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Pen and Sword Books Ltd
Pen & Sword Books is part of The Barnsley Chronicle newspaper group. The Barnsley Chronicle is one of the UK's oldest provincial newspapers and one of the few weeklies still in private ownership. It was launched in 1858 and celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2008. Over recent years the company has continued to grow and has added new imprints to its core area of military history. Pen & Sword specialise in all areas of military history, naval and maritime history, aviation, local history, family history, collectables and antiques, nostalgia and true crime. With over 200 books published every year, Pen & Sword has established itself as a specialist book publisher.
Script Media
Nancy Moore
Paul Goodyear
Keith Vann
David Bird
Rod Blaker
Kory Trapane
Mary Hellman
Ian Rodie
The Great Drew
Robert A. Lawler
Andreas Zeller
Rodrigo Telles
greenpast greenpast
Vincent Lafon
Michael Pocock
Xabier Díaz Silvestre
michael ro
Joy Blair
sikander burney
Sam Wong
panos lambros
Carlos Villarroel
Benedict de Borja
Shawna Landers
Mike Higgins
Dan Ruparel
Jerry Lane
Mick Reid
corrado amorese
wuchen can
Historia naval
vic d
Miya Dave Byrnes
Cristiano Carusi
Miguel Juares Lisboa
D Suibhne
Mikey Mentality
Pavel Alemán
John Carlo Matulessy
Mary Ann Overson
Al Berto
Artur Contramestre
Shawn Kirscht
Corrado Amorese