Especial Nova Marca Final_RN

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JULY 2011


ant贸nio mexia

making of

stefan sagmeister

The Chairman of the Executive Board of EDP explains the new brand

EDP employees explain how they have experienced the change in brand

Who is the creator of the new brand? Interview with one of the best designers in the world




human sustainable innovative The EDP brand entered a new phase in its history. As a company that has always performed a definitive role in the power supply sector, we have always looked back on our heritage with pride. Today, we celebrate. The company honors its 35th anniversary. However, we must now look to the future and to expanding, not only in terms of what our brand represents, but how it is represented. This special edition of the edpON magazine, which has also been completely redesigned, is intended to serve as a vision for the brand and for our employees.

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LIVING AND GROWING AND MAKING A DIFFERENCE! by Paulo Campos Costa Brand and Communications Director

Harvard economist Theodore Levitt once said, “Creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.” Some companies are afraid of breaking away from the past, living in the present moment, thinking of the future, creating and being innovative. But in today’s world, where the paradigms are constantly changing, the search for excellence and differentiation is constant. We are all aware that the best way to have good idea is to have many ideas. One cannot be afraid of finding new ideas — one has to "think outside the box." When a brand reaches its 35th anniversary, as is the case with EDP, it knows what it is, it knows that it is different, it knows that people believe in it. Today, a brand either differentiates itself or likely disappears. Perceptions in the world today are alive, dynamic and constantly changing. The brands that grow, which become internationalized and touch people in their daily lives, have to follow this new evolving dynamic. EDP is taking this route. A change in brand is nothing more than another phase in its growth, because at EDP we don’t simply see things as they are — we see them as a company that is human, innovative and sustainable and that looks to the future because it is helping to create it. Today, we have offices in 13 countries and more than 60 percent of our EBITDA is already generated outside Portugal. We are therefore different, stronger and imbued with a new dynamic. In this new, more energetic reality in which we live, trademarks have to be living, vital entities that interact with the people around them. Everything is in motion. The press has been replaced by the Internet, live events and new media. With the establishment of social networks, a brand has stopped being what those in charge say it is. A brand is what other people think it is. The brand no longer belongs to the company alone... but to all its stakeholders as well. In its DNA, it must have the basic principles that give it personality — the distinctive elements of competition. The brand has to tell a story. It has to exceed expectations, be charismatic and run deep. A living brand is like a never-ending play, and here as well, everyone in the company has a role to play. Seen in this way, EDP does not have a new logo; it has many new logos. Starting today, we have a wide range of emotions to offer. Our slogan, which continues to be “live our energy”, gains greater meaning through the many ways that our brand gives life. In this special edition of edpON, you will come to know more about what we have been doing lately. This issue represents the product of a work that was as arduous as it was stimulating and gratifying. We are proud and certain that each of you will be equally proud. Beginning today, it is this brand that will become part of our lives. Mine, yours and all of ours.

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july 2011

The special edition which you are holding represents a new phase for the EDP Group. From this moment, the company has a new face. More dynamic, innovative and breathtaking. Discover all the secrets about your new brand!

04 EDITORIAL Paulo Campos Costa, Brand and Communications Director for the EDP Group writes about the new brand



Brand Evolution The brand has undergone many changes over time. We reminisce on the evolution of several logos



ANTÓNIO MEXIA Interview with the Chairman of the EDP Group Board of Directors


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STEFAN SAGMEISTER Meet the creative force behind the new EDP brand



Brand Campaign Cinema, television, radio, press, outdoors, internet... the campaign for the new brand is going to conquer everyone!



Brand Application Discover what is going to change in the internal means of communication at EDP Group

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MAKING OF All the phases and opinions of the employees involved in changing the brand

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THE NEW FACE OF EDP IS YOURS Four geometric shapes that can unfold into seven main forms. The lettering is the same but the background has been given new life. The new face of EDP could not have been more dynamic and universal.

This is one of seven images of the “holding company”, to be used commonly in the geographies of Portugal, Spain and Brazil. EDP lettering remains the same, but the symbol behind the logo can be transformed into seven additional basic forms

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The design of the new brand is based on basic shapes such as the square, triangle, circle and semicircle. These four geometric figures can unfold into countless shapes, creating an world of endless possibilities to communicate though a graphic language. The new EDP brand tells stories, gives direction, clarifies concepts and business, communicates in a clear manner, involves people, brings countries closer, defines values, sustains causes, provides incentives, transmits emotions and innovates every day. It is a brand that creates a universal image for all the geographic locations where the company does business and that keeps pace with the growth and internationalization of the Group. Now, there is only one brand for all the companies within the Group. The brand is EDP and the symbol behind the brand represents the vitality and innovation of a multinational company that already does business in more than 13 countries. It is a global brand represented by a unique and identical symbol throughout the world. After all, the successful brands are those capable of effectively managing their image

The new EDP brand will be recognizable anywhere in the world, irrespective of language or culture.

so that anyone can clearly understand their values. And with this brand, EDP will clearly convey what it is, what it feels and what it does! EDP's core values are clear: humanization, sustainability and innovation. These genuine traits will endure for all time, regardless of product and service innovations or strategic changes, and are expressed by the new brand, in a way that is clear, transparent and innovative. A brand that achieves recognition in any part of the world, irrespective of language or culture. A brand that is in constant motion.

