care, a functioning judiciary, free education and vital culture are trickling away.





Janez Janša Janez Janša Janez Janša

»Biography«, 2008, author: Marcel Štefanc ˇic ˇ jr., artist's book, 318 x 240 x 40 mm, 368 pages, limited edition: 10 copies with the signatures of all three artists, certificate, price: 59 ¤

The multiple with more than 650 colour and black-andwhite photographs gives the impression that it is a book in honour of some kind of magnate of the socialist times, yet it presents a biography of a contemporary artist, in all of its three versions. The book published by Mladina weekly was written by Marcel Štefanc ˇic ˇ jr. He argues that it answers questions that you may have asked yourself about Janez Janša: “Why was he accused of terrorism? How did he feel when he bore the Relay of Youth? Where does the fascination with New York come from? Why did he rejoice in solitude? How did he do drugs? Why did his mother take him to the priest to be exorcised and why could only Jesus Christ save him?”




Janez Janša

»Life [in Progress]«, 2008, 120 x 160 mm, 124 pages, hardback, hand-made, bag, self-adhesive stickers, edition: 150, Price: 15 ¤

The Life [in Progress] project by Janez Janša is an artist’s book, a multiple in a limited edition. It was designed by the Zagreb designers Dora Budor and MMaˇule, with a foreword by ja C theatre critic, dramaturge and professor Blaž Lukan. The handmade booklet with a hardback linen cover must be completed by the buyer himself, since the images that accompany the text come in the form of self-adhesive stickers. They can be stuck to the specified places or can be substituted with the images of one’s own life. In addition to a red or pink bag, the book comes with a set of 55 instructions from the performance and exhibition Life [in Progress], and some, yet unpresented, instructions.






Žiga Kariž

»Vase«, 2013, bottle, mirror, 15 x 23 mm, limited edition: 100, certificate, price: 45 ¤

The vase, a piece transformed into a multiple by visual artist Žiga Kariž, was exhibited in 2012 in the much celebrated Mala galerija, as part of the La Mariée Shit Yeah exhibition. It is a latent sexual object, an asexual image of sexuality. It offers a feeling of the cold frivolity of 21st century sexuality, a vacant, seemingly unencumbered joy, a pleasing cover, which conceals something that does not belong to these types of images.





Žiga Kariž in Collaboration With Vasja Cenčič

»Lost Paradise«, 2010, artist’s book, 23 x 33 x 6 cm, 130 pages, edition: 250, price: 40 ¤

Lost Paradise by visual artist Žiga Kariž and designer Vasja Cenc ˇic ˇ was published by Projekt Atol Institute. The book was created as a new chapter of the Lost Paradise (Open Source) project in 2008. It has, as is typical of all of Kariž’s works, a rather elusive nature. It is and it is not a book. It has a colophon and appropriate book code, yet it has not been entered into the database. It has pages, yet no cover. If we remove the foil, it falls apart into a hundred and thirty pieces, yet if we do not open it, we are deprived of its content. As we defile the book cover, we lose a piece of paradise.





»Schwitz Aus!«, organic handmade soap, 10 x 7 x 4 cm, unlimited edition, price: 14.90 ¤





»Raus«, ladies’ knickers, size S, M, L, XL, unlimited edition, price: 16.90 ¤€






Alen Ožbolt

»Letters and Words and Sentences«, 2001 / 2013, glass bottle, paper from a book, sentence in a bottle, 92 x 32 x 32 mm,limited edition: 99, price: 18 ¤

Alen Ožbolt first presented the series of multiples Letters and Words and Sentences in the exhibition Letters at the Bežigrad Gallery in Ljubljana. The letter in a bottle is a letter which has been sent to you by the artist, in which he invites you to enter into his world. In 2003, this represented a battle for the word, which is perhaps even more topical today: “Words – therefore – are not owned only by the media, writers, politicians, journalists, sales people and advertisers ... Words also belong to everyone else.” What is of particular value in this battle statement is precisely that which hides behind the sharp statement. Ožbolt actually persistently demands a space for the words of tenderness, intimacy and beauty.







Alen Ožbolt

»Gift Yellow«, 1998 / 2013, glass bottle, acrylic paint, 92 x 32 x 32 mm, limited edition: 99, certificate, price: 36 ¤ €

In 1998, Alen Ožbolt made the Gift (Yellow) just for himself and it is only today (2013) that the piece has become a work of art for the general public. As it once did and as also today, the world shows a need to present friends with a gift like a beam of light, so giving them, like Alen Ožbolt, a memory of the bottled »sun or energy, light, desire, will to live. Somehow so simple.«







Alen Ožbolt

»Strokes of Voices«, 2001 / 2013, flint, varnish, 75 x 12 x 2 cm, limited edition: 25 pairs, certificate, price: 89 ¤€

Alen Ožbolt used to be a half of the V. S. S. D. art group, within which the Strokes of Voices piece was initially produced as a poetic gesture that can be grabbed by the hand, a materialized image of sound. For the exhibition Love is a Battlefield in 2002, Ožbolt recycled, translated, cast, therefore doubled, the strokes in a variety of materials, which he then sanded and smoothly coated with shiny car varnish. With them, he recycled his history and gave them the new meaning of harsh tongues, which were embodied and multiplied. This version returns to the original poetic source of the original and brings, not only a painterly stroke transformed into a sculpture, but also the image of sound, which is somewhat gentler in this manifold, homely, blackand-white duality.







Arjan Pregl

»Homemade Monochrome«, 2012, print on forex, limited edition: 100, certificate, price: 25 ¤

In his art practice, painter Arjan Pregl plays around with the history of art, which he parallels with contemporary mass culture, society and sometimes even intimacy. At a time when the prices of artworks are low, but the standard of living is even lower, Pregel’s device can turn any wall into a lasting work of art. With the information plate, as usually present beside artworks on museum walls, the wall becomes a Homemade Monochrome by Arjan Pregl.







Sašo Sedlaček

»Robot-Beggar«, 2013, various magnets, unlimited edition, certificate, price: 7 € – single piece / 35 € set of six different robots with certificate

The Beggar magnets are multiples taken from the image of the original robot and D.I.Y.-versions of the original plan designed for the Made in China project in 2012. Beggar, a robot to assist the socially disadvantaged, is like many of his projects produced from waste technologies. The sculptor has collected old three-eight sixes, a black-and-white screen, a few wires and two functioning CD players and assembled them into a cute robot. He proved that the technological interface is more than adequate for begging. As the cute robot begs, a bunch of people immediately gathers around him, yet when a drunken bum does the same, there is noone in sight. Beggar is an interface in the same way as the TV screen. It protects us from impending reality.








»Say Now«, 2012, UV print on self adhesive foil, 6 stickers in a set 70 x 70 mm, unlimited edition, price: 6 ¤

Say Now by the socially critical Maribor art duo son:DA (Metka Golec, Miha Horvat) reminds of the participation in the movement, like the one in 2013 that gave the word on the streets to the citizens, inviting them to speak up.








»Socket«, 2004 / 2013, sticker, forex plate, 85 x 85 mm, limited edition: 68 x 2, certificate, price: 30 ¤

Computer mouse drawings, which sometimes become wallpaper, as we can recall from the staircase at MGLC, are the recognizable element of Maribor art duo son:DA (Metka Golec, Miha Horvat). Their large scale works place electrical appliances into the forefront, highlighting the hackneyed appearance of vacated living spaces, which communicate with the outside world with sockets and cables.








»Interrail – From Here to Fame«, 2012, XL T-shirts of different colours, print, limited edition: 200, price: 17 ¤







Sašo Vrabič

»There’s an Emptiness in Perfection«, 2012, T-shirt size M, screen-print, limited edition: 10, price: 25 ¤

The T-shirt by Sašo Vrabic ˇ changes us into “a passing canvas, a scribbled wall, a message that catches the passer-by”. Vrabic ˇ heard the phrase in a reality show, where the problems of the first world were being solved with a healthy diet and alternative lifestyle. He is not willing to accept ordinary life that grabs perfection with the claws of certain media, the works of the advertising industry and stereotypes that we have learnt without even realizing it. The message is clear and is becoming so important that more and more of us are hoping that it will seep into the collective consciousness infected with the desire for perfection.






