Christopher Man - Level Design 1B Assignment 1

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Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

By Christopher Man Student Number: 09004325 Games Design 1B: Level Design


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

History 1.0 – Design Constraints Added 1.1 – Environment Analysis 1.2 – Evaluation Added 1.3 – Updated Final Track 1.4 – Table of Contents added


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

Table of Contents Assignment 1 – Design Constraint .......................................................................................................... 4 Analysis of tracks in Mario Kart .............................................................................................................. 5 Luigi Circuit (Mario Kart Wii) ............................................................................................................... 5 DK Mountain (Mario Kart Double Dash) ............................................................................................. 6 Rainbow Road (Mario Kart DS) ........................................................................................................... 7 Mood Boards........................................................................................................................................... 8 2D Plan of the Level Layout .................................................................................................................. 10 Level Layout 1 ....................................................................................................................................... 11 Final Idea / Flow .................................................................................................................................... 12 Analysing my track ................................................................................................................................ 13 Texture and objects for the track ......................................................................................................... 17 Evaluation and Observation .................................................................................................................. 20 Final Completed Track – Name: The place called Rome ....................................................................... 21 Evaluation of my Mario Kart Track for the DS .................................................................................. 21 Bibliography .......................................................................................................................................... 23


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

Assignment 1 – Design Constraint What makes a good level good? What makes a bad level bad? Game designers will often come across many problems when it comes to designing a level/platform, this is because we cannot always cater what the audience wants as they have different aspects in what they like or dislike. In order to improve our judgement of level/platform design, playing lots of games is the best idea. For this coursework I will be designing a Mario Kart Track (for DS) based on a Historic Event / Era of History or Geographic Area. Looking into the criteria, I have done research on some of the history around the world:

History Event • • • • •

World War 1 World War 2 2005- London Bombed Revolutionary War Civil War

Era of History • • •

Tudor Period (Henry VIII) Victorian Roman Empire

Geographic Location • • • • •

Greece Italy Ancient Egypt Rome China


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

Analysis of tracks in Mario Kart Luigi Circuit (Mario Kart Wii) Geographic Location: Circuit


Blue sky



Chequered box design

Boost Pads


Straight path

Analysis Looking at the Luigi Circuit in Mario Kart Wii, the design of the track is based on a circuit, this can be seen from the main features which include: The audience, huge circular lamps similar to real life, ground colour (Stripes), chequered box pattern (Black and white). The starting position leads to a straight path, this helps build up speed leading towards a corner, there are shortcuts that can be found near the sand territories, a mushroom is required in order for the shortcut to be used effectively. Near the end of the track, several boost pads are place on the last corner; this assists the player in reaching the ending point of the track faster and allows the race to become more intense.

Design Constraints The constraint regarding this level could be whether the track itself fits the name given, the size of the track to see if all players will fit, the detail in the background including audience, lighting and sound. The flow of the track is very important as it will help the player identify where to go, the simple curves and straight line makes this track straight-forward, and will be considered the difficulty level of “Easy”.


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

DK Mountain (Mario Kart Double Dash)

Analysis DK Mountain is fairly big track containing four big sections including the Bongo Boost, Volcano (Rocky Mountains with boulders), the “U” curves, and the bridge to reach the end. The volcano can be seen clearly when you are up in the sky when shot out by the Bongo Boost, we can also see the significance of the volcano as it is the tallest mountain in the background scenario, which also lets the player know that they need to drive towards the mountain. On the track, the player starts off by going uphill as that is what we do in real life, we never start from the top of a mountain (it’s impossible unless riding on a helicopter), I will need to keep this in mind when designing my track as it could affect how realistic the track I design will be. Boulders and the “U” curve gives the player a challenge instead of a straight forward path, the bridge makes the player feel nervous as they have the possibility of dropping off from the side.

Design Constraints The texture/detail/colour of the track must look something like an actual mountain, dark and muddy colours have been used, grass coloured texture was used mostly on the side of the track as it not the main part of the road. Several significant objects were put into the track such as a mountain, and the bridge near the end. The feeling of speed is given when entering the Bongo Boost which launches you into the sky, we can see the wind blowing past the characters in the kart, this makes the level much more immersive and interesting instead of the regular boost pads. When arriving on the volcano, several boulders will try to slow you down, constraints would be not to make the boulders roll down too fast as it will be difficult to avoid. The “U” turns and the bridge must be adequate size so that falling off into the open area will be difficult; this makes the player feel less frustrated as they will not fall down often if they drive carefully.


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

Rainbow Road (Mario Kart DS)

Analysis The Rainbow Road track is set in the sky; many curves and twist are present in the stage making it complex track. The main colours used for the track are the main colours in an actual rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, blue and purple). Speed pads are placed throughout the stage in order to make the flow of the track much quicker. The music used gives a relax feel, making it suitable to be used with the stars in the background.