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Apart from the logo, featured in the previous page, there are six others, which must be used often and alternately. The common denominator is always the EDP name. The combinations of the monogram are as follows...


Both EDP and the new brand are dynamic. Instead of having only one logo, EDP now has seven that can be used interchangeably. By using the circle, square, triangle and semicircle, it is possible to combine countless and different compositions, generating shapes that produce a background for the monogram, which will remain the same in all of them. Or rather, EDP’s name is always present and serves as the common denominator in all of EDP's logos. None of these logos is bound to a specific area of the company; the Group is now global. These logos must be used regularly and in every geographic location — Portugal, Spain and Brazil.

Circular and semicircular shapes dominate the seven main logos of the new universe of EDP. The arrangements are dynamic and displayed in any area of the Group

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Renewables The green in the previous logo has been replaced by red, the color to be used without exception by all the Group's companies. Blue, green and orange represent the energy sector. Red is one aspect of the last rebranding, in 1994, that EDP has capitalized from over the last seven years. A strong color, it adds value to the brand. EDP Renewables will now have the same global brand, unique and identical everywhere. Therefore, brand image and consistency is reinforced. The “Renewables” indicator will be used solely in the international market, while “Renováveis” is to be used in Portugal and Spain. Renováveis can also make use of the trademark variations.

In Spain... For the first time in the Group's existence, the name will form part of the trademark in Spain. Naturgas Energía and HC Energía, present in the natural gas and electricity sectors, will retain their individual identities. However, their identities will now also include the new EDP logo, which can have as its background any of the variations.

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serviço universal



serviço universal


Foundations In the same manner as the companies within the Group, the various foundations will also undergo rebranding. These will all have the same logo, regardless of the country to which they belong. The only difference will be the name. In Portugal the name will include the word “Fundação”, in Spain "Fundación HC Energía”, and in Brazil "Instituto", but they all will be united under one trademark.


Barring Regulation The regulated companies of the EDP Group — EDP Distribuição, EDP Serviço Universal, EDP Gás Distribuição and EDP Gás Serviço Universal — will also use red, since they have the EDP trademark in common, followed by the relevant company name. These trademarks have been established in compliance with regulatory recommendations, and it will rarely happen that the seven logos cannot be used.

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Humane. Innovative. Sustainable. These are the pillars of EDP as well as those of our new trademark. Our priorities are also reflected in the new images: We work for people and their communities, demonstrating respect for the environment and a heavy commitment to innovation. The future is inextricably linked to these three pillars.

A trademark founded on timeless values ....

HUMANE Above all we are a brand built and powered by people. To show loyalty to our customers, partners and the communities in which we serve, EDP must have an open, transparent brand, one that is deeply committed to individual needs and to working for society and its well-being.

SUSTAINABLE EDP is deeply committed to creating value and securing a sustainable environment. As a global company, we acknowledge


that the future belongs to

EDP is strongly committed

those of us who realize we must

to change. Our trademark

respect the planet — as well as

excellence is driven and

all to those among us who assist

dedicated to continuous

communities in adopting this

innovation at all levels of

same point of view. This is why we

the company. EDP strives

believe in investing in societies

to have constructive and

and their cultures, whether it's

creative dialogue founded on

through our commitment to

excellence and solutions and

causes that we deeply believe in,

technologies that focus on

such as education and the fight

the future.

to end poverty, or through the support we provide for public and cultural entities.

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+ The tone of communication The “voice” of EDP's trademark seeks to convey these values. Therefore, the tone of its message must be well-defined. Tone goes hand in hand with identity — they are one. The voice expands our visual foundations and has to be heard and understood by our customers, partners and the company itself. The voice should be clear, conscious, open, knowledgeable, sociable and pragmatic.

Knowledgeable, open, clear, conscious, sociable and pragmatic. EDP’s message must be unwavering in its tone if it is to reach everyone in the best way possible. The images to the side of this text represent the fundamental characteristics of our “voice”.

The world is made of diversity; the EDP Group's new trademark is as well. Icons in various forms and styles can help to tell a story. That is the crux of EDP's message: there is a universal language for everyone, one that allows us to make ourselves understood regardless of location and with the same voice, for universal and effective communication.

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A trademark that communicates The new EDP trademark is extremely expressive. It uses visually attractive narratives to communicate what we are, what we do and what we find important. By means of this iconographic world, EDP can talk to its customers, employees and stakeholders from anywhere in the world. The trademark also comprises a comprehensive iconographic art library. These icons can take shape from abstract ideas, objects, products, information and even animals. When used in applications, all of these help to tell a story or convey a message.

