Ink April 2015

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Ink Newsletter | April 2015


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Pelikan Asia Sdn Bhd.

Ink Newsletter | April 2015

Editorial Happy 177th anniversary! It’s April again, Pelikan’s anniversary month! On the 28th of April, Pelikan will turn 177 years old! The deep history, the memorable milestones, the highest of achievements – all of these made it a great 177 years for Pelikan. To celebrate, PASB is having its 177th Year Anniversary Sales for its customers, dealers and staff which kicked off from 1 to 30 April. You will get to enjoy Pelikan, Herlitz and Geha products at great prizes, even with GST! Read on for more details.

(more details at the “In a Blink” section). We are also running the 177th Anniversary Quiz on Pelikan Malaysia’s Facebook page. The quiz is a hit with many Pelikan fans participating. Please let your friends and families know about it so they could take part in it too and win great prizes. Last but not least, do let us know if you have any great articles or causes to highlight and share with the Pelikan Group, and we will feature it on our newsletter. Any suggestions are welcome!

Our A&P plan for the year is in full flow now. Check out the adverts featured and published in leading magazines. The adverts are also supported online at Currentbuzz and mygravytrain. So please visit those websites, click or like our advertisement and share/highlight it on your Facebook page. Your support is needed

Yours sincerely,

In a Bl ts News/Even Marketing ess @ Swift

March Madn

In Café Crème

Phikyin Loo

After the success of Mewah Oil sale last January, Pelikan team visited Swift Haulage Sdn Bhd office at Port Klang on 27 March 2015, as part of the March Madness Sale promotion. The sale was open to all Swift staff, offering a wide range of Pelikan & Herlitz products at special prices. Colouring and writing products were the products with the most demand, the crowd were great and overall the sale was a big success. Hopefully we could do this again in the future.

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Advertising, be it in print or online, is an important part of our promotional plans. Currently, the hugely popular Special Edition Classic 200 Café Crème is being advertised in The Peak and Focus Malaysia, check out the classy advert! More advertisements will follow suit and more products will be highlighted, we will update everyone so you can tell your friends and families about it.


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Special Edition M200 Café Crème is also featured online at Currentbuzz website and Twitter (your best source of shareable content, which taps into trending news, entertainment, events and products), and also mygravygrain’s Facebook page (mygravytrain is a clickand-share platform, which rewards members for sharing content and brands they like). Follow this link to see for yourself! Please share and highlight it at your Facebook page, Twitter or other social media platforms. All it takes is just one click!


Pelikan is going to celebrate its 177th anniversary on 28th April. To mark the occasion, Pelikan Pop-Up is having the 177th Year Anniversary Sale starting from 4 until 30 April 2015. The sale offers Pelikan and Herlitz products and great prices even with GST.


uiz on Faceb

Q Anniversary

To share the excitement of Pelikan’s 177th anniversary, PASB is running a quiz on Pelikan Malaysia’s Facebook page for its followers, from 1 - 28 April 2015. Quiz questions (13 in total) will be posted on selected dates and the first person to give the correct answer is the selected winner and will receive a prize (Pelikan products). So far, 6 questions have been posted and the feedbacks received have been better than expected! Visit Pelikan Malaysia’s Facebook page and check the quiz out. Spread the word out so your loved ones can join and have the chance to win some great prizes too!


re t Featu c u d o r P

Souverän 805 Stresemann® RSP: M805 Fountain Pen - RM1699.00/unit R805 Roller Ball - RM1299.00/unit K805 Ball Pen - RM1199.00/unit

Fountain Pen (M)

Ballpoint Pen (K)

Roller Ball Pen (R)

The Souveran 805 Stresemann is named after a Nobel Prize winner who was acknowledged for his reconciliatory work between the countries involved in World War 1. The barrel with the deceptively simple anthracite stripes is made of cellulose acetate, using a traditional process that‘s extremely work-intensive. This elegant series consists of a piston fountain pen, a ball pen and a roller ball. Available at KSGILLS Online Penshop, Isetan KLCC, Mandarin Oriental KL (MO Shop) and Pelikan showroom in Glenmarie.

Ink Newsletter | April 2015


April is the month we observe the World Health Day. World Health Organization (WHO) picks ‘Food Safety’ as this year’s theme. Did you know that in South East Asia (yes, that include us!), 700 000 deaths in children every year are linked to unsafe food and water? The figure is staggering isn’t it?! I think it’s time to learn more about this issue. Read on.

World Health Day 2015: From farm to plate, make food safe Unsafe food and water is linked to 700 000 diarrhoeal deaths in children in WHO’s South-East Asia Region annually. WHO is spotlighting food safety on World Health Day 2015 to mobilize policy makers and the public to make food safe, from farm to plate. Globally, 2.2 million people die every year from diarrhoea caused by contaminated food and water while unsafe food often begins a pattern of disease that can impact generations. Keeping the food on our plate safe requires that everyone from the farmer, the policy maker, the cook and the consumer are better informed to make safer choices.

