Frankston artist, Hayley Ashe, has only been painting for five years, yet she already has the mastery one would expect from a far more experienced painter. Hayley’s enthusiasm is palpable and contagious. And her work is met with equal enthusiasm from customers.
Andrea Louise Thomas, Muriel Cooper, Annette Sanfilippo
All material is copyright, and may not be reproduced without the express permission of Mornington Peninsula News Group, or the original copyright holder in the case of contributions. Copyright of contributed material rests with the contributor.
Disclaimer: The authors and publisher do not assume any liability to any party for any loss, damage or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause. This publication is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.
Peninsula Essence is produced monthly. 30,000 copies bulk dropped at an extensive network of outlets across the peninsula.
8. Family Jewels
Graham Hosking’s father, Perc Hosking, didn’t know when he joined the Air Force at the start of WWII that he would become a watchmaker and jeweller – or that he would become Frankston's first Mayor. This year, Graham Hosking and his family's jewellery company celebrate their 80th anniversary.
12. The ‘C’ Word
When Julie Gaspero and her sister, Michelle, tested positive for the BRAC1 gene Julie’s reaction was to be positive. Her ‘knowledge is power’ attitude gave her the foresight to take preventative steps toward her future potential breast cancer battle and be more aware of her increased chances of ovarian cancer.
18. Dark-Pop Princess
From a very young age, Tootgarook singer-songwriter Bonita Habils showed an interest in music. At 17-years-old, she continues to carve her place in the music world with her hauntingly beautiful new single, Warm Bodies.
Leading Arts
22. The Artistic One
Frankston artist, Hayley Ashe, has only been painting for five years, yet she already has the mastery one would expect from a far more experienced painter. Hayley’s enthusiasm is palpable and contagious. And her work is met with equal enthusiasm from customers.
28. Book Love
Hastings youth mental health worker, Sarah Wren has a side hustle she absolutely loves. Her customers love it too. Under her Little Read Book Co. banner, Sarah runs a stall at local craft markets called Blind Date with a Book.
Peninsula In Style
32. Love All
It’s the month dedicated to love! For centuries Valentine's Day and all things hearts, roses and red have attached themselves to February. Getting into the spirit, style editor Annette discusses colour palettes, peninsula produce, Pomme and poetry.
Eat & Drink
69. The Chicken Farmer and the Little Wicket-Keeper
As the Bodyline series of 1932/33 developed into one of the greatest scandals in cricket history, the Mornington Peninsula was dealing with a scandal of its own. A letter to the local press alleged similar tactics, igniting a furore between two clubs.
Proudly published by
Recipe - Whipped Feta with Cherry Tomatoes and Olives
FEB 7, 14
Discover the fun and enjoyment of playing twilight barefoot bowls over summer. Enjoy the fantastic facilities at Mount Martha Bowls & Petanque Club - a hidden gem in Watson Road, Mount Martha overlooking the bay.
FEB 11
For the first time ever, Amy will perform the entire set acoustically, while diving into stories and emotions of how each song came to life. Do not miss this!
Join wildlife rescuer Craig Thomson for a guided walk at tranquil Seawinds Gardens and meet some of our local treasures - the resident mob of kangaroos. Learn about the habits of this iconic Australian marsupial, and the threats it faces.
FEB 15
A thriving winter garden though needs to be planted in summer/ early autumn. Come along to this workshop where biodynamic farmer Robin will explain cool season vegetable growing.
FEB 11
Anna Johnston is a former baby, aspiring octogenarian and emerging Australian author with a love for the heartfelt and hilarious. She grew up in country Victoria before moving to Melbourne where she lives joyously with her husband and daughters by the beach.
FEB 22
Featuring the king’s greatest hits from the 1960’s, 1968 Comeback Special, 1970 Las Vegas period and touring years. Backed by a spectacular live band. Hear the voice, sharp authentic moves and the physical presence of Elvis when he was on stage, full of energy and electrifying to watch.
Do you have questions about your phone, tablet or laptop?
FAMILY jewels
By Muriel Cooper Photos Gary Sissons & Supplied
GrahamHosking’s father, Perc Hosking, didn’t know when he joined the Air Force at the start of WWII that he would become a watchmaker and jeweller – or that he would become Frankston's first Mayor. This year, Graham Hosking and his family's jewellery company celebrate their 80th anniversary.
The Hosking family came with the Gold Rush, emigrating from Cornwall in about 1850. Graham’s grandfather was personal secretary to one of Australia’s first Prime ministers, Lord Bruce, but during the Great Depression, times were tough. The family had to relocate from the city to their holiday home in Frankston.
Graham takes up the story.
“Dad grew up as a baby during the Great Depression with a lot of kids that were worse off than he was; kids who couldn’t afford shoes. He used to tell the story of how he went to school dressed in the best that Mum could afford and how she found him coming home from school one day with his shoes tied around his neck; he just wanted to be barefoot like his mates.
“When the Second World War started, Dad joined the RAAF. He was good with his hands and was in one of the ‘glamour’ industries at the time, radio, maintaining and installing them; the equivalent at the time of being in the computer industry. The RAAF said, ‘We’ve got heaps of radio men. Are you any good with your hands?’ He said he was, and they said,
Pictured above: Perc Hoskings (wearing glasses), son Graham, daughters Gwen, Selma and Dorothy and wife Lorraine at the front
Left: Graham Hosking and his son-in-law, Tony Nash
‘Right, you’re a watchmaker, a clockmaker, an aircraft instrument maker.’ He said, ‘I don’t know anything about repairing aircraft instruments or an aircraft anything.’ They said, ‘Don't worry, we’ll teach you.' So, because of a shortage of people with dexterity, he ended up being appointed by some clerk as an instrument maker on aircraft and served the whole war in the bomber the seventh squadron of Bomber Command.”
Perc didn’t hold a grudge against his former enemy. “Dad had a very good attitude towards getting over the war,” Graham says, “and when he joined Rotary, later on, he had a good attitude towards the Japanese people. The war was over; the hatred was over, and the sooner they got rid of that, the better. He was a pretty bright sort of dude.
continued next page...
Dr Peter Scott and Associates are specialist orthodontists offering orthodontic care for children, teens and adults alike in both the Mornington Peninsula and inner Melbourne.
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Perc shows Graham how it's done
Perc (middle) with watchmaking apprentices including son Graham (seated bottom right)
This allowed me to move from being exclusively a watch and clock repairer to being a jewellery company
“He was very service-oriented based on having a very conscientious father and mother; he wanted to succeed and care for his family, and he wanted to grow. He started a number of businesses, not just the watchmaking and repair business. Because of the engineering skills that he learned as an instrument maker, he and another fellow started a business making coin-operated machines. They designed and built Australia’s first coin-operated jukebox. All through the fifties, at the beginning of the rock era, they had these big jukeboxes all around the country. An off shoot of that was coin-operated telescopes on top of Mount Lofty and on top of the towers in Sydney Harbour and Melbourne Airport.
“One of my very first jobs was to drive from Frankston to Essendon to try and find out what had stopped the coin-operated machines. Kids would put bent copper coins and ice cream sticks in them. The machines were successful. And profitable. But the main thing that they did was pay for the education of my three sisters and myself. In my case, I think Dad thought, ‘I wasted my money’,” Graham says, laughing.
Perc Hosking joined the Frankston Council around 1950 with a great social conscience for the benefit of the community.
Sewering Frankston in the early 60s was an important project for Perc. He was the last Shire President and the first Mayor of Frankston.
Graham was now running one branch of the business, which was the watch repair and jewellers shop in Frankston.
“I did a lot of travelling, and that helped me find sources of product that were much cheaper than if I was buying through conventional retailers and wholesalers. This allowed me to move from being exclusively a watch and clock repairer to being a jewellery company. I relocated the business from Young Street to the centre of Frankston.”
When the landlord increased Graham’s rent to an alarming degree, he started a campaign to open other stores. “One day, I woke up, and I had grey hair,” he jokes.
Graham’s Dad had a very particular set of values around family, running a business and employing people, which Graham has continued.
“We’ve had employees who’ve been with us for more than forty years, and that’s a continuation of the culture that Dad started. If people had abilities and interests and were keen and enthusiastic,
cafes, restaurants and other businesses on the peninsula
r from our barn door. Come and visit our Free Range hens roaming in their paddocks!
Tired of stale tasting supermarket eggs? Our farm is family owned and managed. We have been producing quality eggs for over 40 years, supplying the public,
then you’d give them opportunities for advancement, and we’ve had some really beaut long-term employees and still have."
The business is also very family-oriented
“I think most businesses start off that way,” says Graham. “I joined an organisation called ‘Family Business Australia’, and interestingly enough, the oldest businesses in Australia that are still in the hands of the family were horse and buggy cart businesses that evolved into bus lines. Most were started by entrepreneurial people like my father and were built up by the next generation, and then the generation after that either succeeds or fails. In our case, my son is up in Darwin running one branch of the business, and my son-in-law, Tony Nash, is running the Frankston branch. Hopefully, the business will continue, but you can’t tell today.
“I feel that it’s important to have good people with you on whatever journey you're on. In our industry, the majority of people that are employed here are female. Having three older sisters, I’ve always recognised that women are often better employees than men. Women have the desire to be honest, conscientious, work well and be respected. If you've got good people, it’s good to advance them and give them opportunities. It's something I've been all too willing to do because I think they’re better than I am.”