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ANTÓNIO MEXIA In a company that is a global world leader undergoing rapid growth, the evolution toward a new trademark became imperative. In this interview, the chairman of EDP's executive board explains why the “smile” disappeared to make room for a more flexible, open and innovative image.

Why was there a rebranding of the EDP Group now? Was it a difficult decision? It is a decision that came naturally. Every trademark has a life cycle, and we were of the view that the old logo, “the smile,” no longer represented EDP's position, nor that of the market. The internationalization of the Group led to the reinforcement of this indistinguishable “smile” as part of EDP's visual identity. Given that the smile is a relatively common symbol appearing in diverse products and geographic locations, its use presented difficulties in terms of trademark registration and led to increased costs. Ultimately, this old logo prevented EDP from projecting the image of a leading global company.

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More than a trademark, it's a new language: clear, inclusive and all-embracing, thereby creating room for innumerable possibilities and transformations.

Changes to visual brands are normally associated with strategic changes in organizations. What happened at EDP? Objectively speaking, the change in the EDP brand is due to a natural evolution resulting from the Group's strong growth over the last few years. Today, EDP is a global company with a presence in 13 countries, and more than 60 percent of its operational results are generated outside Portugal. In reality, historically, in 1978, 1993 and 2004, the brand evolved as result of dynamics stemming from the company's own strategic evolution. To be relevant, brands must adjust along with the profiles of their companies, and today the DNA of EDP has changed from that of a company acting almost exclusively in Portugal to

one with a multinational outlook. Simultaneously, EDP had to face a lawsuit lodged by a firm whose logo was completely identical to that of EDP and had been in use prior to its creation in 1994. It would have made no sense for EDP to maintain this unresolved situation and continue relying on a brand that was unstable.

Can you disclose what kind of investment was involved in the rebranding? The planning behind this issue allowed the entire brand implementation process to become merely an incremental phase within a broader base plan. The overwhelming majority of investments made were of a recurrent nature, such as in shops or communications, and would have

been realized at that point in time irrespective of the decision.

What does the new brand signify? The new brand is flexible, open and innovative, reflecting EDP's core values. It's more than a brand. It's a new language. Clear, inclusive and comprehensive, it plays a truly supportive role in the company's narrative, not only in terms of form, but also conceptually, in regards to the innumerable possibilities and transformations of linguistic iconography that it represents.

In your opinion, how will the Group's employees react to the new image? I believe that they will identify with

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“It is about transforming EDP, currently present in 13 countries, into a global brand with a unique symbol that is identical throughout the world, and then working to enhance that image and ensure its consistency. The fact that we now have red in our logo does not make us less 'green' as a company"

it, viewing it not as a rupture but as an evolution. We expect to get the same reaction from our customers. This new identity approximates EDP's vision as a company of the people, creates a global image for all the markets and geographies where we operate, and monitors the development of new products and services, as well as the internationalization of the company's activities. In this manner, it creates value for EDP, its shareholders and its stakeholders.

What is the true logotype of EDP? There are so many different symbols... Now the brand and the “EDP” name, as well as the symbol behind the brand, represent the dynamism and innovation of this global company. Or rather, EDP’s name is always present and serves as the common denominator in all of our logos.

What are the values of the new EDP brand? From a set of various values, we decided to focus on the three most comprehensive — humanity, innovation, sustainability — while including many of the others as well. We place the future in our present.

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Why the continuity with the red? The selection of the color red as part of EDP's visual identity, undertaken in 2004, was on the mark! The area representing companies within the energy sector is marked by blue, green and orange. Red is one aspect of the last rebranding that we have been able to capitalize on during the last seven years. It is a color that brings value to the brand.

EDP Renováveis itself went from green to red. Is green not more representative of renewable energy? This idea has, today, been surpassed. We are transforming EDP, currently present in 13 countries, into a global brand that is unique and easily identifiable throughout the world, committing to reinforcing this new image and ensuring its consistency. The fact that we have red in our logo does not make us less "green" of a company.

Would it not be less unifying for a brand that intends to go global to have various logos? No. The core of the logo is the name “EDP”, regardless of the symbol to which it is linked. The variations and

new language, already referred to, make the brand more distinctive and enable more diversified communication based on a platform that promotes unity.

Do you think that people will recognize the logotype? We do not envisage that our clients will decorate or even know how to draw the new logo. Instead, we would prefer that they look for the symbols that communicate the EDP brand and be able to identify with this universe and with the values we want to share. We have designed a coherent system characterized by the narrative of a changing world in which our most important role in this dynamic is to create more opportunities for everyone.

Why did you keep the name EDP? We never even thought about changing the name. In fact, the greatest asset in this field is precisely the name “EDP”. Known in Portugal and throughout the world, it reflects leadership and the ability to anticipate and execute in the context of positive change.

