Webo Angus Sale Catalog 2023

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April 4, 2023 At the Ranch • Lusk, WY • 1 pm • Lunch at noon 8 miles east on Hwy 20 to Node, then 0.6 miles south on Pfister Rd WEBO Angus Turning Grass Into Greenbacks Bull Sale Selling: Annual 24 Two-Year-Old Angus Bulls 75 Yearling Angus Bulls Featured Sires: GAR Ashland - Sterling Confidence Plus 804 - Connealy Cool 39L - JVC Concho 28 BAR Cash 707 - Granger Black Eagle 822 - McD Confidence 035 McD Effective 789 - KG Justified 3023 - Sterling Pacific 904 - Sitz Resilient 10208 Tehama Tahoe B767 - Deer Valley Wall Street - WEBO Innovation 785 Vermilion ReRide G195

Welcome to our

16th Annual Production Sale

We thank you for your interest and consideration of WEBO Bulls. WEBO Angus will absolutely stand behind our cattle; let us know if any issues come up. We will do what is right and will correct any problems to the best of our ability; our goal is that you’ll be happy and satisfied with the results.

It’s been quite a winter for all of us in one way or another. Our snow has blown one way and then another since December, then for more winter fun, we have added more snow during the winter as I am sure most of you have. Our hope is that every corner of our country is covered in green, green grass. My Mom has had some health issues and required some additional care. I quite simply ran out of time, so you will notice there are no footnotes for the bulls. We added footnotes to every AI or Herd Bull. This should help you to understand what our goals for this cow herd are, as well as why we’ve used the bulls we used.

We are still applying lots of pressure on fertility; it’s the number one trait that will keep us all in business. Hardy, maternal cows has certainly paid off. Our weaning weights are somewhat lighter because of the continued drought conditions, but the cows are breeding up early and staying in pretty good shape.

We continue to select for feed efficiency. This year every bull selling has been efficiency tested and we have added efficiency EPDs in this book. Please read the letter about feed efficiency testing from Dr. Steve Paisley, Director, UW-SAREC. Additionally, we have included information from GrowSafe. What this basically means is that we are building a cow herd that will stay in shape, eat less and not give up a pound of gain in the feedlot. This will help the bulls you get from us stay in shape and influence the efficiency in your cow herd. If our cattle only effectively reduce consumption by 10% or 15% over several years in their offspring, that starts to add up quickly at both the feedlot and the ranch. We strive for this without affecting performance and reproduction.

Our program in a nut shell: We keep striving to balance all traits in maternal indexes, then we look at the Feeder, Grid, Beef and watch the $Combination index. We also realize we can’t do extreme growth in our program here in Wyoming. We don’t usually have an abundance of feed needed for extremes. We strive for plenty of pounds and plenty of growth coupled with fertility and efficiency, and we’ll take carcass when we can get it, but we can’t afford single trait selection in our program.

Our bulls are and will keep stepping up to meet your program. They are not burned out on hot feed. We strive to raise bulls that will sire market-topping feeder calves that grow and finish quickly, grade and hit the target weights of 1,450-pound to 1,550-pound pay weights in an efficient and timely manner. It’s also important to us that our bulls will last several years for our customers. With the hardy, get-it-done genetics added in the last few years, we think you will like them. Yearling bulls were tested at Lingle, WY. There is also a set of good, big two-year-old bulls; we keep some of our younger bulls exclusively for this sale. These older bulls can handle the miles to water, rough country and really get the job done. They have been PAP tested here and efficiency tested at Midland Bull Test.

Come for lunch on Tuesday, April 4; our local Cattlewomen serve a great lunch. Look the bulls over, make your evaluations and call us if you need additional help or information. We are very grateful and honored that you allow us to have the opportunity to be your source for high-quality Angus bulls. Thanks for coming.



16th Annual

WEBO Angus Turning Grass Into Greenbacks Bull Sale

April 4, 2023

At the Ranch • Lusk, WY • 1 pm • Lunch at noon

8 miles east on Hwy 20 to Node, then 0.6 miles south on Pfister Rd

Selling: 24 Two-Year-Old Angus Bulls

75 Yearling Angus Bulls

All bulls will have updated carcass ultrasound data, yearling weights, ADGs and scrotal measurements available sale day.

SALE DAY PHONES: Buttons 307-216-0090 | Elly 307-340-1499 | Odessa 307-340-1182

Auctioneer: Lex Madden 307-532-3333 • 307-532-1580

Sale Advisor:

Cody Thompson 307-334-3388 • 307-340-0150


Curt Cox, Wyoming Livestock Roundup

Brady Williams, Tri State Livestock News



Ty Thompson, Torrington Livestock Markets & Cattle Country Video

Kurt Kangas, American Angus Association Ryan Large, DV Auction

Sale Location:


8 miles east of Lusk on Hwy. 20 (toward NE), turn right (south) on Pfister Road (by church) 6/10 mile. Watch for signs.


Food and Refreshments: Complimentary coffee, rolls and lunch will be available sale day.

Inspection of Cattle: Cattle are available for you to view here at the ranch 8 miles east of Lusk, WY on Hwy. 20. Call 307-216-0090 or 307-340-1182, and we will be glad to make arrangements with you to view the bulls.

Identification of Bulls: Ear tags and freeze brands on right hip will correspond to the lot numbers in this sale book.

Herd Health:

Birth - Alpha CD, Calf Guard, MultiMin

Branding - Vista Once SQ, Vision & CD, Once PMH, Endovac

July - Vista Once SQ, Vision 7 CDw/Somnus, MultiMin

August 4 - Pryamid 5 + Presponse, Vision 7 CDw/Somnus, MultiMin

September 9 – Inforce 3, Endovac, poured Cleanup

January 12, 2023 – freeze branding, poured Ivermec

March 2023 – Fertility Testing, Foseguard Vaccine (foot rot)

March 2023 – Ultra Sound, Foseguard Vaccine

Bulls will be tested BVD PI Free

Herd Development:

Bulls are fed a forage based ration to have both optimum gain and growth. They will not be packing a lot of extra condition. They will look good, but will not be fat. We still maintain that too much condition will have an impact on their soundness and longevity. We believe they will be better breeders, sounder and last longer if they are not overfed. The dams of these bulls are wintered here at home. They have to make it on native pasture, hay and cake. If they work for us in this environment, they should work for you.

Terms and Conditions:

Cattle will sell under the suggested Terms and Conditions of the American Angus Association (http://www.angus.org/Pub/suggested_sale_terms.pdf).

Calving Ease Stars

4 Bulls should work on all heifers

3 Bulls should work on most heifers and smaller younger cows (Really thin or extra small or really fine boned heifers excluded)

2 Bulls should work on most young cows unless they are thin or extra small framed

1 Bulls are for mature cows only

Rawhide Motel 307-334-2440 Townhouse Motel 307-334-2376 Covered Wagon Motel 307-334-2836 Best Western 307-334-2640 Trail Motel 307-334-2530

Settlement and Delivery:

All bulls are to be settled for sale day, unless prior arrangements are made. Free delivery is available within a 200-mile radius of Lusk, WY. Delivery beyond 200 miles at cost. We will begin delivering bulls within a few days of the sale. If you haul your bulls home on sale day, we will deduct $75 per bull per buyer.


All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk, and WEBO Angus assumes no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents which may occur.

Supplement Sheet:

A supplement sheet will be available sale day with ultrasound data and updated performance as well as scrotals on all bulls. This sheet and all announcements from the auction block will take precedence over information in the sale book.

Retaining Interest:

We are retaining a 1/3 semen interest or revenue interest in all bulls selling unless announced differently from the auction block. Full possession and full salvage value sell on all bulls unless otherwise announced sale day.

First Breeding Season Injury Guarantee:

We offer a first year breeding season guarantee on bulls selling for $3,500 or more for the 90 day period following first turnout of the bull, for any injury that would keep the bull from being a breeder for the first breeding season. If a problem occurs, buyer will be able to exchange the purchased bull for a bull of similar value. If a replacement is not available, the buyer will be given credit minus salvage for the original bull purchased, that is to be used within one year of sale. Lack of care or feed (starvation or no water), human error or injury caused by purchaser will cause this guarantee to be null and void. Example: Deliberately running into bull with pickup resulting in broken leg.

PAP Testing (Pulmonary Arterial Pressure):

In recent years, our industry has been seeing an increase in Right Heart Valve Failure in black hided cattle, both at lower elevations and in feedlots. Here at WEBO we have watched bloodlines and have been careful not to use lines that are known to have trouble with the issue. Growing up at Laramie and Centennial, WY, I have been very aware of the issues and the costs to producers with PAP problems. We have PAP tested all of the 2-year-old bulls in the sale, at 18-20 months of age. We do this because at this older age and elevation the bull’s PAPs become more reliable and stable. We do not test our yearling bulls because the test results at best are only a screening PAP, the accuracy is 60% or less for low scores on a really good day. Low scores at our elevation on young animals does not mean they will remain so. Low scores are not predictable and may well not have much indication of their future level of reliability at an older age and or high elevation. The results for high scores are accurate on younger animals at lower elevations, the results are a screening test and alert us who the hyper-responder are. Lower PAP scores are a better indication for living successfully at high elevations.


We highly recommend purchasing full mortality insurance on the bulls you purchase, to protect you from loss should they die.

Mortality & Infertility Insurance will be available through Dakota AG Insurance

Jared Mohnen 605-999-4475

EPDs contained in the hard copy of this sale book were current as of print date. Digital versions of this sale book can be viewed online at www.angus.org and will have EPDs updated every Friday with the exception of EPD references in footnotes and photos. Any PDF downloads from the website will contain EPDs current as of the date downloaded. References: American Angus Association®, AHIR®, AngusLinkSM, CAB®, Pathfinder®




A R Daylight


CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK +13 +.3 +83 +142 +26 MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +1.17 +1.00 -.021 +62 +87 +73 +85 +158 +267

• Top 10% WW and YW.

• Carcass improver with 15.0 REA Ratio and %IMF Ratio of 88 as a yearling; Top 10% MARB and REA.

• Keeps Maternal high with Top 45% $M and Top 2% $W.



BD: 01-12-2018 I BULL *19189229 I TATTOO: 804

#*Connealy Confidence 0100 Connealy Tobin

#*Connealy Confidence Plus Becka Gala of Conanga 8281

17585576 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Connealy Consensus Elbasta of Conanga 9703

#*Hoover Dam #*SydGen C C & 7

+*Baldridge Isabel B111 #Erica of Ellston C124

18171316 +Baldridge Isabel T935 #Baldridge Kaboom K243 KCF

+Baldridge Isabel P4527


• Calving Ease.

• Top 35% WW and Top 25% YW.

• Carcass improver with 15.6 REA Ratio and %IMF Ratio of 114 as a yearling; Top 10% MARB and REA.

• Keeps Maternal high with Top 10% $M and Top 30% $W.

Sterling Confidence Plus 804



BD: 02-09-2013 I BULL #17586776 I TATTOO: 39L

#*Connealy All Around #Connealy Whitman

#Connealy Heat 0243 Entrust of Conanga 894

16750531 Bunty Lanna of Conanga 556

#Connealy Danny Boy Bunty Last of Conanga 554

#+H A Power Alliance 1025 #Sitz Alliance 6595

#+JMc Jeena Allie 8345 5399 +H A Rito Lady 4167

16120679 Jeena of Conanga 357 #Woodhill Admiral 77K Jenna of Conanga 99

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK +12 +1.1 +65 +110 +24


+.55 +.89 +.036 +88 +67 +105 +50 +155 +289

• Calving Ease.

• He’s been around since 2013. We used him because he is Top 1% of the breed for Heifer Preg (HP) at +18.1, moderate Milk at +24, super Docility at +37.

• Top 3% $M, Top 25% $W. He makes beautiful heifers that last.

• He can take the heat and the test of time and is still Top 25% $B and Top 10% $ C.

Connealy Cool 39L

4 Reference Sires
G A R Ashland
• Your buyers will like the Top 5% $B and Top 3% $C. MILK +9 -1.2 +66 +126 +24 MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +1.10 +1.00 +.056 +80 +65 +110 +76 +186 +321
BD: 01-31-2015 I BULL +*18217198 I TATTOO: K25
A R Early Bird +*G A R Objective R227
+*G A R Progress 830 #+*G A R Progress G A R 1I1 Rito 3346 #+B/R Ambush 28 #Rockn D Ambush 1531
Rock Ambush 1018 +B/R Ruby of Tiffany 8250 16934264 +*G A R Yield Grade N366 #+G A R Yield Grade G A R 1407 New Design 1942
• Calving Ease.
• Your buyers will like the Top 25% $B and $C.


BD: 02-09-2018 I BULL *19213529 I TATTOO: 822

#+*Granger Great Falls 053

#*S A V Final Answer 0035

Granger Great Falls 630 Granger Pride 275

18548482 +Grnager Pride Rachel 890

#*Mytty In Focus

+Granger Pride 790

*Granger Black Cedar 150 #Cole Creek Black Cedar 46P

*Granger Pride Rachel 685

#+Granger Pride 986

18586780 Granger pride rachel 420 +*Bluegrass Right Time 011

#+Granger Pride Rachel 891

• Owned with Granger, MT; Hudson, OK; Leo Mc Donnell, MT; and MJB Ranch, MT.

• Efficient graduate of Midland Bull Test - moderate Calving Ease +7.

• Black Eagle brings it with Top 10% WW and Top 10% YW and big-time Scrotal at Top 1%.

• Gentle disposition with Top 10% for PAP EPD.

• Good, solid bull covers country and is really good footed with lots of bone.

• We keep every daughter.