Graham has no intention of leaving Frankston. “I’ve always enjoyed living here. Frankston, Seaford, Mount Eliza, it’s a beaut area to be. It’s close to the beaches on both sides of the bay.
The rural areas of the peninsula have been an important part of my life, particularly with my interest in aviation, which again evolved from my father in the Air Force.”
Graham has a fine collection of vintage aircraft housed at the Peninsula Aero Club at Tyabb Airport.
By Muriel Cooper Photos Yanni & Supplied
It was only after the death of some of her relatives that Julie Gaspero discovered she had the BRCA1 gene for breast cancer. Then Julie’s father was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
“I was only twenty at the time, and I started to think about our family history; Dad had lost his mum and his sister through having breast cancer. I thought there was something not quite right. It wasn’t till I had a simple conversation with my auntie that I found out we had the BRCA1 gene mutation in our family. That’s when I said to my siblings, ‘Let’s get tested.’
We went to the familial cancer clinic at The Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and six or eight weeks later, we got our results.”
When Julie and her sister, Michelle, tested positive, Julie’s reaction was to be positive.
“I decided to take a bad situation and turn it around. You could let it ruin your life or think ‘knowledge is power’. The unknown was scary, but I’ve lost too many people in my life, and I didn’t want to become one of those people. We were told it wasn't a matter of whether we got cancer – but when. It can be overwhelming; it’s raw, it’s emotional, but it's very empowering if you’re given the knowledge that you can prevent something.”
Julie and Michelle were having regular screenings at The Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, and Julie was part of a study investigating the possibility of using a common osteoporosis drug to prevent ovarian cancer in those at high risk when one of those screens showed there were changes in one of Julie’s breasts. She would have had to wait a further six months for another scan and found herself worrying and losing sleep.
“That was enough for me to say to my sister, ‘We need to do something about this,’ and we put ourselves on the public wait list at Peter Mac for prophylactic double mastectomies involving implants.” In 2019, Julie and Michelle had surgery on the same day. “Facing that surgery and losing my breasts was very overwhelming.”
whether you have the BRCA1 gene or not, Julie wants you, or your sister, mum or wife, to have a conversation about ovarian cancer, especially this month, which is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month. The symptoms are subtle; they can be mistaken for other conditions (see symptoms on next page), and there’s no definitive test for it – yet.
Julie says, “I know the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation is doing incredible things, but listen to your body and, if you've got any changes that you think are not normal, you need to make sure you see your doctor and don’t ignore them. All too often, I’ve seen people just brush it off. We’re very attuned; we know ourselves better than anyone. And don’t take 'No' for an answer. Some women get told it’s the ‘drama queen syndrome’ when they see their doctor, but I want women to be persistent and get answers. Women need to be more vigilant, and if there’s an opportunity to be part of a study, to volunteer. If I can prevent just one woman from going through it, it's worth it.”
It can be overwhelming; it’s raw, it’s emotional, but it's very empowering if you’re given the knowledge that you can prevent something
“We had a 'bye-bye boobies' party together with some of our closest family and friends who are ambassadors for Inherited Cancers Australia. We celebrated and raised money. It was beautiful.”
“When we woke up from surgery, it was the most bizarre feeling, going from an 80% chance of having breast cancer to 5%. To not waking up every day and saying, ‘Is this the day I get cancer.’ It was a bittersweet farewell, but at the end of the day, I don’t have to worry about getting breast cancer. I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone to go through what we did.”
However – the second complication of this deadly genetic lottery is also having a 40% chance of developing Ovarian Cancer;
Julie says, “Quite often ovarian cancer is found in its advanced stages.” Julie and Michelle have been advised that, when they turn 40, they should consider having their ovaries removed. Julie has a daughter and would like to have more children, but at age 36, she has only 4 years to achieve that. “Through Inherited Cancers Australia, I’ve known many women who have had their fallopian tubes removed because that’s where ovarian cancer starts. It’s a big decision to make.”
If they decide to go ahead, Julie hopes she and Michelle will be able to have the surgery together on the same day again. “It’s crucial to have that support. Someone who just ‘gets it.’”
There’s no way to directly prevent breast or ovarian cancer other than screening, which can only be done for breast cancer at present. Julie says, “If you've got a family history of any kind of cancer, then I strongly recommend that you look into why. Genetics is an ever-evolving science, and if you have an opportunity to screen for it, take it. However, during Ovarian
continued next page...
Women from preventative health hub Inherited Cancers Australia getting together for a bittersweet celebration - 'ta ta to our ta ta's'
L to R: siblings Jessica, Simon, Julie & Michelle
Grandmother Pat & Dad Geoff
Cancer Awareness Month in February, it’s about having that conversation with others and perhaps raising funds for research or supporting women who go through treatment. It’s not something that women talk about often. Our health is a taboo subject sometimes. All it takes is one simple conversation, and that’s how it started for me. When I look back, it’s been a big journey, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.”
What are the symptoms of ovarian cancer?
• Abdominal bloating or increased abdominal size
• Abdominal or pelvic pain
• Appetite loss, feeling full quickly or indigestion
• Urinary changes such as frequency or urgency
• Changes in bowel habits, such as constipation
• Unexplained weight loss or weight gain
• Unexplained fatigue
On the peninsula, look out for ‘Walk With Women’ on Mother’s Day in May along the bay starting in Safety Beach. For more information about ovarian cancer and the ‘Walk With Women’ fundraiser, scan the QR codes on the top right.
Learn oil painting with Lulu Clifton-Evans
For beginners - or those wanting to brush up on traditional oil painting basics.
2024 $25,000 Basil Sellers Award Finalist
2023 Thomas Somerscales Trophy, Maritime Painting, Victorian
2023 Summer Exhibition Best Painting, Curator’s
2023 John Dudley Portrait Prize Finalist
2022 Oakhill Gallery Annual Exhibition winner
2022 AME Bale Finalist
Sisters at Bright Pink Lipstick day raising vital awareness for hereditary cancer
I’m a Peninsula local, proud dad, community advocate, and small business owner, running to put our community first.
For too long, the major parties have taken us for granted. We deserve better representation and someone who will truly stand up for the Peninsula.
I will push for:
→ Real action on the cost of living
→ Making local housing affordable
→ Funding for the Rosebud Hospital and more bulk-billing GPs.
→ Supporting climate action to protect our coastlines
→ Fixing roads and easing congestion
It’s time we put people over parties. Let’s go independent.
Are you with me?
Putting People over Politics
A fair go for the Peninsula
DARK-POP princess
By Melissa McCullough Photos Gary Sissons & Supplied
From a very young age, Tootgarook singer-songwriter
Bonita Habils showed an interest in music. She started taking singing lessons at the age of 5, continuing to hone her vocal skills over the years and eventually becoming a vocal coach for younger students. Crediting her love of music and the arts to her parents, Bonita fondly remembers long car rides with music always playing and after dinner performances in the family room. She said, “My parents always had music playing and my dad likes to do art in his spare time.”
Bonita loves busking and has gained a following singing for passersby around the peninsula. You can check her out at Rye Woolworths, A Good Little Thing in Tootgarook and her local markets in Tootgarook and Rosebud. She has also played gigs at local venues such as God’s Kitchen Mornington, Hawkes Farm Boneo, Sound Bar, Capel Sound, Sorrento RSL and The Pig & Whistle in Red Hill. She said, “Busking has been a valuable way to build on my live performance, which is a much different feel from spending time in the studio.”
Songwriting has become a deeply personal outlet for Bonita, helping her navigate her struggles with anxiety. Four years ago, she added guitar playing to her musical repertoire. Self-taught through Covid, Bonita has a talent for hearing a tune and then just been able to play it. Her songs serve as a canvas for her fears, feelings, and dreams, transforming raw emotions into hauntingly beautiful melodies and lyrics. Bonita crafts music that lingers long after the last note.
Busking has been a valuable way to build on my live performance, which is a much different feel from spending time in the studio
Bonita met Magic Mountain Records owners Jack and Matt through a workshop at the Music Industry in Rosebud and has worked on a few songs with them in their Mt Eliza studio. Both individual artists in their own right, Jack (Blue Captive), Matt (Ted Orient) and Bonita have become good industry friends.
As she establishes her position as an emerging artist with a unique voice in the Indie/dark-pop landscape, Bonita’s voice captivates her audience for its depth and authenticity. At just 17-year-old, Bonita’s ability to channel universal emotions into deeply personal lyrics has set her apart as one of dark pop’s brightest rising stars.
Following the success of her debut single, Caught and Released, which amassed over 40,000 Spotify streams in three months and earned critical acclaim on Triple J ‘Unearthed High’ for its sophisticated lyricism, Bonita dives deeper into themes of love, heartbreak, and vulnerability with her hauntingly beautiful new single, Warm Bodies. With its brooding melodies and Bonita’s ethereal yet powerful vocals, Warm Bodies embraces the darker edges of pop music, pulling listeners into an atmospheric soundscape that’s as emotive as it is unforgettable. The track reinforces Bonita’s growing reputation as a storyteller,
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Music is where I pour my deepest thoughts, it’s a way to connect with people who might feel the same but don’t know how to put it into words
unafraid to bare her soul. Capturing the heat of young love, Bonita shares, “Warm Bodies is about the kind of love that leaves fingerprints on your soul. It’s about the heat of passion, loss, and the way those moments can linger long after they’ve passed.” Fans of Billie Eilish, Lorde, and Lana Del Rey can easily get on board with Bonita’s soulful narratives.
