Christopher Man - Assignment 2 Level Design

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Christopher Man - 09004325

Games Design 1B: Level Design CE00014-1 Assignment 2 – Game Play Constraints New Level based on Resident Evil 5 (PS3)


Christopher Man - 09004325

History 1.0 – Added Table of Contents 1.1 – Added texture to 3d SketchUp Models 1.2 – Added referencing


Christopher Man - 09004325

Contents Analysis of the Original IP ....................................................................................................................... 5 Overview of Design Constraints .......................................................................................................... 5 Design Constraints .......................................................................................................................... 6 Mood board for Resident Evil 5/ Similar style games ..................................................................... 7 Colours ............................................................................................................................................ 9 Overview of Mechanics Constraints ................................................................................................. 11 Aim of the game ............................................................................................................................ 11 Buttons / Controls ......................................................................................................................... 11 Player and Non-Player Character Analysis .................................................................................... 13 Inventory ....................................................................................................................................... 16 Extras............................................................................................................................................. 16 Environment Analysis (Interactivity) ............................................................................................. 17 Visualising the New Level...................................................................................................................... 20 Spatial Flow ....................................................................................................................................... 20 Purpose and theme of the level .................................................................................................... 20 Organisation of the level ............................................................................................................... 20 Events in each room...................................................................................................................... 21 The flow ........................................................................................................................................ 23 Space/Flow .................................................................................................................................... 23 The circulation between rooms .................................................................................................... 24 Doors ............................................................................................................................................. 25 Checkpoints ................................................................................................................................... 25 The elevations of the level in detail – Top View ........................................................................... 26 The elevations of the level in detail – Side View .......................................................................... 27 3D Grey Box & Elevation ................................................................................................................... 28 Design Overview – Architecture of the level and Mechanics of the game ................................... 28 Adding detail to the model by texturing ....................................................................................... 35 A.I. & Behaviours............................................................................................................................... 42 Power Ups & Weapons ..................................................................................................................... 50 Evaluations & Considerations ........................................................................................................... 51 Level Objectives ............................................................................................................................ 51 3

Christopher Man - 09004325 Evaluating the level design ........................................................................................................... 51 Reference .............................................................................................................................................. 53


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Analysis of the Original IP Resident Evil 5 is classified as a horror/survival game. The importance of being classified as a horror/survival is what the audience will expect from this game. Through using appropriate techniques, such as sound, environmental lighting, zombies etc, it will help create the effect needed to surprise the player as well as increase the level of realism. As Resident Evil 5 contains many level within the storyline, I will focus on the level in Chapter 5, this is where Chris and Sheva discover an Umbrella/Tricell Laboratory.

Overview of Design Constraints Looking at the level in the game:

Dark Atmosphere


Navigational Aid: Map

Tight Corridor

Player: Third Person Perspective

Weapon Equipped

Enemy burst out from glass

Health Display

Capsules in background detail

Boss: U-8 Cylindrical level design, platform raising when fighting boss

Glass floor

Surrounded by technology, bright lights


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Boss: Uroboros Mkono

Small Chamber

Yellow/Green colour being used

Dark, limited lighting

Construction pattern/colouring

Fence flooring, fits with theme of being a laboratory

Design Constraints The levels I have analysed in chapter five all portray an overall “dark” atmosphere to the scene, although this is not always the case as there are outdoor levels in the game. The level containing the Licker Beta is appears from behind the glass when the player enters the room; this gives the player time to adjust to the environment and help create a dramatic effect as it shatters the glass once it is alarmed. The rooms containing the Licker Beta have blood stains smudged across the wall, this helps increase the tension and adds a high level of detail to the scenario. The ambient sound can be heard, such as the footsteps and the breathing of the Licker Beta, there is no background music in the levels as it is not be suitable within this type of game, as having silence helps increase the developing tension/pace of the game. The fight with “U-8” is set in a different location; this lets the player know that there will either be “New Enemies” or a “Boss Fight”. As the cut-scene emerges, the player will notice the limited space they have in comparison with the size of the monster, being high up on a platform with an open ledge means that there is a possibility of falling off and dying instantly. The architectural design of the level uses a cylindrical shape surrounded by capsules; this creates a technological impression on the player as well as fitting in with the theme of the chapter. Lighting is much brighter in comparison to the rest of the rooms leading up to this room; this is because it makes the boss easier to see and to fit in with the rest of the environment, as the objects are emitting light. The room when fighting with “Uroboros Mkono” contains construction like assets which limit the amount of space the character can move. The rooms has many split/jointed paths which allows more freedom in the space provided, as the boss tends to chase the player, the player is forced to move down a linear route. There are alternative methods here to defeat the boss; it can be done by either using the flame thrower or the gas tanks. This lets the player defeat the enemy using more than one method, meaning the player can choose the method they prefer.


Christopher Man - 09004325 Mood board for Resident Evil 5/ Similar style games


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Christopher Man - 09004325 Colours Colours play an important part in gaming, as it makes it much more appealing towards the audience and help justify the mood of the scene. Colours along with lighting help create a mood, depending on the game; it will create a dramatic effect in terms of gaming and have a great impact on the audience. Resident Evil delivers this by using lots of shadows which creates a “cold� effect. The limited lighting enhances the scariness of the game as well as unforeseen biological objects, such as zombies or dogs, lurking around the corner.

