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I Am....

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I am a good person.


In other words, I do what society believes I should do.

I am on the honor roll.

I am the captain of the Science Olympiad at my school.

I am well-liked, popular, and I have no enemies.

People tell me that I am charismatic, handsome, or virtuous.

By all means, my life is perfect; by all means, my life is full and I am content with my life.

I have many friends and I have many acquaintances, all of whom like me.

Any obstacle in life, whether it be the SATs, the APs, or the ACTs; be them trials or tribulations, I’ve easily vaulted over each and every single one of them.

My life, and by consequence, I, are perfect.

So what is this hollowness I feel deep inside?

Is it the lack of a challenge? Is it the lack of obstacles that I have never overcome in my life?

I don’t know.

I don’t know if I ever will know.

All I understand is one thing, and one thing only.

Deep down, I know it’s wrong. It’s not supposed to be this way.

I am virtuous.

[continue reading in the magazine]

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