BD: 03-08-2017 I BULL 18952013 I TATTOO: 789

#*Connealy Capitalist 028

*AB-LVS Capitalist 4507


#Ab-Lvs Emma 096

#Willekes Converter 4402-9

#McD Performiss 238

17339903 +313 Performiss 006

#*S A V Final Answer 0035

Prides Pita of Conanga 8821

#WMR Timeless 458

Ox Bow Emma E396

#+*Rito 1I2 of 2536 Rito 6I6

Willekes Lady of 410

#*Connealy Onward +OCC Montana Dream 313


+1.8 +68 +127

• Raised by Leo McDonnell, MT. Owned with him and Matt Brown, MT.

• Another Midland Bull Test graduate; 4.14 ADG, 1pound gain to 4.99 pounds feed. 789 is really gentle and so are his daughters.

• Top 30% WW and Top 25% YW of breed average and +26 for Milk; improves marbling score ranks.

• Top 50% $M and Top 45% $W of breed average; kicks things up several notches with Top 15% $G and ranks in Top 10% $F, $B and $C.

• Two- and three-year-old daughters have raised calves and bred back early in drought years, and really stayed in good shape doing it. 789 brings the data points and phenotype together for a lot of balance.


BD: 01-21-2013 I BULL #*17707279 I TATTOO: 3023

#*Connealy Consensus 7229

Connealy Judgment


#Entrine of Conanga 9876

#*Sitz Wisdom 481T

KG Miss Magic 1443


KG Miss Magic 3528

#*Connealy Consensus

Blue Lilly of Conanga 16

#+*Rito 6EMA of 4L3 Emblazon

#Entrance of Conanga 206

#*Connealy Onward

Sitz Elluna Elite 94P

KG Traveler 8180 8171

KG Miss Magic 6560


+12 -2.1 +61 +108 +30


+1.16 +.31 +.053 +96 +80 +72 +69 +141 +279

• We have used Justified for quite a few years. We have some young females in the herd sired by him, but we’ll still go back and use him to add more calving ease to a big, stout power cows, or moderate the size a bit if we need to. That cross will certainly make some big, soggy bulls.

• Top 15% Calving Ease and Top 4%, -2.0 BW.

• Improves Marbling, ranking in Top 10%.

• We like his young daughters; they are very efficient, good cows.

McD Effective 789

KG Justified 3023

5 Reference Sires
Granger Black Eagle 822
MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +1.10
+183 +298 REFERENCE
+.45 +.046 +61 +59 +114 +69
+27 MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +.26 +.60 +.034 +60 +68 +98 +33 +130 +229 REFERENCE
+80 +144



#*Mogck Bullseye #MOGCK Sure Shot

+*Hoover No Doubt Mogck Mary 1255


J2 #*SydGen C C & 7 #Miss Blackcap Ellston D154 #+*G A R Prophet #C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 +*Baldridge Isabel B082 +G A R Objective 1885 18063292 *Baldridge Isabel Y69 #*Styles Upgrade J59 +Baldridge Isabel T935

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK +9 +1.7 +75 +139 +17 MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +1.36 +.56 +.042 +77 +57 +108 +83 +191 +325

• Pacific is a real outcross, genetically.

• We like his first calves in our herd; he offers Top 30% Calving Ease but still packs plenty of punch for WW and YW, ranking in Top 15% WW and Top 10% YW.

• Disposition is good; he has moderate Milk and is said to improve feed, ranking Top 10% for Claw and Top 4% for Angle.

• Pacific improves Marbling, ranking in the Top 2%.

• Strong Maternal genetics, ranking in the Top 15% $M.


BD: 02-15-2018 I BULL *19057457 I TATTOO: 10208

#*Mohnen Substantial 272 #*Benfield Substance 8506

*Sitz Stellar 726D Mohnen Glyn Mawr Elba 1758

18397542 *SITZ Pride 200B #*Connealy Final Product #+*Sitz Pride 308Y

#*Sitz Top Game 561X #+GDAR Game Day 449

*Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 #Sitz Pride 88T 18395931 Sitz Miss Burgess 4381 Sitz Rainmaker 10899 Sitz Miss Burgess 1609


+134 +21

• This is the second bunch of calves we’ve had out of Resilient. We really like his daughters which are first calf heifers in our herd. We again gave up some disposition to get good PAP scores, feed efficiency, and good feet. He is a cowboy’s kind of bull.



BD: 02-28-2017 I BULL 18985867 I TATTOO: 785

#*Connealy Impression #Connealy Reflection

#*MAR Innovation 251 Pearl Pammy of Conanga 194

16983331 #*MAR Final Kahuna 856 #*S A V Final Answer 0035

#MAR Kahuna Precision 328 674

#*Connealy Consensus 7229 #*Connealy Consensus

#WEBO Blackcap CS 215 Blue Lilly of Conanga 16

17408300 WEBO Blackcap HP 086 #+*HIGH PRIME 4037 Blackcap Beauty 534

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK +1 +1.5 +61 +105 +22

MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +.47 +.54 -.007 +61 +53 +100 +45 +145 +249

• We raised this bull. His dam was a super producing cow sired by Consensus out of a top-of-the-line High Prime daughter.

• He graduated from Midland Bull Test, negative RFI, just under 6 pounds of feed to 1 pound of gain.

• Good-footed bugger, packed with muscle and is a really gentle bull.

• Nothing extreme, he is above breed average in most traits.

6 Reference Sires
WEBO Innovation 785 Sitz Resilient 10208 Sterling Pacific 904
YEPD MILK +9 +.3 +75
• Plenty of carcass, ranking in the Top 20% Marbling and Top 30% REA. Resilient offers solid, maternally designed females that are deep, wide based and free moving, Top 2%, +91 $M for Maternal index. MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +.88 +.74 +.002 +91 +66 +82 +66 +148 +283
BD: 02-13-2019 I BULL +*19444025 I TATTOO: 904
*Miss Blackcap Ellston
• Deep, stout, square made, and structurally correct, like we want them.


BD: 02-15-2019 I BULL 19508502 I TATTOO: G195

#*Connealy Spur #*Connealy Stimulus 8419

*Vermilion Re-Ride #Jazza of Conanga 8594

18508640 #*Vermilion Lass 3265 CCA Hay Buster 846T Vermilion Lass 7282

#Connealy Countdown #*Connealy Final Solution

Vermilion Pride 6265 Entarna of Conanga 140

18499285 Vermilion Pride 2007 Vermilion Xtra X #Vermilion Pride 0031

• A super nice Reride bull we bought at Vermilion Ranch, MT. Calving Ease with a +8 CED puts him in the Top 35% for CED and keeps performance in Top 20% WW and Top 25% YW.

• Good Maternal lines of cows for generations. His $Values are in the Top 15% $M and Top 25% $W.

• Perhaps, in our opinion, the best thing about RR is his Countdown dam. Countdowns in our herd are efficient and just keep bringing in the good ones.


BD: 01-23-2017 I BULL +*18827829

I TATTOO: 71128

#+*Basin Payweight 006S #Vermilion Payweight J847

#+*Basin Payweight 1682 +Basin

• We have some Payweight 1682 cows; they continue to be productive, fertile, efficient cows and raise great calves. We used Wall Street because of his sire, Payweight 1682. He ranks in Top 20% or better for all of his $Value indexes. $M and $W are both Top 5%. We give huge consideration to the Maternal and Weaning indexes and take Carcass when we can get it. We think we stay in business longer with strong pressure on the maternal merit.


BD: 01-12-2020 I BULL *19684983 I TATTOO: 28

#*Connealy Spur #*Connealy Stimulus 8419

Vermilion Spur E870 #Jazza of Conanga 8594

19053226 Vermilion Lass 4942 #Connealy Dublin 8223 Vermilion Lass 9795

#+*C C A Uno 049 #*Sitz Upward 307R

JVC Henrietta Pride 333 Mytty Countess 906

17516405 +JVC Henrietta Pride Y137 #Stevenson Moneymaker R185 +Sitz Henrietta Pride 1510

• Bred by Jocko Valley, MT.

• Concho is muscle - pure unapologetic muscle.

• An efficient graduate of Midland Bull Test.

• He does add birth weight but puts a set of pants on his calves with Top 4% WW and Top 5% YW and moderate Milk.

• Top 30% $M, Top 15% $F for Feedlot performance, Top 35% $B and Top 30% $C.


BD: 02-29-2020 I BULL 19898286 I TATTOO: 035

#*Connealy Confidence Plus

#*Connealy Confidence 0100

*Sterling confidence plus 804 Elbanna of Conanga 1209

19189229 +*Baldridge Isabel B111 #*Hoover Dam +Baldridge Isabel T935

#+Basin Yellowstone R178

MID-3 Millie 3542

#Vermilion Yellowstone

Basin Camilla L868

18032135 Notch Performiss 442 J Mc Mac 2801

Famears Millie 093

• Raised by Leo McDonnell. We own this bull.

• This guy is packed with performance. He’s thick, deep and packed with muscle. If you get this much performance, it usually comes with some BW, nothing excessive but some.

• Top 25% WW and Top 20% YW and above average feet and docility; he’s going to make some great females.

• Makes me happy at Top 20% $M and makes everybody else happy at Top 5% $B and Top 4% $C.

• Graduate of Midland Bull Test, 4.30 ADG, 1 pound of gain to 4.64 pounds of feed; big Ribeye bull with +16.8 REA at yearling.


BD: 02-03-2017 I BULL 18956511 I TATTOO: 707

#*Barstow Cash #*Sitz Dash 10277

Vision Cash 3414 Barstow Queen W16

17493899 Vision Miss Emulous 111 +Gambles Royal Flush Vision Miss Emulous 0045

#S A V Pioneer 7301 #*S A V Final Answer 0035

#B A R Maid 215

17387394 #B A R Maid 584

S A V Blackbird 5297

B A R Piere 207 #B A R Maid 120

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK +5 +1.2 +71 +131 +20


BD: 09-06-2013 I BULL #+*17817177 I TATTOO: B767

#*Sitz Upward 307R #*Connealy Onward

*Tehama Upward Y238

*Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M

16760354 +Tehama Elite Blackbird T735 *Tehama Gridmaker L234

#Tehama Elite Blackbird K592

#*S A V Final Answer 0035 #Sitz Traveler 8180

+*Tehama Mary Blackbird Y684 S A V Emulous 8145

16876258 Tehama Mary Blackbird T073 #G A R Retail Product

+Tehama Mary Blackbird R704


$F $G $B $C +.04 +.72 +.012 +48 +57 +91 +26 +117 +200

• Owned with Blacktail Angus, MT; Leo McDonnell, MT; and Matt Brown, MT.

• We gave up some calving ease, some marbling and a little disposition, but we gained far more than we lost.

• Big-time cow maker! Daughters have perfect udders and breed right back.

• Especially good footed and stay in excellent condition. They are good cows and I LIKE ‘EM!

• You will notice quite a few of the bulls this year have young 707 dams. These cattle are tough as hell and are proven efficient.

• Midland Bull Test data, 3.97 ADG, 1 pound gain to 5.54 pounds feed.

• Another bull that has been around since 2013, hitting the 10-year mark. We’ve always liked the Upward and Final Answer cattle; they are proven consistent and are just good cattle.

• Top 10% WW and Top 15% YW, time has proven him to be great female sire, ranking in the Top 3% for $M and keeping carcass value in the Top 15% MARB and Top 20% RE.

7 Reference Sires
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK +10 +0 +79 +135 +31 MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +.93 +.80 +.006 +87 +95 +79 +69 +148 +279 REFERENCE
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK +2 +2.0 +70 +130 +23 MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +.73 +1.20 +.014 +72 +61 +122 +64 +187 +315
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK -9 +7.2 +85 +148 +15 MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +.35 +.66 +.003 +67 +48 +109 +40 +149 +260 REFERENCE
Lucy 3829 17038724 21AR O Lass 7017 #HARB Pendleton 765 J H 21AR O Lass F24A
Weigh Up K360 #*Sitz Upward 307R +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 #Barbara of Plattemere 337 17785214 +Deer Valley Rita 9457 #+G A R New Design 5050 +G A R Ext 614
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK +8 +.5 +75 +142 +27 MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +.98 +.50 +.078 +84 +80 +114 +61 +175 +311
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK +8 +1.0 +73 +128 +25 MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +.33 +.78 -.011 +76 +68 +88 +42 +130 +245 REFERENCE


$Value Indexes Weights & Ratios Calving Ease Rating

Expected Progeny Difference (EPD), is the prediction of how future progeny of each animal are expected to perform relative to the progeny of other animals listed in the database. EPDs are expressed in units of measure for the trait, plus or minus. Interim EPDs may appear on young animals when their performance has yet to be incorporated into the American Angus Association National Cattle Evaluation (NCE) procedures. This EPD will be preceded by an “I”, and may or may not include the animal’s own performance record for a particular trait, depending on its availability, appropriate contemporary grouping, or data edits needed for NCE.


Calving Ease Direct (CED), is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to first-calf heifers.

Birth Weight EPD (BW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Weaning Weight EPD (WW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.

Yearling Weight EPD (YW), expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires.


Maternal Milk EPD (Milk), is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability.

Cow Energy Value ($EN), expressed in dollars savings per cow per year, assesses differences in cow energy requirements as an expected dollar savings difference in daughters of sires. A larger value is more favorable when comparing two animals (more dollars saved on feed energy expenses). Components for computing the cow $EN savings difference include lactation energy requirements and energy costs associated with differences in mature cow size.


The genetic evaluation produces a single set of EPDs for carcass weight, marbling score, Ribeye area and fat thickness. The units of measure are in carcass trait format and analyzed on an age-constant basis.

Carcass Weight EPD (CW), expressed in pounds is a predictor of the differences in hot carcass weight of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Marbling EPD (Marb), expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Ribeye Area EPD (RE), expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.