The lighting is emitted from the lantern, it is also the only source of light which lights up this level, this makes it a crucial item in this part of the game.









The sun is setting whilst forming the shadows under the bridge, the silver coloured constructions along with the sunlight causes a green illusion which makes the area look gloomy.










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As there are many zombies, the shadow casted onto the floor acts as a distraction to the player. The movement of the body causes the shadow to change constantly and therefore filling up the screen with different colour.










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Overview of Mechanics Constraints Aim of the game The aim of Resident Evil 5 is to complete the main storyline within the game. It consists of six chapters, with each chapter split into different parts depending on the length of the story line. In order to get through the game, obstacles, enemies, and puzzles will be there to obstruct the player from progressing forward. Buttons / Controls Select



Control Pad



Cross L3


R3 R1




There are four types of basic controls that the player can choose from, this is categorised as Type A, Type B, Type C, and Type D. Type A has the basic control typed based on Resident Evil 4. Type B has the basic control with an altered combat configuration. Type C has a new Strafe layout with combat configuration A. Finally, Type D is the default setting of the game; it has the new Strafe layout with combat configuration B. I will now show the default setting of the game in a table: PS3 L-Stick R-Stick L-Stick Down + Cross Control Pad Triangle Circle Cross Square L1 L2

Type D Control Strafe Rotate Quick Turn Quick Equip Buy / Sell Adjustment Open Inventory Partner Action Hold changing partner mode Run (when moving) Reload (when weapon drawn) Context Action Draw Weapon Draw Knife 11

Christopher Man - 09004325 R1

R2 L3 + R3 Start Select Home

Locate Partner Fire/Throw weapon (when drawn) Swing Knife (when drawn) Map toggle Provoke Pause Menu Cancel cut scene End game (at chapter score) Console interface/menu


Christopher Man - 09004325 Player and Non-Player Character haracter Analysis Main Characters – Playable Characters

Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar are both playable characters in the game. The controls for both characters are exactly the same; this will make the controls less complicated, complicat because if the controls were different, the player will need time to adapt in order to play comfortably.

Chris Redfield

Sheva Alomar

Non-playable characters (behaviour during game) Majini Type – Town, Wetlands, Base, and Motorcycle Town Majini – They are able to follow the playable character anywhere, either by climbing ladders, walls, and fences; jump gaps, drop down holes, open and break doors or windows. They also try to side step to avoid laser from the weapons. Wetlands Majini - They are fast moving and able to side step to avoid avoi damage. They are able to jump forward towards the target, and can flip back onto their feet when on the ground. Base Majini – They hold a Gatling gun and fire from a distance; this makes it difficult for the player to aim as well as trying to be in cover. cover Motorcycle Majini – As they are on a motorcycle, they are difficult to hit, they often try to throw grenades at the player, this can be stopped by shooting at the grenade.


Christopher Man - 09004325 B. O. W. – Bio-Organic Weapons Bui Kichwa – It appears from under the ground, and focuses on leaping attacks. They grab onto the prey causing small constant damage. They will jump off after time. Cephalo – Mutates after death from a Majini, a long barbed tentacle pops out from the head, and is able to whip or stab using their appendage, it can also attack on the floor even when knocked down. Adjule – Adjule is a dog which its head mutates, they move fast and try to knock the enemy down so that they are able to clamp their heads around them. Kipepeo – Bursts from a Majini in the form of a Moth, they pick the closest enemy and hits the enemy with a homing attack. Duvalia – Bursts out from a dead Majini, it has an enormous head with tentacle like wings protecting its body. Licker Beta – Licker B is blind but is alarmed by sound. They can climb and walk up walls which can make them difficult and unexpected to be seen. They can use their tongue to grapple the enemy, which can be freed using the control stick command. Reaper – Protected by armour as it closes in on the enemy. It impales the foe by driving its spiked limbs through the victim; it can cause instant death if the range is correct. It also releases a substance to protect itself and shroud the enemy.


Christopher Man - 09004325 Sub-bosses

Executioner Majini – Moves slowly carrying a big axe, it is able to walk up stairs and swing the axe to break down nearby market stalls and objects. Chainsaw Majini – They are able to jump from high levels without the use of ladders. Their main use of weapon is the chainsaw which causes instant death to the opponent. Giant Majini – Giant Majini is able to jump up in great distance, they are slow moving but deadly when attacking. They wear a mask which cannot be removed in anyway, resulting in only being able to damage the lower parts of the body. Big Man Majini – This is a hand to hand Majini which attacks at close range, this distance can be shorten using its lunging attack. It will defend itself by raising its arm to block damage, and are difficult to knock down. Gatling Gun Majini – Main weapon is the Gatling Gun, it can also use melee attacks if the enemy is too close, it requires time to fire up the gun meaning the player will have time to find cover or take advantage and shoot first.


