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air war d-day: the BuiLd uP Martin Bowman
air war d-day: aSSauLtS from the Sky
air war d-day: winGed PeGaSuS and the ranGerS
air war d-day: BLoody BeacheS
air war d-day: GoLd Juno Sword
Martin Bowman
Martin Bowman this is the latest release in a series attempting to engage with all aspects of the aerial operations conducted on dday. including a multitude of personal accounts of every aspect of the aerial operations on ‘Gold’ ‘Juno and ‘Sword’ beaches during d-day, it relays the sense of relief experienced as allied troops gained a foothold on the continent of europe after d-day.
9781781591796 • 288 pages Hardback • £19.99 £15.99
‘for the allies as well as Germany, it will be the longest day’. So said field marshall erwin rommel of the operations on d-day; and he was correct. this is the first volume of a most impressive tribute and comprehensive five part work that includes a multitude of personal military and civilian accounts of the aerial operations which were carried out on d-day.
Martin Bowman this is the second volume of a comprehensive five part work on d-day that includes a multitude of personal military accounts from both allied and German aviation personnel ‘who were there’. overlord began with an assault by more than 23,000 airborne troops, behind enemy lines to soften up the German troops and to secure key objectives. By the end of the operation, the list of casualties was extensive.
Martin Bowman this is the third volume of a comprehensive five part work, detailing every aspect of air and paratroop operations on the night of 5/6 June 1944. this dynamic episode in the history of d-day is expertly researched and relayed with both style and reverence for the aircrew who participated in proceedings.
this fourth volume of a comprehensive five part work on d-day covers every aspect of aerial operations on and behind the beaches at ‘omaha’ and ‘utah’ beaches on 6 June 1944. it might be imagined that the passing years would blunt the outlines of the experience but the dday veterans do not forget. this account analyses each aspect of the aerial operation.
9781781591192 • 192 pages Hardback • £19.99 £15.99
9781781591161 • 200 pages Hardback • £19.99 £15.99
9781781591185 • 144 pages Hardback • £19.99 £15.99
9781781591789 • 184 pages Hardback • £19.99 £15.99
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read extractS from our LateSt reLeaSeS onLine – over 100 titLeS to chooSe from 9780850524123 192 pages Hardback £18.50 £14.50
9781844159000 224 pages 60 b&w Photos plus 15 maps Paperback £12.99 £10.39
9781844157969 356 pages Illustrated Hardback £25.00 £20.00
airwar normandy Richard Townshend Bickers for the air forces, d-day was the culmination of many months of preliminary operations; this illustrated account profiles the actions of raf Bomber and coastal commands and uSaaf bombers. the author describes the war of the men on the ground, the crews who services the planes and the airfields.
airfieLdS of the d-day invaSion air force
3 GrouP BomBer command
Peter Jacobs
during the immediate period before world war two, the raf modified its command structure to rationalise for rapid expansion. Bomber command was divided into six operational groups, each flying the same type of aircraft. in 1940 the first of the new four-engined bombers, the Short Stirling, came into service with the Group, being followed in 1942 by the avro Lancaster. on 3rd/4th november 1943, no. 3 Group played a leading part in the first bombing attack in which heavy bombers made use of the radar bombing aid known as G-h.
the airfields and places of interest in this book are concentrated in kent, Surrey, east Sussex, essex and Greater London. the South-east of england emerged from six years of war with a rich diversity of raf bomber and fighter airfields used by the 2nd tactical air force, both before and after the d-day landings.this book looks at the history and personalities associated with each base, what remains today and explores the favourite local wartime haunts where aircrew and ground crew would have sought well-deserved entertainment and relaxation.
Chris Ward
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for more special offers visit 9781844150458 224 pages Paperback £12.99 £10.39
9781848842144 224 pages 16pp b&w plates Hardback £19.99 £15.99
the day the deviLS droPPed in
deviL’S own Luck
fiGhtinG BriGadier
Denis Edwards
Peter Harclerode
Neil Barber
although strictly forbidden to keep diaries, denis edwards managed to record his experiences throughout nearly all his time in europe in 194445. he brilliantly conveys what it was like to be facing death, day after day, night after night, with never a bed to sleep in nor a hot meal to go home to. this is warfare in the raw – brutal, yet humorous, immensely tragic, but sadly, all true.
in the 1930s James hill was forced to leave the army because he was under 26 when he married. recalled to the colours he won his mc with the Bef in 1940. he was one of the first to volunteer for airborne forces and became second-incommand of 1 Para. he converted 10th Bn the essex regiment to 9 Para and later in 1943 took command of 3 Parachute Brigade, playing a major role in the d-day Landings. wounded twice his Brigade captured the key merville Battery. Brigadier James hill is one of the legendary figures of ww2, ranking alongside col John frost.
examines the pivotal role of the 9th Battalion of the Parachute regiment over the first week of the landings. tasked with neutralizing the mighty merville Battery, capturing Le Plein and the château St côme, failure by the Paras to achieve any of these key objectives could well have unravelled the whole overLord operation with catastrophic consequences. neil Barber has successfully tracked down surviving participants in the operation and as a result he is able to tell the full story of the fierce fighting that characterised the early days of the landings.
0850528690 256 pages Paperback £12.99 £10.39
‘a fascinating and often chilling insight into the closing years of world war two.’ This England
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diScountS avaiLaBLe on aLL titLeS 9781781591130 240 pages Paperback £12.99 £10.39
9781848842717 256 pages 20 approx mono in plates Hardback £19.99 £15.99
By air to BattLe
churchiLL’S SPearhead
Bob Carruthers
John Greenacre
first published in 1945 and comprising a compilation of fascinating primary accounts of airborne combat as told by the very men who fought in the action, ‘By air to Battle’ is the official history of airborne operations by British Paratroops in world war ii. Spanning the introduction of the central Landing establishment to the end of the war, we follow the heroic exploits of the British first and Sixth airborne divisions.
this book covers the inception, growth and employment of Britain’s airborne forces (parachute andglider-borne formations) between June 1940 and march 1945. it takes a comparative approach and follows tailored lines of development. each of these lines – politics and policy, equipment and technology, personnel and training, command and control and concepts and doctrine – influence each other. this is the first comprehensive review of the formation and operations of Britain’s airbourne forces in world war two.
9781848844957 256 pages 60 Mono Plates Hardback £25.00 £20.00
BomBer command: refLectionS of war voL. 5 Martin Bowman this, the fourth volume of a five part work that provides a comprehensive insight into all aspects of raf Bomber command in world war two, begins in the spring of 1944 with a completely new insight on the catastrophic raid on nuremburg on the night of 30/31 march and follows with the disastrous attack on mailly-lecamp in may. Gradually, the allied Bomber offensive began to bear fruit and in June 1944 the invasion of normandy took place under an umbrella of almost total allied air superiority. Part of a 5 volume series on Bomber command by martin Bowman. See website for other volumes.
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for more special offers visit 9781844156269 204 pages Illustrated Paperback £12.99 £10.39
9781844156481 352 pages 236 b&w Photos Hardback £25.00 £20.00
9781473823396 192 pages 100+ integrated colour and mono images Hardback £25.00 £20.00
hiStory of the GLider PiLot reGiment
StirLinGS in action with the airBorne forceS
hitLer’S SPyPLane over normandy 1944
Claude Smith
Dr Dennis J. Williams
Philippe Bauduin, Translated by Heather Williams
the Glider Pilot regiment, having been raised as the first element of the new army air corps in 1942 and disbanded in 1957, can probably claim the dubious distinction of having been the smallest and shortest-lived regiment ever to form part of the British army. nevertheless, in those few years the regiment gained as much distinction as it has taken other units hundreds of years to achieve. claude Smith tells the story of these supremely brave men, factually and unemotionally, but it is impossible to read this book without being moved by their heroism.
this is the history of two raf squadrons who shared the task of dropping agents and supplies on behalf of the Soe, took part in the d-day landings, suffered heavy losses at arnhem, dropped SaS troops behind enemy lines and were involved with the rhine crossing that sealed Germany’s fate in 1945. includes dangerous lowlying and blind navigation at night and major wwii parachute drops.
this is the story of the arado 234, an aircraft that on one day in 1944, in the skies above normandy, heralded the beginning of a new era in aviation: the jet era... in addition to many top-secret aerial images, this book is enriched with around twenty photographs from the personal archives of erich Sommer, the arado pilot, which have never before been published. the book is packed with both colour and b&w images and represents an impressive pictorial history of the world’s first jet.