While Bonita continues to carve her place in the music world with her introspective storytelling and emotionally charged soundscapes, she would ultimately love for her music to take off and resonate with a wide audience all over the world.
She said, “Music is where I pour my deepest thoughts, it’s a way to connect with people who might feel the same but don’t know how to put it into words.”
Supported by incredibly proud parents that have only ever wanted Bonita to find her niche, Mum (and publicist), Tonika said, “We have always encouraged our children to follow their dreams and not settle for mediocrity.”
Undertaking year 12 at Padua College this year, Bonita hopes this will be a breakthrough year. However, she is also working towards going to Collarts College next year to continue to develop in performance and learn more of the music industry as she continues to expand her audience.
Warm Bodies is available on all major streaming platforms.
By Andrea Louise Thomas Photos Yanni & Supplied
Frankston artist, Hayley Ashe, has only been painting for five years, yet she already has the mastery one would expect from a far more experienced painter. Approaching her work with genuine joy, Hayley’s enthusiasm is palpable and contagious. When she started exhibiting and selling in 2024, her work was met with equal enthusiasm. The stream of positive feedback from customers at the markets and comments overheard at her first art show gave Hayley the confidence to pursue painting full-time.
In her family, Hayley was dubbed ‘the artistic one’ because, from early childhood, she was always drawing. While neither of her parents are artists, one of her grandmothers had impressive drawing skills. Hayley feels that’s where she inherited her talent. Also, one of her father’s cousins, Richard Musgrave-Evans is a painter. Hayley has always admired his work. There is a hint of his style in her paintings.
Hayley happened upon an art exhibition of Craig Penny’s paintings in Sorrento and thought they were perfection. It was exactly the style she wanted to emulate. She took a workshop with him and was delighted to hear that he started his career as an illustrator and had to work at making his work looser to suit painting, just like she did. This gave Hayley the confidence to work in that direction.
As soon as I started art, it just felt right. It doesn’t feel like work. It’s just fun
As natural as she is at drawing and painting, art wasn’t the career Hayley expected to pursue. She’s also a talented singer/songwriter. She thought music was her future. Hayley created a short film featuring her singing, songwriting and animation. It’s on YouTube under Hayzl –Pie (Official Music Video). It took two months to complete, working on it every day. Her vocal skill speaks for itself. Still, her expected direction was about to change.
Studying Visual Communication at Avila College in Mount Waverley, Hayley started taking Year 11 art subjects in Year 10 and won her first art prize that same year for a photorealistic drawing of a lamp and cord. Her gift for precision was clear. In her paintings, she wanted her work to be looser and more 'painterly'.
While sitting in a café with her Dad, he looked over at an enormous mural and suggested that Hayley become a painter. It was a watershed moment that changed her life. While she’ll continue making music, painting is her real jam. “I like singing, but it didn’t feel right as a career. As soon as I started art, it just felt right. It doesn’t feel like work. It’s just fun,” she says. continued next page ...
Initially, Hayley created photorealistic paintings in oils and discovered that she was naturally good at paint mixing. She liked the medium, but found oil paint took too long to dry. She wanted to be able to produce work more swiftly. Hayley switched to acrylics. She has to work fast because acrylics dry quickly, but she he enjoys being able to create many layers.
The bay and ocean always inspire me. The water gives me a magical feeling and the coastline is so fun to paint
In preparation for becoming a painter, Hayley learned various techniques by watching hundreds of YouTube videos on painting. She just couldn’t get enough of learning about what painters do and how they do it. When she took that painting workshop with Craig Penny, Hayley started to paint prolifically and her own style emerged.
“I had to teach myself how to be a painter. I had to train my brain to relax and be less rigid in the way I see things. Allowing myself to fail was a turning point. To make mistakes and be okay with it
made me keep going. Now I just paint. When I’m painting, everything else just disappears. It’s my own daily meditation,” she says.
A loose background with a single defined focal point that jumps off the canvas is a hallmark of Hayley’s paintings. Boats and seascapes are her favourite subjects. She loves painting Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula. Summers spent camping in Sorrento made an indelible impression. “It has a kind of ghostly charm and timeless beauty,” she says. Hayley returns regularly for inspiration.
Living on the Golden Mile in Frankston provides countless opportunities for inspiration and subject matter. “I feel most at home in Frankston. Our house, the beach, the waterfront, Olivers Hill - it’s all incredible. I love introducing people to Frankston. It’s an amazing place that has everything,” she says.
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12 Day Art Lover’s Amble - Platinum
Dep: 27 FEB, 06 MAR, 05 JUL 2025
Golden route, art focus, art islands, ryokan/onsen experience, Mt. Fuji, Hakone, 5 Star
14 Day Cherry Blossom Dreams
Dep: 23 MAR, 01 APR 2025
Golden route, rustic villages, Tokyo, Kyoto, Kanazawa, Himeji, Uji, Hiroshima, Osaka
10 Day Dreams Discovery Tour
Dep: 23 MAR, 09 OCT, 09 NOV 2025
Golden route, Tokyo, Mt. Fuji, Kyoto, Nara, Hot Spring Resort, Kiso Valley, rustic villages, Kanazawa
10 Day Kyoto Gion Festival Tour
Dep: 10 JUL 2025
Tokyo, Kyoto, Gion Festival, Nagoya, Kiso Valley villages, Nara, Osaka
“The bay and ocean always inspire me. The water gives me a magical feeling and the coastline is so fun to paint. It feels limitless. At first, I didn’t want people in my paintings. I only wanted the beauty of the place. I thought figures interrupted the scene, but now I love painting people. They only add to the image, ” she says.
Having her own gallery one day is the ultimate goal, but for now, she’ll keep painting, entering art shows, going to markets and looking to get her work into shops.
Creating comes naturally to ‘the artistic one’. All that hard work is paying off. Her beautiful, affordable paintings sell out quickly. If you like a piece, snap it up fast!
IG: @hayley_ashe_
What’s coming up at...
Acclaimed guitarists Slava and Leonard Grigoryan bring their groundbreaking show This Is Us: A Musical Reflection of Australia to Frankston Arts Centre on Saturday, 1 March. This evocative performance combines music, history, and stunning visuals to explore Australia’s rich and complex heritage.
Featuring 18 original compositions, the Grigoryan Brothers draw inspiration from objects in the National Museum of Australia’s collection, including a 65,000-year-old ochre and Sir Donald Bradman’s cricket bat. High-definition 3D projections of the artefacts accompany the music, creating a powerful and immersive experience.
Known for their versatility across classical, jazz, and contemporary genres, Slava and Leonard perform on an array of instruments, including electric, 12-string, and classical guitars. The compositions, written during lockdown, reflect Australia’s diverse stories - First Nations history, colonisation, migration, innovation, and personal tales of love and loss. “We were deeply moved by all of them,” the brothers share.
Friday 7 February, 10.30am & 1.30pm
Experience an unforgettable journey through the world’s most beloved melodies, from the grandeur of opera to the timeless charm of musical theatre, led by the extraordinary David Hobson.
Friday 14 February, 7.30pm
This award-winning acrobatic performance by Na Djinang Circus links people, country and culture, where the unseen bonds between the body and the land become beautifully visible.
Friday 21 February, 8pm
This internationally acclaimed show authentically recreates the dynamic live performances of Motown Legends such as Stevie Wonder, The Temptations, The Jackson Five and many more.
Don’t miss this deeply moving celebration of Australia’s past and present, where music and storytelling intertwine.
Tickets are available at or by calling 03 9784 1060.
Friday 7 February, 7.30pm
Ash Grunwald, is a legendary Australian storyteller, virtuoso slide player, and soulful vocalist with countless accolades to his name, see why they call him the happiest bluesman on Earth.
Sunday 16 February, 7.30pm
Australia’s world-renowned entertainer and International Magician of the Year, Conentino, returns to perform his brandnew show. This greatest-hits production will be one of the must see shows of 2025!
Saturday 1 March, 7.30pm
Acclaimed guitarists Slava and Leonard Grigoryan perform a suite of evocative music inspired by objects from the National Museum of Australia.
Photo: Simon Shiff
BOOK love
By Andrea Louise Thomas Photos Yanni
Hastings youth mental health worker, Sarah Wren has a side hustle she absolutely loves. Her customers love it too. Under her Little Read Book Co. banner, Sarah runs a stall at local craft markets called 'Blind Date with a Book'. This concept began at Elizabeth’s Bookshop in Newtown, NSW in 2012. Ten years later, Sarah took up the idea putting her own spin on it.
While Elizabeth’s Bookshop sells new blind date books, Sarah intentionally chooses to sell high quality used books, giving them a spruik and a new life. “I’m very thorough in my quality control. The book has to be appropriate for gifting. I try to steer clear of popular titles and wellknown authors so that people don’t end up with a book they may have already read,” she says. Sarah also wants readers to step out of their comfort zone to try something they never thought they’d choose.