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OUR SLOGAN Live our energy As with the company's values, the Group's slogan is also maintained. "Live our energy" translates the brand's positioning and the relationship between EDP and its clients. The Group's signature focuses on the client, giving him a more active, conscientious role in the energy sector, be it through the adoption of more environmentally friendly practices or awareness of the growing trend of consumer-producer. EDP is not with its clients only when rendering services, but also through its policies, which have led to the support and creation of initiatives for the community, in various areas and for different audiences. There are some variations to the slogan, depending on the geographic or business area. Therefore, in Brazil we get "uma boa energia" ("good energy"), while HC EnergĂ­a and Naturgas use "vive nuestra energĂ­a" and EDP Renewables is "powered by nature".

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EDP has evolved... and the brand as well! We remember the various faces of what today is considered the most important and valued brand in Portugal and ranked 280th worldwide.

Born in 1978, the first brand was known by the name EDP – Electricidade de Portugal/Empresa Pública (Electricity of Portugal/ Public Company). Its visual identity was associated with the letter “E”, in reference to the electricity sector. It represented pure and tough business.


+ A brand that keeps pace with the times EDP was founded in 1976, following the merger of 13 companies that had been nationalized the previous year. Three decades later, the company conquered markets, widened its activities, expanded its business and changed cultures. Inevitably, the brand followed all these changes. The purpose was to make the EDP name recognizable in any country.

1993 In 1991, the company changed its legal identity and went from being a public company to an anonymous society (S.A.), better known as a public limited company in English. The visual changes took place in 1993 and occurred in terms of the old brand. Associated with the concept of change and dynamism, this new stylized symbol represented the three core areas of the company's activity: production, transmission and distribution. In spite of its dynamism, however, the truth is that at the time the brand did not reach customers, who viewed it as "expensive", "abusive" and "distant".

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To reverse the company's image from one that was poorly oriented toward the customer and ineffective at communicating the products and services available, in 2003 the Group developed the central concept of what would become its new brand: Proximity! EDP wanted to be close to its clients and stakeholders. To speak their language. To show that it was an open, transparent and honest company with fair prices and reliable service. That it wanted to be available to serve, listen, guide, notify and share common issues. The course was thus set, and in 2004, the

major rebranding and repositioning of EDP took place. The new visual identity materialized in the form of a simple smile meant to portray EDP as more transparent, direct and desirous of greater proximity to its stakeholders. The red in the logo symbolizes passion, differentiation, emotion and warmth. The brand's values were clearly evident: comfort, simplicity and social responsibility. From "Electricidade de Portugal," it now became known as "Energias de Portugal," since its business already covered other activities within the energy sector.


EDP ranks 280th among the most valuable brands worldwide. According to a study performed by the consulting company Brand Finance, which was published in March 2011, the company is worth approximately 2.8 million euros, thereby in effect ranking one place higher than the Facebook brand.

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But the paradigms continued to change and the company to adapt. That is what happened following the liberalization of the domestic power sector in Portugal, in 2006, which led EDP to reclaim for itself an even more transparent relationship with its customers and a new positioning. This dynamic was captured in the new corporate


slogan "Feel our energy" and a three-dimensional plastic with greater visual impact that allowed the brand to become more flexible and adaptable to audiovisual and virtual environments. It was a change in the sense of making the brand more consistent in terms of the value of its identity and imbuing it with vision for the future.


In 2009, EDP's corporate signature underwent an evolution in management, progressing from “Feel our energy” to “Live our energy". The new slogan reflected a brand that was not only closer to the community, but above all more dynamic, innovative and enthusiastic, translating a vision of the consumer as playing an increasingly active and aware role within the energy sector. An invitation to involvement and experience and an homage to life and human energy.

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The EDP brand has entered a new phase in its history. Essentially, there are three values that it wishes to convey: humanity, sustainability and innovation. These timeless and universal characteristics remain separate from product innovations or competitive changes.


As a dynamic company at the forefront of energy supply, EDP has a brand that represents this agility. A modern, flexible and adaptable system was created, giving the brand a rhythm to follow with the transformations that take place within the Group itself.

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TA L K I N G TO . . .


SAGMEISTER EDP's new identity was created using four basic shapes: a circle, a semicircle, a square and a triangle. The new identity is flexible, open and innovative, unique to edp, according the world master of design responsible for the Group's rebranding.

How was the new identity of EDP created? The Group's new identity was created from four basic shapes: a circle, a semicircle, a square and a triangle. These forms were combined and overlaid to create the 85 logos that are unique to EDP. The result is a modular entity that is transparent, innovative and personalized and capable of evolving, like EDP brand. The graphic language itself included hundreds of representative illustrations that can be combined to tell more complex stories. The advertisement makes use of this language to introduce EDP's new identity, highlight the company's impressive numbers in terms of renewable energies and highlight its commitment to people.

