November 2012 - Penguin Press

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Friday , November 16th, 2012

Dry Pool? - Julia Monteith

AAS Community Updates

Functioning swimming pool during the 2011-2012 academic year



a school such as ours where the pool plays such an important role in our community, everyone is wondering what has been happening these past few months. After many weeks and countless challenges, the reopening of the pool is finally in sight.

High-School Events

Culture, Arts Technlogy © Apple.Inc

Student Op-Ed ©

Special thanks to supervisor Francy Johnson



At the end of the school year in June, the aquatics staff noticed a harmless sticky substance originating from the pool that was being left on swimmers’ clothing, pool equipment, and gear. After investigating the problem, staff discovered the substance came from the grout between the tiles, which was five years old and began to dissolve. While the dissolving grout did not pose any health hazards, it resulted in two potential problems. Firstly, the sticky substance was difficult and time-consuming

to clean from clothing, gear, equipment, and the pool deck. Also, if not taken care of, over time the substance could result in a safety concern due to loose tiles. Construction was set to take place over summer vacation. Over summer break, the pool was emptied and contractors set to work on re-grouting the entire main pool. However, they were not finished in time for the beginning of the school year, and students returned to a still empty pool. A few weeks after the beginning of school, the pool was reopened and swim lessons, swim team, and water polo began as planned. Just two weeks later, staff noticed the sticky substance once again. The resurfacing of the grout problem called for new contractors to replace the tiles in the entire pool. Meanwhile, the pool was closed until


further notice. After searching for a suitable contractor, the school had five contractors submit proposals, and new pool tiles were ordered from the USA. A contractor was chosen and construction started on Friday, October 27th. Construction took place over the fall break and will continue when school starts. It is estimated to take roughly six to eight weeks, and the pool could be up and running before the winter break. In a statement made on the school website, it is stated that the “plan is to open before break in December, but there may be a chance the pool will be ready only after Winter break.” Meanwhile, the small pool has been functioning most of the time since the school year began. Swim lessons for pre-k through third grade

have been taking place as usual. The swim team has been doing dryland practices consisting of various fitness exercises to keep in shape and practice drills that will be of great help once the pool opens again. The aquatics director, Charles Semple, stated that “swimmers perform proper technique of the exercises that will help them become more powerful and explosive off the blocks and through the water.” The water polo team is also welcome to join these practices. The Saturday learn-to-swim program and regular family splashes will most likely be postponed until after winter break, as will any aquatics P.E. units. The aquatics staff has been doing their best to get the pool up and running again, and we can be assured that construction is being completed quickly and efficiently.

Visiting Speaker - Chris Wadell

IB Column

- Sasha Parodi

- Annie May and Xenia Rakovshik



he IB Column is a section that has been created as a response to a growing demand for clarification amongst students about a myriad of academic subjects. By adressing some frequently asked questions we hope to create a forum where students can voice concerns or give advice to one another to help facilitate a more cohesive and supportive learning environment. If you have any questions, concerns, or corrections, please write to us at When is a good time to take the SAT test? The earlier the better. Since the SAT’s are not a “one-chance” deal, having a go at the SAT will relieve some of the apprehension students feel when faced with the prospect of examination. If worse comes to worse and your score doesn’t please you, there’s always a chance to retake it... that is if you haven’t put the first one off for too long. Tips to stop procrastinating? I wish I could tell you something you haven’t already heard from your teachers or parents, but

alas I fear they may be right: it comes down to you. In the long run, successfully avoiding procrastination comes as a result of determination. That being said, there are several things to keep in mind that may help you fight away the temptation to procrastinate: Think of all those times you’ve thought “I could have done this earlier, I wish I’d done this before.” Simply getting something done or out of the way can help you feel more productive and decrease stress levels. Think of it as a present to your future self. By getting

work done now you’re freeing your weekend to go pursue activities that truly interest you, to see friends you want to catch up with. Now look at that work again and ask yourself: do you really have anything better to do right now? If not, get your work done. If you feel spent, get some busy work done, organize some notes or write down some random ideas on your essay subject. At the time what you get done may appear trivial or worthless but later on you’d be suprised how helpful those intermittent notes or thoughts can be. What is an internal assessment? The nature of the internal assessment (IA) varies by subject. There may be oral presentations (used in languages), practical work (in experimental sciences and performing arts), or written works. Internal assessment accounts for twenty to fifty percent of the mark awarded for each subject and is marked by a teacher in the school. A sample of at least five per subject at each level will also be graded by a moderator appointed by the IB, in a process called external moderation of internal assessment. (http:// assessment/). Who grades the extended essay? Extended essays (EE) are marked by external assessors (examiners appointed by the IB) on


a scale of 0 to 36. These IB examiners have no personal connection to you in order to you other than having specialized in some way in the subject you’ve decided to write your EE about. however, each student is assiged an EE supervisor - a teacher from AAS with knowledge in your subject area - to help guide your research, answer any potential questions and bring up concerns. Just remember, they won’t hunt you down for deadlines or remind you to do your work. You must make sure to go to the independently.