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viSit our weBSite to view what’S cominG in the next three monthS 9781473822740 336 pages Approx 100 pictures within the text Paperback £14.99 £12.00
9781844158829 208 pages Illustrated Paperback £12.99 £10.39
9781844152032 144 pages 50 Illustrations Paperback £12.99 £10.39
the PeGaSuS and orne BridGeS
the PeGaSuS diarieS
oPeration tonGa
John Howard and Penny Bates
Jon Cooksey
Neil Barber
John howard’s name will forever be linked to the highly successful Pegasus Bridge assault by his glider-born company of the oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light infantry. his men regarded him with awe and his courage and toughness were bye-words. however this book reveals the human side of the man as well as providing a graphic account of the preparation, actual operation and aftermath of this iconic raid.
the Seizure of Pegasus Bridge by six glider borne platoons of the oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light infantry under major John havard, very early on 6th June 1944, is one of the better known stories of d-day. this is the third book in the popular elite forces operations Series it will appeal to all interested in operation market Garden and covers the contribution of the 6th airborne division in the Battle for arnhem 1944.
the author who has a deep specialised knowledge of the area and period uses extensive personal accounts to tell this thrilling and inspiring story. he covers events and operations from ranville in the east to Benouville in the west and this embraces the fierce fighting by 7th, 12th and 13th Parachute Battalions and reinforcements such as the commandos, seaborne engineers and the warwicks. this splendid book will be enjoyed by those at home and those who are lucky enough to visit these historic sites.
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for more special offers visit 0850526612 144 pages Paperback £9.95 £8.00
0850528666 192 pages Paperback £9.95 £8.00
1844150283 192 pages Illustrated Paperback £9.95 £8.00
085052671X 144 pages Paperback £9.95 £8.00
GoLd Beach – inLand from kinG
GoLd Beach – JiG Sector and weSt
Juno Beach
omaha Beach
Tim Saunders
Tim Kilvert-Jones
Christopher Dunphie and Garry Johnson
Tim Saunders
the two authors, both formerly senior professional soldiers, have compiled an easy-to-follow itinerary to the British landings on 6 June 1944 on Gold Beach and the ensuing bitter fighting. covered in detail are the actions which earned cSm hollis of the Green howards his vc and other inspiring battle stories.
an essential addition to our bestselling normandy world war 2 Battleground Series. Jig Beach saw some of the fiercest fighting of the landings. this book employs the successful Battleground formula, with lots of illustrations, maps, personal testimony.
By June 1944, Juno Beach was a key part of hitler’s vaunted atlantic wall, with no less than four major strong points along its length. German pillboxes were sited to sweep the beaches with machine gun fire and were surrounded by belts of barbed wire and mines. despite careful planning, poor d-day weather led to a piecemeal landing and heroic individual battles in the streets of the seaside towns.
this book guides the reader through the battle for the v corps beachhead, the fiercest and bloodiest of the Landings. a ‘must’ for those inspired by Saving Private ryan and many more.
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caLL now on 01226 734222 0850526736 192 pages Paperback £9.95 £8.00
9781848848368 240 pages over 120 colour and b&w ills Paperback £14.99 £12.00
Sword Beach
waLkinG d-day
Tim Kilvert-Jones
Paul Reed
Sword Beach is 3rd division’s unique d-day story and analyses subsequent events up to 10th July in a clear, easy to follow style that makes it a vital book for armchair strategists, military students and tourists visiting the historic normandy coast.
Paul reed’s latest battlefield walking guide covers the site of the largest amphibious invasion of all time, the first step in the allied liberation of france and the rest of northwest europe. walking d-day introduces the visitor not only to the places where the allies landed and first clashed with the Germans defenders but to the normandy landscape over which the critical battles that decided the course of the war were fought.
9781848845190 256 pages Paperback £12.99 £10.39
9781848843097 192 pages Illustrated Paperback £12.99 £10.39
merviLLe Battery & the diveS BridGeS
PeGaSuS BridGe and horSa BridGe
Carl Shilleto
Carl Shilleto
this battlefield guide is the companion work to Pegasus Bridge & horsa Bridge. together, these two books form the fully revised and updated edition of the previous best selling Battleground europe Series book Pegasus Bridge & merville Battery. to further aid the battlefield tourist, GPS data is also provided for either satellite navigation by vehicle or for viewing on Google earth.
this battlefield guide is the companion work to merville Battery & the dives Bridges. in addition to explaining how these objectives were achieved, this battlefield guide relates the battles to the area as it is today. the book contains details of the museums, memorials, cemeteries and associated organizations. all of which will unravel the history of the area to the visitor and armchair traveler alike.
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for more special offers visit 9781848841253 272 pages 32pp mono plates and 18 maps Paperback £12.99 £10.39
9781848844742 176 pages 16pp b&w plates Hardback £19.99 £15.99
9781844157747 192 pages 16pp b&w Photos Hardback £19.99 £15.99
eaGLeS and BuLLdoGS in normandy
fiGhtinG throuGh – from dunkirk to hamBurG
fiGhtinG with the commandoS
Major General Michael Reynolds CB
Bill Cheall, Edited by Paul Cheall
Neil Barber and Stan Scott
this is the story of the two divisions: the american 29th and the British 3rd. after describing theagonies suffered by the americans on omaha, and the difficulties that faces the British in overcoming strongpoints at Sword Beach on dday, the author traces both divisions as they try to break through the German defences. includes numerous maps and photographs to illustrate the story of two infantry divisions during the initial weeks of the normandy campaign.
first and foremost a Green howard, Bill cheall saw the sharp end of the nazis’ Blitzkrieg and was evacuated exhausted. next step, courtesy of the Queen mary, was north africa as part of monty’s 8th army. after victory in tunisia, the Sicily invasion followed. the Green howards returned to england to be in the vanguard of the normandy Landings on GoLd Beach. once fit, cheall returned to the war zone and finished the war as a regimental Policeman in occupied Germany. Bill’s many and varied experiences make fascinating reading. he tells his story with modesty, humility and humour.
after enlisting under-age, Stan Scott was ‘found out’, joined the home Guard and then a young Soldiers unit (for those too young to serve overseas). he managed to get out to iraq but was again sent home. he then joined Brigadier Peter young’s 3 commando and landed on Sword Beach on d-day. Plenty of action followed, including relieving major John howard’s company at Pegasus Bridge. a first hand account by a commando who served in the frontline with Brigadier Peter yaing’s elite 3 commando.
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Buy 4 BookS and Get 5th free 9781844152384 192 pages Paperback £12.99 £10.39
9781783376063 240 pages 30 illustrations Hardback £25.00 £20.00
9781848843899 240 pages 16pp b&w plates Hardback £19.99 £15.99
arctic Snow to duSt of normandy
BattLeS of a Gunner officer
dunkirk to the rhineLand
Patrick Dalzel-Job
Peter Pettit, Edited by John Philip Jones
C N Murrell
very few men have a more exciting and dramatic story of their wartime activities to tell than Patrick dalzel-Job. in 1940 using his special knowledge of north norway’s coast line he landed and moved over 10,000 allied soldiers in local boats without the loss of a single life. his many adventures included spying on enemy shipping and operating behind the lines in france and Germany with ian fleming’s special force unit ‘30au’.
Peter Pettit’s diary, covering his entire wartime career in the royal artillery, edited and with an extensive introduction by John Philip Jones, offers a rare insight into the day-to-day existence of a gunner at war, and it is a valuable record of the role played by the royal artillery during the conflict. an artillery officer’s graphic personal account of action in the Second world war. features an extensive introduction and notes by the editor John Philip Jones.
charles (charlie to his comrades) murrell kept detailed diaries of his service with the 1st Battalion welsh Guards throughout the Second world war as Guardsman (later Sergeant). as a member of the intelligence Section, the author was aware of the ‘big picture.’ very observant he has a literary style or ability unusual in a ranker. he often writes in his trench whilst under mortar or shell fire and one experiences the fear that he (and millions of others) felt. a fighting guardsmen’s superbly written account of the Second world war.
