Do I Have Hearing Loss? If you have been noticing that you just are not hearing like you used to…could it be possible you have hearing loss? Is this a temporary thing? Are your ears just plugged? Will I need hearing aids? A lot of questions arise when hearing difficulties come into play. There a few questions you can ask yourself to help you determine whether you have a hearing impairment. Are you more frequently asking for others to repeat themselves? Do others seem to mumble and speak unclearly? Do you feel particularly tired or tense after a conversation? Does your tension and strain seem particularly bad in group conversations? Do you miss parts of conversation? Do you miss soft or high-pitched sounds that others seem to hear? Is it necessary for you to see the face of the person you are speaking with to understand them? Do you feel like you can hear, but you just do not always understand? If the answer to any of these questions was yes, you may have a loss of hearing. Individuals with normal hearing will also have some difficulty and may miss portions of conversation every now and then, it is much more so that way for those with a hearing impairment. It is important to be evaluated to determine a course of rehabilitative action! Peninsula Hearing Center (619) 569-1937 San Diego, CA (858) 768-0454 La Jolla, CA
Contact an audiologist or hearing healthcare provider to get an appointment for evaluation! A complete hearing assessment will be completed to determine your current hearing status, if there is a loss, what type of loss it is, and how severe it is. Testing will be completed in a sound treated room/booth or in another very quiet setting. Headphones or insert phones will be positioned, and you will be asked to provide various responses to sounds or words. Typical responses include word or sentence repetition and signaling (raising hand, pushing a button, etc.) when sounds are heard. Once your results have been obtained, your provider will be able to thoroughly explain your hearing impairment, its implications, and your options for treatment. You may be a hearing aid candidate, and your options of style and type of hearing aid should also be discussed. Be certain to ask any questions you may have and also to provide your input! Knowing your concerns and what you want out of your hearing aids will help your provider to aid in your decision making process. Before you leave your assessment, make certain you fully understand what your hearing loss means to you! Call us today or visit our website or watch our videos on YouTube.
Peninsula Hearing Center (619) 569-1937 San Diego, CA (858) 768-0454 La Jolla, CA