Ink January 2014

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Newsletter | January 2014

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Pelikan in M g in h t y r e v fe the latest o

Pelikan Asia Sdn Bhd.

Newsletter | January 2014

Editorial Greetings to all and a Happy New Year 2014! New Year, new plans, new.. Newsletter! This is our very first issue of , an exclusive internal publication from the marketing team of Pelikan Malaysia only where we share with you the happenings, news, reviews and everything about Pelikan Malaysia. Our hope is that will serve as an effective communication channel between Pelikan Malaysia and all our loyal readers from other departments in our Group. We’ll share with you our new stuff, old stuff, and future stuff for Pelikan, so what’s ahead of us in 2014? Stay tuned, and READ ON!

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Phikyin Loo Your’s sincerely,

We would love to hear comments and suggestions from everyone, so please write to with any feedback or contributions in terms of news and articles to share in .

In a Bl ts News/Even Marketing

xceeds staff sale e s a m st ri h C n! expectatio Remember the ‘Discover Your Wish List’ sale that was held last month? The 2-week staff sale managed to register RM4,260 worth of sale from a total of 39 orders. The sale figure was better than what was expected and the number of orders received was very encouraging considering the number of staff we have here in Pelikan. Maybe this will pave the way for more staff sale in the future? Thank you for all your support and love for our products. We will do better next time!

realised A pledge A spin off from the ‘Discover Your Wish List’ sale, the management made a pledge to donate part of proceeds raised from the sale to a charity. So last Wednesday, 22 January 2014, PASB team visited Shelter 1, a shelter home for children who have been abandoned, neglected, orphaned or abused. Located in PJ, Shelter 1 housed 20 children from the age of 4 to 12 years old. The aim of Shelter 1 is to give these children a childhood and future by protecting, guiding and healing them, and by building strong communities and loving families. Ms Phikyin Loo led PASB team in presenting Pelikan’s contribution to the manager of Shelter 1, Brother GP. Joseph. The contribution includes RM852 worth of cash and Pelikan’s Back to School Pelifun set for the children.

Pelikan Pop-Up has moved! Pelikan Pop-Up, Pelikan’s own kiosk in The Gardens Mall, Mid Valley City has changed its location. It’s now located at FC-1, Level 1 of the mall (opposite Banana Republic outlet). Basically Pop-UP is one floor down at the same wing as before. Do take note. If you have the time, pay a visit and check out the kiosk’s new look!

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Valentine’s Day

tanding h an outs it w n e p ique tain and pen, a un ilable as a foun t® is w T g a icularly Introducin gn. Literally! Av king waves in part ture a si e m ic fea twisted d , Twist® has been ergonom d n a n g n si e p . Comes de rollerball the hand its unique in to ly s k b n a a rt th mfo nders, the in Europe n to lie co r right- and left-ha e p e th s to resist. that allow rip zone suitable fo wist® hard g T e ft k a so a m s h wit ation ur combin at Pelikan great colo available re . a n e p ll Dark Blue erba d, Blue & n and roll e e R p , e in g n ta n ra Twist® fou ttractive colours; O 4a o Fun! Pop-Up in No Twist N r, e b m e m Re RM25.90 tain Pen: n u o F t is Tw RM19.90 rball pen: e ll o R t is Tw

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ay prom Valentine’s D eart to... Him

Deliver your h

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ents e writing instrum To all Pelikan’s fin n is io ot om pr Day fans, a Valentine’s ry ua br Fe 28 g until currently runnin I FW ’s an lik Pe se of 2014. Any purcha d an e Heart Gift case will receive a fre hile W l. m 30 d 01 Re a bottle of Ink 40 t miss it. stock lasts so don’ is promotion at

* Please find out th Isetan - KLCC.

Pelikan Poster in Times Bookstores Pavilion Check out our new poster in Times Bookstores outlet in Pavilion, Kuala Lumpur. The poster promotes the wide range of Pelikan Product and will be displayed there for the whole of 2014.

Newsletter | January 2014


ntre n from the BabyCe r this month is take fo le tic ar 13, d 20 re tu ril Ap fea The bsite back in blished in the we pu s wa It . n. ite re bs we logy to child ct of today’s techno discussing the impa

Is Screen Time Good Or Bad For Babies And Children? Babies and toddlers love playing with smartphones and tablets, and quickly get the hang of them. When you’re a busy parent, it’s an easy way to keep your baby or young child entertained while you cook the dinner or finish a car journey. You may also feel it’s important for your child to get a head start on learning digital skills.

How young is too young for playing on my phone or tablet? Some experts say that children under two should not spend any time using TV, computers or electronic games. Others experts say that there may be a place for interactive media that encourages you and your child to communicate while you’re playing alongside each other. But they also agree that watching passively is not advisable for under-twos.