simply put would be “no, its not.” There is no criterion in the IB syllabus that measures your achievment based on how much sleep you sacrifice. Are there going to be days when you will get little to no sleep? Most likely. But that really does depend on you, your study habits and time management. Some people can pull all nighters and be okay the next day. Others work better early in the morning. Whatever your study style, try to get work done when you can and set a deisgnated time at which point you get to reward yourself with a nap or some Is your predicted grade sleep. It can make all the same thing as your the difference. second semester grade? No. The predicted Is it true that you can’t grade, for those students do well on both your planning to study in extended essay and the United Kingdom TOK essay? or Europe, is the score Not at all. Many your teachers expect students have difficulty you to get on your IB recieving full marks exam based on the work for both the Extended they see you do in class essay and the Theory and throughout the of Knowledge Essay, course IB curriculum. however doing well on Your second semester one does not negate the grade is simply that, possibility of doing just an approximate score as well on the other. of yoru marks over the course of the second Does the US consider semester. At the end of the IB to be a rigorous your junior year you program as well as the do recieve tentative UK? predicted grades so that Not all American you know what to work universites weigh the on during the summer, IB program as heavier however these are not than the AP, however what get sent to your an increasing amount university. are doing so. School Is it normal not to get websites now include more than 4 hours of a section that explains sleep? how they weigh the IB Define “normal”. All programme, some even jokes aside, the answer, get college credites.

Christ Wadell climbing up Mount.Kilamanjaro



had the honor of the vishat inspires it of Paralympic chamyou to come and speak pion and motivational to people, students?” speaker Chris Wadell. A truly inspirational “I want to teach what I person, Mr. Wadell myself need to learn” – shared his story with answers Mr. Wadell. the AAS community, over the course of his This past week AAS speech shining a light

explain his new project – Nametags – this incredible person touched upon ideas and thoughts which cross are minds every day, but which we are never fully able to discuss out in the open. He talked about labels, perception, how opinions and social views can limit us if we conform to those labels. Through his amazing story, his actions and his words, a message was given. We create our labels, we make who we are. And we, each and every one of us, you and I, have the on the good rather than power to be great. the adversities, on the good in spite of those I had the opportunity to adversities and demon- speak to Mr. Wadell latstrating to all of us that er that week and in doit is “what you do with ing so learned a little bit what happens to you” more about him. As we spoke, Mr. Wadell emthat matters. phasized the fact that it As he introduced and is “important to pay at-

tention to the seemingly little things” because they are what help us through, friends, family, aspects of our lives that we generally take for granted – that is what we should focus on, what we should cherish. He also touched upon this idea in his speech, showing us how easy it is to lose sight of what is truly important in life, but also demonstrating that it is possible, to find our way back again. A living inspiration, a true example of the fact that no matter what, despite every single obstacle that comes our way it is possible to be happy and to have a full life – Chris Wadell is somebody I’m sure we will remember for many years to come.

Visiting Artist - Jacob Sutton - Article courtesy of


Zarbal, Bamyan, Afghanistan, 7th July 2002 (charcoal on paper)

© Jacob Sutton, Bridgeman Art Library / Private Collection

acob Sutton is famous for both his paintings and drawings. His art focuses on simplicity of lines and forms. In his portraits, he shows a special ability in capturing the subject’s motions with just a few traits. Mr. Sutton was a photographer for Time Magazine and devoted himself to drawing and paintings for the past twenty years. In 2006, he was the official artist and photographer to UK former Prime Minister Tony Blair, and he has been a consultant to the Royal Academy of Arts as well as other galleries and museum. Mr. Sutton has lectured at universities and art


schools in the UK and US. Mr. Sutton has travelled widely. In 2001, just after September 11, moved both by feelings and curiosity for what was taking place, he went to Afghanistan, crossing the Khyber Pass and spending Christmas in the mountains of Tora Bora. He settled in Kabul for three and half years and traveled to remote villages and drew spectacular portraits of women, men and children. To view his book of Afghani portraits, please click here: www. detail/929882. In recent years, Mr.