“Diversity is important to me because I grew up in a tiny town without it,” she says. Sarah lived in Adelaide until she was ten. Then her family moved to a small town in country Victoria where Sarah spent her formative years. These were not happy years. As an outsider in her school of 200 students, she was often bullied. Her parents divorced and she felt the pressure of being the oldest daughter. Sarah escaped into books.
At university Sarah started studying for a Bachelor of Science in Meteorology. “When other kids were watching cartoons, I always wanted to switch over to watch the weather. It just fascinated me,” she says. She didn’t have a math/science brain so she moved into youth mental health instead. Her market stall is a pleasant counterpoint to this heavy work.
Sarah’s 'Blind Date with a Book' stall was inspired by her late best friend, who bought Sarah a book online, not realising it was used. She apologised, but Sarah was delighted that the book wasn’t new. “I’ve always liked the idea of second-hand gifting. I love that a used book has had a life before,” she says. Wanting to try something different and fun, Sarah launched Little Read Book Co. in 2022. She enjoys the creativity of wrapping the books and writing an enticing teaser for each one. I intentionally choose good books that I think people may not think to pick up. “I want to promote diversity in literature and encourage people to read more widely,” she says.
This business has been a form of therapy. It’s helped me with grieving by getting me out of the house, connecting me with people in my community and talking about things I love – books and reading
Books have been a lifelong diversion. In primary school, Sarah was always reading. She remembers being devastated that she couldn’t change her school reader when she was stuck at home sick. A very imaginative child, Sarah liked to escape into unlikely fictional stories, such as fantasy.
Nowadays, Sarah likes to read non-fiction memoir, biography and realistic fiction.
She’s also writing a book honouring the life of her best friend who struggled with a rare psychological condition and took her own life in 2023. Sarah would like to shine a light on it.
Sarah started out with a few small community markets. She really had to step out of her comfort zone trying this new venture. She got invaluable feedback from these smaller markets that helped her to fine tune things.
“This business has been a form of therapy. It’s helped me with grieving by getting me out of the house, connecting me with people in my community, and talking about things I love –books and reading. The very last time I saw my friend she came down from Gippsland to surprise me at a market in Rye. We had an amazing day. She was really supportive. I feel more connected with her when I’m at the stall,” she says.
Sarah’s business continuously built steam and she was able to complete a whole season at the top craft markets in 2024 including her favourites: Little Beauty Market in Frankston and Emu Plains Market in Balnarring. With her other full-time job, she has to work six or seven days a week, but she feels it’s totally worth it.
continued next page ...
“I love it when a customer comes back to tell me they loved the book they chose. I put a lot of time, thought, heart and effort into selecting my books. I enjoy helping people choose them. I study books and read reviews. It takes about two hours to prepare a book for sale from reading, wrapping and decorating to writing the introductory card,” she says.
“Reading makes me a more compassionate and empathetic person. It expands my thinking and it’s a form of escapism that’s helped me through difficult times. I’ve had a lot of joy from reading. I want to spread the joy of a simple pleasure like reading. It’s especially important in a world where people’s lives are so dominated by technology,” she says. A pleasure and a public service. What could be better?
By Annette Sanfilippo Photos Supplied
t’s the month dedicated to love! For centuries Valentine's Day and all things that are hearts, roses and red have attached themselves to February.
St Valentine, known to be the patron saint of lovers and others, causes a passion frenzy and sends us into a whirl of all things red every year and it’s a shame its only for one day. This emotive colour is always in fashion denoting power, confidence, prosperity, purity and is often linked to royalty and status. The shade of love always makes a statement, commands attention and is sought after by designers worldwide. It has also been linked to ‘Venus’, goddess of love, as her favourite flower was known to be the red rose.
If red is not your thing, then you might like to indulge in global colour authority Pantone’s colour of the year, mocha mousse. Sounds edible, doesn’t it? It’s a tone to set the tone. Dune actress Zendaya, often accoladed for trendsetting and best dressed, wore to perfection a stunning Louis Vuitton gown in this shade to the Golden Globe awards last month. This moody hue is sexy, classy, stylish, luxurious and rich and it partners with so many colours on the palette including RED! What’s not to love?! You will see it applied to everything from packaging to homewares and it’s a shade that you can adore forever. It is neutral and has powers of reinvention… much like love.
These days apart from its significant origins, Valentine’s Day has become a commercial celebration of romantic endeavours. Anything bubbly, yummy, sparkly, or pretty that excites the senses is sought after to mark the occasion. Champagne, chocolates, perfume, flowers, jewellery, trinkets, experiences to savour and hand-made gifts make up the list of indulgences to share with your valentine.
This emotive colour is always in fashion denoting power, confidence, prosperity, purity and is often linked to royalty and status
With celebration still in the air from the new year and the festive season, February has also proven to be a strong time to betroth your love to one another and become engaged. I can’t think of a more romantic place to be this month than on the Mornington Peninsula. The weather is stunning, and our wonderful destinations are shining at their best. Events are happening at every corner so it’s a great time to dress up in your finery. There is every excuse to book a romantic getaway or staycation while the sun is still shining, and the energy is intense. Artisans, makers and growers are busy keeping beautiful produce at the ready and there is so much to take in that you’ll need more than a weekend to do it all. I love anything bespoke and from a gifting perspective it is original, unique and often holds a lot of sentiment.
Pomme is a business name synonymous with all the above attributes and for over 17 years owner Sue Clement certainly holds
Designed and made by Flick Pope
the mantel for bringing artisanal local and international wares to the forefront for her astute clientele. Her new boutique destination, as part of Studio and Co in Moorooduc, showcases a trove of goods and a beautifully curated collection of exclusive and bespoke fashion, art, jewellery and homewares. A definite feature of the new location is the distinctive, hand-made creations by renowned jeweller Flick Pope. Described as a ‘feast for your eyes’, and in Flick’s true signature style, the one-off semi-precious pieces are magical, delicately detailed, full of whimsey, and are always made with love! They are definitely objects of desire and the perfect gift for that special someone.
It's not hard to find something to love on our peninsula and there is no time like the present to explore what’s on offer. No matter how you spend your month I hope you can manifest a little bit of love into your world. One of my favourite and profound love quotes from poet Torquato Tasso says it all “Lost is all the time not spent in love”.
Cheers to love!
Fashionably yours, Annette
Fashionably yours, Annette
Now located at 545 Mornington-Tyabb Road, Moorooduc at The Studio & Co. - where a cafe, nursery, artist studios, gallery and retail stores combine to offer a unique peninsula destination for lovers of art, and handmade and curated finery.
An easy, delicious recipe that will add colour to your dining table and it’s SO simple to make. Serves 7
400g feta
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
2 tablespoons olive oil
Zest of 1 lemon
400g cherry tomatoes
4 tablespoons olive oil
4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
4 sprigs thyme
Salt to taste
To serve:
Lemon zest
1. Preheat oven to 170°C.
2. Whip the feta, Greek yogurt, olive oil and lemon zest in the food processor until smooth.
3. Refrigerate until ready to use.
4. Place the tomatoes in a baking dish, drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Sprinkle the salt and thyme over the top and bake for 20 minutes.
5. Spoon the whipped feta dip onto a serving dish, and once cooled, spoon tomatoes over the whipped feta.
6. Top with olives, lemon juice and/or zest and serve with your choice of crackers or bread.
Great Australian Bake Off semi-finalist Hoda Alzubaidi IG: @hoda_alzubaidi has created this energy efficient recipe in collaboration with Origin Energy.
LOCATION: 2080 Frankston - Flinders Rd, Hastings
HOURS: Tuesday to Saturday 10am to 6pm
PHONE: 9596 4278
Whitebox Heathcote 2021 Shiraz Viognier
LOCATION: Unit 5, 3 Trewhitt Court, Dromana Industrial Estate
HOURS: Thursday, Friday & Saturday 10am until 5pm
PHONE: 9596 4878
Viscosi Wines Mornington Peninsula Pinot Noir
Sparkling Rosé
Wine Lovers Warehouse is the direct to public arm of our wholesale business specialising in restaurant, hotel, and function wines for over 18 years.
COVID-19 put a big handbrake on our wholesale business and so we made a decision to transform and stay alive, supported by our friends and the local community, which we will be forever grateful.
We opened the warehouse every week to the public, selling our wines and suppliers at trade prices and no retail mark ups. It is our commitment to remain open servicing the needs of our Wine Lover community into 2024 and beyond. Come along and say hello, grab a bottle or a case. Try before you buy at the Hastings store guarantees you will be satisfied with your choices.
Red Hill is a 86 kilometre journey south from Melbourne, located in the hinterland of the Mornington Peninsula, between the coastal towns of Dromana and Balnarring.
It has a population of approximately 1,009 with a landscape consisting of scenic hills and native forests.
The name Red Hill derives from the rich, red clay that has made the area predominantly agricultural from its first European settlement in the mid-nineteenth century.
Many Red Hill streets are named after pioneers: Sheehan, McIlroy, Stanley, Bayne, Arkwell, Eaton, Nash, Perry (sic) and Callanan.
The Red Hill Post Office opened on the 1st of August 1871.
A railway operated in Red Hill between 1921 and 1959 and was known as the Red Hill railway line.
