December Pelladium

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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ~ The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America

Fighting For Her Life

Read Carol Schulte’s inspirational fight against leukemia. p. 2

Too Cool For School

While most people acccept high school as the norm for teenagers, there are numerous paths to take. p. 6-7

District wide circulation of Pelladium discontinued If you’re holding this paper via the Town Crier this will be the last edition of the Pelladium that will reach your hands this way. Since its inception in 1944, the Pelladium has been circulating throughout the school district, posting over 22 editions and over 300 issues in the last 22 years alone. Due to budget cuts brought on by the economic recession this tradition will now come to an end. As of Dec. 1 the Pelladium will no longer circulate district wide for free. “I recommended to the [Pelladium] staff that they explore other means of distribution in order to the save the district $2,000 in the future. While savings are just going to be $1,000 this year, it still helps,� said publications advisor Ann Visser. While the Pelladium has its own source of funds for printing by selling adverising space in the paper, the district has been paying for its distribution fees to the tune of roughly 2,000 dollars per year. The decision to cut free distribution was made voluntarily by the staff without any actual budget cuts being handed down by the school board of directors. “We’re awfully appreciative of this cut. These cuts aren’t the kind of thing that can be solved by one area taking a cut, so it says a lot about the staff and the community to chose to take this cut. This kind of situation is one where everyone has to roll up their sleeves and do their own part,� said Superintendent Mark Wittmer. Luckily for our readers this doesn’t mean that the Pelladium will stop printing. The Pelladium will continue to go to press but will merely require people who want a hard copy of the paper delivered to their home to complete an online subscription form that can be found at Registration will require a small fee to cover the cost of postage which will come out to be roughly a dollar per issue. The Pelladium will also still be offered at the high school. “We will still try the best we can covering the news that effects Pella high school students and the community that surrounds them. We’re not going anywhere,� said Visser. t"OESFX 4BHFST TBHFST QFMMBEJVN!HNBJM DPN

“We’re not going anywhere.� -Publications Adviser Ann Visser

DISAPPOINTMENT Senior Jordan Youngman waits with the rest of the Pella football team after UIFJS MPTT UP )BSMBO EVSJOH UIF DMBTT " GPPUCBMM DIBNQJPOTIJQ SPVOE ɨF %VUDI MPTU i* was happy that we made it this far, but at the same time disappointed that we didn’t win the state championship. I was very impressed with how we came together in the playoffs. We started playing MJLF B UFBN XJUI IFBSU QBTTJPO BOE FOUIVTJBTJN w TBJE TFOJPS #FO $BMEXFMM t1IPUP CZ #FO .VMMFS

NEWS BRIEFS t0SDIFTUSB CBOE XJMM IBWF its winter concert Dec. 8 at 7:30 p.m. while the choir will have its concert Dec. 21 at 7:30 p.m. t'PSU� USZPVUT XJMM CF IFME Dec. 7. t" 'JOBODJBM "JE /JHIU will be held Dec. 2 at 7 p.m. in the high school auditorium for seniors and their parents. t" UXP IPVS FBSMZ EJTNJTTBM for staff development is scheduled for Dec. 16. Winter break is Dec. 24 to Jan. 3; school will resume Jan. 4. School will dismiss one hour early Dec. 23. t/BUJPOBM )POPS 4PDJFUZ held officer elections JO /PWFNCFS 0ïDFST include senior Jared Gerber, president; senior Lisa Vander Meiden, vice president; senior Justin Buzick, secretary; and, senior Emily Gates, treasurer. t%PVH $VUMFS XBT BXBSEFE the 3A Boys’ Cross Country Coach of the Year. Cutler was one of 12 coaches nominated for this award. t+BLVC .BSUJTPWJUT KN QFMMBEJVN!HNBJM DPN

School slashes departments’ budgets as taxes fall Superintendent Mark Wittmer glances at the list placed on the corner of his desk. On the paper before him lies the future of the district, 80 unprioritized ideas that could theoretically ease the burden of a 10 percent cut from the state. At the moment, these money-saving suggestions are only words, but by next April, they could become the reality of the Pella Community School District. These proposed solutions range from the cutting of salaries and positions, to the termination of extra-curricular programs. Governor Chet Culver stood in a press conference Oct. 8 at the State Capitol and announced a 10 percent across-the-board cut from the budget, which would total to about $600 million. Culver was only mandated to cut the budget by 7.1 percent for the 2010 fiscal year, but he insists that the extra 2.9 percent will be available in “preparing for the future�. Pella Community School District already receives $9,748,870 from state aid funding but will now face a cut of $994,919. Right now, the District has an ending fund balance of $1.6 million in which the school board could choose to

use to cover the Governor’s cut. “We want the superintendent at this point. Another to protect as many people and programs area of potential reduction could come as we possibly can, but 80 percent of our within the Teacher Salary Supplement. budget comes from salaries and benefits. “Pella receives $1,033,244 from We will have to make some tough decisions Teacher Salary Supplement to help raise for the coming school year, and some will the Iowan teacher’s average salary to the affect people personally. There could be 25th in the nation. We are anticipating some painful decisions pertaining to the about a $103,000 cut from this funding. future of the schools, but we We must keep in mind that will do our best to adjust to “Everything is the ultimate decision will the situation,� said Wittmer. be by the Department of on the table, Even with the effort of the Education. Again, everything administration to provide a everything is being is on the table, everything is civil plan for the 2010 fiscal being reviewed,� said Wittmer. reviewed.� school year, certain ideas In reference to the Superintendent have not been put into place. elimination of positions Mark Wittmer Property taxes are one of the within the school, every job is three main ways a school is funded. For being evaluated all support, teachers, and the past three school years though, the administrators. Though teachers can not be District has continually lowered Pella cut this school year because they are under Community’s property taxes. From the contract, jobs relating to the support staff, 2007-2008 school year, these sums have such as custodians, secretaries, or associates, declined from $13.88073 to $13.83849. could be under more pressure with any cuts The average in the state ranges around $15 in the near future. Apart from the amount per $1000 of the property being taxed. The of possible unemployment, the availability school has the ability to raise taxes, but of certain programs could be at risk. there has been no recommendation from “When determining the qualifications

of programs, we will look at certain aspects, such as student enrollment, what opportunities are offered and how it can be related to the curriculum. I will make my recommendations in the next following months, and the final decision will be left to the district. Some people will be unsatisfied by what occurs, but we are in some difficult times,� said Wittmer. The latest approved “budget adjustments� by the board has included a $15 charge for students who wish to “consume� or keep projects in foods, art, and industrial tech, raised admissions for concerts to mirror athletic contests and eliminating color printing. More nonspecific cuts will come from areas such as Title one adjustments, further library budget cuts and a reduction in the curricular purchase budget. “I wish I could paint a rosy picture, but the reality is that people will get cut. Some will be irritated by the decisions made in the following months. I firmly believe that if we all stay rational in these troubling economic times, we will get through this,� said Wittmer. t.FHBO $BSE NDQFMMBEJVN!HNBJM DPN





An estimated 245,225 people in the United States are living with, or are in remission form, leukemia.