Fat Thickness EPD (Fat), expressed in inches, is a predictor of the differences in external fat thickness at the 12th rib (as measured between the 12th and 13th ribs) of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires.


$Value indexes, are multi-trait selection indexes to assist beef producers by adding simplicity to genetic selection decisions. $Values are reported in dollars per head, where a higher value is more favorable. The $Value is an estimate of how future progeny of each sire are expected to perform, on average, compared to progeny of other sires in the database if the sires were randomly mated to cows and if calves were exposed to the same environment.

Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M), expressed in dollars per head, predicts profitability differences in progeny due to genetics from conception to weaning. Increased selection pressure on $M aims to decrease overall mature cow size and improve foot structure and fertility while maintaining weaning weights consistent with today’s production.

Weaned Calf Value ($W), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for pre-weaning merit. $W includes both revenue and cost adjustments associated with differences in birth weight, weaning direct growth, maternal milk, and mature cow size.

Feedlot Value ($F), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for postweaning merit compared to progeny of other sires.

Grid Value ($G), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for carcass grid merit compared to progeny of other sires.

Beef Value ($B), an index value expressed in dollars per head, is the expected average difference in future progeny performance for postweaning and carcass value compared to progeny of other sires.

Combined Value ($C), expressed in dollars per head, is an index which includes all traits that make up both Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M) and Beef Value ($B) with the objective that commercial producers will replace 20% of their breeding females per year with replacement heifers retained within their own herd. The remaining cull heifer and steer progeny are then assumed to be sent to the feedlot where the producers retain ownership of those cattle and eventually sell them on a quality-based carcass merit grid. EPDs directly influencing a combined index are: CED, CEM, WW, YW, Milk, HP, DOC, MW, Angle, Claw, DMI, Marb, CW, RE and Fat.


4 Bulls should work on all heifers

3 Bulls should work on most heifers and smaller younger cows (Really thin or extra small or really fine boned heifers excluded)

2 Bulls should work on most young cows unless they are thin or extra small framed

1 Bulls are for mature cows only

8 How to Read the EPDs
Carcass EPDs
BD: 02-16-2021 I BULL *20290334 I TATTOO: 127 I PAP: 41 WEBO EFFECTIVE
*AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 #*Connealy Capitalist 028 McD Effective 789 #Ab-Lvs Emma 096 18952013 #McD Performiss 238 #Willekes Converter 4402-9 +313 Performiss 006 *Buford BlueStem 9974 #S A V Net Worth 4200 WEBO Mercedes 970 +LCC Erica NG724 19977738 WEBO Mercedes 667 #+*R B Tour Of Duty 177 #+Mercedes 533
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1201.07 1354.68 2.95 30.11 -1.48 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +12 -.2 +53 +98 +26 -22 Act BW 72 Adj WW 598 WW Ratio 97 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +34 +.80 +.64 +.028 +51 +51 +76 +59 +134 +225 Feed Efficiency Test Results
PAP Score (Two-Year-Olds)
Carcass EPDs CAB Targeting the Brand and DNA Logos

Yearling Bulls



WEBO Pacific 209 WEBO Effective 201 BD: 02-14-2022 I BULL *20580841 I TATTOO: 204 WEBO EFFECTIVE 204 *AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 #*Connealy Capitalist 028 McD Effective 789 #Ab-Lvs Emma 096 18952013 #McD Performiss 238 #Willekes Converter 4402-9 +313 Performiss 006 BAR Cash 707 Vision Cash 3414 WEBO Josey Dell 055 #B A R Maid 215 20490837 #WEBO Josey Dell 275 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #WEBO HP Nighthawk 907 204 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 831 1055 2.26 19.69 -0.78 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +6 +1.0 +67 +117 +17 -19 Act BW 66 Adj WW 643 WW Ratio 100 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +60 +.77 +.73 +.025 +69 +55 +106 +59 +165 +283 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-14-2022 I BULL *20583606 I TATTOO: 205 WEBO RESILIENT 205 *Sitz Stellar 726D #*Mohnen Substantial 272 *Sitz Resilient 10208 *SITZ Pride 200B 19057457 *Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 #*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381 *Connealy Blackhawk 6198 #*Connealy Armory WEBO Eola 044 #Precious of Conanga 380X 20536484 WEBO Eola 303 #H A R B Denali 788 J H 3210 Eola 661 205 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 724 1048 3.27 27.15 -0.3 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +8 +.4 +81 +132 +23 -14 Act BW 80 Adj WW 680 WW Ratio 101 CE 3 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +46 +.37 +.58 +.019 +92 +80 +72 +39 +111 +236 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-15-2022 I BULL *20582518 I TATTOO: 209
+*Hoover No Doubt #*Mogck Bullseye +*Sterling Pacific 904 *Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 19444025 +*Baldridge Isabel B082 #+*G A R Prophet *Baldridge Isabel Y69 McD Effective 789 *AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 WEBO Mercedes Pride 095 #McD Performiss 238 20490845 WEBO Mercedes Pride 6154 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #WEBO Mercedes Pride 368 209 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 608 912 3.07 22.47 -0.81 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +11 +.2 +68 +122 +22 -23 Act BW 63 Adj WW 589 WW Ratio 88 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +55 +1.15 +.63 +.036 +72 +62 +100 +75 +174 +298 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-12-2022 I BULL *20580839 I TATTOO: 201
*AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 #*Connealy Capitalist 028 McD Effective 789 #Ab-Lvs Emma 096 18952013 #McD Performiss 238 #Willekes Converter 4402-9 +313 Performiss 006 BAR Cash 707 Vision Cash 3414 WEBO Sham Erica 0205 #B A R Maid 215 20490826 #WEBO Sham Erica 609 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +WEBO Sham Erica CI 434 201 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 693 1015 3.25 21.06 -1.23 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +3 +2.2 +83 +152 +17 -41 Act BW 78 Adj WW 667 WW Ratio 99 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +74 +.51 +.76 -.004 +52 +61 +123 +50 +172 +275 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-13-2022 I BULL *20580840 I TATTOO: 202
*AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 #*Connealy Capitalist 028 McD Effective 789 #Ab-Lvs Emma 096 18952013 #McD Performiss 238 #Willekes Converter 4402-9 +313 Performiss 006 BAR Cash 707 Vision Cash 3414 WEBO Laurella 046 #B A R Maid 215 20490834 WEBO Nighthawk 517 #*Cole Creek Cedar Ridge 1V WEBO Nighthawk 327 202 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 681 1091 4.14 25.28 -0.63 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +12 +.6 +70 +134 +31 -40 Act BW 68 Adj WW 625 WW Ratio 93 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +60 +.37 +.62 +.033 +59 +66 +102 +38 +140 +241 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-14-2022 I BULL *20583608 I TATTOO: 203
203 *Sitz Stellar 726D #*Mohnen Substantial 272 *Sitz Resilient 10208 *SITZ Pride 200B 19057457 *Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 #*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381 BAR Cash 707 Vision Cash 3414 WEBO Erica 060 #B A R Maid 215 20490839 WEBO Erica Pro 7216 DB Forward Prophet C130 +WEBO SR Erica 5104 203 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 680 1074 3.98 24.23 -0.96 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +7 +1.0 +86 +153 +22 -27 Act BW 68 Adj WW 781 WW Ratio 116 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +64 +.49 +.88 +.015 +89 +77 +103 +49 +151 +285 Feed Efficiency Test Results

Yearling Bulls



WEBO Tahoe 221 WEBO Ashland 217 BD: 02-19-2022 I BULL *20583747 I TATTOO: 220 WEBO CONFIDENCE PLUS 220 #*Connealy Confidence Plus #*Connealy Confidence 0100 *Sterling confidence plus 804 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 19189229 +*Baldridge Isabel B111 #*Hoover Dam +Baldridge Isabel T935 #*KG Justified 3023 Connealy Judgment WEBO Nighthawk 018 KG Miss Magic 1443 20536855 WEBO Nighthawk 816 #*Basin Paycheck 5249 +WEBO Nighthawk 5003 220 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 671 1048 3.81 17.07 -1.42 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +9 +.1 +74 +138 +25 -27 Act BW 70 Adj WW 657 WW Ratio 98 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +50 +.82 +.76 +.046 +63 +70 +100 +60 +160 +271 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-20-2022 I BULL 20582801 I TATTOO: 221 WEBO TAHOE 221 [ OHP *Tehama Upward Y238 #*Sitz Upward 307R #+*Tehama Tahoe B767 +Tehama Elite Blackbird T735 17817177 +*Tehama Mary Blackbird Y684 #*S A V Final Answer 0035 Tehama Mary Blackbird T073 #+*Baldridge Bronc #*EF Commando 1366 WEBO Marriott 817 *Baldridge Isabel Y69 19352378 WEBO Marriott 663 *AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 WEBO Marriott 302 221 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 674 1013 3.42 24.47 -0.95 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +9 -.6 +67 +107 +29 +2 Act BW 68 Adj WW 594 WW Ratio 100 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +33 +.50 +.74 +.008 +90 +79 +67 +48 +114 +238 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-20-2022 I BULL *20580860 I TATTOO: 222
*AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 #*Connealy Capitalist 028 McD Effective 789 #Ab-Lvs Emma 096 18952013 #McD Performiss 238 #Willekes Converter 4402-9 +313 Performiss 006 Vermilion Spur B024 #*Connealy Spur WEBO Ever Erica 053 Vermilion Lass 2081 20490836 WEBO Ever Erica 748 Vermilion Countdown C001 WEBO Ever Erica 4153 222 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 711 1066 3.59 25.91 -1.07 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +7 +2.5 +65 +119 +35 -26 Act BW 84 Adj WW 665 WW Ratio 99 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +45 +1.03 +.14 +.056 +51 +65 +88 +61 +148 +243 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-16-2022 I BULL *20582696 I TATTOO: 211
+*Hoover No Doubt #*Mogck Bullseye +*Sterling Pacific 904 *Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 19444025 +*Baldridge Isabel B082 #+*G A R Prophet *Baldridge Isabel Y69 McD Effective 789 *AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 WEBO Prima Lass 0119 #McD Performiss 238 20490817 WEBO Prima Lass WB 763 *V D A R Wind Break 7062 WEBO Prima Lass AW 472 211 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 714 1064 3.54 17.72 -1.2 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +6 +2.4 +73 +133 +15 -35 Act BW 77 Adj WW 680 WW Ratio 101 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +54 +1.17 +.62 +.031 +49 +50 +99 +76 +175 +276 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-17-2022 I BULL *20583819 I TATTOO: 213
*G A R Early Bird +*G A R Daylight +*G A R Ashland +*G A R Progress 830 18217198 +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 #+B/R Ambush 28 +*G A R Yield Grade N366 *Basin Rainmaker 4404 Basin Rainmaker 2704 WEBO Eola 0137 +*Basin Joy 1036 20536402 #WEBO Eola 6108 #*MAR Innovation 251 3210 Eola 661 213 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 606 910 3.07 19.23 -1.08 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +10 +1.6 +80 +146 +33 -43 Act BW 82 Adj WW 615 WW Ratio 92 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +62 +.95 +1.06 -.004 +56 +77 +106 +74 +180 +289 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-18-2022 I BULL *20583845 I TATTOO: 217
*G A R Early Bird +*G A R Daylight +*G A R Ashland +*G A R Progress 830 18217198 +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 #+B/R Ambush 28 +*G A R Yield Grade N366 BAR Cash 707 Vision Cash 3414 *WEB Blackcap Lassie 0102 #B A R Maid 215 20490816 WEBO Blackcap Lassie Pro 716 DB Forward Prophet C130 #+WEBO Blackcap Lassie 577 217 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 855 1252 4.01 25.28 -0.4 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN -1 +4.2 +90 +150 +32 -40 Act BW 85 Adj WW 813 WW Ratio 121 CE 1 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +62 +.71 +.84 -.010 +53 +81 +81 +61 +142 +237 Feed Efficiency Test Results

