Clallam County Voter Guide

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Clallam County General Election Voter Guide part 1

A product of


For the election ending November 3, 2009

Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

Peninsula Daily News


Be sure to vote by 8 p.m. Nov. 3

THIS SPECIAL SECTION of the Peninsula Daily News, also available at no charge at the county courthouse, libraries and other public places across Clallam County, provides voters with information about the Nov. 3 general election. It profiles the candidates for countywide and local races in which there is more than one candidate, and also discusses measures on the ballot. The primary election was held Aug. 18. Compilation of information, including the question-and-answer segments, was coordinated by PDN Senior Writer Paul Gottlieb. Candidates’ answers to questionnaires were limited to 75 words per question and were edited for length, grammar and spelling. Races in which there is only one candidate are not profiled in this section. Neither are write-in candidates. In Clallam County, all voting is done by mail. There is no Election Day precinct polling.

Mail-in ballots were sent to registered voters in the appropriate jurisdictions by Oct. 14. They must be postmarked no later than Nov. 3 or dropped off by no later than 8 p.m. Nov. 3 at any of the following locations: ■ Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles. A drive-up drop box is provided. ■ Sequim Motor Vehicle Licensing Office, 1001 E. Washington St., Sequim. ■ Forks District Court, 500 E. Division St., Forks. An outdoor drop box is provided.

Important information Do not place more than one ballot in the official return envelope, and don’t forget to sign the envelope. Fill in the square next to your choice. And make no identifying marks on your ballot.

Putting more than one ballot in a return envelope, signifying your choice with an X or check mark (4) instead of completely inking in the square, or placing an identifying mark on a ballot will invalidate the ballot or ballots involved.

Election calendar Here are some significant dates relating to the general election: ■ Oct. 26: Voter registration deadline for people not currently registered to vote in Washington. Registration must be done in person at the Auditor’s Office in the county courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles. ■ Nov. 2: Last day to apply for an absentee ballot for the Nov. 4 general election at the County Auditor’s Office in the courthouse. ■ Nov. 2: Last day for write-in candidates to file a Declaration of Candidacy for the Nov. 4 election.

■ Nov. 24: Deadline for County Canvassing Board to certify the general election returns. ■ Nov. 25: Last day for county to mail abstract of general election returns to state. ■ Dec. 3: Final day for secretary of state to certify general election returns from across the state.

Got questions? Questions about Clallam County elections can be phoned to the County Auditor’s Office elections division at 360-4172217 Mondays through Fridays. Voter registration information is available by phoning 360-417-2221. Statewide elections information — including a link to the state’s online voters guide — is available from the Secretary of State’s Office in Olympia on the Web site,

They’ve already won: Uncontested races Here is a list of uncontested races in Clallam County on the Nov. 3 ballot. Because these candidates are unopposed, they are not profiled in this voter guide. Hospital District No. 1 Forks Community Hospital Commissioner, Position No. 3 n Donald Lawley Hospital District No. 2 Olympic Medical Center Commissioner, District No. 1 Position No. 2 n Arlene B. Engel

Hospital District No. 2 Olympic Medical Center Commissioner At Large n Jim Leskinovitch

Crescent School District No. 313 Director, Position No. 2 n Sandra M. Criss

Quillayute Valley School District No. 402 Director, District No. 2 n Rick Gale

City of Forks Council Position No. 1 n Gus J. Wallerstedt

Crescent School District No. 313 Director, Position No. 3 n Elizabeth Hogan

Quillayute Valley School District No. 402 Director, District No. 4 n Brian Pederson

City of Forks Council Position No. 5 n Michael D. Breidenbach City of Sequim Council Position No. 1 n William J. Huizinga

Sequim School District No. 323 Director, District No. 3 n John Bridge Sequim School District No. 323 Director, At-Large Position No. 4 n Beverly Horan

Hospital District No. 2 Olympic Medical Center Commissioner, District No. 2 Position No. 1 n John B. Nutter

Port Angeles School District No. 121 Director, Position No. 2 n Cindy Kelly

Cape Flattery School District No. 401 Director, District No. 1 n Shirley M. Johnson

Hospital District No. 2 Olympic Medical Center Commissioner, District No. 3 Position No. 1 n Jim Cammack

Crescent School District No. 313 Director, Position No. 1 n Holly Rose

Cape Flattery School District No. 401 Director, District No. 3 n John Stubbs

Fire Protection District No. 1 Commissioner, Position No. 4 n Lew McGill Fire Protection District No. 1 Commissioner, Position No. 5 n Lowell P. McQuoid Fire Protection District No. 2 Commissioner Position No. 2 n David R. Whitney

Fire Protection District No. 4 Commissioner, Position No. 4 n Donna Kay Buck Fire Protection District No. 4 Commissioner, Position No. 5 n Chris Christie Fire Protection District No. 5 Commissioner, Position No. 2 n Cathleen (Cathe) Walde Fire Protection District No. 5 Commissioner, Position No. 3 n Jeffry J. Kopis Fire Protection District No. 6 Commissioner, Position No. 2 n James Heuring

Fire Protection District No. 3 Commissioner, Position No. 1 n Gary L. Coffey

Fire Protection District No. 6 Commissioner, Position No. 3 n Joseph Seymour

Fire Protection District No. 4 Commissioner, Position No. 3 n Sam Nugent

Black Diamond Water District Commissioner, District No. 2 n Jerry Schwagler

Peninsula Daily News

Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

For the election ending November 3, 2009


Port commissioner, Position 3

How will you make the time to attend all meetings and be an effective, full-time port commissioner? Calhoun: Port Commissioners are not full time employees. The executive director runs the daily operations of the Port. My appointment as director of Olympic Natural Resources Center is at the 90 percent level. As director, I am able to adjust my work schedule, balancing port commission duties with professional responsibilities. I have found it necessary to use vacation leave occasionally when Port duties require. Many port obligations take place in the evenings and off work hours. Collins: My job as deputy director for resource development and capital projects for Serenity House of Clallam County requires me to have a flexible schedule during the week and to attend a number of community meetings each month. What is the proper use of closed-door executive sessions and how would you balance that with the need to conduct the public’s business in full view of the governed? Calhoun: The rules are defined in the Open Public Meetings Act. Constant monitoring by legal counsel is required to ensure compliance. My approach is: “When in doubt, do it in public.” I am in favor of recording executive sessions. All decisions of the commission must be made in open session. There are certain discussions, spelled out in the Act, that are appropriate for closed-door executive session in public interestlitigation, personnel and real estate. Collins: Executive sessions

are restricted by state law to very limited purposes: ■ Review personnel matters when necessary to protect individual privacy. ■ Consider property transactions when the price could be affected if the discussion was made public. ■ Discuss litigation matters when attorney-client privilege applies. I would make all decisions in open public sessions, allowing citizen participation that follows the spirit of state laws, not the minimum required by the letter of those laws. Has the port taken all the right steps regarding HarborWorks? Explain. Calhoun: Yes. My interest in the Rayonier site is to hold Rayonier responsible for the cleanup and to develop the site so that it contributes to the economic wellbeing of the community. Harbor-Works is the best option to achieve these community goals. The partnership between the port and the city, through Harbor-Works, is more accountable to the public than leaving this task to the Department of Ecology. Collins: No, the process for establishing the Harbor-Works Public Development Authority and making funding commitments was done outside the public eye. Taking action behind the scenes fails to institute public trust necessary for community consensus on cleanup and future uses of the Rayonier site. It is not wise for the public to assume the liabilities of total site ownership or to take all the property off the tax rolls. What is the most pressing issue facing the port district, and how will you address it?

Calhoun: Creating jobs is an urgent priority. The port’s primary duty is economic development. Creating jobs is how the port should measure success. It is not sufficient to merely maintain existing marinas, airports, industrial sites and marine terminals. The port must provide new opportunities for job creation and growth. Wise investment in infrastructure, providing a platform for viable business enterprise, is critical. Collins: Creating jobs now and in the next year to position the community for recovery from the deep recession gripping our economy has not been done well. There is a limited amount of public funds available to the port, and the port needs to make better investment decisions with more immediate return on new jobs. I would make port airport property improvements that have been delayed and which will delay businesses-creating jobs that are waiting. What are your top ideas for fostering economic growth during your six-year term? Calhoun: Develop the Rayonier site. Get KPly up and running. ■ Provide a new building and work space for Angeles Composite Technology, Inc. to expand. ■ Redevelop the Coho Ferry terminal to make it an attractive and welcoming place for visitors. ■ Provide infrastructure for an affordable housing development in Sequim. ■ Develop bio-energy production capacity in conjunction with existing wood processing plants. Turn

to next page

John M. Calhoun

Brad Collins

Residence: Forks

Residence: Port Angeles

Phone: 360-461-3127

Phone: 360-649-0764

E-mail address: Age: 65 Education: Bachelor’s degree in forest management, 1967 Occupation: Director, University of Washington Olympic Natural Resources Center; College of the Environment. Campaign Web site: Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? Currently serving as commissioner, District 3, Port of Port Angeles

E-mail: Brad.Collins.for. Port.Commission@gmail. com Age: 61 Education: Master’s degree in urban planning, University of Washington; bachelor’s degree, Albion College (Albion, Mich.) Occupation: Deputy director, resource development and capital projects, Serenity House of Clallam County Campaign Web site: Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? No



For the election ending November 3, 2009

Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

Peninsula Daily News

Port of Port Angeles commissioner, Position 3 Continued from preceding page

Collins: ■ Invest in airport property improvements for Angeles Composite Technologies Inc. expansion. ■ Institute an annual report card on job creation and retention. ■ Encourage public trust and community consensus by allowing for more public involvement in the port’s business. ■ Expedite harbor development of water-dependent uses through responsible stewardship of public trust lands and critical habitats. ■ Be accessible to the public and to businesses. ■ Include the public in building partnerships that create jobs. How would you rate the present port board of commissioners? Explain. Calhoun: I would rate the current board as excellent, hardworking, dedicated and thoughtful. Collectively, they provide a good balance of regional perspectives and experiences. While they do not always agree with one another, the commission acts in a mature and cohesive way in the public interest. This is a functional board, without petty bickering and personal conflict. They should strive to increase public access and openness. More informal workshops would be useful. Collins: It is difficult for those on the outside to grade the commissioners’ report card, because they have not been forthcoming in what’s been accomplished. For example, what jobs have been created or retained in 2008? I believe the commissioners’ intentions are good, but they have been distracted by personnel issues, which delayed progress on projects that have jobs waiting for their actions such as restarting Pen-Ply mill and retaining 130 family-wage jobs — that’s not good.


■ Set marina moorage and airport landing fees. ■ Set policies for four deep-water marine terTerm: Six-year term minals, John Wayne Marina in Sequim Bay, Port Angeles Boat Haven, William R. Fairchild InterElection boundaries: Clallam County national Airport in Port Angeles, a 110-acre industrial park next to Fairchild and Sekiu Airport. Registered voters: 45,747 as of Oct. 12 ■ Set policies for 49 employees. ■ Manage 1,002 acres of port-owned land: Meetings: Second and fourth Mondays of the 235 acres along the Port Angeles waterfront, month 657 acres at William R. Fairchild International Airport, 57 acres at Sekiu Airport, 38 acres at Duties: John Wayne Marina, 13 acres at the Dungeness ■ Pass a day-to-day operating budget that in tideland, 2 ares at the Dungeness pier. 2009 was $6.6 million and is funded by a levy ■ Set rental fees for port tenants. rate of 16 cents per $1,000 of valuation, which ■ Update strategic plan. costs the owner of a $200,000 home $32. ■ Approve a capital improvement budget Compensation: $104 per day for meetings that in 2009 was $2.2 million. and to conduct port business up to $12,384 a ■ Set a levy amount, which funds the budget. year, the IRS mileage rate of 55 cents per mile The levy amount cannot increase by more than for port-related travel, and medical, dental and life insurance. 1 percent without a vote of the people. Specify one area of the budget where you would cut costs, and explain why you chose it. Calhoun: Hiring consultant firms for comprehensive planning and public outreach is very expensive. More of these tasks should be done by port staff, reducing costs significantly. Ensuring that Harbor-Works spends money wisely is important. The port can accomplish some required planning tasks with existing staff. Collins: This is a tough question without more knowledge of previous budget trade-offs. Choosing between the cost of a surrogate public development authority in place of the port and the decision a few years ago to create golden parachutes for public employees, it is hard to undo decisions already made. I am financially conservative. I would not continue either practice, but creating unrealistic separation packages for at-will staff positions is most wasteful of the taxpayer’s money. If elected, what would be

your primary goal for next year? Calhoun: Jobs. Jobs. Jobs. I will move forward on job-creating initiatives such as holding Rayonier’s feet to the fire for cleanup of the old mill site, getting KPly running, providing affordable housing for workers, and building a biomass clean energy industry in our county. All these efforts will only be possible if we work in partnership with cities, the county and private businesses. Collins: I will work hard to bring jobs to our community now and report how well the port is doing on job creation and retention. It may be good to plan for jobs 10 years from now but not at the expense of jobs awaiting port investment decisions. If the resources of the port are tied up in the Rayonier site, we may not get new jobs soon at the airport or on existing harbor properties. Why should voters choose you over your opponent? Calhoun: I have a proven track record of stewardship,

accomplishment and innovation while keeping taxes low. Last year I led the commission in declining allowable increases in property taxes. While commissioners represent the entire county, District 3 is your West End district. We already have an excellent commissioner from Port Angeles — George Schoenfeldt. My opponent, from Port Angeles, would not provide a diversity of perspectives and no substantive changes are suggested, only to “do things better.” Collins: We are both wellqualified. He has more timber management experience, and I have more community development experience. I will strive to maintain timber-related jobs such as restarting PenPly, but future economic growth for new jobs must be broader than resource-based industries. My career in private and public business lends itself to sound investment decisions in a broad range of industries as well as planning new development and meeting permitting requirements efficiently and responsibly.

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Peninsula Daily News

Peninsula Daily News

Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

For the election ending November 3, 2009


City Council, Position 1

How will you make the time to attend all meetings and be an effective, full-time council member?

