Musician’s Earphones Too often you see your favorite classic rock band reunited, only they all have hearing issues and wear hearing aids of some kind in their interviews. You think to yourself, “They’re not that old; what happened?” Loud music can destroy your hearing quicker than working with a jackhammer every summer, and when you make music your life’s work, this is what happens. Musicians, however, are now taking notice of the importance of hearing. They know that if they don’t properly protect their ears during concerts, how will they ever be able to hear the right notes when they play or hear their own music later on? Custom musician earphones are a big hit, as they not only are functional, but they make you look hip while making music! Many are designed to either disappear within the ear or look like headsets. Either way, they tune out loud acoustic sound and dull the roar of electric instruments plugged into giant woofers turned to the audience but still blatantly loud to those performing onstage. Custom designed earphones fit the wearer’s ears and/or head perfectly, and musicians can add their own colors and designs for flavor.
Peninsula Hearing Center (619) 569-1937 San Diego, CA (858) 768-0454 La Jolla, CA