Sutton has been living on farms in West Wales and West England painting farm animals. His images are like a quick photographic shot of the animals while they go about their daily life, capturing with a few simple strokes both the motion and the emotion of his subjects. “Innocence might be the most striking attribute of his beasts and birds, but there is also humour, a zest for life, inquisitiveness and sometimes sadness about those faces.”

Photo retropsective continued from page 04...

Spirited Away - Xenia Rakovshik


f any newcomers had set foot on the grey-blue surface of the entrance to the high school on 22nd-26th of October, they would have been greeted by a disorienting sight. Students dressed in all manner of peculiar get-up’s: ranging from pajama-clad bed heads to strutting young males, awkwardly adjusting their ties. Some in might have even chanced a glimpse of the elusive , “costumed” teacher, roaming the halls asa hockey player or western cowboy. The occurrence of

sprit weeks, albeit rare, often elicits a flurry of deliberation amongst the high-school students of AAS. Anticipation of the week within which one allows themselves the artistic license to dress in accordance to certain themes, proves immensely liberating to some, while dauntingly anxiety provoking for others. Offering an opportunity to attend school in costume brings with it the question as to what dressing up will say about an individual’s character or personality. Does dressing up make

them childish? Overenthusiastic perhaps? To what extent should one dress up? The alternative, not participating in spirit week at all, presents similar challenges. Students whom refuse to adhere to the spirit week dress code fall victim to the inevitable wave of queries concerning their lack of costume. In short, spirit week transforms from a fun, whimsical means to liven the mundane rhythm of school life, into a “character defining” choice. In theory, the opportunity to parade through the

high school corridors in various forms of eyecatching attire is meant to be a welcome respite from the day-to-day school activities. Sprit week was strategically planned to take place on the week before holidays and breaks. In this manner, the practice acts as a welcome distraction from the stress of pre-vacation cramming. Instead of counting the days till the end of school, students plan what outfits they want to wear, how to coordinate costumes with those of their friends, and son on. By giving

high schoolers something to keep them occupied other than prepwork, the week comes to a close all that much sooner, broken up by a colourful array of rock stars, nerds, and vampires. All that remains is one question? Why do students insist on turning spirit week from an unconventional form of entertaining distraction into a test of social and personal boundaries?

Nationality Day

Pink Day

High School Stockholm Syndrome Benjamin Litterick - Mathematics Department - Xenia Rakovshik they said I was bright but ‘too talkative and distracted others’. I wish I had been a better student now that the shoe is on the other foot.

Photo Retrospective of October High-School Spirit Week

What did you want to do upon leaving high school? I didn’t know… I knew I wanted to go to university but I didn’t know what I wanted to do as a job. Benjamin Litterick back in highschool

- Courtesy of Benjamin Litterick


Where did you work before you came to AAS? What do you miss the most about it?

My favourite subjects here did you at- were maths, science and I worked in a state (public) school in the East tend high school? humanities. End of London… the I went to high school in How would your teach- Cockney bit where evCambridge, UK. ers describe you as a eryone has an accent from a Guy Ritchie film. student? What were your favourite subjects? Most parents evenings, What are you three


favourite and least-fa- I worked at Marks and vourite aspects of living Spencer’s when I was in in Moscow thus far? high school, I took care of the menswear shoe I’m loving trying to section. It was pretty learn Russian, the metro boring, but there were and the fact that it is a free sandwiches. completely new city to me. The only things I’m If you could change not a fan of are the traf- one thing about the fic and the darkness! high school what would it be and why? What are some things you’d like to do in Mos- I would put a squash cow while you’re here? court somewhere… maybe instead of the I would love for Spartak English department. Moscow to get drawn against Arsenal in the If you could choose to Champions League so I be any historical figure could go to the game. I for a day who would would also like to go to it be, on what day and a banya, and do all the why? touristy stuff, and perhaps go to the top of the I would be a man named Michael Thomas on Hotel Ukraine. 26th May 1989. Google Have you worked as it! anything other than a teacher?