H1N1 blazes through high school, dissipates

A ghostly presence encompassed many high school classrooms during the final days of October as students began to vanish, leaving behind scores of unoccupied desks. Although Halloween was drawing nearer, this atmosphere was attributed not to seasonal festivities, but rather to one of the most explosive epidemics in school history: Influenza A H1N1. The strain made its debut in Pella after sparing the area for a considerable amount of time. It wasn’t until Oct. xx (waiting on data from IDPH) that the virus was confirmed to have reached local proximity, nearly six months after the first statewide case was recognized by Iowa health officials on May 2. However, by the end of the week of Oct. 19, over 300 student absences had been recorded at the high school. Junior Chris Bandstra was among the first wave of students to contract the H1N1 virus. “I didn’t really think anything of it at first. I was tired all of the time and had a runny nose, but that was it. I was at school with it for two days not even realizing that I had it,� said Bandstra. “By the time I had to go to the doctor [five days after his first symptoms], I had a huge fever. When the doctor said I probably had H1N1, I blanked out. I was so sick that I didn’t know what to think.� The disease continued to spread. Between Oct. 19 and Oct. 30, attendance records report a startling 770 illness-related absences alone, the majority of these assumed to be attributed to H1N1 cases. “I can’t say that I’ve ever seen this many

absences or illnesses in my 15 years of being a school nurse,� said district nurse Brenda Versteeg. The district is required to relay such data to the Iowa Department of Public Health on any given day when absentees total at least 10 percent of the student population. According to Versteeg, this figure amounts to a net absence of around 70 ill teenagers. In the week of Oct. 26 alone, the high school was obligated to report to the IDPH on four out of five days. While she was awed by the impact of the flu, Versteeg admitted that she wasn’t utterly surprised. “I knew it would come. I had heard of high rates of absence in other districts. People kept saying, ‘We’re doing good, we’ll stay healthy,’ but soon enough, here it was,� she said. In light of Versteeg’s predictions, and prompts from the Department of Public Health, the district did take steps to prepare for the impending outbreak. Administrators sent a notice to parents of younger children and posted information on the school website explaining some routine practices for evading the flu, and detailed information was sent to teachers. “Probably, we went through our first wave of H1N1. We are pretty much back to normal absence-wise. I think it’s kind of run its course through here,� she said. “But, predictions change every day. Public health says now that we still have to go through a regular flu season.� t/BUIBO ,PPLFS OL QFMMBEVN!HNBJM com)

ROYALTY. Seniors Bekah Posthuma, Morgan Anderson, Sara Van Gorp, and Courtney Kelderman -/,,)/( 5 /&#*5 / (5 # #5 "/&. 65- )( 5 ,)'5,#!".65 .5." 5 / (]-5 (()/( ' (.5 ,.35 )085o855R ").)5 by Ben Muller

Schulte named 2010 Tulip Queen Heidi Schulte, a dual-enrolled senior, was chosen 2010 Tulip Queen Nov. 9 during the annual Queen’s Announcement Party at Pella Christian High School. Seniors Morgan Anderson and Courtney Kelderman were named to the Court, along with Pella Christian seniors Sara Van Gorp and Bekah Posthuma. “The whole experience was amazing; it was great to get to know the other girls during the rehearsal and backstage. We all shared a common bond; we all had the same butterflies in our stomach, we all stood on the same stage and represented Pella in our own way,� said Anderson. Pella High seniors Alexis Heerema, Hillary Nossaman, Olivia Schouten, Jordyn Vande Lune, Lisa Vander Meiden and Madison Vander Well were also candidates. Candidates presented different attributes about themselves in a symbolic way, including artwork or dance.

“It was really stressful getting ready for my presentation. My mom helped me with my speech, so I tried memorizing it every second I could. Then, I got dolled up. It felt like I was going to prom again,� said Kelderman. Thirty-four judges chose the royalty. “I looked for candidates whowould be great ambassadors of Pella; all 12 candidates were good,� said judge Barb Kniff. Schulte was surprised at her selection. “Wow! It sounded so strange to hear the words “Queen� and “Heidi� as being addressed to me! It probably sounds weird, but I also had this amazing feeling of calmness and expectancy! My prayer had been that God would make it clear what His will was for my life in the midst of this incredible opportunity with the Queen’s Announcement Party and He did,� said


Affected by cancer, Schultes find peace, encouragement through God

“I think on Tuesday they will do a bone marrow test. The prayer is that this will somehow be ‘empty’ of leukemia... Then we wait for stem cells still in my body to grow back. During this time they give me blood and platelets as needed because my body can’t make them. It seems that if everything goes well, my stay here this time [will be] about 30 days.â€? This excerpt from Carol Schulte’s online blog details her and her family’s journey after receiving the news of her leukemia. Schulte was diagnosed May 13, 2009, with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML), a fast-growing cancer affecting the blood and bone marrow. Carol, wife of math teacher Matt Schulte, received seven rounds of chemotherapy and underwent her potentially final one Sept. 25, 2009. In her blog, Carol called the therapy God’s lifeblood to her. She has braved hair loss and multiple blood transfusions, saying that nothing is out of His will or control. AML targets the blood and bones, so blood transfusions have been a major part of Schulte’s treatment, often receiving two “six packsâ€? of platelets a day. In fact, in 24 days 104 people’s blood has kept her alive. The Schulte family has given every aspect of life and their battle over to God, from praising Him for the strength to

812 University 641-628-5285

walk two miles, to giving Him the credit for her short-term homecoming last summer. They entrust every detail of the future to His hands, trusting in His goodness to provide. She writes: “I’ve gone through places of doubt and worry in all of this and have asked the Lord some hard questions. He

hasn’t given me all of the answers, but God isn’t through with me yet. He is teaching me to trust his heart. ... I have been given 30 days to get to know our Lord and Savior more fully, being carried by the prayers of His people. And yet, even as we enjoy the sunny days of life, we need to constantly keep our eyes fixed on eternity and our Lord and King who reigns and longs to reign in us!â€? In all of this, the Schulte family has not been alone. Last summer, the Pella Swim Team made t-shirts and donated all the profits to Schulte’s treatment. “[We are] doing fine. So many people are helping out, bringing food, and looking after the kids,â€? said Matt. Giving back has also been a big part of the Schulte’s life. During her final round of chemotherapy Carol was often found ministering to the new patients anticipating their first full-month treatments, claiming she was ‘in their shoes’ mid-May and can remember the friends who ministered to her and answered her questions.’ Cancer can be a time of despondency and despair, but Schulte has managed to keep her chin up. “My prayer is that I’ll be able to see my children’s children and greet many in heaven because of what God is doing.â€? t)FJEJ (SJUUFST IH QFMMBEJVN!HNBJM DPN




Roughly 50 small businesses close daily because of the finanical crisis.

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Small businesses endure recession

“Guts� challenges students for worthy cause

When looking at the town square one can’t help but notice the numerous small town businesses and their Dutch fronts. These businesses do a lot more than give a small town feeling to Pella. During the current nationwide economic recession small businesses are important to Pella’s well being. “Small businesses are extremely important to Pella. They employ people who live here and the money they earn goes directly back into the community when they buy goods or services as opposed to buying at national chains in cities like Des Moines,� said Pella Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Karen Eischen. These stores do a lot more than just keep money in Pella. The Chamber estimates that MPDBM CVTJOFTTFT EPOBUFE PWFS NJMMJPO EPMMBST UP WBSJPVT DBVTFT BSPVOE UIF DJUZ JO ranging from youth sports recreation leagues to high school activities. This is a substantial amount of money that would otherwise become a burden for other citizens. With the current economic recession, doubts linger about how well small businesses are adjusting to the new economic climate. While there has been a slowdown in industries, such as retail and manufacturing, there are encouraging signs that the recession hasn’t hit 1FMMB BT IBSE BT CVTJOFTTFT IBWF PQFOFE BOE IBWF DMPTFE TJODF UIF CFHJOOJOH PG “The Chamber is doing a lot to encourage local businesses in Pella. We’ve started ‘Go Local, Grow Pella,’ a program which encourages local residents to buy from local businesses. We have visual reminders of this with banners around town and stickers in the windows Sophomore Reagan Cooper does not wear the DoWell project. This consists of selling of every member’s business. Employees of Chamber business members also have discount dresses. Her style has never before included U TIJSUT UP SBJTF NPOFZ GPS UIF cards that give discounts at other Chamber businesses to encourage them to buy locally,� flowing skirts and lacy tops. But for a fund. Since beginning to sell them in mid- said Eischen. week in October, Cooper swallowed her October, Hibbard, who is the bookkeeper t"OESFX 4BHFST TBHFST QFMMBEJVN!HNBJM DPN