Food safety starts From the Farm Safe food production practices at the farm can ensure that the fruit, vegetables, meat, dairy and poultry products are welltended from the source. Vivek Kushwaha is an organic farmer and self-described “foodie” from New Delhi. His lifelong desire for healthy food ignited a passion to develop a successful organic poultry farm and bring local farmers together to form a network of producers of safe food. His “cycle of happiness” philosophy has drastically improved the lives of the farmers Vivek works with. “They had almost quit farming. All these farmers who thought farming was not profitable are once again enthused as we make sure they produce the best quality products for the consumers. Now, the farmer who had a loan has paid it back and can provide for his family. They also understand that providing healthy food for consumers isn’t just sustainable, it’s the right thing to do. They’re happy, we are happy and our consumers are happy.” Pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals, when used without prescription get into the food chain early and end up on our plates. Similarly, veterinary drugs and antibiotics, when used

without proper prescription also get into the food we eat. WHO’s Antimicrobial Resistance Global Report on Surveillance has defined this clearly - resistance to antibacterial drugs has become a worldwide problem for both human and animal health. Irrational use of antibiotics causes antimicrobial resistance in both animals and humans. Antibiotics are used in animal production for disease prevention, treatment and better growth. However, when used without a prescription and without following guidelines, these antibiotics make their way into the human body when consuming meat, milk, eggs, honey and fish. As food products, the spread of resistant genes from animals to humans is a growing potential danger.

WHO Regional Food Safety Strategy The South-East Asia Regional Food Safety Strategy among others objectives, is building links across the Region. From the Food Standard and Safety Authority of India’s mechanisms to certify safe food across all sectors to the ‘Clean food, good taste’ certification for street food vendors in Thailand, WHO is working with governments, policy makers, public health professionals, and individuals to build a synergy of safe food. This includes promoting and supporting implementation of laws and standards, working with governments to improve public awareness and spurring action across various sectors. Despite several international recommendations made in the last 10 years, harmonized integrated surveillance of antimicrobial resistance in food-producing animals and food is implemented in only a few countries. While national programmes are working to create more reactive programmes, a holistic solution must also come from each segment of the food chain, starting with the farmers. Vivek and his network of farmers use minimal chemicals and use veterinary drugs strictly as prescribed. His mantra for safe food is “If I can’t eat it, I won’t sell it”.

How safe is the food on your plate? Producing safe food at the farms is a welcome beginning. An educated, thoughtful consumer is a vital link in the safe food chain. Consumers can ensure food safety by following consumer safety tips like purchasing quality food, ensuring that areas of food preparation are clean, storing food correctly, cooking food thoroughly and serving food hot. After production and choosing safe food comes preparation. As Food Services Manager, Mr Ahluwalia’s

food services staff provides over 1900 meals a day to the students and faculty of a school in New Delhi. Ensuring quality is critical to the daily operation. Mr Ahluwalia is proud to announce, “Right from the time we buy food to the time the kids have eaten and come back the next day, there is a certain regimented way to ensure the whole process is safe, hygienic and nutritious.“ A clean, well-organized system is deep-rooted in Mr Ahluwalia’s work practices that ensure good hygiene of all workers, surfaces and utensils. All meat, vegetables and bread are prepared at different times on separate, dedicated preparation areas. All meals are monitored to ensure the food has been cooked thoroughly and served hot. This diligence minimizes any gaps in the food service chain.

Food safety is everyone’s responsibility WHO supports and strengthens the International Food Safety Authorities Network’s (INFOSAN) capacity to detect and respond to food safety incidents around the world while providing better communication between international food authorities. While WHO continues to work with the policy makers, bringing various sectors together and advocating for food safety, everyone has a role to play in making food safe from farm to plate. This article was featured in WHO’s website. You can find the full article by following this link http://www.searo.

Ink Newsletter | April 2015

up! s ’ t a Wh 177th Year Anniversary Sale The 177th Anniversary Sale for Pelikan staff starts from 13 until 30 April 2015, to celebrate the Pelikan 177th Anniversary. The sale offers selected Pelikan and Herlitz products at great prizes. You can view the sale catalogue online at http://issuu. com/pelikanmy/docs/177th_anniversary_sale. To make your purchase, contact our customer service Vincent (Vincent.low@, ext 123) and Irene ( my, ext 127). Happy Anniversary everyone!

New Staff Welcome to the latest addition to the Pelikan family. They are; Ummi Fairuszah Binti Husin, Junior Executive - Purchasing ( Ong Sin Syuan (Mandy), Procurement Executive ( Nadiah Bte Akil Othman, Receptionist cum Admin Assistant ( Please give them the warmest of welcome!

April Babies Today’s the big day, That comes once a year, It’s your birthday, The day is here! Happy birthday to our colleagues that celebrate their birthdays this month. They are; Chan Kong San (Sean) - PASB Yap Sei Chuan - PICB Muni Prasad Pal - PPMSB Lim Thi Lan - PPMSB Hidayu Binti Lihin - PPMSB Yogendra Dastatma - PPMSB And last but not least, a very special birthday wish to our CEO, Mr Loo Hooi Keat. Happy birthday! Please visit our Facebook page and like us.


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If you have any suggestion or any stories you feel should be published in the next issue of Ink!, please contact Hazri Nasaruddin at Any suggestion is welcome. Thank you.

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