Popokarimu – This boss is able to fly and attack on ground, it has various attacks including: Sonic shriek, Viscous Goo, Lunges and Tail Flick. Ndesu – Large in size, it attacks using boulders which the player cannot dodge. Growths will pop out from the arms and torso which can be fired, a Plaga also appears from the back when it bends over. Irving – Irving mutates into a creature which attacks using its tentacles and claws. U-8 – The main attacks are Ground Slam, Scissor Attacks, and Drone Release. Uroboros – The Uroboros here will try to absorb the enemy, running too far will cause it to chase the enemy by teleportation. Uroboros Mkono – Mkono is able to choke the enemy with one arm, it is able to drive its arm across the laboratory, smashing glass which the character will need to dodge. Uroboros Aheri – Its main attacks are Pseudopods and Infection. Its weakness is the bright sphere at the end of its large tentacles. Jill – The pink jewel on its chest is required to be removed in order to defeat her. She is able to cause damage by using a gun and quick melee attacks. Wesker (Human) – Can cause instant death and uses a standard five hit combo. Wesker (Mutated) – It attacks using its tentacle arms and can use a whirlwind attack to repel the character giving distance. 15

Christopher Man - 09004325 Inventory Healing Items are here to assist the player when they are low on health; these include the First Aid Spray, Herbs and Eggs. These items are able to heal the character the player is controlling and their partner (if they are in the correct distance). If their partner (NPC) is low on health, they will automatically heal themselves if they have a healing item in the item slot. Special Items are key items required in the level in order to progress through the game. These normally come as a Key or Keycards. Other Special Items include a Slate Map, Slates, and Emblems. A Serum is also a special item which is needed for the last chapter of the game. Treasures are jewellery that is often found on enemies and treasure chests; they can also be found in locations such as on the ground, in water, and engraved onto objects such as masks. The main use of treasure is to let the player have something to collect from within the game, making the player feel rewarded, as well as use it to sell and make money. The weapons used by the player in the game include the knife and gun. The knife is mainly used to open boxes and damage enemies if they are too close, the knife is not an upgradable item which means that the player cannot change into different types of knives. On the other hand, different type of guns exists in the game which can either be found in silver box or be bought from the “Buy Menu”. Guns in Resident Evil are the main source of damage output that is used on the enemies. The Buy Menu is for the player to buy new weapons that exist in the game; more weapons are unlocked by playing through the chapters in the game. The player can sell weapons that they have collected in the game so they can earn money and save space in the Inventory Slots. Upgrades are available for most of the guns in the game, upgrading has several options including: Fire Power, Capacity, Reload Speed, and Critical (damage). These are factors that contribute to customisation of the gun. Extras Completing the game under certain conditions will reveal rewards; this includes the “Mercenaries challenge mode”, playing as Sheva, and the professional difficulty. By clearing the chapters in the game, the player will be rewarded by points depending on the level of skill; these points enable them to unlock extra features such as unlimited ammo or new costume. BSAA Emblems are blue medallions found within the game; these also help use as points in the bonus feature menu.


Christopher Man - 09004325 Environment Analysis (Interactivity)

Public Assembly The public assembly is where the player will face the sub-boss Executioner Majini, the location is set in a market stall where the player can walk and travel through the open space. Most the objects in the market are just decoration, meaning the player will not be able to interact with it; the player is limited to breaking small boxes, barrels, and gas tanks. The gas tank is ignited by a gunshot which helps defeat nearby enemy, or used as a tactical advantage to stun and damage the sub-boss.

The bridge The bridge acts as an important element in Resident Evil 5 as the player will know that after crossing the bridge, a new area will be open for exploration as well as the possibilities of new enemies appearing. On the bridge, a truck will try to crash onto the player, the only way to avoid this is by shooting the gas barrels to make it flip over, if the player fails to shoot the gas barrels, they will die instantly and start again from the point they jumped onto the bridge. Hidden objects can be found such as the BSAA Emblem.


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The Mines The main item used in the mines is the lantern which can be picked up off the ground before entering the dark areas of this level. The limitation is that the player cannot hold the lantern and shoot at the same time; this means that there will be delay between the time of putting down the lantern, and drawing out the weapon to shoot. There are small corridors with boulders blocking the path to show the player that the route they are taking is incorrect.

Experimental Facility – Missile Area Gas tanks are transported using the moving belts, it also acts as an obstacle and can push the character into the fire which causes instant death, this can be avoided by travelling in the middle of the belts. The lift which moves horizontally helps make the cooperation with the other character more challenging, as players will need to depend on themselves and not always relying on the other player to help.


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Monarch Room This room is where the player fights Wesker and Jill, it has two floors giving the player plenty of space to hide and run for cover. Several items are hidden in vase and stone coffins which help blend in with the environment, instead of the use of wooden boxes.


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Visualising the New Level Spatial Flow Purpose and theme of the level The level is based on a new storyline where Chris Redfield and Sheva Alomar are chasing Wesker, for a newly developed virus that will be used in an attempt for terrorism. The purpose of setting the level in an underground jungle themed laboratory is that it will help create a sense of mystery, unease and bewilderment. Stepping onto the “Unknown� territory also makes the game much scarier, and opens up the exploration factor to the level as people expect to see/find interesting things in the wild. Organisation of the level The level is set in a linear structure which contains cinematic sequence, puzzles, enemies, boss and other extras i.e. finding BSAA Emblem, Treasure, and Herbs. As the player progresses through the level, there will be an extra room within the room which expands the level making it into a radial structure.

The level is categorised in three ways, Most Important, Important, and Least Important. This helps identify where most the events will happen and show how the tension of the level is developed.

This is the level layout using boxes and curves to show space within each room.