Advertisements - Xenia Rakovshik

Custom T-Shirts

AAS Litmag

o you want custom t-shirts made for your team, class, activity, or event? Absolutely no Photoshop knowledge required! We can work with you to design these t-shirts to your liking. For more information (prices, sample designs, sizes, etc.), contact Sergey Mann at:”

end in submissions under the theme of “Elements” to Submissions may be in the form of illustration, visual arts, prose, poetry... anything else your creative mind desires.

D Halloween assembly

Suit Up Day... Gagnam Style

Photo retropsective continued on page 05...




Culture Corner

Tech Updates: Elegato Game Capture HD

- Sasha Parodi

- Alexander Rakovshik

Connector cables


Full operating system





have not spent much time in the city center and do not mind walking in the cold (which, when you are properly attired, can be quite an enjoyable activity), I would definitely suggest spending some time exploring the Moscow streets. Not only does every street or pereulok most likely have a store you’ve never heard of before, an exotic restaurant of any cuisine possible and at least three to four historically significant buildings, but the architecture of the city becomes ten times more breathtaking when covered in snow. So take a free afternoon and just walk around, see Moscow the way it was in the times of Alexander Pushkin, discover the To those of you who history and hidden mysell, there’s no getting around it, folks, winter has hit Moscow, as always slightly too soon. Now I know that the grey skies above us and the cold icy wind blowing in our faces and snow that turns to a mucky brown once it’s been on the ground for more than a day are all very good reasons to stay indoors, curl up with a good book and enjoy a warm beverage of some sort, however, personally, exploring Moscow during the winter is one of my favorite activities. The weather may change, but the city does not lose any of its vivacity, no matter where you go, there is always something to do.

teries every street con- of the development of tains. what is now most likely one of the most unique If you prefer indoor ac- metro systems in the tivities as oppose to cold world. Near metro staand snow, perhaps some tion Sportivnaya, on of these free museums Hamovnicheski Val, scattered across the city building 36, this musemay interest you. These um is definitely like no museums, contradicting other. For more inforMoscow’s reputation mation please call (495) for high prices, provide 622 73 09. an enjoyable and costfree opportunity to learn In a previous edition I more about Russian cul- mentioned a trip around ture and history. Here “Bulgakov’s Moscow”. are a few of them: Well, if you were not able to attend this exThe national museum of cursion, you can always history of the Moscow visit Bulgakov’s Home metropolitan. If you on Bolshaya Sadovaya have ever been in any street (Building 10). If station of the Moscow you are a fan of Master metro, you most likely and Margarita or of the noticed its beautiful ar- author himself, this is chitecture and unique definitely a place you appearance. This mu- don’t want to miss out seum provides a history on. Experience the at-


mosphere, environment and area in which the talented author lived in. For more information please call: (495) 970 06 19. (Tours are available, however for additional charge) Lastly, come take a look inside the “House on the Embankment, where you can learn about the lives of Russians, soviet socialites and the general population in the time of the 1930s-1940s. Dedicated to an unforgettable part of Russian history, this museum is most definitely something to experience. For more information please visit their website: http:// www.russianmuseums. info/M427

online. seful for gaming walkthroughs, this takes This device has a space all the usual amount of for a PS3 cable, as well cables needed to plug as HDMI (for Xbox and a recording device to iOS devices). It also your computer to your supports a Wii cable, TV and finally to your which I have to admit gaming console, all to a is a little surprising small box with a maxi- since it’s not as popular. mum of 4 wires con- With this device it is not nected into it. It may not needed to plug this debe of as much interest vice into an outlet, the to people who only go device can already draw on the internet to check enough power to operFacebook or watch vid- ate from your computer, eos of people hurting so all you really have to themselves, but it may do is plug the computer be of interest to those to the device, as well who share their gam- as the TV and console. ing exploits to others So, your gameplay will

still be displayed on your TV, as well as your computer. Although there is some prep you must do to set up the device on your computer. Once you plug in the device, you will receive software necessary to use it. One downside of this software is that you require a constant Internet connection to use it, since the software takes all your videos and puts them in small sized files, your computer needs to periodically receive certain software parts from online. A positive

of this device would be what is called “Flashback Recording”. Your computer holds a certain amount of video, and later you can scroll back to a certain part of your gameplay and allow that part to be recorded separately. This option would be most used for game highlights, ridiculous stunts in gaming, as well as the classic game glitches. So not only can you record your gameplay straight to your computer, you can also edit, separate, and share your videos directly from the

software. You can even directly post the videos you choose to YouTube with all the necessary information filled in. This device also supports 1080p gameplay, so with this, your recordings will look to crisp and pleasing to the eye (depending on what kind of game you’re playing). It’s small, light and portable, so you can even lend it to your friends if you’re up to it. Overall, the Elgato Game Capture HD is a good catch for what would be a satisfactory price.