own phobia of girly attire to help benefit for the operation, said they sold 66 shirts. distressed natives thousands of miles away 'SPN UIF TQFOU PO UIF U TIJSU in Haiti. Along with other students, Cooper is given towards the Haiti cause. Hibbard helped raise money for the organization, is quickly running out of available t-shirts, “Promise for Haiti,â€? through a series of BOE JT OPX ĂŤMJOH GPS B TFDPOE PSEFS 5P sponsored challenges. Established by Third place an order, contact Hibbard. Reformed Church the “Gutsâ€? program, “I can’t believe how fast we sold the shirts. along with other fundraising activities, It was great to know that we are making IPQFT UP SBJTF GPS UIF DSFBUJPO PG B some contributions. I think students are necessary well for a school in Haiti. buying the shirts because they know they “A family associated with the church lives are making a difference in someone’s life, in Haiti, and they told the congregation which they are. This way, the school can about the seven schools in need of wells. have their well and the students there can Our youth group theme for the past few focus on their studies, not where they are weeks has been about going beyond the going to get their next glass of clean water wall that you normally wouldn’t without from.  I only hope that the shirts sell as the help of Christ. We kind of decided many with the second order,â€? said Hibbard. that this would be the perfect example to “I think other students should get promote this idea, by helping out people we involved with either “Guts,â€? DoWell or wouldn’t otherwise take the time for. So this they can form their own kind of fundraiser is where the idea for “gutsâ€? and the DoWell idea. If I can wear a dress for a week, and project came from,â€? said junior Christina SBJTF BOZPOF DBO DPOUSJCVUF &JUIFS Hibbard. way, they get to help the people in Haiti, “Gutsâ€? is not the only active fundraiser and that is what counts,â€? said Cooper. for the well, though. Hibbard, along with t.FHBO $BSE NDQFMMBEJVN!HNBJM DPN

the rest of her youth group, came up with

There is no better meal than comfort food in the winter. A simple favorite of my family is BBQ pulled pork. If time permits, season the meat the night before, wrap it in Saran Wrap, then place in fridge. This step isn’t necessary, but it can be done for a more seasoned taste. Place ribs in Crockpot, season with favorite BBQ seasoning, salt and pepper. Add apple juice in slow cooker and cook for 6-8 hours on low. Afterwards, take out ribs and discard the juice. The pork should be tender enough that you can shred it with forks. Place the meat back in the Crockpot and add your favorite BBQ sauce until desired amount (I recommend Famous Dave’s Rich and Sassy sauce). Makes about 8-10 sandwiches. t MCT DPVOUSZ TUZMF CPOFMFTT SJCT t D BQQMF KVJDF t 5MCT GBWPSJUF ##2 TFBTPOJOH


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5,000 dancers participated in the ISDTA Solo Competition statewide at 270 high schools and 23 colleges.

Five place in dance competition Senior Lauren Cooper performs her solo in the Iowa State Dance/Drill Team Association (ISDTA) Solo Competition held Saturday Nov. 7 at Pella High. Four other Forte members also competed: senior Hillary Nossaman, colorguard; juniors Leah Englebrecht, Olivia Warner and freshman Holly Reimer. They all received a Division I rating. In addition, Reimer placed second overall in her class; Nossaman placed second overall in colorguard in her class. “Solo contest is very nervewracking, but it’s also very fun and rewarding to know I accomplished doing something on my own,� said $PPQFS t1IPUP DPVSUFTZ PG Holly Reimer

MYSTERY. Senior Nicole Stafford (Vera Claythorne) and junior Ben Palmer (Philip Lombard) perform in the murder mystery “And Then There Were None� Oct. 30-31. “I really enjoyed playing the character of Vera. I have never played a character quite like her. It forced me to step out of my comfort zone as an actress,�said Stafford. t1IPUP CZ #FO .VMMFS

Eleven musicians perform at All-State Festival Eleven musicians represented band, chorus and orchestra programs at the All-State Music Festival Nov. 19-21 in Ames. After auditioning Oct. 24, the following were chosen. Band: freshmen Conner Naaden, baritone; Sarah DeVries, clarinet; junior Mika Hrdlicka, bassoon; seniors Hannah Axt, flute; Lisa Vander Meiden, clarinet.

Chorus: juniors Rachel Wiley, alto; Jacob Martin, tenor; Matt Nunnikhoven, bass; and senior Todd Wegter, bass. Orchestra: freshmen Nathan Han, violin, sophomores Shenstone Huang, violin; and Chet Aldrich, first cello alternate. “I was surprised! I thought it was almost a miracle that I made it because I thought I’d totally blown my audition. It was

exciting that I made it,� said Naaden. The excitement of making All-State was soon interrupted by a tough decision for senior Todd Wegter. As a member of the varsity football team, Wegter had to choose between the championship game and the All-State Festival. He chose to attend All-State. t)FJEJ (SJUUFST (

FOCUS. Freshman Nathan Han plays his violin in the orchestra concert Oct. 27. Han, who has been playing since he was six years old, was one of the 11 participants at the All-State Festival. He was 17th chair of 40 second violins. “I’m excited to try-out in the future, and hopefully, I can get a better chair,� said Han.

Pella Branch

801 Broadway Street 641-628-2121

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This marks the second year consecutive that the football team has made it to the UNI Dome

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Twice as Nice

Parents embrace children’s successes in volleyball, football

Senior Hannah Forsythe

Senior Ben Fessler

At any given high school athletic event, the stands are volleyball and football teams has been amazing.� populated by hoards of parents who have poured time, The Fessler family also considered the opportunity more money and physical labor into supporting their children of a blessing then a burden. on the field or court. By their voluminous cheering and “With two kids in both programs, it has been exciting to spirited pom-waving, it’s clear to see that these parents see such success and all the great memories and relationships would do anything to see their kids succeeding in the sports they have been building. Ben and Brooke are both so close they enjoy, even if it comes to long drives across the state, that they get a lot of encouragement from each other. For us chasing more than one offspring from championship to it has been a lot of travel and busy schedules, but I wouldn’t championship. change it for the world, � said volleyball coach and parent When state football and volleyball playoffs commenced, Bob Fessler. three Pella families found themselves in such a With the volleyball team advancing to the state strenuous yet rewarding situation. Lori and quarterfinals and the football team claiming the title of Dave Forsythe, Stu and Brenda Kelderman, as state runner-up, athletes are just as grateful for their parents’ well as Bob and Deb Fessler each support. spent their November following a “ M y parents are our number daughter and son through the volleyball o n e fans. They support us and football varsity post-seasons. a t every event no matter “In total, we spent around 15 h o w busy they might be $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%@@-K'**I hours in the car driving across Iowa themselves and help us $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$J8*=$K)177$-L to watch Blaine and Hannah in the push ourselves and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$L<+**+'H=KB&?$8$<M post-season,� said sports mom Lori strive to be our best,� $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$L$N&+((0**$8$<M Forsythe, who despite this, found said senior Courtney $$$$$$$$$$$$$M$6())1$<7,$K(85(/<&))($N$:O M$K(*1/$%1))7$<7,$P(2$Q1GB508$N$:O the season to be an absolute Kelderman. M$K(*1/$%1))7$<7,$Q1/)18$N$R$ delight. t"EEJF 4NJUI BT “To have both of our S0))(3>1))9$F0B$T$%&8&7D(/=$K)177$-LM6())1$<7,$U80V<&))($N$:O$M pelladium@gmail. 6())1$<7,$K1/)&7)($N$:O$M$U80V<&))($<7,$.08*A/185N%(//1/$N$:O$M kids be able to share K(*1/$+1B&*7$<7,$W1/&08$N$R com) in the success of the

Road to


Senior Courtney Kelderman

Familiar faces fill new roles

Senior Blaine Forsythe

Junior Brooke Fessler

Senior Connor Kelderman

Passion, Enthusiasm, Loyalty, Love, Action. Defining the upcoming girls basketball season could be as simple as these five words. There is not a new concept to the basketball program, but instead a new face undermining the philosophy. Former assistant varsity coach under retiree Mike Vint, Jerod Garland plans for success as the girls basketball season approaches. Former JV coach and math teacher Wade Van Vark will now fill the assistant coach spot. “I’m really looking forward to the opportunity to develop an identity based around enthusiasm and hard work, as well as the chance to try and help shape our girls into better players and people,� said Garland. Following in the footsteps of soon-to-be Iowa Coaches Hall of Famer Mike Vint, Garland

Jock Talk

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looks ahead to the future with enthusiasm. “I’ve learned more from Coach Vint than you can fit into an article, but the most memorable thing is how to deal with and how to overcome adversity,� said Garland. Garland is not the only person affected by Vint’s retirement. English teacher Beth Hanson, who volunteered for two years assisting Brian Huddle and the freshman team, is now embracing her new job as the JV coach. “I’m excited to be working with Van Vark and Garland. I think that Coach Garland has good ideas for the future. I think we have hardworking and selfless players who will be really fun to work with this coming season,� said Hanson. With only three seniors returning this year, the team will be considerably young. Senior

Name: Junior Lindsay Bentzinger Position: Libero Background: Started playing volleyball in fourth grade. Reaction: “Making state was amazing. Over the season, our team really bonded and made relationships that will last,� said Bentzinger.