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for more special offers visit 9781844158508 160 pages 8pp b&w Plates Hardback £19.99 £15.99
9781848848764 288 pages Hardback £19.99 £15.99
9781783462643 224 pages Integrated b&w photos Hardback £19.99 £15.99
in the face of the enemy
the fataL deciSionS
Mr E A Powdrill
Edited by William Richardson and Seymour Freidlin
the author and his Gunner regiment went with the Bef to france in September 1939. in Part one he describes his experiences as a gun sergeant, culminating in the evacuation from dunkirk having left their disabled guns behind. ernest was wounded but many of his colleagues were killed by ferocious German counter-battery fire. Part 2 tells a very different story in more detail. By now a Sergeant major in an armoured tracked regiment, the author fought through from the normandy beaches to the river maas. a splendid soldier’s story full of understatement and atmosphere.
Six key Second world war conflicts where decisions of the nazi dictator adolf hitler contributed to his eventual downfall. each theatre of operations written up by a German general who was on the spot and involved in carrying out the uncompromising orders of the führer. this is an ‘other side of the hill’ collection of accounts which gives valuable insight into the machinations of a sycophantic hierarchy immediately surrounding hitler.
marchinG to the Sound of Gunfire Patrick Delaforce in this delightful book, scores of British soldiers tell their amazing stories of life – and death – in the front line of the allies’ advance from normandy to hitler’s Germany. in eleven months of bitter fighting the combined efforts of the British and their allies ground down their ruthless enemy. each and every man has a unique story to tell, whether they were infantry, tank crews, gunners, sappers or in vital logistic and supporting units. their experiences make for powerful and fascinating reading.
‘this book is a splendid soldiers story full of understatement and atmosphere.’ Britain at War Magazine
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read extractS from our LateSt reLeaSeS onLine – over 100 titLeS to chooSe from 9781473822924 256 pages Illustrated Paperback £12.99 £10.39
9781844156511 272 pages 16pp b&w Photos Hardback £19.99 £15.99
9781844158683 288 pages 120 b&w Photos Hardback £25.00 £20.00
commando deSPatch rider Raymond Mitchell often operating alone in totally unfamiliar and hostile terrain, ray mitchell and his motor bike delivered vital messages to forward units. this is a fighting soldier’s account of war – warts and all and describes in vivid terms his and his fellow commandos’ experi-ences and emotions. a gripping and immediate personal account of war at the sharp end.
commando to caPtainGeneraLL the Life of BriGadier Peter younG Alison Michelli this is the biography of Brigadier Peter young, a highly decorated soldier who was one of the founding members of 3 commando. his battle honours include vaagso, dieppe, Sicily, italy, normandy and Burma. a career soldier, he returned to his parent regiment, the Beds and herts, after the war and subsequently spent time in Palestine where he commanded the 9th regiment of the arab Legion under Glubb Pasha. after Suez he returned to england, retiring from the army in 1959.
commandoS and ranGerS Tim Saunders By 1944 the commandos and the uS rangers had proved their worth in both Sicily and in italy. returning for d-day, the commandos and rangers, with their special skills, temperament and training, were selected for largely independent, vital tasks. Lord Lovat’s 1st Special Service division’s operations to take the port of ouisterham and reinforce 6th airborne division via Pegasus Bridge are well described in this fascinating account.
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for more special offers visit 5060247620619 100 Minutes DVD NTSC £9.99 £8.00
1844151093 312 pages Illustrated Hardback £16.99 £13.50
9781781593844 208 pages 32 b&w Illustrations Hardback £19.99 £15.99
the BattLeS for normandy this is the comprehensive review of the allied campaign in normandy from primary sources including extensive eyewitness accounts, allied plans, intelligence reports, historical documents and combat reports. the allied campaign in normandy is one of the most spectacular and unusual military campaigns ever undertaken. this is the story for the campaign in normandy as told from primary sources including extensive eyewitness accounts, allied plans and combat reports.
the d-day LandinGS
d-day aSSauLt
Philip Warner
Mark Khan
operation overLord June 1944 was the greatest seaborne invasion, indeed the greatest military endeavour, of all time. though eventually a brilliant victory, the d-day Landings came close to being the greatest military history disaster. this is a unique collection of letters and accounts from all ranks and regiments, and it champions the ordinary men who made it possible. highly readable and well researched.
Preceded by a massive airborne assault, the largest amphibious operation ever undertaken began on 6 June 1944 – d-day. over a fifty-mile stretch of heavily-fortified french coastline 160,000 allied troops came ashore on the beaches of normandy. Supported by more than 5,000 ships and 13,000 aircraft, they quickly gained a foot-hold in fortress europe. Packed with the first-hand accounts of those who lived or trained at Slapton Sands, the author, a military historian brought up in the area, investigates all aspects of the military exercises undertaken here.
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viSit our weBSite to view what’S cominG in the next three monthS 9781781591413 304 pages Paperback £12.99 £10.39
9781781590560 272 pages 200-250 b&w illustrations Hardback £25.00 £20.00
9781781592700 200 pages 16pp b&w plates Paperback £12.99 £10.39
the normandy camPaiGn 1944
the normandy invaSion, June 1944
invaSion ‘44
Bob Carruthers
Col Roy Stanley II USAF (Ret’d)
this lavishly illustrated edition is the definitive single volume overview of the hard fought campaign in normandy. written by emmy award winning author and historian Bob carruthers, and drawing extensively on primary sources, this major publication is appearing in e-book form for the first time. the normandy campaign encompasses the strategic, operational and tactical aspects of the battle for normandy and expertly details the events which influenced the actions of the armies on both sides of the battlefront.
the normandy invasion literally takes a different view of d-day and just beyond, showing the well-known events using aerial photos. this is what anxiously waiting senior officers knew about progress in the early hours of 6 June 1944. the raf and uSaaf imagery used is almost entirely from long dormant u.S. department of defence intelligence files. examining the invasion scene beach-by-beach, the eyes of a trained, experienced photo interpreter uncover details a layman would certainly miss.
in the pre-dawn darkness of 6 June 1944, the greatest armada the world has ever seen began to disembark an allied invasion force on the beaches of france’s normandy peninsula. invasion ‘44 tells the story of that assault from the day over four years earlier, and only a few short weeks after the British disaster at dunkirk, when a few individuals in the high command began to turn their thoughts to the possibilities of an eventual return to the mainland, and the story continues up to the time when the allied beachhead was firmly established on french soil.
John Frayn Turner
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for more special offers visit 9781781592267 384 pages Approx 60 b&w images Paperback £14.99 £12.00
1844154475 288 pages Hardback £19.99 £15.99
Competition!!! for a chance to win a copy of our brand new 70th anniversary bookazine please answer the following question:
the German army in normandy
the GermanS in normandy
Edited and introduced by Bob Carruthers
Richard Hargreaves
this fascinating collection of primary source accounts focuses on the combat actions of the wehrmacht in normandy. the material is drawn from a variety of wartime sources and encompasses fascinating writings concerning the tactical, operational and strategic aspects of the battle for normandy. featured in the book are reports concerning little known and neglected tactical aspects of the war including weapons, fighting techniques and improvised anti-tank measures. original illustrations from uS wartime intelligence manuals are also featured.
while the Germans knew an invasion was inevitable, no-one knew where or when it would fall. those manning hitler’s mighty atlantic wall may have felt secure in their bunkers but they had no conception of the fury and fire that was about to break. to read about the war from the losing side is a sobering and informative experience. an original and revealing treatment of the historic events of June–august 1944.
What was the codename for the Normandy landings? Answer: _________________________________ Name: ___________________________________ Address: _________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Please submit your answer to our postal address marked ‘competition entry’. competition closes on the 30th august 2014.
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caLL now on 01226 734222 9781848842335 336 pages 30 illustrations Hardback £25.00 £20.00
1844150798 288 pages Full Illustrated throughout Hardback £19.99 £15.99
9781848843172 240 pages Illustrated Paperback £12.99 £10.39
caPtured memorieS 1930–1945
d-day: By thoSe who were there
armoured GuardSmen
Dr Peter Liddle
Edited by Peter Liddle
Peter Liddle was a pioneer in the recording of memories of personal experience in the first world war and in the social background of those who lived through those years. Later he moved into the recording of men and women for whom the Second world war was the formative experience of their lives. the author was a pioneer in the recording experience in the thirties and world war two.
this unique book captures d-day on land, sea and air with the use of previously unpublished letters, diaries, photographs and reminiscences from the veterans from Britain, america, Germany and canada. appropriately the raf and merchant navy’s experience plus the reactions of women ‘in the know’ are all included providing a treasure-trove of evidence on the anniversary.
in defiance of the regulations, Bob Boscowan kept his daily account of his war from normandy through to Germany where, seriously wounded, he was the sole survivor of his tank crew. this is a stirring record of frontline action during the final year of war. a superbly vivid account of soldiering in wartime. written by a coldstream Guards troop commander.
