October 2012 - Penguin Press

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The Penguin Press Thursday, October 11th, 2012

New Schedules - Xenia Rakovshik


n an environment so reliant on proper order and structure to function smoothly, a slight change in structure may result in certain AAS Community Up- level of discomfort dates and adjustment pains. The new schedule, consisting of eight rotating days as opposed to four, has several novel features, the most prominent being the extended 110-minute block after lunch and ten-minute breaks between classes as opposed to last year’s fifteen. These modifiHigh-School Events cations keep in synch, high-school and middle school schedules, which better suit the needs of teachers who instruct students from both levels of education in the art and music departments. That isn’t to say that this recent redesigning centers on teacher’s needs alone. Culture, Arts Technlogy

Student Op-Ed


In an interview with Mr. Sexton the high school principal assured that the schedule has been designed with the interests of the students at the forefront of any decision making criteria. “The changes made were deliberated upon and assessed” in order to gage the effect it would have on the time students would be able to spend with teachers and the way in which the time could be used.

After-lunch “extendoblocks” certainly provide an ample amount of student-teacher face time. The 110-minute class block has become one of the more controversial aspects of the new schedule. Several students and teachers alike, unaccustomed to the seemingly endless time slot, express a certain amount of discomfort. One high school student lamenting that the increased time doesn’t “do much since concentrating for such so long gives me headaches.” Though keeping focus remains a trial shared by many, students and teachers alike, studies show that introducing novelty in schedules simplifies the process for the brain when attempting to break out of habitual routines. Though the block on its own may appear prolonged, the eight-day rotating schedule gives all classes an opportunity to take advantage of the time in equal proportion. “The IB requires a certain amount of teacher-student contact.” Explained Mr. Sexton. In addition to ensuring that the schedule adheres to IB guidelines.“Hopefully this schedule will maximize that time.” “The four-day schedule was easier to memorize, but it didn’t allow for


the classes to meet at a variety of times during the day and take advantage of conditions that accompany those times,” noted a high school staff member. “For example, a class that always meets after lunch or first period might find the same students falling asleep or late to class; while other periods that are more optimal, relative to levels of alertness, receive a year-round benefit. The new schedule spreads those conditions across all blocks and minimizes the negative impacts on any one class, while sharing the positives.” In the additional time spent with students, the longer blocks allow teachers to take advantage of extra time, allowing them to proctor practice-assessments and tests and complete labs within a single class period. These features primarily benefit highschool students in the IB diploma programme who have to meet a certain quota of work and instructional hours in order to graduate. However, there remain doubts as to whether the new schedule really meets the standards set by IB, one teacher mentioning that, “I have heard some say that this schedule will have to change next year. Some say fundamental IB issues, such as being up

to 20 instructional hours short of the IBO recommended average for some subjects, are not corrected by adopting this schedule. My impression last year was that the schedule would address this issue, and it does not.” This fundamental concern was addressed by Mr. Sexton, who in an interview, guaranteed that the new schedule would “not interfere with IB requirements in the slightest,” rather, “the schedule is certainly a work in progress but by no means should students be concerned about not getting enough hours. We took great care to ensure that the schedule would benefit the students, not put them at a disadvantage.” Yet, it’s imperative to mention that the 20122013 academic year. has only just begun. Any final judgments on the effectiveness of the new schedule would only prove premature and unsupported by experience. Having only survived two weeks, who’s to say whether or not a drastic change results in success or failure? After all, says Mr. Spence, “I think the most important thing to remember is that regardless of the length of time of a class it’s the meaningful learning that goes on in it which is important.”

Fun Run

Student ’Doc’ Elections

- Katie Baker

- Xenia Rakovshk


t the end of September, highschool students were given the opportunity to elect their next Communications director or “doc” for the 2012-2013 academic sessions. Startling line of the Fun Run