Design Constraints Design constraints include the actual colour of the rainbow, and making it not too bright so it can be comfortable to look at. The curves and twist must be made to a suitable length so that the players can power slide through the curves smoothly without falling off. The flow is important as the distance between the curves make the track close to each other, designers need to look at the spacing and make sure they cannot skip across the level making a shortcut which breaks the flow of the track (unless it is made to become a shortcut).


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

Mood Boards After researching, I have decided to base my track on the Era of Ancient Rome. During my research I have found several iconic landmarks, this includes The Colosseums, Roman Baths, the Circus Maximus, and the Catacombs. I will now take a further look at these locations and incorporate it into the design of my Mario Kart track.


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

2D Plan of the Level Layout I will take into the account of key monuments of Ancient Rome whilst creating my level. Below is one of the maps I have found on Google images which represents some of the key locations, this includes the Colosseum, Circus Maximus, Arch of Constantino, Campidoglio, Foro Romano,Pantheon, De Catacombs, Royal Bath, Palazzo del Quirinale and De Trevi Fountain. I will use this geographic location and the main monuments as objects on my stage to help the player identify the location of the track easier without the obvious use of words; this is because objects/images should explain it easier.


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

Level Layout 1

Start/End Point

The picture on the left-hand side shows the approximate size of how big my track will be. If my stage were to follow the white outline as the track, it will be a very straight forward track and be classified in the difficulty level “Easy”. The starting point is placed on the right-hand side, in the path of a long straight road, allowing speed to build up before reaching a corner.

Outline of approximate size

Level Layout 2 Loop

Start/End Point

Outline of approximate size


I have changed the size of the track, compromising the space, and have added more curves, making the track more challenging instead of straight roads. The loop going around the Pantheon will definitely require power sliding in order to obtain the fastest speed around this corner, this also adds to the challenge of the track whilst reaching to the climax of the race

Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

Final Idea / Flow After developing my idea from the two previous ideas, I have created a track that contains a sequence of straight paths and turns, allowing the track to become more difficult and challenging. Looking at the flow of my track, I have made it run as smoothly as possible without any complications such as adding multiple paths which would cause confusion. From my original plan, I have considered using several key locations in the scene, but as it would cause the background detail to be too colourful and make the scene look crowded, I have decided to cut down the main locations and spread the track out further apart, so there will be more space for the design of the track.


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

Analysing my track

1. Design Constraints: The player starts off on the starting point facing south, the sides will have fences with tourist outside cheering, giving the scene more atmosphere. From the starting position, they will be able to see the sun and the Colosseum which lets the player know where they should be going. The straight path idea is taken from most tracks as they all normally have a straight path. Environment Analysis: The surrounding will have a market theme, with several food stores, establishing the mood of the scene, the cheering sound will be accompanied by a soothing piece of music allowing the player to start the race comfortably, the tempo of the music will be slow so it sets the mood and help build up the tension later on. The general lighting will be caused by the sun, there will be lamp post in the surrounding, but will be unlit as the sun is out.


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

2. Design Constraints: Entering this curve, there will be three item boxes, the competition of the getting the box will increase the tension in the beginning of the race. The curve here is going uphill; this will decrease the tension of the race and let the items from the boxes be used without losing control of your kart. The curve is uphill and is supported by pillars with has a rocky/damaged, this can be seen near the end as there will be a cracked ground near the right side, this cracked ground makes the flow of the track change as the player will be surprise and disrupt their pattern. As the player exits the track it will change into the afternoon letting the player know they are nearly half way through the track. Environment Analysis: As the track goes uphill it is not surrounded by any fence etc., this will make the player drive more carefully. The inside of the Colosseum can be seen once the player is at the peak of the curve, the brightness of the rocks on the Colosseum will be textured to be much darker, as the sun will light up most of the scenario making everything brighter. The centre of the Colosseum will be empty as this will not cause confusion for the player as they might think that they will need to go towards the centre of the Colosseum, as there is nothing there, they will head towards the correct path. 3. Design Constraints: Going downhill, the player will pass under the arch instead of going around it, this lets the player feel like they are exploring the city, passing the arch will change the time of the day into the evening (orange sky), this sets the mood of the race. Exiting the arch will lead the player onto the Main Street and going towards the Vittoriano. Environment Analysis: The arch will be above a layer of marble with a circular shape, making the player focus on the key element of the scene which is within the circular shape. The texture on the road will be a black/greyish concrete colour, the lamp post here will light up showing that it is the evening; this gives the player a sense of danger as the night is normally more dangerous than in the morning. The shops here include barbers, clothes, and supermarkets.