Christopher Man - 09004325 Events in each room

1. Camera shows the player entering from above in the elevator. 2. This is a round tunnel, there are bats hanging from the ceiling which can either be killed by shooting, or avoid by running. 3. There will be a big gap in the middle of the room; the player will need to cross over to the other side using the rock poles, pressing the switch will get the wooden transporter back to the other side and picking up the other character. Only one player can travel across using the rock poles sticking out from the side of the wall (the poles breaks). Once the other character gets on the wooden transporter, it will trigger enemies to shoot arrows from above; the player can shoot the enemy or dodge them by finding cover. There will be cover in the wooden transporter. The door to the next room can only opened by two people. 4. Once the player(s)/characters are reunited, they can travel to the end of the room where they will find a new weapon and a jewel on the floor.


Christopher Man - 09004325 5. A cinematic scene will happen here where Majini’s will be pushing down the pillars trying to kill Chris and Sheva, an on-screen button command will appear and will be needed to be pressed on time to survive. 6. In this room, there will be two staircases leading to the upper levels, the correct path is to take the left route first and cut down the rope, for the wooden bridge to drop down to the ground floor. There will enemies spread out on the ground floor, making it difficult to roam around. Herbs can be found in the corner of the ground floor. 7. Arriving into the room there will be two masked Majini, defeating them will leave two special items: Mask A and Mask B, this is placed in the scales in the room outside under the bridge. The metal gates will open and reveal the special item: Orb, which is placed into the circular rock trigger that lowers the cylindrical rock making the handle reachable. The player can then rotate the handle and open the door to the next room. 8. The staircase leads to the next room; there are no traps meaning the player can relax for a moment. 9. Once the player enters the room, spikes will drop from the ceiling; this is dodged by a cinematic scene with on-screen button commands. Failing to dodge means instant death. Enemies will be lurking around the room, and can be avoided by running to the adjacent room. 10. The semi-circular staircase is different from the linear staircases I have so far, meaning it will be leading to a new room where the player will expect an important event to happen I.e. a boss fight. Shadows will be formed due to the semi-circular staircase, meaning the player will need to pay attention as they go upstairs because Majini’s may appear. 11. Once the player enters the room, Wesker will fly away in a helicopter, leaving the player with a Mutated Ape which is the boss of the level. The area has big boulders which act as covers for hiding; the ape will punch often and can only be dodged by the on-screen button commands. Two ways of defeating the boss is either using the gas tanks to cause an explosion, making it trip and reveal its weak point which is the back of the head, or shooting it in its legs with a Gatling gun until if falls down. The Gatling gun is placed in a glass box to help the player if they run out of ammunition. There is a limit in the ammunition of the Gatling gun; this can be recharged by placing it back into the glass box.


Christopher Man - 09004325 The flow

To show the size of the rooms, I have used circles to show the approximate size of the room. There are two different types of arrows used to show whether the player can move back and forth between the two rooms, this includes: which shows that the player are can only travel through this path once, and which shows that the player can travel back and forth between the rooms. Space/Flow Huge amount of space is used in order to make the level flow better. In Resident Evil (5), the mechanics of the game does not allow running and shooting at the same time, this means that the player will find it more difficult to kill enemies in small confined areas, by increasing the size of the rooms, the player will have more space to reload, take aim, or avoid the enemies.


Christopher Man - 09004325 The circulation between rooms

Connecting Room to Room 1. Elevator – The elevator in this level is used for transporting the characters in the beginning of the level, it will be approximately the size of a square box. 2. Tunnel – The tunnel links the tunnel with the Puzzle Room #1, this will be a short corridor with bats that will attack the player when they see them. 5. Stairs #1– The staircase here connects Puzzle Room #1 with Puzzle Room #2, this path will have pillars that will be pushed down by Majini’s that try to kill Chris and Sheva, the staircase will crumble meaning the player cannot travel back and forth. The size of the staircase will be long in distance giving enough time and space for the cinematic scene to happen. 8. Stairs #2 – The distance and design of this staircase is identical with “5. Stair #1”, this allows the level to follows the same theme. 10. Stairs #3 - The staircase has a shape of a semi-circle, the distance to the next room is short and the limited lighting will make it difficult to see what will be around the corner.


Christopher Man - 09004325 Doors Doors are an important element as it helps create suspense within the game/level and helps separate each room clearly. Automatic doors in general are avoided in the level as it is not a usual mechanic within the game. By allowing the player to choose when to open the door, it will allow more time to prepare for what is coming next. There are three main types of doors in the level; the first is the door from the elevator which opens automatically, this helps to create an impact on the player that there is no time to rest and must move on in the game. The second type of door is a door that is opened by hand. Lastly, the third type of door is opened through using a circular rotating trigger. Checkpoints Checkpoints are used in the level to make it easier for the player to start again, if they die in the middle of the game. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Puzzle Room #1 Stairs #1 Puzzle Room #2 Trap Room


Christopher Man - 09004325 The elevations of the level in detail – Top View


Christopher Man - 09004325 The elevations of the level in detail – Side View


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3D Grey Box & Elevation

To create three dimensional view of the level, I have used Google SketchUp to assist me. Representing the level in three dimension helps show greater detail within each room and allows the designers to get an actual feel of the size. As a modeller, the 3D representation helps give an accurate size of how big the level actually is and simplify the modelling process when adjusting the dimensions. Design Overview – Architecture of the level and Mechanics of the game Elevator Architecture The elevator is approximately the size of a square box, as the character goes down the elevator in the beginning of the level, the player will not be able to see anything until they arrive to the ground floor. A metal fence is used to stop the player from falling off the elevator. In general the size was kept minimal as it takes fewer polygons to create and help keep a sense of confinement within the horror/survival genre. Mechanics In the elevator, there will be a conversation about chasing Wesker; it will arrive on the ground floor under ten seconds, allowing the conversation to be finished on time. As the elevator reaches its destination, it will create a “bing� sound effect, allowing the player to know that the level is starting. The elevator doors will automatically slide open towards the side.