Robert Boscawen
‘the author has provided a veritable treasuretrove of information on d-day.’ Britain at War magazine
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DVDS 5060247620824 80 Minutes DVD NTSC £16.99 £13.50
aSSauLt on normandy: PeGaSuS BridGe Battlefield History TV Ltd this dvd charts the slow development of British airborne forces and the directive given by churchill in June 1940 to form both the Parachute regiment and the glider air landing brigades. we follow the plan to capture the two bridges over the canal and river between caen and the sea from thegerm of an idea, through preparations to its delivery as one of the most successful small unit actions of all time. indisputably the first house in occupied france to be liberated by the invading allies, it was central to the story of Pegasus Bridge, its capture and holding.
5060247620831 110 Minutes DVD NTSC £16.99 £13.50
5060247620916 80 Minutes DVD NTSC £16.99 £13.50
aSSauLt on normandy: Sword Beach
aSSauLt on normandy – GoLd Beach
in 1940 3rd division, then commanded by a little known major, General Bernard montgomery, were unceremoniously evacuated from dunkirk but four long years later they were to return to france in the van of the d day assault force; the greatest invasion of all time. their task was to break through hitler’s atlantic wall on a stretch of normandy beach codenamed Sword. with the assistance of the royal navy and royal air force they would blast their way through the concrete and steel defences that lined the beach.
in the first part of this duo of dvds we examined in detail the combined weight of naval, air and land forces and the tactic they used to break through hitler’s vaunted atlantic wall into festung europa. now the veteran 50th northumbrian division had to fight its way inland to establish a beachhead that had sufficient depth to survive the inevitable German counterattack.
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DVDS 5060247620435 100 Minutes DVD NTSC £16.99 £13.50
5060247620411 90 Minutes DVD NTSC £16.99 £13.50
5060247620015 120 Minutes DVD £19.99 £15.99
aSSauLt on normandy – 6th airBorne
aSSauLt on normandy – Pointe du hoc
the overlord plan called for the use of airborne troops to secure the flanks of the d day landing and to form a buffer to keep the German counterattacks away, thus allowing 3rd division to advance from Sword Beach to seize caen. 6th airborne division was newly raised from infantry battalions converted to parachutists and glider infantry and it trained hard and prepared for its special missions. expert authors and battlefield guides explain the action on the ground where it happened.
this is the latest part in the assault on normandy series, following dvds on Pegasus Bridge and Sword Beach, presented in the usual Bhtv style, with expert analysis from recognized historians and battlefield guides it covers the american attack by the uS army ranger assault Group during operation overlord. covers the american attack by the uS army ranger assault Group during operation overlord.
the GLider PiLot reGiment dvd The Battlefield History TV Ltd this fascinating dvd charts the history of the famous Glider Pilot regiment, from its inception in June 1940 through its extraordinary achievements during the Second world war. the film begins with veterans recalling their experiences of the demanding selection and training process, in which pilots were expected to fight alongside the infantry that they transported into battle – the concept of the ‘total Soldier’ was born!
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for more special offers visit 9781848844896 336 pages Heavily Illustrated throughout b&w Hardback £25.00 £20.00
9781783030583 208 pages 20 b&w photos Paperback £12.99 £10.39
1844152561 240 pages Illustrated Hardback £19.99 £15.99
the cover uP at omaha Beach
hitLer’S atLantic waLL: normandy
SmaShinG the atLantic waLL
Gary Sterne
Paul Williams
Patrick Delaforce
Gary Sterne has made a painstaking study of what the allies actually knew in advance of dday and about the maisy Battery. maps, orders and assualt plans have been found in the uk, German and uS archives, many of which were not released from the top Secrecy act for 60+ years. all these combine to make this one of the most up-to-date references on the subject. d-day is the most researched and written about event in modern history. But is everything that has been written about those hours on the morning of the 6th of June 1944 entirely accurate?
this highly informative book begins with an examination of the background to Germany’s primary military objectives in relation to the western end of their self-styled ‘fortress europe’ including the early foundation of shore defences in northern france. hitler’s atlantic wall – normandy also includes information on war cemeteries along with travel information and accommodation suggestions and a guide to the relevant museums. this book tells the history of the nazis greatest fortification along the western part of the channel coast in what became the d-day invasion area.
in 1940 when operation SeaLion (invasion of the British mainland) was abandoned, hitler ordered the building of a night defence system along 1,500 miles of coastline from denmark to the Spanish border. Built by the todt organisation using slave labour, the scale of the atlantic wall was unprecedented. when the invasion overLord came the majority of the defences were defended with great vigour and a number held out for longer than expected. Some were by-passed and left in German hands rather than waste lives attempting to capture them.
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diScountS avaiLaBLe on aLL titLeS 9781783461936 190 pages 12pp b&w illustrations & maps Paperback £12.99 £10.39
9781848840744 224 pages 20-30 illustrations Hardback £19.99 £15.99
9781848325975 304 pages 16 pages of plates Hardback £19.99 £15.99
commando men
commando tacticS
Bryan Samain
Stephen Bull
first published in 1948 as commando men- the Story of a royal marine commando in northwest europe, the book tells the story of the men of General Section 45 royal marine commando in n.w. europe. Samain was the intelligence officer of no. 45 royal marine commando, and in this revised edition the book gives a complete yet concise account of their operations from dday until ve-day, through northern france to the Baltic.
British commandos are among the most celebrated soldiers of the Second world war. their daring, ingenuity and bravery have given rise to an almost legendary reputation that makes it difficult to appreciate fully their role and their true value as fighting men. Stephen Bull, in this in-depth study of commando tactics and history, seeks to dispel the myths and the misunderstandings that surround them, and he places these elite troops of 70 years ago in the context of their times.
when ShaLL their GLory fade? James Dunning written by a commando veteran of world war ii, this is a remarkable, vivid and honest account of the battles and actions behind the award of the thirty eight Battle honours that were awarded to the army commandos by her majesty the Queen in 1958. this compilation includes photographs of training and combat in norway, dieppe, normandy, flushing and many more locations.
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for more special offers visit 9781844153305 576 pages Paperback £25.00 £20.00
the memoirS of fieLdmarShaL montGomery
Six of monty’S men
Vicount Montomery of Alamein
field marshal montgomery showed great skill in choosing his subordinates, whether as staff officers or field commanders. to those he trusted he gave help and guidance as well as a kindness and concern for which he has rarely received credit. in return, they provided services of immense value not only in his own campaigns but in many others throughout the Second world war. in essence this is a history of British world war two campaigns in europe and north africa.
first published in 1958 montgomery’s memoirs cover the full span of his career first as a regimental officer in the royal warwickshire regiment and then as a Staff officer. his choice of the warwickshires was due to his lack of money. he saw service in india before impressing with his courage, tactical skill and staff ability in the Great war. despite his tactless uncompromising manner his career flourished between the wars but it was during the retreat to dunkirk that his true brilliance as a commander revealed itself.
9781848843714 240 pages 8pp b&w plates Hardback £19.99 £15.99
Adrian Stewart
9781848842526 224 pages 16pp b&w plates Hardback £19.99 £15.99
the miLitary Life and timeS of GeneraL Sir miLeS demPSey Peter Rostron Based on sources which include some of dempsey’s previously unpublished work and the views of those who knew him, this book traces his career as a soldier of rare distinction, a talented sportsman and a man of huge charm and shrewd intellect, dedicated to his beloved regiment and ever mindful of the lives of his soldiers. it examines his methods of command and his relationships with montgomery, his corps commanders, the americans and the raf. it analyses why his army performed so brilliantly on d day,and examines his contribution to the campaign in europe.