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captains Whitney Pavlat, Courtney Kelderman and Jordyn Vande Lune have all been a part of the girls’ basketball tradition for four years. “I’m really excited to see what Garland has to offer, and I can’t wait for practices to start so that we can improve as a team,� said Pavlat. Many of the girls prepared in the off season by attending morning shooting camp with Garland and Van Vark; they also attended Creighton University basketball camp last summer. “I think Garland has some big shoes to fill with the success the program had under Vint, but I have all the confidence in the world that Garland has the desire and ability to fill those shoes admirably,� said Van Vark. t.BEFMJOF .FZFS NN QFMMBEJVN!HNBJM DPN

Name: Junior Mariah Vande Lune Personal Record: 15:59 Background: Started running cross country in seventh grade. Reaction: “Our theme for the season is unbreakable. I think how our team has really bonded and grown closer is what has brought unbreakable theme into a reality,� said Vande Lune. t1IPUP CZ .PMMZ /FJM

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Nearly every teenager’s plans after graduating high school are the same: go to college, get a degree and go off into the world. For some students college isn’t their immediate destination after graduation. 1)4 HSBEVBUF 5BZMPS #PFZJOL GPSNFSMZ LOPXO BT 5BZMPS 7BOEFS8FMM is one student who took a year off from schooling after graduating. “The summer after my senior year I went to the Desperation Conference in Colorado Springs. While there, I heard a man named Fred Markert speak about his experience with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) and it completely astounded me. I wanted to do it! So, I ended up deciding to forgo my first year of college and do some traveling first. I knew that with the college credits I had from high school, a year off wouldn’t put me that far behind. I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity or wait for another one to come around,â€? TBJE #PFZJOL 5BLJOH B ZFBS PĂŞ GSPN TDIPPMJOH may seem like an unwise choice as very few people choose to do so. Definite advantages exist, however, as the year inbetween schooling lends itself to different life experiences. “A good thing about taking a year off


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t1IPUP TVCNJUUFE CZ 5BZMPS #PFZJOL before college is that you get to experience something most of your peers won’t. Instead of immediately being immersed into college culture, I found myself in Africa working with the homeless BOE IBOEJDBQQFE %54 %JTDJQMFTIJQ 5SBJOJOH 4DIPPM XBT WFSZ JOUFOTF BOE really pushed me to set my values and figure out who I was and who I wanted to be. I loved that YWAM opened many doors of opportunity for me. I also feel that this experience will help me with my FEVDBUJPO MBUFS PO w TBJE #PFZJOL t"OESFX 4BHFST TBHFST QFMMBEJVN!HNBJM DPN

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Three ways exist for students to graduate DMACC/GED, SWISH and the regular diploma based on the district’s standards. Generally, students are encouraged to graduate based on the district’s set standards, and only work for a SWISH if they have fallen behind on credits or plan to graduate early. On average, 10-to-15 students yearly work for their SWISH if the regular diploma isn’t achieved; four-to-six drop out and come back to get a SWISH. If a SWISH isn’t achieved, a student usually works towards their DMACC/General Education Diploma which is not recognized by the state of Iowa as a diploma.

~Pella Diploma

t46 Credits including: (must be enrolled in all the following)

opportunities have enabled Wittenberg to compete on the cross country state team who placed first this year. Outside of the athletic spectrum, he is a part of FCA and Youth Group. Classes may be at home, but that doesn’t stop home schooled students from partaking in things such as field trips, choir, activity day and regular home school gatherings. Junior Olivia Warner takes the best of both worlds by being dual enrolled. “The reason I first started taking classes at the high school is because they offered things I couldn’t be taught at home. It has been awesome being part of both places. The high school gives me interaction with my peers and friends, but being home schooled gives me the opportunity to learn at my own pace. The biggest change I’ve had to overcome is being in such a large class, but I love it,â€? said Warner. 8BSOFS BOE 8JUUFOCFSH BSF UXP PG IJHI TDIPPMFST currently dual enrolled. “It’s been great how accepting everyone has been since I first dual enrolled back in eighth grade. I was one of the ĂŤSTU UP EVBM FOSPMM XJUI 1FMMB BOE OPX * DBO U XBML EPXO the halls of the high school without bumping into a fellow home schooler,â€? said Wittenberg. t"EEJF 4NJUI BT QFMMBEJVN!HNBJM DPN

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9.4&:"0,+&&;"0')"0<+.,4/"-)) $0'"/,4'$+0)=$'>$0)-'.1"0')%+1( 4FOJPS ;BDI 8JUUFOCFSH XBLFT VQ FBSMZ HFUT SFBEZ for school and sits down at his computer. He is home schooled and takes online classes. He has been doing so for the past 13 years, being dual enrolled for five years. With the added flexibility of a college-like schedule comes added responsibility. “I don‘t have classes all day long; that is a major BEWBOUBHF #VU XIFO * EP IBWF B DMBTT JU JT WFSZ JOUFOTF so I have to be very diligent and ready to go or else I’ll be left in the dust. Another thing is I have time to help my mom both around the house and with my seven siblings; a little bit of tutoring to my younger brothers and sisters when they need help,� said Wittenberg. With the added flexibility of a college-like schedule comes added responsibility. “You have to be very diligent to stay on top of your homework. Since I only have class once or twice a week on a certain subject, I’m not being forced to go over each subject each day. So, it is easy to save stuff till the last minute before it’s due, and thus get swamped,� said Wittenberg. Snow days, a simple luxury most students take advantage of, are not available for the home schoolers. The only time Wittenberg gets a day off is when the electricity goes out, because most of his classes are done online. Although he may not be with his friends all day, Wittenberg sees other advantages outside of the box. “One thing I am not faced with as much as many high school students is the amount of negative peer pressure. However, instead of building friendships with my friends, I am able to build strong bonds with my seven siblings and my parents since I am with them all the time. I’m blessed with an awesome family,� said Wittenberg. Wittenberg may be learning at home, but that doesn’t stop him from being involved in activities at 1FMMB )JHI )F IBT QBSUJDJQBUFE JO USBDL DSPTT DPVOUSZ and basketball throughout his high school years. Those