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

4. Design Constraints: The player will pass in-between the garden and the Vittoriano, the main statue in the center of the Vittoriano will drop down causing the player to dodge it, the statues will force the player to pay attention towards the track, as there could be more danger later on. The garden here will slow down the player if they try to drive through forcefully, therefore telling the player that they are not on the correct path of the track. Environment Analysis: There will be a series of small lightings surrounding the garden; a crowd will be on the steps of the Vittoriano cheering on the players. The garden is decorated with flowers which brighten up the atmosphere, as most the main monuments surrounding Rome has a rocky texture. 5. Design Constraints: Going uphill, towards some stars will reach the Pantheon, where the player will go through the pillars supporting the building. This part will have no obstacles so that the player can feel relaxed as having too much obstacles could make it too hard for younger audiences. Environment Analysis: Going uphill, the player will see a series of trees as well as the river, letting the player feel relaxed. The uphill path is supported using wooden fence. The stairs have texture of rock surfaces, where as the pillar has graffiti on it to show what the area feels like. 6. Design Constraints: At this point the sky will turn dark, letting the player know they are reaching the end, the water will spray out from the fountain and land on the ground, this will become obstacles causing the player to spin out. Three boost pads enable the player to travel faster towards the finishing point around the fountain. These boost pads are laid out in an irregular pattern so that if you miss one, there is still the possibility of touching another one. By having the item box in a visible range in front of the boost pad, it will give the player an aim to reach, and therefore without realising, they will be close to the finishing point. Environment Analysis: There will be a flag of Rome hanging next to the fountain; swans/duck will be in the water making the scene look more natural like nature. The pond will be illuminated by light under the fountain; this will make it stand out from a distance as the sky will be dark. The tempo of the music will start to speed up here. 15

Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

7. Design Constraints: The sky will start to brighten up slowly as you turn into the curve, the Quirinale Building will have lots of people looking out of the window and either waving a flag or cheering. Several cars will act as obstacles and will move along the main road. The last big curve is also the most important aspect of this track as this where you can catch up with other players and over take them, it could also cause the player to become nervous as it is near the end and crash on the side. Environment Analysis: As this as lots of empty space, the sky will be clearly visible, adding a helicopter with spots light will make this race seem like it is being recorded live, making it feel more realistic. The floor texture here will have a brick texture making the track slightly bumpy.

8. Design Constraints: The sun will start to rise again making the scenario brighter, there will also be a fence with people behind cheering. There are no obstacles here as it is leading towards the ending point where you end the race or starting a new lap. Environment Analysis: The tempo of the music will start to slow down as you reach the finishing point, you will see some of the stores opening with pigeons flying about.


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

Texture and objects for the track This section is used to show the possible textures and objects that can be seen on the different sections of the track I have designed. Section 1

Texture for the fence

Market/Food Stall

Section 2

Circular Round-about Crack in the ground

Section 3

Concrete texture Arch of Constantino Marble texture for Circular floor design


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

Section 4

Circular Garden Design

Vittoriano Statue

Section 5

Wood Texture for fence

Going uphill and ground texture

Side view of Pantheon

Section 6

Water texture for puddles

Water texture for fountain/puddles


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

Section 7

Brick texture for ground

Busy road with cars at night

Section 8 (Same as Section 1)

Texture for the fence

Market/Food Stall


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

Evaluation and Observation After completing my final plan for the Mario Kart Track for the DS, I have showed it to other people to give me comments and feedback about my track, some of the people I have asked have not played Mario Kart before, this will help give me a much more detailed review of my track as I will be able to gain feedback from different kind of views. Positive Feedback • • • •

Middle sized stage, lots to explore Lots of detail in the background Stage is challenging with lots of curve

Negative Feedback • • •

Not enough obstacles Track may be too detailed and difficult to render Not enough boost pads

Improvements • • • • •

You can add an earthquake when the player enters the Colosseum Add shortcut in the track In the fountain, you can add split paths so that it is not linear, using the same obstacles for both path making the balance of the track equal Add a split path near the fountain so that there is more space on the track Add power slides on the Colosseum curve

I have taken into account all the improvement and added it towards my track, which can be seen on the next page.


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

Final Completed Track – Name: The place called Rome

Evaluation of my Mario Kart Track for the DS For the overall design of my track, I have included many corners that increase the difficulty and challenge for the player. Before my final idea, many people have told me that the track will flow too slow as there wasn’t enough boost pads, I have then added more boost pads around the corners, making the track flow faster and smoother. Many obstacles was included during the development of my track, this includes the cracked ground on the round-about outside the Colosseum, water puddles near the Trevi fountain, and cars on the road near the Quirinale. These obstacles add to the challenge of my track and making it more difficult to win the race.