Yearling Bulls





WEBO Resilient 234 BD: 02-24-2022 I BULL *20583794 I TATTOO: 239
OLM COOL 239 #Connealy Heat 0243 #*Connealy All Around #Connealy Cool 39L Bunty Lanna of Conanga 556 17586776 #+JMc Jeena Allie 8345 5399 #+H A Power Alliance 1025 Jeena of Conanga 357 McD Absolute 640 #*K C F Bennett Absolute WEBO OLM Erica 9192 #Performiss Sho 003 19934727 +WEBO OLM SR Erica 7127 *Hilltop Granite 3215 *WEBO SR Erica 0153 239 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 680 999 3.22 19.53 -1.42 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +11 +1.2 +62 +109 +29 -15 Act BW 78 Adj WW 651 WW Ratio 106 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +52 +.88 +.57 +.016 +82 +64 +99 +63 +162 +292 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-24-2022 I BULL *20580870 I TATTOO: 242
EFFECTIVE 242 *AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 #*Connealy Capitalist 028 McD Effective 789 #Ab-Lvs Emma 096 18952013 #McD Performiss 238 #Willekes Converter 4402-9 +313 Performiss 006 BAR Cash 707 Vision Cash 3414 WEBO Forever Lady 039 #B A R Maid 215 20490832 #WEBO Forever Lady 3104 Vermilion Just IN Time W250 WEBO HP Forever Lady 919 242 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 716 1076 3.64 25.53 -0.8 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +1 +2.5 +70 +121 +26 -31 Act BW 84 Adj WW 702 WW Ratio 105 CE 1 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +39 +.33 +.50 +.023 +62 +62 +69 +35 +104 +197 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-24-2022 I BULL *20580871 I TATTOO: 243
EFFECTIVE 243 *AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 #*Connealy Capitalist 028 McD Effective 789 #Ab-Lvs Emma 096 18952013 #McD Performiss 238 #Willekes Converter 4402-9 +313 Performiss 006 BAR Cash 707 Vision Cash 3414 WEBO Eileenmeren Lass 065 #B A R Maid 215 20490840 +WEBO Eileenmere Lass CS 496 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +Basin Eileenmere Lass 4802 243 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 685 1045 3.64 25.24 -0.46 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +4 +2.0 +65 +114 +23 -20 Act BW 74 Adj WW 690 WW Ratio 103 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +46 +.69 +.54 +.010 +53 +57 +80 +54 +134 +227 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-21-2022 I BULL *20582695 I TATTOO: 224
+*Hoover No Doubt #*Mogck Bullseye +*Sterling Pacific 904 *Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 19444025 +*Baldridge Isabel B082 #+*G A R Prophet *Baldridge Isabel Y69 BAR Cash 707 Vision Cash 3414 WEBO Blackcap 038 #B A R Maid 215 20490831 WEBO Blackcap HP 086 #+*HIGH PRIME 4037 Blackcap Beauty 534 224 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 653 997 3.47 23.09 -0.6 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +5 +1.3 +68 +114 +27 -15 Act BW 67 Adj WW 596 WW Ratio 89 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +46 +.91 +.53 +.046 +95 +69 +76 +61 +138 +274 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-21-2022 I BULL 20582700 I TATTOO: 225
+*Hoover No Doubt #*Mogck Bullseye +*Sterling Pacific 904 *Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 19444025 +*Baldridge Isabel B082 #+*G A R Prophet *Baldridge Isabel Y69 BAR Cash 707 Vision Cash 3414 WEBO Blackcap 054 #B A R Maid 215 19850016 WEBO Blackcap 508 #V D A R Really Windy 4097 WEBO Blackcap 3101 225 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 743 1127 3.88 27.65 -0.34 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +10 -.2 +78 +131 +15 -25 Act BW 63 Adj WW 679 WW Ratio 101 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +50 +.96 +.59 +.022 +66 +65 +80 +66 +147 +257 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-23-2022 I BULL *20582692 I TATTOO: 232
+*Hoover No Doubt #*Mogck Bullseye +*Sterling Pacific 904 *Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 19444025 +*Baldridge Isabel B082 #+*G A R Prophet *Baldridge Isabel Y69 BAR Cash 707 Vision Cash 3414 WEBO Mercedes 066 #B A R Maid 215 20490841 WEBO Mercedes 4150 S Chinook 2260 Mercedes 704 232 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 748 1072 3.27 27.95 -0.74 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +4 +2.1 +70 +118 +22 -12 Act BW 74 Adj WW 726 WW Ratio 108 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +58 +.86 +.54 +.018 +77 +64 +100 +61 +161 +286 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-24-2022 I BULL 20583961 I TATTOO: 234
*Sitz Stellar 726D #*Mohnen Substantial 272 *Sitz Resilient 10208 *SITZ Pride 200B 19057457 *Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 #*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381 *Spur Franchise of Garton *Spur Franchise 7070 WEBO Josey Dell 854 #H&H Irene Lass 0135 19361133 WEBO Josey Dell RW 417 #V D A R Really Windy 4097 #WEBO Josey Dell 275 234 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 794 1207 4.17 26.6 -0.65 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +4 +2.8 +87 +137 +20 -24 Act BW 90 Adj WW 739 WW Ratio 115 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +48 +.62 +.76 -.003 +94 +76 +74 +55 +129 +261 Feed Efficiency Test Results

Yearling Bulls




WEBO Confidence Plus 252 WEBO Black Eagel 247 BD: 02-25-2022 I BULL *20583817 I TATTOO: 250 WEBO ASHLAND 250 *G A R Early Bird +*G A R Daylight +*G A R Ashland +*G A R Progress 830 18217198 +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 #+B/R Ambush 28 +*G A R Yield Grade N366 Vermilion Jac Sensation 8807 #+*S A V Sensation 5615 WEBO VR Blackcap 0110 Vermilion Blackbird 6586 20537476 +WEBO VR Blackcap 5071 Mytty ForeFront 77P #Vermilion Blackcap 1319 250 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 650 930 2.83 19.7 -1 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +15 -.5 +62 +103 +30 -18 Act BW 68 Adj WW 659 WW Ratio 98 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +30 +.78 +.55 -.003 +88 +68 +62 +59 +121 +245 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-25-2022 I BULL *20583822 I TATTOO: 252 WEBO CONFIDENCE PLUS 252 #*Connealy Confidence Plus #*Connealy Confidence 0100 *Sterling confidence plus 804 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 19189229 +*Baldridge Isabel B111 #*Hoover Dam +Baldridge Isabel T935 McD Effective 789 *AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 *WEBO Blackcap Lassie 043 #McD Performiss 238 20490833 WEBO Blackcap Lassie CD 7248 Vermilion Countdown C001 +WEBO Blackcap Lassie RW 454 252 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 731 1133 4.06 21.37 -1.54 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +6 +1.0 +83 +158 +27 -31 Act BW 71 Adj WW 715 WW Ratio 107 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +75 +.83 +.90 +.047 +63 +77 +126 +62 +189 +308 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-26-2022 I BULL 20582716 I TATTOO: 255
#+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S +*Deer Valley Wall Street 21AR O Lass 7017 18827829 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +Deer Valley Rita 9457 McD Absolute 640 #*K C F Bennett Absolute WEBO Blackcap 9182 #Performiss Sho 003 19934725 #WEBO Blackcap Comd 702 #*EF Commando 1366 WEBO Blackcap 5154 255 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 673 1030 3.61 28.42 -0.42 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN I+7 I+1.0 I+72 I+130 I+29 -18 Act BW 64 Adj WW 635 WW Ratio 103 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C I+56 I+.80 I+.40 I+.049 +79 +74 +98 +54 +152 +276 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-24-2022 I BULL *20582707 I TATTOO: 244
*Tehama Upward Y238 #*Sitz Upward 307R #+*Tehama Tahoe B767 +Tehama Elite Blackbird T735 17817177 +*Tehama Mary Blackbird Y684 #*S A V Final Answer 0035 Tehama Mary Blackbird T073 *Basin Rainmaker 4404 Basin Rainmaker 2704 WEBO Blackcap 7173 +*Basin Joy 1036 19976559 WEBO Blackcap HP 0139 #+*HIGH PRIME 4037 +Blackcap Beauty 357 244 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 719 1055 3.39 28.02 -0.62 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +4 +1.8 +75 +131 +33 -35 Act BW 74 Adj WW 671 WW Ratio 100 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +57 +.56 +.97 -.004 +75 +75 +92 +55 +147 +266 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-25-2022 I BULL *20583834 I TATTOO: 245
#*Connealy Confidence Plus #*Connealy Confidence 0100 *Sterling confidence plus 804 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 19189229 +*Baldridge Isabel B111 #*Hoover Dam +Baldridge Isabel T935 #*Mill Bar Hickok 7242 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 *WEBO SR Erica 9138 Mill Bar Bemindful Maid 6304 19934723 *WEBO SR Erica 0153 #+*HIGH PRIME 4037 Shamrocks Erica 5007 245 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 656 989 3.36 26.9 -1.04 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +7 +0 +66 +125 +21 -13 Act BW 88 Adj WW 609 WW Ratio 99 CE 3 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +45 +.63 +.93 +.026 +78 +60 +92 +55 +147 +269 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-25-2022 I BULL 20593367 I TATTOO: 247
Granger Great Falls 630 #+*Granger Great Falls 053 *Granger Black Eagle 822 +Grnager Pride Rachel 890 19213529 *Granger Pride Rachel 685 *Granger Black Cedar 150 Granger pride rachel 420 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S WEBO Pamela 605 21AR O Lass 7017 18523434 WEBO Pamela 4147 Vermilion Just IN Time W250 WEBO Pamela FM 223 247 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 648 1035 3.91 18.67 -1.09 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +12 -.5 +50 +92 +43 -13 Act BW 80 Adj WW 575 WW Ratio 86 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +32 +.56 +.41 +.057 +61 +66 +70 +42 +112 +206 Feed Efficiency Test Results

Yearling Bulls





WEBO Ashland 275 WEBO Resilient 274 BD: 02-27-2022 I BULL *20583843 I TATTOO: 275 WEBO ASHLAND 275 *G A R Early Bird +*G A R Daylight +*G A R Ashland +*G A R Progress 830 18217198 +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 #+B/R Ambush 28 +*G A R Yield Grade N366 McD Effective 789 *AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 *WEBO Nighthawk 028 #McD Performiss 238 20490830 WEBO Nighthawk 8164 McD Absolute 640 #WEBO Nighthawk FW 040 275 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 686 1089 4.07 24.63 -0.6 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +8 +2.0 +68 +124 +30 -33 Act BW 85 Adj WW 678 WW Ratio 101 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +47 +1.09 +.66 +.038 +55 +64 +82 +72 +154 +255 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-27-2022 I BULL *20582067 I TATTOO: 277
*Sterling confidence plus 804 #*Connealy Confidence Plus McD Confidence 035 +*Baldridge Isabel B111 19898286 MID-3 Millie 3542 #+Basin Yellowstone R178 Notch Performiss 442 #*Mill Bar Hickok 7242 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 WEBO Pamela 997 Mill Bar Bemindful Maid 6304 19934757 WEBO Pamela 4147 Vermilion Just IN Time W250 WEBO Pamela FM 223 277 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 732 1126 3.98 26.87 -1.12 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +3 +2.1 +82 +140 +29 -35 Act BW 87 Adj WW 682 WW Ratio 111 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +62 +.78 +.84 +.035 +78 +77 +102 +60 +162 +288 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-26-2022 I BULL 20582803 I TATTOO: 257
*Tehama Upward Y238 #*Sitz Upward 307R #+*Tehama Tahoe B767 +Tehama Elite Blackbird T735 17817177 +*Tehama Mary Blackbird Y684 #*S A V Final Answer 0035 Tehama Mary Blackbird T073 #*S Whitlock 179 #*S Chisum 6175 WEBO Josey Dell 848 #S Pride Anna 709 19352013 #WEBO Josey Dell 550 #*Mohnen Substantial 272 #WEBO Josey Dell 275 257 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 792 1137 3.48 29.45 -0.73 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +5 +.6 +85 +148 +37 -19 Act BW 85 Adj WW 718 WW Ratio 111 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +59 +.61 +.77 -.007 +104 +96 +93 +55 +148 +296 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-26-2022 I BULL 20583987 I TATTOO: 260
*Sitz Stellar 726D #*Mohnen Substantial 272 *Sitz Resilient 10208 *SITZ Pride 200B 19057457 *Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 #*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381 #*Mohnen Substantial 272 #*Benfield Substance 8506 #WEBO Josey Dell 550 Mohnen Glyn Mawr Elba 1758 18171098 #WEBO Josey Dell 275 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #WEBO HP Nighthawk 907 260 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 754 1096 3.45 25.93 -0.89 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +3 +1.5 +82 +139 +36 -27 Act BW 87 Adj WW 667 WW Ratio 108 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +62 +.71 +.77 +.010 +93 +88 +97 +58 +155 +294 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-26-2022 I BULL 20583917 I TATTOO: 267
Connealy Judgment #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #*KG Justified 3023 #Entrine of Conanga 9876 17707279 KG Miss Magic 1443 #*Sitz Wisdom 481T KG Miss Magic 3528 #*JMB Traction 292 #*Sitz Top Game 561X WEBO Rainfall 599 *JMB Emulota 013 18178415 Rainfall Prime 726 #+*HIGH PRIME 4037 #Rainfall Choice 457
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 692 1017 3.28 23.41 -0.96 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +10 -.8 +71 +108 +33 -11 Act BW 75 Adj WW 668 WW Ratio 108 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +42 +.95 +.93 +.011 +91 +85 +72 +71 +143 +276 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-27-2022 I BULL 20583959 I TATTOO: 274
*Sitz Stellar 726D #*Mohnen Substantial 272 *Sitz Resilient 10208 *SITZ Pride 200B 19057457 *Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 #*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381 #*Musgrave Aviator #*Koupals B&B Identity WEBO Blackcap 872 MCATL Forever Lady 1429-138 19378521 WEBO Blackcap LXF 287 Vermilion X Factor X186 #WEBO Blackcap 9101 274 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 757 1162 4.09 26.58 -1.15 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +0 +2.9 +81 +148 +32 -46 Act BW 90 Adj WW 670 WW Ratio 104 CE 1 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +66 +.78 +.92 -.031 +71 +72 +110 +67 +177 +301 Feed Efficiency Test Results

