facing fearful odds - Press
The Last Stand and the Road to Guıˆnes
If Calais was the hinge on which Alec’s life turned, this was the moment of movement. Years later, he would tell the story of the few minutes that transformed his world view, his psychological wounds as open and bloody as on the day they were sustained: We had been taking an almighty pasting particularly from a machine gun somewhere out on the sand dunes. Brush called for volunteers to attack the machine gun nest, which was on high ground with a commanding view over the dunes. Chapman turned to the Queen Vics and said, ‘Come on you lot – fixed swords.’ The tradition in the rifle regiments is that you never fix swords, which everyone else calls bayonets, unless you are going to use them, and we went out to try and deal with this machine gun nest and deal with it we did. This was warfare at its most basic. Making their way through the undergrowth, the mixed group of a dozen Greenjackets came to a clearing from which they could see five or six Germans. Taffy Mathias, like Alec, had vivid memories of the incident: They had not seen us and so when we broke out of our shelter they were completely surprised. The clearing was about 100 yards across and we raced across as fast as we could. Time seemed to stop and I was aware that we were all shouting and yelling. There was a young, blond German in front of me and then he was not there and it was all over . . . I had often wondered how I would react to such a situation. I found that it was all a sort of make-believe and a jumbled dream at the time. ‘In ten minutes I must have gone back 2,000 years,’ Alec recalled. ‘We were complete savages. Every bit of civilisation had gone from me. I was running like a dervish, running as fast as I could towards this machine-gun nest. We suffered a lot of casualties but we did put the machine-gun nest out of action.’ Thus Alec crossed a line to which few people come close, as they contemplate military morality from the comfort of their homes. This was war undiluted by distance. This was not killing with a rifle from hundreds of yards away, where the target is identified only by uniform and helmet. This was war as a desperate life-or-death struggle with a single opponent whom one has to kill to avoid being killed. ‘The minute it was all over something suddenly hit me. I realized what we’d been doing, which was killing people – not from a distance of 20,000 feet like a bomber crew or a distance of 600 yards like a sniper but from a few inches away. And I was quietly but very comprehensively sick. War is not a civilising influence.’ Despite such counter-attacks, the Germans pressed forward and shortly after 3.00pm broke through between the fort and the sea. With the fort surrounded, the British inside surrendered. Its thick walls provided a shield