Cris Cassady

Can you describe the new identity of EDP in only three adjectives? Without a problem: flexible, open and innovative. Always flexible, the system is able to adopt all the different forms and formats and, at the same time, express itself clearly in a single language. It is open and transparent, not only in the formal use of illuminated layers, but also conceptually in its unlimited

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I am always proudest of our most recent work; at this moment, it's the identity of EDP

possibilities and conversion to a complete design language. It is innovative, avoiding the systematic approval of all its materials. It reflects EDP's commitment to providing customized solutions.

important that the colors accurately correspond to those created for other areas of the campaign.

How was the creative process? Was it necessary to do much brainstorming or was it intuitive?

It took longer than two months to complete the initial planning and illustration phase. The animation took longer than one month to finalize.

We all worked together to achieve this result, and all phases of the project required our attention, passion and energy. The aim was to display energy — the principal product of EDP — and simultaneously capture the energy of the company and of its employees.

How did you film the advertisement? The illustrative elements were created in Adobe Illustrator and transposed in After Effects, the main tool used in the project to create animation. The apparently simple design was achieved through a clearly simple flow. Intense scripting work was required by Brand New School to create the animated behavior of the geometric system created by Sagmeister Inc. The final color correction was performed by Autodesk Flame. It was

How many days did it take to come up with the final advertisement?

Was it a major challenge? Yes. We worked quite hard, but no one worked harder during this time and more intensely than the designer, Jessica Walsh. She was involved from initial briefings on planning and implementation.

How would you describe EDP? I am very impressed with the company. When I listen to the news here in the United States and hear Obama say that his goal is to produce, by 2020, 20 percent of the nation's energy by means of renewable energy sources, it makes me quite proud to be involved with a company that today produces more than 60 percent of renewable energy.

You have said that you don't like disorganized clients. How was it to work with EDP?

+ Persons involved in the campaign: Name of the producer:

Brand New School

Brand New School

Creative Executive Director: Jonathan

Name of the producer:


Sagmeister Inc. & Brand New School

Artistic Director: Chris Palazzo Executive Producer: Devin Brook

Sagmeister Inc

Senior Producer: Derek Macleod

Artistic Director: Stefan Sagmeister

Designers: Steven Kelleher, Phil Intralligi

Designer: Jessica Walsh

Animators: Robin Greenwood, TBD Composition/2D: TBD

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A real pleasure. EDP has a clear and strong leadership, which made our work much easier (there have been promising projects that did not materialize because there were so many people deciding).

Are you selective with your clients? Why did you accept this challenge from EDP? Because EDP supplies products and services of great value. Because I

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“I am very impressed with EDP. I am proud to be involved with a company that produces more than 60 percent of renewable energy"

believe that the design can really help to improve this service. Because they are good people. Because they had a reasonable deadline and budget.

Did you express your personality in this work? Our job was to capture the personality of EDP, not mine.

Was this your first Portuguese client? No, we created the identity for a cultural client, Casa da Musica, in Porto, some years back This was also a very gratifying relationship, and I still feel quite proud of the work we did with the Casa da Musica team.

What else inspires you? One of my regular sources of inspiration is a recently occupied hotel room. I believe that it is easier to work in a place far from the studio, where my thoughts on the

performance of a new idea may not immediately come to mind, but where i can think much more freely.

I am always proudest of our most recent work; at this moment, it's the identity of EDP.

Do you feel more like an artist or a businessman?

What are your hobbies?

I feel like a designer. The big difference between design and art is that the first needs to work; it must be successful. Art only has to exist; it doesn't necessarily have to do anything. The pieces we create must work.

Why do you find it necessary to take a sabbatical from your work every seven years? There are always so many things for which there never seems to be time to do whilst the studio is at full speed. Sabbatical leave ensures that I continue to see my work as a calling and not simply a routine job.

What other work are you most proud of?

I enjoy very much the work I do and am able to balance it. Therefore, I don’t feel a great need to find a real hobby to for balance. Obviously, I am involved in all the normal activities, like reading, meeting up with friends for dinner, and going to concerts and the theater, but I don't have a specific hobby as such.

Have you visited Portugal before? What are your impressions of the country? I have visited Lisbon and Porto many times and have had a lot of fun in both cities. The cultural possibilities, the harmonious combination between tradition and innovation, and the pure physical beauty of these places are difficult not to love. I am less familiar with the smaller cities and the interior, but I hope to rectify this very soon in the future.

EDP has a clear and strong leadership, which makes our job much easier

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Sagmeister began his career as a designer at age 15. Today, he is considered one of the best designers in the world.

P R 0 F I L E

Stefan Sagmeister

New York, Osaka,

Best Box or Special

times that he likes

was born in 1962 in

Prague, Cologne and

Limited Edition

the most.

Austria and began


for the “Once in a

his career as a

Lifetime” box set by

designer at the age

the Talking Heads. In 2010, he was

“Try to be a good

Every seven years,

awarded another

person and work

Stefan takes a one-

Grammy in the same

hard”: this is the

year sabbatical,

category for his work

advice he normally

during which time he

on Brian Eno's album

imparts to young

He studied graphic

accepts no offers for

“Everything That

designers who are

design at the

work, no matter how

Happens Will Happen

just starting out.