Yearling Bulls





WEBO Cash 291 WEBO Justified 280 BD: 02-28-2022 I BULL 20582729 I TATTOO: 287 WEBO PACIFIC 287 +*Hoover No Doubt #*Mogck Bullseye +*Sterling Pacific 904 *Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 19444025 +*Baldridge Isabel B082 #+*G A R Prophet *Baldridge Isabel Y69 #*Apex Windy 078 #H A R B Windy 702 JH +WEBO Nighthawk 5003 Apexette Lucy 6037 18718061 #WEBO HP Nighthawk 907 #+*HIGH PRIME 4037 Nighthawk Pride 718 287 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 759 1089 3.33 26.8 -1.01 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +3 +2.3 +86 +141 +25 -40 Act BW 87 Adj WW 721 WW Ratio 116 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +67 +1.01 +.65 +.041 +76 +76 +101 +68 +169 +295 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-28-2022 I BULL 20580872 I TATTOO: 291 WEBO CASH 291 Vision Cash 3414 #*Barstow Cash BAR Cash 707 Vision Miss Emulous 111 18956511 #B A R Maid 215 #S A V Pioneer 7301 #B A R Maid 584 Vermilion Countdown C001 #Connealy Countdown WEBO Katinka CD 732 Vermilion Elba 2850 18950638 WEBO Katinka WS 497 *V D A R Windswept 8002 WEBO HP Katinka 861 291 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 667 1034 3.71 23.37 -1.12 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +3 +2.6 +72 +126 +18 -33 Act BW 86 Adj WW 593 WW Ratio 96 CE 1 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +49 +.03 +.34 +.020 +45 +53 +91 +19 +111 +189 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-28-2022 I BULL 20580873 I TATTOO: 292
Vision Cash 3414 #*Barstow Cash BAR Cash 707 Vision Miss Emulous 111 18956511 #B A R Maid 215 #S A V Pioneer 7301 #B A R Maid 584 #*MAR Innovation 251 #*Connealy Impression WEBO Katinka 6118 #*MAR Final Kahuna 856 18523448 WEBO Katinka UP 064 #*Sitz Upward 307R Katinka Pride 757
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 626 1017 3.95 24.97 -0.57 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +2 +1.9 +64 +115 +27 -19 Act BW 84 Adj WW 591 WW Ratio 95 CE 1 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +45 +.20 +.70 +0 +70 +61 +78 +34 +112 +215 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-27-2022 I BULL *20583854 I TATTOO: 280
Connealy Judgment #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #*KG Justified 3023 #Entrine of Conanga 9876 17707279 KG Miss Magic 1443 #*Sitz Wisdom 481T KG Miss Magic 3528 BAR Cash 707 Vision Cash 3414 WEBO Erica 996 #B A R Maid 215 19934756 WEBO High Design Erica 864 #+*HIGH PRIME 4037 #+Enchantress 439 280 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 611 981 3.74 23.78 -0.71 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +14 -1.0 +54 +90 +21 -3 Act BW 67 Adj WW 596 WW Ratio 97 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +19 +.89 +.39 +.052 +77 +54 +50 +58 +108 +217 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-27-2022 I BULL *20582726 I TATTOO: 281
#+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S +*Deer Valley Wall Street 21AR O Lass 7017 18827829 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +Deer Valley Rita 9457 DB Forward Prophet C130 #+*G A R Prophet WEBO Blackcap Lassie Pro 716 #DB Ms Forward 1182 18950673 #+WEBO Blackcap Lassie 577 #Connealy Thunder *G Bar H Blackcap Lassie M61 281 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 657 1015 3.62 21.86 -0.75 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +1 +3.5 +83 +143 +22 -35 Act BW 95 Adj WW 607 WW Ratio 99 CE 1 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +69 +.19 +.43 +.033 +58 +67 +106 +27 +133 +231 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-28-2022 I BULL *20583983 I TATTOO: 283
*Sitz Stellar 726D #*Mohnen Substantial 272 *Sitz Resilient 10208 *SITZ Pride 200B 19057457 *Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 #*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381 McD Performer 120 #+Basin Yellowstone R178 WEBO Rainfall Bex 6206 Erica H M 6 18523487 #WEBO Rainfall Bexter 002 #C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 WEBO HPDesigner Rainfall 853 283 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 649 1049 4.04 23.3 -1.07 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +11 -1.7 +57 +98 +27 -9 Act BW 84 Adj WW 591 WW Ratio 95 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +32 +.91 +.29 +0 +80 +63 +69 +62 +131 +250 Feed Efficiency Test Results

Yearling Bulls









WEBO Justified 294 BD: 03-01-2022 I BULL 20582215 I TATTOO: 2103
*Sterling confidence plus 804 #*Connealy Confidence Plus McD Confidence 035 +*Baldridge Isabel B111 19898286 MID-3 Millie 3542 #+Basin Yellowstone R178 Notch Performiss 442 #*Cole Creek Cedar Ridge 1V #Cole Creek Black Cedar 46P #WEBO Ever Erica 311 #Cole Creek Clovanada 49S 17562984 WEBO Ever Erica CT 110 #Connealy Thunder WEBO HP Ever Erica 903 2103 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 646 1010 3.68 25.48 -0.61 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +6 +.4 +59 +113 +24 -2 Act BW 80 Adj WW 600 WW Ratio 97 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +49 +.69 +.50 +.060 +82 +59 +95 +49 +144 +269 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-01-2022 I BULL 20582732 I TATTOO: 2105
+*Hoover No Doubt #*Mogck Bullseye +*Sterling Pacific 904 *Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 19444025 +*Baldridge Isabel B082 #+*G A R Prophet *Baldridge Isabel Y69 McD Performer 120 #+Basin Yellowstone R178 WEBO Blackcap 5175 Erica H M 6 18165929 WEBO Blackcap TH 007 #Connealy Thunder WEBO Blackcap Danny 811
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 615 954 3.42 23.29 -0.88 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +6 -.3 +51 +96 +22 -13 Act BW 82 Adj WW 566 WW Ratio 91 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +32 +.62 +.12 +.027 +75 +46 +75 +44 +118 +228 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-01-2022 I BULL 20582735 I TATTOO: 2106
No Doubt #*Mogck Bullseye +*Sterling Pacific 904 *Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 19444025 +*Baldridge Isabel B082 #+*G A R Prophet *Baldridge Isabel Y69 McD Performer 120 #+Basin Yellowstone R178 WEBO Pride of Nighthawk 5174 Erica H M 6 18165928 Pride of Nighthawk 422 #%Forever Fortune L 1 Pride of Nigh Hawk 908
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 675 1059 3.88 25.27 -0.56 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +7 +2.3 +62 +116 +23 -10 Act BW 81 Adj WW 629 WW Ratio 101 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +52 +.87 +.36 +.039 +82 +54 +92 +58 +150 +277 Feed Efficiency Test Results
03-01-2022 I BULL 20583841 I TATTOO: 2107
0100 *Sterling confidence plus 804 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 19189229 +*Baldridge Isabel B111 #*Hoover Dam +Baldridge Isabel T935 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A #*Mytty In Focus +WEBO Sham Erica 645 #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 18523522 *WEBO SR Erica 0153 #+*HIGH PRIME 4037 Shamrocks Erica 5007
WEBO CONFIDENCE PLUS 2107 #*Connealy Confidence Plus
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 698 1023 3.28 24.14 -1.17 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +13 -2.3 +56 +108 +32 -9 Act BW 80 Adj WW 629 WW Ratio 101 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +38 +1.30 +.62 +.037 +77 +66 +87 +81 +168 +295 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-28-2022 I BULL *20583850 I TATTOO: 294
Connealy Judgment #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #*KG Justified 3023 #Entrine of Conanga 9876 17707279 KG Miss Magic 1443 #*Sitz Wisdom 481T KG Miss Magic 3528 Hoover Bullseye R94 #*Mogck Bullseye WEBO Zara 9191 +Keymura Katy Ellston M8 19978008 Vermilion Zara 4563 #*Vermilion Bear Paw Vermilion Zara 9196
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 626 1018 3.96 23.55 -1.1 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +10 -.7 +71 +133 +29 -27 Act BW 80 Adj WW 576 WW Ratio 94 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +43 +1.16 +.03 +.067 +85 +72 +85 +64 +149 +278 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-28-2022 I BULL *20583965 I TATTOO: 295
*Sitz Stellar 726D #*Mohnen Substantial 272 *Sitz Resilient 10208 *SITZ Pride 200B 19057457 *Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 #*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381 *Hilltop Granite 3215 #*Connealy Black Granite WEBO Rachel 8232 Hilltop Shauna 176 19346047 #WEBO Rachel 341 *Sitz Easy Street 523W WEBO Cinchs Rachel 866 295 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 735 1129 3.98 25.79 -1.04 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +4 +3.0 +72 +122 +35 -22 Act BW 89 Adj WW 631 WW Ratio 98 CE 1 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +50 +.57 +.98 -.004 +78 +74 +85 +55 +140 +260 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-01-2022 I BULL 20582070 I TATTOO: 2101
804 #*Connealy
McD Confidence 035 +*Baldridge Isabel B111 19898286 MID-3 Millie 3542 #+Basin Yellowstone R178 Notch Performiss 442 #*JMB Traction 292 #*Sitz Top Game 561X WEBO Rachel 8147 *JMB Emulota 013 19352115 WEBO Rachel TH 043 #Connealy Thunder Forever Rachel 208 2101 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 731 980 2.52 21.32 -1.22 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +1 +1.1 +76 +133 +22 -30 Act BW 80 Adj WW 682 WW Ratio 106 CE 1 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +55 +.47 +1.07 -.038 +65 +67 +97 +55 +151 +261 Feed Efficiency Test Results
*Sterling confidence plus
Confidence Plus

Yearling Bulls








BD: 03-02-2022 I BULL 20583855 I TATTOO: 2118
*G A R Early Bird +*G A R Daylight +*G A R Ashland +*G A R Progress 830 18217198 +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 #+B/R Ambush 28 +*G A R Yield Grade N366 Vermilion Countdown C001 #Connealy Countdown WEBO Mercedes 744 Vermilion Elba 2850 18950624 #WEBO Mercedes UP 125 #*Sitz Upward 307R Mercedes 704
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 609 999 3.94 24.24 -0.55 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +8 +2.1 +66 +112 +31 -14 Act BW 87 Adj WW 553 WW Ratio 89 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +40 +.54 +.95 -.002 +61 +70 +70 +53 +124 +222 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-02-2022 I BULL *20580843 I TATTOO: 2119
*AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 #*Connealy Capitalist 028 McD Effective 789 #Ab-Lvs Emma 096 18952013 #McD Performiss 238 #Willekes Converter 4402-9 +313 Performiss 006 BAR Cash 707 Vision Cash 3414 WEBO Blackcap 956 #B A R Maid 215 19934744 #WEBO Blackcap CS 215 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 WEBO Blackcap HP 086
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 655 1030 3.79 24.1 -0.91 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN -5 +5.3 +87 +150 +21 -43 Act BW 88 Adj WW 605 WW Ratio 98 CE 1 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +62 +.61 +.40 +.003 +47 +60 +100 +49 +149 +240 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-03-2022 I BULL *20593223 I TATTOO: 2124
Granger Great Falls 630 #+*Granger Great Falls 053 *Granger Black Eagle 822 +Grnager Pride Rachel 890 19213529 *Granger Pride Rachel 685 *Granger Black Cedar 150 Granger pride rachel 420 BAR Cash 707 Vision Cash 3414 WEBO Rainfall 929 #B A R Maid 215 19934738 #WEBO Rainfall Bexter 002 #C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 WEBO HPDesigner Rainfall 853
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 651 1031 3.84 24.33 -0.42 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +7 +2.2 +83 +139 +22 -32 Act BW 80 Adj WW 612 WW Ratio 99 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +56 +.10 +.61 +.039 +63 +72 +82 +25 +107 +202 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-01-2022 I BULL 20582554 I TATTOO: 2108
Vermilion Spur E870 #*Connealy Spur *JVC Concho 28 Vermilion Lass 4942 19684983 JVC Henrietta Pride 333 #+*C C A Uno 049 +JVC Henrietta Pride Y137 Vermilion Countdown C001 #Connealy Countdown WEBO Rachel CD 736 Vermilion Elba 2850 18950636 WEBO Rachel WS 459 *V D A R Windswept 8002 WEBO Rachel TH 043 2108 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 707 1000 2.96 22.87 -0.81 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN -5 +4.7 +64 +104 +20 +6 Act BW 90 Adj WW 635 WW Ratio 103 CE 1 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +25 +.39 +.33 -.031 +91 +53 +55 +40 +95 +214 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-02-2022 I BULL *20580842 I TATTOO: 2114
Vision Cash 3414 #*Barstow Cash BAR Cash 707 Vision Miss Emulous 111 18956511 #B A R Maid 215 #S A V Pioneer 7301 #B A R Maid 584 *Hilltop Granite 3215 #*Connealy Black Granite *WEBO Blackbird 7107 Hilltop Shauna 176 18950590 WEBO Blackbird 2133 WEBO Mucho Cinch 843 G Bar H Blackbird 037 2114 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 702 1056 3.58 27.63 -0.29 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +5 +3.2 +83 +145 +28 -50 Act BW 90 Adj WW 600 WW Ratio 97 CE 1 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +67 +.12 +.68 -.013 +56 +69 +95 +31 +126 +219 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-02-2022 I BULL 20583839 I TATTOO: 2115
#*Connealy Confidence Plus #*Connealy Confidence 0100 *Sterling confidence plus 804 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 19189229 +*Baldridge Isabel B111 #*Hoover Dam +Baldridge Isabel T935 #+*R B Tour Of Duty 177 #+*Werner War Party 2417 WEBO Taurusina 650 +*B A Lady 6807 305 18523525 G Bar H Taurusina 0215 #+*TC Franklin 619 G Bar H Taurusina 731 2115 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 633 985 3.56 20.55 -1.59 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +7 +.5 +53 +95 +22 -9 Act BW 80 Adj WW 560 WW Ratio 90 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +34 +1.09 +.78 +.028 +61 +50 +89 +74 +163 +272 Feed Efficiency Test Results



