Based on Precision Pruning technology, developed and tested by PELLENC for several decades, this new range, designed to fully mechanise vine pruning, also includes a suckering machine for elimination of unfruitful shoots.
Solutions designed to:
• reduce your pruning costs
• optimise the pruning period
• counter the shortage of manpower
• mechanise tedious and time-consuming tasks
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A single chassis at the front of your tractor for:
• Pre-Pruner
• Precision Pruner (TRP)
• Suckering machine
The COMBIVITI chassis is available in two versions, depending on the type of control and automation required: DRIVE and PILOT.
Control your tools directly from the tractor controls*
This chassis can be upgraded to the PILOT version
Compatible tools:
• Precision Pruner (TRP) Manual Tracking_DRIVE
• Pre-Pruner F59D_DRIVE
• Suckering machine_DRIVE
Control your tools using the ergonomic PELLENC joystick, with all your controls and settings at your fingertips
Compatible tools:
• Precision Pruner (TRP) Manual Tracking_PILOT
• Pre-Pruner F59D_PILOT
• Suckering machine_PILOT
This joystick is also compatible with PANORAMA trimmers
The joystick with display allows you to use the Precision Pruner tool with automatic cordon tracking
Compatible tools:
• TRP Manual Tracking_PILOT
• TRP Hydraulic Tracking_PILOT
• Pre-Pruner F59D_PILOT
• Suckering machine_PILOT
Safety in case of catching
Hydraulic tool connection plate
Connecting tools to the chassis hydraulic block
Fittings on the weight holder:
• Compact assembly
• Adjustable coupling height
Front lifting
• Compact assembly
• Fast coupling specific to different brands of tractor
The Precision Pruner (TRP) considerably reduces the time you spend pruning and trimming your vines. With the automatic cordon tracking system on the TRP Hydraulic Tracking PILOT, you can work without fatigue or loss of efficiency, for consistent, high-quality results, day and night.
The Precision Pruner (TRP) is the ideal solution for significantly reducing your costs and simplifying tedious, time-consuming tasks while also countering with the increasing manpower scarcity.
• High blade rotation speed (3,300 rpm): the key to clean cuts and heightened working speed (up to 2.5 km/h)
• Horizontal disc saws: 400 mm diameter
• Vertical disc saws - 2 diameters to choose from
Ø 400 mm: ideal for old or transformed vines. These discs allow better tracking of cordon lateral variations and minimize pruning wounds.
Ø 500 mm: for well-established cordons, reduces repeat pruning time.
• The wide opening at row entry and exit (52 cm) allows better manoeuvrability on short headlands.
• Compact unit: designed for vine rows from 2 metres upwards.
• Protective flanges on vertical disc saws allow cutting close to the cordon without damaging it.
• The deflector pins ensure that the lateral cutting modules are perfectly guided in the axis of the row.
Automatic opening around posts with opening skids that are activated mechanically
Horizontal modules: two saws cut the vine shoots as close as possible to the cordon
Hydraulic cylinders for opening cutting elements: for more responsive movements
Hydraulic height and offset adjustment of the tool
Side module opening skis: smooth sliding guidance along the cordon Automatic cordon tracking based on a machine vision system*
Protective flanges
Variable-angle, wide-opening side cutter modules
*Depending on the model
The cutting height must be continuously adjusted in relation to the cordon to ensure consistent cutting quality and a regular cordon.
2 models available:
• MANUAL TRACKING: manual cordon tracking allows you to control cutting height (designed to allow upgrade to Hydraulic Tracking).
• HYDRAULIC TRACKING: PELLENC automatic cordon tracking technology.
The driver himself adjusts the height of the TRP head using:
The tractor controls: TRP MANUAL TRACKING_DRIVE
50% more productivity* than Manual Tracking
No action required on driver's part:
The cutting height automatically adjusts to that of the cordon, leaving the operator to concentrate solely on driving the tractor.
• Correction of cutting height by the TRP head lifting cylinder.
• Cutting height adjustable in 5 mm increments.
• Work comfortably all day long, without any loss of precision.
• Work intensively day and night, or even in glaring sunlight.
• Working speed of up to 2.5 km/h.