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t34 Credits

t3 years/6 credits, Mathematics


~DMACC/GED- Not recognized by the state of Iowa as a diploma. t32 Credits







!"#$%&'#()$*+,-.."(&/*.00$%+* !"#$%$&$'()*+,)-',.//&$0/)-'.1"0'Individuality. This is the key for UIF ( 0 " - (SFBU 0QQPSUVOJUJFT JO "MUFSOBUJWF -FBSOJOH high school in Knoxville. We are all familiar with what traditional school looks like: eight periods a day, demanding class loads, hundreds of peers and pressure not only to do well academically, but also in extracurriculars. )PXFWFS UIF ( 0 " - TDIPPM provides an alternative to this highly stressful environment and caters to 35 students from around Marion County who have different learning styles and needs. 4UVEFOUT XIP BUUFOE ( 0 " - are ones for whom the “cookie cutterâ€? form of traditional schooling just doesn’t fit. At ( 0 " - UIF TUVEFOUT BSF HJWFO individualized attention and class loads according to their needs and schedules. Many students attend for credit catch-up, which means that if they have fallen into risk of not graduating with their class, they can work at their own pace and still earn a high school diploma from almost the same curriculum as used in Knoxville High School. Contrary to some popular beliefs, UIF TUVEFOUT XIP BUUFOE ( 0 " -

are not the troublemakers, lazy ones or the “dumb ones.â€? “Some of these students are actually the brightest I know. They just don’t learn at the same pace and structure that others do,â€? said lead teacher Sheri Roslien. /PU POMZ EPFT ( 0 " - PĂŞFS students smaller class sizes, it also provides flexible schedules, which they can arrange around common obstacles in traditional school, such as a full-time job. With a teacher to student ratio of approximately one to nine, students are taught lessons on an individual basis, which enables teachers to reach beyond the classic roles. They can have a more one-on-one relationship, and this way the student can learn at their own pace. “At high school, when I would ask for help, the teachers would look at me as if I was dumb. They wouldn’t take the time to help me or answer any of my questions. Here, I’m given the option to stay after school in order to get farther ahead in my classes and help me HSBEVBUF FBSMZ w TBJE TUVEFOU -J[[JF Clark, a former Knoxville High student. ɨF TDIPPM EBZ TUBSUT BU

a.m. However, many students have their first class at 9:30. They then cycle between four classrooms organized by subjects for the remainder of the day. In each of these rooms, students work on various subtopics and lessons depending on their class load and progress in that class. The state of Iowa requires students to be in class for at least 55 days, finish with a # PS BCPWF BOE IBWF QPJOUT in that class to earn credit for the class. In order to allow students to work at an accelerated pace, the school requires the students to be in a class for at least 60 days, ĂŤOJTI XJUI B # PS BCPWF BOE IBWF QPJOUT JO UIBU DMBTT 1PJOUT BSF earned by attending the class and working diligently, for a reward of GPVS QPJOUT 1PJOUT BSF UBLFO BXBZ for leaving the class or refusing to work. If these requirements are not met, the curriculum will be re-taught until they can reach these goals. “I’m planning PO USBOTGFSSJOH CBDL UP 1FMMB BU semester and graduating with my DMBTT * IBWF MJWFE JO 1FMMB BMM NZ life and gone to school with the same people since kindergarten, so I want to graduate with them and

GSPN 1FMMB )JHI ( 0 " - IFMQFE me to catch up with my credits and allowed me to do this,â€? said senior #SBOEPO -FOU Ή A constantly reoccurring sentiment at the school was the superiority of the social context. With less than forty students, they all know each other and do not face the difficulty of being judged by others or trying to enter into existing cliques. Students are instead presented with a nonthreatening environment where they can thrive educationally and TPDJBMMZ Ή 0WFS ZFBST ( 0 " - has given 195 students a chance to successfully earn their high school diploma. “We give students the opportunity to just be them. There’s no pressure to pull up in a brand new car or be a star athlete. Our students are enabled to work in an academic environment that works best for them, individualized and at their own pace,â€? said Sheri Roslien. t"OESFB )VĂŞNBO (BI QFMMBEJVN!HNBJM DPN) t$BSPMJOF 1IJMMJQT (DQ QFMMBEJVN!HNBJM DPN)

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9.(::+*-$.&/$(7 Explore education in different ways Four years of high school followed by four years of college; this is the life that society impresses upon its youth. However, many students in the district are taking advantage of alternative educational opportunities. Whether they be taking a year off, being home schooled, achieving an alternative diploma, attending G.O.A.L. in Knoxville, going to community college instead of the typical four year, or going to school for a trade art, students are going against the flow of traditional education into BMUFSOBUJWFT NPSF ĂŤU GPS UIFN We, as a staff, encourage not only students, but also community members to look at these educational surrogates with an open mind and realize that traditional school and followed by college is not the right path for everyone. Embrace these students who are making these choices, as it is not an easy choice to defy the way society tells them to go. While it may be considered unconventional, home schooling and alternative diplomas can offer higher rates of success for particular students. It can BMTP FODPVSBHF TUVEFOUT UP ĂŤOJTI UIFJS education, whereas in other situations they may not. Though we do believe that

home schooling is not a necessity due to the high levels of academia happening in the school district, we do acknowledge the tight family bonds and values it can create. Some students choose to attend a DPNNVOJUZ DPMMFHF CFDBVTF PG ĂŤOBODJBM issues or sheer preference. Some students graduate a semester or even an entire year early, while others may attend a trade school, such as cosmetology or auto mechanics. Some may even forego college all together to enter the working world. Whatever the reason may be to opt for these choices keep in mind that their choice will affect their life, rarely ever will it affect us innocent, judgmental observers. Keep an open, nonjudgmental mind instead of making belittling comments about their chances in the “real worldâ€? or “making it.â€? Instead, make comments that will inspire them to live their lives according to their dreams and fullest potential. We, as a staff, encourage students to look into all routes concerning education and to have the courage to stand up for their choice JO PSEFS UP EP XIBU XJMM VMUJNBUFMZ GVMĂŤMM them. The staff voted 18-5 in favor of this editorial.


tɨF )FSFEJB UXJOT .FMJTTB BOE .JDIFMMF XFSF JODPSSFDUMZ JEFOUJĂŤFE with the last name ‘Here’ in the last Pelladium. t+VOJPS #FO 1BMNFS XBT JODPSSFDUMZ JEFOUJĂŤFE BT B TFOJPS PO 1BHF MBTU NPOUI The Pelladium apologizes for the errors.




In many school districts across the nation, as much as 30 percent of students are involved in alternative schooling.

An attempt at buying trust

“You can rent an Afghan, but you can’t buy him.â€? A familiar saying from Afghanistan, this aphorism holds more truth than one might initially think. President Obama signed a $680 billion defense appropriations bill on Oct. 28, which will pay for military operations in the year 2010. Under the Commander’s Emergency Response Program (CERP), a Taliban reintegration provision is included in this bill. One provision would give commanders the ability to pay Taliban members to switch sides. Many different thoughts, theories, and opinions have emerged surrounding this idea of a buyout. Presumptions range from full-throttle support of paying off the Taliban to a strong belief that doing so will only create problems as opposed to solving them. An issue involving an undercurrent of controversy, the decision has already been made, and now the consequences can begin to be evaluated. The CERP is now receiving $1.3 billion to help win over the Taliban allegiances. The intent is that local Taliban members will be disconnected from their leaders by being paid off. The truly devoted will be separated from those who are somewhat neutral and this will, in turn, diminish the opposition. Experts say that many of UIF ĂŤHIUFST BSF NPUJWBUFE QSJNBSJMZ CZ

the need for a job and do not swear loyalty based on ideology or religious devotion. They look for work where security is offered for both themselves and their families. Their allegiance falls to whoever is handing out the check, no matter what side they’re on. With such unreliable sources, is it really in the nation’s best interest to buyout the loyalties of Taliban members? It would seem that doing so only lays the groundwork for a shaky foundation, one that’s based only upon bribery, and one that’s based upon nothing more than temporary allegiance. If money is the sole motivation behind what UIF 5BMJCBO NFNCFST BSF ĂŤHIUJOH GPS UIFO there’s no real passion or devotion behind their mission. Without passion or motivation, loyalties are divided and dissolved, thus a highly unstable situation is created. America is taking an ignorant gamble, not only with monetary values, but also with something NPSF TJHOJĂŤDBOU ɨF GBDU PG UIF NBUUFS JT you can’t pay for allegiance or buy trust. A bigger, more important incentive should exist, something to drive people, something UP JHOJUF B ĂŤSF UIBU XJMM CVSO FUFSOBMMZ GPS B DBVTF XPSUI ĂŤHIUJOH GPS t+PDFMZO 7BO %ZLF (

