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HIGH PRECISION FOR CONTROLLED SPRAYING Powerful and productive, EOLE sprayers incorporate the latest PELLENC innovations. Capable of spraying three to six rows simultaneously, they remain very manoeuvrable and easy to use, offering you great comfort and perfect safety.


EASY TOUCH TOUCHSCREEN CONSOLE • A specific control interface is automatically displayed when the sprayer is coupled. • Intuitive menus and pictograms make EOLE settings easy to configure.

MONITORING THE WORK • Active sections, ground tracking and tank level are permanently displayed on EASY TOUCH.

HYDRAULIC WIDTH ADJUSTMENT OF THE RAMP • The ramp spacing is adjustable on EASY TOUCH, to quickly adapt the sprayer to the planting width of the plot to be treated.

EASY DRIVE JOYSTICK • You fully control ramp movements, ground tracking and active sections from the joystick.

SECTION CUT-OFF • Control of the tips is managed directly from the joystick by controlling the number of active sections, without interrupting the work in progress. • When the right or left spraying boom is fully deactivated, the ramp automatically retracts.


RAMP RETRACTED IN THE HEADLAND IN MINIMUM TIME • When exiting the row, a click on the joystick cuts off the spraying, stops the ground tracking and starts the boom retraction sequence. • When entering a new row, a second click re-extends the boom and restarts the spraying.


OPERATING POSITION • You check the EOLE set-up entirely from a standing position on the ground. • The panel groups together valves and switches for all the sprayer functions. • An intuitive memo of functions makes it very easy to position the valves correctly.

SPRAY-LIQUID MIXER • Enables the operator to prepare the spray mixture safely from a standing position on the ground. • The mixing can be done while filling the tank. • Perfectly suited to the incorporation of products in powder form. • Large volume graduated tank (40 litres). • Built-in rinse tank. • 1 emergency stop accessible from ground level, on the control panel.


OPTIMAL DISTANCE BETWEEN DIFFUSERS AND TREATED ROWS • Maintaining a correct distance between diffusers and vegetation is essential for the quality of the spraying. • With PELLENC double pendulum descents, the spacing between the diffusers and the plant foliage is adjustable in order to maintain perfect application quality, regardless of the planting width and the thickness of the vegetation. • Thanks to the pendulum descents attachment, this spacing is maintained over the entire treatment height in all sloping conditions.

ADAPTATION TO THE PLANT HEIGHT • Each diffuser has its own drip-stop valve and shutter to precisely adjust the working height. • In addition, the diffusers are adjustable to improve the precision of the treatment.

REDUCTION OF THE ZNT (ZONE NOT-TREATED) • Approval has been obtained for each anti-drift nozzle type.

GROUND TRACKING • The EOLE ramp, equipped with ultrasound sensors, precisely follows the height and slope variations of the terrain: the descents always remain in front of the vine. • Tilt correction up to 30%. • Linked to the suspension ramp and descents, the ground tracking is smooth and uninterrupted. • The working height can be memorised with one click on the EASY TOUCH console.

THREE FANS ARE LOCATED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO THE DESCENTS • Minimises pressure losses. • Improves the air flow regularity for homogeneous spraying quality.


DPAE SYSTEM (ELECTRONICALLY CONTROLLED FLOW RATE PROPORTIONAL TO FORWARD SPEED) • The flow rate is regulated based on the ground speed to maintain a constant spraying rate. • The intuitive adjustment interface is fully integrated with EASY TOUCH. • With automatic one-click calibration, this system is one of the easiest to use on the market.

GPS TRACKING OF THE SPRAYED ROWS* • Driving is made easier: you no longer have to count the rows and no longer risk forgetting or treating the same row twice. • A file summarising the work done (customer name, date, surface sprayed, etc.) can be retrieved on a USB key.


A single pump manages all the functions of the sprayer: spraying, mixing the mixture, filling the tanks and rinsing.

SPRAYING • The variable flow rate of the pump adapts to the work required and allows a wide treatment range: from 100 to more than 1,000 litres per hectare! • The power mobilized is always optimal, allowing better fuel management.

FILLING OF SPRAY TANKS • Completed in record time: 12 mins for 2,000 litres and 18 mins for 3,000 litres! • To save time, the products can be incorporated at the same time as the filling.

MIXING OF THE SPRAY LIQUID • Tank spray mixing is active and efficient throughout your job, regardless of spray settings. This assures the quality of the treatment and reduces the risk of clogging. • The mixing is automatically stopped at the end of the tank to limit the possible appearance of foam.

COMET high performance pump


MULTIPLE FILTRATION LEVELS • The filtration carried out during both suction and discharge, on each section and at each nozzle reduces the risk of clogging. • All filters are easy to reach and at ground level for easy maintenance.

INTEGRATED RINSING SYSTEM • EOLE carries 300 litres of clean water on board for efficient rinsing. • The desired rinsing mode is simply selected from the control panel: tanks, ramp or mixing tank can be chosen independently. • If the spraying work has to be interrupted, rinsing the boom without flushing to the tank prevents the risk of clogging when restarting.


• The pressurization of the cab is synchronized with the start-up of the sprayer fans: no oversight is possible. • An alarm is triggered in the event of a malfunction (door not properly closed, for example, etc.). • The activated carbon filter has an hour counter on EASY TOUCH, with a time to replace filter alert.

Number of rows sprayed per run

Tank capacity (litres)

EOLE II EOLE 2000 EOLE 3000 6 narrow 4 narrow 3 wide 4 wide 4 narrow 3 wide 4 wide rows rows rows rows rows rows rows 2 x 1,000 2 x 1,000 2 x 1,000 2 x 1,000 2 x 1,500 2 x 1,500 2 x 1,500

Rinsing tank capacity (litres)

Plantation width (metres)

The operator can cut off sections row by row from the joystick. Automatic folding 2 x 100 300 300 300 300 300 300 1.3 to 1.9 1.3 to 2 1.75 to 3 2.35 to 3.6* 1.75 to 2.6 2.15 to 3* 1.3 to 2 1.75 to 3 2.35 to 3.6* 1.75 to 2.6 2.15 to 3*

Automatic ground tracking

Tank levels on the EASY TOUCH console • • • • • • •

Flow management

Built-in product integrator

Operating console

Tank washing with rotating nozzles 3 blue LED lights + 3 cameras mounted on magnetic stands o • • • • • •

o • • • • • •

- o o o o o o

Equipped as standard or * Equipped as an option - Not available

Plantation width Number of rows sprayed

1.3 to 1.9 m 6 narrow rows Model


Maximum number of diffusers per row according to vegetation height 1.2 m 1.6 m 1.9 m 2.1 m Gobelet-trained vines

3 x 2 diffusers Pneumatic 3 x 2 or 4 x 2 diffusers Airblast 2 arrays x 3 diffusers Pneumatics

1.3 to 2 m 4 narrow rows

EOLE 2000/3000 2 x 4 diffusers Pneumatic 2 x 5 diffusers Airblast 2 arrays x 3 diffusers Pneumatics

1.75 to 3 m 4 wide rows

EOLE 2000/3000

1.75 to 3.6 m 3 wide rows

EOLE 2000/3000 2 x 4 diffusers Pneumatic 2 x 5 diffusers Airblast

2 x 5 diffusers Pneumatic or airblast 2 x 6 diffusers Pneumatic or airblast 2 arrays x 4 diffusers Pneumatics

2 arrays x 4 diffusers Pneumatics

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