Since the 1970s, wineries have been established around Red Hill to take advantage of the microclimates that suits cool climate grapes, especially pinot noir.
Herbert Robinson (1876–1919), later mayor of Albany, Western Australia, and member of the Parliament of Western Australia was a notable resident of Red Hill.
Red Hill is a major centre on the Mornington Peninsula for entertainment events, including the peninsula's premier art show - Art Red Hill.
Strawberries, cherries and apples are grown and available seasonally at the farm door.
Every year thousands of people attend the Red Hill Show to enjoy a great family day and be part of this wonderful community celebration. Run by a team of volunteers, this is one of the largest community events on the Mornington Peninsula.
A monthly community market is held from September through May. Patrons can still watch old-time games like Pétanque being played and smell the roasting of chestnuts. Other traditional Australian foods such as meat pies and jam donuts are also sold.
Originally an apple orchard farming region, in recent decades Red Hill has become world renowned for its quality and variety of wines, and cellar doors. There are now more than 60 wineries, 50 cellar doors and 200 vineyards
The commercial centre of Red Hill is spread along four distinct spots on Arthurs Seat Road, Flinders Road and Shoreham Road, featuring a variety of eateries and services. Tucked away along roads and shady laneways around Red Hill, visitors will also find several galleries and cafes.
Freshly brewed coffee is a musthave for weekends away and the Mornington Peninsula's coffee haunts are second to none. Here are just a few to check out when you head down to this beautiful part of the world.
Nordie Cafe
Elegant simplicity of Scandinavian styling and dining with highly regarded Allpress Coffee as the backbone of breakfast. Dining indoor or outdoors (featuring a kids cubby house).
Food on the Hill
Great spot for locals and visitors alike to enjoy a great cup of coffee with friendly and helpful staff. Relaxed casual vibe and excellent choice of food for all tastes and budgets.
Cafe at the Epicurean
Great coffee made on the premises, great service and awesome bakery treats in the front part of the building.
The Deck Cafe
The Deck Cafe offers a relaxed atmosphere and delicious food made with the best local produce to enjoy amongst the serenity of the peninsula hinterland.
What to do in Red Hill
Whether it’s driving through the scenic hills and native forests, enjoying a relaxing stay at a b&b, or partaking in the fine wines and art, Red Hill is the epitome of a relaxed getaway.
Scattered throughout the area is a proliferation of vineyards, orchards and berry farms. Many of the vineyards are boutique wineries, a picturesque venue for celebrations and also offering visitors the opportunity to experience fine dining, wine tasting and the purchase of local produce from the region.
Further delights await when coming to the commercial centre of Red Hill with a variety of eateries, galleries and shady laneways with hidden delightful day spas and art exhibitions.
If nature is your thing then lose yourself in one of the dozens of walking trails, bike tracks or horse riding adventures.
Photos: Yanni
Photos Yanni
Season 2025 showcases the astonishing talents of brilliant genre-bridging musicians, up close and personal, overlooking the beautiful bushland setting of the McClelland Sculpture Park + Gallery.
Curator Monica Curro has gathered a galaxy of stars to present a heavenly host of sounds from across the ages. She shares, “The program encompasses comedy, cabaret, and music theatre. String quartets and classical piano, opera and a cappella voices to jazz and tango; ancient airs to cutting edge multimedia - performed by forty-two of the best artists, including local headliners and international sensations, established heroes and emerging whiz kids - in a program crafted to entertain and inspire.”
In 2025 the thrilling ten concert line up features brilliant singer/ songwriter/comedian Jude Perl; intoxicating jazz/music theatre pianist/composer Monique diMattina; powerhouse duo of William Barton on didgeridoo and Véronique Serret on violin; the mellifluous sounds of Polyphonic Voices; singing sensations of the future Melba Opera Trust; internationally acclaimed recorder and harp collaborators Genevieve Lacey and Marshall McGuire; the evocative MUSE project with the Melbourne Chamber Orchestra; unique Renaissance ritual of Unholy Rackett; the smoulderingly
delicious Tango Jam 2 led by expert accordionist James Crabb; and the edgy and fearless dynamism of the Penny Quartet.
Artistic and Executive Director of McClelland Lisa Byrne said, “McClelland is proud to deliver the fourth season of the Music at McClelland program through the generous support of founding donor Igor Zambelli, Mary-Jane Gething AO, and The Robert Salzer Foundation. Each year, this carefully crafted program by Curator Monica Curro presents some of the leading talent in professional music in Australia in our beautiful Sarah & Baillieu Myer Education Pavilion. We look forward to welcoming audiences in 2025”.
Visit for program information and to book your monthly musical voyage.
Genevieve Lacey + Marshall McGuire 20 July 2:30—4pm
Monique diMattina Trio 16 March 2:30—4pm
Melbourne Chamber Orchestra 17 August 2:30—4pm
now where art, music and nature come together
Heartland 27 April 2:30—4pm
Unholy Rackett 21 September 2:30—4pm
Polyphonic Voices 18 May 2:30—4pm
Tango Jam 2 19 October 2:30—4pm
Melba Opera Trust 15 June 2:30—4pm
Penny Quartet 16 November 2:30—4pm
Lamble Tours has successfully relocated to its new office in Warragul. We cordially invite you to peruse our carefully curated 2025 holiday packages
Lamble Tours offers a diverse range of both short and extended holidays, ensuring that every traveller can find an adventure suited to their preferences.
Should you require more information on any of these destinations, please do not hesitate to contact by phone or email to request a detailed itinerary.
Confirmation of your booking necessitates a deposit of $200.00 accompanied by a completed booking form. We advise prompt action to avoid disappointment. Our itineraries provide a comprehensive guide to daily activities, tailored to accommodate all levels of mobility ensuring an enjoyable experience for everyone.
We are currently updating our day tours which will be ideal for groups and Lifestyle Villages.
Enjoy a stress-free holiday from the outset with our door-todoor pick up and return service.
Looking forward to our future travels.
Kind regards
Vickie Lamble
An exhibition from the estate of East Kimberley painter Janet Dreamer (1959-2021) will launch a national exhibition programme of the late artist's paintings by Everywhen Art.
Known affectionately as "Dreamer", her brilliantly coloured works bring to life the flora, wildlife and water life of her Kimberley birthplace - old Flora Valley Station; the lush oasis of nearby Palm Springs and the abundant wildlife and plants she observed on the journeys she called 'walkabout'.
Although Dreamer started painting at the age of 16 under her father's tutelage, it was only after she joined Yarliyil Arts at Halls Creek in 2013 that she started painting in earnest and with her own vision. And what a vision it was. An artistic dynamo, her joyous works of boundless, raw energy are characterised by strong colouration and unique figuration.
A finalist in Perth's John Stringer Prize, Dreamer's work is in the collection of the Art Gallery of Western Australia. However sadly Dreamer passed away in 2021, not affording her work full exhibition exposure.
Everywhen Art, in association with Yarliyil Arts will follow this exhibition - titled The Paradisical World of Janet Dreamer - by those with partner galleries in Perth and Sydney to accord this unique artist the recognition she and her extraordinary paintings so richly deserve.
Opening event 2 pm, Saturday February 8. Opening address by long term Kimberley art centre manager Kevin Kelly, who worked with Dreamer and most of the famous founding Kimberley artists over 32 years. RSVP
Exhibition runs Feb 8 - March 2.
A: 642 Tucks Road, Shoreham I Open Friday-Sunday, 11-4
P: 5931 0318
Walkabout-at Old Flora Valley, 45 x 75 cm
At Artekk Living, we specialize in delivering bespoke joinery solutions crafted uniquely for you. What sets us apart is not only our customized approach but also our competitive pricing. Unlike the common belief that custom designs are excessively expensive, Artekk Living offers an ideal blend of affordability and excellence.
We are dedicated to ensuring that sustainability does not compromise quality. We honor each client’s vision, striving to bring their dream spaces to life within any constraints. Our mission is to uphold the highest standards of durability and aesthetics while seamlessly integrating style and functionality.
As a dynamic and forward-thinking company, Artekk Living is committed to transforming your kitchen and other spaces into functional, beautiful environments. We also care about our community and the environment, opting for porcelain panels over engineered quartz to minimize environmental impact.
Our comprehensive services include expert kitchen design, cabinetry installation, and countertop and backsplash fitting. We now extend our exceptional service to laundry rooms, vanities, and walk-in robes.
1. Collaborative Floorplan: We start with a design process that encourages collaboration.
2. Sales Assistance and Project Management: Our team supports you every step of the way, offering package solutions that include cabinetry and porcelain countertops and backsplashes.
3. Customized Design: Enjoy a tailored design with a one-stop service from design through to manufacturing and installation.
4. Detailed Quotation: We provide the best value for money, balancing quality, service, and cost.
5. Routine Visits: Regular check-ins ensure everything stays on track.
6. Timely Delivery: Efficient delivery of materials with a speedy turnaround - no lengthy waiting times for your new joinery.
7. Professional Installation: Expert installation for a flawless finish.
At Artekk Living, we believe everyone deserves more than an ordinary space; you deserve a home that enhances your life. Regardless of budget constraints, we are here to turn your dream into reality.