!"#$%&"'!"#$%&'( What are your thoughts on paying Taliban members to switch sides? “How sure are we that this will work? It’s a very big risk, but I’m in total support if it can save American lives.â€? -Sophomore Shenstone Huang “Bribing an enemy to become your friend usually doesn’t seem to work on any scale.â€? - Freshman Nathan Han “That’s ridiculous. They’re just gonna use the money to buy bombs. They’ve been ĂŤHIUJOH GPS IVOESFET PG ZFBST BOE UIFZ XPO U TUPQ OPX w -Sophomore Shaun Sokol “I think maybe in theory it’s a good idea, but in all reality it’s not the best idea because paying them doesn’t mean they’ll support us.â€? - Senior Kelsey Schippers “You have to have a better relationship with them, built on trust instead of just paying them.â€? -Junior Kirsten Maakestaad t+PDFMZO 7BO %ZLF (,

Pelladium Staff Executive Editors: Andrea Huffman, Caroline Phillips, Andrew Sagers Page Editors/Reporters: Morgan Anderson, Megan Card, Liz Core, Michael Ge, Andrea Huffman, Nathan Kooker, Benji McElroy, Eric Moore, Caroline Phillips, Andrew Sagers, Addie Smith, Kelsey Van Tasell, Ranier Worstell Photographers: Ben Muller Cartoonists: Michael Ge, Eric Moore Reporters: Heidi Gritters, Jakub Martisovits, Madeline Meyer, Ben Muller, Jessica Salpor, Jocelyn Van Dyke, Shaun Van Weelden, Alexis Zwank Adviser: Ann Visser The Pelladium is a monthly tabloid produced by the high school journalism department to serve as an informative, educational and entertaining communications media and to provide an open GPSVN UP TUVEFOUT BOE SFBEFST t-FUUFST UP UIF &EJUPST BSF XFMDPNF BOE FODPVSBHFE ɨFTF MFUUFST NVTU CF TJHOFE BOE TIPVME JO OP XBZ CF MJCFMPVT JSSFTQPOTJCMF PS PCTDFOF -FUUFST NVTU IBWF WFSJÍFE facts and should deal with issues. The Pelladium reserves the right to edit grammatical errors, libelous content or length due to the space limitations. Letters may be brought to Room 201 or sent to 1FMMB $PNNVOJUZ )JHI 4DIPPM #PY 1FMMB *" tɨF 1FMMBEJVN XJMM TUSJWF UP EFMJWFS JOGPSNBUJPO JO B GBJS BOE USVUIGVM NBOOFS ɨF 1FMMBEJVN XJMM GVODUJPO JO BDDPSE XJUI BMM BQQMJDBCMF MBXT CPUI JO SFHBSE UP UIF SJHIUT BOE SFTUSJDUJPOT PG KPVSOBMJTN tɨF WJFXT FYQSFTTFE JO UIJT QVCMJDBUJPO BSF UIPTF PG UIF JOEJWJEVBM XSJUFS BOE OPU OFDFTTBSJMZ UIPTF PG UIF 1FMMB $PNNVOJUZ )JHI School Administration or the Pella Community Schools Board of Education. The Pelladium will make retractions in the event of errors made in the content of printed stories. Retractions will be QSJOUFE JO UIF JTTVF JNNFEJBUFMZ GPMMPXJOH UIF JTTVF DPOUBJOJOH UIF FSSPST tɨF 1FMMBEJVN JT B NFNCFS PG UIF *PXB )JHI 4DIPPM 1SFTT "TTPDJBUJPO




Complying with October’s state-wide cuts, Culver reduced his own salary by 10%, or a striking $13,000.

Reaction: Action The aftermath of the economic downturn has caused the state of Iowa to rethink their spending. Governor Chet Culver proposed state budget cuts as a necessary means of keeping the state budget balanced. In late October, Culver released a statement reducing government spending across the board by 10 percent. Because of this reduction, all areas of the school district expenditures will be scrutinized in order to meet the schools financial obligations. The greatest impact on the district will most likely come during the 2010-2011 school year.

“I don’t necessarily think that it is right because the school employees already don’t make enough money, and if their salaries are cut any more, it’s going to be hard for them to make a living.�

Freshman Quay Schaus “It could cause serious problems for extracurriculars. The programs that are not required will be dropped, and that will cause lots of controversy. A lot of sports and clubs will have to find funding for themselves.�

Sophomore Joella Gerber !"#$ %&'()*#$ +',--.$ /,##'+$ 0'1,2('$ 3'$ 3&)*#$ 0'$ 4'+'5$ 62#$ #'14)71,--.8$ /&(#$ &9$ 2($ 37--$ :&$ #&$ +':')#$ 2)7;'+(7#7'($ ,)%$ 7#$ 37--$ 47#$2($#4'+'$7)(#',%8$-7<'$ #4,#$-'9#=4&&<$ #4,#$ .&2$ %7%)*#$(''$1&/7):5>

Senior Ben Fessler “I think the state is going to have to find other ways to fund education, whether it’s through property taxes or other means, but a cut in education for a long period of time will definitely affect higher learning of our children.�

At-Risk Coordinator Brian Huddle t .BEFMJOF .FZFS NN QFMMBEJVN!HNBJM DPN

"#$%$&% ! Liz Core (

Like a Parachute Over three billion people live on less than $2.50 a day. You’ve probably heard this statistic before. If you’re like me, you probably read it, felt kind of guilty, and then pushed it to the back of your mind. It is nothing shocking about hearing that there are millions of people who are too poor to sustain life. We may feel remorse for those in need and look at them with pity, but after a while, statistics like this one become merged into something completely unreal and unimaginable to us. We have never been directly exposed to the reality of those three billion suffering people so, to us, they are just a number. Something distinctly detestable exists about how we live in America, and I think we all know that. We have too much; others have nothing. We know. So, why do the privileged countries of the world continue to ignore the devastation? I don’t think it’s because no one cares. Caring is something that Americans are uniquely good at. What I think it is is that we simply can’t understand the horror of the situation. It is almost impossible to imagine that others are in so much distress when we are surrounded by warmth, nutrition

and entertainment. Our media system, the epicenter for American opinion, has taken control of the majority of our attention. Whether it is the economy or inner-circle politics, Americans are constantly bombarded by what the media deems important enough to worry about. Of course, there is nothing wrong with news sources; they are one of the most important sectors of social change. But, as long as we are unable to turn our gaze from the problems occurring in our own country, we will never be able to make a change in the world outside of our borders. It should be easy for the privileged in the world to take charge. We have all the ammunition: the money, the information and the health. However, there’s so much lethargy in the mindset of the modern American as well as too much preoccupation with what is going on in our own country that we can’t focus on anything else. Our eyes are so set on gas prices and unemployment rates that we cannot see the hopelessness in the eyes of our world co-inhabitants. For those of you that argue that what we are going through right now in America is deserving of all our attention, realize that

we are not the only country and we are not the only people suffering right now. According to UNICEF, 24,000 children die each year due to poverty. Most of those children die without a funeral, burial or any recognition at all. Yet here we are, scrambling for enough vaccines for a flu virus that isn’t necessarily fatal. We can’t even take any credit for the aid we send to developing countries, because for every one dollar we send, 25 dollars are spent on debt repayment in America. How did we allow this to happen? Young people are quick to forget that within a few years, we will be the ones making the decisions that will change how people live, work and function. Instead of setting the blame on the baby-boomers, our own generation has the ability to make a permanent change in not only our country, but in our world. Once we can establish a way for our overabundance to spread out evenly to developing countries, our own bloated economy will probably deflate but stability will increase. Americans need to level out the playing field. In toning down our own media hysteria, our fear of change will diminish as well.

