Ink February 2014

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Newsletter | February 2014


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Pelikan Asia Sdn Bhd.

Newsletter | February 2014

Editorial Hi all, Happy Chinese New Year 2014 and may the Year of the Horse bring lots of happiness and good fortune to all! It’s February and here we are with another issue of Ink, the Pelikan Malaysia newsletter. I am pleased to see all the wonderful feedback on the first issue of Ink. Why ‘Ink’? Well for starters, Pelikan started from a humble ink factory way back in 1838 in Hannover, Germany, so we feel it’s fitting to adopt the name Furthermore, the word ‘Ink’ in today’s world means publicity. And this is what we do; publicizing all the latest news and happening for Pelikan Malaysia. The name is perfect for our newsletter! We have many exciting activities and products planned out for the coming months, so watch this space and please keep updated with Ink. Your’ssincerely,

Phikyin Loo

In a Bl ts News/Even Marketing CNY promo

@ Pop-Up

To celebrate Chinese New Year, Pelikan Pop-Up at the Gardens Mall held a promotion from 30 Jan - 16 Feb 2014. All Pelikan and Herlitz products available at the kiosk were given 20% discount. Look out for more seasonal promotions at Pelikan Pop-Up, we will try to update everyone as it happens.

featured in FWI promeowsletter N Isetan Pelikan’s Fine Writing Instruments promotion for Valentine’s Day is given a boost when it is featured in Isetan newsletter for its customers. A promo for a promo if you like. Isetan newsletter is distributed to all its members so it definitely gives a lot more ‘ink’ to this promotion that involves a heart shaped box giveaway with every purchase of Pelikan’s FWI. The promotion is still running until 28 February at Isetan KLCC so spread the word!

ure – Geha

Product Feat

In this month’s issue, we are featuring two of Geha’s best seller, Shredder Home & Office X7 CD and Laminator A4 basic 1. Shredder Home & Office X7 CD [PRICE - RM289]

2. Laminator A4 Basic [PRICE - RM139] - Suitable for film grade between 80 and 100 microns - Top seller for home use - Cold and hot lamination

- For paper, CD’s, DVD’s and credit cards - High quality cutting unit - Powerful motor - Automatic start/stop function and reverse function - Automatic safety shutdown when shred bin is removed

For further details please contact our Geha Product Manager Mr.Nik.


Place of A sessions from A e featuring two Q& ar we , th craft to on d m an is t Th rtance of ar , to show the impo ite bs we n Ow r Ou velopment. children’s early de

A Place of Our Own website represents an educational TV series by the same name that focuses on the unique needs of people who care for children. You can check out the website at

Questions & Answers [Question 01] My 4 and 6-year-old grandchildren enjoy using play dough. They like to mix colors and create different shapes. I find that they continuously use the play dough when it comes to art, but are they really learning something from this? [Answer 01] Art is important because it encompasses all the developmental domains in child development. Art lends itself to physical development and the enhancement of fine and gross motor skills. For instance, when kids work with play dough, they fine-tune their muscle control in their fingers. All manipulative movements involved in art help develop hand and finger muscles that are needed to properly hold and use a pencil. Art activities also help children’s social and emotional development. Children learn about themselves and others through art activities. It really helps them build selfesteem. It’s an opportunity for children to make a personal statement about their uniqueness through art while allowing them to express happiness, joy, and pride. Art also enhances children’s cognitive development which can help kids with their early math skills. Children who have experienced a wide range of people and places will have an array of ideas to choose from when doing art. Art reflects what a child knows about the world and enables the child to choose how to translate those ideas and experiences. Finally, art is important because it allows children to be creative. Each piece of clay manipulated or each easel painting is individual and original to each child in your program. Art is open-ended and all work can be honored. Art should be an everyday activity. Even if you don’t have a lot of tools at your disposal, it’s really easy to set up a lowcost easel in your home. For toddlers, you would want to include very basic items that focus on the sensory aspects of art, such as finger paint, play dough and fat crayons. For preschoolers you’ll want to add things like paint brushes, an easel, glue, tape and scissors. As your kids get older and start exploring their creativity, you’ll start adding more items to your art supplies, like pie tins, old socks and scraps of fabric.

