Ink May 2014

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Newsletter | May 2014


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Pelikan Asia Sdn Bhd.

Newsletter | May 2014 Editorial Mom is the best teacher! This month we celebrate two very important groups of people who have major influences in our lives. We want to wish all moms and moms-to-be a Happy Mother’s Day (11 May) from PASB. Thank you moms for all your love, kindness and unwavering affection! Let’s not forget our teachers who have passed on their knowledge, guidance and support throughout our learning days as we celebrate Teacher’s Day too (16 May). PASB has many promotions with regards to Mother’s Day happening instore and at our channels to show our appreciation for moms and teachers, so read all about it. There are some samples of a Happy Mother’s Day card that your kids can draw and colour for their moms. Best card wins a prize, so take a picture of your kid(s)’ wonderful creativity and submit to us! Last but not least, we want to thank all for coming to our little birthday bash on 28 April 2014! Check out the photos taken during the party and we hope to have one every year. Our 176th Anniversary Sale is still on-going so do check out the available products from Pelikan, Herlitz and Geha on sale.

Phikyin Loo Yours sincerely,

In a Bl ts News/Even Marketing Anniversary


Sales still o

Lots of wonderful products at fantastic discounts from now till 16 May! Hurry and don’t miss out on these amazing offers that you can reward yourself, your family and friends and loved ones! Thank you for all your support towards Pelikan, Herlitz and Geha!

y & Teacher’s Day Promotion for Mother’s Da New Pelikan product – M200 cognac


Herlitz School Bag

We just launched a Special Edition Classic M200 Cognac Fountain Pen. Available at MO Shop, Mandarin Oriental Hotel KL only. We are having a Special Promotion for the month of May, especially for Mother’s Day & Teacher’s Day!

ion on 1st June 2014, to be launched at Times Bookstore Pavil closer to the date! ion mat infor e mor

Purchase a Special Edition Classic M200 Cognac Fountain Pen for your mom and get a complimentary Leather Pouch in Yellow! [Worth RM280] RSP: RM 430/unit (F,M and B nibs) RSP: RM 450/unit (Italic nib)


* Promotion period : 1st - 31st May 2014 * While stocks last!






le about how ture an artic a fe e w , th n ains and does This mo d you back p se u ca n ca ries for you bad posture prevent inju y ll a re s ic m article! good Ergono re from this o m d n a st er nd back? Let’s u

Ergonomics for children : writing, sitting, standing

Bad Posture Means Pain: Ergonomics and You

When ergonomics expert and physical therapist Bill Case saw James in his office, he realized that baseball training wasn’t the cause of the discomfort. “He was in tip-top shape, but I saw his rounded shoulders right away, and asked his mom if he sat at the computer a lot.” When James practiced pitching, the pain he felt came from muscles that were already strained by poor ergonomics.

Stop! Freeze right there! Now, without moving a muscle, check out your posture. If you’re like a lot of people at the computer, you are sitting sort of slumped over, leaning toward the computer with your shoulders rounded instead of sitting up straight.

Case wants kids to understand what he explained to James: You can end the pain or avoid it altogether with a few small changes. He even has a computer workstation set up in his office so he can show patients how to sit correctly.

Ergonomics refers to the study of the relationship between people and their surroundings. If you are slumping at the computer, you have poor ergonomics.

“It is just great how these problems can be reversed,” says Case. “I tell kids that when the way they sit feels good, it is probably wrong!” He means that sitting up straight will seem weird at first, but after a week or two you will feel the benefits.

It might not seem like such a big deal, but think about how much time you spend sitting at the computer. And then you might go on to spend a little more time slouching in front of the TV playing video games. And then you get up to go to school the next morning and find yourself leaning forward to balance a very heavy backpack crammed with books.

James has a tip: Make sure the chair is close enough to the computer table, or else you won’t be able to help leaning forward. “Sometimes it slips your mind, and you fall back into the old way for a while,” he says. “But when I feel stiffness in my back, I correct for it now.”

Add all that up, and you get a lot of hours of sitting or standing with poor posture. When you don’t practice good ergonomics, that’s when the pain sets in.

James also learned to wear his backpack correctly. He used to find himself leaning backward because his pack was too heavy and his straps were too loose.

James Melody of Houston, Texas, is the last person you might expect to be affected by a little thing like posture. James, 14, is an excellent athlete. He plays baseball and basketball and wrestles. But last spring when baseball training started up, he noticed pain in his back around his shoulder blades.

Lots of kids think hanging a backpack off one shoulder or letting it dangle on long straps looks cool. But there’s nothing cool about being sidelined by pain.

“At first I thought it was just sore, but the pain gradually built up into something more,” he remembers. The pain got so bad that his mother took him to see a physical therapist, an expert who can help with pain in joints and muscles.

So besides being mindful of good posture when playing video games or surfing the Internet, James says, “Now I pack the heavier stuff closer to my body, and raise the pack on my back with the adjustable straps.” And that’s just what the physical therapist ordered.

Newsletter | May 2014 James has been feeling great ever since he made a few changes, and you can too. Just follow these tips:

Good Ideas for Gaming and Computer Use Sit up straight with your shoulders back. Make sure your feet are on the ground. Take frequent breaks; walk around and stretch.

Better Backpack Strategies Carry less. Buying an extra set of books to keep at home is less expensive than doctor visits. Tighten straps so the weight is close to your body, and don’t let the backpack ride below the waist. Put the heaviest items closest to your back and the pack will be less likely to pull you out of balance. Kids should not carry backpacks that weigh more than 10 to 15 percent of their body weight. So students weighing 100 pounds (45 kilograms) should not carry more than 10 to 15 pounds (4.5 to 6.8 kilograms) in their packs.

The full article can be found at; ergonomics/

up! s ’ t a Wh Anniversary celebration! This year we celebrated Pelikan 176th Years Anniversary with an Anniversary Breakfast with balloons, banners, cupcakes, brownies and nasi lemak! These are some of the photos that were taken on that day. Happy Birthday to Pelikan!


Newly Designed Van Look! Our very own Pelikan designed van is finally here! Time to make the first delivery to our customer! Vroom vroom...


Happy Mother’s Day craft card design competition! This month we have a competition for your kids! Kids can draw, colour and self create craft card for their moms. Best card wins a prize, so take a picture of your kid(s)’ wonderful creativity and submit to us! Dateline: Friday, 16 May 2014 Please submit in to this email:


M Please pay a visit to our facebook page and like our page. Like

: age s s e

If you have any suggestion or any stories you feel should be published in the next issue of Ink!, please contact Hazri Nasaruddin at Any suggestion is welcome. Thank you.

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