Nathan Kooker (

Reading is Dangerous You are reading. Congratulations, you rank among the literate of society. Now, why do you do this? If you share a motive with the rest of the newspaper-perusing population, you read because you want to attain the information and insight provided here within. You, my audience, and I, the writer, are making a connection, a transfer of knowledge, and we are doing so through the phenomenon of language. Language by definition is communication via a system of symbols, signs, sounds or gestures, and communication is the sharing of thoughts between the minds of two beings. In light of this, it is language which has enabled the dispersion of knowledge between men, and in effect, it is language which has shaped society. We cannot deny this significance, but allow me to shed some light on a different side of things. Forget “Language: the foundation of all that is prosperous� and meet “Language: a hindrance to clear communication.� Read slowly. The ideas that originate from within our noggins are the products of elaborate and circuitous thought processes. What’s more is that each of

our own processes is utterly unique. We all experience those moments in daily life when we ‘trip over our own words,’ and sputter syllables aimlessly as our pressured minds struggle to construct a phrase which conveys a thought. Our own logic can seem so unambiguous until it must be communicated to someone else. This paradox has roused a philosophical question: Can language serve as an accurate representation for all ideas? Here’s the philosophical answer: Nope. There exists a contemporary school of thought regarding the matter known as ordinary language philosophy. It reasons that language is merely a quasi-perfect means of communication, and thus it is impossible for someone to wholly express the thoughts which they conceive in the complexities of their mind. There will always be a dichotomy, or a difference in opinion, between what a thinker means, what they say, and what an audience interprets. Let’s be rational, accepting ordinary language philosophy doesn’t render verbal language completely ineffective. Expressions such as “My dog attacked the mailman on

Tuesday,� and “Drinking motor oil will lead to your death,� are not easily misinterpreted. Mankind has, since the dawn of language, been able to flourish because verbal communication was successfully designed to transplant concrete information from one mind to another, just not the logic behind it. Until scientists invent telepathy, we are stuck with verbal language. To propose that we stop speaking words would be more farfetched than to propose we stop breathing oxygen. I’m not implying your reformation, just your consideration. With ordinary language philosophy in mind, communicate with more conscientiousness. Don’t forget that there is no guarantee the unaltered logic of your own mind can be successfully paralleled to the minds of those who hear your words or read your writing. Strive for simplicity in your logic, and examine the factual validity in your speeches, in your essays, in your daily conversations, in your humor, in your grammarless text messages, and even in your Facebook posts. Are we all on the same page here?

!"#$%&$'( 5*$' Applebee’s

Applebee’s. That’s right. A chain resturant has put their latest plant right here in our town of less than 11,000. In spite of those who are opposed to chain corporations, Applebee’s brings a unique flair to the local restaurant scene and delights ./*$0(Pella’s newest restaurant patrons with a delicious menu and inviting ./10(Try something new atmosphere. ./%2%0 1600 Washington Street Immediately upon walking into the foyer of Applebee’s, the subsequent door is swung open and you are greeted by their friendly staff. If there is a wait a large waiting area with leather seating awaits patron. Next, you can expect to be seated in one of the luscious booth or tables. TThe restaurant and tables are set up so there is ample dining and breathing space. The set-up also makes it seem as if everyone is there together, like you’re joining in a nice homey dinner with friends and acquaintances, not as if you and the other patrons are separated by an eternity. After being seated, our bubbly waitress immediately presented us with menus. From the delectable salads and appetizers presented on the first page, to the mouthwatering triple chocolate melt-down listed with the desserts, the menu surely has something for everyone. Not only do they have a great expanse of options, they also have great deals on the food. Their most advertised special is the Two for Twenty special. Each client can choose from a list of entrees and then choose an appetizer to share, all for just 20 dollars. The appetizers were promptly delivered by our speedy waitress. Then, a perfect amount of time later, our entrees were delivered. The wait staff made sure we were well taken care of, filling our glasses, taking away unneeded plates and seeing if we needed anything else. The assistant manager even graced our table to make sure our experience was a good one. The only negative that I experienced while in the establishment, was that my extremely sensitive and picky palette found the seasoning on the fries strong. However, as this was my only complaint during my time at Applebee’s I found the restaurant to be extremely enjoyable, not only because of the exquisite food, but also because of the incredible and unique atmosphere. t"OESFB )VêNBO BI QFMMBEJVN!HNBJM DPN





Applebee’s has opened at least 100 restaurants annually for the past seven years.

!"#$%&'(Built to Spill

Built to Spill returns to the forefront of the indie scene with their seventh full length album, There Is No Enemy. Lead vocalist and guitarist, Doug Martsch, carries the sound and tune he pioneered and has seemingly perfected over the band’s seventeen year ./60( “Indie� band, Built to long career. Somehow, though, Built to Spill’s newest Spill album sounds fresh and Martsch’s straightforward ./*$0( Their new album, and simple voice projects its message flawlessly over There is no Enemy the effect-laden guitars. There Is No Enemy fails to hide any hint of passion from Martsch’s lyrics and the energy of the music behind what is seemingly just simple and subdued guitars. The album opens up with “Aisle 13,� a song that would fit right into any album from Built to Spill’s catalog. A few songs after is “Good Ol’ Boredom� which is probably the album’s highest emotional and energetic point. Catchy, and still effect-laden, guitars play as Martsch sings out the opening lines “Break out the water/kinda celebrate/ Welcome back good old boredom/Not so bad seems great.� Essentially, it is about being content with your life, and the serene, untroubled state your life is in after getting through a tragedy. It’s a nice break from the more somber and emotional subject matter that most of the songs deal with. The angry, frustrated “Pat� kicks off the second half of the record while 3 f-bombs are dropped in succession in the faux calmness of almost all the lyrics. “Done� returns the album to its more composed roots. “Planting Seeds� somewhat spikes in your ears after listening to “Done,� but it still is signaling the album’s coming end. It’s a song that I could hear at the end of a mediocre 80’s teen movie and be interested enough to watch the credits roll to hear its tune. “Things Fall Apart� and “Tomorrow� clock in at a combined 14 minutes, as time is no stranger to Built to Spill albums. “Tomorrow� is an almost perfect end to a brilliant record, displaying a range of emotion and feeling in its nearly 8 minute shell. In its entirety, There Is No Enemy is a complete record. It has its shining moments, but no one or two songs will out shine anything single part. It almost begs to be listened to in one sitting, and in that one sitting Martsch’s always relaxed voice will take you on a roller coaster with his lyrics and guitar. t#FOKJ .D&MSPZ CNF QFMMBEJVN!HNBJM DPN


3%*4'(“John Dies At the End�

In 2001, web columnist David Wong began writing a comedy-horror story featuring a fictionalized version of himself and published it online in serial form. As the story progressed, it began to receive ./*$0( A comedy-horror book more attention. By the time of its completion, the story was read by an estimated 70,000 people. It was written by David Wong ./%2%0( Learn More at www. soon taken down from the web, and now it’s finally reached print form with extra content. The book tells the supernatural tale of David and John, two high school friends who live a relatively average life in an undisclosed Midwestern town. One night, they meet a Jamaicanan a party who calls himself Robert Marley. He offers them a mysterious drug called “soy sauce,� which they quickly find out has a will of its own. As they take the drug, or rather, the drug takes them, the duo quickly realizes that the world is not everything they had once believed. They face supernatural creatures, fall in and out of time and space, and meet entities from another dimension, all while trying to live out their normal lives as employees at a movie rental store. The narration of the book is both hilarious and gruesome. An example being the nonchalant description of a scene where the eyes of one of the characters spontaneously explodes. If that doesn’t make any sense to you now, don’t worry, it makes sense in the book. Throughout the book, I noted two things that may put people off from the book. First, some of the humor in the book might be considered a bit too juvenile for some. While much of the humor in “John Dies at the End� is fairly well constructed, there might be just a bit too much crude humor interspersed throughout the book for more refined tastes. The second, which some might not even see as a drawback, is that some of the horror aspects of the book are genuinely scary. Quite a few scenes from the book continue to stick out at night, and mess with your head long after you’ve finished reading. Despite the humor, the book still retains some serious scares. Overall, the book is a riotous page-turner, for both its humor and its story. You’ll quickly be engrossed in Dave and John’s world, and like the book’s inside flap implies, your only hope of getting out is reading the book all the way through. t3BOJFS 8PSTUFMM SX QFMMBEJVN!HNBJM DPN