Made in China & 1001 Gift

Shopping bags in collaboration with “1001 dar� gift store. Artists: Jasmina Cibic, Veli & Amos and Viktor Bernik. Concept and realization of the project: Viktor Bernik.





New Year Will be Made in China! Made in China is the Right Christmas Present for Slovene Man and Woman!

MADE IN CHINA inaugural installation at Cankarjev Dom in Ljubljana, Slovenia, the nation’s most prominent and largest cultural institution, 16th december 2013 - 5th january 2014.




New Year Will be Made in China! Made in China is the Right Christmas Present for Slovene Man and Woman!

MADE IN CHINA inaugural installation at Cankarjev Dom in Ljubljana, Slovenia, the nation’s most prominent and largest cultural institution, 16th december 2013 - 5th january 2014.



Buy me in Tivoli!

MADE IN CHINA project temporary installation at The International Centre of Graphic Arts in Ljubljana Slovenia, 25th february 21th june 2014.





Made in China is a Weapon, Grab it!

MADE IN CHINA unanounced ongoing intervention at the MK Konzorcij, the largest Bookstore in Slovenia, started in may 2014.




Made in China is a Weapon, Grab it!

MADE IN CHINA unanounced ongoing intervention at the MK Konzorcij, the largest Bookstore in Slovenia, started in may 2014.





Numbered Certificates of Authenticity







Certificate etacifitreC

























MADE IN CHINA je multipel, umetniška zvrst iz norih šestdesetih let, s predmetom v tvoji roki pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zaživela v Sloveniji. Za MADE IN CHINA so nekateri najvidnejši slovenski umetniki izdelali edicije,ki predstaMADE IN vijo esenco njihove umetnoCHINA ni za bogasti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo taše, ampak za ljubiše nepric ˇakovan eletelje sodobne umetnosti in ment – uporabnost. urbane kulture; umetnine so jim zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje Objekti MADE IN CHINA so bili zasnovani kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le nekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperimentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav vsakega so zasnovali umetniki sodobnega trenutka, ki tako kot ti živijo polno življenje.






Nekdaj je multipel širil ideje in tudi danes je tako. Ostaja oblika umetnosti, ki je sposobna priti do slehernika. V vsakdanjem življenju služi vam. Za odlaganje cvetlic, za posebno doživetje na plaži, za boljše spanje … Vc ˇasih je prav uporaba multipla, ki je drugac ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki ponudi užitek. Multipel je namenjen doživetju umetnosti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi v galerijo ali kupiti izvirnik Namenjen je temu, da spoznate umetnika in sodobno umetnost. MADE IN CHINA koristi vam in umetnosti. Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi tudi nam, saj nam boste z nakupom multipla pomagali pripeljati MADE IN CHINA v vsako slovensko vas!






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rotva ,čičneC ajsaV : rengised dna rotarobal loc |

omejena naklada limited edition

.www -

,hirtuP saiboT , lgerP najrA ,tlobžO nelA ,hcabiaL



, žiraK agiŽ , ašnaJ zenaJ , ašnaJ zenaJ , ašnaJ zenaJ

,čibarV ošaS ,somA&i leV ,AD : nos ,kečal deS ošaS

vas! slovensko CHINA v vsako pripeljati MADE IN multipla pomagali nam boste z nakupom koristi tudi nam, saj Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi vam in umetnosti. umetnost. MADE IN CHINA spoznate umetnika in sodobno nik Namenjen je temu, da v galerijo ali kupiti izvirsti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi namenjen doživetju umetnoponudi užitek. Multipel je c ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki raba multipla, ki je drugaspanje … Vc ˇasih je prav upovetje na plaži, za boljše cvetlic, za posebno dožisluži vam. Za odlaganje V vsakdanjem življenju priti INFO do slehernika. nosti, ki je sposobna Ostaja oblika umettudi danes je tako. širil ideje in je multipel Nekdaj www. madeinchina - project . org


anihcniedam gro .

adaL ,čičneC ajsaV ,kinreB rotkiV ,išraB ežoJ : eno

,ćisoČ kuV ,ečreČ ajinesK ,cibiC animsaJ ,rareC

,najzuH tšI navtšI ,nikšiF mi daV ,cevonirD najtšoB




trap selpitlum s’tsitra | led ivrp i lpitlum ikšintemu






omejena naklada limited edition






življenje. kot ti živijo polno sodobnega trenutka, ki tako vsakega so zasnovali umetniki ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse mentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperinekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in prvi del | artist’s multiples part jektiumetniški MADE multipli IN CHINA so bili zasnovani one: Jože Barši, Viktor Bernik, Vasja Cenčič, Lada lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje ObCerar, Jasmina Cibic, Ksenija Čerče, Vuk Čosić, zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi Boštjan Drinovec, Vadim Fiškin, Ištvan Išt Huzjan, urbane kulture; umetnine so jim nost. Janez Janša, Janez Janša, Janez Janša, Žiga Kariž, ment – uporabtelje sodobne umetnosti in Laibach, Alen Ožbolt, Arjan Pregl, Tobias Putrih, še nepric ˇakovan eletaše, ampak za ljubiSašo Sedlaček, son:DA, Veli&Amos, Sašo Vrabič, sti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo CHINA ni za bogaSmall but Dangers in drugi | and others; besedila | vijo esenco njihove umetnoMADE IN texts: dr. Petja Grafenauer, sodelavec in oblikovalec izdelali edicije,ki predsta| collaborator and designer: Vasja Cenčič, avtor vidnejši slovenski umetniki projekta | author of the project: Viktor Bernik; IN CHINA so nekateri najs podporo | supported by: Mestna občina Ljubljana živela v Sloveniji. Za MADE pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zas predmetom v tvoji roki iz norih šestdesetih let, pel, umetniška zvrst CHINA je multiMADE IN











EDAM a si ANIHC NI NI EDAM mrof tra na ,elpitlum rof ton si ANIHC yzarc eht ni gnitanigiro rof tub ,elpoep hcir ruoy ni tcejbo ehT .seitxis yraropmetnoc fo sodanoicifa tsrif eht fo trap a si dnah nac ohw ,erutluc nabru dna tra ecudorp ot tpmetta dezinagro tra fo krow a yub ot droffa won -imorp wef A .ainevolS ni ti a sa sdneirf rieht ot ti evig dna detaerc stsitra nainevolS tnen deviecnoc si ANIHC NI EDAM .tneserp eht tneserper hcihw ,snoitide yllaitneuqesnoc dna ,dlos eb ot tra sa -imiS -epse ,tra rieht fo ecnesse semoh eht otni yaw sti dnif lliw ti eht ot ral ,ANIHC NI EDAM rof yllaic detceles eht ylerem ton dna ,ynam fo -lum eht ,tsap dedda yeht semitemos dna swolla taht aedi na si ANIHC NI EDAM .wef na sa ytilacitcarp ot seunitnoc elpit hcaE .tnemirepxe ot tsitra eht rof -ele detcepxenu eht ni saedi daerps .tnem eht morf segreme tcejbo ANIHC NI EDAM fo mrof a si tI .tneserp laudividni na ro ecitcarp s’tsitra fo elbapac si taht tra eno yreve dna hcaE .tra fo krow -ni yreve dna hcae gnihcaer a yb dengised saw meht fo ti efil yadyreve nI .laudivid ohw ,tsitra yraropmetnoc tup ot ti esu nac uoY .uoy sevres sevil,uoy ekil tsuj -xe laiceps a gnirud ,srewolf nwod .efil lluf a ruoy evorpmi ot ,hcaeb eht no ecneirep yb dedivorp si erusaelp semitemoS … peels sti morf sreffid hcihw elpitlum eht fo esu eht -neirepxe ta demia si elpitlum ehT .esu yadyreve -rup ro yrellag eht gnitisiv tuohtiw ,tra gnic uoy taht os detaerc si tI .lanigiro na gnisahc yraropmetnoc dna tsitra eht wonk ot teg nac IN CHINA 2013 .tra sa llew sa uoy sevres ANIHC NI EDAM .tra MADE loof ot tpmetta ot gniog ton era ew dnA yrevE .su rof doog osla si ti - uoy su sgnirb elpitlum a fo esahcrup gnignirb fo laog ruo ot resolc yreve otni ANIHC NI EDAM ruoy ni egalliv !yrtnuoc