WEBO Cash 2129 WEBO Cash 2125 BD: 03-03-2022 I BULL 20580845 I TATTOO: 2128 WEBO CASH 2128 Vision Cash 3414 #*Barstow Cash BAR Cash 707 Vision Miss Emulous 111 18956511 #B A R Maid 215 #S A V Pioneer 7301 #B A R Maid 584 *V D A R Windswept 8002 #V D A R Really Windy 4097 WEBO Blackcap Grande WS 450 V D A R PF Hyalite 0445 17903128 WEBO HP Blackcap Grande 997 #+*HIGH PRIME 4037 +Blackcap Beauty 328 2128 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 647 1036 3.93 28 -0.19 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +2 +1.5 +66 +117 +20 -23 Act BW 85 Adj WW 590 WW Ratio 95 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +34 +.29 +.27 +.018 +50 +55 +63 +31 +94 +172 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-03-2022 I BULL 20580846 I TATTOO: 2129 WEBO CASH 2129 Vision Cash 3414 #*Barstow Cash BAR Cash 707 Vision Miss Emulous 111 18956511 #B A R Maid 215 #S A V Pioneer 7301 #B A R Maid 584 #*S Summit 956 #+GDAR Game Day 449 #WEBO Erica 505 #S Pride Anna 709 18178352 WEBO Erica 3111 Vermilion Just IN Time W250 WEBO HP Erica 862 2129 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 748 1138 3.94 31.28 -0.3 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +8 -.8 +69 +113 +28 -30 Act BW 76 Adj WW 668 WW Ratio 108 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +44 +.11 +.66 +.063 +60 +71 +68 +24 +92 +179 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-03-2022 I BULL 20580844 I TATTOO: 2125
Yearling Bulls
2125 Vision Cash 3414 #*Barstow Cash BAR Cash 707 Vision Miss Emulous 111 18956511 #B A R Maid 215 #S A V Pioneer 7301 #B A R Maid 584 McD Performer 120 #+Basin Yellowstone R178 WEBO Nighthawk Bess 4138 Erica H M 6 17859155 WEBO Nighthawk HP 093 #+*HIGH PRIME 4037 Nighthawk Pride Wy 509 2125 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 670 1013 3.46 25.74 -0.38 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +10 -.2 +52 +93 +22 -7 Act BW 83 Adj WW 558 WW Ratio 90 CE 3 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +32 +.27 +.48 +.037 +68 +50 +69 +31 +100 +198 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-03-2022 I BULL *20583982 I TATTOO: 2126
*Sitz Stellar 726D #*Mohnen Substantial 272 *Sitz Resilient 10208 *SITZ Pride 200B 19057457 *Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 #*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381 *Hilltop Granite 3215 #*Connealy Black Granite *WEBO VR Blackcap 6233 Hilltop Shauna 176 18523501 #Vermilion Blackcap 1319 #Vermilion Dateline 7078 Vermilion Blackcap 255 2126 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 706 1102 4 26.56 -0.29 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +15 -.5 +69 +122 +32 -22 Act BW 76 Adj WW 641 WW Ratio 103 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +47 +.81 +.65 +.042 +85 +75 +75 +58 +134 +259 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-03-2022 I BULL 20582216 I TATTOO: 2127
confidence plus 804 #*Connealy Confidence Plus McD Confidence 035 +*Baldridge Isabel B111 19898286 MID-3 Millie 3542 #+Basin Yellowstone R178 Notch Performiss 442 #*Deer Valley All In #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A WEBO Nighthawk 524 +*Deer Valley Rita 0274 18178417 WEBO Forever Prime 372 #*Coleman Regis 904 Forever Prime 724 2127 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 656 948 2.95 23.06 -1.17 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +10 +.4 +63 +111 +32 -9 Act BW 80 Adj WW 588 WW Ratio 100 CE 3.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +55 +.63 +1.02 +.012 +86 +71 +101 +57 +158 +291 Feed Efficiency Test Results

Yearling Bulls







WEBO Concho 2151 WEBO Resilient 2130 WEBO Justified 2136 BD: 03-03-2022 I BULL 20580847 I TATTOO: 2144 WEBO COOL
#Connealy Heat 0243 #*Connealy All Around #Connealy Cool 39L Bunty Lanna of Conanga 556 17586776 #+JMc Jeena Allie 8345 5399 #+H A Power Alliance 1025 Jeena of Conanga 357 #*JMB Traction 292 #*Sitz Top Game 561X WEBO Rachel 8114 *JMB Emulota 013 19352086 WEBO Rachel WS 459 *V D A R Windswept 8002 WEBO Rachel TH 043
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 713 1007 2.97 23.4 -0.96 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +6 +2.2 +74 +127 +27 -27 Act BW 88 Adj WW 645 WW Ratio 100 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +53 +.31 +.70 +.048 +84 +69 +91 +35 +126 +247 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-04-2022 I BULL 20580848 I TATTOO: 2150
Vision Cash 3414 #*Barstow Cash BAR Cash 707 Vision Miss Emulous 111 18956511 #B A R Maid 215 #S A V Pioneer 7301 #B A R Maid 584 #*S Summit 956 #+GDAR Game Day 449 WEBO Katinka 525 #S Pride Anna 709 18178351 WEBO Katinka 3152 Vermilion Just IN Time W250 WEBO HP Katinka 971
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 639 1003 3.68 32.79 0.3 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +3 +.7 +76 +120 +24 -20 Act BW 80 Adj WW 582 WW Ratio 100 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +36 +.23 +.57 +.044 +74 +75 +46 +30 +76 +173 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-04-2022 I BULL 20582643 I TATTOO: 2151
Vermilion Spur E870 #*Connealy Spur *JVC Concho 28 Vermilion Lass 4942 19684983 JVC Henrietta Pride 333 #+*C C A Uno 049 +JVC Henrietta Pride Y137 #*Basin Excitement +Basin Expedition R156 WEBO Blackbird 618 Basin Lady S532 AK 18523470 WEBO Factor Blackbird 4180 Vermilion X Factor X186 WEBO RighTime Blackbird 839
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 756 1114 3.62 28.74 -0.33 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +3 +2.8 +68 +120 +21 -10 Act BW 88 Adj WW 649 WW Ratio 105 CE 1 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +52 +.18 +.78 +.023 +81 +58 +91 +32 +123 +241 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-03-2022 I BULL 20583962 I TATTOO: 2130
*Sitz Stellar 726D #*Mohnen Substantial 272 *Sitz Resilient 10208 *SITZ Pride 200B 19057457 *Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 #*Sitz Top Game 561X Sitz Miss Burgess 4381 #*Connealy Capitalist 028 #*S A V Final Answer 0035 WEBO Blackcap Beauty 873 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 19346052 WEBO Blackcap Beauty 337 #*Sitz Upward 307R #Katinka Supreme 703
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 657 1066 4.13 26.72 -0.76 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +14 -3.4 +57 +97 +35 -2 Act BW 68 Adj WW 593 WW Ratio 92 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +38 +.16 +.34 +.021 +95 +74 +72 +25 +98 +222 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-03-2022 I BULL 20583908 I TATTOO: 2136
Connealy Judgment #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #*KG Justified 3023 #Entrine of Conanga 9876 17707279 KG Miss Magic 1443 #*Sitz Wisdom 481T KG Miss Magic 3528 #*MAR Innovation 251 #*Connealy Impression #WEBO Eola 6108 #*MAR Final Kahuna 856 18523442 3210 Eola 661 #*Connealy Mentor 7374 3210 Eola 32
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 827 1269 4.46 22.25 -1.1 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +6 +.6 +77 +135 +31 -21 Act BW 90 Adj WW 767 WW Ratio 124 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +55 +.62 +.94 +.014 +84 +81 +90 +56 +145 +272 Feed Efficiency Test Results

Yearling Bulls







WEBO Pacific 2169 WEBO Ashland 2158 BD: 03-04-2022 I BULL *20582728 I TATTOO: 2162 WEBO WALL STREET 2162 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S +*Deer Valley Wall Street 21AR O Lass 7017 18827829 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +Deer Valley Rita 9457 McD Performer 120 #+Basin Yellowstone R178 WEBO Blackcap 6195 Erica H M 6 18523480 WEBO Blackcap TH 007 #Connealy Thunder WEBO Blackcap Danny 811 2162 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 721 1054 3.36 30.09 -0.61 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +5 +1.2 +71 +119 +21 -9 Act BW 81 Adj WW 662 WW Ratio 107 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +58 +.94 +.38 +.041 +81 +68 +96 +61 +157 +285 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-05-2022 I BULL 20582721 I TATTOO: 2164 WEBO WALL STREET 2164 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S +*Deer Valley Wall Street 21AR O Lass 7017 18827829 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +Deer Valley Rita 9457 McD Absolute 640 #*K C F Bennett Absolute WEBO Blackcap 8125 #Performiss Sho 003 19346043 WEBO HP LC Blackcap 928 #+*HIGH PRIME 4037 Lone Cone Blackcap 611
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 735 1026 2.94 24.32 -0.48 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +11 -.4 +67 +114 +23 -14 Act BW 75 Adj WW 702 WW Ratio 100 CE 3.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +48 +.76 +.44 +.046 +67 +67 +82 +53 +135 +242 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-02-2022 I BULL 20582731 I TATTOO: 2169
+*Hoover No Doubt #*Mogck Bullseye +*Sterling Pacific 904 *Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 19444025 +*Baldridge Isabel B082 #+*G A R Prophet *Baldridge Isabel Y69 #*S Summit 956 #+GDAR Game Day 449 #WEBO Nighthawk 5112 #S Pride Anna 709 18178357 WEBO Nighthawk 2118 Vermilion Just IN Time W250 Pride of Nighthawk 314
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 640 985 3.48 22.59 -0.92 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +8 +1.4 +67 +113 +27 -25 Act BW 83 Adj WW 587 WW Ratio 95 CE 3 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +47 +.93 +.43 +.016 +69 +65 +85 +63 +149 +262 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-04-2022 I BULL 20583856 I TATTOO: 2158
*G A R Early Bird +*G A R Daylight +*G A R Ashland +*G A R Progress 830 18217198 +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 #+B/R Ambush 28 +*G A R Yield Grade N366 #*Cole Creek Cedar Ridge 1V #Cole Creek Black Cedar 46P WEBO Rainfall 6116 #Cole Creek Clovanada 49S 18523446 WEBO Rainfall Superior 363 #*Sitz Upward 307R Rainfall Superior 782
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 722 1128 4.1 25.51 -0.83 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +9 +.6 +69 +118 +30 -11 Act BW 79 Adj WW 650 WW Ratio 105 CE 3 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +47 +.70 +.49 +.029 +81 +75 +79 +52 +131 +251 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-04-2022 I BULL *20583846 I TATTOO: 2159
*G A R Early Bird +*G A R Daylight +*G A R Ashland +*G A R Progress 830 18217198 +*Chair Rock Ambush 1018 #+B/R Ambush 28 +*G A R Yield Grade N366 *Hilltop Granite 3215 #*Connealy Black Granite WEBO Mercedes 9236 Hilltop Shauna 176 19934736 WEBO Mercedes 3127 McD Performer 120 WEBO Mercedes HP 0146
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 664 1024 3.64 23.37 -0.87 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +10 +.7 +73 +123 +27 -16 Act BW 85 Adj WW 639 WW Ratio 104 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +45 +.62 +.80 -.028 +77 +75 +79 +57 +136 +253 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-04-2022 I BULL *20580849 I TATTOO: 2160
Vision Cash 3414 #*Barstow Cash BAR Cash 707 Vision Miss Emulous 111 18956511 #B A R Maid 215 #S A V Pioneer 7301 #B A R Maid 584 McD Effective 789 *AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 WEBO Mercedes 9167 #McD Performiss 238 19934724 WEBO Mercedes 680 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 WEBO Mercedes RW 412 2160 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 677 1022 3.48 23.57 -0.96 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +2 +1.4 +67 +115 +34 -27 Act BW 83 Adj WW 640 WW Ratio 104 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +53 +.43 +.40 +.056 +70 +71 +88 +36 +124 +231 Feed Efficiency Test Results





WEBO Wall Street 2185 BD: 03-07-2022 I BULL 20582718 I TATTOO: 2185
WALL STREET 2185 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S +*Deer Valley Wall Street 21AR O Lass 7017 18827829 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 #*Plattemere Weigh Up K360 +Deer Valley Rita 9457 #*S Whitlock 179 #*S Chisum 6175 WEBO Lainey Rey 860 #S Pride Anna 709 19352018 WEBO Lainey Rey 491 #V D A R Really Windy 4097 WEBO High Design Erica 864
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 629 1046 4.21 26.87 -0.42 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +3 +1.1 +60 +113 +20 -14 Act BW 85 Adj WW 590 WW Ratio 91 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +39 +.50 +.68 -.022 +76 +51 +80 +49 +129 +243 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-08-2022 I BULL 20582642 I TATTOO: 2188
Yearling Bulls
2188 Vermilion Spur E870 #*Connealy Spur *JVC Concho 28 Vermilion Lass 4942 19684983 JVC Henrietta Pride 333 #+*C C A Uno 049 +JVC Henrietta Pride Y137 #*Basin Excitement +Basin Expedition R156 #WEBO Designer Mercedes 622 Basin Lady S532 AK 18523497 #WEBO Designer Mercedes 4172 Vermilion X Factor X186 WEBO Designer Mercedes 830
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 743 1106 3.67 29.49 -0.41 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +1 +3.5 +83 +137 +19 -13 Act BW 94 Adj WW 663 WW Ratio 107 CE 1 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +43 +.34 +.68 +.044 +89 +69 +66 +37 +102 +221 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-05-2022 I BULL 20580850 I TATTOO: 2171
*AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 #*Connealy Capitalist 028 McD Effective 789 #Ab-Lvs Emma 096 18952013 #McD Performiss 238 #Willekes Converter 4402-9 +313 Performiss 006 Vermilion X Factor X186 #Vermilion X Factor #WEBO LC Blackcap 4163 #Vermilion Pride 7608 17859165 WEBO HP LC Blackcap 928 #+*HIGH PRIME 4037 Lone Cone Blackcap 611
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 627 988 3.65 22.66 -1.26 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +5 +.8 +58 +100 +29 -19 Act BW 80 Adj WW 558 WW Ratio 90 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +36 +.74 +.52 +.055 +79 +60 +81 +52 +134 +253 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-05-2022 I BULL 20582737 I TATTOO: 2173
+*Hoover No Doubt #*Mogck Bullseye +*Sterling Pacific 904 *Miss Blackcap Ellston J2 19444025 +*Baldridge Isabel B082 #+*G A R Prophet *Baldridge Isabel Y69 McD Performer 120 #+Basin Yellowstone R178 WEBO Nighthawk 5126 Erica H M 6 18165911 WEBO Nighthawk PT 087 WEBO Prime Time 831 Nighthawk Pride 718
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 604 934 3.33 21.11 -1.17 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +10 +.2 +51 +92 +14 -8 Act BW 82 Adj WW 560 WW Ratio 90 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +30 +.92 +.45 +.012 +65 +38 +75 +63 +139 +245 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-07-2022 I BULL *20580851 I TATTOO: 2180
#Connealy Heat 0243 #*Connealy All Around #Connealy Cool 39L Bunty Lanna of Conanga 556 17586776 #+JMc Jeena Allie 8345 5399 #+H A Power Alliance 1025 Jeena of Conanga 357 McD Effective 789 *AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 WEBO Nighthawk Den 9121 #McD Performiss 238 19934720 WEBO Nighthawk Den 222 #H A R B Denali 788 J H WEBO Nighthawk HP 093 2180 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 674 1058 3.88 23.89 -0.91 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +9 +1.6 +60 +109 +36 -27 Act BW 88 Adj WW 623 WW Ratio 101 CE 3 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +60 +.76 +.83 +.005 +77 +64 +105 +62 +167 +294 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-07-2022 I BULL *20580852 I TATTOO: 2181 WEBO CONFIDENCE 2181 [ M1F-OHF +*E&B Plus One #*Connealy Confidence Plus McD Confidence 023 #+E&B Lady 1023 Precision 936 19895506 McD-2 Ambush 3171 #+Basin Yellowstone R178 #Scar Ambush 7736 Vermilion Jac Sensation 8807 #+*S A V Sensation 5615 WEBO Laurella 094 Vermilion Blackbird 6586 20537475 WEBO Nighthawk 570 #*Baldridge Download Z013 WEBO Nighthawk Den 222 2181 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 678 1024 3.49 24.5 -0.43 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +14 -2.4 +52 +96 +26 -18 Act BW 62 Adj WW 682 WW Ratio 102 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +32 +.78 +.47 +.032 +71 +54 +67 +55 +122 +229 Feed Efficiency Test Results