It’s extremely important to make your art activities openended because we don’t want to stifle children’s individual creativity. Children have their own thoughts and ideas of how things should look and they come to art with their own unique experiences. Open-ended experiences are successoriented because there’s no one right way to do something. Open-ended art activities are motivating for children of all developmental abilities. They build feelings of independence, confidence and an eagerness to learn. All children really need to draw is a blank piece of paper and a writing instrument. Child Care providers should never use coloring books or dittos in their programs. They are creativity stiflers. Drawings in those books are some other artist’s rendering of what objects should look like. Children have their own ideas about how things should look. Never pre-cut or draw things for children. If you pre-cut a bunny rabbit and ask kids to paint or color it, it is not their bunny. It is your idea of what a bunny looks like. The bunny may have no meaning to a child if the child has no prior experience with bunnies. If you draw for a child, the child internalizes that they are incapable of drawing in their own right and may begin to doubt their own abilities. The full Q&A can be found at question_detail.php?id=235

Newsletter | February 2014 [Question 02] During the day I take care of my 17-month-old granddaughter and 5-year-old grandson. My grandson loves to draw and paint, and my grandbaby wants to be in the mix of all of his projects. They both seem to really love this time of day. I’d love to learn more about how I can use this time to help them learn. [Answer 02] I really believe that kids are born artists. They are naturally curious, imaginative, inventive and intuitive. Art gives kids the opportunity to explore those areas and grow in a safe environment because it is fun for them. Little children love to play, which is how they learn. Art helps children grow and develop through creative thinking and feeling. I think art is about the process for kids, and not about the end product. So in the process of doing art, kids learn critical thinking, problem-solving, and develop social, emotional and physical skills, such as fine and gross motor skills. But really, early art doesn’t have to equal academic genius. It’s giving the kids the chance to express their creativity and learn what art is about which is freedom to think out of the box. Open-ended projects are important because the most important part of producing for a young child is the process, not the result. I think it’s important to pick projects that don’t have a “correct” end result. That way you won’t squelch a potential artistic genius. Letting your kids explore art without defining art for them is important. That way, they won’t become easily frustrated and hesitant or feel pressured to produce “correctly.” Also, remember to choose activities or projects that are short, but allow enough time for your kids to explore at their own pace. Plan things that are enjoyable and that will result in your kids feeling successful. At this stage, you are not trying to give “formal” art training to your kids so relax and don’t worry if you don’t think you, yourself, are good at art. Again, it’s the process of letting kids explore the art for themselves, so just provide the right materials and environment for them to do that. Make sure you pick non-toxic materials, forgive the mess, because there will always be a mess, and give your kids plenty of time to work on the project and enough warning for them to know when art time is about to be over. It would be wonderful if children had the opportunity to do art a couple times a day. But at minimum it should be a part of a child’s day at least once a day. Without art, I think there would be a severe lack of creative, imaginative thinkers and inventors. It’s the key to opening up a child’s mind. The full Q&A can be found at question_detail.php?id=103

Newsletter | February 2014

up! s ’ t a Wh Baby News! Another issue of Ink, another baby is born! This time it’s Hazri’s turn to be a dad. 25 January 2014, a baby boy, Aiman Daniyal, was born at KPJ Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital. This is Hazri’s first child.

cubicle has the owner’s name as well. So now they are waiting for that grand announcement of who wins the best cubicle. Who is it? And the winner is… Irene Chong! Congrats!

New addition to Pelikan’s family.


We have 4 new staffs joining Pelikan this month. Please join us in welcoming them into the family *clapclapclap*

And the winner of the best cubicle is… PASB did some minor reshuffling of seating arrangement at their office recently. And everyone took this opportunity to ‘willingly’ clean their cubicle and the office surrounding. No problem, all done (probably). Every

Rosnani – HR Natalie – Sales Steven – Sales Jamnah – Promoter



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Good news for colouring junkies! This Year of Horse, is organizing a colouring contest, just for Pelikan staff. Best entry wins a prize! So dust off your colouring set or steal borrow from your kids. Just print the attached colouring sheet (Pelikan Unicorn) and colour away! Submit your entry by next Monday (3rd March) to Hazri, in person or through email to Good luck.

M Please pay a visit to our facebook page and like our page. Like

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If you have any suggestion or any stories you feel should be published in the next issue of Ink!, please contact Hazri Nasaruddin at Any suggestion is welcome. Thank you.

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