MADE IN CHINA is a MADE IN multiple, an art form CHINA is not for originating in the crazy rich people, but for sixties. The object in your aficionados of contemporary hand is a part of the first art and urban culture, who can organized attempt to produce now afford to buy a work of art it in Slovenia. A few promiand give it to their friends as a nent Slovenian artists created present. MADE IN CHINA is conceived editions, which represent the essence of their art, espeSimi- as art to be sold, and consequentially cially for MADE IN CHINA, lar to the it will find its way into the homes and sometimes they added past, the mul- of many, and not merely the selected few. MADE IN CHINA is an idea that allows practicality as an tiple continues to for the artist to experiment. Each unexpected elespread ideas in the ment. MADE IN CHINA object emerges from the present. It is a form of artist’s practice or an individual art that is capable of work of art. Each and every one reaching each and every inof them was designed by a dividual. In everyday life it contemporary artist, who serves you. You can use it to put just like you,lives down flowers, during a special exa full life. perience on the beach, to improve your sleep … Sometimes pleasure is provided by the usecena of the multiple which differs from its cena ¤ price ¤ price everyday use. The multiple is aimed at experiencing art, without visiting the gallery or purlimited edition limited edition chasing an original. omejena naklada omejena naklada It is created so that you can get to know the artist and contemporary art. MADE IN CHINA serves you as well as art. And we are not going to attempt to fool you - it is also good for us. Every purchase of a multiple brings us closer to our goal of bringing MADE IN CHINA into every village in your kaj what kaj what country!

MADE IN CHINA is a MADE IN multiple, an art form CHINA is not for originating in the crazy rich people, but for sixties. The object in your aficionados of contemporary hand is a part of the first art and urban culture, who can organized attempt to produce now afford to buy a work of art it in Slovenia. A few promiand give it to their friends as a nent Slovenian artists created present. MADE IN CHINA is conceived editions, which represent the essence of their art, espeSimi- as art to be sold, and consequentially cially for MADE IN CHINA, lar to the it will find its way into the homes and sometimes they added past, the mul- of many, and not merely the selected few. MADE IN CHINA is an idea that allows practicality as an tiple continues to for the artist to experiment. Each unexpected elespread ideas in the ment. MADE IN CHINA object emerges from the present. It is a form of artist’s practice or an individual art that is capable of work of art. Each and every one reaching each and every inof them was designed by a dividual. In everyday life it contemporary artist, who serves you. You can use it to put just like you,lives down flowers, during a special exa full life. perience on the beach, to improve your sleep … Sometimes pleasure is provided by the use of the multiple which differs from its everyday use. The multiple is aimed at experiencing art, without visiting the gallery or purchasing an original. It is created so that you can get to know the artist and contemporary art. MADE IN CHINA serves you as well as art. And we are not going to attempt to fool you - it is also good for us. Every purchase of a multiple brings us closer to our goal of bringing MADE IN CHINA into every village in your country! MADE IN CHINA je multipel, umetniška zvrst iz norih šestdesetih let, s predmetom v tvoji roki pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zaživela v Sloveniji. Za MADE IN CHINA so nekateri najvidnejši slovenski umetniki izdelali edicije,ki predstavijo esenco njihove umetnosti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo še nepric ˇakovan eleMADE IN ment – uporabCHINA ni za boganost. taše, ampak za ljubitelje sodobne umetnosti in urbane kulture; umetnine so jim zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje Objekti MADE IN CHINA so bili zasnovani kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le nekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperimentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav vsakega so zasnovali umetniki sodobnega trenutka, ki tako kot ti živijo polno življenje.

Nekdaj je multipel širil ideje in tudi danes je tako. Ostaja oblika umetnosti, ki je sposobna priti do slehernika. V vsakdanjem življenju služi vam. Za odlaganje cvetlic, za posebno doživetje na plaži, za boljše spanje … Vc ˇasih je prav uporaba multipla, ki je drugac ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki ponudi užitek. Multipel je namenjen doživetju umetnosti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi v galerijo ali kupiti izvirnik Namenjen je temu, da spoznate umetnika in sodobno umetnost. MADE IN CHINA koristi vam in umetnosti. Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi tudi nam, saj nam boste z nakupom multipla pomagali pripeljati MADE IN CHINA v vsako slovensko vas! MADE IN CHINA 2013 -

MADE IN CHINA is a MADE IN multiple, an art form CHINA is not for originating in the crazy rich people, but for sixties. The object in your aficionados of contemporary hand is a part of the first art and urban culture, who can organized attempt to produce now afford to buy a work of art it in Slovenia. A few promiand give it to their friends as a nent Slovenian artists created present. MADE IN CHINA is conceived editions, which represent the essence of their art, espeSimi- as art to be sold, and consequentially cially for MADE IN CHINA, lar to the it will find its way into the homes and sometimes they added past, the mul- of many, and not merely the selected few. MADE IN CHINA is an idea that allows practicality as an tiple continues to for the artist to experiment. Each unexpected elespread ideas in the ment. MADE IN CHINA object emerges from the present. It is a form of artist’s practice or an individual art that is capable of work of art. Each and every one reaching each and every inof them was designed by a dividual. In everyday life it contemporary artist, who serves you. You can use it to put just like you,lives down flowers, during a special exa full life. perience on the beach, to improve your sleep … Sometimes pleasure is provided by the use of the multiple which differs from its everyday use. The multiple is aimed at experiencing art, without visiting the gallery or purchasing an original. It is created so that you can get to know the artist and contemporary art. MADE IN CHINA serves you as well as art. And we are not going to attempt to fool you - it is also good for us. Every purchase of a multiple brings us closer to our goal of bringing MADE IN CHINA into every village in your country! MADE IN CHINA 2013 -

MADE IN CHINA je multipel, umetniška zvrst iz norih šestdesetih let, s predmetom v tvoji roki pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zaživela v Sloveniji. Za MADE IN CHINA so nekateri najvidnejši slovenski umetniki izdelali edicije,ki predstaMADE IN vijo esenco njihove umetnoCHINA ni za bogasti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo taše, ampak za ljubiše nepric ˇakovan eletelje sodobne umetnosti in ment – uporabnost. urbane kulture; umetnine so jim zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje Objekti MADE IN CHINA so bili zasnovani kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le nekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperimentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav vsakega so zasnovali umetniki sodobnega trenutka, ki tako kot ti živijo polno življenje.

Nekdaj je multipel širil ideje in tudi danes je tako. Ostaja oblika umetnosti, ki je sposobna priti do slehernika. V vsakdanjem življenju služi vam. Za odlaganje cvetlic, za posebno doživetje na plaži, za boljše spanje … Vc ˇasih je prav uporaba multipla, ki je drugac ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki ponudi užitek. Multipel je namenjen doživetju umetnosti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi v galerijo ali kupiti izvirnik Namenjen je temu, da spoznate umetnika in sodobno umetnost. MADE IN CHINA koristi vam in umetnosti. Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi tudi nam, saj nam boste z nakupom multipla pomagali pripeljati MADE IN CHINA v vsako slovensko vas!

