Ink May 2015

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Ink Newsletter | May 2015


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Pelikan Asia Sdn Bhd.

Ink Newsletter | May 2015

Editorial Celebrations galore! Happy Labour Day, Mother’s Day and Teacher’s Day to all of you! Let’s show our appreciation to the important people in our life and tell them how lucky we are to have them by our side. We are having a great promotion to celebrate the 3 big days, the ‘May Celebrations’, where you can get Pelikan & Herlitz products at great prices. To learn more, read about in the ‘In a Blink’ column.

the promotion could get the level of support we hoped for. I think it’s clear now how well received the staff sales are, because we never failed to come up with something every single month! Thank you for all the support you have shown and we hope for the same continuous support in the future. Exciting things are coming up in the next few months. Make sure you don’t miss anything, read the latest happening right here, Ink Newsletter – The latest of everything Pelikan in Malaysia!

Phikyin Loo

Yours sincerely,

The promotions include a staff sale, an event that has been ever present for us since 2014. When we first thought of doing promotion exclusive for Pelikan staff, we were anxious about the level of response by everyone and if

In a Bl ts News/Even Marketing pen Day

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Pelikan @ Ta

Pelikan team was invited to participate in Tabung Haji’s Human Resource Open Day that was held on 21 April 2015 at Menara Tabung Haji, KL. As usual, Pelikan booth was a hit with the visitors and they constantly swamped the Pelikan team to make their purchase. Some products were totally sold out!. Hopefully we could return to Tabung Haji for a similar event soon.

nn Advertised

Stresema Souveran 805

We have recently launched a new FWI product, the Souverän 805 Stresemann. Currently, it is being advertised on Pelikan Malaysia FB page and also magazines such as The Peak, Mendate by The Edge newspaper and the business newspaper Focus Malaysia. Spread the word! The name Stresemann has a unique history; does anyone know the story behind it? The Souverän 805 Stresemann is also featured online at Currentbuzz website (your best source of shareable content, which taps into trending news, entertainment, events and products) and Twitter, as well as mygravygrain Facebook page (mygravytrain is a click-and-share platform, which rewards members for sharing content and brands they like). Follow this link to see for yourself! Promotions/pelikan-souver-n-805-stresemann. Please share and highlight it at your Facebook page, Twitter or other social media platforms. All it takes is just one click!


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tions P May Celebra

‘May Celebrations!’ is the latest promotion for Pelikan Pop-Up, The Gardens Mall. It offers Herlitz My.Pen and Herlitz notebooks as exclusive gift sets at discounted price. Promotion starts 5th May and will end on 31 May. ‘May Celebrations!’ promotion is also available in fine writing instruments gift sets at our FWI counter, Isetan KLCC 1st floor and MO Shop, Mandarin Oriental Hotel. These exclusive gift sets at attractive prices features our best selling Classic range pens with ink refills in our unique Pelikan packaging. Promotion ends 31 May 2015, so tell all your friends about it!

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Everything must go! Pelikan Pop-Up kiosk at level 1 the Gardens Mall will cease operations on 10 of June. After 3 successful years, the kiosk which started its operations on 1 March 2012, will move to a new venue that will be announced later. To mark the closing, a moving out sale will be held starting from 11 May until 10 June offering Pelikan products at 40% discount and Herlitz’s at 30% discount. Customers will enjoy a further 10% discount if they buy 5 or more products in a single receipt.

Herlitz Schoolbag 2015

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To be launched in June, we will update everyone with more details closer to the date!

Herlitz Motion With new ergonomic system - ergoActive® “Herlitz Motion” impresses with its new ergoActive® size-adjustable back padding system, which Herlitz developed with experts and has tested with primary school children. The “Herlitz Motion“ not only fits the back of the child perfectly, it‘s also adaptable to the body height, which changes quickly at this age. A removable hip strap, which allows some weight to be shifted from the shoulders to the rear upper pelvic area, and a vertically adjustable chest strap offer additional wearing support. Herlitz Motion Plus filling: Sports bag, filled motion pencil box with removable inner part, pink file box for girl models, blue file box for boy models.

Motion Plus Ocean

Motion Plus Tiger

Ink Newsletter | May 2015 Herlitz Flexi Grows along with your child

Thanks to its well-thought-out ergonomic system Ergo ES²® the „herlitz flexi“ can be adjusted individually to the body height of the schoolchild and offers highest carrying comfort. This is realised through the three-stage vertical adjustment and also through the supporting and relieving function of the breathable back padding. Next to the Ergo ES²® system the „herlitz flexi“ is equipped with an integrated, adjustable chest strap which provides additional support and an optimised weight distribution. Herlitz Flexi Plus filling: Sports bag, filled pencil case (17 pieces), pencil pouch and lunch box

FLEXI Plus Motorbike

FLEXI Plus Rainbow

We will also hold a special preview sale on 29 May 2015, exclusive for Pelikan Malaysia staff only! This mean you will have the chance to be the 1st ones to own the new Herlitz bags! Watch this space, more info coming soon!