You may have noticed some uniquely elegant homes as you drive along Nepean Highway passing Bentons Road in Mt Martha. These eye-catching houses are display homes created by Highview Homes, a name synonymous with quality and tradition.
Highview Homes' signature weatherboard or brick homes seamlessly blend the architectural details of the past with the practicality of modern living. The Hampton, Federation, Seachange, and Victoriana designs each capture the essence of style while integrating contemporary layouts and functionality, perfectly suited for today's discerning homeowners.
What distinguishes Highview Homes is their dedication to customisation, ensuring every homeowner's unique vision is brought to life. Whether it's modifying facades or tailoring floor plans to suit specific needs and block sizes, the team at Highview Homes will ensure each client's dream home is realised down to the last detail.
Highview Homes has stayed true to its original vision of homes built with superior craftsmanship delivered with excellent customer service. High quality craftsmanship runs in the Highview family. The original tradesman, Bob Sheppard, began his working life on the family market garden in Bentleigh before venturing into the building industry in the early 1950’s, as a plasterer working with fibrous plaster. His son, Rex began as an apprentice plumber with a family friend in the mid 50’s then becoming a builder in his own right.
The family tradition continues with Russell, who now owns and manages Highview Homes. Russell oversees every project personally, and with his keen eye for detail, helps projects stay on schedule and within budget, minimising any unforeseen complications and ensuring a smooth experience for homeowners.
Explore the craftsmanship and expertise of Highview Homes at their display homes in Mt Martha, where you can experience firsthand the thoughtful design and timeless appeal that defines a Highview Home.
From the initial consultation to the final stages of construction, Highview Homes is dedicated to providing a personalised, customer-focused service, ensuring that every step of the homebuilding process is smooth and efficient. With Highview Homes you can enjoy a home that blends the very best of tradition with modern comfort.
Highview Homes (Vic) CDB-U 70372 11am-4pm Wed, 11am-4pm Sat, 11am-4pm Sun
A: 58 Bentons Rd, Mt Martha P: 5973 5973
FB: @HVHbuilder
Why not visit our Hampton Display Centre at the corner of Nepean Highway and Bentons Road, Mt Martha.
Opening hours, 11am to 4pm Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday
At Coyote Cabins, we leverage over 25 years of construction experience to provide high-quality, tailored housing solutions. As a family-run business, we've transitioned from building luxury residential homes to focusing on a more pressing need: affordable and customized granny flats for senior Australians.
Each Coyote Cabin is thoughtfully designed and customised to suit the specific needs of each client. We take care of all the details, to make a truly stress free experience.
To cater to individual needs and preferences, we offer a variety of add-ons such as decks, pergolas, extra windows and doors, additional power points, and external lighting. Whether you’re looking to keep your loved ones close or provide them with a private, cozy and functional space, Coyote Cabins delivers a solution that feels like home.
For more information, call Marc or send an email to Kellie.
full-management service. It’s boutique by design and family-run. Sisters and short-term property management professionals Tammy and Jade have a passion for property and an eye for interior design. After years of renovating and renting their own Peninsula holiday homes, they have a consolidated their knowledge and expertise to launch Ready Stay. Operating for 2 years now as a boutique business, Ready Set Stay have over 30 homes managed on the Peninsula. Both Tammy and Jade make sure to treat each property like their own. your
Turn your peninsula property into a thriving holiday rental without lifting a finger. It sounds almost too good to be true.
Ready Set Stay is a professional service for short-term property management on the Mornington Peninsula. Sisters and short-term property management professionals Tammy and Jade have a passion for property and an eye for interior design. After years of renovating and renting their own peninsula holiday homes, they have a consolidated their knowledge and expertise to launch Ready Set Stay. They both make sure to treat each property like their own.
Are you time-poor? Do you need expert guidance on how to create a sufficient return on your investment? Double tick.
Perhaps you need styling advice and a photo shoot to get started? Tammy and Jade can take care of the lot, from guest and booking management through to housekeeping and urgent maintenance.
Ready Set Stay really is your hassle-free passive income partner.
Block out the dates when you want to enjoy your home and let Ready Set Stay look after the rest – bins, bonds, bills and everything in between.
Keep your swimming pool and spa ready for your family’s enjoyment. Don’t leave it till the last minute to turn on your solar system only to discover you have a sprinkler system on your roof rather than a solar collector. Take advantage of the sun’s rays and carry on swimming through autumn by investing in an Aspire pool solar heating system. Solar collector is the most cost effective and sustainable way to heat any pool or spa. Whether you have existing forms of pool heating such as gas or heat pump the Aspire pool solar panels can be paired with these systems and considerably reduce your energy bills even further. The award-winning rigid pool solar panel can be custom installed to maximise the roof space available. Located at our modern manufacturing facility on the Mornington Peninsula the Aspire pool solar panel is the only 100% Australian made single piece injection over moulded rigid solar panel on the market. Built from high impact, high UV polypropylene resin, these panels are tough enough to resist cockatoo attack and hail damage.
A rigid pool solar panel works in conjunction with a low energy water pump and a solar controller. The controller monitors the panel temperature on the roof and the pool water temperature. When the panels heat up from the free rays of the sun the controller activates the pump and circulates the hot water from the roof and back into the pool. It’s that simple.
With soaring electricity prices and the phasing out of gas supply to new homes there has never been a better time to invest into a more affordable and sustainable way to heating your swimming pool.
• Saves money by using the free natural rays of the sun.
• Most cost-effective and sustainable way to heat any pool or spa.
• Can be paired with existing gas or heat pump heating systems.
• Will reduce your energy bills considerably when used as a primary source of heating.
• Resistant to cockatoo attack and hail damage.
• 100% Australian made for Australia’s harsh climate.
• Custom build sizes to maximise roof space.
• Patented one piece injection over moulded polypropylene construction.
• Pool industry recognised and certified.
• After 20 plus years of useful life the solar panels can be 100% recycled.
Voted by SPASA , National GOLD winner for the most ustainable Product of the Year 2023.
Voted by SPASA, national GOLD winner for most sustainable product of the year 2023
Dromana Beach Sanctuary of Early Learning is the newest in a set of established early learning services on the Peninsula. Situated directly across from the beach, this coastal-style centre portrays the same philosophy and values as its sister centres Mount Eliza House, Frankston Beach and Seaford House. This state-of-the-art centre opened at the start of 2025 and has spaces available.
Dromana Beach is committed to providing a vibrant and flexible environment that supports learning and responds to the interests and abilities of each child. The program includes sustainability principles and a health and wellbeing focus, with a strong belief that children are connected to the wider community and environment. A balance of indoor and outdoor experiences is provided within the service's natural landscape and through the Beach and Bush Kinder program, as well as the highly sought-after Nippers program delivered by Victorian Surf Lifesaving.
Buddy the golden retriever is a valued member of the team and visits all of the services regularly, bringing joy and laughter to all of the children.
The play-based program provides opportunities for children to grow, discover, create and imagine. Children are acknowledged as capable, competent and co-contributors who actively participate in their own learning.
The inclusive program recognises the individual learning styles of all children, and it values families for their unique contributions to the centre community. The intention is to support children to be kind, respectful and confident contributors to their community and the world.
The experienced and knowledgeable educators are committed to providing a warm, nurturing environment that recognises childhood as a very special and important time.
A: 299-301 Point Nepean Rd, Dromana
P: 59818299
Sanctuary of Early Learning
With a legacy of compassionate service, Red Hill medical centre is committed to providing personalised care for you and your entire family.
A trusted healthcare provider nestled in the heart of Victoria’s stunning Mornington Peninsula.
We are part of a network of GP owned and operated medical practices committed to the provision of comprehensive patient care by experienced General Practitioners who choose to work in our facilities.
Doctors working at our practices provide high quality medical care for their patients, and pride themselves on their services to the community. Discover a supportive environment where your health and well-being are our top priorities.
Book an appointment by phoning the practice or via our website.
A: 129 Shoreham Rd, Red Hill South P: 5989 2077
Your Health,
Our Priority
Located in the heart of Red Hill, we are under new management and dedicated to providing high-quality, personalised care to the Mornington Peninsula community.
Chronic Disease Management
Health Assessments
Mental Health Support
Immunisations & Vaccinations
Skin Cancer Screening & more...
New Patients Welcome!
Same-day appointments available.
Contact Us (03) 5989 2077 rhmc/book-now
Connect to community, Culture and learn with and from First Peoples at Womin Djeka Balnarring Ngargee. This festival presents a family friendly, accessible day where First Peoples cultures are shared through music, dance, language, art, conversations and first hand experiences.
Now in its 8th year, the festival will feature the globally acclaimed Australian world music artist Mitch Tambo who, together with rising West Papuan entertainer Voice of Lele, will release their duet of My Island Home; a powerful cross-cultural collaboration that reflects the diversity of what "home" means to people from all walks of life. Joining them are exciting emerging artists Naomi Diane, Wren Arkose and Crooked TP. Dance performances feature Wala Connections Ngargee Dance Group and Culture Evolves.
Senior Boon Wurrung Elder N’arwee’t Professor Carolyn Briggs AM guides the festival development and will conduct a Welcome to Country. Free workshops provide opportunity to explore First Nations Peoples perspectives. There will be children’s activities, local schools presenting projects demonstrating their learning from First Peoples stories and opportunities to engage and learn about caring for Country.