MADE IN CHINA je multipel, umetniška zvrst iz norih šestdesetih let, s predmetom v tvoji roki pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zaživela v Sloveniji. Za MADE IN CHINA so nekateri najvidnejši slovenski umetniki izdelali edicije,ki predstavijo esenco njihove umetnosti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo še nepric ˇakovan eleMADE IN ment – uporabCHINA ni za boganost. taše, ampak za ljubitelje sodobne umetnosti in urbane kulture; umetnine so jim zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje Objekti MADE IN CHINA so bili zasnovani kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le nekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperimentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav vsakega so zasnovali umetniki sodobnega trenutka, ki tako kot ti živijo polno življenje.


Nekdaj je multipel širil ideje in tudi danes je tako. Ostaja oblika umetnosti, ki je sposobna priti do slehernika. V vsakdanjem življenju služi vam. Za odlaganje cvetlic, za posebno doživetje na plaži, za boljše spanje … Vc ˇasih je prav uporaba multipla, ki je drugac ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki ponudi užitek. Multipel je namenjen doživetju umetnosti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi v galerijo ali kupiti izvirnik Namenjen je temu, da spoznate umetnika in sodobno umetnost. MADE IN CHINA koristi vam in umetnosti. Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi tudi nam, saj nam boste z nakupom multipla pomagali pripeljati MADE IN CHINA v vsako slovensko vas!

MADE IN CHINA is a MADE IN multiple, an art form CHINA is not for originating in the crazy rich people, but for sixties. The object in your aficionados of contemporary hand is a part of the first art and urban culture, who can organized attempt to produce now afford to buy a work of art it in Slovenia. A few promiand give it to their friends as a nent Slovenian artists created present. MADE IN CHINA is conceived editions, which represent the essence of their art, espeSimi- as art to be sold, and consequentially cially for MADE IN CHINA, lar to the it will find its way into the homes and sometimes they added past, the mul- of many, and not merely the selected few. MADE IN CHINA is an idea that allows practicality as an tiple continues to for the artist to experiment. Each unexpected elespread ideas in the ment. MADE IN CHINA object emerges from the present. It is a form of artist’s practice or an individual art that is capable of work of art. Each and every one reaching each and every inof them was designed by a dividual. In everyday life it contemporary artist, who serves you. You can use it to put just like you,lives down flowers, during a special exa full life. perience on the beach, to improve your sleep … Sometimes pleasure is provided by the use of the multiple which differs from its everyday use. The multiple is aimed at experiencing art, without visiting the gallery or purchasing an original. It is created so that you can get to know the artist and contemporary art. MADE IN CHINA serves you as well as art. And we are not going to attempt to fool you - it is also good for us. Every purchase of a multiple brings us closer to our goal of bringing MADE IN CHINA into every village in your country!

Nekdaj je multipel širil ideje in tudi danes je tako. Ostaja oblika umetnosti, ki je sposobna priti do slehernika. V vsakdanjem življenju služi vam. Za odlaganje cvetlic, za posebno doživetje na plaži, za boljše spanje … Vc ˇasih je prav uporaba multipla, ki je drugac ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki ponudi užitek. Multipel je namenjen doživetju umetnosti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi v galerijo ali kupiti izvirnik Namenjen je temu, da spoznate umetnika in sodobno umetnost. MADE IN CHINA koristi vam in umetnosti. Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi tudi nam, saj nam boste z nakupom multipla pomagali pripeljati MADE IN CHINA v vsako slovensko vas!

MADE IN CHINA is a MADE IN multiple, an art form CHINA is not for originating in the crazy rich people, but for sixties. The object in your aficionados of contemporary hand is a part of the first art and urban culture, who can organized attempt to produce now afford to buy a work of art it in Slovenia. A few promiand give it to their friends as a nent Slovenian artists created present. MADE IN CHINA is conceived editions, which represent the essence of their art, espeSimi- as art to be sold, and consequentially cially for MADE IN CHINA, lar to the it will find its way into the homes and sometimes they added past, the mul- of many, and not merely the selected few. MADE IN CHINA is an idea that allows practicality as an tiple continues to for the artist to experiment. Each unexpected elespread ideas in the ment. MADE IN CHINA object emerges from the present. It is a form of artist’s practice or an individual art that is capable of work of art. Each and every one reaching each and every inof them was designed by a dividual. In everyday life it contemporary artist, who serves you. You can use it to put just like you,lives down flowers, during a special exa full life. perience on the beach, to improve your sleep … Sometimes pleasure is provided by the use of the multiple which differs from its everyday use. The multiple is aimed at experiencing art, without visiting the gallery or purchasing an original. It is created so that you can get to know the artist and contemporary art. MADE IN CHINA serves you as well as art. And we are not going to attempt to fool you - it is also good for us. Every purchase of a multiple brings us closer to our goal of bringing MADE IN CHINA into every village in your country!

MADE IN CHINA is a MADE IN multiple, an art form CHINA is not for originating in the crazy rich people, but for sixties. The object in your aficionados of contemporary hand is a part of the first art and urban culture, who can organized attempt to produce now afford to buy a work of art it in Slovenia. A few promiand give it to their friends as a nent Slovenian artists created present. MADE IN CHINA is conceived editions, which represent the essence of their art, espeSimi- as art to be sold, and consequentially cially for MADE IN CHINA, lar to the it will find its way into the homes and sometimes they added past, the mul- of many, and not merely the selected few. MADE IN CHINA is an idea that allows practicality as an tiple continues to for the artist to experiment. Each unexpected elespread ideas in the ment. MADE IN CHINA object emerges from the present. It is a form of artist’s practice or an individual art that is capable of work of art. Each and every one reaching each and every inof them was designed by a dividual. In everyday life it contemporary artist, who serves you. You can use it to put just like you,lives down flowers, during a special exa full life. perience on the beach, to improve your sleep … Sometimes pleasure is provided by the use of the multiple which differs from its everyday use. The multiple is aimed at experiencing art, without visiting the gallery or purchasing an original. It is created so that you can get to know the artist and contemporary art. MADE IN CHINA serves you as well as art. And we are not going to attempt to fool you - it is also good for us. Every purchase of a multiple brings us closer to our goal of bringing MADE IN CHINA into every village in your country! MADE IN CHINA 2013 -

MADE IN CHINA je multipel, umetniška zvrst iz norih šestdesetih let, s predmetom v tvoji roki pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zaživela v Sloveniji. Za MADE IN CHINA so nekateri najvidnejši slovenski umetniki izdelali edicije,ki predstaMADE IN vijo esenco njihove umetnoCHINA ni za bogasti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo taše, ampak za ljubiše nepric ˇakovan eletelje sodobne umetnosti in ment – uporabnost. urbane kulture; umetnine so jim zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje Objekti MADE IN CHINA so bili zasnovani kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le nekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperimentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav vsakega so zasnovali umetniki sodobnega trenutka, ki tako kot ti živijo polno življenje.

MADE IN CHINA je multipel, umetniška zvrst iz norih šestdesetih let, s predmetom v tvoji roki pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zaživela v Sloveniji. Za MADE IN CHINA so nekateri najvidnejši slovenski umetniki izdelali edicije,ki predstavijo esenco njihove umetnosti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo še nepric ˇakovan eleMADE IN ment – uporabCHINA ni za boganost. taše, ampak za ljubitelje sodobne umetnosti in urbane kulture; umetnine so jim zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje Objekti MADE IN CHINA so bili zasnovani kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le nekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperimentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav vsakega so zasnovali umetniki sodobnega trenutka, ki tako kot ti živijo polno življenje.