University for Applied

enticing they may be.


As for the future,

of 15, at an Austrian children’s magazine.

Arts Vienna and

he says: “Humanity

was awarded a

adapts itself to all types of situations,

Fulbright scholarship to attend the Pratt

During one of these

Sagmeister won,

and this is a good

Institute in New York.

retreats, he actually

in 2005, the

time to be alive.”

declined the offer to


design the campaign

Prize from the

poster for Barack



National Design

He has published


two books, “Made

After working at such influential

you Look” and

agencies as Leo

“Things I Have

Burnett of Hong Kong and Ibor

He has designed

Kalman's M&Co,

album covers for

Being a designer was

he decided to edit

artists such as the

never a childhood

the famous Colors

Rolling Stones, Lou

dream ... Sagmeister

magazine for the

Reed, OK Go, David

came to realize that

Benetton Group in

Byrne, Aerosmith and

he wanted to take

Some things that


Pat Metheny.

this path when he

Sagmeister has

was 15 years old.

learned: “By helping

Learned in My Life so Far.”

others, I am helping myself.” “To think In 1993, he launched

Other famous clients

his own graphic

include companies

95% of the clothes

better in the future

design studio:

such as HBO, the

he wears are

is stupid. I must

Sagmeister Inc.,

Guggenheim Museum

designed by his

live in the now.”

situated in New

and the Time Warner

girlfriend or bought

“Money does not



from his brother’s

make you happy.”


“Worrying solves

that life will be

nothing.” “It does not help to complain.” The works of

In 2005, Sagmeister

Sagmeister Inc. have

received a Grammy

The start of the

bygones.” "All people

been exhibited in

in the category of

morning and the end

who are honest are

Zurich, Vienna, Berlin,

Art Director for the

of the day are the


"Let bygones be

— 33 —

At 49 years of age, Stefan Sagmeister has a long and illustrious career in the

designers. His studio's most recent project was for EDP

John Madere

word of design. His work leaves its mark and goes a long way in influencing young

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Branding Campaign

To convey the new brand abroad is a challenge, from any point of view. Cinema, television, radio, press, Internet, outdoors, display ads... Today, the color is only one: red! The image was a smile. But starting today, it will be much more than that. To communicate its rebranding, EDP is launching a series of advertising spots designed to invade every area of the media. The graphic language includes

hundreds of illustrations representing various categories that, when connected, tell us the most complex stories. It marks a radical transformation that, we are certain, will surprise everyone and everything. Positively.

The radio spot, which runs for 30 seconds, will state the importance of the brand's new color: “We don’t need to be green, because we already are.” Red will be the only color used in all the logos of the EDP Group.

+ Radio - 30" Hello! We are EDP. We are growing, innovating and evolving, to create a future with you. More than 60 percent of the energy we produce comes from sources that belong to all of us, such as wind and water. And we don’t need to look green, because we already are green. In your home, your company and the entire world. Our picture was a smile; today, its our name that makes the difference.

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Facade, Av. José Malhoa Building The world and its diversity, within a sustainable environment, is represented iconographically on each of the four sides of the EDP building on Avenida José Malhoa in Lisbon.

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Small format – advertising footers

Small advertisements that will be published in the press

Graphic panel, Marquês de Pombal As of today, this image appears on a panel in the lobby of EDP's head office at Marquês de Pombal, 12, in Lisbon.

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Advertising on TV + TV - 60”, 45”, 30” Hello. We are EDP. We are growing, innovating, evolving. We know that everything we do has an impact. And that only good energy will bring us good energy. And therefore more than 60 percent of the energy we produce comes from that which is ours. We don’t need green opinions, because we are already green. We can see the future, because we are building it with you. Our image was a smile. Today, it is our name that makes a difference. EDP, Live our energy

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The television campaign for the new brand promises to enthrall. The combination of four geometric shapes (circle, semicircle, square and triangle) produce a visual show filled with stories and always with lots of energy!

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The television spot, with music from the Portuguese band The Gift, was conceived and produced by the Brand New School and takes advantage of its metamorphic shapes, creating a rich and varied world. There are three versions of the advertisement, of different Direction 2 durations. Storyboard

The campaign developed makes use of the new iconography to communicate important facts such as the high percentage of renewable energy already being produced worldwide. This campaign shows EDP's commitment to its clients as well. And the energy of the company and its people. EDP Sagmeister Inc

Through the forest.

We continue to zoom out, catching funny moments.

We zoom backwards more, through a city, the camera is gaining speed.

We keep zooming out as everything resembles bubbles.

We see fish.

Continuing to zoom out we go through the entire galaxy.

Until we see planet earth rotating

We see the whole planet.

The zoom out ends nice and easy, still full of life with tiny details in motion.