Photography courtesy of Katie Baker


o r years, AAS has been organizing and hosting a Fun Run to raise money to help find a cure for cancer. This year was no different. The Fun Run and the ‘Welcome “Back” to School’ barbeque were combined, giving runners and walkers a treat after their hard work. When you entered the school, the Hall of Flags was

lined with vendors on either wall. The vendors included: Pain de Quotidian, who gave out sandwiches and discount cards; the American Dental Center, that handed out flyers and brochures; and Starbucks, who brewed and shared free coffee. At noon, there was an announcement to ask people to come outside for the fun run. People were allowed to stay with the vendors or go outside and

participate in the fun run. Outside, people were preparing for the 3K or 5K. T-shirts and water bottle holders were available for donation. There was music playing, speeches being made, and a warmup to get the audience pumped up to go. First to leave were the 5K runners, then the 3K runners, and finally the 3K walkers. The runners and the walkers went from the school,

into the forest and back, to be rewarded with food and games. The barbeque had food for everyone. The only negative thing was the long queue, but that could not be helped, because of the large amount of people at the school. The games were hosted by the Environmental Club, which helped to teach the children about recycling and how they can make it fun. There were several different

games with a variety of prizes, and each child that played was able to win a prize. Smiles were a commonplace fixture in the procceedings. O v e r a l l the Fun Run was a success. It taught the children how to raise money for a good cause and introduced new companies to the school. People were able to have fun while raising money for a charitable cause.

From Bacon to Zucchini Bread: Health Week

The position of ‘doc’ was one that was added to the student council roster only last year, giving candidates a chance to mold the understanding of the not yet cemented position. According to Student Council President, Jakob Muratov Roizman, “Section Four of the Student Council constitution states that the duties and responsibilities of the ‘Doc’ entail the following: A. To know the aforementioned offices and guide the elected members. B. To represent AAS High School to the best of their ability.

- Annie May

C. To keep a record of the point system, which regulates the attendance and performance of the Stuco members. D. To fill in any vacancies in any office, excluding the President. E. To know the duties and responsibilities of all offices excluding President so that he/she may take over the responsibilities of another Executive Office representative in the event that they are absent or vacate their office. F. To chair the Spirit Committee.” This year’s candidates were all members of the 2012-2013 senior class including the previous director of communications, Seifu Al-Midahi, along with new challengers to the incumbent: Sai Agnihotram and Alan Mekibel. In no particular order, the names drawn out of a hat by the princi-

pal, Mr. Sexton, Alan Mekibel was the first to speak. Unfortunately, Alan Mekibel was missing-in-action during the assembly due to scheduling difficulties, which he overcame by sending a prepared video statement in his place. Following-up, sitting communication director Seifu Al-Midahi took the podium with a touch of theatrical grandeur. Accompanied by theme music, Seifu Al-Midahi illustrated the success of his previous term, supported by graphical representation and running allusions to global conflicts in order to emphasize his stature as current ‘Doc’. The last candidate, Sai Agnihotram, unlike his predecessors, abstained from technical provisions, resorting to the standard, though widely applauded speaker-toaudience speech approach.

After the ballots were counted, Seifu AlMidahi emerged victorious, eager to continue his role as Director of Communications. “I think a point that I emphasized quite a lot during my bid for reelection as ‘Doc’ was the necessity of continuity in executive roles,” wrote the newly re-elected representative, “Communication is something that takes years to master and is one of the most important things to have within any organization. This means that one year really is not enough for someone to perfect communication within a large and active organization such as Stuco. My last term as doc was quite hard. I had to experiment with different forms of communication to make sure that Stuco had all the exposure they needed in order to get in touch

with the student body. I only really perfected my role as ‘Doc’ within the council towards the end of my first term, which is why I am excited to be the doc again, as I don’t have to spend the first months trying to experiment and get used to everything. It is worth noting once again that the ‘Doc’ role is very new to the council (I am the second ‘Doc’ in history at the high school branch of AAS stuco), thus it is a personal aim for me to try mold the role of this position into its own niche within the council. The ‘Doc’ role still isn’t perfect and I’ve already recommended changes to what the ‘Doc’s’ requirements should be at the end of last year. These suggestions I gave last year have for the most part been implemented within the Council for this year, which I am glad to see.