Nekdaj je multipel širil ideje in tudi danes je tako. Ostaja oblika umetnosti, ki je sposobna priti do slehernika. V vsakdanjem življenju služi vam. Za odlaganje cvetlic, za posebno doživetje na plaži, za boljše spanje … Vc ˇasih je prav uporaba multipla, ki je drugac ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki ponudi užitek. Multipel je namenjen doživetju umetnosti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi v galerijo ali kupiti izvirnik Namenjen je temu, da spoznate umetnika in sodobno umetnost. MADE IN CHINA koristi vam in umetnosti. Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi tudi nam, saj nam boste z nakupom multipla pomagali pripeljati MADE IN CHINA v vsako slovensko vas! MADE IN CHINA 2013 -


MADE IN CHINA je multipel, umetniška zvrst iz norih šestdesetih let, s predmetom v tvoji roki pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zaživela v Sloveniji. Za MADE IN CHINA so nekateri najvidnejši slovenski umetniki izdelali edicije,ki predstavijo esenco njihove umetnosti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo še nepric ˇakovan eleMADE IN ment – uporabCHINA ni za boganost. taše, ampak za ljubitelje sodobne umetnosti in urbane kulture; umetnine so jim zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje Objekti MADE IN CHINA so bili zasnovani kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le nekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperimentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav vsakega so zasnovali umetniki sodobnega trenutka, ki tako kot ti živijo polno življenje.


Nekdaj je multipel širil ideje in tudi danes je tako. Ostaja oblika umetnosti, ki je sposobna priti do slehernika. V vsakdanjem življenju služi vam. Za odlaganje cvetlic, za posebno doživetje na plaži, za boljše spanje … Vc ˇasih je prav uporaba multipla, ki je drugac ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki ponudi užitek. Multipel je namenjen doživetju umetnosti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi v galerijo ali kupiti izvirnik Namenjen je temu, da spoznate umetnika in sodobno umetnost. MADE IN CHINA koristi vam in umetnosti. Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi tudi nam, saj nam boste z nakupom multipla pomagali pripeljati MADE IN CHINA v vsako slovensko vas!

MADE IN CHINA is a MADE IN multiple, an art form CHINA is not for originating in the crazy rich people, but for sixties. The object in your aficionados of contemporary hand is a part of the first art and urban culture, who can organized attempt to produce now afford to buy a work of art it in Slovenia. A few promiand give it to their friends as a nent Slovenian artists created present. MADE IN CHINA is conceived editions, which represent the essence of their art, espeSimi- as art to be sold, and consequentially cially for MADE IN CHINA, lar to the it will find its way into the homes and sometimes they added past, the mul- of many, and not merely the selected few. MADE IN CHINA is an idea that allows practicality as an tiple continues to for the artist to experiment. Each unexpected elespread ideas in the ment. MADE IN CHINA object emerges from the present. It is a form of artist’s practice or an individual art that is capable of work of art. Each and every one reaching each and every inof them was designed by a dividual. In everyday life it contemporary artist, who serves you. You can use it to put just like you,lives down flowers, during a special exa full life. perience on the beach, to improve your sleep … Sometimes pleasure is provided by the use of the multiple which differs from its everyday use. The multiple is aimed at experiencing art, without visiting the gallery or purchasing an original. It is created so that you can get to know the artist and contemporary art. MADE IN CHINA serves you as well as art. And we are not going to attempt to fool you - it is also good for us. Every purchase of a multiple brings us closer to our goal of bringing MADE IN CHINA into every village in your country!

Nekdaj je multipel širil ideje in tudi danes je tako. Ostaja oblika umetnosti, ki je sposobna priti do slehernika. V vsakdanjem življenju služi vam. Za odlaganje cvetlic, za posebno doživetje na plaži, za boljše spanje … Vc ˇasih je prav uporaba multipla, ki je drugac ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki ponudi užitek. Multipel je namenjen doživetju umetnosti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi v galerijo ali kupiti izvirnik Namenjen je temu, da spoznate umetnika in sodobno umetnost. MADE IN CHINA koristi vam in umetnosti. Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi tudi nam, saj nam boste z nakupom multipla pomagali pripeljati MADE IN CHINA v vsako slovensko vas! MADE IN CHINA 2013 -


MADE IN CHINA je multipel, umetniška zvrst iz norih šestdesetih let, s predmetom v tvoji roki pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zaživela v Sloveniji. Za MADE IN CHINA so nekateri najvidnejši slovenski umetniki izdelali edicije,ki predstaMADE IN vijo esenco njihove umetnoCHINA ni za bogasti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo taše, ampak za ljubiše nepric ˇakovan eletelje sodobne umetnosti in ment – uporabnost. urbane kulture; umetnine so jim zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje Objekti MADE IN CHINA so bili zasnovani kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le nekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperimentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav vsakega so zasnovali umetniki sodobnega trenutka, ki tako kot ti živijo polno življenje.

Nekdaj je multipel širil ideje in tudi danes je tako. Ostaja oblika umetnosti, ki je sposobna priti do slehernika. V vsakdanjem življenju služi vam. Za odlaganje cvetlic, za posebno doživetje na plaži, za boljše spanje … Vc ˇasih je prav uporaba multipla, ki je drugac ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki ponudi užitek. Multipel je namenjen doživetju umetnosti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi v galerijo ali kupiti izvirnik Namenjen je temu, da spoznate umetnika in sodobno umetnost. MADE IN CHINA koristi vam in umetnosti. Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi tudi nam, saj nam boste z nakupom multipla pomagali pripeljati MADE IN CHINA v vsako slovensko vas!

MADE IN CHINA is a MADE IN multiple, an art form CHINA is not for originating in the crazy rich people, but for sixties. The object in your aficionados of contemporary hand is a part of the first art and urban culture, who can organized attempt to produce now afford to buy a work of art it in Slovenia. A few promiand give it to their friends as a nent Slovenian artists created present. MADE IN CHINA is conceived editions, which represent the essence of their art, espeSimi- as art to be sold, and consequentially cially for MADE IN CHINA, lar to the it will find its way into the homes and sometimes they added past, the mul- of many, and not merely the selected few. MADE IN CHINA is an idea that allows practicality as an tiple continues to for the artist to experiment. Each unexpected elespread ideas in the ment. MADE IN CHINA object emerges from the present. It is a form of artist’s practice or an individual art that is capable of work of art. Each and every one reaching each and every inof them was designed by a dividual. In everyday life it contemporary artist, who serves you. You can use it to put just like you,lives down flowers, during a special exa full life. perience on the beach, to improve your sleep … Sometimes pleasure is provided by the use of the multiple which differs from its everyday use. The multiple is aimed at experiencing art, without visiting the gallery or purchasing an original. It is created so that you can get to know the artist and contemporary art. MADE IN CHINA serves you as well as art. And we are not going to attempt to fool you - it is also good for us. Every purchase of a multiple brings us closer to our goal of bringing MADE IN CHINA into every village in your country!

Nekdaj je multipel širil ideje in tudi danes je tako. Ostaja oblika umetnosti, ki je sposobna priti do slehernika. V vsakdanjem življenju služi vam. Za odlaganje cvetlic, za posebno doživetje na plaži, za boljše spanje … Vc ˇasih je prav uporaba multipla, ki je drugac ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki ponudi užitek. Multipel je namenjen doživetju umetnosti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi v galerijo ali kupiti izvirnik Namenjen je temu, da spoznate umetnika in sodobno umetnost. MADE IN CHINA koristi vam in umetnosti. Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi tudi nam, saj nam boste z nakupom multipla pomagali pripeljati MADE IN CHINA v vsako slovensko vas! MADE IN CHINA 2013 -

MADE IN CHINA is a MADE IN multiple, an art form CHINA is not for originating in the crazy rich people, but for sixties. The object in your aficionados of contemporary hand is a part of the first art and urban culture, who can organized attempt to produce now afford to buy a work of art it in Slovenia. A few promiand give it to their friends as a nent Slovenian artists created present. MADE IN CHINA is conceived editions, which represent the essence of their art, espeSimi- as art to be sold, and consequentially cially for MADE IN CHINA, lar to the it will find its way into the homes and sometimes they added past, the mul- of many, and not merely the selected few. MADE IN CHINA is an idea that allows practicality as an tiple continues to for the artist to experiment. Each unexpected elespread ideas in the ment. MADE IN CHINA object emerges from the present. It is a form of artist’s practice or an individual art that is capable of work of art. Each and every one reaching each and every inof them was designed by a dividual. In everyday life it contemporary artist, who serves you. You can use it to put just like you,lives down flowers, during a special exa full life. perience on the beach, to improve your sleep … Sometimes pleasure is provided by the use of the multiple which differs from its everyday use. The multiple is aimed at experiencing art, without visiting the gallery or purchasing an original. It is created so that you can get to know the artist and contemporary art. MADE IN CHINA serves you as well as art. And we are not going to attempt to fool you - it is also good for us. Every purchase of a multiple brings us closer to our goal of bringing MADE IN CHINA into every village in your country!