We begin another logo transformation.

More logo animations.

The main EDP logo resolves. VO: We are EDP.



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On the back of a rebranding The arrival of a brand is prepared in the utmost detail. It is not enough to change the image. There are a number of applications, inside and outside the company, that are altered, to reflect the values and new identity of the Group.

In Portugal's major cities, the main buildings of the Group will awaken today adorned with the new image. A concerted operation, this initiative was carried out by hundreds of people so that the new brand could gain quick recognition. This change in brand will result in clients looking at the same company with different eyes. Through it, the EDP will reinforce its values.

A surprise for employees

The smile may have disappeared from the buildings, but the employees of the EDP Group will now have a reason to never stop smiling. Beginning today, they will be surprised with the new brands on the facades of their workplaces.

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The seven logos will be the face of the Group. Each building will take on different shapes, but always with the same identity: EDP. The color adopted was gray.

In full view of everyone The brand highlights the personality of the building. Ultimately, it is on the buildings that the new brand will be displayed to the most passing eyes. And EDP will now show its new face, clothing its buildings in their new identities, which are as innovative as the company itself.

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EDP is the new brand for all forms of communication. Whether via the Internet, in a magazine or on television, EDP will always be its name. An internal brand that consolidates communication within the Group.

Television It also appears with a new, more stylish image, providing more space for the videos and stories that mark the life of the Group. It will continue to shape the agenda, but will still count on the sharing and participation of each of us. New themes are on the drawing board, and up-todate news will highlight the most important happenings. It was from edpON that the internal global brand was born for our communication. Television has established itself within the Group, given a face to the project, and reached different geographies, cultures and peoples. It has helped us to get to know one another better, and thereby reinforcing our common culture. Would we be able to live without our edpON TV? Perhaps, but it would not be the same...

Magazine This is a special edition about the new brand. Future editions of edpON will have a certain graphic adjustment to ensure alignment with the totality of all the aspects of the new brand, but the reliance on global communications to reach local audiences will continue in our magazine, the excellence and merit of each one, irrespective of the place it holds in the chain of hierarchy, will be accorded full-page honors.

RN_40_47_aplicacaoMarca.indd 42

11/07/01 11:42

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Internet From a very realistic site, we have changed to a much more

a relationship of trust and closeness, of interactivenss and

irreverent universe, but continue to tell a story in every one

integration, which clearly reflects its importance to the

of the home pages. Basically, we show that in everything that

success of our business. It is a website alive and joyful, which

people do there is an energy that we “make” and that the

transmits the brand values of EDP — human, innovative and

product of our work has allowed people to gain access high

sustainable — and reflects our commitment to our clients,

levels of comfort and well-being. We rely on each homepage

to life and the environment, and to people in general. It is a

to tell the story of our relationship with each of our partners:

different site, as the websites of EDP have always been.

— 44 —

Intranet From here onward, our intranet will

Ultimately, ever y thing in the

that there must be a sharing

explore all the possibilities that the

world is subject to change. Our

of knowledge and best practices

universe of the new brand has to

communications will be carried out

within the Group. There will be

of fer. Can be + could be or + fun +

in the same manner, always bearing

fur ther surprises regarding the

marine or + terrestrial + rural or +

in mind that information must be

intranet toward the end of the year.

city life, + aeolian or + ....

conveyed clearly and objectively and

Stay aler t!

— 45 —


Furgões pequenos troen Berlingo O: Reduzida

The EDP fleet consists of a large variety of typologies, brands and models of vehicles. To derive maximum benefit from this media, it is necessary that we remain consistent in the application of our identity. FROTA | PÁG 13 FROTA



On wheels Starting today, the seven logos will travel throughout the entire country, demonstrating the

432 x 340 mm

variety and dynamics that exist within the company. We are certain that it will be a pleasure to drive the vehicles of EDP's new fleet.

547 x 89 mm

370 x 290 mm

145 mm

338 mm

36 mm 235 mm

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administrative equipment The new logos will enliven employee communications. Ultimately, seven new symbols will form part of the new image for EDP's corporate stationery: - Joining the company (employee card) - Writing and sending letters (paper and envelopes) - Giving out contact information in meetings with peers (business cards) - Sharing information (CD) Business Card

Envelope DL with Window

Letter-writing paper

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In the world of EDP, the new image will be present in every area of our employees' workday! The company's newly imagined stationery is an example of this. Business cards, envelopes, CDs, document files, fax paper... Be prepared to celebrate the difference.

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Chris Palazzo Art Director of the


Brand New School New York.

MAKING OF Carrying out a rebranding is never simple. To arrive at EDP's new image, many people were involved, putting in numerous work hours and attending many meetings. Everything started nine months ago, with the selection of a creator to develop EDP's new visual identity. The Group chose Stefan Sagmeister, considered one of the best designers working today. The briefing was delivered and the journey in search of a new image for EDP commenced. A perfect partnership was created between New York (Sagmeister Inc.) and Portugal (Mola Ativism and My Brand), despite the difference in time zones, to ensure the launching of the new image went perfectly. Today, here it is. Thank you to everyone who was involved in this journey!