Christopher Man - 09004325 Tunnel

Architecture Once the doors open on the elevator, the player will be able to see across the tunnel and notice the door linking to the next room. The main source of lighting is emitted from the small cracks in the tunnel. As the tunnel is quite narrow and has a concave shape, the player will be able to know which direction they need to go, this allows the level to flow smoothly from the start, and will not get the player confused. Mechanics As the player enters the tunnel, it will cause the bats to attack the player. The player can either defeat the bats or runs past them into the next room. There will be rubble on the floor but it is used for decoration only and will not obstruct the player.

Puzzle Room #1

Architecture Entering the room, the player will see a gap in the middle of the room; they will also see the door leading to the next room. By making the door visible to the player, they will know that they are required to get to the other side. The poles on the left hand side are carved from rocks which fit in with the theme. The room is rectangular shaped and is quite big which gives enough space to create an upper level where the enemies are able to aim and shoot. An extra room is also placed on the side so more exploration opens up in the room, a weapon and a jewel can be found. The wooden transporter is placed in the middle of the room to show that it is a significant object in the room and will be the only way to get across to the other side. 29

Christopher Man - 09004325 Mechanics The player will need to get across to the other side using the poles, which are sticking out from the left-hand side of the wall. These poles will break off after the player has jumped across to the other side. This means that only one character can travel across using the pole, and the other character will have to take the wooden transporter. To trigger the wooden transporter back to the other side, the player will need to hit the switch. As the other character enters the wooden transporter, it will alarm the enemies in the upper floor and cause them to start shooting; the player has a choice of hiding in the cover or shooting them until they die

Treasure Room #1

Architecture The room is small allowing the player to navigate around the room easily. The weapon can be seen straight away as the player enters the room, although the treasure can be difficult as it is meant to be a collectable item in the game. Turning around will be two wooden boxes which contain items, these are placed in the corner so that it will not obstruct the player when they are entering or exiting the room. Mechanics The treasure is placed on the floor as it will make it less obvious where the treasure is, the weapon is place above a rock which makes it stand out. There is only one weapon the player can find in the entire level, this helps keep the game balanced. Two wooden boxes can be found in the corner, this will aid the player as the game progresses.


Christopher Man - 09004325 Stairs #1 Architecture The design of having the player go up the stairs help give the feeling of getting closer towards the destination, as well as being closer to the outside world. A series of metal poles are put on the side of the stairs to help maintain the structure, and stops the player from wondering out into the empty space which complicates the mechanics, as we do not want the player to walk out of the staircase. The pillars on the side help provide detail to the room, as it fits in with the underground jungle laboratory theme and it makes it more realistic that the structure of the room is being supported. Both sides contain two open rooms that provide a clear view of enemies. Mechanics Once the player enters the room, the enemies on the side will push down the pillars, this will cause a cinematic scene which requires the player to push buttons on the control pad to run and dodge sequentially. The pillars falling down varies from right to left which makes the camera angle pan from left to right, creating a much more interesting cinematic scene.

Puzzle Room #2 Architecture The rectangular size of the room provides space for the bridge to fall down when the player cuts the rope in the game. The two paths which require the player to head up the stairs have no ledge which lets the player view the lower levels clearly. The use of the bridge makes it fit with the theme and helps create a sense of adventure, and opens up a new way to move up and down between floors instead of using stairs. Mechanics The player is required to complete tasks here in order to move onto the next room, firstly they must cut down the ropes for the bridge to fall down, then they need to find two items to place on the scales so they can open the fence (in the opposite room) to find the Orb, the Orb is then placed in a circular rock trigger, which can be rotated to open the door to the next room.


Christopher Man - 09004325 Treasure Room #2 Architecture The small rectangular room will make the layout less complicated, as the player will be able to see two enemies and the treasure in front of them as they enter. A metal fence is used to separate the player from the special item so that it gives the feeling that it cannot be broken down, and the player must find another way to open the gate. Mechanics The two enemies must be defeated in order to progress, as they will drop two special items including Mask A and Mask B, which is placed in the scales in the other room, this will open the metal fence to the special item: Orb, which is placed circular rock trigger.

Stairs #2 Architecture The design of the stairs is the same as Stairs #1, this helps the player identify that they are still in the same level. With the staircase leading downwards to the next room, it gives a sense of feeling to the player that they are far from finished as they are entering deeper into the level. Mechanics There is no cinematic scene here as the pillars are too short to be pushed down; it will also give the player a chance to rest/relax from the puzzle in the previous room.


Christopher Man - 09004325 Trap Room Architecture The room here is small which lets the player see the surrounding easier. Wooden boxes containing herbs and ammunition are placed in the corner of the room; this lets the user know that there could be an upcoming boss fight in the next room. Mechanics Once the player enters the room, it will activate a trap with spikes to fall down from the ceiling; the player is required to dodge this by inputting the button displayed on the screen, failing to dodge this will cause instant death.