MADE IN CHINA is a MADE IN multiple, an art form CHINA is not for originating in the crazy rich people, but for sixties. The object in your aficionados of contemporary hand is a part of the first art and urban culture, who can organized attempt to produce now afford to buy a work of art it in Slovenia. A few promiand give it to their friends as a nent Slovenian artists created present. MADE IN CHINA is conceived editions, which represent the essence of their art, espeSimi- as art to be sold, and consequentially cially for MADE IN CHINA, lar to the it will find its way into the homes and sometimes they added past, the mul- of many, and not merely the selected few. MADE IN CHINA is an idea that allows practicality as an tiple continues to for the artist to experiment. Each unexpected elespread ideas in the ment. MADE IN CHINA object emerges from the present. It is a form of artist’s practice or an individual art that is capable of work of art. Each and every one reaching each and every inof them was designed by a dividual. In everyday life it contemporary artist, who serves you. You can use it to put just like you,lives down flowers, during a special exa full life. perience on the beach, to improve your sleep … Sometimes pleasure is provided by the use of the multiple which differs from its everyday use. The multiple is aimed at experiencing art, without visiting the gallery or purchasing an original. It is created so that you can get to know the artist and contemporary art. MADE IN CHINA serves you as well as art. And we are not going to attempt to fool you - it is also good for us. Every purchase of a multiple brings us closer to our goal of bringing MADE IN CHINA into every village in your country!

MADE IN CHINA je multipel, umetniška zvrst iz norih šestdesetih let, s predmetom v tvoji roki pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zaživela v Sloveniji. Za MADE IN CHINA so nekateri najvidnejši slovenski umetniki izdelali edicije,ki predstavijo esenco njihove umetnosti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo še nepric ˇakovan eleMADE IN ment – uporabCHINA ni za boganost. taše, ampak za ljubitelje sodobne umetnosti in urbane kulture; umetnine so jim zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje Objekti MADE IN CHINA so bili zasnovani kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le nekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperimentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav vsakega so zasnovali umetniki sodobnega trenutka, ki tako kot ti živijo polno življenje.

MADE IN CHINA is a MADE IN multiple, an art form CHINA is not for originating in the crazy rich people, but for sixties. The object in your aficionados of contemporary hand is a part of the first art and urban culture, who can organized attempt to produce now afford to buy a work of art it in Slovenia. A few promiand give it to their friends as a nent Slovenian artists created present. MADE IN CHINA is conceived editions, which represent the essence of their art, espeSimi- as art to be sold, and consequentially cially for MADE IN CHINA, lar to the it will find its way into the homes and sometimes they added past, the mul- of many, and not merely the selected few. MADE IN CHINA is an idea that allows practicality as an tiple continues to for the artist to experiment. Each unexpected elespread ideas in the ment. MADE IN CHINA object emerges from the present. It is a form of artist’s practice or an individual art that is capable of work of art. Each and every one reaching each and every inof them was designed by a dividual. In everyday life it contemporary artist, who serves you. You can use it to put just like you,lives down flowers, during a special exa full life. perience on the beach, to improve your sleep … Sometimes pleasure is provided by the use of the multiple which differs from its everyday use. The multiple is aimed at experiencing art, without visiting the gallery or purchasing an original. It is created so that you can get to know the artist and contemporary art. MADE IN CHINA serves you as well as art. And we are not going to attempt to fool you - it is also good for us. Every purchase of a multiple brings us closer to our goal of bringing MADE IN CHINA into every village in your country! MADE IN CHINA je multipel, umetniška zvrst iz norih šestdesetih let, s predmetom v tvoji roki pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zaživela v Sloveniji. Za MADE IN CHINA so nekateri najvidnejši slovenski umetniki izdelali edicije,ki predstavijo esenco njihove umetnosti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo še nepric ˇakovan eleMADE IN ment – uporabCHINA ni za boganost. taše, ampak za ljubitelje sodobne umetnosti in urbane kulture; umetnine so jim zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje Objekti MADE IN CHINA so bili zasnovani kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le nekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperimentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav vsakega so zasnovali umetniki sodobnega trenutka, ki tako kot ti živijo polno življenje.

MADE IN CHINA is not for rich people, but for aficionados of contemporary art and urban culture, who can now afford to buy a work of art and give it to their friends as a present. MADE IN CHINA is conceived Simi- as art to be sold, and consequentially lar to the it will find its way into the homes past, the mul- of many, and not merely the selected few. MADE IN CHINA is an idea that allows tiple continues to for the artist to experiment. Each spread ideas in the MADE IN CHINA object emerges from the present. It is a form of artist’s practice or an individual art that is capable of work of art. Each and every one reaching each and every inof them was designed by a dividual. In everyday life it contemporary artist, who serves you. You can use it to put just like you,lives down flowers, during a special exa full life. perience on the beach, to improve your sleep … Sometimes pleasure is provided by the use of the multiple which differs from its everyday use. The multiple is aimed at experiencing art, without visiting the gallery or purchasing an original. It is created so that you can get to know the artist and contemporary art. MADE IN CHINA serves you as well as art. And we are not going to attempt to fool you - it is also good for us. Every purchase of a multiple brings us closer to our goal of bringing MADE IN CHINA into every village in your country!


MADE IN CHINA is a multiple, an art form originating in the crazy sixties. The object in your hand is a part of the first organized attempt to produce it in Slovenia. A few prominent Slovenian artists created editions, which represent the e


MADE IN CHINA je multipel, umetniška zvrst iz norih šestdesetih let, s predmetom v tvoji roki pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zaživela v Sloveniji. Za MADE IN CHINA so nekateri najvidnejši slovenski umetniki izdelali edicije,ki predstaMADE IN vijo esenco njihove umetnoCHINA ni za bogasti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo taše, ampak za ljubiše nepric ˇakovan eletelje sodobne umetnosti in ment – uporabnost. urbane kulture; umetnine so jim zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje Objekti MADE IN CHINA so bili zasnovani kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le nekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperimentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav vsakega so zasnovali umetniki sodobnega trenutka, ki tako kot ti živijo polno življenje.

Nekdaj je multipel širil ideje in tudi danes je tako. Ostaja oblika umetnosti, ki je sposobna priti do slehernika. V vsakdanjem življenju služi vam. Za odlaganje cvetlic, za posebno doživetje na plaži, za boljše spanje … Vc ˇasih je prav uporaba multipla, ki je drugac ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki ponudi užitek. Multipel je namenjen doživetju umetnosti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi v galerijo ali kupiti izvirnik Namenjen je temu, da spoznate umetnika in sodobno umetnost. MADE IN CHINA koristi vam in umetnosti. Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi tudi nam, saj nam boste z nakupom multipla pomagali pripeljati MADE IN CHINA v vsako slovensko vas!