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

As the layout of the track is focused on Rome, many of the main monuments are made from rock; this means that they will have a concrete texture giving a greyish colour, meaning the detail on the track will look dark. To make this stage brighter, I have used a combination of sunlight and moonlight to brighten up the scene, I have also used variations of natural environment aspects in my track, such as the hills and grass to give my scene natural looking colours, which are comfortable for the eye, and making it a more appealing track. The shortcut that I have included in the track can be found after the Arch of Constantino and before the Vittoriano, this shortcut is one of the fundamental features of my track as it will allow the player to catch up with other players or help improve their time trial time. Overall, the design of my track has been successful, by taking into account the opinion of others; it has helped me improve my track and helped me received more positive feedback about it. By designing this track, it has taught me the importance of arrangement, positioning of objects, placement of items and boost pads, and the detail in the scene. These have all helped me create my track and help maintain the smooth flow of the track, making it easy to navigate around when driving.


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

Bibliography Information History Central. (2010) 20th Century. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 01/02/10] Roman Empire. (2010) The Founding of Rome. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 01/02/10] Colosseum Maps. (2010) Rome Guide. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 01/02/10] SPQR. (2010) Geography. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 07/02/10] SPQR. (2010) Landmarks. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 07/02/10] National Geographic. (2010) Landmarks. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 07/02/10] Roman Guide. (2010) Ancient Rome Map. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 07/02/10] Image IGN. (2010) Mario Kart Wii. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 01/02/10] IGN. (2010) Mario Kart Wii Luigi Circuit. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 01/02/10] 99 Design Live. (2010) Mario Kart Wii Luigi Circuit. [Online] Available from /LuigiCircuit.jpg [Accessed: 01/02/10] Giant Bomb. (2010) DK Mountain. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 01/02/10] Giant Bomb. (2010) DK Mountain. [Online] Available from[Accessed: 01/02/10] Giant Bomb. (2010) DK Mountain. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 01/02/10]


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

VG Maps. (2010) Rainbow Road. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 01/02/10] Lost Worlds. (2010) Old Rome Map. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 07/02/10] Lost Worlds. (2010) Old Rome Map. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 07/02/10] Enjoy Rome. (2010) Map of Rome. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 13/02/10] IStockPhoto. (2010) Fence Seamless Texture. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 18/02/10] WordPress. (2010) Market. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 18/02/10] Panoramio. (2010) Cracked Ground. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 18/02/10] Asset Cache. (2010) Circular Roundabout. [Online] Available from 6136FC3442187518E30A760B0D811297 [Accessed: 18/02/10] Italy Vacations. (2010) Arch of Constantino. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 18/02/10] Granite Supplier. (2010) Marble Texture. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 18/02/10] Top Left Pixel. (2010) Sky and Ground. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 18/02/10] Flickr. (2010) Vittoriano Statue. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 18/02/10] Me. (2010) Circular Garden Design. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 18/02/10] National Geographic. (2010) River in the Mountain. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 18/02/10]


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

Deviant Art. (2010) Wood Texture. [Online] Available from ne.jpg [Accessed: 18/02/10] Flickr. (2010) Uphill. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 18/02/10] Webshots. (2010) Pantheon Pillar. [Online] Available from 7/2560938370084773325RTIHPT_ph.jpg [Accessed: 18/02/10] Blogspot. (2010) Puddles. [Online] Available from otholes.jpg [Accessed: 18/02/10] Free Foto. (2010) Water Texture. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 18/02/10] Deviant Art. (2010) Brick Floor Texture. [Online] Available from g [Accessed: 18/02/10] Guardian. (2010) Las Vegas. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 18/02/10] Mood Board Visit Destinations. (2010) The Colosseum. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] Bath 360. (2010) Royal Baths. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] Roma Antica. (2010) The Maximus Circus. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] Presto Tours. (2010) Catacombs. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] School Rocks. (2010) Unit on Rome. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] National Geographic. (2010) Romes Buried City. [Online] Available from omes-buried-city-5_04700300.JPG [Accessed: 10/02/10] Ronin Rome. (2010) Baths of Caracalla. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10]


Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

National Geographic. (2010) Romes Reborn. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] Maria Milani. (2010) Ancient Rome Naval Games. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] Meffm. (2010) Jerash. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] Travel Pod. (2010) Roman Town Ruins. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] Blogspot. (2010) Travel. [Online] Available from +Break!+397.JPG [Accessed: 10/02/10] Le Mas des MeJeans. (2010) Glanum. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] Italia. (2010) Building. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] Britannica. (2010) Stone Engrave. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] Pic Lib. (2010) Circular Stain Glass. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] Blogspot. (2010) Advertising History. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] Deviant Art. (2010) Water Texture. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] Sikyon. (2010) Mosaic. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] Dreamstime. (2010) Texture. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] Piedras. (2010) Carrara Marble. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] Glass Repair Orlando. (2010) Glass Pane. [Online] Available from [Accessed: 10/02/10] 26

Christopher Man

Assignment 1 – Design Constraints

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