What Happened to Cyprus? - Lola Borissenko


© Grace Health Inc. and though many a s t students shuddered at week the High the thought of eating School cafeteria went healthy food for a week, through a shocking they changed their transformation. The views after entering the pizza was whole cafeteria on Monday. wheat, the bacon was Though some of the gone, there were carrot students favorites such muffins on the pastry as bacon and hash tray, and the cinnamon browns were taken off in the rolls was replaced the menu for the week, with poppy seeds. These they were replaced changes were made due with a large selection to “Health Food Week”, of equally enjoyable


porridge. There were many new pastries which included carrot muffins and banana bread. A definite favorite of the students was the addition of smoothies. The smoothies came in three different flavors and all were equally popular among students. An interesting addition to the pastries was the zucchini bread, which seemed like a


strange ingredient for bread, but was greatly enjoyed by all the students. The reviews of Health Food Week were all quite positive, and many students were quite disappointed that it was only a week. This week demonstrates that healthy food is not always a negative phrase and can actually be quite beneficial to the school community. Having a

week of healthy food is a great start to a more sustainable lifestyle at school, and since the week was so popular with students and teachers it might be a good idea to prolong the changes in the cafeteria, or make some of the items permanently available.

here were many versions on why our school decided to cancel the senior Cyprus trip made for academic purposes, particularly the Group Four science projects. The decision of cancelling the trip is thought to have a particular purpose; it proved to be a long process of discussions of pros and cons and was not made overnight, since even last year the juniors were aware that their science projects would

have to take place away from the sunny island. When asking the IB biology teacher Mr. Awtrey about the reason for the calling-off of Cyprus he laconically answered ‘there was really no point in it’. To verify this statement I decided to interview Mr. Doyl, the High School assistant principle. Indeed, there appeared to be little necessity of the trip in the first place since all the experiments that were made in the natural en-

vironment of Cyprus were also possible in the forest next to the school campus. Three environmental systems students successfully tested the level of metals in the soil within the school territory. Moreover, it was quite difficult to bring all the needed equipment to Cyprus; thus the students had better access to all the necessary tools that the school provided. In addition, the working environment is more familiar to the students,


which can significantly aid them in their experiments and research. Apart from the direct practice of the experiment there was also the issue of recovery from the Cyprus trip that all the seniors had to face when returning back to Moscow. There is no data that would signify that the academic performance of the students decreased for the few weeks after Cyprus, yet the overall emotional and physical state indicates that

it was not quite as easy returning back to daily routine at school. We were not able to collect any information on the economic impact of the Cyprus trip on the school budget and the budgets of the students. Notice, the cancelled Cyprus trip has nothing to do with the changes made to the IB program stating from the class of 2013.

High School Stockholm Syndrome Kees Kuijlaars - Sciences Department

In Case of Fire - Nelson and Emerson Open Exhibition - Julia Monteith

- Xenia Rakovshik


© essay.writers.co.uk


student? here did you attend high school? I suppose I was a good student in high school, In suburban Holland, in although initially I did a small town just east not really stand out of Rotterdam. I went that much. I was lucky to a school called the to have good memory Krimpenerwaard Col- and in my senior year lege (www.kwcollege. I became quite good at nl – there’s a short video preparing efficiently for on their website, have a tests. I did quite well look). How did it com- at the final exams. It pare to the AAS? Simi- was the eighties and in lar in size, probably a school you had all these bit less time for arts and subcultures like punk sports (in Holland you rockers and mullets and do that mostly outside preps etc. My look was school, in the evening ripped jeans and second and weekends at local hand army coats and I sports and music clubs), was always dragging but lots of emphasis on my guitar around. languages (even Latin and Greek…!) What did you want to do upon leaving high What were your favou- school? rite subjects? I was really interested in Of course I enjoyed politics and I hesitated subjects like math and for a while between poscience. They are essen- litical science and phystially big puzzles and I ics. In the end I chose liked that kind of chal- physics. lenge: as a child I was always taking stuff apart How long did you work and putting it back to- as a substitute teacher gether again. But I also at AAS? loved languages and I enjoyed reading lots and Two years. I was lucky lots. I had a really good to get drawn quickly Latin teacher. It was one into taking over classes of those subjects that at for whole semesters. It first seem really hard is much more fun to see and dull and pointless. your development and But it gradually gives progress. And to make you access to a lot of plans from lesson to lesinteresting stuff; the son. On the other hand, classics and the ideas on it can be fun, but also which our modern soci- a bit scary, to be called ety is built. Of course I in with an hour advance did complain about the warning and suddenly stand in front of a class homework…. and try to teach you How would your teach- guys about the Crimean ers describe you as a War. Was that the Eng-