I can see occasions where employee matters may need to be discussed when there is innuendo or unproven issues that may need exploration to protect innocent Blevins: I have my entire fam- people during an investigation ily’s support. process. During my preparation for runTransparency ensures public ning for office I have already coor- trust. dinated my work schedule and my After all the government is “by days off to be ready to serve our the people and for the people,” community. isn’t it? I have been attending council meetings and other community What is the most pressing meetings. city issue, and how would you I have been studying and foladdress it? lowing community issues, and I am ready to serve. Blevins: I have watched for years as members of my age Little: Attention to the public’s demographic have left our comconcerns and homework are of munity for opportunities that are utmost importance. not available here. Jobs and I have been a very busy person attainable housing are critical for throughout my adult life. our community to insure we are a Working hard and smart community of all ages and opporscheduling reveals a lot of time in tunities. We must have a sustainone’s day. able and growing economy. We live an a world where It’s all about an economy — major governmental agencies and quality of life and a quality envicorporations work remotely and ronment. I will work to insure our very effectively. city government enables job develThere are lots of ways to find opment. efficient use of time, and I have a proven background in doing so. Little: Economy, economy, Stay focused on quality. economy. Without a sound financial footWhat is the proper use of ing, we cannot attain the infraclosed-door executive sessions, structure we need. and how would you balance We cannot provide services that with the need to conduct that people deserve. the public’s business in full Concerns over the budget are view of the governed? about decline in the tax base vs. increased costs. Blevins: I have read the We have seen what the ecoRCWs and fully understand the nomic downturn has done to our legal and proper use of executive school district and our downtown sessions. I will serve in accordance with merchants. Without jobs, our community all policies and the law and understand the role of a council member will never reach its full potential. Focusing on our assets, we can to reduce potential liabilities for attain a strong financial future. our city. I support open government. Has the city taken all the right steps regarding HarborLittle: Closed door executive Works? Explain. sessions should be the exception rather than the rule. Blevins: Yes — I watched the

Rayonier plant be demolished and the smoke stack go down. That is the last progress on this site. To do nothing is environmentally irresponsible. That site has left an economic void in our community for more than10 years — we must understand and work toward an economic and environmental solution. I will be and will hold HarborWorks accountable. Little: That remains to be seen. The real question is, what next? Two points should be addressed: Are we willing to step away from the more than $600,000 committed? Secondly, what information will be provided to the city to indicate that the redevelopment is economically viable? Redevelopment deserves public scrutiny. We should be asking the public what it wants and how much is it willing to spend . It is their money, after all. If elected, what would be your primary goal for next year? Blevins: Innovation, confidence and respect is key — the city and our community must continue being innovative in how we deliver services to our citizens. I will have a “can do” attitude and will review costs and services and look for innovative solutions. I will help restore confidence in the community about our council leadership. Little: Responsible, planned, economic growth. We can have it all. If we focus on the talents of our people and the assets of our location, we can create an economically vibrant community. Turn

to next page

Cody Blevins Residence: Port Angeles Phone: 360-808-3618 E-mail: codyforcouncil@ Age: 28 Education: Attended Port Angeles Elementary and Middle Schools. I was home schooled for my high school education. Attended Peninsula College, focusing on electronics and multimedia. Occupation: I work full time and am a technical sales representative and installation specialist for Hi-Tech Electronics located in Port Angeles. Campaign Web site: See Facebook page, codyforcouncil Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? No

Larry B. Little Residence: Port Angeles Editor’s note: Little’s family has a home in British Columbia, where he spends two weeks a month for three months in the winter and spends “a week here, a week there” the rest of the year, Little said. He manages property there and his children are enrolled in a freestyle ski program, he said. Phone: 360-460-0572 E-mail: Age: 55 Education: Doctor of Medical Dentistry, Master of Public Health study, University of Washington, Bachelor of Science at Emory University, Associate of Arts degree, DeKalb (Ga.) Community College. Occupation: Retired general practice dentist, now executive director of the Volunteers in Medicine of the Olympics; executive director of the Port Angeles Marathon Association/North Olympic Discovery Marathon Campaign Web site: www. Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? No



For the election ending November 3, 2009

Clallam County Voter Guide 2009 CITY OF PORT ANGELES

Peninsula Daily News

Port Angeles council, Position 1 Continued from preceding page zens and visitors.

The resources that the Peninsula offers and the proximity to the I-5 corridor opens enormous opportunities. We need to regain focus and build on these assets. We are not Seattle, Sequim or Silverdale. We have better, but different opportunities. How would you rate the present City Council? Explain.

I applaud the city’s park sponsorship program and believe that confidence with the city government working with the community will enable us to have it all. Little: I don’t look at the budget this way. The real question is how can we increase revenue. After several down years, the budget is pretty lean. I would focus on creating opportunities and jobs. We can create a community that new enterprises want to join because they can be profitable here. If I had to pick a budget area, it would be to ensure that economic development activities return a good value on investment.

City Council, Position 2 How will you make the time to attend all meetings and be an effective, full-time council member?

Mania: The budget and economy. Candidates Despite our current economic troubles, we have many underEdna Petersen utilized assets that could be proMax Mania moted to boost our local economy. Mania: City business will be I will be a frugal, detail-oriprofiled on next my priority for the next four ented steward of the city’s budget years. page and want to be part of helping As someone who has worked Port Angeles find a new, marketin high-stress, high-responsibility able image that can be used to Why should voters choose occupations, I know how to prior- ( attract visitors, businesses and you over your opponent? Little: I admire their dedicaitize and how to budget my time. candidateq09.html). residents. tion to working for others. The process of campaigning My commitment to open govThe American Institute of Blevins: I live and work in They have been willing to put for public office has shown how ernment is strong. Architects report could be our Port Angeles full-time, unlike my themselves on the line and in the much of a time commitment is Executive sessions have been blueprint for future economic opponent. public view. needed for this job, and I am overused, which engenders public growth and success. My only residence is Port AngeMy hat goes off to each and ready. distrust. les — unlike my opponent. every one of them. Such sessions should be used Petersen: Balancing the budI am energetic — I represent I may agree with certain deciPetersen: I understand the only when absolutely necessary. get is the most important city the future of Port Angeles, and I sions and disagree with others, commitment, which is significant, issue. am fully committed to giving 100 I support eliminating unnecbut I will not judge until I have percent of my time as your council and I am happy to commit myself essary subcommittees and Our revenues are down, and the chance to be in their shoes. to the necessary time required. member. returning to open work sessions. by state law RCW35A.33.075, the I am planning to do what I I am Cody Blevins — doing Specify one area of the budTrust the public, and the pub- budget must be balanced. get where you would cut costs, more than a little. did last time I was on council, I believe it is absolutely lic will trust us. and explain why you chose it. I respectfully ask for your vote. which worked well. imperative to develop additional sources of tax revenues and I will use my council income Petersen: There are excepBlevins: Cutting costs isn’t the Little: People in Port Angeles employment that’s solid to our to hire an extra person at the tions to the open meeting law only solution — increased revenue know me. city’s future. store. RCW42.30.110. generation is. They know I have put my time Developing the former RayonThis allows my downtown Some are personnel, or matWe must look to leverage the and money into making Port business to have the coverage it ters which should be confidential ier site is one great potential out metropolitan park district to Angeles a better place. of many possibilities such as needs and the council to have the to protect the employee as well ensure all recreational facilities They know what they are getmarine fuels and power, bio-mass as the city; real estate matters, to coverage it deserves. are available to and for all our citi- ting; experience and integrity. allow reasonable negotiations for energy, the arts community and developing a college-town theme. sales or leases; litigation, to What is the proper use of develop the strategy or posture closed-door executive sessions, Has the city taken all the in lawsuits. and how would you balance Achievement and success right steps regarding HarborThe city attorney is always that with the need to conduct Works? Explain. on the North Olympic Peninsula. present in executive sessions to the public’s business in full ensure compliance with the narview of the governed? Mania: At best, the city did row exceptions. Peninsula Woman an extremely poor job of commuMy balance is open sessions Mania: As of Sept. 9, I was nicating what was happening for all matters not exempt. Every Sunday in the only City Council candidate with forming Harbor-Works and who has taken time to answer a poor job of getting public supeninsula What is the most pressing the questionnaire all candidates city issue, and how would you port. received from the Washington aily ews address it? Turn to next page Coalition for Open Government Blevins: My grandmother always said, “No use in crying about spilled milk.” I will be a council member who is cooperative, not single-agendaminded, and will demonstrate and lead with teamwork. I will be accessible and respectful and represent the best interest for all of our community.



Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

Peninsula Daily News

For the election ending November 3, 2009

Port Angeles City Council, Position 2 we need to work closely with the port and the county to help new At worst, it was a classic back- businesses locate here as well as room deal – and possibly illegal. helping the existing businesses In either case, the legitimacy such as Angeles Composites of Harbor-Works has been badly Technologies, Inc., Westport Shiptainted in the eyes of many. yard, PenPly and many others With all this in mind, I cannot expand and develop. support giving more city funds to Harbor-Works. How would you rate the I do support determining the present City Council? legality of its existence. Explain. Continued from preceding page

Petersen: Things of great magnitude are always difficult. Perhaps not all the right steps were taken, especially in public disclosure, but we are moving forward. It’s been in excess of 10 years, and now plans are in progress with vision, goals and strategic purpose, which all revolves around the essential public input and the due diligence to help determine a wise course for the future of Harbor-Works and the Rayonier site. If elected, what would be your primary goal for next year? Mania: As stated before, the budget and economy take priority. With the AIA report and local leadership, we can create economic opportunities using resources we already have but are underutilizing. We absolutely need more jobs here, and the city should facilitate job creation by revising its codes and regulations to become more business-friendly and ecologically oriented. With a little work and a little time, Port Angeles can be a model of a successful 21st century city. Petersen: Balance the budget while retaining core city services then move us forward on economic development. Continuing to nurture the businesses we have — it is easier to support existing businesses than new ones. For a partnership standpoint

Mania: As I said in the [PDN] primary election guide, the current City Council is somewhat dispirited and not as effective as it could be. There’s the perception that city business is often transacted behind closed doors or in executive sessions. As someone who has spent years working in communications, I’ll work to bring new levels of openness and improved communication to the council. I will work effectively with other council members and with the public.

city hall during summer. As a former proofreader, I will be a detail-oriented budget hawk while working on ways to grow our economy. Petersen: Rather than making cuts, I would anticipate use of city facilities as one area we can increase fees to address budget shortfalls. I would approach the budget in a different way, and instead of focusing only on cuts, I would work with the innovative groups that exist in the city to raise matching funds and grants for programs historically supported in full by the city and continue to promote public buy-in of facilities with utility local improvement districts and local improvement districts. Why should voters choose you over your opponent?

Mania: Because I’m the candidate with more education, more diverse, real-world experience, Petersen: The present council and who is clearly focused on a better, more successful future for has its strengths and weakPort Angeles. nesses, as all councils do. I will bring openness, creativThey are giving us, the citiity and energy to the council. zens of Port Angeles, their very I have the temperament and best personal talents. skills to actually get things done I choose to run because I believe I can enhance the deliber- and find common ground we can all build on. ations with my experience, conBeing that I have decades yet victions and knowledge, and I to live here, my focus will always ask you to rate my candidacy be on bettering our future. with your vote. Specify one area of the budget where you would cut costs, and explain why you chose it. Mania: The city is installing new sidewalks in front of the Chinook Hotel — a condemned building. When the Chinook is demolished or remodeled in the near future, those new sidewalks will likely be ruined by construction equipment and have to be redone. This is wasteful lunacy. As is paying to water lawns at

Petersen: My record of dedication to the city and years of commitment make me believe I am the better choice. My experience includes more than a decade of successful ownership and operation of a downtown store. I have extensive involvement for years in the Chamber, the Business Association, the Downtown Association, the YMCA and many other boards. I have shown I have the commitment and the vision it takes to help our city survive and succeed.

Max Mania les

Residence: Port Ange-

Phone: I do not wish my phone number to be published. E-mail: officialmaxmania@ Age: 41 Education: One year at Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, criminology, sociology; four years at Southern Oregon University, Ashland, Ore., criminology, sociology; currently a member of the PEAK Leadership program for 20092010. Occupation: Grocery clerk, writer. Prior work experience: Proofreader, emergency communications technician, public relations agent and member of a film crew employed by the National Safety Council. I am also a professionally trained baker. Campaign Web site: Have you ever held elective office, and if so, what? No.

Edna Petersen Residence: Port Angeles Phone: 360-457-6400 E-mail: nectemp@ Age: 69 Education: Port Angeles High School Occupation: Current owner of Necessities & Temptations and retired Washington state Realtor. Campaign Web site: Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? Appointed to Port Angeles City Council, 2006-2008.



Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

For the election ending November 3, 2009

Peninsula Daily News


City Council, Position 3

How will you make time to attend all meetings and be an effective, full-time council member? Bell: We all have exactly the same amount of time. One’s accomplishments are simply a function of priorities and efficiency. I intend to make City Council work a top priority.

in its leaders and ultimately undermines their effectiveness. What is the most pressing city issue, and how would you address it?

Bell: The most pressing city issue is the recession that is causing unemployment and loss of tax revenue. As a City Council member, I will support business-friendly city ordinances that help to Downie: I will be retiring retain and support existing busifrom my job at the end of this year, which will provide sufficient nesses and industries. I will also continue the curtime to make the commitment to rent council’s efforts for business be a full-time council member. diversification and making the If fortunate enough to be downtown core more attractive elected, I will serve the public with the same energy and enthu- for tourism. siasm that I have always given to Downie: The city’s need to any business, professional, civic help our local businesses and or volunteer activity that I have industries cope with the poor been involved with in this city. economy and to provide services to its citizens in a cost-effective What is the proper use of closed-door executive sessions, way. To meet this challenge, the and how would you balance that with the need to conduct city needs to expand its tax base and build strong, working relathe public’s business in full tionships with other governmenview of the governed? tal and civic entities to find efficiencies in the delivery of serBell: Elected officials have vices and nurture a community defined this balance as a matter consensus that Port Angeles is a of state law. good place to do business. There is legal counsel that continuously advises the City Has the city taken all the Council of the state laws regardright steps regarding Harboring executive sessions. Works? Explain. I will follow state law as advised by the city attorney. Bell: My focus is on where we are going and not how we got Downie: Executive sessions here. are to be held strictly in accorI support the recent decision dance with the policies and proto loan additional money to Harcedures set forth in RCW bor-Works and the planned use 42.30.110. of that money. Executive sessions typically Business development of at are held to deal with matters relating to the acquisition of real least part of the Rayonier site can make an important contribuestate by lease or purchase, pertion to the economic recovery in sonnel issues or to discuss with Port Angeles. legal counsel litigation or potential litigation. Downie: The lack of full pubFailure to keep open and honlic disclosure when Harborest communication jeopardizes Works was initially formed the public’s trust and confidence

resulted in mistrust from the public and hindered HarborWorks’ ability to gain creditability. Harbor-Works’ role in facilitating good and open communication with all of the stakeholders is vital and appropriate. A comprehensive feasibility study is the right next step to determine the economic viability, sustainability and level of environmental remediation required to prepare the Rayonier site to make it ready for future development. If elected, what would be your primary goal for next year? Bell: I would like to see a balanced city budget with minimal reduction in security and safety. Also, I would like to develop a better common understanding of the economically feasible uses of the Rayonier site. Downie: We need to retain our existing family-wage jobs. To that end, I will work hard to build strong collaborative relationships with the port, county, tribal communities, county Economic Development Council and other local organizations. Our ability to overcome the economic downturn and add new jobs in the future is directly connected to our willingness and determination to work together to form and implement a community vision. My primary goal is to help us succeed in that effort. How would you rate the present City Council? Bell: The council is where conflicting ideas and values should be resolved. Debate between elected officials, with public input, is how democracy works. Turn

to next page

Harry Bell Residence: Port Angeles Phone: 360-452-1043 E-mail: electharrybell@ Age: 64 Education: Associate’s degree in applied science in forestry, Paul Smith’s College, The College of the Adirondacks, N.Y.; bachelor’s degree, forest management, West Virginia University; master’s degree, forest genetics, University of Washington; master’s in business administration, (two semesters), Pacific Lutheran University. Occupation: Chief forester for Green Crow, a timberland and wood products company based in Port Angeles. Campaign Web site: Have you ever held elective public office? No

Patrick Downie les

Residence: Port AngePhone: 360-457-1792

E-mail: pjdownie@ Age: 67 Education: Bachelor’s degree in sociology, California State University, Northridge. Occupation: Program coordinator, Catholic Community Services/Volunteer Services Campaign Web site: Have you ever held elective public office? No

For the election ending November 3, 2009 9 Clallam County Voter Guide 2009 CITY OF PORT ANGELES

Peninsula Daily News

Port Angeles council, Position 3 Continued from preceding page

I have been impressed by the robust dialogue between the city staff, the council and the public. The council has done a good job. Downie: There is clear intent on the part of the present City Council to focus on the business of the city. I do not see the divisiveness and rancor that marked some city councils in the past. There is a respectful and positive working relationship between the City Council, the city manager and other city staff. Specify one area of the budget where you would cut costs, and explain why you chose it. Bell: I believe city staff knows best where costs can be cut and efficiencies can be adopted. In this economy, new taxes or higher fees are illogical and unfair. I will argue to cut costs as necessary to balance the budget if the city staff cannot do so. All departments and activities are on the table. That said, I would like to minimize impacts on police and fire departments and the senior and marine centers. Downie: First, rather than focusing on one area of the budget, I believe the council, in full cooperation with city department heads and staff, should always seek cost efficiencies across the board.