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viSit our weBSite to view what’S cominG in the next three monthS 9781848326910 224 pages 16pp of plates Hardback £19.99 £15.99
9781848326835 256 pages 16pp of plates Hardback £19.99 £15.99
9781781591857 144 pages 250 b&w illustrations Paperback £14.99 £12.00
Panzer Leader
BLood and SteeL
Otto Henning
Donald E Graves
the armoured reconnaissance units were the spearheads of the Panzer divisions, moving stealthily ahead of the tanks to locate the enemy. otto henning’s armoured car unit of the elite Panzer-Lehr-division fought throughout the campaigns in the west in 1944 and 1945, arriving in normandy a few weeks before d-day and finally surrendering in the ruhr pocket in midapril 1945. this is a fascinating and often harrowing account of the final campaigns in western europe.
ordered by hitler ‘to hold, or to die’ and to fight ‘to the last grenade and round’, the German army was a formidable opponent during the 1944 normandy campaign. this book depicts the experience of that army in normandy through its own records and documentation. the wehrmacht archive is an informative and colourful collection of translated original orders, diaries, letters, after action reports, and even jokes, as well as allied technical evaluations of weapons, vehicles and equipment and transcripts of prisoner of war interrogations.
waffen SS on the weStern front Ian Baxter this book in the popular images of war series covers the deeds of the waffen-SS on the western front during the Second world war. with extensive text and in-depth captions with many rare and unpublished photographs it describes the fighting tactics, the uniforms, the battles and the different elements that went into making the waffen-SS such an elite fighting unit. it traces how the waffen-SS carefully built up their assault forces utilising all available reserves and resources into a ruthlessly effective killing machine.
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for more special offers visit 9781848840799 112 pages Fully illustrated with colour and b&w Paperback £6.99 £5.60
maJor & mrS hoLt’S Pocket BattLefieLd Guide to normandy Major and Mrs Holt this guide book covers the present-day battlefield, and the actions that took place on and immediately behind the d-day beaches. designed conveniently in a small size, for those who have only limited time to visit, or who are simply interested in as an introduction to the historic battlefields, whether on the ground or from an armchair. ‘…this little handbook is packed with an amount of detailed information that belies its size.’ Family History Monthly
9781848845701 352 pages Paperback £16.99 £13.50
the definitive BattLefieLd Guide to the d-day normandy LandinG BeacheS Major & Mrs Holt the third in the holts’ important series of Battlefield Guides (following the Somme and the ypres Salient) it employs the same, highly acclaimed formula. once again the cold facts are interlaced with anecdotes of bravery, humour, sadness and humanity. Packaged with the Battle map of the normandy Landing Beaches showing the sea assault formations.
9781473825482 120 pages Illustrated Paperback £6.99 £5.60
d-day: 70 yearS on – Bookazine d-day was the turning point of the Second world war and marked the allies return to europe. this title covers the huge planning behind the operation and reveals what it was like to be there. there are guides to visiting the beaches today along with analysis of the tactics and weapons used.Starting with the operation itself, the title goes on to reveal the weeks after d-day, which were just as vital in pushing back the German army. Published, to coincide with the 70th anniversary publicity is guaranteed for this title.
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caLL now on 01226 734222 1844155129 240 pages Hardback £19.95 £15.99
9781844156306 224 pages Illustrated Hardback £19.99 £15.99
9781844153497 288 pages 32 illustrations Hardback £25.00 £20.00
monty’S hiGhLanderS
monty’S marauderS
the rifLeS are there
Patrick Delaforce
Patrick Delaforce
David Orr and David Truesdale
the 51st highland division was the most famous infantry division that fought with the British army in ww2. it was the only infantry division in the armies of the British empire that accompanied monty from during alamein to Berlin. after the 1940 disaster at St valery when many were killed or captured, the re-formed 51st were a superlative division, brilliantly inspired and led. a first rate history of a first rate division.
when monty was given allied command of the d day landings he wasted no time gathering around him individuals and formations he could trust. foremost among the latter were two armoured brigades: 4th and 8th. Both these brigades had unrivalled fighting records earned in north africa, Sicily or italy. once ashore in normandy the two superb brigades went on to enhance their reputations on the journey to the heartland of hitler’s third reich and final victory. the author has written a fast moving and enthralling account of war at the sharp end.
the two royal ulster rifles battalions were fierce rivals but both had cause to be proud of themselves and the other. this authoritative work goes on to describe the long slog to Germany including winter action during the surprise German Bulge counter-offensive and the massive rhine crossing operation (varSity). as numerous rur members were in 9th Parachute Battalion, there is a full description of the legendary seizing of the mighty merville Battery.
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for more special offers visit 1844152863 224 pages 16 pp Plates Hardback £19.99 £15.99
in action with the SaS Roy Close roy close’s wartime experiences make breathtaking reading. mobilised in 1939 he became part of the Bef and was fortunate to avoid death or captivity during the German blitzkrieg and escape through dunkirk. Sent to north africa, he joined the Paras and, from there, to the SaS. in 1944 he operated behind enemy lines with the maquis in france, who were in open insurrection against the German occupiers. a memoir of unusual breadth – dunkirk, north africa, Parachute regiment, SaS, marquis, Germany and post-war europe.
9781844156184 224 pages 16pp b&w Photos Hardback £19.99 £15.99
Behind enemy LineS with the SaS
9781848847422 192 pages 24 pages of plates Paperback £12.99 £10.39
carve her name with Pride
Paul McCue
R.J. Minney
maingard joined the Soe, he parachuted into occupied france in 1943 to join the Stationer circuit, initially as radio operator but soon was second-in-command in the circuit, arranging the delivery of weapons, supplies and personnel to the resistance. after a years clandestine work, he narrowly escaped the fate of his organiser who was captured by the Germans. maingard continued his vital work until the liberation of central france, earning recognition from both the British and french governments.
carve her name with Pride is the inspiring story of the half-french violette Szabo who was born in Paris iin 1921 to an english motor-car dealer, and a french mother. She became a fany (first aid nursing yeomanry) and was recruited into the Soe and underwent secret agent training. Szabo was sent to ravensbruck concentration camp where she was executed in January 1945. She was only 23 and for her courage was posthumously awarded the George cross and the croix de Guerre.
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Buy 4 BookS and Get 5th free 9781848325159 320 pages 32 pages of plates Hardback £25.00 £20.00
9781848847941 288 pages 140 images Hardback £25.00 £20.00
9781848326507 352 pages 1x16 pages of plates Paperback £16.99 £13.50
churchiLL’S underGround army
unearthinG churchiLL’S Secret army
with BritiSh SniPerS to the reich
John Warwicker
John Grehan & Martin Mace
Captain C. Shore
a carefully researched book on a long-neglected subject which fills a major gap in our Second world war knowledge. British Secret intelligence Service officers and others in the war office were never convinced that appeasement would prevent a nazi invasion. defying high-level opposition, they quietly worked instead on pre-emptive ‘Last ditch’ survival plans. these units are still effectively secret but this is the most comprehensive history published to date.
the Special operations executive was one of the most secretive organizations of the Second world war, its activities cloaked in mystery and intrigue. these are stories of bravery and betrayal, incompetence and misfortune, of brutal torture and ultimately death. Some died when their parachutes failed to open, others swallowed their cyanide capsules rather than fall into the hands of the Gestapo, many died in combat with the enemy, most though were executed, by hanging, by shooting and even by lethal injection.
captain c. Shore’s enthusiasm for firearms led him to take every possible opportunity to try out different weapons, ammunition and methods of shooting. the result of all his investigations is this practical guide to the sniper’s art in world war ii. his interest was combined with sound common sense and he would never consonance a rumour about a practical weapon or incident unless he was able to confirm it for himself. as a result, everything in this text is based on his personal experience.
‘one cannot praise this book too highly.’ Journal of the Forces Pension Society
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for more special offers visit 184415100X 176 pages Illustrated Paperback £9.99 £8.00
0850528925 256 pages Illustrated Hardback £19.99 £15.99
9781848841932 256 pages Paperback £12.99 £10.39
overture to overLord
SaS oPeration BuLBaSket
Philip Beck
Francis Mackay
Paul McCue
the destruction of the french village of oradour and the massacre of its population in June 1944 by the SS das reich division ranks as one of the most notorious atrocities of the Second world war. the scars that were left will never fully heal and there are those that would argue that they should remain as a lesson to future generations. fully illustrated in true Battleground style, this superb account reveals the full horror of this outrage.
this book describes the problems of instigating resistance in france and the slow development of the clandestine warfare and special operation forces, equipment, training, delivery, communication, command, control and intelligence techniques. the book starts at close of operation dynamo and ends with operation titanic, the SaS deception ploys and the last of the pre-invasion activities.
on d-day 6 June, 1944, a team of 55 SaS were dropped by parachute in enemy-occupied france with the task of disrupting the movement of German reinforcements north against the allied invasion of normandy. using hitherto classified documents the author tells the full story of operation BuLBaSket.
