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The harvested grapes are weighed continuously and in real time. The system ensures accurate measurement of the harvest in the bins without affecting the capacity or the flow of grapes. The high productivity of the machine is therefore maintained.
The display of weighing information on the in-cab console allows the driver to accurately monitor: • The weight of the grapes present in the bins at any given moment. • The quantity harvested and the average yield per hectare (since the start of the console's hectare counter(s)) • The remaining quantity to be harvested in relation to a quota defined from the machine's console.
Each of the bins is equipped with 4 weighing sensors, which are very hard-wearing and fully integrated into the harvesting head.
It measures the weight of the grapes in the bins in real time and the associated alert system guides the driver. The user is assured of harvesting the quantity required to fill the presses/tanks or to reach the quota set by the cooperative winery, without exceeding it. He can set up to 2 harvest quantity alerts and be notified as soon as: • the maximum permissible weight of the vehicle transporting the grapes has been reached • the daily quota has been harvested
The driver can generate and export weighing tickets compiling either: • The weight currently in the bins • All the data from the hectare counter
Used on its own, the DYNAMIC weighing option lets you monitor your crop directly on the console of your Optimum. With the PREMIUM weighing and telemetry options, you can monitor the harvest from the PELLENC CONNECT platform and produce yield maps. HEIGHTENED PRECISION, IN ALL TERRAIN CONDITIONS
The design of the DYNAMIC weighing system gives it a high level of accuracy, even when working on uneven ground or steep slopes. When stationary, before emptying the skips, the machine does not need to be on level and even ground to provide accurate weighing.
Driver/machine name
Date/time Customer’s surname/first name Plot name Total weight: xx.xt -------------------------------------