Secondly, each member of the council has the right to exercise oversight on specific items on the bi-monthly consent agenda. Lastly, I will not support budget cuts that further erode our city’s ability to deliver essential services to the public. Why should voters choose you over your opponent? Bell: My background in research and policy development will help me distinguish between scientific understanding and scientific opinion — especially regarding the Rayonier site cleanup. My management and fiscal control experience will help me deal with budget challenges. My financial analysis experience will help me address city capital projects. This is a strong skill-set to help the city provide a business climate that allows the sustainable economic growth that is necessary for abundant family-wage jobs. Downie: I will bring to the City Council an extensive background as an owner of two businesses, 12 years of professional service as a coordinator of volunteer services, my public service as a member of the city planning commission and my long record of community service. Further, my professional experiences in the fields of commercial real estate and senior housing can help with economic development issues and helping to build quality and affordable housing.

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City Council, Position 4 How will you make the time to attend all meetings and be an effective, full-time council member? Nelson: I have researched the time commitment necessary to be an effective, full-time council member and understand what it takes. I will meet all necessary time requirements, because I do my homework, I successfully manage my time, and I am a high-energyperson. I will put in the time required and go the extra mile for City Council. Wharton: I currently spend approximately 10-20 hours per week on various council activities, including civic events, council and committee meetings, meeting preparation and followup. I will be able to continue this level of involvement for my second term.

Candidates Brooke Nelson Betsy Wharton

profiled on next page RCW 42.30.110. Government has a duty to remain transparent and open to all people. To complete this system of checks and balances, the Open Public Meetings Act Title 42, Chapter 42.30 RCW ensures that the public’s business is conducted in full view of the governed.

Wharton: Executive sessions should only be used when it is both legally allowed and needed to protect the public’s interest. It’s not just a question of can we, but do we need to have an executive session? During my first term, we have cut down significantly on the frequency of executive sessions. What is the proper use of In 2006, council had more closed-door executive sessions, than 20 executive sessions. and how would you balance In 2009 so far, we have had that with the need to conduct only two. the public’s business in full view of the governed? What is the most pressing city issue, and how would you Nelson: Public business, by address it? definition, must be conducted openly. The proper use of executive sessions is defined in the Revised Code of Washington Title 42

Nelson: The economy is by far the city’s most pressing issue. Our city is being influenced —

as are all cities — by the national and state economies. We must have a sustainable, growing economy – building codes and zoning and economic plans must be innovative to retain and expand current companies and to grow new companies. The city’s infrastructure is critical, and it costs millions. A robust economy will help reduce the burden on taxpayers. Wharton: Revitalizing our economy. Economic prosperity is primarily a private-sector activity. Therefore, the role of city government is to provide high quality affordable services and infrastructure. Land use policies and procedures must strive for a can-do, user-friendly approach (courteous, flexible and consistently communicated). Also, city government should strive to engage positive public participation in the future prosperity of Port Angeles. In this way, city government can best allow for and facilitate private sector innovation and success. Has the city taken all the right steps regarding HarborWorks? Explain. Turn

to next page


For the election ending November 3, 2009

Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

Peninsula Daily News

Port Angeles City Council, Position 4 will specifically help support job growth with sustainable infraNelson: According to the state structure and business-friendly auditor, yes, all steps taken in zoning and permitting. forming Harbor-Works were in accordance with the law. Wharton: My priorities for True with almost anything, the coming term are threefold: there’s always room to improve. building trust through good govThe bottom line is: We haven’t ernment, supporting the revitalseen this much progress at the ization of a clean, working Port former Rayonier site in more Angeles Harbor, and finally, I will than 10 years. be looking for opportunities to There is an undefined rerebuild our urban core — all this review still pending from the while striving to maintain our state auditor, and no new report current level of service despite is available. shrinking revenues. I will always support transparent government. How would you rate the present City Council? Wharton: I was dismayed Explain. when Harbor-Works was initially formed due to the lack of public Nelson: My job isn’t to rate discussion regarding this importhe past — they are what they tant initiative. are. That said, I fully support the My job is to tell you who I will mission of Harbor-Works in facil- be as your new City Council itating the revitalization of the member. Rayonier property, including I will combine my expertise in acquisition of the tank for the sustainable living, energy and city’s stormwater needs. sound building practices with my Harbor-Works is now up and experience managing multimilrunning, and the due diligence lion dollar budgets in order to (archaeological, environmental, move our city forward for this legal and financial fact-checking) and future generations. process is under way. I am satisfied that HarborWharton: Currently, we are a Works is currently on target. group of hardworking citizen representatives who all have the If elected, what would be best interests of the city at heart. your primary goal for next Come January, however, there year? will be at least three new council members joining the three who Nelson: Jobs! We have local took office in 2008. employers poised for growth. While fresh voices are valuWe need to focus on them as able, too much turnover can crewell as new employers. ate instability. Let’s stop saying goodbye to If I am re-elected, I will proour kids who leave our area for vide a needed element of continujobs. ity in city leadership. But remember, it’s not government’s role to create jobs, but to Specify one area of the get out of the way and support budget where you would cut those who are creating jobs. costs, and explain why you As a City Council member, I chose it. Continued from preceding page

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Nelson: I am up to speed on the city budget for 2009 and the 2010 budget progress. Over the last two years, services have been reduced, and there are plans for the 2010 budget to eliminate funding for specific programs in the general fund. I will look to further community partnering such as the successful park adoption to leverage the general fund and retain core services. Wharton: All city services including parks, streets, public safety and utilities play a vital role in contributing to the high quality of life we enjoy in Port Angeles. This is important for current residents, but also for our ability to recruit and retain new residents and businesses. My priority for this year’s budget is to maximize efficiency, minimize fee increases, minimize layoffs and maintain as many of our diverse services as we can. Why should voters choose you over your opponent? Nelson: I will bring a new focus and add a voice of reason. I am a practical leader who gets things done in a fair and reasonable manner, and I will represent all citizens. My experience, research and community involvement have prepared me to begin my role for Port Angeles City Council. I work well with teams for a positive and collaborative result, something our City Council desperately needs. I respectfully ask for your vote. Wharton: I am a creative thinker, a hard worker, a team player, and after four years in office, I am still passionately committed to serving the interests of the citizens of Port Angeles. As the only candidate for Port Angeles City Council this year with experience as a council member, I will hit the ground running and contribute seasoned leadership during the difficult economic times that we face.

Brooke (Thompson) Nelson Residence: Port Angeles Phone: 360-775-6805 E-mail address: BrookeForCouncil@ Age: 37 Education: I attended Port Angeles schools from elementary to high school; Peninsula College and Columbia Basin Community College from 1990 to 1992 for various studies. Continuing education includes management and leadership, budget management, customer service, sales, negotiating, real estate, and “Ecobroker” certification. Occupation: Full-time Realtor and designated Ecobroker. Prior work history includes vice president and bank manager, Port Angeles Wells Fargo bank, and field training manager for Labor Ready Inc., Tacoma. State director for the North Peninsula Building Association, 2007-present. Campaign Web site: Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? I have not campaigned for public office.

Betsy Wharton Residence: Port Angeles Phone: 360-461-0866 E-mail: bewharton@ Age: 49 Education: Bachelor’s degree in biology from Western Washington University, master’s degree in nursing, University of Tennessee, Knoxville Occupation: I am a registered nurse. Over the past 20 years, I have worked as a nursing administrator as well as working directly with patients in various settings. In Port Angeles, I worked as a nurse at First Step Family Support Center. Campaign Web site: Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? I was elected to City Council in 2005, and I am currently serving as deputy mayor of the city of Port Angeles.

For the election ending November 3, 2009 11 Clallam County Voter Guide 2009 PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT

Peninsula Daily News

About the jobs

Director, Position 1

PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL, Positions 1, 2, 3, 4 Term: All four-year terms. Under the city’s term limits ordinance, council members can serve up to three straight terms. Each can run again after two years. Election boundaries: Port Angeles city limit Registered voters: 11,030 as of Oct. 12. Meetings: First and third Tuesdays Duties: Pass a budget that for 2009 is $103 million, including $85 million for day-to-day operations and $17.5 million for capital projects. ■ Sets a levy amount, which funds the budget, that cannot increase by more than 1 percent without a vote of the people, not including new construction. ■ Hires a city manager who is responsible for hiring a work force that numbers 241 permanent positions in 2009. ■ Elects a mayor and a deputy mayor from the council. ■ Adopts all ordinances, approves all contracts and serves on boards, commissions and subcommittees. Compensation: The mayor receives $650 a month, the deputy mayor $600 and remaining council members $500. IRS mileage reimbursement of 55 cents a mile for trips more than 30 miles one way. May drive city vehicles for city business.

How would you rate the present School Board? Explain. Fuson: The present school board has functioned under difficult situations over the last few years. They have faced the reality of declining enrollments, the unpredictability of state and federal funding with skill and determination to do what’s best for the children. The greatest achievement this year was the board’s willingness to increase the communication between the board, administration, and the community it represents. Methner: I applaud anyone who devotes time to a largely thankless task. The issues they face are complex. However, there is always room for growth and improvement, and our School Board is going to have to become more innovative in the face of declining enrollment and the funding loss that follows. What is the most pressing issue in the school district, and how would you address it? Fuson: The most pressing issue for the school district is to mend the communication between teachers, administrators, parents and the community at large. The dialogue that began this past year needs to continue as we engage in an open dialogue with all the people who have a responsibility to educate our children. With better communication among the groups, we will see more children reaching higher levels of competency. Methner: The most pressing

issue is the web of unfunded mandates set by agencies outside our district. These mandates affect even the most minute details of our operation. Funding formulas are arcane and inherently harder on smaller districts, yet we must find more funds to cover the constantly expanding definition of basic education mandated by state and federal governments. Specify one area of the budget where you would cut costs, and explain why you chose it. Fuson: There is not one area of the budget that should bear the full weight of cost-cutting. Each category of expenditure should evaluated to see if we can eliminate waste and duplication. With the unpredictability of the state and federal funding, all expenditures are open for discussion. Methner: As a member of the Fiscal Advisory Committee for the past seven years, I can honestly say we are nearing bone in terms of budget cuts. More cutting will involve limiting opportunities for students in the form of transportation, electives, music and sports. These are critical to creating well-rounded kids, attracting new employers and professionals, and to our quality of life. To what degree do you support a bond to build a new high school in 2011? Fuson: It is true that the high school is reaching the end of its useful life expectancy and will need to be replaced. I feel we need to develop a long-range plan to engage the students at the high school first. Turn

to next page

Deborah (Debby) Fuson Residence: Port Angeles Phone: 360-452-5575 E-mail: Age: 56 Education: High School graduate, specialized training in accounting, financial management and retail sales. Occupation: Currently hold the position of direct receiving associate with Wal-Mart in Port Angeles. I have held numerous positions with the company in my 14 years of employment. Campaign Web site: None currently Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? No

Sarah Methner Residence: Port Angeles Phone: 360-460-9730 E-mail: sarah@ Age: 39 Education: Bachelor’s degree, political science, University of Oregon; initial teaching certificate, Seattle Pacific University Occupation: Personal trainer, YMCA Campaign Web site: Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? No


Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

For the election ending November 3, 2009

Peninsula Daily News

Port Angeles School District director, Position 1 Continued from preceding page

Determine how we can help these children who are not college-bound become contributing members of our community and then build a high school to facilitate their education. Methner: Our high school is clearly nearing the end of its usable life. The question becomes whether now is really the right time to replace it. The facts are that financing will never be cheaper, construction and material costs are lower than we have seen in many years, and there are local people in desperate need of work. Moving sooner rather than later makes ultimate financial sense for both the district and the entire community. Specify how you would meet the challenge of steadily declining enrollment. Fuson: Declining enrollment is the result of several causes. The school board as part of the community needs to find ways to work with local agencies to encourage acquisition of family-wage jobs. Second, parents are looking for options for their children. Private schools and home schooling allow the parents a way to make sure their values are instilled in their children. Third, students need to be reminded that education is a privilege not a right. Methner: Our entire community will benefit if we entice new business here.

About the job PORT ANGELES SCHOOL DISTRICT DIRECTOR, Position 1 Term: Four years Election boundaries: Lake Sutherland to Fairview area near Siebert Creek, and Strait of Juan de Fuca south to the southern edge of Olympic National Park. Registered voters: 18,744 as of Oct. 12. Meetings: Second and fourth Monday Duties: ■ Pass an annual budget that for 2009 is $38.8 million. ■ The 2009 maintenance and operations levy rate is 2.26 per $1,000 of valuation, or $452 Families who seek a high quality of life will follow. Businesses look at how good the school district is when making location decisions. Our district needs to come up with solutions that encourage people to stay or relocate here. If enrollment declines continue, we may have to look at more school consolidations and remodeling to keep class sizes down and teaching quality high.

yearly for the owner of a $200,000 home. ■ Can offer two-, three- and four-year levies for vote of the people. ■ Hires the schools superintendent. ■ Approves policies for running the school district including student behavior and academic eligibility policies for a student body that in 2009 is 3,748 students housed in 10 school buildings. ■ Approves bargaining agreements and salaries for staff that in 2009 totals 285 teachers and 243 classified staff (management, bus drivers, teachers aides, secretaries, clerical workers). Compensation: Current School Board members have waived compensation but are eligible to receive $50 per day for attending meetings and conducting School Board business not to exceed $4,800 annually.

The test is only one indicator of how the student is grasping the material. True competency is when the student can apply to life the knowledge learned. Progress has been made in recent years, and I believe the board is committed to continued improvement.

Methner: In reality, when compared with statewide numbers, the Port Angeles School District consistently scores above Specify how you would meet the challenge of students the state average. However, we must question consistently not scoring high enough on standardized tests. the validity of a test that so many fail and ask if the problem Fuson: First, we need to find lies with the Washington Assessout why the students aren’t scor- ment of Student Learning itself. The superintendent of public ing high enough on the standardinstruction is taking steps to ized tests.

improve this test. I think our teachers should be able to spend their time teaching content rather than the best techniques for taking the WASL. If elected, what would be your primary goal for next year? Fuson: My goal for my first year of service would be to spend time with the current board members, learning from their experience and acquiring the tools to effectively legislate on behalf of the students in our community and to explore and bring to the board creative ideas for living within the constraints of current legislative unfunded mandates.

Methner: My primary goal will be to reach out to parents, teachers, business leaders and other elected officials to get as many minds working on our problems as possible. An “us vs. them” mentality will not cut it. We must recognize that many people have great ideas, solicit those ideas and find a way to implement the ones that will work. Why should voters choose you over your opponent? Fuson: My experience is in the private sector. I have managed a small accounting business. Our education system is in a funding crisis. We need creative ideas and willingness to take a hard look at how we arrived here. With the variety of life experiences that I have had, I can bring a fresh set of perspectives to the school board. Methner: My dedication to this community and my extensive involvement are clear. I have a deep knowledge about district finances and laws that govern the allocation of funds. I will think hard and listen closely to others. I will not be adversarial, but open to ideas and dedicated to making decisions in the best interest of the entire community. It is not simply about students, parents, teachers or the district. It is about finding solutions together.