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Read extRacts fRom ouR latest Releases online – oveR 100 titles to choose fRom 9781848321991 256 pages 150 b&w photographs and maps Hardback £25.00 £20.00
9781844156627 176 pages 24pp b&w Photos Hardback £19.99 £15.99
9781848320505 120 pages 75 b&w photographs and lines plans Hardback £19.99 £15.99
hitleR’s gateWay to the atlantic
opeRation neptune
assault landing cRaft
Vice Admiral BB Schofield
Brian Lavery
Lars Hellwinkel
operation neptune was the code word for the naval side of the oveRloRd plan for the historic June 1944 landings in normandy. massive in its scale, its tasks ranged from beach reconnaissance, minesweeping, shore bombardment as well as loading, assembly and disembarkation. in this timeless book, the author describes the great events of June 1944, which, as captain of hms dryad, the Royal naval establishment that housed general eisenhower’s headquarters before the landing, he witnessed at first hand.
the landing craft assault, or lca, was one of the unsung heroes of the second World War but this is the first book devoted to this humble and essential craft. early development, design and construction, the role of the crew, techniques and tactics used in landings, and the part it played inmany invasions from norway to normandy are all described and illustrated. this new title is heavily illustrated with plans and photos.
this fascinating narrative of the german occupation is balanced by the story of the vicious British maritime-air campaign that was commenced immediately following the fall of france, and which was far more effective than has been previously suggested. the german attempt to turn Brittany into a vast bastion area after the normandy landings is a further aspect which is covered in detail for the first time. a highly readable account with many previously unpublished images.
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for more special offers visit 9781844155675 128 pages 250 b&w photos Paperback £14.99 £12.00
9781844150779 112 pages 100-120 Illustrations Paperback £12.99 £10.39
9781844154906 160 pages 270 photos Paperback £14.99 £12.00
1844151875 176 pages 200 plus b&w Paperback £14.99 £12.00
German GunS of the third reich
imaGeS of war d-day
hitLer’S PanzerS
imaGeS of war – Sherman tank
Ian Baxter
Francis Crosby
German Guns of the third reich is an illustrated record of German light and heavy artillery, heavy mortars, anti-tank and anti-aircraft guns at war. using previously unpublished photographs, many of which have come from the albums of individuals who took part in the war, it presents a unique visual account of the various German guns that were deployed for action between 1939 and 1945. this is a fascinating pictorial record and a worthy addition to our images of war series.
a pictorial record of d-day using unseen front-line action shots reproduced directly from negatives held by the imperial war museum, each one portraying the emotion of that most famous invasion. the book follows the invasion as it develops using lengthy captions to describe the action portrayed in each photo and an introduction puts d-day into its historical perspective.
using previously unpublished photographs, many of which have come from the albums of individuals who took part in the war, hitler’s Panzers presents a unique visual account of Germany at arms. the book analyses the development of the Panzer and shows how it became hitler’s supreme weapon. it describes how the Germans carefully built up their assault forces utilizing all available reserves and resources and making them into an effective killing machine.
Ian Baxter
Gavin Birch a brilliant and prolific collection of rare photographs celebrating the war-winning qualities of arguably the most important tank of the Second world war. many of the marvellous images have never been seen before but thanks to the author, who has special access to the iwm archive they are now available with full authoritative captions. will be avidly seized upon by modellers.
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viSit our weBSite to view what’S cominG in the next three monthS 9781781591758 144 pages 180 illustrations Paperback £14.99 £12.00
armoured warfare in northweSt euroPe 1944–1945 Anthony Tucker-Jones this latest volume in anthony tucker-Jones’s series of photographic histories of armoured warfare records in graphic detail the role played by tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and selfpropelled artillery during the decisive campaign in northwest europe in 1944-5. in a sequence of over 200 archive photographs he shows how american, British and canadian and Polish armoured divisions spearheaded the assault on the third reich, and how the wehrmacht mounted a desperate armoured defence.
9781848845008 128 pages over 150 photographs Paperback £12.99 £10.39
BritiSh tankS Pat Ware Perhaps the British did not produce the most successful tanks of the Second world war, but they certainly designed an extraordinary range of light, medium and heavy tanks along with many that were adapted for special purposes. this fascinating variety of military machinery is recorded in Pat ware’s photographic history. over 150 photographs of the wide range of tanks that saw wartime service.
9781848845176 144 pages 200 illustrations Paperback £14.99 £12.00
armoured warfare in the BattLe for normandy Anthony Tucker-Jones anthony tucker-Jones traces the entire course of the armoured campaign through the photographs – the d-day landings, the first clashes of the opposing tanks and anti-tank guns, then the allied operations – epsom, charnwood, Goodwood, cobra – that culminated in the allied breakthrough and the destruction of the German 5th Panzer army at falaise.
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for more special offers visit 9781848845695 416 pages 16 colour and 80 b&w Hardback £25.00 £20.00
9781848848566 272 pages Illustrated Paperback £12.99 £10.39
9781848842281 256 pages 60 b&w illustrations Hardback £19.99 £15.99
ScottiSh Lion on PatroL
So few Got throuGh
the BLack BuLL
W Kemsley, M R Riesco, T Chamberlin
Martin Lindsay
Patrick Delaforce
full of eye-witness accounts, this is a true story of a real Band of Brothers, the original work being faithfully reproduced and significant new material from personal recollections which are graphic, moving and occasionally humorous. this new edition reproduces the classic original with much new and significant material added, giving greater detail to the events and personalities.
on d-day 27 officers and 565 men of 1st Battalion Gordon highlanders landed on the coast of normandy. By the time 51st highland division reached Bremen the following april, after ten months continuous fighting, 1st Gordons had lost 75 officers and 986 men in battle. So few got through, but amongst them was martin Lindsay. the author, a former distinguished explorer, commanded the Battalion in 16 operations, who was wounded, mentioned in despatches and awarded the dSo, here tells his epic story.
contributions are included from twelve of the regiments who proudly wore the sign of the BlackBull. memories from troop commanders and riflemen, bombardiers and signalmen, tank crews, troop leaders and from the dashing Goc are brought together to reveal what life was like at the sharp end. the Black Bull is liberally illustrated with contemporary photographs showing the division in action.
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caLL now on 01226 734222
hiLL 112
mont Pinçon
Tim Saunders
Eric Hunt
oPeration BLuecoat
this book tells of hill 112’s seizure by 11th armoured division and their subsequent withdrawal after uLtra decryptions warned montgomery of ii SS Panzer corps’s approach. ten days later soldiers from the west country, Scotland and the royal tank regiment struggled to take hill 112 for a second time.
in late July 1944 the allies began their break-out from the normandy beachheads. the americans in operation coBra and the British in operation BLuecoat. the Guide outlines the principal actions of BLuecoat, but concentrates on the key players in the assault on mont Pincon: 43rd wessex division and 8th armoured Brigade.
Ian Daglish
operation ePSom was montgomery’s third attempt to take the city of caen, which was a key British d-day objective. this book takes us through the actions in vivid detail. the desperate attempts to break out of the allied Bridgehead make for gripping reading and excellent touring.
Ian Daglish
9780850527377 • 192 pages Paperback • £12.99 £10.39
9780850529449 • 176 pages Paperback • £12.99 £10.39
0850529123 • 176 pages Paperback • £9.95 £8.00
0850529549 • 176 pages Paperback • £9.95 £8.00
9781844150304 • 272 pages Paperback • £12.99 £10.39
after two months of bitter combat in normandy, operation Bluecoat transformed the campaign into a war of movement. British and German armoured divisions were flung against one another. this is the story of the breakthrough begun on 30 July by 11th armoured division, Guards armoured division and 15th (Scottish) division.
Major Tim Saunders
oPeration Goodwood in the first book in our series over the Battlefield, we chose ian daglish to describe the events of operation Goodwood, July 1944, the dramatic attempted British armoured break-out from the normandy bridge-head. this amazing imagery makes it possible to trace the course of the battle and to track the movement of the armoured regiments and troops of both sides.