*Depending on working conditions over a full day
TRP (Precision Pruner) Manual Tracking_DRIVE Manual Tracking_PILOT Hydraulic Tracking_PILOT Electric Tracking_PRO
Control interface Tractor PELLENC joystick PELLENC joystick with screen PELLENC joystick with screen
Evolution towards the next model o o-
Cordon tracking Manual Manual Automatic hydraulic Automatic Electric High-precision
2 horizontal cutter modules Ø 400 mm Ø 400 mm
2 vertical cutter modules Ø 400 mm or Ø 500 mm Ø 400 mm or Ø 500 mm
Disc saw rotation speed 3,300 rpm 4,000 rpm
Turning protective flanges
Fixed protective flanges
• Allows later pruning, closer to bud-break.
• Reduces the frost risk.
• Minimises the impact of wood diseases thanks to smaller pruning wounds far from the old wood.
• Bunches are smaller, more numerous and better distributed along the cordon.
• Improved aeration of the grapes.
• Reduced susceptibility to rot.
• Produces shoots with smaller diameters.
• Makes the vines less susceptible to wind.
• Improves resistance to spring frost due to the large number of eyes left at pruning.
• Protects grapes from sun scorching and hail, as they are better sheltered by the foliage.
• Reduces the problems of frost recovery.
• Increases yield.
• Reduces "grapillons" (detached growth on the bunch).
• Reduces run-off.
• Ensures a more stable yields from one year to the next.
• Offsets the ripening period by approximately a week.
• Improves the management of cellar inputs.
• Optimises winery availability.
DISCO offers you quality work at a lower cost. Thanks to its light and compact design, it can be used in any plot configuration, including plots with slopes and banking terrain.
• Working speed of up to 5 km/h
• Superior cutting power even in dense vegetation
• Up to 60% time saved for pruning
• The specific shape of the discs allows a good grip of the vine shoots for a clean cut.
• Each stack of discs is adjustable in relation to the other for easier removal of tendrils.
• Adjusting the space between the two lower discs allows a clean cut closer to the cordon.
• Pre-pruning height: the pre-pruner is equipped with 5 pairs of discs as standard and can be fitted with up to 9 pairs of discs as an option.
• Spacing between discs: to improve crumbling quality and wire cleaning, it is possible to remove the spacers between discs and stack up to 17 pairs, or 15 with the post opening rollers option.
• These boron steel discs are exceptionally long-lasting and do not require sharpening.
Disc drive shaft opening cylinders
Disc drive shafts
5 pairs of beveled boron steel disks
These wheels automatically open the pre-pruner as the machine passes through the posts. This improves working comfort as well as clearing around the post.
These 60 cm cutter bars cut through falling shoots, saving considerable time during pruning. No scattering of debris and a compact footprint.
Control interface Tractor PELLENC joystick PELLENC joystick with screen
Type of cutting head Long
Discs opening Front
Number of pairs of bevelled discs spaced 100 mm apart 5 to 9
Number of pairs of bevelled discs spaced 50 mm apart 5 or 17 max
Pair of opening rollers activated when a post is detected o
Pairs of side cutter bars o Equipped as an option
This suckering machine is robust, lightweight and easy to maintain. This is a mechanical solution to the growing restrictions imposed by environmental standards restricting chemical suckering.
• Suckering is achieved by two modules, each equipped with 3 x 6 flexible, abrasive strips.
• Suckering height can be adjusted from 30 to 50 cm.
• Working speed varies between 1.5 and 3 km/h.
• The two modules are staggered, one behind the other, to work more efficiently around the vines.
• Row tracking is ensured by two vine-guides above the modules.
• Jig disks at the top and bottom of each module keep the strips at a safe distance from the vines and prevent them from rolling up.
• The two suckering modules independently follow irregularities in ground height.
• The lower discs are constantly in contact with the ground.
Suckering module with 3 x 6 flexible strips
Lower discs resting on the ground
Return spring
Spring to hold the module against the vines
Patented equipment. The technical features and photographs are provided for information only and are in no way contractually binding.
PELLENC reserves the right to make any modifications and improvements to its products it deems necessary without prior notice.
printed on PEFC paper.