Happy mother’s day! Working mothers are the


norms in today’s world. How do they cope with their responsibilities? Juggling between personal and professional life is not an easy thing to do, especially if you are a mother. This often leads to stress. Our ‘Link to the world’ article this time looks into this issue.

both mother and child!) in terms of timing and stress. If a working mom is preoccupied and stressed, she may be less efficient at her job and possibly prone to mistakes that need correcting or a slower rate of productivity. If her child is feeling stressed and out-of-sorts, there’s more potential for further conflicts, hurt feelings and difficulty during the day. The following tips can help working moms maintain some sanity and stress relief in their busy lives:

Working Moms and Stress Relief Working moms are notoriously busy, and often find that the unpredictability of parenting, especially parenting small children, leads to additional stress. For example, a pottytraining accident or emotional meltdown on the way to daycare has the potential to throw off an entire day day (for

Plan Ahead and Be Organized Being organized is a vital skill for working moms. If you’re able to anticipate that potty-training accident on the way to daycare, for example, and keep an extra change of clothes in your car at all times, a near-catastrophe becomes an easy fix. If you plan ahead and streamline your routines, there’s less fussing, forgetting things, and stressing as you move through your busy day.

Set Boundaries Working moms play many roles, and want to be their best in all of them; indeed, the roles of mother, worker and partner require nothing less than their best. This sometimes leads to a feeling of not being able to say no-ever! For a working mom to be her best, however, she doesn’t have to say yes to everyone’s requests. In fact, saying “no” to responsibilities that aren’t vital to her success and that of her family enables a working mom to say yes to the things in her lives that are. (See this article for more on setting priorities.) Stay Connected While setting boundaries is vital, it’s equally important for working moms to stay connected with their children, as they may be the first to point out. Children who feel neglected tend to act out more, and working moms who feel they aren’t giving enough to their kids tend to feel stressed and guilty, so maintaining a strong connection is both emotionally beneficial and just plain pragmatic. And, fortunately, reducing stress doesn’t need to mean giving less to kids. Spending focused time together doing an enjoyable activity can be a “multi-tasking” way to connect and relieve stress at the same time. Saying no on other areas can free up this time. Take Care of Yourself As you already know, if you aren’t at your best physically and emotionally, you won’t be performing at your best at work or with your kids. To maintain the kind of stamina and focus required to give their best to your children and to work, it’s important for working moms to care for themselves the way they care for their children: by getting plenty of sleep, healthy food, and at least some “down time.” It’s also important to enjoy positive feedback (hugs from kids and kudos from work) to avoid burnout. It may be difficult to fit all of this into an already-packed schedule, but proper self-care will enable working moms to be more efficient in their lives, so it really pays off in several ways.

Enlist Help Many working moms don’t realize that there are people around to help them if they ask. Families would often love to step in more often to lend a hand, if only asked. Friends and neighbors can also be rallied, and supportive networks can be formed. There are often ways to hire affordable help for extra things like cleaning or cooking, to make a working mom’s lifestyle less hectic. And the option of delegating tasks at work is often overlooked. For busy working moms, enlisting help is a smart way to make life less stressed and hectic. Focus on Stress Management When harried and stressed, working moms often find themselves less able to connect with their children or focus at work, which may lead to acting-out by the kids, time-consuming mistakes at work, and other things that increase stress for working moms and their families. Therefore, taking a proactive stance on stress management is quite important. Having several quick stress relievers on hand, such as breathing exercises and reframing techniques (different ways of looking at a stressful situation), as well as long-term stress management strategies in place, like a regular exercise or meditation regimen, hobby, or supportive social circle, can relieve significant stress for working moms and their families. In addition to these stress management practices for working moms, it’s important (and often overlooked) to keep children’s stress in mind. Even young children can benefit from stress relief practices like deep breathing, quiet time with mom, and massage. Because mothers and young children are so attuned to each other, reducing stress in one helps both mother and child.

This article was featured in, written by Elizabeth Scott, a stress management expert. You can find the full article by following this link http://stress.about. com/od/stressmanagementtools/a/working_moms.htm

Ink Newsletter | May 2015

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May Celebrations For Pelikan Staff! Pelikan staff can celebrate the Labour, Mother’s and Teacher’s Day in style with exclusive Pelikan and Herlitz gift sets. The May Celebrations! promo is exclusive to all Pelikan Malaysia staff so they can get the gift sets at great prices. The sale catalogue can be viewed online at pelikanmy/docs/may_celebrations_. To make a purchase, contact Pelikan customer service team Vincent (Vincent., ext 123) and Irene (irene.chong@, ext 127).


Mr HK Loo’s Birthday Party

Our President/CEO, Mr Loo Hooi Keat, celebrated his 60th birthday on 14 April. A celebration was held at Pelikan Office in Glenmarie and was attended by Pelikan and Caldbeck staff. Check out the photos of happy faces, the good food and the delicious birthday cake below!


Baby News!

Congrats to Ms Phikyin Loo, our Head of PASB for her 2nd child! She gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl, Elizabeth Lai, on 28 April 2015. Congrats again!


New Staff

Welcome to Mohamad Azmir Bin Roslan who joined us on 20 April. Azmir is a Junior Executive – Purchasing, for IPC. He can be contacted at Please give him the warmest of welcome


May Babies

Happy birthday to our colleagues that celebrate their birthdays this month. They are; Irene Chong - PASB Linda Yeoh - PASB Nur Raiehan Binti Rahmat - PASB Tan Yee Chin - PASB

Today’s the big day, That comes once a year, It’s your birthday, The day is here!

Nor Shahada Binti Md Dzahir - PICB Rosnani Binti Rusland - PICB Law Lai Cheng -PICB Ong Sin Syuan -PICB Mangleswary A/P Somalingam -PPMSB Madan Ray Yadav - PPMSB Hoang Thi Dong - PPMSB

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If you have any suggestion or any stories you feel should be published in the next issue of Ink!, please contact Hazri Nasaruddin at Any suggestion is welcome. Thank you.

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