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Welcome again, dear readers, to another spectacular edition with your hosts, the Bros. The fifth of November has come and gone, leaving us in its wake with a singular feeling burning inside: revolution! In commemoration of the season, we decided to invite three guests to participate in our glorious uprising this month: sophomore Brody 7BO #FSLVN 8IP DPVME CF NPSF QFSGFDU * NFBO IF T HPU “bro� in his name!) and seniors Zech Ogden and Ethan Frederick. First, we belatedly commemorated November 5 with an IPOPSBSZ TIPXJOH PG i7 GPS 7FOEFUUB w XIFSF 3BOJFS XFOU around the entire time with a Guy Fawkes mask over his face, making it slightly unnerving when you see a smiling masked man offer you grilled cheese as you see him on the 57 TDSFFO CMPXJOH VQ CVJMEJOHT We then decided that no evening of adventure would be DPNQMFUF XJUIPVU B IBSSPXJOH ESJWF UP )Z 7FF GPS TPNF artificial liquid energization. As Zech and Ben quickly

learned, having an energy drink chugging contest is not a good idea to do in the middle of the store. During our outing, we encountered a group of clandestine agents of chaos (a.k.a. seniors Meghan Cox, Brooke Kane, and Nicole Oliver) picking up supplies for an assembly of people planning to go to the local football game to raise some Hell. After an invitation to join them, our quintet decided to meet a congregation of like-minded revolutionaries in a pre-game celebration. They amassed in a church parking lot across the street from the football field. Ethan quickly decided to partake in their savage feast of half-frozen hot dogs cooked over an open flame. Meanwhile, we helped the other wild associates of the group partook in a strange, but exotic ritual: they painted their stomachs green, and inscribed some strange symbols on them in white. The symbols looked familiar, but despite our best efforts, Zech and Brody could not for the life of

them figure out what in the world the letters G, O, P, E, L, L, and A could possibly be rearranged to spell. We doubt even the world’s foremost decryption experts could figure out that one. Once the game had started, the lettered personas proceeded to rouse the football team into a frenzy of righteous fury that led them inevitably to victory. This continued on up to the championship, as you, our devoted readers, obviously know. So, to put it shortly and humbly, the Bros were indirectly partially almost sort of responsible for the football team’s amazing performances. We wonder what other amazing things we could bring about‌. Bros GPS UIF 8IJUF )PVTF 8F DBO TFF UIBU t3BOJFS 8PSTUFMM SX QFMMBEJVN!HNBJM DPN


!"#$%"&!'()*$+,-./ The month of December is upon us, and with it comes Christmas carols, snowmen, hot cider and, of course, the flu. In the midst of the H1N1 pandemic and the onset of the seasonal flu, it is essential to remain alive, not dead. Although the flu is not always fatal, you must remember that if you don’t follow our quick and easy directions the flu may get you, too. t First of all, wash your hands. Now is the time to start listening to your mother when she tells you to wash your hands before dinner. In fact, you should probably wash them before lunch and breakfast, not to mention snacks. You should probably just set a timer for every half hour. If you can’t find a sink, hang a portable Germ-X bottle on your belt buckle so you can whip it out whenever. t Secondly, if you’re too lazy to guard yourself from other people’s germs by washing your hands, fester in your own bacteria by quarantining yourself to your room. When the occasion arrises for you to leave your confinement, protect the health of others by wearing one of those SARS masks. If that’s cramping your style, you could wear a Darth 7BEFS NBTL JOTUFBE t Furthermore, you must accept that there is no inhabited place on earth that you can go to avoid getting the flu, so, go to an uninhabited place. Antarctica would do the trick; penguins can’t get the swine flu. t Lastly, do what the kids are doing, and get the vaccine. Shooting untested specimens into your veins sounds like a great idea. All those side effects are just rumors anyway, SJHIU With this foolproof advice, there is no way the flu will get you, and if you quarantine yourself to your room or move to Antarctica, we’ll miss you dearly. t -J[ $PSF FD QFMMBEJVN!HNBJM DPN


HystErical by Eric Moore (

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Dear Readers, We are always grateful for your submissions. This week we decided to post a letter from Fed Up because, well, we couldn’t have said it better ourselves. Dear Dating Gurus, You know what’s annoying? Yeah, it’s the little text on your phone that says, “Hey cutie,� that follows a number that you have never seen before in your life. Who are you, and why are you texting me? While it’s flattering that somebody has clearly stalked your Facebook profile for your number, if you’ve never actually talked to that person before, a certain creeper vibe comes across. So, please, think before texting. Thx. --Fed Up We couldn’t agree more! Here are a few surefire texting tips to keep you out of trouble: Like Fed Up said, it’s imperative that you have had at least one face to face conversation before having a ‘textersation.’ Ask her for her number! There are countless smooth, witty ways to get her digits, and, being the creative man you are, success shouldn’t be hard to achieve. Never ever ask your girl to be official over a text or Facebook chat (when it actually works). Ever. If you aren’t man enough to ask her to her face, you aren’t man enough to date her. Period. --The Dating Gurus t)FJEJ (SJUUFST ( t+PDFMZO 7BO %ZLF (

Comichael by Michael Ge (

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Every varsity team qualified for state in their respective sports.


DETERMINATION. Varsity volleyball battles against the Marion Indians in Cedar Rapids at the state volleyball tournament. "MUIPVHI UIF *OEJBOT CFBU 1FMMB UIF HJSMT XFSF TUJMM QSPVE PG their winning season. “A number of different emotions hit me after the match. First, I was shocked, then I was angry, and then once I realized the season was over and that I would never play volleyball with these girls again, it was impossible to hold back tears. We had a great season, and all the girls became so close,� TBJE TFOJPS +PSEZO 7BOEF -VOF t1IPUP CZ +BDF 7FS4UFFH

CELEBRATE! Varsity boys’ cross country team seniors Nathan Buchheit, Zach Wittenberg, Jon Klein and Chris Meyers raise their state 3A championship trophy at the awards ceremony Oct. 31 at Fort Dodge. Last year the team was state runner-up. The teamplaced sophomore Zach Buchheit, Nathan Buchheit, Wittenberg and Klein in the Top 20. “It was great to achieve something we wanted to BDDPNQMJTI w TBJE /BUIBO t1IPUP CZ .PMMZ /FJM


UNBREAKABLE. +VOJPS 4BSBI 8JUUFOCFSH SVOT BU UIF TUBUF DSPTT country meet, finishing 58th in Class 3A. The girls’ placed fifth in 3A with runners Victoria Kleven, freshman, and Mariah Vande Lune, junior, placing 13th and 14th. “It was a good experience running in the state meet. It wasn’t nearly as nervewracking as * UIPVHIU JU XPVME CF w TBJE 8JUUFOCFSH t1IPUP CZ .PMMZ /FJM

PASSION. 4FOJPS #MBJOF 'PSTZUIF EPEHFT )BSMBO EFGFOEFST BU the 3A state football championship game held at the UNI-Dome /PW *O UIF IJTUPSZ PG UIF GPPUCBMM QMBZ PĂŞT 1FMMB XBT UIF POMZ unranked team at the end of the regular season to make it to the championship game. “Even though we lost the game, it was a great FYQFSJFODF UP QMBZ GPS UIF UJUMF w TBJE 'PSTZUIF t1IPUP CZ #FO .VMMFS

POISE. 'SFTINBO )PMMZ 3FJNFS QFSGPSNT IFS NPEFSO EBODF SPVUJOF UP i"MNPTU -PWFSw BU UIF *PXB )JHI 4DIPPM %BODF BOE %SJMM 5FBN 4PMP $PNQFUJUJPO IFME BU UIF IJHI TDIPPM /PW Reimer received second place overall. “I was surprised, but very happy at the same time. It was a lot of hard work, but it all paid PĂŞ JO UIF FOE w TBJE 3FJNFS t1IPUP 4VCNJUUFE

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