Musician Ear Molds: Designed to Meet the Challenges of a Professional Musician Professional musicians work in a very challenging listening environment and require special musician ear molds that can protect their hearing from loud sounds without distorting what they hear. Traditional earplugs are not the solution as they reduce sound by muffling low and midrange frequencies, something a musician cannot tolerate. Additionally musicians are exposed to a wide variety of sound levels, often for very long stretches at a time. Each situation can demand a different level of protection. For example, while the person who plays large strings in an orchestra needs protection from the brass section, the flutist needs protection from the percussion section. On the other hand, a vocalist needs ear protection from his or her own voice, speakers and monitors. Some musicians even use one type of ear mold in one ear and another type in the other, depending up the location and source of the sound. Musician ear molds are very specialized and are available in varying degrees of protection. Your hearing healthcare provider can help you find the perfect musician ear mold that will allow you to hear clearly during rehearsals and performances while ensuring you do not experience noise-induced hearing loss. Call us today or visit our website or watch our videos on YouTube. Peninsula Hearing Center (619) 569-1937 San Diego, CA (858) 768-0454 La Jolla, CA