Stairs #3 Architecture The curved staircase leading to the next room will give the player “hope� that they are reaching closer to the exit. The space around the staircase is a pit which will make the player walk carefully. The staircase is thin meaning space is confined and gives the feeling to the player that they are trapped.

Mechanics If the player drops down into the side of the staircase, it will make them die instantly. By making the stair case thin, it means the player will take longer to travel to the next room, this will make them walk instead of run and give them time to think and rest.


Christopher Man - 09004325 Boss Room Architecture This is the only room with windows on the side to show that the player is close to the surface of the earth. The length of the room gives space for the boss (Mutated Ape) that is guarding the door, as well as enough room for the placement of the boulders and the gas tank. The boulders are not spread out throughout the room as it would make it difficult for the player to move freely. Mechanics The rocks acts as cover for the player, these can be broken by either the boss or the gas tanks as it explode. Next to the entrance will be a Gatling gun which aids the player in killing the boss, if they are low on bullet. The Gatling Gun has an ammunition limit meaning the player will need to recharge it in the Glass box that they found it in. There are two ways to cause the boss to fall down, the player can shoot its blind spot which is at the back of its head, either using the gas tanks or causing enough damage using the Gatling gun.


Christopher Man - 09004325 Adding detail to the model by texturing Elevator The textures used for the elevator are metal with scratches, this shows that the lift has been used before. The fence also creates a barrier for the game mechanics so that the player cannot walk out of the elevator when it is moving.

Tunnel The exterior shows a rock texture which gives a general idea of the outside environment, using a rock texture gives the player a feeling that they are somewhere underground; therefore they could be “trapped� and cannot escape.

The interior uses a dark grey rock texture to show that the player is inside a cave. It also fits in with the habitat of the bats.


Christopher Man - 09004325 Puzzle Room #1 The texture used for the sides of the wall contain vines, this helps give the feeling of the level that the underground jungle laboratory has been in existence for a long time.

The texture used for the pit is also the vine texture, this helps fit in with the theme and the environment. A dark coloured texture is avoided to represent the pit as it is unrealistic.

The poles sticking out of the wall have a grey concrete texture, which defers from the wall texture. This makes it easier to identify the difference and make it stand out.

A rope texture is used for the support of wooden transporter to show what material it is supported by. I have chosen two separate materials for the roof and the base to show that the wooden transporter was built with more than one material, as well as making it more interesting to look at, as it stands out.


Christopher Man - 09004325 Treasure Room #1

The walls of the room have a metal tile texture to show that the player is in a new environment, which means the area will need to be explored. The grey concrete texture is used to identify the weapon box. The concrete holding the weapon uses a different texture from the wall; this makes the weapon box stand out.

The two wooden boxes are models used to show the placement of where the herbs/ammunition will be, by having a wood texture on the box; it makes it easier to be seen by the player.


Christopher Man - 09004325 Stairs #1 The brick textures helps define spacing, and gives the room an “ancient” and “underground” feel. The pillars have a dark grey texture which makes it an obvious object in the stage, as it stands out in contrast to the brick walls. A metal texture is used on the poles to show that they cannot be broken down, and the player can only move forward. The staircase has a concrete texture which fits in with the rest of the previous rooms as they have a concrete texture as well.

Puzzle Room #2 For the walls, a different vine texture is used, although the texture is different from Puzzle Room #1, it shows similarities within the level. It also shows importance of the room as the player will expect another styled room like Puzzle Room #1. A tiled brick texture is used for the floor/stairs, this makes it more realistic as the walls has a brick texture as well.

The rotating cylinder trigger has a greyish rock texture which makes it stand out from the rest of the room. The poles sticking out has a lighter grey texture, this makes the component a significant part of the structure, and lets the player know that there is a chance that the player can interact with it. The BSAA Emblem has a blue texture, which is the same colour as what it looks like in Resident Evil 5.


Christopher Man - 09004325

The bridge is a model, and has a brown texture to show that it is made out of wood. The two slots for the placement of the special item has a brick texture which helps make the player identify it easier from a distance. A scale is placed inside in each slot which is needed for the placement of the two special items.

Treasure Room #2

The wall and floor has the same texture as Puzzle Room #2, this makes it easier for the player to know that the two rooms are related. The fence is a model and has a grey texture to show that it is made out of metal. The special item: Orb is placed on top of a concrete textured box; this makes it stand out as the player will notice it straight away at eye-level as they enter the room.


Christopher Man - 09004325 Stairs #2 Stairs #2 has the same texture as Stairs #1, although this is best to be avoided, it is suitable for my level as it fits the theme as well as being suitable in the storyline.

Trap Room

A vine texture is avoided for this room as it is repetitive; I have used a brick with green moist texture to show the condition of the room. A dark tiled brick texture is used for the floor; it has a similar gradient to the wall which helps the colour blend in smoothly and naturally.

The trap in the ceiling is textured in two parts: the base, and the spikes. The base holding the spikes has a metal tile texture which shows the sturdiness of the trap. A darker grey texture is used for the spikes to show that it is made out of metal.


Christopher Man - 09004325 Stairs #3

The stairs has a stone tiled texture which shows consistency between all the stairs so far.