But many experts worry that too much screen time may be harmful for babies and children, even at a very young age. The professional body for paediatricians, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, says that children are exposed to screens for longer amounts of time than ever before. This widespread access to smartphones, tablets, games consoles, TVs and laptops is causing concern amongst doctors in the UK and internationally. Touch-screen technology makes it very easy for even babies to use tablets. Doctors are concerned about how screen use affects children’s rapidly developing brains. Doctors say that over-exposure has an impact on attention span and concentration, as well as appetite control. Screen time encourages a more sedentary lifestyle. Babies should be encouraged to explore the world physically and toddlers need to be active for three hours a day to grow healthily. Research needs time to catch up with the technology of mobile devices, so the evidence is not always clear or consistent. But we’ve rounded up what information there is to help you make the best decisions as a parent.

Part of the reason to avoid screen time is that babies and toddlers need lots of physical activity. Time spent playing with a tablet or smartphone means your baby is not crawling, walking, climbing and exploring her environment. Even at this very young age, being active means your child is less likely to become overweight or have health problems later in life. As your child grows, having too much screen time may also cause her sleeping difficulties. Physical play contributes to your child’s mental and emotional development. Playing with mud and splashing water may be messy, but it’s part of learning how the world works. Your baby also needs the chance to interact with you and other children, which is crucial for learning to talk and relate to people. As your child gets older and becomes more likely to benefit from technology, it’s still important to make sure that screen time does not cut into your child’s opportunities for active, creative play and socialising.

Newsletter | January 2014 How long should I let my child play on my phone or tablet each day? Common advice for the under-twos is to allow no screen time at all. If you decide to let your baby or toddler play with your device, try keeping it to 15 or 20 minutes, when their attention is likely to fade anyway. Be ready with something new and interesting to do next. For older children, doctors suggest a limit of one or two hours of total screen time a day. That means TV, DVDs and computers as well as mobile devices. This is also a common recommendation in countries like the US, Canada and Australia. As well as the length of time, think about how using a screen fits into your child’s life. You could use it as an occasional treat or during car journeys, for example. Help your child to see digital media as one of many possible activities - sometimes an old blanket over the dining table will keep them happy for just as long. Be aware of how much screen time you engage in at home. There is a link between how much TV you as a parent watch and how much your child watches, so try to lead by example. And there’s wide expert agreement that TV, computers and games should not be switched on during mealtimes. Mealtimes are an important chance for families to build good eating habits and enjoy a chat. Watching TV while feeding your baby or child can mean that you miss the cues that she has had enough. Your child too may be distracted and not notice when she feels full. It is important to be responsive to your baby when feeding them and screen time can get in the way for all of you.

Lots of apps are described as educational. Are they really and how do we know? Most of the research on electronic media and education is on TV, with some additional studies on computers and video games. It’s possible that the different nature of apps could give different results, once researchers have had more time to study them. Based on what we already know, the answer depends a lot on the child’s age. In the under-twos, there is limited evidence of benefits, such as increasing vocabulary. But other studies suggest that the under-twos do not learn much from electronic media. Using screens might hold back the development of language and thinking skills. It’s also easy for you to overestimate how much your baby is learning. As your child gets older, she’ll have an increasing ability to learn from electronic media. Some research has found that some apps can build vocabulary and literacy skills. Quality is important, though. Look for apps that: Are right for your child’s age. Make her laugh. Give your child achievable goals. Encourage parents to join in. At any age, your involvement is really important. Your child will probably learn a lot more if you spend time playing on apps with her, rather than leaving her to do it on her own.

Newsletter | January 2014

This technology is here to stay, so how can I make the best of it? Digital media is part of daily life, and your child is likely to be very adept at using it from a young age. As a parent, you can guide your child by setting rules and expectations early on. Smartphones and tablets are just one part of the media mix that children encounter every day, so it makes sense to take an overview. Doctors advise some simple steps to keep screen time in check: Limit your toddler’s exposure as much as possible. Bear in mind that, as a busy parent, it’s easy to overestimate how active your child is. Keep TVs and computers out of your child’s bedroom. Don’t let your child be on a screen for more than two hours a day in total. Help your child to monitor her screen use so that she can develop an awareness of time spent. That way she’ll learn to manage screen time as she grows. Choose programmes that have an educational element. When you are choosing an app for your child, try to make sure it’s relevant to things she is learning at home or at preschool. That way, the app may help to reinforce her learning. The full article can be found at;


What’s u

Congratulations to Mr Afandi of PPMSB warehouse; he is now a father! A healthy baby girl name Nur Ammara Khasif was born in Putrajaya Hospital on 1 Jan 2014. How about that, a new year’s baby! This is Mr Afandi’s first child. Congrats again to the new dad.

l. and al t i n o ly! ribbon Literal With a Recently we gave sponsorships to a few dealers of ours, as a thank you for the support they have shown us. Nothing new there because this is what we normally do every year. What made it kind of special this time around is the wrapping, it’s like a wrapping done by a pro! See the photo above, doesn’t it look nice? The wrapping was done by our very own Mr Vincent Low of Customer Service. Applause all around.

Newsletter | January 2014

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If you have any suggestion or any stories you feel should be published in the next issue of Ink!, please contact Hazri Nasaruddin at Any suggestion is welcome. Thank you.

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