lish against the Turks? a seriously cool job. In Or was it the Russians my very first “case” against the French? we had to analyze the chewing gum business What was your favou- and find out everything rite class to fill in for? there is to know about the companies involved Teaching physics and in this market. After chemistry to the current two weeks of working seniors when they were around the clock you in grade 10, and teach- stand in front of your ing mathematics last client, the CEO of some year. They were both big food company, to fantastic experiences. tell him whether he should sell his factories, What was your least fa- or maybe take over one vourite? Any particular of his competitors. But reason why? after a few years, when our kids were born, that Let’s say I’m not a natu- kind of work became ral PE teacher quite difficult, especially because my wife had Have you worked as a very successful career anything other than a as well, so after a total teacher? of about 5 years I left and went back to Shell Oh yes. As a postgradufor a few years. Now I ate student, I did teach am here teaching you at my university for guys, which is actually a few years: I taught one of the most enjoyphysics lab courses for able things I have ever chemistry majors. But done. I never considered becoming a teacher and At the teacher auction after university I joined you offered guitar lesShell. I first worked as sons. How long have a research scientist, but you been playing guiI was soon sent to Ar- tar? gentina to train as an engineer. After a few I started when I was years of walking around in high school, when I in overalls, I got so fed was about 15. I bought up that I decided to be- a cheap old guitar and a come a strategy consul- classmate got me starttant, first with The Bos- ed on a few chords. I ton Consulting Group, played in the jazz band in Europe, and later at our school and I have with McKinsey, in the been busy with music in Middle East. They hire one way or another ever lots of physicists and since. engineers, put them in smart suits and expen- What are some of your sive company cars and favourite musical artlet them loose on busi- ists? What songs do you ness problems. That was


like to play the most? What got me hooked on the guitar were the great sixties acts; The Beatles and The Stones etc. I’m a huge fan if Bob Dylan and through him I got interested in American folk music; I own a couple of five string banjos and I love to play country and bluegrass. If you could change one thing about the high school what would it be and why?

or the past five years, Mr. Emerson and Mrs. Nelson have been slowly putting together a collection of their own artwork. The result of months of planning, the best pieces are now on display in a joint exhibition in the suburbs of Moscow. Opening night was on September 3, and the exhibition will be on display for the rest of the month in the Museum of Mankind,

a cultural center in hand, Mr. Emerson’s a neighborhood in background in graphic northern Moscow. arts shows through his work. While their styles The paintings on may be very different, display include cultural they are displaying their artwork in a variety of work together because styles. Mrs. Nelson’s they both want to share background in oil their artwork with ‘real painting shows through Moscow’, the subject of her paintings of faces their art. Mrs. Nelson and scenes from the explained that she hopes streets of Moscow. She to receive feedback explained that she likes on her artwork from to take pictures in the people who have seen city with her camera, or experienced places to find subjects for or situations in her art, her art. On the other and she hopes that her

paintings will trigger The exhibition is childhood memories for open to the public on viewers. Monday through Friday until 8:00 pm, and on As an advertisement Saturdays from 12:00 for the exhibition, Mr. - 5:00 pm. The address Emerson and Mrs. is Verhoyanskaya Nelson combined two 6, House 1. Metro of their paintings to Sviblovo. Make sure to create a piece titled stop by and take a look In Case of Fire. Their at the incredible artwork individual styles of two extremely combine together to talented artists! portray Moscow street life, in both the painting and the exhibition as a whole.

Culture Corner - Sasha Parodi

Dangerous question: School uniforms! Immediately! Not just chinos&t-shirts but proper smart ones! Blue blazers and school ties! If you could choose to be any chemist for a day who would it be and why? That’s a difficult one: as I mentioned, I worked for a while as a researcher in a lab. First while I was doing my PhD, and later in my first job at Shell. I am not the right person for lab work. You need to be very patient and willing to work very hard on a very narrow subject for many years. However, if I could travel back in time it would be great to meet the 19th century heroes of chemistry; people like Davy who had to build all their own lab equipment and were making one great discovery after another.