Boss Room As the boss here is a Mutated Ape, a cracked concrete texture is used for the wall; this helps shows signs of struggling for the chained boss that may have caused the cracks. The floor has a cracked tile texture which blends in with the texture on the wall. The boulders have a grey texture and the gas barrels are models that have a metallic texture.

For the window, a wood texture is used to show the frame. Two layers is used for the window, one with a gray translucent coloured texture which the player can see, and the other with a sky texture which the player sees behind the grey translucent texture.

The box holding the Gatling Gun, has a metal plate texture, this helps stand out from the brick tiled texture on the wall and floor. A grey translucent texture is applied on the glass; this lets the player see the Gatling Gun through the glass material if they were in the game. 41

Christopher Man - 09004325

A.I. & Behaviours Tunnel

A.I. Instructions

N.P.C. – Non Playable Character: Bat(s) Mechanics of the Artificial Intelligence Behaviour: The three bats will follow an “Offset Pursuit” path which follows the target in order to attack. Amongst its arrival of its target, it will pause in front and take a few seconds to initiate its attack. The N.P.C. is capable of dodging attacks through moving left or right, this will happen when the player points the gun at the enemies as they are sensitive to the laser that is attached on the guns. Contingencies and Rewards: The Bats has a variable interval of dropping items once defeated; the items drop will be $500 Gold.


Christopher Man - 09004325 Puzzle Room #1

A.I. Instructions

NPC – Non Playable Character: Fire Arrow Majini(s) Mechanics of the Artificial Intelligence Behaviour: The movement of the Majini is restricted in the rectangular space it has. They have a “Wander” and “Offset Pursuit” behaviour which allows it to only aim at the character in the wooden transporter, and follow the character inside the wooden transporter as both the character and the wooden transporter move. The Majini’s will fire the arrows at random intervals, making the pattern of attacking difficult to follow, it will take five to seven seconds break before firing again. The NPC can walk left or right to dodge attacks. Contingencies and Rewards: As the player cannot reach the top level of the room, there will be no rewards (pickups) available. 43

Christopher Man - 09004325 Puzzle Room #1/ Treasure Room #1

A.I. Instructions


Christopher Man - 09004325 NPC – Non Playable Character: Sword Majini(s) Mechanics of the Artificial Intelligence Behaviour: The NPC follows a “Path” which determines how it will chase the enemy depending on where it moves. An “Offset Pursuit” is then used to make it easier to follow the enemy as it gets close so that it can ready to attack. The NPC will follow a pattern of attacking one at a time; this will depend on which NPC is closer to the enemy. The NPC can also use “Evasion” to dodge character’s attack by either moving left or right. Contingencies and Rewards: Once the Majini is defeated only two out of three will drop Gold. The price of the Gold is $300 which is a constant variable and does not change. The Majini that drops the Gold will be random.

Stairs #1

A.I. Instructions


Christopher Man - 09004325 NPC – Non Playable Character: Muscle Majini(s) Mechanics of the Artificial Intelligence Behaviour: The Majini is programmed to push down the pillar once the enemy has entered its “Containment” area. The pillars are pushed down from Right to Left to Right, meaning there are different time intervals between each pillar being pushed down. Contingencies and Rewards: As the player cannot reach the top level of the room, there will be no rewards (pickups) available.

Puzzle Room #2

A.I. Instructions


Christopher Man - 09004325 NPC – Non Playable Character: Sword Majini(s) Mechanics of the Artificial Intelligence Behaviour: The Majini will “Wander” with a “Containment” behaviour, which restricts its patrol area to one section on the ground floor. It will follow the “Path” with a reciprocating movement, allowing it to scan the area and know when the enemy enters its territory. Contingencies and Rewards: Once the Majini is defeated only two out of three will drop some Gold. The price of the Gold is $300 which is constant and does not change. The Majini that drops the Gold will be random.

Treasure Room #2

A.I. Instructions

NPC – Non Playable Character: Masked Majini(s) Mechanics of the Artificial Intelligence Behaviour: As the enemy enters the room, the NPC is alarmed and will follow an “Offset Pursuit” behaviour. They are able to blend “Seek” with “Evasion” to dodge enemy’s’ incoming attack as they close in. Contingencies and Rewards: Killing the Masked Majini will reveal two special items: Mask A and Mask B, which is a requirement to move onto the next room.


Christopher Man - 09004325 Trap Room

A.I. Instructions

NPC – Non Playable Character: Sword Majini(s) Mechanics of the Artificial Intelligence Behaviour: The Majini’s follows a reciprocating movement between the item boxes and the doors; this helps guard the area securely and be aware of any enemies that enter the room. Once it sees the enemies, a “Path Following” behaviour changes into and “Offset Pursuit”. They can dodge from left to right using an “Evasion” behaviour. Contingencies and Rewards: Once the Majini is defeated only two out of three will drop some Gold. The price of the Gold is $300 which is constant and does not change. The Majini that drops the Gold will be random. 48

Christopher Man - 09004325 Boss Room

A.I. Instructions

NPC – Non Playable Character: Mutated Ape Mechanics of the Artificial Intelligence Behaviour: Firstly, the boss will use a “Seek” behaviour to locate its enemies, it will then move in a straight “Path” along with an “Offset Pursuit” in order to attack the enemy. Once it has dealt one attack, it will move back to original position to attack again by using the same pattern. If the enemy is inside its attacking range whilst it is moving back to its original position, it will use a horizontal swing towards the ground, to push back and damage the enemy. Contingencies and Rewards: The reward for beating the boss is unlocking the door it is guarding; this allows the player to move onto the next story line. 49

