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Inspiration awaits with the latest furniture and firepit designs.
Thestoremanufacturesitsown lineofcustomoutdoorkitchens,fireplaces,andfirepitsthathavebecome favoritesofcustomerslookingfor somethingunique.Lastyear,the HGTVhomeremodelseries, “PropertyBrothers,”featured Summerset’scustomproductsinseveralepisodes.“Theshowgaveviewers alookatwhatwearecapableofdoing and,becausethebrothersaredesigners usingcurrenttrends,styles,andcolors, it shined a light on the fact that Summerset is in touch with what’s trending in outdoor living.”
As the business grew and matured, Pierini decided the time was right to open a second store. It took two years to find just the right spot with a building big enough to house his vision for the new location that included a 13,500-square-foot showroom, on-site manufacturing facility to build Summerset’s custom products, and a large warehouse space. The new Anaheim location is 20 miles north of the original store. “It checked off all the boxes for what we needed to take the next step for our business.”
Plans for the new store were progressing smoothly when the pandemic hit in March 2020. Pierini secured the lease the day before California issued its statewide stay-at-home order. He was determined that the turn of events wasn’t going to stop Summerset from moving forward with its plans. “Our philosophy has always been to go big or go home.”
Some vendors thought he was crazy to open a new store when the future was so uncertain—but it didn’t shake Pierini at all. By the time the store was ready to open its doors in September, he was confident it was going to do well because business was booming in the Costa Mesa showroom. “I knew the demand was there because we could hardly keep product in stock.” He was right. Anaheim ended up logging the same amount of foot traffic as Costa Mesa the first few weeks of being open. “We hit all of our projections the first month.”
Both of the stores closely adhered to the local PPE requirements to make the shopping experience comfortable for customers—including an option to make personal appointments before and after regular business hours.
“During the day, we had salespeople meet customers at the door and accompany them through their shopping experience, which was a big hit.” Pierini used a digital marketing and a social media campaign to help spread the word in the community, but felt that the mere sight of the big, new patio store was its best advertising. “No one was sure how long the stayat-home order was going to be in place, so they were anxious to update their backyards with anything they could get their hands on at the time.”
One of Summerset’s biggest strengths has always been its customer service—and the pandemic put that commitment to the test. “The customer is always right, and we spare no expense to prove it,” says Pierini, but the difficulty getting product during the pandemic brought satisfying customers to a whole new level.
“Lead times were (and are) so unpredictable that we have to be in close communication with our customers, assuring them that we are doing everything possible to get their orders quickly,” Pierini explains, adding that customers just need to feel like someone cares. “Sometimes it means offering to waive delivery charges or throw in extra chemicals for a spa that’s on back order, but little things like that go a long way when people are feeling frazzled.”
The staff continues to be unwavering in their commitment to customers, even though it takes more problem solving and effort. “I think the way we handled service through the pandemic has given us many new lifelong customers because we took care of them when they needed us most.”
With 2020 in the rear-view mirror, Pierini looks back with no regrets. “I would say the fact that we opened our new store during the pandemic has been a good thing. My heart goes out to the businesses who were not able to survive. We are one of the fortunate ones because of the
Summerset Superstore’s custom outdoor kitchens transform outdoor living spaces.

industryweareapartof.” Amongmanyotherthings, thetimingforbringingallof Summerset’sproductmanufacturingin-houseunderone roof couldn’t have worked out better. Up to last year, everything was made in a separate facility.
“We were able to continue our manufacturing with very In-house manufacturing little disruption because we means customers receive orders faster. employees so they can help where they uct than we’ve ever stocked in the had the staff, parts, and space are needed most at any given time. It’s past, but I think that is a good strategy we needed—we didn’t have to rely on supplier’s fabric book with the under- created a lot of unity with our staff.” for us. Customers are tired of having an outside vendor,” Pierini explains. In standing that the lead times can be Pierini expects that the new way of to wait for orders, so it is going to give the long-term, it will save time, money, greatly extended. working will continue indefinitely us an advantage.” and make manufacturing and delivery “We have control over every aspect because it raises the level of customer Over the next year, Pierini expects more efficient. of the manufacturing process now,” service in every area of the business. He that people will still be hesitant to travel
To better position itself in the mar- Pierini says. “Customers can get their is curious to see what happens over the and choose to continue staying close to ket, Summerset made two big invest- orders more quickly, and we can give next few months, which are historically home instead. “The outdoor living ments for 2021. One, it branded its them constant updates, if needed, some of the busiest. industry is seeing unprecedented growth own furniture line, and two (with the because we know exactly what’s going “Initially, we were caught off guard, right now, and retailers are in the posiextended lead times and fabric short- on at all times.” because we didn’t know how to deal tion to help customers create a place ages), it invested in the equipment to Both stores continue to be tremen- with the increase in business, but we where their family feels comfortable and manufacture its own cushions in-house. dously busy. “The tempo is much faster are now prepared for whatever comes safe. We need to have patience and be Customers now have the option to than what we’re used to. It’s like our way.” The Anaheim warehouse is problem solvers more than ever before select from Summerset’s fabric book Memorial Day weekend, every day,” stocked up and ready to go for at-once because we need to be there when our listing in-stock fabrics or pick from a Pierini says. “We’ve cross-trained our orders. “We bought a lot more prod- customers need us. That is our plan.”

Summerset invested in equipment to make its own cushions in-house.