Nekdaj je multipel širil ideje in tudi danes je tako. Ostaja oblika umetnosti, ki je sposobna priti do slehernika. V vsakdanjem življenju služi vam. Za odlaganje cvetlic, za posebno doživetje na plaži, za boljše spanje … Vc ˇasih je prav uporaba multipla, ki je drugac ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki ponudi užitek. Multipel je namenjen doživetju umetnosti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi v galerijo ali kupiti izvirnik Namenjen je temu, da spoznate umetnika in sodobno umetnost. MADE IN CHINA koristi vam in umetnosti. Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi tudi nam, saj nam boste z nakupom multipla pomagali pripeljati MADE IN CHINA v vsako slovensko vas!

MADE IN CHINA je multipel, umetniška zvrst iz norih šestdesetih let, s predmetom v tvoji roki pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zaživela v Sloveniji. Za MADE IN CHINA so nekateri najvidnejši slovenski umetniki izdelali edicije,ki predstaMADE IN vijo esenco njihove umetnoCHINA ni za bogasti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo taše, ampak za ljubiše nepric ˇakovan eletelje sodobne umetnosti in ment – uporabnost. urbane kulture; umetnine so jim zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje Objekti MADE IN CHINA so bili zasnovani kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le nekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperimentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav vsakega so zasnovali umetniki sodobnega trenutka, ki tako kot ti živijo polno življenje.

Nekdaj je multipel širil ideje in tudi danes je tako. Ostaja oblika umetnosti, ki je sposobna priti do slehernika. V vsakdanjem življenju služi vam. Za odlaganje cvetlic, za posebno doživetje na plaži, za boljše spanje … Vc ˇasih je prav uporaba multipla, ki je drugac ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki ponudi užitek. Multipel je namenjen doživetju umetnosti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi v galerijo ali kupiti izvirnik Namenjen je temu, da spoznate umetnika in sodobno umetnost. MADE IN CHINA koristi vam in umetnosti. Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi tudi nam, saj nam boste z nakupom multipla pomagali pripeljati MADE IN CHINA v vsako slovensko vas!

MADE IN CHINA je multipel, umetniška zvrst iz norih šestdesetih let, s predmetom v tvoji roki pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zaživela v Sloveniji. Za MADE IN CHINA so nekateri najvidnejši slovenski umetniki izdelali edicije,ki predstavijo esenco njihove umetnosti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo še nepric ˇakovan eleMADE IN ment – uporabCHINA ni za boganost. taše, ampak za ljubitelje sodobne umetnosti in urbane kulture; umetnine so jim zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje Objekti MADE IN CHINA so bili zasnovani kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le nekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperimentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav vsakega so zasnovali umetniki sodobnega trenutka, ki tako kot ti živijo polno življenje.


Nekdaj je multipel širil ideje in tudi danes je tako. Ostaja oblika umetnosti, ki je sposobna priti do slehernika. V vsakdanjem življenju služi vam. Za odlaganje cvetlic, za posebno doživetje na plaži, za boljše spanje … Vc ˇasih je prav uporaba multipla, ki je drugac ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki ponudi užitek. Multipel je namenjen doživetju umetnosti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi v galerijo ali kupiti izvirnik Namenjen je temu, da spoznate umetnika in sodobno umetnost. MADE IN CHINA koristi vam in umetnosti. Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi tudi nam, saj nam boste z nakupom multipla pomagali pripeljati MADE IN CHINA v vsako slovensko vas!

MADE IN CHINA is a MADE IN multiple, an art form CHINA is not for originating in the crazy rich people, but for sixties. The object in your aficionados of contemporary hand is a part of the first art and urban culture, who can organized attempt to produce now afford to buy a work of art it in Slovenia. A few promiand give it to their friends as a nent Slovenian artists created present. MADE IN CHINA is conceived editions, which represent the essence of their art, espeSimi- as art to be sold, and consequentially cially for MADE IN CHINA, lar to the it will find its way into the homes and sometimes they added past, the mul- of many, and not merely the selected few. MADE IN CHINA is an idea that allows practicality as an tiple continues to for the artist to experiment. Each unexpected elespread ideas in the ment. MADE IN CHINA object emerges from the present. It is a form of artist’s practice or an individual art that is capable of work of art. Each and every one reaching each and every inof them was designed by a dividual. In everyday life it contemporary artist, who serves you. You can use it to put just like you,lives down flowers, during a special exa full life. perience on the beach, to improve your sleep … Sometimes pleasure is provided by the use of the multiple which differs from its everyday use. The multiple is aimed at experiencing art, without visiting the gallery or purchasing an original. It is created so that you can get to know the artist and contemporary art. MADE IN CHINA serves you as well as art. And we are not going to attempt to fool you - it is also good for us. Every purchase of a multiple brings us closer to our goal of bringing MADE IN CHINA into every village in your country!

Nekdaj je multipel širil ideje in tudi danes je tako. Ostaja oblika umetnosti, ki je sposobna priti do slehernika. V vsakdanjem življenju služi vam. Za odlaganje cvetlic, za posebno doživetje na plaži, za boljše spanje … Vc ˇasih je prav uporaba multipla, ki je drugac ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki ponudi užitek. Multipel je namenjen doživetju umetnosti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi v galerijo ali kupiti izvirnik Namenjen je temu, da spoznate umetnika in sodobno umetnost. MADE IN CHINA koristi vam in umetnosti. Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi tudi nam, saj nam boste z nakupom multipla pomagali pripeljati MADE IN CHINA v vsako slovensko vas!

MADE IN CHINA je multipel, umetniška zvrst iz norih šestdesetih let, s predmetom v tvoji roki pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zaživela v Sloveniji. Za MADE IN CHINA so nekateri najvidnejši slovenski umetniki izdelali edicije,ki predstavijo esenco njihove umetnosti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo še nepric ˇakovan eleMADE IN ment – uporabCHINA ni za boganost. taše, ampak za ljubitelje sodobne umetnosti in urbane kulture; umetnine so jim zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje Objekti MADE IN CHINA so bili zasnovani kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le nekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperimentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav vsakega so zasnovali umetniki sodobnega trenutka, ki tako kot ti živijo polno življenje.


Nekdaj je multipel širil ideje in tudi danes je tako. Ostaja oblika umetnosti, ki je sposobna priti do slehernika. V vsakdanjem življenju služi vam. Za odlaganje cvetlic, za posebno doživetje na plaži, za boljše spanje … Vc ˇasih je prav uporaba multipla, ki je drugac ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki ponudi užitek. Multipel je namenjen doživetju umetnosti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi v galerijo ali kupiti izvirnik Namenjen je temu, da spoznate umetnika in sodobno umetnost. MADE IN CHINA koristi vam in umetnosti. Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi tudi nam, saj nam boste z nakupom multipla pomagali pripeljati MADE IN CHINA v vsako slovensko vas!

MADE IN CHINA is a MADE IN multiple, an art form CHINA is not for originating in the crazy rich people, but for sixties. The object in your aficionados of contemporary hand is a part of the first art and urban culture, who can organized attempt to produce now afford to buy a work of art it in Slovenia. A few promiand give it to their friends as a nent Slovenian artists created present. MADE IN CHINA is conceived editions, which represent the essence of their art, espeSimi- as art to be sold, and consequentially cially for MADE IN CHINA, lar to the it will find its way into the homes and sometimes they added past, the mul- of many, and not merely the selected few. MADE IN CHINA is an idea that allows practicality as an tiple continues to for the artist to experiment. Each unexpected elespread ideas in the ment. MADE IN CHINA object emerges from the present. It is a form of artist’s practice or an individual art that is capable of work of art. Each and every one reaching each and every inof them was designed by a dividual. In everyday life it contemporary artist, who serves you. You can use it to put just like you,lives down flowers, during a special exa full life. perience on the beach, to improve your sleep … Sometimes pleasure is provided by the use of the multiple which differs from its everyday use. The multiple is aimed at experiencing art, without visiting the gallery or purchasing an original. It is created so that you can get to know the artist and contemporary art. MADE IN CHINA serves you as well as art. And we are not going to attempt to fool you - it is also good for us. Every purchase of a multiple brings us closer to our goal of bringing MADE IN CHINA into every village in your country!