Entry by donation on Saturday, March 1, from 10am-5pm at Emu Plains Reserve, Coolart Road, Balnarring.
Sat 15 & Sun 16 March 2025, 10 am - 4 pm
It’s that time of the year when Talking Hens' Annual Open Weekend is on! Now in its 6th year, the farm will be open from 10 am to 4 pm and will transform into a chicken-lovers paradise for all ages. An all-weather event, you’ll be safe, comfortable and dry under our giant marquee!
Why visit us? It's all about fun and learning why chickens can make such fantastic suburban pets! Backyard hens aren't just cute, they're redefining "farm-to-table" with fresh, delicious eggs laid daily and plenty of heartwarming family bonding. Plus, raising your own flock is a recipe for a happier, healthier and more sustainable home.
What's on offer:
• Meet our feathered residents hens and chicks
• Delicious treats: Pizza, ice cream and more, enjoy!
• Talking Hen Chicken Races: Choose the fastest-looking chook with your gold coin donation (all proceeds to charity).
• Enjoy free activities: Face painting, petting zoo, craft activities and our child-friendly pony rides.
• Presentations: "Getting Started with Backyard Hens" at 2pm on both days. Learn everything you need to know about raising your own happy flock.
FREE ENTRY! Just head to events for further information and to grab your free tickets. All ticket holders will be entered into a daily draw to win a $200 Talking Hens gift voucher.
So, what are you waiting for? Mark your calendars for March 15th & 16th, 2025, and join us for Talking Hens' biggest Open Weekend yet! It's going to be a fantastic weekend you won't want to miss!
Spread the word! Share this event with your family, friends and fellow chicken lovers. See you there!
The Talking Hens Family
A: 3590 Frankston Flinders Rd, Merricks Open 7-days, 10am to 4pm P: 0406 691 231
Talking Hens is a business that enjoys backyard hens. We specialise in friendly, egg laying hens with quality products to keep them happy and healthy. There’s nothing like the friendship and entertainment that you receive from our laying hens - a pleasure to be shared!
MON - SUN, 10am to 5pm
• Arts • Vintage
Harvest • Collectables
• Homewares • Beauty Salon with an onsite cafe!
Hand made, hand baked and home grown products for you to peruse and purchase. Victoria's longest running street market.
Sat 8 February, 9am to 1pm
Stalls inside and out including vegies, plants, sausage sizzle, hot jam donuts, coffee van and more. Fun for the kids with the Cribby Koala treasure hunt.
Sat 15 February, 9am to 2pm
More than just a market the EPM is a monthly celebration of art, food, design and community. Explore & support 200+ incredible small businesses each month!
Sat 22 February, 8am to 1.30pm
Showcasing the local flavour of Dromana, offering fresh seasonal produce, and locally crafted products. Funds raised go to supporting local community projects.
Sat 22 February, 9am to 2pm
Filled to the brim with awesomeness Little Beauty features 100+ of Melbourne’s very best creatives, foodies and musos. Free entry. Dogs welcome!
Sat 1 March, 10am to 5pm
A vibrant community festival celebrating First Peoples culture with performances, workshops, market stalls and more!
Sat 8 March, 9am to 2pm
Featuring 100+ locally handmade artists, food to devour from across the globe, gourmet producers, fun for the kids and live, local music all day.
Total Property Care
A Cleaner Peninsula has been operating on the Mornington Peninsula for more than 35 years, offering a professional and high-quality service to homes and businesses.
The team at A Cleaner Peninsula provide a total care service for domestic and commercial properties and are happy to organise any work that needs to be done around your home, holiday house or business premises.
All staff are fully trained, police checked and insured, and all tradies are vetted, licensed and insured.
That’s right, A Cleaner Peninsula will even organise tradies and pest controllers for you!
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1. Hair decoration
5. Blaze control depot (4,7)
11. Scandalises
15. Mexico's northern neighbour (1,1,1)
16. Expression of disgust
17. Obese
19. Hum tunelessly
21. Continually provided
23. Epidemic
25. Together, en ...
27. Burdens (with)
28. Prisons
30. Minuscule amount
31. Short delay in proceedings
32. Repeats
33. Daybreak
34. Demean
35. Harder to find
36. Well-heeled
38. Vulgar person
40. 2nd Greek letter
42. Curl (of smoke)
44. Unexpectedly, out of the ...
45. Adjust
46. Word indicating action
48. Nursery verses
49. Tibet's Dalai ...
50. Wine, ... spumante
51. Samples
52. Dead as a ...
53. Feng ...
54. At a distance
55. Verve
56. Beside (4,2)
58. Plumpest
59. Bring on (birth)
61. Unruly children
63. Cantonese lunch, yum ...
64. Possess
65. Luxury car, ... Martin
67. Fledgling
69. Catches & tears (stocking)
71. Ancient Peruvians
73. Shopping mall
74. Relieving
76. Biblical strongman
78. Russian mountains
80. Seed vessels
82. Hideous
83. Acknowledge
85. Ditch
89. Outshine
91. Consider, ... as
93. Hive-dweller
94. Flag
96. Surfeit
98. Owns
99. Ox-like antelope
100. Whinnied
102. Shrub greenery
103. Noisier
104. Betrayal crime
105. Whiskey flavour
106. Before now
107. Flourish
108. Relaxed (2,4)
110. Dismal
112. Invalidate
114. Defeat by small margin (4,3)
117. Methods
120. Officiate
123. Replenishes (stamp pad)
125. Mash
127. Lovers' tiffs
128. Place
131. Cites
133. Quietens
134. English coins
135. Afghan capital
136. Planet
137. Fixed gaze
140. Bar
141. Golfing standard
142. Helicopter blade
145. Confront
147. Country music style
148. Blossom
150. Powered by battery or mains (1,1/1,1)
151. Roman dress
152. Tropical tuber
153. Objective
154. Coat-of-arms picture
156. Cruel wisecrack
158. Duelling weapon
160. Large lizard
162. Lion's ruff
163. Render accustomed
164. Regrets
165. Home brew
166. Venetian blind section
167. Depletes
168. Frosted (biscuits)
170. Pale-looking
172. Foodstuffs
173. Oil-exporting cartel
174. Courtroom excuses
177. Scoundrel
179. Inkling
180. Prick (boil)
182. Delight
183. Damascus is there
185. Japanese hostess
187. Beatle, ... Starr
188. Scrimp
189. Worry
191. T'ai ...
192. Imp
193. Revealing (sign)
194. Fine grain sweetener (6,5)
195. Early nights
1. More weighty
2. From the menu, ... carte (1,2)
3. Lack of proportion
4. Defective rounds of ammunition
5. Appear on screen gradually (4,2)
6. Perch
7. Huts
8. iPod manufacturer
9. Dog, ... wolfhound
10. Prods
11. Lake Erie state
12. Highly confidential (3-6)
13. Band's live performance
14. Severely
18. Seaside
20. Excessively, ad ...
22. Womanisers
24. Postal recipients
26. Traumatised by battle (5-7)
29. Discovering
37. Situated inside
38. Pouch-beaked birds
39. Prattling
40. Relative position
41. Airmen
43. Generator
44. Supreme
47. Farm store
57. Elude
60. Laid-back
62. A second time
66. Hobo
68. Imitation
69. Social insult
70. Pudding starch
72. Hot powdered seasoning
73. Race leaders
75. Oriental continent
77. Theirs & ...
79. Lissom physique
81. ... & only
84. Small gateau
85. Clings (to)
86. Gum infection
87. Reduce in worth
88. Nerve cells
90. Absorbs (food)
92. Direct
95. Pilot's code for I
97. Flying saucer (1,1,1)
101. Blunder
109. In addition
111. Automatic teller (1,1,1)
113. Gawk
115. West African land
116. As a gamble (2,4)
118. Mayonnaise ingredient
119. Attack savagely
121. Game of trumps
122. Little island
124. Compulsive thief
126. Easy to operate (4-8)
129. Leaf vegetables
130. Right of way
131. Hangs, draws & ...
132. Punting advisers
138. Play piano, ... the ivories
139. Horseracing areas
143. Setting up
144. Marmalade fruit
146. Halt (flow)
149. Records of ship's voyages
155. Woollen headwear
157. Influencing
159. Medieval rural worker
161. Household gadget
165. Carried
169. Nappies
171. Clergyman
172. Good Friday period
175. Diver's ailment, the ...
176. Devonshire tea item
177. Coarse files
178. Insect bite
181. Enjoyable
184. Widespread
186. Unhealthy
190. Singapore Sling spirit
• No more mud in your gutters
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The Chicken Farmer and the Little Wicket-Keeper
By Lance Hodgins
Woodfull had just been hit above the heart by a ball, and the normally mild-mannered gentleman gave an earful to the English tour manager who had entered his dressing room.
It was the summer of 1932/33 and the English cricket side was determined to win back the Ashes at any cost. But they faced a major obstacle – superstar Don Bradman, who had scored nearly 1,000 runs two years earlier to take the Ashes home to Australia.
The English skipper, Jardine, had the solution: fast bowling with the ball intentionally pitched shorter than usual and made to rise head high – in line with the batsman’s body. Five or six fielders packed the leg side, close to the batsman, ready to catch him out as he defended himself.