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Clallam County Voter Guide 2009 CITY OF SEQUIM

For the election ending November 3, 2009


City Council, Position 2

How will you make the time to attend all meetings and be an effective, full-time City Council member? Miller: I presently attend City Council meetings regularly. My attendance record is as consistent as my opponent’s and much better than at least one other sitting council member. In addition, I chair the Planning Commission, which meets twice a month. I have a good understanding of the issues impacting the city of Sequim. Schubert: I always have and will continue to take very seriously my commitments. My work day starts a 5 a.m. so I can keep all my commitments. It is simply a matter of priority, and City Council is a high priority in my life at this time. I have put aside some of my passions in life (time with the teens at Boys & Girls Club, woodworking, fishing, etc.) for the time being to run again and serve the people of Sequim.

be made in open session. Schubert: In all cases, the business of the council should be conducted in full view of the public except when our city attorney advises us that doing so would create a liability to the city. I realize this is a sensitive issue, and I have always tried to include the public in the business of the city. Transparency is the goal, and we need to strive for it always. How would you rate the present City Council? Explain.

Miller: The present City Council is split between the three long-serving members who supported the unbridled development and growth that led to the overwhelming election in 2007 of four new but less united conservative members. Then as now, citizens are outraged at the control that developers and real estate interests had over our city’s treasury and lifestyle. The new council members made some early rookie mistakes What is the proper use of closed-door executive sessions, but learned quickly and are now doing good work. and how would you balance that with the need to conduct Schubert: The current City the public’s business in full Council is a failure and an view of the governed? embarrassment to the community. Miller: The state of WashingSince the last election and the ton has some of the toughest four “new” council members came open government laws anywhere. into office, we have accomplished I fully support both the intent little except to fire an excellent and the letter of those laws. city manager and spend 18 Transparency in the council’s months and more than $300,000 decision-making is absolutely to replace him. essential. We also have raised developClosed sessions should not be ment fees to an excess, forcing scheduled unless absolutely nec- development into the county essary. compromising our farmlands and The public must be informed open space that we all want to of the justification for a closed preserve. session, and all decisions and Turn to next page votes related to these topics must

Ted Miller

Walt Schubert

Residence: Sequim

Residence: Sequim

Phone: 360-417-9236

Phone: 360-460-0745

E-mail: lawyerted@ Age: 63 Education: Bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Michigan State University; minors in education and political science. Received my law degree from George Mason University (Virginia) Law School; attended law school at night while working full time. Occupation: Retired from the Central Intelligence Agency. My work there was focused on helping win the Cold War as a systems analyst. I then practiced law in Virginia before moving to the Sequim area in 1997. Campaign Web site: Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? I have never held elective office.

E-mail: Actpro@olypen. com Age: 69 Education: Three years of college, mostly involved with aeronautics. Occupation: Retired from contract builders hardware business, then started Action Property Management Campaign Web site: None Have you ever held elective office and if so what? Ten years on the Sequim City Council, six as mayor.

Got an idea for a news story? Let us know by e-mailing news@peninsula or by phoning our newsrooms: Port Angeles: 360-417-3527 800-826-7714, ext. 227 Sequim: 360-681-2391

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Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

For the election ending November 3, 2009

Peninsula Daily News

Sequim City Council member, Position 2 Continued from preceding page

What is the most pressing city issue, and how would you address it? Miller: The city is in desperate financial straits. We are nearly $800,000 short of meeting our 2010 budget. We must enact ordinances and comprehensive plan amendments that will ensure that real estate developers (instead of the taxpayers) pay for their impact costs to Sequim as state law allows. I helped the city attorney draft the linchpin concurrency ordinance prior to becoming a candidate. My opponent prefers to cut essential city services instead. Schubert: Establishing budget priorities, keeping our general fund reserve at $1 million and balancing the budget without raising your taxes. With our out-of-control spending, we are moving toward insolvency. What we do about it is control our spending, prioritize and live within our means just like you do with your personal budget. The “new” council solution of raising taxes is the wrong thing to do during these difficult times. If elected, how will you promote harmony on the council? Miller: It is no secret that my opponent leads the forces of conflict and tension on the council. My election will send another message to the “pro-developer power establishment” in the city. The citizens are insisting on meaningful reform, and they deserve it. My strong suit is that my background and training have

About the job SEQUIM CITY COUNCIL Positions 2, 3 Term: Four years Election boundaries: Sequim city limit Registered voters: 4,191 as of Oct. 12. Meetings: Second and fourth Mondays. Duties: ■ Pass a general fund budget for day-to-day operations that for 2009 is $7.8 million, not including $1 million for street maintenance. ■ Hires a city manager who is responsible for hiring a work force that numbers 78 permataught me to disagree without being disagreeable. The council needs a voice of compromise, consistency and consensus. I want to be that voice. Schubert: It is difficult to promote harmony when the new majority has no interest in working together as a whole council. I will continue to promote and bring my 50 years of business ownership /management experience to the council. The past council, under my leadership, did not have a problem with harmony. We had a good background of working as a team. There was always respect, trust and transparency. Should height limits on buildings be increased to allow for higher density and affordable housing, and why or why not? Miller: I have a longstanding interest in this issue. My opponent supports density

nent positions in 2009. ■ Elects a mayor and deputy mayor from the council. ■ Adopts all ordinances, approves all contracts and serves on boards, commissions and subcommittees. ■ Sets a levy amount, which funds the budget, that cannot increase by more than 1 percent without a vote of the people, not including new construction. Compensation: The mayor is paid $250 a month, mayor pro-tem $200 a month and the rest of the council members $150 a month. $20 per meeting not to exceed $80 a month. The IRS mileage rate of 55 cents per mile for School-Board-related business.

and height concessions for developers that would produce “minighettos” in our city. I am opposed to high-rise, “welfare housing” in Sequim. It has never worked anywhere. I do support work-force housing for our police, teachers and other workers in our banks, stores and restaurants. Instead of destroying our height/view restrictions, there are other alternatives such as land trusts, land rent, or smaller homes. Schubert: Yes. It will create the opportunity for work-force housing. By creating the opportunity, the free market will determine the demand. That our police, teachers, etc., can’t afford to live in our town is a real problem. I want to continue to work with those on the council to create the opportunity for workforce housing. The real question is not

■ Hiring people for study after study and not following the recommendation. ■ Road repairs and maintenance. We should be contracting with the county to do our road maintenance to save money. The county has the resources and the interest in working with us. We did two projects about five years ago: South Third Avenue and Miller Road. It worked out great. Why should voters choose you over your opponent?

Miller: This election is nothing less than a referendum on Sequim’s future. Will city government be led by should height limits be increased, those who respect our traditions but by how much. and quality of life? Will voters have the courage Specify one area of the to complete the work they budget where you would cut started in 2007? costs, and explain why you My opponent and his allies chose it. sling mud at the new council Miller: I don’t believe focusmembers in order to distract voting on one area for cuts is appro- ers from the truly serious issues. priate. This must end! I need your The council must set priorivote. The City Council needs ties. mine! Mine are: ■ Utilities (water and sewer) Schubert: I care about and ■ Safety (police and some listen to all of the people. transportation) I have a proven record and ■ Mobility (roads, sidewalks, reputation in the community of and bike paths) being a leader and a problem ■ Planning (required by state solver. law) I will always honestly let you ■ Recreation know where I stand. The city manager then has I will not vote for tax the responsibility to propose a increases without you having a budget that conforms to these say. priorities and available revenue As a council member and (education, fire safety and other mayor, I promoted economic vital areas are not City Council development and increased city responsibilities). revenues from $780,000 in 2000 Schubert: Here are two: to $2.35 million in 2007.

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Peninsula Daily News

Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

For the election ending November 3, 2009



City Council, Position 3

How will you make the time to attend all meetings and be an effective, full-time City Council member?

gain experience and the different members are trying to get along. They had meetings on this subject.

East: I will make the time necessary to attend all City Council meetings and devote the time necessary to review, study, evaluate and make informed decisions.

What is the most pressing city issue, and how would you address it?

Hall: I have attended just about all City Council, planning commission and parks board meetings for 10 years. My record is as good or better than anyone else’s. What is the proper use of closed-door executive sessions, and how would you balance that with the need to conduct the public’s business in full view of the governed? East: The executive sessions should be used to manage decisions that relate to legal issues affecting the city and their financial impact or those regarding lease decisions that would jeopardize lease negotiations. Hall: I personally prefer all meetings to be public. I must obey the city attorney if questions come up. How would you rate the present City Council? Explain. East: Very low. The new council members have wasted time and money in firing the former city manager and the search for a replacement. For the past year and a half, the City Council process has been stagnant, with little forward progress. The city impact fees have been increased to all-time highs, making it more difficult for people to construct residential housing. Hall: The present council is improving all the time as they

East: The budget for 2010 is the most pressing issue. Serious decisions must be made on the entire city budget process that will affect all levels of government service and staff. There is not one specific area of the budget for targeting. The entire budget is under evaluation. Stabilize the city government by hiring a city manager and moving forward the city of Sequim.

Should height limits on buildings be increased to allow for higher density and affordable housing, and why or why not? East: The height limits should allow for three-story buildings to provide commercial space on the ground floor and office space and housing units on the upper floors. In future years, it maybe necessary to raise height limits to allow for higher density for housing units. Hall: I think height limits must be increased in the town center and be lowered as you go away from the center. I think we must provide for affordable housing, and the codes are being worked on to provide for this. The problem is currently being studied, also, and I attended the work session.

Hall: The most pressing issue now is the budget and the $850,000 shortfall that the council is already working on. Specify one area of the budI personally want a balanced get where you would cut costs, budget. and explain why you chose it. I have attended all the meetings on the budget and think the East: There is not one specific present council is working hard on area of the budget for cost-cutting. the problem. The entire budget must be evaluated by departments, capital If elected, how will you pro- improvement projects and all mote harmony on the council? aspects of the financial process to arrive at a final budget. East: I will work with the There will be serious decisions council to promote a consensus in made regarding the 2010 budget, the decision-making process and with some unpopular results. find common ground on issues to Hall: Seventy percent of the promote the growth of Sequim. I will bring management expe- budget is personnel, and I think this is the area that must be rience to the council that should assist in the decision-making pro- looked at. I am talking about all departcess. ments. I would be willing to give up Hall: I have worked with Ken Hays on his “Sequim Speaks” proj- my salary if the other council members would also. ect. I worked with Susan Lorenzen Why should voters choose on the parks board trail system you over your opponent? through Sequim. I am known for getting along East: I am Mike East, running with everyone. My record speaks for Sequim City Council Position 3. for itself.

Michael East

Don Hall

Residence: Sequim

Residence: Sequim

Phone: 360-681-4496

Phone: 360-681-4383

E-mail: mikeeast4sequim@ Age: 66 Education: Bachelor’s degree, University of Oregon Occupation: Retired manager, truck freight transportation Campaign Web site: None Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? No

I bring new energy, ideas and experience in business management, sales and marketing to the Sequim City Council. I have been a small business owner and understand the operations of running a small business and the financial considerations. I will work hard for the citizens of Sequim to bring professionalism to the City Council and move Sequim forward with a vision for the future.

E-mail: Age: 77 Education: Three years of college Occupation: Retired quality assurance manager Campaign Web site: None Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? I served almost six years on the Sequim City Council.

Hall: I do more than attend council meetings. I helped put in the dog park and improve the two softball fields for the senior softball team. I had the path put in from the reuse parking lot to the band shell. I had new signs done for the parks and Pioneer Park. I am on the Highway 101 bypass trash pickup team and pick up trash in the city.


Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

For the election ending November 3, 2009

Peninsula Daily News


Director, Position 2

How would you rate the present School Board? Explain. Kirshbaum: Under difficult circumstances, they’re good. But it’s more than the board. Kudos to the students who attempt to do their best; to the graduating students who apply for and receive their scholarships; to parents, teachers, support staff and the many volunteer groups and individuals who support the district, and to all the unnamed who make the district succeed in

its educational objectives. O’Neil: The current board is healthy and diverse. If you combine Sarah’s organizational leadership, Walt’s 30 years as a board director in Detroit schools, John and Bev’s decades of teaching experience, and my background in financial management and community involvement, I believe that the board has the drill-down depth that the district needs. The current board has the perspective of parents, retirees, teachers and business people — a truly balanced representation.

About the job SEQUIM SCHOOL DISTRICT DIRECTOR, Position 2 Term: Four years Election boundaries: Area encompasses 140 square miles and includes portions of Fairview and Blue Mountain, and all of Carlsborg, Gardiner and the city of Sequim. Registered voters: 21,064 as of Oct. 12. Meetings: Second and fourth Mondays every month. Duties: ■ Pass an annual budget that for 2009 is $24.7 million. ■ Can offer two-, three- and four-year levies for vote of the people. ■ The 2009 general fund levy rate is 72.9 cents per $1,000 of valuation, or $146 for the owner of a $200,000 home. The rate is 260th lowest of 274 school districts in Washington, according to school district Business Manager Brian Lewis. ■ Hires the schools superintendent. ■ Approves policies for running the school district including student behavior and academic eligibility policies for a student body that in 2009 is 2,890 students housed in five school buildings. ■ Approves bargaining agreements and salaries for staff that in 2009 totals 199 teachers and 135 classified staff (management, bus drivers, teachers aides, secretaries, clerical workers). Compensation: Members receive no compensation. They are eligible to receive $50 per day for attending meetings and conducting School Board business not to exceed $4,800 annually. If they travel on district business, they drive district vehicles.

What is the most pressing issue in the school district, and how would you address it? Kirshbaum: Externally, the state may eventually revise its funding formula, but this is beyond the control of the local district. Internally, I believe we need improved two-way communication with the general community. Not everyone attends board meetings or reads the newspapers. Excellent presentations are often made at these meetings (such as assessments, standards, etc.) of which the general community should be aware. Why not include pertinent information in one or more of the quarterlies mailed out? O’Neil: The most pressing issue is pushing our people and our buildings beyond their limits. Both our elementary schools are near capacity, we’ve got 36 students crammed into language arts classes at the middle school and an AP calculus class with 6-year-old books making it impossible to successfully take the advanced placement exam. The solution is adequate resources, as promised in the Washington state Constitution. We need to secure stable, ample funding at the state level. Specify one area of the budget where you would cut costs, and explain why you chose it. Kirshbaum: Without reaching into the “heart of the district” and impacting critical personnel, how can we realistically cut deeper? We need to assess what can be restored for student advantages or how we can better utilize resources we have. Turn

to next page

Jon Kirshbaum Residence: Sequim Phone: 360-681-2968 E-mail: jon_kirshbaum@ Age: 66 Education: ■ Bachelor’s degree in comprehensive marketing, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Ill, 1965. ■ Master’s degree in business administration, specializing in finance, NIU, 1971. ■ Chief school business official endorsement as Illinois K-12 administrator. ■ Postgraduate (doctoral) courses in educational administration, School of Business Management and Adult Education, NIU. Occupation: Retired information technology project manager, financial systems analyst. Executive editor of a travel magazine and freelance travel writer/photographer. Campaign Web site: None Have you ever held elective public office? Yes, precinct committee officer.