Nekdaj je multipel širil ideje in tudi danes je tako. Ostaja oblika umetnosti, ki je sposobna priti do slehernika. V vsakdanjem življenju služi vam. Za odlaganje cvetlic, za posebno doživetje na plaži, za boljše spanje … Vc ˇasih je prav uporaba multipla, ki je drugac ˇna od vsakdanje, tista, ki ponudi užitek. Multipel je namenjen doživetju umetnosti, ne da bi bilo treba oditi v galerijo ali kupiti izvirnik Namenjen je temu, da spoznate umetnika in sodobno umetnost. MADE IN CHINA koristi vam in umetnosti. Nic ˇ ne bomo skrivali, koristi tudi nam, saj nam boste z nakupom multipla pomagali pripeljati MADE IN CHINA v vsako slovensko vas!

MADE IN CHINA je multipel, umetniška zvrst iz norih šestdesetih let, s predmetom v tvoji roki pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zaživela v Sloveniji. Za MADE IN CHINA so nekateri najvidnejši slovenski umetniki izdelali edicije,ki predstaMADE IN vijo esenco njihove umetnoCHINA ni za bogasti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo taše, ampak za ljubiše nepric ˇakovan eletelje sodobne umetnosti in ment – uporabnost. urbane kulture; umetnine so jim zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje Objekti MADE IN CHINA so bili zasnovani kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le nekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperimentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav vsakega so zasnovali umetniki sodobnega trenutka, ki tako kot ti živijo polno življenje.

MADE IN CHINA is a MADE IN multiple, an art form CHINA is not for originating in the crazy rich people, but for sixties. The object in your aficionados of contemporary hand is a part of the first art and urban culture, who can organized attempt to produce now afford to buy a work of art it in Slovenia. A few promiand give it to their friends as a nent Slovenian artists created present. MADE IN CHINA is conceived editions, which represent the essence of their art, espeSimi- as art to be sold, and consequentially cially for MADE IN CHINA, lar to the it will find its way into the homes and sometimes they added past, the mul- of many, and not merely the selected few. MADE IN CHINA is an idea that allows practicality as an tiple continues to for the artist to experiment. Each unexpected elespread ideas in the ment. MADE IN CHINA object emerges from the present. It is a form of artist’s practice or an individual art that is capable of work of art. Each and every one reaching each and every inof them was designed by a dividual. In everyday life it contemporary artist, who serves you. You can use it to put just like you,lives down flowers, during a special exa full life. perience on the beach, to improve your sleep … Sometimes pleasure is provided by the use of the multiple which differs from its everyday use. The multiple is aimed at experiencing art, without visiting the gallery or purchasing an original. It is created so that you can get to know the artist and contemporary art. MADE IN CHINA serves you as well as art. And we are not going to attempt to fool you - it is also good for us. Every purchase of a multiple brings us closer to our goal of bringing MADE IN CHINA into every village in your country! MADE IN CHINA 2013 -

MADE IN CHINA je multipel, umetniška zvrst iz norih šestdesetih let, s predmetom v tvoji roki pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zaživela v Sloveniji. Za MADE IN CHINA so nekateri najvidnejši slovenski umetniki izdelali edicije,ki predstaMADE IN vijo esenco njihove umetnoCHINA ni za bogasti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo taše, ampak za ljubiše nepric ˇakovan eletelje sodobne umetnosti in ment – uporabnost. urbane kulture; umetnine so jim zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje Objekti MADE IN CHINA so bili zasnovani kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le nekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperimentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav vsakega so zasnovali umetniki sodobnega trenutka, ki tako kot ti živijo polno življenje.

MADE IN CHINA is a MADE IN multiple, an art form CHINA is not for originating in the crazy rich people, but for sixties. The object in your aficionados of contemporary hand is a part of the first art and urban culture, who can organized attempt to produce now afford to buy a work of art it in Slovenia. A few promiand give it to their friends as a nent Slovenian artists created present. MADE IN CHINA is conceived editions, which represent the essence of their art, espeSimi- as art to be sold, and consequentially cially for MADE IN CHINA, lar to the it will find its way into the homes and sometimes they added past, the mul- of many, and not merely the selected few. MADE IN CHINA is an idea that allows practicality as an tiple continues to for the artist to experiment. Each unexpected elespread ideas in the ment. MADE IN CHINA object emerges from the present. It is a form of artist’s practice or an individual art that is capable of work of art. Each and every one reaching each and every inof them was designed by a dividual. In everyday life it contemporary artist, who serves you. You can use it to put just like you,lives down flowers, during a special exa full life. perience on the beach, to improve your sleep … Sometimes pleasure is provided by the use of the multiple which differs from its everyday use. The multiple is aimed at experiencing art, without visiting the gallery or purchasing an original. It is created so that you can get to know the artist and contemporary art. MADE IN CHINA serves you as well as art. And we are not going to attempt to fool you - it is also good for us. Every purchase of a multiple brings us closer to our goal of bringing MADE IN CHINA into every village in your country! MADE IN CHINA 2013 -

MADE IN CHINA je multipel, umetniška zvrst iz norih šestdesetih let, s predmetom v tvoji roki pa je prvic ˇ organizirano zaživela v Sloveniji. Za MADE IN CHINA so nekateri najvidnejši slovenski umetniki izdelali edicije,ki predstaMADE IN vijo esenco njihove umetnoCHINA ni za bogasti in ji vc ˇasih dodajo taše, ampak za ljubiše nepric ˇakovan eletelje sodobne umetnosti in ment – uporabnost. urbane kulture; umetnine so jim zdaj cenovno dostopne in z njimi lahko obdarijo tudi prijatelje Objekti MADE IN CHINA so bili zasnovani kot umetnost, ki se bo prodajala in našla pot v domove mnogih ljudi, ne le nekaterih izbrancev. MADE IN CHINA je ideja, s katero lahko umetnik eksperimentira. Vsak objekt MADE IN CHINA izhaja iz njegove siceršnje prakse ali celo posamezne umetnine. Prav vsakega so zasnovali umetniki sodobnega trenutka, ki tako kot ti živijo polno življenje.

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18 x 12 x 12



30 x 12 x 12



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Partnerships with companies like Inflatable Packaging Inc., our global packaging provider, are good examples of mutual promotion and benefit. Contact MADE IN CHINA producer Jara Vogric ˇ for sponsorship oportunities that can suit your busines profile.





Posters and Advertisments





www. madeinchina - project . org



MADE IN CHINA je projekt, v katerem umetnostni delavci v roke prevzemamo skrb za svoje delo od produkcije do prodaje. V Knjigarni Konzorcij je ceni multipla, ki jo je za svoje delo postavil umetnik v dialogu z MADE IN CHINA, prišteta 30 odstotna trgovska marža in 8,5 odstotni DDV.


MADE IN CHINA ARTISTS Jože Barši Viktor Bernik Vasja Cenčič Lada Cerar Ksenija Čerče Vuk Ćosić Boštjan Drinovec Vadim Fiškin Ištvan Išt Huzjan Janez Janša, Janez Janša, Janez Janša Žiga Kariž Laibach Alen Ožbolt Arjan Pregl Sašo Sedlaček son:DA Veli & Amos Matej Andraž Vogrinčič Sašo Vrabič


MADE IN CHINA TEAM Concept by: Viktor Bernik Artistic leadership: Viktor Bernik, Vasja Cenčič, Žiga Kariž Curator: Petja Grafenauer Producer: Jara Vogrič Visual identity designer: Vasja Cenčič MADE IN CHINA INFO + 386 41 98 39 34 Legal subject: Zavod Masa Tax Nr: 13251147 IBAN SI56 0201 0008 9353 553 (NLB d.d.)

Made in China

www. madeinchina - project . org

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