Fast bowler Harold Larwood left the Australians battered and bruised. On the next day’s play, the Australian keeper Bert Oldfield had his skull fractured which outraged the Adelaide spectators and had the English fielders ready to use the stumps in self-defence if the crowd jumped the fence.
continued next page...
Above: “There are two teams out there. One is trying to play cricket, the other is not.” Bill Woodfull, Australian captain
Below: Bert Oldfield has his skull fractured by a Larwood delivery
Feelings were intense and animosity between the two nations was at an all-time high. The Australian Cricket Board of Control sent a telegram to the English MCC protesting their unsporting behaviour and the use of “bodyline” tactics. They were fobbed off and it became an international incident to be eventually sorted out by government statesmen.
At the very same time, the Mornington Peninsula was going through its own controversy when a letter of protest appeared in the local press.
“Such bowling has already appeared in our local cricket. If the powers of the world’s greatest batsman are limited against it, what chances have boys just starting out got of overcoming it? Hopefully the NPCA [Northern Peninsula Cricket Association] will stamp it out.” - Arnold Noble.
Arnold Joseph Noble was a player and selector for the Tyabb Cricket Club. He had supported the local Cricket Association when they started up a B Grade competition to give younger players an opportunity to play the game and also get good coaching. He was not happy, however, with the way things were going in some of the matches.
“Even our champion Bradman couldn’t handle such vicious attacks. Are our local rules strong enough? Is the future of young cricketers being protected?
“A good cricketer can be made but it is just as easy to break him.”
“Any stick to beat a dog with”
Noble’s criticism had been vague and couched in general terms, naming no names. Nevertheless, it drew an immediate response from one particular club - Baxter. Their vice-captain, George Collett, stated that he played in B Grade and had never seen any bodyline bowling “by any stretch of the imagination.”
“I am convinced that Mr Noble is referring to a particular bowler on the Baxter team. I have played or watched every B Grade game and have never seen him deliberately bump the ball, bowl at the man, nor bowl at the pace everyone knows he is capable of. Furthermore there have never been more than two fieldsmen on the leg side at any time – more frequently only one, namely myself.”
Collett went on. “The Baxter secretary made it a condition of his acceptance to play that he would not be expected to bowl at anything like his top speed. Despite all assertions to the contrary, he has scrupulously kept to his word.”
“Many may know him from his past A Grade matches. Several experienced players from Tyabb, Hastings and Pearcedale have stated that they are quite satisfied as to his bowling fairness. Most of the critics have never seen his bowling.”
He accused Noble of having seen few B Grade games and therefore of making an unwarranted charge. He suggested that he was “unwittingly acting as the mouthpiece of others with a grudge to work off. Those who bear one against the player in question believe that any stick is good enough to beat a dog with.”
“Branding anyone as a ‘bodyline bowler’ is using the strongest terms in a cricket sense it is possible to use – the equivalent of calling anyone a larrikin in ordinary life or a welcher on the racecourse.”
Above: A close up of Oldfield being hit by the Larwood bumper
Below: Arnold Noble, the man with the “agile” pen
“If the cap fits …”
Noble’s response was an easy one. He had never mentioned Baxter Cricket Club by name and Collett’s response simply supported the old saying that “if the cap fits then wear it.”
Noble defended his knowledge of Tyabb’s B Grade team. He had seen some of their games and as a selector he received regular reports of their form and happenings. He regarded them as a typical lot: a mixture of older players nearing retirement and young upand-comers.
He knew that bodyline bowling WAS inflicted on one of their younger players and, although it didn’t involve the “leg-field trap” of seven fieldsmen, it was a vicious scheme to unsettle the batsman, and a tactic he deplored.
Furthermore, Noble had another matter to raise: the player in question had been recruited by Baxter from outside their district at the eleventh hour, just in time to qualify him for the finals. This placed those clubs with two teams at a disadvantage, as they had to nominate their best eight A Grade cricketers who were excluded from playing in B Grade finals.
Baxter Cricket Club had only one team. It was in its second year in the Northern Peninsula Cricket Association, and played in B
Grade alongside Moorooduc and seconds teams from Hastings, Pearcedale and Tyabb.
Baxter had a shaky start to the season but they soon picked up their game thanks to regulars Richards and Bryant and some new recruits.
“We are striving to improve the standard of our cricket,” explained Collett, “by scouring our territory to gain the B Grade premiership and possibly field both A and B Grade teams in the future.”
Their latest recruit, the player in question, was “a great teacher and role model - a rattling good club man and a thorough sportsman.” By the time the finals rolled around they held real hopes of taking out the premiership. They breezed through the semi-final by easily defeating Tyabb, but were then beaten in the final by Hastings, despite the excellent bowling of their latest recruit who took 5/42 and 4/28.
By now Arnold Noble’s target was out in the open: he named him as Geoffrey Cahill from Frankston. Noble described him as “an all-round player of representative class who really is too good for B Grade cricket. Witness the centuries he has made in A Grade cricket!”
continued next page...
Above: Tyabb cricket team. Arnold Noble front row far right
The cricket season had finished but the war of words continued and began to get personal. Collett claimed that Noble’s suggestions for improving the game reminded him of his own chickens scratching around for a few pieces of food. He referred to Noble as “the little loquacious wicketkeeper” with far too much to say and, in return, was called “the Baxter hen-farmer”.
Noble stood on his cricketing record. At 33 years of age he had played on the Peninsula for twenty years, during which time he had captained the NPCA team and umpired for the Association. He had seen many good players come and go, and “would continue to make suggestions for improving the game , even if they raised the indignation of Mr Collett. I will not be slow to condemn practices or tactics which one considers may bring the game into disrepute.”
Collett observed that such comments always seem to come after Tyabb had lost a match, and felt that this didn’t help an unbiased assessment of his suggestions.
“There is but one conclusion – the matter is personal, an echo of some of the spite and ill-feeling engendered in A Grade cricket in the past and nursed by one or two well-known identities down
Above left: Geoffrey Cahill with George Keast, president of the Northern Peninsula Cricket Association
Above: Geoffrey Cahill, star footballer for Frankston
the Peninsula. These particular gentlemen could not have seen Mr Cahill bowling in B Grade ... and therefore our word is worth at least as much as their’s or Mr Noble’s.”
The bombshell letter
The argument then focussed on a letter from the NPCA which Collett is reputed to have received, questioning the sourcing of Cahill from outside their district.
Collett admitted that his Club had received such a letter from the Cricket Association executive. It had been a veritable bombshell, arriving only two days before their semi-final. There had been no time to respond to it – to refute it or test its legality.
“We were taken to task for playing residents of Frankston. But what about Seaford – who use players from there? Are we meant to refuse any Frankston player who wants to play with us? People I have spoken to have ridiculed the executive for their action.”
Collett stated that he had no authority to publish it - and did not intend to do so!
The end result
It was now late May and into the football season. The English
cricket team had returned home where the bodyline controversy continued to rage on. Bowler Larwood made an outburst in London’s Daily Express with the intention of placing the matter in the public arena and letting “Mr Justice public opinion” have his say. At home, the protagonists from Baxter and Tyabb felt the same way and continued their own very public war of words in the local press.
“The Australian cricketers realise the viciousness and dangers of bodyline and basher bowling,” said Noble. “Down at Tyabb we know something about it too. In my desire for the local cricket board of control to stamp it out, I aroused the indignation of the Baxter deputy captain.”
Noble challenged Collett and the Baxter Club to release the contents of The Letter.
“By importing several players from Frankston, including that fine all-rounder Geoffrey Cahill, Baxter clearly showed their plan to win the B Grade premiership. They did not break any rules but they did not help the spirit of the game by bringing in a representative player at the last minute.”
continued next page...
Auction Mart, 46-52 New Street, Frankston
Noble went on with some satisfaction.
“But there is many a slip between cup and lip. When Hastings beat them in the grand final, it was a premiership well-received by the cricketing fraternity. It must be narking some people that Hastings are flying the pennant.”
Noble waited a few weeks for a response - but none came so he weighed in again.
“The Baxter chicken farmer has fired his last shot and knows his supply of ammunition is exhausted. Now it behoves this ‘little loquacious wicket-keeper’ to step in to bat on a rather easy wicket. Mr Collett has all along had to bat upon a very treacherous pitch, well knowing that the opposition held all the key positions.”
Noble then offered to tell the inside story on The Letter. The NPCA delegates had been alerted to the importation of Frankston players and they strongly disapproved. They had written a letter to the Baxter Club who ignored it and played Cahill anyway. The younger members of the other teams, particularly Tyabb, had kept ducking away from the flying deliveries of the “shock troops” and were quickly dismissed.
Some people doubted whether the NPCA would allow Baxter to compete in the 1933/34 season but by the time cricket came around again, they had managed to enter two teams. Their A grade team did well and almost made the finals - but they were without the services of a fast bowler.
Below: A later Tyabb premiership team. Back Row – Mr. Herbert Noble (father of brothers Bert and Arnold) – Wes Clarke – Ray Judd –Tom Sweeney – Fred Gregory – Mr George Slocombe sr. Centre – Charles Floyd – Bert Noble – Harry Denham Capt – George Slocombe – Arnold Noble. At front – Ray Denham – William Jouning