WEBO OLM Confidence 2204 WEBO Confidence 2197 BD: 03-16-2022 I BULL *20580854 I TATTOO: 2199 WEBO CONFIDENCE 2199 M1P-OHP +*E&B Plus One #*Connealy Confidence Plus McD Confidence 023 #+E&B Lady 1023 Precision 936 19895506 McD-2 Ambush 3171 #+Basin Yellowstone R178 #Scar Ambush 7736 *Connealy Blackhawk 6198 #*Connealy Armory WEBO Black Eagle 0152 #Precious of Conanga 380X 20536460 +WEBO SR Erica 7118 *Hilltop Granite 3215 *WEBO SR Erica 0153 2199 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 667 1040 3.77 27.3 -1.06 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +11 +.4 +75 +142 +26 -22 Act BW 74 Adj WW 689 WW Ratio 103 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +52 +.69 +.44 +.041 +84 +72 +94 +50 +144 +271 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-18-2022 I BULL *20580855 I TATTOO: 2204 WEBO OLM CONFIDENCE 2204 *Sterling confidence plus 804 #*Connealy Confidence Plus McD Confidence 035 +*Baldridge Isabel B111 19898286 MID-3 Millie 3542 #+Basin Yellowstone R178 Notch Performiss 442 Vermilion Countdown C001 #Connealy Countdown WEBO OLM Sr Erica 9215 Vermilion Elba 2850 19934732 +WEBO SR Erica 548 *Hilltop Granite 3215 *WEBO SR Erica 0153 2204 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 655 935 2.83 18.78 -1.8 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +6 +0 +68 +123 +23 -24 Act BW 70 Adj WW 660 WW Ratio 107 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +56 +.51 +.77 +.026 +66 +63 +109 +47 +157 +270 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-14-2022 I BULL *20580853 I TATTOO: 2197 WEBO CONFIDENCE 2197 M1F-OHF ] +*E&B Plus One #*Connealy Confidence Plus McD Confidence 023 #+E&B Lady 1023 Precision 936 19895506 McD-2 Ambush 3171 #+Basin Yellowstone R178 #Scar Ambush 7736 *Basin Rainmaker 4404 Basin Rainmaker 2704 WEBO Prima Lass 015 +*Basin Joy 1036 20536397 WEBO Prima Lass 8115 #*MAR Innovation 251 #WEBO Prima Lass UP 003
Yearling Bulls
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 597 933 3.39 19.83 -0.53 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +19 -4.1 +42 +84 +42 +1 Act BW 50 Adj WW 646 WW Ratio 96 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +30 +.69 +.24 +.065 +79 +63 +64 +45 +110 +222 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-15-2022 I BULL *20600689 I TATTOO: 2198 WEBO RAINFALL 2198 [ M1F-OHF +*S A V Rainfall 6846 #+*Coleman Charlo 0256 Campbell Rainfall 9721 *S A V Blackcap May 4136 19609623 Probst Miss Resource 721 #+*S A V Resource 1441 Circle L Lucy Pride 3892 McD Effective 789 *AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 WEBO Mercedes 058 #McD Performiss 238 20490838 WEBO Mercedes 744 Vermilion Countdown C001 #WEBO Mercedes UP 125 2198 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 614 1016 4.06 25.14 -0.58 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +5 +1.4 +66 +119 +32 -15 Act BW 73 Adj WW 622 WW Ratio 93 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +45 +.47 +.76 +.016 +72 +71 +78 +46 +124 +233 Feed Efficiency Test Results


Yearling bulls were housed at the University of Wyoming SAREC GrowSafe testing facility from October 2022 through January 2023. Bulls were trained to feeders and evaluated on a 99-day feeding study where individual feed intakes were measured. A backgrounding/growing diet was fed, consisting of cracked corn, ground alfalfa hay, corn silage and protein supplement. The ration was formulated for an estimated daily gain of 3.25 lb/day. Individual weight gain and feed intakes were collected on each bull.

Calculations included:

Overall Weight Gain – Two initial and two final weights were taken on consecutive days, with the 2 day average used to calculate total gain during the 99-day feeding study.

Average Daily Gain (ADG) – Total weight gain divided by 99 days.

DM Intake – Actual feed intake measured for each individual bull, through the GrowSafe feeding nodes. Feed amounts provided in the table are adjusted to a 100% Dry Matter (DM) basis.

Feed:Gain – A measurement of feed efficiency, listed as the lbs of feed required to achieve 1 lb of weight gain for each bull. This is calculated using the daily feed intake and ADG for each bull. A lower number indicates a more efficient bull (less feed required to achieve 1 lb of weight gain).

Gain:Feed – Also a measurement of feed efficiency, listed as the amount of weight gain achieved for each 100 lbs of feed consumed. In this case, a higher number indicates a more efficient animal. In other words, more weight gain was achieved per 100 lbs of feed consumed.

RFI – Residual Feed Intake. RFI is the preferred method of evaluating efficiency in seedstock animals because it is an efficiency measurement that is independent (not influenced by) size of the animal. Using traditional feed efficiency measurements (to select cattle) would cause you to indirectly select for larger animal size because larger frame animals tend to me more efficient. RFI is preferred because it is a feed efficiency index independent of animal size. RFI numbers refer to the comparison between actual feed consumed vs. expected feed intake (based on the ration fed and animal size). A negative number is preferrable, indicating a more efficient animal that consumed less feed than predicted. Positive RFI indicate a less efficient animal that consumed more feed than expected.

Rankings and combined Ranking. All bulls were ranked based on ADG, feed efficiency and RFI, with individual rankings provided. A combined ranking was also included, which equally weights the bulls ADG, efficiency and RFI ranking, with bulls ranked on their combined scores. The #1 combined ranking would indicate a bull that had the highest combined ranking in all three measurements.


Two-Year-Old Bulls







WEBO Justified 172 WEBO Optimist 124 BD: 02-19-2021 I BULL *20292910 I TATTOO: 134 I PAP: 42
*Vermilion Re-Ride #*Connealy Spur Vermilion Optimist #*Vermilion Lass 3265 19508457 #Vermilion Lass 6043 #Connealy Countdown Vermilion Lass 4237 WEBO Innovation 785 #*MAR Innovation 251 WEBO Erica 9201 #WEBO Blackcap CS 215 19934729 +WEBO SR Erica 581 *Hilltop Granite 3215 *WEBO SR Erica 0153 134 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +7 +1.3 +46 +87 +21 -10 Act BW 82 Adj WW 613 WW Ratio 99 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +25 +.59 +.50 +.010 +61 +38 +74 +49 +123 +221 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-26-2021 I BULL 20290338 I TATTOO: 164 I PAP: 48
*AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 #*Connealy Capitalist 028 McD Effective 789 #Ab-Lvs Emma 096 18952013 #McD Performiss 238 #Willekes Converter 4402-9 +313 Performiss 006 #*Musgrave Aviator #*Koupals B&B Identity WEBO Blackcap 872 MCATL Forever Lady 1429-138 19378521 WEBO Blackcap LXF 287 Vermilion X Factor X186 #WEBO Blackcap 9101 164 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1238.54 1412.8 3.35 32.65 -0.11 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +1 +3.5 +63 +110 +31 -28 Act BW 87 Adj WW 670 WW Ratio 108 CE 1 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +43 +.88 +.44 -.011 +63 +57 +96 +63 +159 +269 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-26-2021 I BULL 20292917 I TATTOO: 172 I PAP: 40
Connealy Judgment #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #*KG Justified 3023 #Entrine of Conanga 9876 17707279 KG Miss Magic 1443 #*Sitz Wisdom 481T KG Miss Magic 3528 *V D A R Wind Break 7062 #V D A R Really Windy 4097 WEBO Miss Grande 761 #V D A R Lass 0307 18989636 WEBO Miss Grande UP 135 #*Sitz Upward 307R +Miss Grande 421 172 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1076.2 1263.06 3.59 32.3 0.4 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +3 +.2 +59 +97 +28 -15 Act BW 82 Adj WW 561 WW Ratio 92 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +38 +.33 +.64 -.007 +67 +63 +75 +40 +114 +215 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-16-2021 I BULL *20292911 I TATTOO: 124 I PAP: 41
*Vermilion Re-Ride #*Connealy Spur Vermilion Optimist #*Vermilion Lass 3265 19508457 #Vermilion Lass 6043 #Connealy Countdown Vermilion Lass 4237 McD Effective 789 *AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 WEBO Mercedes 9130 #McD Performiss 238 19934722 #WEBO Designer Mercedes 4172 Vermilion X Factor X186 WEBO Designer Mercedes 830 124 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1174.94 1383.58 4.01 32.76 -0.9 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +5 +2.2 +48 +97 +24 -12 Act BW 76 Adj WW 614 WW Ratio 99 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +30 +.77 +.46 +.032 +43 +40 +80 +55 +134 +217 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-16-2021 I BULL *20290334 I TATTOO: 127 I PAP: 41
*AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 #*Connealy Capitalist 028 McD Effective 789 #Ab-Lvs Emma 096 18952013 #McD Performiss 238 #Willekes Converter 4402-9 +313 Performiss 006 *Buford BlueStem 9974 #S A V Net Worth 4200 WEBO Mercedes 970 +LCC Erica NG724 19977738 WEBO Mercedes 667 #+*R B Tour Of Duty 177 #+Mercedes 533
Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1201.07 1354.68 2.95 30.11 -1.48 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +12 -.3 +53 +98 +26 -22 Act BW 72 Adj WW 598 WW Ratio 97 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +34 +.80 +.65 +.028 +50 +51 +76 +59 +135 +225 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-19-2021 I BULL *20290336 I TATTOO: 133 I PAP: 38
*AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 #*Connealy Capitalist 028 McD Effective 789 #Ab-Lvs Emma 096 18952013 #McD Performiss 238 #Willekes Converter 4402-9 +313 Performiss 006 *Basin Rainmaker 4404 Basin Rainmaker 2704 WEBO Prima Lass 994 +*Basin Joy 1036 19976557 WEBO Prima Lass AW 472 #*Apex Windy 078 #WEBO Prima Lass UP 003 133 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1187.93 1365.62 3.42 33.6 1.15 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +8 -.7 +53 +95 +31 -10 Act BW 74 Adj WW 623 WW Ratio 101 CE 3 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +38 +.73 +.18 +.058 +73 +60 +81 +47 +128 +239 Feed Efficiency Test Results

