Completely In the Canal Hearing Aids Completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing aids are a discreet, attractive option for people with mild to moderately-severe hearing impairment. These aids are a great choice for those wanting to avoid the hearing aid stigma! If you desire to improve your hearing while maintaining a low profile, a CIC may be the hearing aid for you. Contact a local hearing healthcare professional to be evaluated for candidacy. CICs are custom fit to your individuals ears. An impression of the ear is made, and a customized hearing aid shell is made to fit deeply and snugly into your outer ear canal. Their deep placement allows for near invisibility! Other advantages of deep placement include reduction of wind noise and more natural sound conduction. Telephone use is typically better with CICs over other hearing aids without the need for additional devices. Look before you leap though. CICs are not for everyone. It is certainly small, but that means that it is easier to drop and lose. People with manual dexterity difficulties may not be well-suited to insert and remove the hearing aid into and out of the ear or to put in and remove batteries. Batteries are small to comply with the small hearing aid size, but offer a shorter life. Ear-level manual controls are too large to be placed on the faceplate of the hearing aid. Directional microphones are also not accessible for CIC users. More severe hearing impairments may not receive Peninsula Hearing Center (619) 569-1937 San Diego, CA (858) 768-0454 La Jolla, CA
effective amplification from CICs. Deep placement makes this hearing aid more likely to need repair due to wax and moisture buildup. More preventative measure will need to be completed to prevent these issues. A dehumidifier or desiccant may be necessary to keep your hearing aid moisture-free and more frequent cleaning may be required to stay wax-free! You may be a CIC candidate! Contact your local hearing healthcare professional for an appointment today. They will complete testing to determine your current hearing status and needs. Options will be discussed, and CICs may be right for you. Discuss the pros and cons of the CIC option with your provider. Ask questions. Do not invest in a hearing aid that will sit in a drawer. If a CIC is not an option, but cosmetics are a concern – share those concerns with your provider. Many other styles are becoming less visible with increased technology. We want you to benefit! Hear again! Your CIC hearing aid is waiting to be customized for you!
Call us today or visit our website or watch our videos on YouTube.
Peninsula Hearing Center (619) 569-1937 San Diego, CA (858) 768-0454 La Jolla, CA