Virginia O’Neil Phone: 360-683-5975 E-mail: brownhen@ Age: 48 Education: Graduated with honors from Stanford with a bachelor’s degree in English in 1983. Completed a year’s study abroad in England and master’s course work in English and creative writing at New York University. Occupation: My first job is raising our three daughters. In addition, for the last 11 years I have been the president and general partner of a family limited partnership and real estate holding company. Campaign Web site: None Have you ever held elective public office? I have been a School Board director since March 2007.

Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

Peninsula Daily News

For the election ending November 3, 2009

Sequim School District director, Position 2 Continued from preceding page

Could we use more effective purchasing of materials and services and look to other means to partner with other groups, districts or individuals in areas where we would not have to spend even more dollars? O’Neil: I would follow a priority-based budget process that has the least impact on student learning. Out of 296 districts, Sequim is in the lowest quartile, ranked 264 for funding, so in a year during which we’ve already cut more than $1 million out of one of the leanest school budgets in the state, I wouldn’t want to cut a thing. That’s like the surgeon asking the patient: Which body part could you live without? How important is having a school resource officer at the middle school and high school? Kirshbaum: Is it vital? Probably not, but it’s more than just a public relations gain for Sequim police and School District 323. Students get to know “a real person” behind the badge. This can increase the students’ appreciation for law enforcement. It complements periodic visits often scheduled for student awareness.

The officer’s presence affords a “first line of defense” should risks to students occur. Also, he or she has instant ability to obtain support if needed. O’Neil: The value of seeing a uniformed police officer in our halls interacting every day with our students is immeasurable. The officers who worked in our schools were exemplary. Sadly, the grant money that paid for that SRO program dried up. Levy funding could restore this program in 2010. How difficult will it be to pass a maintenance and operations levy next year, and how would you meet this challenge? Kirshbaum: It could be very difficult unless voters are made aware of what is necessary — how much is needed, for what specifically will the money be used, what would be the results if the levy were defeated and what are the alternative plans should the levy not pass. I support full disclosure regarding the levy. The voting public must be informed in sufficient detail. Otherwise, due to the economy, they may not approve such a levy. O’Neil: This community

clearly values education, because in the last three campaigns, it supported our students. Citizens for Sequim Schools is already in the planning stages for next year’s campaign, and under the leadership of that board, I am confident that when the voters listen to the district’s needs, they will renew their support for us once again.

Simply said, we need more time to work with struggling students. So adding after-school tutoring, summer school programs, all-day kindergarten and providing transportation to increase attendance would all equate to higher test scores. If elected, what would be your primary goal for next year?

Specify how you would meet the challenge of students consistently not scoring high Kirshbaum: Personally, I enough on standardized tests. would need to learn new “rules of the road” — district specifics and Kirshbaum: My first thought: any state code differences. Are the standards fair and realisI would seek to “fit in” as a tic? board director with the district Recently, Washington Schools team and the general community Superintendent Randy Dorn said (to validate it had made the corthat ultimately, all state schools rect choice in electing me). could be on “in improvement” I would learn about the school lists. site I was “adopting” and any It is better left to teachers and board committee(s) I serve on. support staff to try to motivate and remediate individual stuO’Neil: At the risk of sounddents. ing like a broken record, we need I would support continued appeal of any unfair standards or to secure stable funding. Our current lack of dollars sanctions that are imposed and prevents us from helping all kids any motivational or remedial get what they need. approaches that may be underWith adequate resources, we taken to assist the individual can begin to address multiple student. issues — our ageing infrastrucO’Neil: There is no one magic ture, overcrowded classrooms, an outdated curriculum and insuffiformula for raising student test cient technology. scores. However, a proven strategy to Our staff, our parents and our increase student performance is army of volunteers make a to provide an extended school day. decent education happen every

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day for 2,760 kids, but they need help. Why should voters choose you over your opponent? Kirshbaum: ■ I shall bring diversity (new views and experience) to the board along with 23 years of experience within a large K-12 environment: ■ Knowledge of board-wide government-funded finance, budgeting and accounting practices. ■ Core team member and IT specialist on a complex, systemwide process re-engineering project (two years). ■ Communications (a defined core process) team member during the build and test phases. ■ Successfully interacted with vendors, board and community members, central office and school staffs. O’Neil: Frankly, I know Sequim schools. My husband and I have raised our family and lived and worked here for 14 years. We are committed to this community. I have spent 12 years volunteering in our classrooms and in countless committees from gifted to special education. I have a common-sense approach to improving our schools because I am there everyday. If re-elected, I promise to continue to bring leadership, integrity and experience to this district.


For the election ending November 3, 2009

Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

Peninsula Daily News

PA R K A N D R E C R E AT I O N D I S T R I C T N O . 1

SARC commissioner, Position 1

How will you make the time to attend all meetings and be an effective, full-time SARC commissioner? Richardson: Strange question! I would think that if one were to run, that person knows of the responsibility. It’s a job, you’re on time and available. Sorensen: This is not an issue. I make time to attend board meetings and attended board meetings prior to my election.

To what degree should SARC spend reserves on new equipment and programs?

Unanticipated expenses and a nationwide recession can quickly deplete reserve funds. Since SARC receives no city, county or state funding, money Richardson: Hoarding must be held in a reserve money for future emergencies account. covered by insurance is not conThe 2009 SARC budget is just servation of finances. Purchasing a $400,000 expan- under $1 million, and we have sion at today’s depressed market one year of operating expenses available. for $300,000 that will accrue A portion of the budget is desvalue in coming years is financial ignated for new equipment, and prudence. $30,000 was spent in 2009. Sorensen: Fiscal responsibilWhat is the most pressing ity is very important to keep issue facing SARC, and how SARC viable. will you address it?

About the job CLALLAM COUNTY PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT 1 (SEQUIM AQUATIC RECREATION CENTER) COMMISSIONER, Positions 1 and 2 Term: Positions 1 and 2, four years Election boundaries: Same as Sequim School District in Clallam County — area encompasses 140 square miles and includes portions of Fairview and Blue Mountain, and all of Carlsborg and the city of Sequim. Registered voters: 21,064 as of Oct. 12. Meetings: Agenda-setting meeting first Wednesday of the month, business meeting second Wednesday of the month. Duties: ■ Pass a general fund budget for day-to-day operations that was $990,800 in 2009. ■ Can levy taxes but only by a vote of the people (the district currently does not collect any property taxes). ■ Sets the Sequim Aquatic Recreation Center fees that fund all district operations (SARC is the only facility, park or otherwise, that is managed by the board). ■ Sets all policies, rules and regulations for SARC users and members. ■ Board hires a SARC director who supervises 40 full- and part-time employees. Compensation: Board members serve on a voluntary basis and receive no compensation.

Richardson: Simple: management’s leadership or lack thereof. Which leads me to the next question. Sorensen: Keeping rates affordable while still having adequate funds for maintenance and operation is the most pressing issue facing SARC. I would encourage brainstorming by the board to create incentives for new patrons while retaining present patrons. If elected, what would be your primary goal for next year? Richardson: To secure a professional manager with both business and sport facility experience. This would expedite community involvement with such things as county bike rides, marathons and expansion, not to mention a professional standard lacking in SARC’s operations. A subsequent item would be to have a forensic accounting of SARC’s financials. Turn

to next page

Jan Richardson

Susan Sorensen

Residence: Sequim

Residence: Sequim

Phone: 360-683-2607

Phone: 360-681-0977

E-mail: Jan Age: 69 Education: Three years college, business Occupation: Retired owner of a construction company Campaign Web site: none. Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? No

E-mail: starlady@olypen. com Age: 56 Education: Diploma in nursing, bachelor’s degree in nursing, master’s degree in human resource development Occupation: I have been a registered nurse for 36 years and retired as a nurse from the United States Air Force with the rank of lieutenant colonel. I am presently employed part-time as a nurse at Sequim Same Day Surgery and do diabetes education in the community. Campaign Web site: None Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? I am presently in an elected position on the Sequim Aquatic Recreation Center (SARC) board

Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

Peninsula Daily News

SARC, Position 1

Why should voters choose you over your opponent? Richardson: My opponent has served dutifully over the past eight years, but I believe in term limits. Organizations, political or otherwise, that are not frequently changed, languish in trivialities which in time stifles free thought. Familiarity overcomes common sense and the purpose of duty. I believe it’s time SARC’s board has a new voice. Sorensen: I am involved in the community and am open to new ideas that are shared with me. I want to continue to be a voice for the silent majority of SARC users who abide by the rules and appreciate having access to the wide variety of exercise options that SARC offers. I have no personal agenda other than to ensure that the facility continues to serve the entire community.


PA R K S A N D R E C R E AT I O N D I S T R I C T N O . 1

SARC commissioner, Position 2

Continued from preceding page

Sorensen: Continue to make decisions that will do the most good for the largest number of patrons. I see a need for new familychanging rooms, and options to meet that need must be carefully evaluated before action is taken.

For the election ending November 3, 2009

How will you make the time to attend all meetings and be an effective, full-time SARC commissioner?

issue is to reduce fees for admission and expand the Premier Pass that was passed, and which I hold, more than the 10-year term.

Levesque: Since I work parttime, I will be at all meetings as the newly elected commissioner.

Macaulay: At the present time, SARC faces a couple of pressing issues, not just one: ■ We need to design and build a family changing room. The existing family room is located in the main hallway, and this is unacceptable. ■ SARC is more than 20 years old. Maintaining an aquatic facility such as SARC requires a tremendous amount of expense. The life expectancy of the present pumps, filters and plumbing is slowly reaching its end. It would only be reasonable and prudent to start planning at this time for this large expenditure.

Macaulay: I am retired. In the past, I never hesitated in giving my personal time to the community and to community service projects. To be an effective commissioner, I understand the importance of doing my homework on issues of concern prior to board meetings and taking time to listen to the concerns of all SARC members and the general public. I have done this in past, and I will continue do so in the future. To what degree should SARC spend reserves on new equipment and programs? Levesque: I believe that SARC needs to get new more modern equipment to compete with Anytime Fitness and Sequim Gym. As to new programs, I would have to asked the pass holders/ users of SARC what type of programs they would like to see offered and join.

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Macaulay: There should be no set dollar amount earmarked to spend from reserves. Money in the reserve fund should be directed to high-priority needs. In order to handle any emergency, it is extremely important to have a reserve fund large enough. I do not want to be in a position where in order to open our doors, we need to pass levy. Another option: If reserve funds are too high, maybe fees should be lowered.

peninsuladailynews. com

What is the most pressing issue facing SARC, and how will you address it? Levesque: The most pressing

If elected, what would be your primary goal for next year? Levesque: To reduce fees. Expand Premier Passes. Macaulay: I would put in motion a proposal for the hiring of an architect to design a family changing room. Why should voters choose you over your opponent? Levesque: The voters should elect me over my opponent due to the fact that I work out at SARC five times a week, and I would be an independent commissioner and not go along with the board due to pressure. Macaulay: For more than 21 years, I have operated and been an administrator for athletic complexes similar to SARC. I managed aquatic programs for both school and community. Because of past experience in quite similar situations, plus my ability to listen at all citizens (SARC members and the general public), I am qualified to represent you on the SARC board.

Noelle Levesque Residence: Sequim Phone: 360-544-1065 E-mail address: Age: 29 Education: Sequim High School class of 1998, Peninsula College, certificate in 2005 Occupation: Health and wellness Campaign Web site: None. Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? No.

Robert (Bob) Macaulay Residence: Sequim Phone: 360-683-8981 E-mail: bkwmac@ Age: 64 Education: Bachelor’s degree, Western State College of Colorado, 1969; master’s degree in education, University of Alaska, 1975; certificate of administration, secondary schools education, 1989. Occupation: Homer (Alaska) High School pool director, 10 years; athletic director, six years; assistant principal, five years, and Homer High Alternative School principal, two years. Campaign Web site: None Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? I am on the Sequim Aquatic Recreation Center Board of Commissioners. With other candidates, I was interviewed by the SARC board and appointed to this commission seat until the election. This board position I have held for the past year.


Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

For the election ending November 3, 2009

Peninsula Daily News


Water commissioner, District 3

What is the most pressing issue facing the water district, and how will you address it? Friess: Take your pick — biosolid disposal or finances. Hoefer: Disposal of solid waste material from Sequim Water District’s water treatment facilities. How well does the district communicate with water users, and if communication needs to be improved, how would you do so? Friess: Limited communication today. Semi-annual “town hall meetings,” expanded communications, broader details via monthly SunLand Owners Association bulletins. Hoefer: Annual forums and

quarterly SunLand Owners Asso- is most desired. ciation newsletter. Solids are now trucked to Sequim water treatment plant What’s your solution for for processing. handling reclaimed water This will shortly have to be and solids from the water done by the water district or by treatment plant? other acceptable sources. Friess: The Class A effluent is currently sprayed on an alfalfa field. There must be a better use. Solids are trucked to the city of Sequim treatment plant. We would seek for a better disposal that is beneficial to the environment and economically feasible. Hoefer: Currently, the water district is producing Class A water from the treatment process, which is then recharged to the water table by spray fields. Recharging through induction into Casselary Creek when environmental approvals are received

About the job SUNLAND WATER DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, District 3 Term: Six years Election boundaries: 440-acre community of SunLand north of Sequim, bordered by Sequim-Dungeness, Woodcock, Holland and Medsker roads. Registered voters: 1,236 as of Oct. 12. Meetings: Second Tuesday of the month Duties: ■ Approve a budget that in 2009 is $740,280 and is feebased: $528 a year for sewage service, $324 for water service. ■ Hire a manager who oversees a six-person staff. ■ Serves a community with 850 water-sewer connections, with a capacity of 950 connections. Compensation: $90 per meeting and the IRS mileage rate of 55 cents per mile for district-related business.

If elected what would be your primary goal for the next year ? Friess: First and foremost, to affirm and ensure that the fiscal condition of SunLand Water District is secure, in both the shortterm and long-term. In the process to look, listen, learn, evaluate, review, respond and “apply” in and for the best interests of our customers. Hoefer: Solid waste treatment is our major issue that must be dealt with. Why should voters choose you over your opponent? Friess: My focus will consistently be serving the needs of our customers. I will bring marketing and management skills, experience in long- and short-term planning and communication skills to the position of commissioner. I hold a successful track record of serving the needs and wishes of my previous community, having served as an elected official for almost 20 years in several capacities, culminating as mayor of Corning, N.Y. Hoefer: I not only have eight years as a Sequim Water District commissioner, but through my construction experience, I have worked on many sewer systems and sewage handling and processing facilities for various cities and governmental agencies over the Pacific area.

Albert Friess

Arthur Hoefer

Residence: Sequim

Residence: Sequim

Phone: 360-681-0701

Phone: 360-681-0147

E-mail: Algin1@ Age: 75 Education: Attended Manhattan College in New York City Occupation: Retired international sales and marketing executive, Corning Inc. Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? Eight years alderman, two terms; four years mayor, two terms; four years school board, two terms, all in the city of Corning, N.Y., between 1980 and 2000.

E-mail: aphoefer@ Age: 81 Education: High school graduate and trade school. Occupation: Construction Manager, International Construction. Campaign Web site: None. Have you ever held public elective office, and if so, what? Yes, Sequim Water District commissioner.

Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

Peninsula Daily News

For the election ending November 3, 2009



Emergency medical services property tax levy

By Diane Urbani


see their property taxes rise. The added funds will pay for paramedic services, Vogel said, SEQUIM — With some 29,000 adding that when someone in people and a burgeoning call vol- District 3 calls 9-1-1 in a medical ume, Clallam County Fire Proemergency, his paramedics are tection District No. 3 needs the first responders. strengthened funding for emer“Our call volume since 2000 gency medical response, said has gone up 40 percent,” the chief Chief Steve Vogel. noted. Voters have the option of bolIn 2008, District 3 firefighterstering that funding through a paramedics took 5,500 calls; this property-tax levy proposition on year the district is nearing 6,000. the Nov. 3 ballot in both Clallam Vogel credits the climbs to and Jefferson counties. steady population growth and If approved, the levy would the flow of people above age 60 to increase from the current 27 Sequim and environs. In addicents per $1,000 in assessed val- tion, the Jefferson County comuation to 50 cents per $1,000. On munity of Gardiner was added to a $300,000 home, that’s $150 per Clallam County Fire District 3 in year in property taxes. September. Home owners and land ownThe district’s newest fire staers in District 3 — from Gardiner tion, at U.S. Highway 101 and to just east of Deer Park Road Sophus Road in Blyn, was finoutside Port Angeles — would ished in September with $1 milde la

Peninsula Daily News

Proposition No. 1 Reauthorizing Regular Emergency Medical Services Property Tax Levy Shall the Board of Commissioners of Clallam County Fire Protection District No. 3 be re-authorized to impose regular property tax levies of $.50 or less per thousand dollars and assessed valuation for each of ten consecutive years beginning in 2010 for the provision of emergency medical care and emergency services?

 Yes

lion in funding from the Jamestown S’Klallam tribe and about $402,000 from District 3. It protects the Blyn-GardinerDiamond Point area, Vogel said, with first responders able to arrive in five minutes — not 20, as when the nearest fire station was the one in Sequim. The staffs at the three sta-

 No

tions, however, are slim: one paramedic per shift in Blyn, one at the 70 Carlsborg Road station and two to three paramedics per shift at the main station at 323 N. Fifth Ave. in Sequim. The emergency medical services budget is $2.6 million per year for District 3, Vogel said. Since the current levy reaps

only about $1.25 million per year, he has dipped into its fire-protection budget to make up the difference. If the levy increase passes, “we could use the fire money for fire protection, the way it’s supposed to be,” Vogel said. The levy would go into effect in January and continue for 10 years. Vogel figures the levy increase has opponents — but said he has yet to hear from them. Some years ago he met a local man who was opposed to all tax hikes. “Then he saw my budget,” Vogel said. When posting fliers about this November’s ballot measure, “I haven’t heard any negative comments,” he added. “We’re asking people to pay for services.”


Sales and use tax levy of 0.2% proposed By Diane Urbani

de la

Peninsula Daily News


SEQUIM — Locals — and others from across the North Olympic Peninsula — who stock up at Sequim’s big-box stores and browse its mom-and-pop shops should all help pay for better roads and sidewalks, with an extra two-tenths of a cent in sales tax. That’s the thinking of Sequim Mayor Laura Dubois, who voted with the Sequim City Council this summer to place a sales-tax hike before their city’s voters in the Nov. 3 election. Clallam County’s sales tax is 8.4 percent; the proposed increase would bring it to 8.6 percent within the Sequim city limit only. The revenue stream would help Sequim fix up its streets,

Proposition No. 1 Sales and Use Tax Levy For Transportation Improvement Plan The Governing Board of the Transportation Benefit District of the City of Sequim, Washington, adopted Resolution No. R-2009-10 concerning a sales and use tax to finance transportation improvements. This proposition would authorize a sales and use tax of two-tenths of one percent (0.2%) to be collected within the District from all taxable retail sales in accordance with RCW 82.14.0455 for a term of ten years for the purpose of paying or financing a portion of the costs of transportation improvement projects, sidewalk and street repair and improvements, and model connectivity projects identified in the City of Sequim Transportation Improvement Plan and in Resolution No. R-2009-10. Should this proposition be approved?

 Yes

build sidewalks and otherwise ease foot and vehicular traffic. To this end, the City Council established a transportation benefit district — a new taxing district that covers the entire city of Sequim — last year. Last November, the two-

 No

tenths-percent sales tax increase was placed on the November ballot but lost by a few dozen votes. So the council is trying a second time and hoping more voters will see the benefits of raising taxes to upgrade streets. Dubois has emphasized that

the sales-tax hike won’t affect basics such as food — except that purchased in restaurants and delis — and likewise won’t be tacked onto rent, mortgages, utilities or prescriptions. It would be added to goods such as tires, clothing, appliances

and dinners out, all of which draw people to Sequim from across the county. The added two-penniesper-$10 sales tax would bring in an estimated $600,000 per year, based on city projections. Yet opponents — such as Mike McAleer of the Sequim Association of Realtors and vice president of the Clallam County Economic Development Council — believe upping prices here will put local merchants at a disadvantage. “From an economic development perspective, and from the perspective of protecting businesses and encouraging them to grow, this is not a good time for them to have to collect more tax,” McAleer said. Turn

to next page


For the election ending November 3, 2009

Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

Peninsula Daily News

H O S P I TA L D I S T R I C T N O . 2 [ O LY M P I C M E D I C A L C E N T E R ]

Hospital commissioner, District 3, Position 2

How will you make the time to attend all meetings and be an effective, full-time hospital commissioner?

government-run health insurance plan to help cover uninsured hospital district residents?

Miles: Hopefully, insurance for the uninsured would reduce or eliminate this problem.

Edin: Since I am retired but still energetic, I will have ample time to invest in hospital responsibilities.

Edin: Based on my experience as a hospital board member in Oregon, I have come to believe the United States is too wealthy a country to not have universal health coverage.

How would you balance the need for private physicians to stay competitive in the community with the need for Olympic Medical Center to provide medical services to the community?

Miles: No problem. I am retired. What is the proper use of closed-door executive sessions, and how would you balance that with the need to conduct the public’s business in full view of the governed? Edin: Executive sessions are declared by law to be limited to personnel, real estate and other limited topics. Decisions must be made in open public meetings. Miles: According to the Public Hospital District Commissioner’s Guide, there is a limited reason for executive sessions, mostly for issues related to clinical privileges. I would agree. Do you favor or oppose a

Miles: I favor some kind of government health insurance plan. We already have government financed plans — Medicare and Medicaid. There are also some instances where younger people are covered under Social Security. Health care costs are clearly out of control, and a government plan is probably the surest way to help control these costs. Unpaid accounts for medical care total about $7 million at Olympic Medical Center. How would you address that problem? Edin: I have insufficient knowledge of how the hospital deals with this to offer an opinion.

Sequim tax proposal Continued from preceding page

sidewalks on older streets such as Maple and Hammond. In an address to the City So if the increase passes, Council, McAleer has called the McAleer said, “you’re putting a transportation benefit district tax on the whole area to enhance “socialism at its best,” noting that all of Sequim, plus shoppers who their properties.” Mayor Pro Tem Ken Hays, in come in from outside the city, contrast, calls the ballot measure would pay this tax for the “democracy at its finest,” since it improvement of only a few gives voters a choice of approving streets in a few neighborhoods. or rejecting higher taxes to pay Among the dozens of projects on Sequim’s six-year Transporta- for city projects. If the measure does pass, it tion Improvement Plan — and will take effect in 2010 and autothat stand to benefit from the matically sunset in 10 years. potential sales-tax hike — are

Edin: Over the years, hospitals have become more and more responsible for ensuring adequate primary and secondary medical care. I prefer private practice physicians but in their absence would support hospital recruited physicians. Miles: This is a very complex and important issue. Private physicians and Olympic Medical Center need each other for the delivery of expedient, quality health care. The community needs physicians and physicians need to be able to rely on a viable, well-run hospital for their patients. OMC must be sensitive to the needs of the physicians and implement strategies that will both attract and retain private physicians and medical groups to the community. Specify one area of the budget where you would cut costs, and explain why you chose it. Edin: I have insufficient knowledge of the current hospital budget as well as a history. As a former chief financial officer, I know how to read and prepare budgets and would offer opinions after doing my research. Miles: I have not had the opportunity to study the budget. Turn

to next page

Phil Edin

John Miles

Residence: Port Angeles

Residence: Port Angeles

Phone: 360-452-2272

Phone: 360-928-2501

E-mail: phil.edin360@ Age: 68 Education: Bachelor’s degree in corporate finance, University of Oregon Occupation: Retired chief financial officer Campaign Web site: None Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? Yes, Tigard City Council, Tigard, Ore.; Tualatin Rural Fire District, Wilsonville, Ore.

E-mail: milesdobies@ Age: 79 Education: Central High School, Memphis, Tenn.; Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill.; University of Tennessee College of Medicine, M.D. degree, Memphis, Tenn. Occupation: Retired physician. I practiced for more than 35 years in Southern California with a very large group. I did family practice for 10 years, then returned for four years of ear-nose-throat specialty training. I was chief of the department, served as an elected member of our board of directors for 12 years and as medical director for six years. I was responsible for a $260 million budget as well as being chief of staff. Campaign Web site: None Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? No

Peninsula Daily News

About the job

For the election ending November 3, 2009 23 Clallam County Voter Guide 2009 CITY OF FORKS

CLALLAM COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT 2 (OLYMPIC MEDICAL CENTER) COMMISSIONER, District 3, Position 2 Term: Two-year unexpired term Election boundaries: Sequim to the west side of Lake Crescent

Forks mayor

Registered voters: 41,584 Meetings: First and third Wednesdays Duties: ■ Approves an operating budget that in 2009 was $125 million, including wages for 1,050 employees. Sets policies for Olympic Medical Center, Olympic Medical Cancer Center in Sequim and seven clinics. ■ Sets a levy amount, which funds the budget, that cannot increase by more than 1 percent without a vote of the people, not including new construction. The levy for 2009 is 44 cents per $1,000 of valuation, or $88 for the owner of a $200,000 home. ■ Hire a chief executive officer. Compensation: ■ $104 per day for meetings and hospital commission-related business up to 9,984 a year. ■ Medical, dental and life insurance.

OMC commissioner, District 3, Position 2 Continued from preceding page

However, like all budgets, I would be surprised if there were not some opportunities for savings. If elected, what would be your primary goal for next year?

Edin: I am not able to answer this question. Dr. Mills is well qualified to perform as a hospital commissioner. If he is chosen by the voters, I will readily support him.

Miles: I have always loved medicine and have had the good fortune of many years of experience in both the practice of Edin: To listen and learn as much as I can about the medical medicine and the management of a successful health care syscare issues of Clallam County. tem. As medical director, I manMiles: I would like to familaged hundreds of employees, iarize myself with the condiadministrators and physicians. tions at the Olympic Medical I was responsible for the Center and contribute to discusdelivery of quality medical care, sions and board decisions based financial management of a large on my extensive experience in budget and solving problems of medical care. practice, delivery and medicallegal issues. Why should voters choose I also have many years of you over your opponent? board experience.

How much time will you devote to being mayor, and how will you do it, given that being mayor is not a paid position? Monohon: I expect to have some regular office hours and am anticipating giving between one to two hours a day (likely in the morning or late afternoon) plus travel as necessary to the position. Usually, I am only a few minutes away from City Hall at any time during the day if pressing needs arise. Soha: Being a private business owner, I make my own hours, so I am able to spend as much time as is needed to make sure the city is running properly. I’m willing to put my personal affairs on hold to help better Forks and the West End community. What administrative and executive experience do you have that qualifies you for this position? Monohon: Besides being chairman of the board of Clallam Transit in 2007, I have been a board member of two nonprofit organizations and was elected to two leadership positions during my college years. It is important to note that managerially in football terms, I do not see myself primarily as a coach, quarterback or even a runTurn

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Bryon Monohon

Joe Soha

Residence: Forks

Residence: Forks

Phone: 360-374-5008

Phone: 360-374-2009

E-mail: posaunebryon@ Age: 46

E-mail: Joe_soha@ Age: 26

Education: Bachelor’s degree in history, Lewis & Clark College, Portland, Ore. (1984); bachelor’s degree in forest resources, University of Washington, Seattle.

Education: Attended the Running Start at Peninsula College, then moved to Wyoming to attend Wyoming Technical Institute to study diesel mechanics.

Occupation: Mental health case manager for West End Outreach Services, part of Forks Community Hospital

Occupation: Business entrepreneur

Campaign Web site: None Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? I am currently in my sixth year as a Forks city councilman.

Campaign Web site: None Have you ever held public office, and if so, what? I have not yet held public office.


Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

For the election ending November 3, 2009

Peninsula Daily News

Forks city mayor Continued from preceding page

ning back. I am an all-league sort of offensive guard or tackle who opens up spaces for others to succeed. Soha: We live in a town that is primarily dependent on the timber, recreational, and tourism industries. My experience owning and operating businesses as well as being the president of a logging corporation helps me keep in touch with a diverse public with different needs and demands.

About the job FORKS MAYOR Term: Four years Election boundaries: City of Forks Registered voters: 1,386 Meetings: Second and fourth Mondays Duties: Acts as city manager, hires and can fire city staff, signs vouchers and payroll checks, can veto measures approved by the council, presides over City Council, voting only to break ties.

Compensation: None What is the proper use of closed-door executive sessions, and how would you balance that with the need to conduct tions and governments both locally and regionally. the public’s business in full Most importantly, I expect to view of the governed? provide a lot of encouragement Monohon: Executive sessions and empowerment for people are appropriate at the end of reg- from the position of mayor. ularly scheduled council meetings with a brief description of the topic to be discussed, the expected length of the session and whether action will be taken afterward. I am generally not a big fan of executive sessions, but I realize that occasionally they are needed.

Soha: After speaking to many local residents, I have found that their main concerns come down to two things: the lack of livingwage jobs, and the faith in our local law enforcement. I’m working with local businesspeople and individuals in reaching out to different investment sources in the hopes of bringing new industry into the Soha: The proper use is defined in RCW 42.30.110, which community. As to the law enforcement states that the executive session issue, I am ready to work with should be used only when needed, and the information and the community and do what is solutions that can be made public necessary to restore full faith in our local law enforcement. will be as soon as the issues are resolved. If elected, what would be I personally believe that they your goal for your first year should be used as little as possiin office? ble. What is the most pressing city issue, and how would you address it? Monohon: People need jobs and activities that are rewarding and fulfilling. I anticipate more networking between the city, the business community and other organiza-

Monohon: My goal will be guiding us as we set priorities. The city is presently doing a great job of effectively addressing a little bit of everything. I would like to see us do an outstanding job at a few things so that our citizens can always name two or three activities the city is engaged in and know that

they are part of it and are the owners. Soha: Within my first year in office, I would like to hear that I have represented the people of this town well. I would like to bring more common sense to the decisions this city makes. If I can achieve this goal, I will feel successful as a first-year mayor. How much of a leadership role will you take in healing the divisions in the community caused by the controversy over the firing of three police officers? Monohon: I am only able to help people as much as they are willing to help themselves. Perhaps some of these divisions will never heal. I don’t agree with or even understand some of the choices our three officers made, and while it has been a difficult time, I do still like them all – most of the time. Soha: It is my understanding that the issue was brought to a close through arbitration. The individuals involved who I have spoken to stated that they are moving on with their lives

and hope everyone else can do the same. Should Mike Powell stay on as chief of police, and why or why not? Monohon: This is the responsibility of Mayor Reed and Chief Powell until the end of 2009. I have expectations of how I envision the department operating and plan on receiving advice from law enforcement professionals I have worked with in the past from out of the area for a more unbiased approach. I have not spoken with Chief Powell at the present time with regards to his future. Soha: The multiple issues surrounding the chief deserve the attention of any candidate running for this office. But when an officeholder such as Mr. Monohon authorizes the expenditures of more than $300,000 of the city taxpayers’ dollars to attorneys, they deserve an explanation. One of my first tasks, if elected, is to objectively review the chief’s actions, and if they have not been appropriate to his office, he may need to move on.

lighters” but for all visitors to our community. Specify one area of the budget where you would cut costs, and explain why you chose it. Monohon: The city budget is a bare-boned budget. I can give a short sound bite answer such as “travel – we’re paying too much in wages and gas going to meetings!” but the fact is, cuts will come in services and positions. Mayor Reed is preparing the 2010 budget, and the staff and City Council face difficult decisions. So, to answer the question, expect less and/or different police coverage. It is a large portion of the budget. Soha: I have not had sufficient time to properly study the budget to make a decision on specific areas of the budget that might need adjustments. If I and the City Council determine an area that needs cutting, then we will do so.