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for more special offers visit 9781781591314 128 pages Paperback £9.99 £8.00
9781848840003 416 pages 16 pages, b&w Paperback £16.99 £13.50
9781848840010 352 pages 16 pages, b&w Paperback £16.99 £13.50
PanzerS at war 1943–1945
SonS of the reich
SteeL inferno
Bob Carruthers
Major General Michael Reynolds CB
Major General Michael Reynolds CB
illustrated throughout with full coverage of all the German tanks, tank battles and campaigns in the period 1943-1945, from kursk to the last battles in the east, along with commanders, strategy, tactics and technical details. this book is part of ‘the hitler’s war machine’ series, a new military history range compiled and edited by emmy award winning author and historian Bob carruthers. the series draws on primary sources and contemporary documents to provide a new insight into the true nature of hitler’s wehrmacht.
the history of ii SS Panzer corps is a short and violent one. this meticulously researched book documents the actions of the 9th and 10th SS Panzer divisions from activation until october 1944. Sons of the reich also dismantles the myth that the waffen SS were a volunteer force of brainwashed thugs and fanatics, in fact ii SS Panzer division were ordinary conscripts. this is a unique insight into one of the two units in the German army that bore hitler’s name.
Steel inferno provides a unique insight into the experiences of 1st SS Panzer corps, one of only two units in the German army which bore hitler’s name. though the allies could never forget or forgive the attrocities the wehrmacht and SS troops commited, many admired the Panzer corps, and one compared fighting with them to ‘fighting with tigers’. meticulously researched from many rare and obscure sources.
buy bOTh fOr £26.00
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read extractS from our LateSt reLeaSeS onLine – over 100 titLeS to chooSe from 9781781591871 256 pages 20 illustrations Hardback £19.99 £15.99
9781848848023 320 pages 300 b&w Photos Hardback £25.00 £20.00
tank commander
tiGerS in normandy
Bill Close
Wolfgang Schneider
Bill close had a remarkable war. in campaign after campaign, from the defence of calais in 1940 to the defeat of Germany in 1945, he served as a tank commander in the royal tank regiment – and he survived. his tanks were hit eleven times by enemy shellfire and he baled out. he was wounded three times. he finished the war as one of the most experienced and resourceful of British tank commanders, and in later life he set down his wartime experiences in graphic detail. a British tank commander’s classic eyewitness account of the Second world war.
for the first time in english, wolfgang Schneider, an expert on German armour, presents a complete combat chronicle of the German tiger tank, including new details on how the tiger performed against allied armour, particularly the Sherman, and famous tank ace michael wittmann. maps, orders of battle, period photos, and then-and-now shots make this the go-to book on the subject.
9781848848382 304 pages 16pp b&w plates Hardback £25.00 £20.00
BritiSh armoured diviSionS and their commanderS, 1939–1945 Richard Doherty a total of eleven British armoured divisions were formed during the 1939–1945 war but, as this highly informative book reveals, just eight saw action. of particular interest is the influence of the men who led these formations and the way their characters contributed to the success or failure of operations. while some went on the greater heights others were dismissed either fairly or unfairly. the stakes were high. the combination of historical narrative and well researched analysis and fact make this an invaluable book for the student of ww2 and armoured warfare.
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DVDS 5060247620923 70 Minutes DVD NTSC £12.99 £10.39
5060247620374 60 Minutes DVD NTSC £12.99 £10.39
SPeciaL forceS: oPeration BuLBaSket Part 1
SPeciaL forceS: oPeration BuLBaSket Part 2 Bhtv
filmed on the ground by the Battlefield history tv team, the film takes the viewer to the scenes of the action following the resistance and the SaS in the early phases of the operation. Bulbasket’s first phase culminated with the men on the ground calling in an airstrike by mosquito fighter bombers that destroyed eleven vital German petrol trains. in finding the enemy fuel and directing the attack a few men deep behind the enemy lines had a truly significant impact on German operations in normandy
continuing the story of operation Bulbasket the Battlefield history tv team of soldier historians follow the development of the attacks on the railways in order to delay the arrival of crucial German re-enforcements in normandy. they find the clandestine drop zones where the main body and for the first time jeeps dropped, look at the targets (railway bridges and junctions) and camps deep in isolated forests, before examining how it all started to unravel.
5060247620626 50 Minutes DVD NTSC £9.99 £8.00
d-day to PariS this is the comprehensive review of the allied campaign in normandy from primary sources, including extensive eyewitness accounts, allied plans, intelligence reports, historical documents and combat reports. the allied campaign in normandy is one of the most spectacular unusual military campaigns ever undertaken. the successful implementation of the normandy campaign required a vast assembly of men and machines, detailed planning at every level and raw courage to carry out the plans.
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DVDS 9781848843424 80 Minutes DVD £19.99 £15.99
4260110581714 58 Minutes DVD £16.99 £13.50
5060247620039 55 Minutes DVD £16.99 £13.50
wittmann vS ekinS – the death of a Panzer ace
Panzer BattLeS on the weStern front
LaSt Boat to normandy
the story of two men destined to face each other on the battlefields of normandy is told in thisprogramme. michael wittmann was a knight of the nazi empire, a natural, accomplished and highlydecorated soldier. Like wittmann, trooper Joe ekins, a shoemaker from northamptonshire, was avolunteer for military service but there the similarities ended. Joe was a reluctant soldier in a countyyeomanry armoured regiment, while wittmann served in the waffen SS’s elite tiger Battalion.
after the British and french declarations of war on the German reich in September 1939, the military and political officials in charge expected an immediate torrent of death and destruction. what actually transpired has since become known as the Phoney war, whereby millions of prematurely evacuated citizens began to move back to their respective homes. this dvd explains the German tank’s role on the western front using original archive material
‘Last Boat to normandy’ takes a quiet, dignified trip to france with a small number of selected veterans, in order that they can pay their respects once more. in doing so, they share with us the memories, nightmares and stories which have remained with them ever since that famous day in 1944. from personal accounts of fear and chaos, through to uplifting stories of brotherhood forged in adversity. this is the real story behind the organised services, and the pilgrimages made to attend them.
Dale Webb
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for more special offers visit 9781473822818 272 pages 120 photos Paperback £14.99 £12.00
9781844155620 272 pages 120 photos Hardback £19.99 £15.99
9781848840492 336 pages 120 illustrations Hardback £25.00 £20.00
Goodwood – over the BattLefieLd
oPeration ePSom – over the BattLefieLd
oPeration BLuecoat – over the BattLefieLd
Ian Daglish
Ian Daglish
Ian Daglish
for the first book in our new series over the Battlefield, we have chosen ian daglish to describe the events of operation Goodwood, July 1944, the dramatic attempted British armoured break-out from the normandy bridgehead. this was the greatest armoured battle undertaken by the British during the Second world war. what is so special about this book is the discovery and use of superb aerial photos taken during the fighting by the raf.
Before ePSom in late June 1944 there remained the chance that a German counterstroke might seriously threaten the bridgehead. after ePSom, the allies retained the strategic initiative through to the liberation of france and Belgium. this entirely new study brings together previously unseen evidence to present an important normandy battle in very great detail. the unfolding action is illustrated using superb aerial photography of the battlefield and period army maps.
using many previously unseen air photographs the main narrative of this book spans the initial break-out by the British xxx corps and viii corps from caumont the armoured battles and desperate German counter-attacks of 4–6 august, the German defence of estry and their withdrawal from normandy. the book also examines monty’s refusal to seize vire, the disputed anglo-american border and the BLuecoat’s impact on the German mortain offensive.
Normandy_Layout 1 09/05/2014 15:35 Page 39
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for more special offers visit 9781848845107 224 pages 16pp b&w plates Hardback £19.99 £15.99
code warS John Jackson code wars examines the role of uLtra (the intelligence derived from breaking secret enemy signals) on major events of the Second world war. it examines how it influenced the outcome of key battles such as d-day, el alamein, crete, key naval battles, the controversy surrounding churchill and coventry, the shadowing of hitler’s v1 pilotless aircraft and the v2 rocket. Studies the effect of the intelligence gained through Bletchley on specific operations during world war two.
9781783462339 192 pages Approx 400 integrated images Hardback £19.99 £15.99
d-day to BerLin the campaign in northwest europe from June 1944 to may 1945 involved some of the heaviestfighting of world war ii and covered an enormous range of different forms of combat – from the landings on the d-day beaches to the parachute drops at arnhem, and from the closequarters slogging match in the french bocage country to the armoured warfare of the “Battle of the Bulge”. this brand new title offers a simple route through an often complex story.