Two-Year-Old Bulls




WEBO Barricade 1118
Playbook 198 BD: 03-02-2021 I BULL 20292912 I TATTOO: 1118 I PAP: 42
*Sitz Stellar 726D #*Mohnen Substantial 272 *Sitz Barricade 632F *SITZ Pride 200B 19078148 +*SITZ Barbaramere Nell 765D *Sitz Superior 10971 Sitz Barbaramere Nell 73T #V D A R Really Windy 4097 #A A R Really Windy 1205 WEBO Blackcap 508 VDAR Blackbird 2031 18170135 WEBO Blackcap 3101 McD Performer 120 WEBO Blackcap MC 0122 1118 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1231.4 1397.63 3.2 32.76 0.4 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +8 +1.3 +66 +115 +24 -18 Act BW 85 Adj WW 599 WW Ratio 97 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +34 +.18 +.25 +.034 +76 +62 +71 +24 +95 +199 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-03-2021 I BULL 20292925 I TATTOO: 1125 I PAP: 72
1125 Connealy Judgment #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #*KG Justified 3023 #Entrine of Conanga 9876 17707279 KG Miss Magic 1443 #*Sitz Wisdom 481T KG Miss Magic 3528 #+*R B Tour Of Duty 177 #+*Werner War Party 2417 WEBO Mercedes 667 +*B A Lady 6807 305 18523530 #+Mercedes 533 #Hyline Right Time 338 Mercedes 209 1125 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1283.5 1472.65 3.64 35.12 1.37 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +9 -.5 +63 +110 +30 -13 Act BW 84 Adj WW 628 WW Ratio 103 CE 3 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +30 +.45 +.23 +.011 +88 +70 +60 +38 +98 +215 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-27-2021 I BULL 20291814 I TATTOO: 182 I PAP: 37
#*Connealy Armory #*Connealy Arsenal 2174 *Connealy Blackhawk 6198 #Ebba of Conanga 808 18538178 #Precious of Conanga 380X #*Connealy Consensus 7229 JMc Precious Layla 8390 3303 #*Connealy Capitalist 028 #*S A V Final Answer 0035 WEBO Ever Erica Cap 706 Prides Pita of Conanga 8821 18899657 WEBO Ever Erica 513 #*Mohnen Substantial 272 WEBO Ever Erica 355 182 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1243.73 1442.05 3.81 36.07 2.25 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +10 -.4 +71 +125 +15 -17 Act BW 75 Adj WW 586 WW Ratio 96 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +21 +.17 +.19 +.038 +51 +59 +51 +22 +74 +147 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 02-28-2021 I BULL 20291821 I TATTOO: 198 I PAP: 45
#+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S #+*TEX Playbook 5437 21AR O Lass 7017 18414912 +*Rita 1C43 of 9M26 Complete #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +*Rita 9M26 of Rita 5F56 Pred #V D A R Really Windy 4097 #A A R Really Windy 1205 #WEBO Madison Pride RW 414 VDAR Blackbird 2031 17902946 #WEBO Madison Pride 2139 Sitz Madison 6649 #WEBO Right Time Pride 809 198 • Recommended for elevation of 5,000’ or less. Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1212.64 1377.72 3.17 35.6 3.42 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +8 +.4 +68 +110 +29 -24 Act BW 65 Adj WW 611 WW Ratio 99 CE 3 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +47 +.15 +.09 +.053 +77 +71 +84 +19 +103 +211 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-02-2021 I BULL 20290324 I TATTOO: 1114 I PAP: 47
#*Connealy Spur #*Connealy Stimulus 8419 *Vermilion Re-Ride #Jazza of Conanga 8594 18508640 #*Vermilion Lass 3265 CCA Hay Buster 846T Vermilion Lass 7282 McD Performer 120 #+Basin Yellowstone R178 WEBO Pride of Nighthawk 5174 Erica H M 6 18165928 Pride of Nighthawk 422 #%Forever Fortune L 1 Pride of Nigh Hawk 908
• Recommended for elevation of 5,000’ or less. Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1250.38 1439.54 3.64 30.75 -2.73 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +3 +4.0 +67 +112 +28 -20 Act BW 88 Adj WW 632 WW Ratio 103 CE 1 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +58 +.30 +.32 +.011 +57 +59 +105 +33 +137 +235 Feed Efficiency Test Results

Two-Year-Old Bulls





WEBO Optimist 1207 WEBO Innovation 1211 BD: 03-20-2021 I BULL *20490909 I TATTOO: 1212 I PAP: 40
#*MAR Innovation 251 #*Connealy Impression WEBO Innovation 785 #*MAR Final Kahuna 856 18985867 #WEBO Blackcap CS 215 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 WEBO Blackcap HP 086 McD Performer 120 #+Basin Yellowstone R178 WEBO Katinka 6203 Erica H M 6 18523486 #WEBO HP Katinka 926 #+*HIGH PRIME 4037 +Katinkas Pride L1 1212 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1118.94 1262.24 2.76 27.43 -3.04 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +1 +2.1 +72 +109 +11 -5 Act BW 79 Adj WW 599 WW Ratio 97 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +43 +.62 +.27 +.019 +71 +57 +89 +46 +135 +246 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-21-2021 I BULL 20490910 I TATTOO: 1215 I PAP: 43 WEBO INNOVATION 1215 *AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 #*Connealy Capitalist 028 McD Capitalist 910 #Ab-Lvs Emma 096 19640977 #McD-1 Blackbird 512 #+*C C A Uno 049 #McD Blackbird 221 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 #+*Basin Payweight 006S #WEBO Sham Erica 609 21AR O Lass 7017 18523437 +WEBO Sham Erica CI 434 #*Connealy Irish 0204 Shamrocks Erica 5007 1215 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1335.97 1426.53 1.74 30.73 0.62 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +10 -.2 +53 +106 +32 -13 Act BW 81 Adj WW 623 WW Ratio 101 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +38 +.72 +.25 +.016 +69 +58 +81 +51 +131 +239 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-21-2021 I BULL 20490911 I TATTOO: 1216 I PAP: 43
Bank Note 4040 #+*Connealy Earnan 076E Bowman Bank Note 857 *E A Rose 918 19535472 Bowman Pride W52xT35 #Msar Sheriff Bowman Pride T35XP16 #*Musgrave Aviator #*Koupals B&B Identity WEBO Blackcap 8158 MCATL Forever Lady 1429-138 19352126 WEBO Blackcap CR 466 #*Cole Creek Cedar Ridge 1V #WEBO Blackcap 9101 1216 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1077.74 1215.31 2.65 30.51 0.64 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN -3 +4.9 +79 +134 +22 -27 Act BW 81 Adj WW 606 WW Ratio 98 CE 1 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +69 +.37 +.51 +.040 +49 +60 +117 +36 +153 +247 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-23-2021 I BULL 20490912 I TATTOO: 1222 I PAP: 39
*Brooking Bank Note 4040 #+*Connealy Earnan 076E Bowman Bank Note 857 *E A Rose 918 19535472 Bowman Pride W52xT35 #Msar Sheriff Bowman Pride T35XP16 #*Connealy Conquest #*Connealy Consensus WEBO VR Blackcap 847 Boka Bay of Conanga 13X 19352231 +WEBO VR Blackcap 579 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 #Vermilion Blackcap 1319 1222 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1135.46 1298.24 3.13 32.28 0.86 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +7 +.6 +57 +98 +19 -5 Act BW 74 Adj WW 597 WW Ratio 97 CE 2.5 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +33 +.55 +.45 +.034 +68 +52 +83 +44 +127 +233 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-12-2021 I BULL *20527805 I TATTOO: 1207 I PAP: 43
*Vermilion Re-Ride #*Connealy Spur Vermilion Optimist #*Vermilion Lass 3265 19508457 #Vermilion Lass 6043 #Connealy Countdown Vermilion Lass 4237 McD Columbus 3546 #+*C C A Uno 049 #WEBO Erica 6226 #MID -3 Zaramere 1511 18523499 WEBO Erica 180 WEBO Mucho Cinch 843 WEBO Erica 943 1207 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1270.25 1433.03 3.13 31.94 -0.66 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +7 +2.0 +61 +113 +43 -31 Act BW 87 Adj WW 609 WW Ratio 99 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +49 +.51 +.78 +.018 +44 +68 +101 +48 +149 +237 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-19-2021 I BULL 20490908 I TATTOO: 1211 I PAP: 37
#*MAR Innovation 251 #*Connealy Impression WEBO Innovation 785 #*MAR Final Kahuna 856 18985867 #WEBO Blackcap CS 215 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 WEBO Blackcap HP 086 #*Connealy Comrade 1385 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 WEBO Forever Lady 637 Happy Gee of Conanga 919 18523518 #WEBO Forever Lady 3104 Vermilion Just IN Time W250 WEBO HP Forever Lady 919 1211 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1162.84 1324.48 3.11 30.71 -0.88 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN -1 +2.3 +65 +106 +25 -20 Act BW 88 Adj WW 605 WW Ratio 98 CE 1 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +37 +.09 +.44 -.010 +61 +60 +78 +26 +104 +196 Feed Efficiency Test Results

Two-Year-Old Bulls






BD: 04-03-2021 I COMMERCIAL BULL I TATTOO: 1238 1238
1238 • Commercial. Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1204.26 1407.17 3.9 30.53 -3.15 Act BW 92 Adj WW 646 WW Ratio 106 CE 1 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 04-08-2021 I BULL *20490916 I TATTOO: 1241 I PAP: 41
*Brooking Bank Note 4040 #+*Connealy Earnan 076E Bowman Bank Note 857 *E A Rose 918 19535472 Bowman Pride W52xT35 #Msar Sheriff Bowman Pride T35XP16 *Hilltop Granite 3215 #*Connealy Black Granite WEBO Blackcap 8240 Hilltop Shauna 176 19346050 +WEBO Blackcap 515 Mytty ForeFront 77P #Vermilion Blackcap 1319 1241 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1071.46 1196.41 2.4 29.98 0.73 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +9 +.3 +60 +107 +29 -19 Act BW 74 Adj WW 613 WW Ratio 99 CE 3 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +49 +.04 +.17 +.047 +63 +62 +102 +15 +117 +215 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 04-16-2021 I BULL 20490917 I TATTOO: 1252 I PAP: N/A
BANK NOTE 1252 OHF *Brooking Bank Note 4040 #+*Connealy Earnan 076E Bowman Bank Note 857 *E A Rose 918 19535472 Bowman Pride W52xT35 #Msar Sheriff Bowman Pride T35XP16 #+*Baldridge Bronc #*EF Commando 1366 WEBO Marriott 817 *Baldridge Isabel Y69 19352378 WEBO Marriott 663 *AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 WEBO Marriott 302 1252 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1095.49 1300.69 3.95 32.54 -0.26 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +14 -.8 +66 +129 +36 -32 Act BW 68 Adj WW 555 WW Ratio 90 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +56 +.28 +.41 +.058 +61 +71 +107 +29 +136 +237 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 04-23-2021 I BULL *20490918 I TATTOO: 1256 I PAP: 45
*AB-LVS Capitalist 4507 #*Connealy Capitalist 028 McD Effective 789 #Ab-Lvs Emma 096 18952013 #McD Performiss 238 #Willekes Converter 4402-9 +313 Performiss 006 #*Mill Bar Hickok 7242 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 *WEBO Prima Lass 988 Mill Bar Bemindful Maid 6304 19934759 WEBO Prima Lass 6184 WEBO Cedar Ridge 404 WEBO Prima Lass 4168 1256 • Recommended for elevation of 5,000’ or less. Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1114.76 1297.03 3.51 33.66 1.61 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +0 +3.2 +75 +129 +34 -34 Act BW 90 Adj WW 631 WW Ratio 102 CE 1 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +57 +.75 +.61 +.016 +66 +72 +99 +57 +156 +268 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-24-2021 I BULL 20490913 I TATTOO: 1224 I PAP: 47
#Connealy Countdown #*Connealy Final Solution Vermilion Countdown C001 Entarna of Conanga 140 18139978 Vermilion Elba 2850 Vermilion Roundup W769 Vermilion Elba 9774 #+*R B Tour Of Duty 177 #+*Werner War Party 2417 +WEBO Nighthawk 5013 +*B A Lady 6807 305 18523431 #WEBO HP Nighthawk 907 #+*HIGH PRIME 4037 Nighthawk Pride 718 1224 • Recommended for elevation of 5,000’ or less. Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1188.26 1329.26 2.71 30.53 -0.42 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +6 +2.1 +57 +100 +28 -24 Act BW 79 Adj WW 591 WW Ratio 96 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +44 +.36 +.79 -.019 +50 +53 +94 +44 +138 +229 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-24-2021 I BULL 20490914 I TATTOO: 1225 I PAP: 39
*Brooking Bank Note 4040 #+*Connealy Earnan 076E Bowman Bank Note 857 *E A Rose 918 19535472 Bowman Pride W52xT35 #Msar Sheriff Bowman Pride T35XP16 #*MAR Innovation 251 #*Connealy Impression WEBO Ever Erica 8128 #*MAR Final Kahuna 856 19352015 #WEBO Ever Erica 311 #*Cole Creek Cedar Ridge 1V WEBO Ever Erica CT 110 1225 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1149.72 1323.97 3.35 33.27 1.23 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +5 +1.0 +50 +83 +32 +0 Act BW 75 Adj WW 581 WW Ratio 94 CE 2 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +26 +.68 +.23 +.049 +77 +60 +63 +46 +109 +218 Feed Efficiency Test Results BD: 03-27-2021 I BULL 20490915 I TATTOO: 1234 I PAP: 42
#Connealy Countdown #*Connealy Final Solution Vermilion Countdown C001 Entarna of Conanga 140 18139978 Vermilion Elba 2850 Vermilion Roundup W769 Vermilion Elba 9774 #*Vermilion Bear Paw #Connealy Dublin 8223 Vermilion Zara 4563 #Vermilion Lass 8028 17855217 Vermilion Zara 9196 *Vermilion Just In Time Vermilion Zara 6610 1234 Start Weight End Weight ADG (lbs./day) DMI (lbs./day) RFI (lbs.) 1016.19 1159.49 2.76 29.26 -0.24 CED BEPD WEPD YEPD MILK $EN +11 -1.5 +41 +74 +24 +3 Act BW 72 Adj WW 548 WW Ratio 100 CE 4 CW MARB RE FAT $M $W $F $G $B $C +9 +.61 -.04 +.039 +71 +44 +46 +40 +86 +183 Feed Efficiency Test Results
April 4, 2023 At the Ranch • Lusk, WY • 1 pm • Lunch at noon 8 miles east on Hwy 20 to Node, then 0.6 miles south on Pfister Rd WEBO Angus Turning Grass Into Greenbacks Bull Sale Annual WEBO ANGUS Buttons York P.O. Box 848 Lusk, WY 82225 Thanks for Coming and Have a Safe Ride Home Presorted First Class US Postage Paid San Luis Obispo Permit #8

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