Christopher Man - 09004325

Power Ups & Weapons In Resident Evil 5 and other Resident Evil games, power-ups for the character themselves are not available as it is not part of the games mechanics. In Resident Evil 5, characters have a choice of purchasing or upgrading their weapon before starting the chapter, upgrading has several options including: Fire Power, Capacity, Reload Speed, and Critical (damage). No upgrading can be done during in-game as it is unrealistic in the storylines. An example would be fighting a boss; there will be no time to upgrade a weapon when the boss is chasing the player. A list of items can be found in the level I have created, which aids the player in the game through healing and providing ammunition, which can be considered a power-up in the games mechanics of Resident Evil 5. Elevator (None) Tunnel (None) Puzzle Room #1 •

One Ammunition box for Handgun inside Wooden Box

Treasure Room #1 • • •

Two Ammunition box for Handgun inside Wooden Box New Weapon: Shotgun One jewel

Stairs #1 (None) Puzzle Room #2 • • •

One Green Herb inside Wooden Box One Red Herb inside Wooden Box One Ammunition box for Handgun inside Wooden Box

Treasure Room #2 (None) Stairs#2 (None) Trap Room • •

One Green Herb inside Wooden Box One Ammunition box for Handgun inside Wooden Box

Stairs #3 (None) Boss Room •

One Gatling Gun found in Glass Case next to entrance door


Christopher Man - 09004325

Evaluations & Considerations Level Objectives 1. Exit from the elevator. 2. Travel through tunnel, can shoot down or avoid the bats. 3. Enter Puzzle Room #1, one character will travel across the room using the poles to the other side of the room, and hit the switch to move the wooden transporter back to the other side. 4. Second character will enter the wooden transporter and travel across to the opposite side where the other character is, the player can choose to find cover or shoot the Fire Arrow Majini’s in the upper floor. 5. Travel to Treasure Room #1 where the Sword Majini’s is guarding the door. 6. Inside Treasure Room #1, the player can search and find a new weapon which is a shotgun, a jewel can be found on the ground, and two ammunition box in the corner of the room. 7. Enter through Stairs #1 and avoid falling pillars being pushed down by Muscle Majini’s. 8. Enter Puzzle Room #2, walk up left staircase and cut the rope which lets the bridge down, the player can shoot or avoid Sword Majini’s. 9. Enter Treasure Room #2 and defeat two Masked Majini, after defeating the two Masked Majini, pickup the special item: Mask A and Mask B, and put them in the scales in Puzzle Room #2, this will open up the fence in Treasure Room #2 where the player can find the Orb. 10. Taking the Orb back to Puzzle Room #2, place it into the Circular Rotating Trigger which lowers the handle, rotate the handle will open the door. 11. Enter through Stairs #2. 12. Enter Trap Room and avoid the falling spikes trap, can shoot or avoid the Sword Majini’s. 13. Enter through Stairs #3 14. Enter Boss Room and defeat the boss, revealing exit. Evaluating the level design After showing the level to other people, I have received the following feedbacks: Positive Comments: • • • • •

Nice level with enough space to roam around The herbs and ammunition are spread evenly without over-flooding the level Good scenario with different textures used Good replay value as there are BAA Emblem and Jewel to collect Good mechanics for the Mutated Ape boss fight

Negative Comments: • • • • •

Not enough types of enemies The puzzles are not difficult enough Wooden boxes may not suit the jungle themed laboratory level Lots of wasted space The puzzle is Puzzle Room #2 can be confusing


Christopher Man - 09004325 Improvements: • • •

Can include different types of Majini such as the Chainsaw Majini, helps increase the difficulty level Can make the rooms smaller so space will not be wasted Should re-design Stairs #2 so that it is different from Stairs #1


Christopher Man - 09004325

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Christopher Man - 09004325 Danbirlew. (2010) Resident Evil 5 Fire Barrel. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 25/03/10] GamesRadar. (2010) Resident Evil 5 Truck. [Online] Available from ng%20Else/RE5%20-%20Guide/Act2/2.1%20Van%201--article_image.jpg [Accessed: 25/03/10] GamesRadar. (2010) Resident Evil 5 Dark Tunnel Mine. [Online] Available from 0Viewer/PC/2009-09-16/mines--article_image.jpg [Accessed: 25/03/10] MSXbox. (2010) Resident Evil 5 Necklace. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 25/03/10] MSXbox. (2010) Resident Evil 5 Emerald. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 25/03/10] Texture CGTexture. (2010) Metal Painted. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 01/04/10] CGTexture. (2010) Metal Painted. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 01/04/10] CGTexture. (2010) Metal Painted. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 01/04/10] Mayang. (2010) Stone Wall Vines. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 01/04/10] SXC. (2010) Rope Texture. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 01/04/10] Mayang. (2010) Concrete brick moss. [Online] Available from PG [Accessed: 02/04/10] Mayang. (2010) Bricks and creepers. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 02/04/10] Mayang. (2010) Green lichen bricks. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 02/04/10] 56

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Human Bats Rocks Barrels Wooden Boxes Bridge


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