Why should voters choose you over your opponent? How should the city further capitalize on the Twilight Monohon: It is the personal series phenomenon? responsibility of each voter to Monohon: I hope all business make this decision. I will manage and guide the owners reinvest in facilities durcity in a steady, responsible maning this time and that our local ner and have a bit of fun with residents continue coming up with clever ideas for profit while the whole Twilight experience as well. entertaining our visitors. I know that the older Bella Soha: I don’t know my oppoand her legion of friends love nent on a personal level, but I Olympic National Park, native will tell you I was born and cultures, outdoor recreational activities, shopping in downtown raised in Forks, my family lives Port Angeles, lavender fields and here, and this is where I plan on growing old. Victorian architecture. I don’t have time or patience to deal with nonsense. Soha: The city can further I believe the community needs capitalize on Twilight by continuto go in a different direction, and ing to improve the image of our town and encouraging businesses city government needs to do more for the citizens of this comand locals to make a welcoming environment not just for “Twimunity than it has.

Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

Peninsula Daily News

For the election ending November 3, 2009


City Council, Position 2

How will you make the time to attend all meetings and be an effective, full-time council member? Hillcar: I have put a priority on being informed, and finding time to be involved in council meetings will not be a concern. Making time to get out and hear the concerns of the people is what is really important. Scott: The meeting are on the second and fourth Monday of each week in the evening, so making time to attend is not an issue. I’m in contact with the public all day long, so I’m always available for questions and input..

Hillcar: City government should take no role in healing personal divisions. Scott: This never would have become an issue if the prior mayor had discharged the chief of police when his misdeeds were first disclosed. I would support the new mayor in locating and hiring a new police chief so the department could be reorganized and regain its credibility. The current situation is unacceptable and must be addressed quickly.

Scott: Personnel is always the largest percentage of the budget. The city, like any government bureaucracy, is a self-perpetuating entity that has grown beyond its original purpose. Positions found to be unnecessary would be eliminated or vacancies left unfilled. It is not the time to raise city wages and increase fees as was currently done, when the general population is experiencing job loss and lower income. Government has to be responsive without being a burden.

What’s your top goal for How should the city further the coming year? capitalize on the Twilight series phenomenon? Hillcar: The biggest accomplishment I can see is to simply Hillcar: The city itself should What is the proper use of restore the confidence of the citiclosed-door executive sessions, only benefit from increases in zens in their city government. retail activity through tax reveand how would you balance This can be done by keeping that with the need to conduct nue collected. fiscal responsibility as a top priThe city should allow busithe public’s business in full ority. nesses to function with as little view of the governed? Citizens have lost faith in city intervention as possible without law enforcement. disregarding current laws and Hillcar: I understand that We as city officials are obliordinances. executive sessions are reserved gated to restore that faith as to discuss topics that contain perwell. Scott: Concessions should be sonal or confidential information. Our city government, in its made to the film company so the I am somewhat disappointed next movie could at least in part limited role, must be a respected with the public attendance at and well placed member of the be filmed on location in Forks. City Council meetings and concommunity itself. It’s up to local businesses to stantly encourage people to improvise and develop the means attend. Scott: My top agenda item, I would exhaustively research to capture revenue from this pheamong others, for the coming nomenon. the laws regarding what is year is the reorganization of the It’s government’s job to stay allowed to be publicized. police department. Topics legally belonging to the out of their way. people should be available to the A new chief needs to be Specify one area of the people. recruited and selected who is up budget where you would cuts to the very difficult task at hand Scott: The only use of closed- costs, and explain why you of putting the department back door sessions would be to discuss chose it. on the road to credibility. personnel issues. Investigation of crimes and Hillcar: I can’t single out one prosecution of offenders are top Otherwise, all business should be conducted in front of and with area that could afford a huge priorities. budget reduction. the input from the public. Prosecution has been very But in business, every little lacking and also needs to be bit helps, and when times are What role will you take in addressed. healing the divisions in the tough, as they currently are, Public safety is the primary community caused by the con- doing more with less may be the issue. troversy over the firing of only choice for a period of time Turn to next page three police officers? for the city.

John D. Hillcar

Tom Scott

Residence: Forks

Residence: Forks

Phone: 360-374-5272

Phone: 360-374-9247

E-mail: gravelhack@ Age: 35 Education: Forks High School graduate, 1993; Spokane Community College, associate in applied science, Fluid Power Occupation: Rockcrusher operator, truck driver Campaign Web site: None Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? I’ve never held a public office.

E-mail: jcso12@ Age: 54 Education: High school and about one year of college Occupation: Retired from law enforcement and currently own and operate Scott’s Appliance Repair and Olympic Paragliding in Forks. Campaign Web site: Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? No. I don’t like politicians and never had a desire to run for public office. But, there comes a time when you have to stand up and be counted. This is such a time.



For the election ending November 3, 2009

Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

Forks City Council, Position 2


City Council, Position 3

Continued from preceding page

What’s your top goal after the next four years? Hillcar: I would like to see city of Forks perfect its duties to citizens by limiting its role to basic obligations. Simply put, return to basics for the people of Forks, never turning away from opportunity, just keeping city government where it is obligated to be. Scott: Attract new business and industry to the area. We need to ensure that government is not being a hindrance to new business development. Why should voters choose you over your opponent? Hillcar: Tom Scott is a wonderful choice for council. Tom and I share many values and principles. Voters should vote their conscience. Scott: We share a similar philosophy, but I have a track record of taking on tough issues and seeing them through. I will vigorously debate the issues and will not provide a rubber stamp. I will also encourage and take input from the public. I’m also willing to change my position on an issue if it’s contrary to the will of the public.

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How will you make the time to attend all meetings and be an effective, full-time council member? Guckenberg: My job usually is daytime, and I usually have the evenings free. McAvoy: I found that when I retired to Forks, I had too much time on my hands and started a small construction company. My time is completely flexible. What is the proper use of closed-door executive sessions, and how would you balance that with the need to conduct the public’s business in full view of the governed? Guckenberg: To discuss property matters and personnel issues. McAvoy: ■ To consider real estate dealings pertaining to the city. ■ To review performance of public contracts. ■ To receive or review complaints about public employees. ■ To evaluate qualifications for public employment. ■ To discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. Most importantly, I believe in full disclosure after resolution of any closed-door session. What role will you take in healing the divisions in the community caused by the controversy over the firing of three police officers? Guckenberg: The healing process has already begun. McAvoy: I don’t know that anyone can say or do anything at this point. This will be an emotional issue, not only for the three police officers but for the entire community for some time. It has been resolved by arbitration, and it’s time for all of us

How should the city further capitalize on the Twilight series phenomenon? Guckenberg: By supporting the local businesses. McAvoy: The city should be supportive of private enterprise and make efforts to promote the city and its surroundings to all of our visitors. Specify one area of the budget where you would cuts costs, and explain why you chose it. Guckenberg: I don’t know that there is any right at the moment. Everything is running pretty much bare bones. They haven’t been filing positions as they come open.

Bruce Guckenberg Residence: Forks

Residence: Forks

Phone: 360-374-5147

Phone: 360-374-7474

E-mail: bruceguckenberg@ Age: 57

McAvoy: Without a doubt, litigation expenses! I would encourage compromise and resolution of issues rather than litigation.

Education: ITT computer institute/business school

What’s your top goal for the coming year?

Occupation: Manager, Sully’s Drive-in

Guckenberg: To continue to support the citizens and businesses of Forks.

Campaign Web site: None

McAvoy: Attempt to promote new business to the community in order to promote more opportunities for our citizens and visitors alike. What’s your top goal after the next four years? Guckenberg: I don’t really have a goal after four years. I’m going to leave it up in the air and decide to run again if I want to. McAvoy: To continue to live in Forks and enjoy all it has to offer. I have no further political aspirations. Turn

to next page

Randy McAvoy

Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? Currently on the Forks City Council

E-mail: randymcavoy@ Age: 56 Education: Graduate of Roosevelt High School, Des Moines, Iowa Occupation: I have always been self-employed in the construction business. I owned and operated McAvoy Construction Inc., also known as McAvoy Studio. After more than 30 years, I sold the business and retired to Forks. Campaign Web site: I do not have a campaign Web site. Have you every held elective public office, and if so, what? I have never held elective office.

Peninsula Daily News

About the job

For the election ending November 3, 2009 27 Clallam County Voter Guide 2009 F I R E P R O T E C T I O N D I S T R I C T N O . 5 [ C L A L L A M B AY ]

FORKS CITY COUNCIL Term: Positions 2 and 3, both four-year terms Election boundaries: Forks city limit

Commissioner, Position 1

Registered voters: 1,386 Meetings: Second and fourth Mondays Duties: ■ Pass a general fund budget for day-to-day operations that for 2009 is $1.7 million and funds 30 full-time positions. ■ Sets a levy amount, which funds the budget, that cannot increase by more than 1 percent without a vote of the people, not including new construction. ■ Adopts all ordinances, approves all contracts and serves on boards, commissions and subcommittees. Compensation: IRS mileage rate of 55 cents per mile for trips related to city business.

Forks City Council, Position 3 Continued from preceding page real reason. It’s just kind of a

Why should voters choose you over your opponent? Guckenberg: To me, it just a personal choice. I’ve got five years of experience in. I’ve basically been raised in Forks, raised my family here. Other than that, there’s no

personal choice. I have no real agenda to run on. I’m not running for a specific reason. McAvoy: We choose to spend the rest of our lives in Forks and have grown to love it more each year. I feel that I will bring a new perspective to city government.

What is the most pressing issue facing the fire district, and how will you address it? Corliss: Recruitment. Use aggressive advertising, utilize individual abilities to enhance the department and community needs. McDaniel: The increasing local, state and federal mandates with no funding. We will continue to manage the budget to best meet the requirements of fire and emergency medical services departments. Would you expect the fire district ask for a levy increase during your term? Explain. Corliss: No, the station and the vehicles are paid for. No new vehicles should be needed in the next few years. McDaniel: No. We will continue to strive to serve the citizens we serve with the budget we are allocated.

Peninsula Daily News

How well is the district delivering emergency services, and what, if anything, would you do to change how it’s done?

photos can be purchased — on all sorts of memorabilia.

Corliss: The district is provided adequate service for a small department.

Simply click on the ‘Photo Gallery’ at . . .

McDaniel: The district is delivering emergency services very effectively and continues to conduct training to better prepare the members with the necessary tools to respond in today’s all-hazards world. Turn

to next page

Crystal Corliss Residence: Clallam Bay Phone: 360-963-2895; 360-640-9132 E-mail: cvcorliss@ Age: 50 Education: High school graduate, college accounting credit. Occupation: Fiscal analyst Campaign Web site: None Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? No

Glen D. McDaniel Residence: Clallam Bay Phone: 360-963-2542 E-mail: mason_ag@ Age: 79 Education: Attended high school. Occupation: Retired federal employee Campaign Web site: None Have you ever held elective public office, and if so, what? Yes, Clallam County Fire District 5 commissioner — 20 years total.


For the election ending November 3, 2009

About the job

Clallam County Voter Guide 2009 S TAT E O F WA S H I N G T O N

Peninsula Daily News

CLALLAM BAY FIRE DISTRICT 5, Position 1 Term: Two-year unexpired term Election boundaries: 75 square miles, including the communities of Clallam Bay, Sekiu, Pysht and Hoko. Registered voters: 547 Meetings: Fourth Thursday of the month Duties: ■ Sets a levy amount, which funds the budget, that cannot increase by more than 1 percent without a vote of the people, not including new construction. ■ Passes a budget that in 2009 was $189,117 and is funded by a levy of 68 cents per $1,000 levy, which costs the owner of a $200,000 home $136 a year. ■ Hires a budgeted half-time commissioners’ secretary and a fire chief whose salary is funded by a Federal Emergency Management Agency grant. ■ The chief supervises 18 volunteer firefighters and firefighter-emergency medical technicians ■ Sets district operating guidelines, decides on the coverage area and what hazards the department responds to. Compensation: ■ $104 per day for meetings and conducting fire-districtrelated business up to $12,384 per year. ■ IRS mileage rate of 55 cents per mile for conducting fire-district-related business.

Fire District No. 5, Position 1 Continued from preceding page you over your opponent?

If elected, what would be your primary goal for next year? Corliss: Increase the recruitment for volunteers and make sure the department is flexible to the needs of the community within the guidelines of a volunteer. McDaniel: To continue to work with my fellow commissioners and the chief and members to ensure that the needs of the community and the department are met. Why should voters choose

Corliss: I feel I can provide much-needed guidance related to fiscal accountability and proper conduct of business within the department. I fully understand and promote that elected officials are servants of the public, and that their actions shall be a direct reflection of that responsibility. McDaniel: My years of experience in the fire protection service and my willingness to work with the commissioners and officers of Clallam County Fire District No. 5 to meet the overall needs of the department and the citizens we serve.