© Boilshoi Theatre.ru


ello everybody and welcome to the Culture Corner, where you can find out about the events and happenings of one of the liveliest cities of the world, our home (for the time being at least), Moscow. Although the weather is quickly transforming from lovely, sunny and warm to rainy, cold and windy, there are still some wonderful, if slightly unconventional,

opportunities to explore Moscow. One example would be the bus tour of Bulgakov’s Moscow which will be offered on the 7th and 14th of October. Are you a fan of Master and Margarita? Come and see the story come to life as you ride the streets visiting 302Bis, the Variete theater, the little basement of the Master and so much more. The tour begins at the Mayakovskaya metro station at 13:00 (1 p.m.) and a ticket costs 650 rubles. So don’t be

late and enjoy. These are three hours you are sure not to forget! (NOTE: The tour is in Russian)

this unique and beautiful collection illustrates the history of automobiles right before your eyes. For all those car Having trouble finding lovers out there - this is a place in Moscow to a sight you definitely do satisfy your interest in not want to miss! old cars? Want to learn more about automo- As a final point I would biles? Now, on Usache- just like to suggest that va street (metro station as the weather quickly Sportivnaya), a collec- turns from sunny and tion of over 50 authentic warm to windy, cold and automobiles has been wet, take an opportunity created for your person- of whatever pleasant al enjoyment! Dating days there are left in back to 1907 and lead- this autumn month and ing up to present day, walk around, explore


and experience Moscow. No matter where you go, something will be happening, from flash mobs, to festivals, to street artists and musicians, to outdoor exhibits. Moscow is constantly moving, always alive and will never fail to surprise you.

Apple Update: iPhone 5

When President’s Fly - Xenia Rakovshik

- Alexander Rakovshik

iPhone 5 earbuds


New iPhone 5



n September 12, Apple revealed the much-anticipated iPhone 5 and the iOS6 that is planned to come with the new iPhone. Applause arose as Apple’s Phil Schiller begun the keynote meeting discussing the new improved functions of the new iPhone. Coming with a 4-inch screen, it will be built in with a 1136 x 640 pixel Retina-quality screen, giving space for even more detail and more space for you to stuff more apps into your home screen. Apple went even as far as to take off a layer of the screen and incorporate the touch sensors into the display itself. An A6 processor was added to

the new iPhone, which means that your phone have a faster CPU (Central Processing Unit). Because of this Apple claims that the iPhone will be able to load web pages 2.1 times faster than its predecessors. They even upgraded the back camera so you can access your memories with greater detail, as well as now enjoy 720p FaceTime chats with your friends. There has been some speculation as to whether the alterations to the design are the product of recent exposure of Apple trade secrets, coupled with the loss of the infamous Steve Jobs.. Made out of glass display and aluminum, it weighs at 112 grams,

20% lighter than iPhone 4S. The iPhone has also been giving new microphones on the front, bottom and back for improved sound quality during recordings and calls. Apple has included noise cancelling so that outside noises do not interfere as much as they previously did. Along with the iPhone going through changes, the “EarPods” that come included in the package have been upgraded. The new earphones are now designed for increased comfort and are less likely to fall out of your ears. Along with all of these hardware upgrades comes one of the biggest annoyances loyal Apple customers will

have to face, a new and smaller connector to the phone. No more bulky connectors that you have to carry around that may not always fit in your iPhone based on your case, they now have a new Lightning connector, which will be able to transfer data between your iPhone and computer quicker than before, this was also done so they could fit in more hardware for the classy iPhone. The iPhone will also come with improved battery life, a big plus considering how much time people now spend on their iPhones. The official numbers given out are: 225 hours on standby, 8 hours of 3G talk, 8 hours of LTE usage, 10 hours on Wi-Fi, and 30

hours to watch videos. The new iPhone will be available on September 21, where it will be out in the United States, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Japan. The remaining countries will receive the iPhone on September 28. The iPhone is currently available for pre-order, with the standard black and white coloring choices. The prices are as follows: 16GB for $200, 32GB for $300, and 64GB for $400. With all of these new modifications and improvements, Apple has done a job well done in continuing the legacy of Steve Jobs, Apple.

Custom T-Shirts


o you want custom t-shirts made for your team, class, activity, or event? Absolutely no Photoshop knowledge required! We can work with you to design these t-shirts to your liking. For more information (prices, sample designs, sizes, etc.), contact Sergey Mann at: sergeymann@gmail.com.”

ger, shirtless horseback rider across the Siberian landscape and impromptu historical discoveries in the depths of the Kerch Strain in the Black Sea.