9781848326651 192 pages Paperback £12.99 £10.39
to the LaSt man Randolph Bradham this book provides a detailed overview of the battles that make up the cotentin Peninsula campaign, an important part of the invasion of normandy. in this work Bradham takes a different approach, focusing on the unique set of battles that had to be fought in order for the allies to secure their foothold on normandy. ‘this is truly a vital contribution to world war ii literature.’ Lt Colonel Robert A. Lynn
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viSit our weBSite to view what’S cominG in the next three monthS 9781848848030 240 pages 40 b&w Photos Hardback £19.99 £15.99
9781848326941 320 pages 16 black-and-white photographs Hardback £19.99 £15.99
eLite Panzer Strike force
Panzer commander
Franz Kurowski
Hans Von Luck, Preface by Regina von Luck
for the first time in english, this book follows the division from normandy and the Battle of the Bulge to the end of the war, showing how Germans fought americans at St. Lô and Bastogne. written in kurowski’s trademark youare-there style, this includes numerous firsthand accounts based on interviews with veterans. this is the story of one of the best and most battered armoured divisions in the German armed forces.
Panzer commander is one of the classic memoirs of the Second world war. a professional soldier, hans von Luck joined the Panzerwaffe in its earliest days, where he served under erwin rommel, and went on to fight in the Blitzkrieg in Poland, france and the Soviet union. he then served with the afrika korps in the western desert, and tells of the sometimes chivalrous relationship with the British 8th army. ‘one of the more valuable world war ii memoirs – an exceptional volume.’ Booklist
9781844154333 160 pages 270 photos Paperback £14.99 £12.00
Panzer-diviSionS at war 1939–1945 Ian Baxter it describes how the Germans carefully built up their assault forces utilizing all available reserves and resources into making an effective fighting machine. it depicts how these awesome formations grew to be used four years later in war, and provides much historical information and facts about the vehicles and its components that fought in all the campaigns of the war from the early victorious Blitzkrieg in Poland and france to the last ditch defence in Germany in 1945.
Normandy_Layout 1 09/05/2014 15:35 Page 42
for more special offers visit 9781844154647 224 pages Illustrated Paperback £12.99 £10.39
9781848843981 256 pages 16pp b&w plates Hardback £19.99 £15.99
9781848841406 224 pages 30 illustrations Hardback £19.99 £15.99
churchiLL’S Secret weaPonS
hoBart’S 79th armoured diviSion at war
oPeration draGoon
Patrick Delaforce
Richard Doherty
in the dark days when Britain stood alone, Prime minister churchill realised that, to win the war against an enemy superior in strength, science had to be harnessed to devise new weapons. this book uncovers a thrilling but little known aspect of the British war effort that played a vital role in the success of the d-day invasion. well written by a leading historian, supported by personal reminiscences by those directly involved.
hobart’s reputation as an armoured warfare specialist began in the pre-war era. in 1923 he transferred from the royal engineers to the royal tank corps and quickly established himself as one of the foremost thinkers on armoured warfare. By 1938 he was Goc mobile division, later 7th armoured division, in egypt. unable to suffer fools at all, he was relieved of his command (sacked!) in 1939, retired in 1940 and became a corporal in the home Guard. this book is based on official records, published materials and personal recollections.
operation dragoon, the allied landings in the south of france in august 1944, is often seen as a sideshow supporting operation overlord, the crucial d-day landings in normandy. and often the operation is criticized as an expensive diversion of men and equipment from the struggle against the German armies in italy. yet, as anthony tucker-Jones shows in his new indepth study, dragoon and the subsequent allied advance across southern france were key stages in the liberation of europe, and the operation had far-reaching political and military ramifications.
Anthony Tucker-Jones
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DVDS 5060247620428 80 Minutes DVD NTSC £16.99 £13.50
5060247620176 110 Minutes DVD NTSC £16.99 £13.50
the GermanS in normandy: 6th faLLSchirmJaeGer
German army in normandy – 1St LeiBStandarte
Tim Saunders
Tim Saunders
using the established and popular style of expert interviews, pieces filmed on the ground where the battle happened, illustrated with contemporary re-enactment footage and numerous maps, the story of the part played by the 6th fallschirmjäger in the key engagements against the 101st airborne division around Saintcome-du-mont, the flooded marshes and the key town of carentan will be told in graphic and controversial detail.
Possibly the most famous of hitler’s SS panzer divisions was the Leibstandarte; it bore his name and shared his fanaticism. the Leibstandarte had proved itself to be highly effective in battle and had fought in virtually all of Germany’s campaigns since 1939, justifiably earning the label ‘elite’. however, constantly called back to the front to stem the advance of the red army on the eastern front, the division was much reduced in power through loss of manpower and a paucity of equipment. this dvd covers all aspects of this famous and brutal division.
5060247620237 100 Minutes DVD £16.99 £13.50
the GermanS in normandy – 12th hitLerJuGend Panzer diviSion Tim Saunders Both hitlerjugend’s alleged atrocities and their remarkable doggedness in battle made them a loathed but grudgingly respected opponent to all who fought them, in some cases in what was tantamount to a private war. this programme will be a factual and impartial coverage of a controversial subject, avoiding both glorification and vilification. the story of the fighting very much speaks for its self and covers virtually all the main British and canadian operations from a German perspective.
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for more special offers visit 1844150674 320 pages Illustrated Hardback £25.00 £20.00
9781844157600 272 pages 50 b&w Photos Hardback £19.99 £15.99
vcS of the Second worLd war
Andrew Rawson
Anthony Tucker-Jones
John Frayn Turner
following the landings in normandy, one of the allies main concerns was how to supply the expanding beachhead. having cut off the cotentin peninsula, General Bradley turned his attentions to the port of cherbourg, the deepwater port nearest to the american landing beaches. this book details this important, yet little known battle, giving a detailed and illustrated account of the events around cherbourg in June 1944. visitors to the area will also be able to visit the key sites on a series of tours around the peninsula.
the destruction of the trapped German forces in the falaise pocket in august 1944 is one of the most famous episodes of the normandy campaign. But myths have grown up around accounts of the battle, in this meticulously researched and perceptive study the author dispels misconceptions about the battle, describes the combat in graphic detail and reassesses the outcome in the context of the campaign to liberate europe.
Published for the first time in a single volume, vcs of the Second world war consolidates the accounts of the actions of every recipient. the medal of this ultimate honour is inscribed with the simple words ‘for valour’, and this cross of courage was awarded to a total of 180 men – many posthumously. as these stories of bravery unfold, they reveal varied exploits of incredible individual actions. a superb record of courage and a history of six terrible years of war in a single book.
1844150836 192 pages Illustrated Paperback £9.99 £8.00
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Buy 4 BookS and Get 5th free 9781848327238 240 pages 16 pages of b&w plates Paperback £12.99 £10.39
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for a chance to win a copy of Captured at Arnhem by norman hicks please answer the following question:
diSaSter at d-day
if the aLLieS had faLLen
Peter Tsouras
Dennis Showalter & Harold Deutsch
it is June 1944. the allied armies are poised for the full-scale invasion of fortress europe. across the channel, the vaunted wehrmacht lies waiting for the signs of invasion, ready for the final battle.what happens next is well-known to any student of modern history. the outcome could easily have been very different, as Peter tsouras shows in this masterful and devastating account in which plans, missions and landings go horribly wrong.
in this expertly written book, historians suggest what might have been if key events during thewar had gone differently, from the munich crisis to the dropping of the first atom bomb, includinghitler’s declaration of war on the united States and the d-day landings. the authors, writing asif these and other worldchanging events had really happened, project realistic scenarios basedon the true capabilities and circumstances of the opposing forces.
‘this should find a place on the shelves of anyone with an interest in the period and would be invaluable background reading in preparation for a battlefield tour of normandy.’ The British Army Review
What was the codename for the Battle for Arnhem? Answer: _________________________________ Name: ___________________________________ Address: _________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Please submit your answer to our postal address marked ‘competition entry’. competition closes on the 30th august 2014.
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air war market Garden: ShrinkinG Perimeter
caPtured at arnhem
Martin Bowman
Martin Bowman
an impressive tribute and engaging history of aerial exploits throughout operation ‘market Garden’
vividly describes some of the most iconic scenes and events that came to characterise ‘market Garden’ – the airborne drops and dramatic parachute and glider assaults.
details the story of a soldier throughout his wartime adventures and life as a railway man.
9781781591154 • Hardback £25.00 £20.00
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Martin Bowman this is the latest release in a series attempting to dissect each aspect of operation market-Garden as it played out in September 1944.
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Normand Hicks
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maJor and mrS hoLt’S BattLefieLd Guide to market Garden there have been numerous guide books to the fighting around arnhem in particular, but this is the first to cover the operation as a whole.
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