Referendum 71, domestic partners By Rachel La Corte The Associated Press

Nearly a year after California voters overturned same-sex marriage, voters in Washington will weigh in this fall on whether to reverse gay rights initiatives ranging from anti-discrimination measures to marriage benefits. The so-called “everything but marriage” law that expands the state’s current domestic partnership law will be on the ballot as Referendum 71. “In off-year elections, ballot measures gain much more attention, regardless of the topic,” said University of Washington political science professor Matt Barreto. But California’s battle over Proposition 8 is “certainly an important backdrop.” Under a California Supreme Court decision, California had allowed same-sex marriages for five months before 52 percent of voters reversed the ruling in the contentious $83 million Prop. 8 battle last November. The state’s Supreme Court upheld the vote earlier this year. Gay rights supporters see one silver lining in the loss in California. “It has sparked a greater public conversation about gay people,” said Dan Hawes, a field director with the Washington, D.C.-based National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. “While we have lost in previous ballot measures, because the margin of loss continues to shrink, it does indicate that there is growing acceptance.” In addition to the loss in California, gay-rights supporters suffered setbacks elsewhere last fall,

Passed by the Legislature and Ordered Referred by Petition Referendum Measure No. 71 The Legislature passed Engrossed Second Substitute Senate Bill 5688 concerning rights and responsibilities of state-registered domestic partners, and voters have filed a sufficient referendum petition on this bill. This bill would expand the rights, responsibilities and obligations accorded state-registered same-sex and senior domestic partners to be equivalent to those of married spouses, except that a domestic partnership is not a marriage. Should this bill be:

 Approved

with amendments banning gay marriage being approved in Arizona and Florida. Arkansas voters approved a measure banning unmarried couples from serving as adoptive or foster parents. “When the people have voted, they have voted to defend marriage,” said Carrie Gordon Earll, senior director of public policy for Colorado Springs-based Focus on the Family. Thirty states have voterapproved gay marriage bans in their constitutions. Several other states, including Washington, have bans that were passed by state lawmakers. The 1996 federal Defense of Marriage Act, known as DOMA, bars federal recognition of gay unions and denies gay couples access to federal pensions, health insurance and other government benefits. Since then, six states have enacted laws or issued court rulings that permit same-sex marriage, including Massachusetts,

 Rejected

Maine, Vermont, Connecticut and Iowa. New Hampshire’s law takes effect Jan. 1. Maine’s gay marriage law was scheduled to go into effect on Sept. 12, but it was put on hold once opponents got enough signatures to force a public vote. “There’s going to be victories and there’s going to be reversals,” said Washington state Sen. Ed Murray, one of the Legislature’s six gay lawmakers, who successfully spearheaded a gay rights law and thre e domestic partnership laws. “There is an impression that somehow because we elected a Democratic president and Democratic Congress, this is all solved. It isn’t,” said Murray, D-Seattle. Lawmakers in Olympia have taken an incremental approach to increasing gay rights without actually taking on the state’s marriage ban, which was upheld by the state Supreme Court in 2006. Turn

to next page

Peninsula Daily News

Referendum 71, domestic partners

For the election ending November 3, 2009 29 Clallam County Voter Guide 2009 S TAT E O F WA S H I N G T O N

Continued from preceding page

A federal judge in Tacoma granted the sponsors’ request The following year, lawmaklast month. But the state is ers passed the state’s first appealing, citing the state’s domestic partnership law granting a handful of rights, like hos- open-government laws. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of pital visitation, to gay and lesAppeals will hold a hearing on bian couples. the case in Pasadena, Calif., In 2008, that law was later this month. expanded to add more rights, The constitutional argument and this year the latest law is similar to that made by the added such partnerships to all National Organization for Marremaining areas of state law riage and other groups that where currently only married sponsored California’s Prop. 8. couples are mentioned. The statutes range from Those groups had sought to labor and employment rights to block their campaign finance pensions and other public records from public view, saying employee benefits. previous reports led to the Nearly 12,000 people in harassment of donors. Washington state are registered A federal judge in that case as domestic partners, and while ruled earlier this year the the underlying law that was names had to be disclosed. A passed in 2007 allows some lawsuit on the case is moving older heterosexual couples to forward. register as domestic partners, “No one should have to suffer most of the couples are gay. vandalism and death threats Conservative Christians raljust because they support govlied to get Referendum 71 on ernment protection of tradithe November ballot, arguing tional marriage,” attorney that the state’s latest move is James Bopp Jr., representing the last step before full civil Protect Marriage, said in a marriage for gay and lesbian recent news release. couples in the state. Bopp was also involved in the Opponents of the state’s law effort to shield California are also fighting in court to try donors. to continue shielding the names If R-71 is rejected, only the of people who signed petitions to most recent law would be rolled force a public vote. back; the two prior domestic Attorneys for Protect Marriage Washington say that refer- partnership laws would not be affected. endum signers’ names and Washington state, along with addresses should be exempt from California, Oregon, New Jersey the state’s public records discloand the District of Columbia, sure law because release of the have laws that either recognize information would put them at risk of harassment, amounting to civil unions or domestic partneran unconstitutional infringement ships that afford same-sex couof free speech rights. ples similar rights to marriage.

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Initiative 1033, government revenue By Paul Gottlieb

Peninsula Daily News

Voters statewide will decide if city, county and state government general funds should be capped and extra revenues returned to citizens in the form of property tax reductions when they vote on Initiative 1033. The brainchild of voters initiative activist Tim Eyman, I-1033 would: ■ Limit annual revenue increases to the previous year’s revenue, adjusting it for population growth and inflation. ■ Use any revenue collected above the adjusted limit would reduce property owners’ property tax levies the year after revenue topped the limit. ■ Require voter approval for governments to spend revenue that exceeds the threshold. The measure was included in ballots mailed to Clallam and Jefferson counties on Oct. 14. Ballots must be postmarked Nov. 3 or dropped off by Nov. 3 at county drop-boxes and courthouses. Government leaders in Clallam and Jefferson counties said in interviews and public presentations over the two days before ballots were mailed that the measure would severely hamper their ability to pay for unplanned but necessary expenses as well as hinder the delivery of basic, everyday services. They cite expenditures such as disaster relief and less controllable expenses such as labor contracts that they say could become subject to voter approval if voters approve I-1033. In addition, those elections could cost upward of $70,000 in

Proposed by Initiative Petition Initiative Measure No. 1033 Initiative Measure No. 1033 concerns state, county and city revenue. This measure would limit growth of certain state, county and city revenue to annual inflation and population growth, not including voter-approved revenue increases. Revenue collected above the limit would reduce property tax levies. Should this measure be enacted into law?

 Yes

Clallam County, for example, depending on the number of taxing districts with elections and measures on the ballot to split the cost, county Auditor Patty Rosand has said. The government officials said the overall revenue limit also unfairly includes funds not generated solely by county taxpayers, such as state and federal grants, and they have questioned whether voters really want to vote on individual government programs, staffing levels and labor contracts. But Eyman said if the expenditure is worth it, those government officials should prove it to voters. “If they need more than the automatic increase provided in 1033, they’ve got to convince voters the increase is necessary,” he said in a telephone interview from his Mukilteo home. “We think that strikes a very reasonable balance.” Eyman recalled the dire warnings of government leaders in 2001, when they fretted over the impact of Initiative 747, which limits the growth of property tax levies to no more than 1 percent

 No

without a vote of the people. Voters resoundingly approved the tax limit, 58 percent to 42 percent, and since then have approved 70 percent of the 470 levies put before them in taxing districts across Washington, Eyman said. “It made it to where a tax increase is the last resort,” he said. Eyman said the success of Initiative 601, in effect from 1993 to 2005, proves that governments can work with a revenue formula based on population growth and inflation, though 601 applied to state expenditures, not to revenue, and it did not apply to city and county governments, as does I-1033. Restrained government spending ended after the death of I-601 in 2005, Eyman said. “From 2005 to 2008, we were on a fiscal roller coaster,” he said. Had I-601 limits been in place, the state would not be facing a $9 billion deficit, Eyman added. “Counties and cities are subject to the same desires,” he said. “They have trouble controlling themselves.” Turn

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For the election ending November 3, 2009

Initiative 1033, government revenue Continued from preceding page

pared in case 1033 passes, that we will have to do much more But North Olympic Peninin the way of cuts than we are sula government officials say doing right now.” self-control isn’t the problem. Doherty said he drew some They say they are just gethope from poll numbers that ting by. seemed to be pointing in the Jefferson County Assessor right direction for initiative Jack Westerman told county opponents who poured $1.5 into commissioners on Oct. 12 that the anti-I-1033 campaign in the I-1033 would “repeatedly and first two weeks of October. permanently shrink” the counAn Oct. 5 KING 5/Surveyty’s revenue base — no matter USA poll had 45 percent of the state of the economy, in respondents in favor, 32 percent good times and bad. opposed and 22 undecided. Jefferson County already That compares with a Sept. faces a $2 million shortfall for 22 Rasmussen poll in which 2010 based on budget requests I-1033 was favored by 61 perfrom department heads who cent and rejected by 31 percent, have already been told the larwith 8 percent undecided. der is bare. But Eyman attributed the In Clallam County, commistighter KING 5/SurveyUSA sioners Chairman Mike numbers to the vagueness of Doherty said Oct. 13 that comthe poll question. missioners are asking for “seriThe poll question said the ous cuts” from department initiative “would limit spending heads who are preparing their for state, county, and local gov2010 budgets. ernments,” while the actual lan“We can’t afford to spend guage voters will read on their down our reserves,” Doherty ballots says the initiative said, adding the board may “would limit growth of certain state, county and city revenue.” impose a 12-day unpaid furThe KING 5/SurveyUSA poll lough on all employees in 2010 also did not include the I-1033 and close the courthouse one provision that says property day a month to make ends taxes will be lowered with meet, as recommended by excess revenue, Eyman said. county Administrator Jim In addition, the poll question Jones. Those are only what Doherty did not include the provision called a “first-tier” cuts, he said. that says if voters approve the The board will impose even measure, governments can use more onerous “second tier” cuts revenues above the threshold if I-1033 passes, Doherty said, with voter approval, and that adding nothing has been proannual city, county and state posed just yet. budgets would be adjusted for “To every one of the departinflation and population ments, we are saying be pregrowth.

Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

Peninsula Daily News

Cash-strapped state looking at tax hikes The Associated Press

OLYMPIA — Gov. Chris Gregoire said she would consider tax increases as officials run out of ways to fix the state’s recessionhammered budget. Gregoire was a staunch opponent of tax hikes during the last legislative session. But she said late in September that she’s worried about further cuts to state programs. “At some point, the people, I assume, don’t want us to take any more cuts,’’ she said. “I mean, I’m already hearing about, ‘Why did you cut education?’ Well, there weren’t any options. We’re without options.’’ The state’s most recent twoyear budget patched a revenue deficit of about $9 billion over 2½ years, with about $4 billion in spending cuts and about $5 billion in federal spending and other one-time fixes. But further weakening of the state’s economy has taken a toll on state government revenue, and officials now think Washington could face an additional $1 billion deficit when the Legislature meets again in January. The No. 2 legislator on the Senate’s budget-writing Ways and Means Committee, Rodney Tom, D-Medina, said he thinks lawmakers may look into narrow revenue sources, such as higher

Gov. Chris Gregoire “We’re without options” “sin’’ taxes levied on liquor or cigarettes. Raising any of Washington’s three major broad-based taxes — on property, sales or business receipts — seems unlikely, he said, adding that lawmakers will focus on spending cuts and other efficiencies before reaching for new revenue. “I could definitely say that’s not going to be the first thing we look at,’’ Tom said. “There’s still a lot of anxiety out there in the economy, and consumer spending is still not

rocking and rolling.’’ Senate Republican budget chief Joe Zarelli, R-Ridgefield, countered that majority Democrats shouldn’t start counting on new revenue just yet. While the recession may have hit bottom, the state’s economic recovery is expected to be long and slow. Zarelli said that means Washington must focus on making government more efficient, and ensure that its growth doesn’t outpace the economic recovery. “We’ve got to understand that as difficult as it is for us, it’s even more difficult for the average man or woman on the street,’’ Zarelli said. The great unknown in any debate over higher taxes is a pair of voter initiatives that restrict state revenues. Initiative 960, already on the books, requires a difficult twothirds vote of the Legislature to raise taxes. Lawmakers could suspend that law with a simple majority vote next year. But if I-1033 is approved by voters in November, it would place a new cap on the growth of the state’s main checking account, with any excess revenue dedicated to property tax relief. “If I-1033 passes, I think we just all go home and bury our heads in the sand,’’ Tom said.

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Clallam County Voter Guide 2009

For the election ending November 3, 2009


Will recession affect I-1033 outcome?

By Curt Woodward The Associated Press

OLYMPIA — Hoping to strike a nerve with recession-weary voters, perpetual anti-tax activist Tim Eyman returns to the ballot with a plan to put government on a strict diet, cut property taxes and give voters the final say on tax hikes. Initiative 1033 may be the most sweeping project yet from Eyman and Co.’s direct-democracy factory, which over the years has brought Washington cheaper car tabs, 1 percent annual property tax increases, and government performance audits. But a broad coalition of establishment figures is betting that Eyman has reached too far. Piloting a multimillion-dollar campaign, with support from big public-sector unions and notable names in business, the opposition is aiming for the voters’ self-interest along with their heartstrings. Reheating a strategy from campaigns past, opponents are listing a truckload of government services that could get whacked under I-1033, with the most sympathetic getting top billing. The first TV advertisement focuses on K-12 education, making teacher Jenny Rose the public face of the campaign — framed by a blackboard and American flag, Rose warns that I-1033 will cut state financing for schools, driving class sizes up. The Election Day verdict could reveal whether voters think state and local governments have suffered enough during the recession, or are cruising along relatively unscathed. But the outcome also could hinge on how much voters trust their government, and whether they want to assert more control over the system, said Western Washington University political scientist Todd Donovan, an expert on ballot measures. “If you take Eyman out of it, and you take the groups that are against it out of the equation, people like to have more say,” Donovan said. “If they approve it, is that an anti-government message? Or is that just good old-fashioned Washington populism?”

The Associated Press

Tim Eyman holds his daughter, Riley, 1, as he updates a tally board held by Mike Fagan, after Eyman turned in petition signatures for Initiative 1033 at an elections office at the Capitol in Olympia in July. The measure is on the ballot now distributed for the Nov. 3 election. Initiative 1033 borrows pieces from earlier smaller-government measures, enacted both here and in other states. At its heart is a cap on revenue: The main checking accounts of city, county and state governments would only grow fast enough to keep pace with the rate of inflation and yearly population growth. Any tax money that comes in above the cap would automatically flow into a separate account, which would replace property tax revenue in the following year, cutting a taxpayer’s expected bill. Governments could collect revenue above the limit only by getting voter approval for new taxes. Some sources of income would be exempt from the cap, including federal money on the state level and the state’s constitutionally

protected Rainy Day Fund. An official estimate prepared by the state Office of Financial Management says I-1033 could drain nearly $6 billion from the state general fund over six years. Cities would lose about $2 billion during that stretch, and counties would lose close to $700 million. Eyman said I-1033 will supply some tough love that governments need to keep their spending at reasonable, sustainable levels. Quoting from one of Gov. Chris Gregoire’s state of the state speeches, Eyman says Washington government takes far too many rides on the “fiscal roller coaster” — spending like mad when times are good, such as during the recent housing bubble, and then cutting back severely

when the money runs out. With I-1033, he said, governments will still be allowed revenue increases. They’ll just be more modest and predictable. But the opposition campaign, keying on a steady stream of headlines about state and local budget cuts, says this is the worst possible time to put the clamps on government’s ability to grow. State and local budgets have downsized and patchworked their way through the worst recession in 70 years, No on I-1033 spokesman Scott Whiteaker said. By setting 2009 as the baseline, opponents say Eyman is lining the state up for a “permanent recession.” “The worst that it’s been is the best that it could get,” Whiteaker said. The strict cap, they say, also

doesn’t take into account that costs of public services can increase much faster than inflation and population growth. And its generic formula ignores the different economic realities of different areas of the state, opponents say. “It doesn’t matter if you live in Seattle or Dayton or Walla Walla,” Whiteaker said. “It doesn’t matter what your city’s needs are. You’re going to be under this one-size-fits-all standard.” For many of those concerns, Eyman said he’s built I-1033 with a “safety valve” — if politicians don’t have enough money under the revenue cap, they can always go to the voters for permission to raise more taxes. That will likely make taxes a last resort, Eyman said, forcing elected leaders to look for savings first. “The only time we’re going to have to vote is when they fail. And you’d like to believe that they’re not going to want to fail, that they’re going to work very hard,” Eyman said. Whiteaker countered that such a system will simply become too unwieldy for governments, and could lead to ballot overload for voters. Rather than stick with our established form of representative democracy, where voters hire people to make decisions on their behalf, the electorate could wind up signing off every time a city needs to fix the streets, Whiteaker said. And in emergencies, such a system wouldn’t give the government enough flexibility to respond, he argued. “You can’t really have an initiative to respond to a flood. You can’t have an initiative to respond to an outbreak of swine flu,” Whiteaker said.

________ For more information: Yes on I-1033: No on I-1033:


For the election ending November 3, 2009

Clallam County Voter Guide 2009


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