In light of recent resistance to his stewardship back at home, fed by press exposure of the latest-“Pussy Riot” fiasco and Soviet cartoon censorship scandals, Putin’s paternal role in flight provided a con(Cartoon above) “Let’s get one thing straight: I’m the altrasting perspective to pha crane,” quipped the political cartoonist Sergey Elkin. (It was a reference to the Wikileaks cable where Putin was the supposedly corrupt, scheming political figdescribed as an “alpha dog.”) ure back on land. ©Izvestia

Putin’s airborne escapades has elicited an outburst of mockery in Russian and international blogosphere. A political cartoon started making the rounds early in the morning, showing resentful-looking cranes and Mr. Putin wearing cardboard wings, telling them: “Let’s assign roles right now. I’ll be the alpha crane!” Another, darker one went this way: Mr. Putin looked at the crane and said, “I will save you!” The crane looked at the president and thought, “Maybe I’d better die out.” However, his wildly imaginative adventures have managed to successfully redirected media attention from the onslaught of anti-government protestors that


n the fifth of Semptember, recently re-installed President Vladimir Putin took to the skies in a motorized hang glider over an arctic wilderness, christened “the Flight of Hope” - heroically leading a flock of six endangered Siberian cranes towards their winter habitat. Mr. Putin, donned a costume familiar to his feathered

companions, dressed in head to toe in a brilliant, billowy white suit, which experts say was designed to coax the cranes into a sense of security and trust. “For cranes, the parent is a man in a white robe,” Yuri Markin, the director the game preserve that reared the crane chicks, told Russian News Service. “They don’t remem-

“Usually about this time, late summer or early autumn, Putin tends to have some recreational entertainments, and he generously shares them with the people,” says Alexei Grazhdankin, deputy director of the Levada Center, an independent public opinion agency in Moscow. Indeed, some of Putin’s past expeditions have included the tranquilizing of a ti-


ant to help organize your prom? Join prom committee to help plan the event. Remember, there is no prom without a prom committee! CAS hours are available. (colleen.


ant to submit an editorial piece? An advertisement? Suggestions, comments or concerns? Send us an e-mail at aas.point@gmail. com


his is the AAS Environmental Club! We work in correlation to the PTO Green Committee, and move towards spreading knowledge and understanding to our School community, that of neighboring schools and the Russian Society. Anyone in our High School is welcome to join and contribute to spreading awareness. Our meetings will be held every Tuesday during lunch time in Ms. Bowler’s room in 3101! And yes, you can get CAS for joining the club! (valerie.bowler@aas.ru)



Perhaps Putin’s theatrical PR tactics are a precursor to his prepared landmark speech this weekend at the upcoming summit of the Asia-Pacific leaders in Vladivostok, intended to outline Russia’s planned economic and geopolitical pivot to Asia. After Mr. Putin’s flights, Andrew Cramer of the New York Times, writes, he handed the baton of leadership – only over his feathered followers – to a professional pilot who will take over for the rest of the journey to the birds’ winter habitat in central Asia.”

Kids in the Community (KIC)

Environmental Club Prom Committee Penguin Press

have claimed headlines over the last several months.

Advertisements - Julia Montieth & Hadicha Muminova

Advertisements - Julia Montieth

ber a particular person. They remember the white robe and hood, or on the ultra light, a white helmet-and a special beak that is won on the head.”



re you looking to help the local community?

Kids in the Community organizes many projects such as the shoebox campaign, food and clothing drives, visits to the children’s hospital Nastenka, and much more. Join KIC to make a difference in your community! CAS hours are available.

Word Search - Shakespeare: Hamlet © academicgames.org Find and circle all of the words relating to Hamlet that are hidden in the grid. The remaining letters spell a secret message - a Hamlet quotation. AMBASSADORS BARNARDO CASTLE CHALICE CLAUDIUS CORNELIUS DEATH DENMARK DUEL ELSINORE FORTINBRAS FRANCISCO GERTRUDE GHOST GRAVEDIGGERS GUILDENSTERN HAMLET HAUTBOYS HORATIO KING LAERTES MADNESS


Sudoku Puzzles - Katie Baker


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