Advertisements - Julia Montieth and Xenia Rakovshik

Charitable Donation


lease help out the less fortunate. Today over 2% of all the children in Russia are homeless; over 600,000 children are in foster homes. We truly believe that every donation counts, no matter how large or small. For more information go to

Prom Committee Penguin Press


ant to help organize your prom? Join prom committee to help plan the event. Remember, there is no prom without a prom committee! CAS hours are available. (colleen.



ant to submit an editorial piece? An advertisement? Suggestions, comments or concerns? Send us an e-mail at aas.point@gmail. com

Falling From Space

Word Search - History: Russian Revolution ©

- Lola Borissenko


©National Geographic


e were all fascinated by the fact that on the 14th of October an Austrian man named Felix Baumgartner made a jump from, how many decided to call it, space. Indeed, the jump was pretty impressive, however it the term space sounds a little bit too extreme. Unfortunately if Baumgartner actually made a leap from space he would never have landed in eastern New Mexico, but would

have become another of Earth’s satellites. With outer space starting at the height of 180 km (or 112 miles), Baumgartner’s jump from about 39 km, (24 miles) nevertheless sounds quite impressive. The first man to break the sound barrier, falling at the speed at 1.342 km per hour (834mph), Baumgartner was in a free fall for about 4 minutes and 19 seconds. However, despite his amazing leap, perhaps there

are certain facts about the man himself that are not quite known by the general public. It appeared that Felix Baumgartner actually had a predecessor named Joseph Kittinger, a military pilot from USA. In 1960 he set a record in the longest skydives, from a height of about 31 km (19 miles). But with all due respect for this American veteran, Baumgartner was able to beat his record not by height, but by

speed of reaching the ground…by two whole seconds, which is, indeed, significant for such an activity. Yet it would seem that Baumgartner did not have any personal aims of conquering Kittinger’s record, only breaking one of his own. He has been found of skydiving for quite a while and in January 2010 joined the Red bull Stratos, where he worked with a team of scientists on the project of breaking

the record of the highest sky-dive of man. After two successful test jumps Baumgartner was prepared for the grand finale, by which 8 million witnesses online were truly fascinated. His comment on twitter that this might be his last jump had a different meaning, since after successfully landing the 43 year old skydiver said that he will most likely finish his unique career with a truly miraculous result.

Alexandra Alexi Anastasia Bloody Sunday Bolsheviks Bronstein Cheka Crimean War Decembrist Revolt Dictator Duma Eastern Front Josef Stalin Jugashvili Leon Trotsky Levreti Beria Lubyanka Prison Mensheviks

Moscow Politburo Prince Yusupov Propaganda Red Army Romanov Dynasty Russian Civil War Russo-Japanese War Secret Police Secret Train Soviets St Petersberg Treaty Of BrestLitovsk Ulyanov Vladimir Lenin

Sudoku Puzzles - Katie Baker

Advertisements - Julia Montieth & Hadicha Muminova

2012 Shoebox Campagin


s the weather begins to turn cold and the snow begins to fall thick and fast, it becomes obvious that the exciting holiday season is nearly here!As is traditional during the winter season every year, the HS will be taking part in the Shoebox campaign in order to help children who are less privileged. Each advisory will receive information about a 4-5 specific children, and one main present for Orphanage 28, Nastenka, Orion or Kitezh.Fill the boxes with toys, puzzles, stationary, hats, scarves, gloves and other such items in order to make the little children happy at Christmas. Make sure you act fast though; the presents will be delivered on the 11th December, which means you’ll only have 3-4 advisories to complete the shoeboxes!If you would like to go on the trip to deliver the presents, please talk to Mrs Santa Maria, since there are only a limited amount of places.


StuCo’s No Shave November


t’s officially winter, and the high-school student council has begun its annual November charity initiative. Any male student or high-school administrator is encouraged to let their beards, moustaches and other facial hair grow. At the end of the month a winner, “the best beard” will be chosen and money sent to charity.


Difficult 9 ©

AAS empowers each student to: Respect Self & Others, Love Learning, and Contribute as a Globally Aware Citizen in order to achieve individual academicand holistic excellence.


“Morning�, by Ekaterina Costa (Grade 12)

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