Jonathan Notaro e Stefan Sagmeister The Brand New School's artistic director discusses the details of the animation with Stefan Sagmeister, creator of EDP's new logo.

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Paulo Campos Costa, Marta Marques and Jessica Walsh Meeting in New York to define the last details.



Communications team The applications of the new brand were defined in various meetings between the communi-

Stefan Sagmeister and Jessica Walsh

cation teams of EDP and design

The creative director of Sagmeister Inc.,

firm Mola Ativism.

accompanied by the designer who worked in the background to conceive and execute EDP's new brand.


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Paulo Campos Costa The brand and communications director of EDP's holding company was present during all phases of the rebranding process.


Robin Greenwood The individual responsible for brand animation, starting with the key shapes.

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Brand Introduction 09

The document presented to the EDP communications team.

Team Responsible for the Brand The change required enormous effort, but there was never a lack of motivation.


António Mexia The chief executive officer of EDP presents the new brand at a meeting of the Group's entire communications team.


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Feeling the new EDP brand

Rui Cabrita, Deputy Director of Communications “Participating in a rebranding project was — or rather, is — an exciting experience. It is not every day that a brand such as EDP undertakes a process like this, through the ability to execute and the professionalism demonstrated by the entire team involved. I believe that the new image, which fuses modernity with a sense of innocence, will be to everyone's liking."

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Abdul Karim, Brand Department

Marta Marques, Brand Department

Filipa Roquette, Brand Department

“A fantastic challenge for a fantas-

“I think that it is a privilege to be able to

“The first word that comes to mind is

tic brand: this is the best way to

participate so actively and profoundly in the

'challenging'. It is an opportunity that

describe the rebranding process. I

rebranding process. It is a unique professional

we should immediately grab hold of,

want to highlight the efforts of two

and personal experience, in the countless

because we never know if we will take

fantastic people with whom I work

challenges that we face daily. What I want

part in a similar project again. Working

directly and who dedicated them-

to emphasize further is the outstanding

longer hours than normal, teamwork, the

selves fully to this project: Filipa

teamwork demonstrated by all areas of the

hectic stress created by deadlines that

Roquette and Marta Marques."

company, starting with the DMC (Brand

are always too short, the last-minute

and Communications Department), whose

solutions that have to be found — the

performance and dedication made everything

entire process led to our personal and

possible. For this reason, we feel that we are

professional growth. The team involved

working in a company with the best skills

exceeded all expectations: tireless,

and the best employees. Without everyone’s

motivated, proud and happy. The results

involvement, the rebranding would not have

could not have been more positive.”

been possible. For me, it was an honor to take part in the creation of the new EDP brand and to have been part of this team."

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Teresa Loreto, Brand and Communications Department “From the point of view of sponsorships and events, launching a new brand that is so dynamic, strong and differentiating is and will be very good; it will enable us to go further, to 'play' with the shapes, to build on and mark their differences."

José Syder, Communications Director of EDP Gás “The new EDP logo signifies dynamism, multinationalism, a unique brand. It was an exceptional challenge to participate in the rebranding. It is not often that a company such as EDP undergoes such a profound change in brand. The new image will effectively serve to consolidate the multinational entity that EDP already is."

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Fernanda Bonifácio, EDP Valor - Fleet Management “Approximately 2,600 vehicles to redecorate throughout the entire country? Doubt? Surprise? Panic? Discomfort? These were the first reactions to changing our fleet's image. They were later replaced by enthusiasm, dynamism and a willingness to make it happen. Oops! But these are also some of the concepts inherent to the new brand! I must conclude that I have already been swept up in the spirit. It is highly challenging to cooperate on a project of this magnitude."

Paula Pinto, Brand and Communications Department “Creating a new brand is always challenging, and despite not being as involved in this process as I was in the rebranding of 2004, it was still an enriching experience. A new identity implies adaption to various means of communication, and it is this exercise that makes our area of activity very stimulating."

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Raquel Mendes, EDP Renewables “The new brand for the entire EDP Group will inspire us to be stronger, wherever we may be. For EDP Renewabies, it will be a challenge to implement the brand in markets such as the United States, where we have a good slice of our business and where, simultaneously, the cultural and company reality are so different from that of the Iberian Peninsula and Europe. However, we know that it will be a test that we will overcome and that recognition of EDP Renewabies and the EDP Group will be definitely reinforced on the other side of the world."

Flávia Ramos, Carmen Fernández González, EDP HC Energía “This is a huge professional challenge. The change in

EDP Brazil “The new brand reflects today's constantly changing world and EDP's

brand in Spain will be carried out in a phased manner,

ability to accompany

marking the difference between internal and external

that change and be

communication. The new EDP iconographic universe opens up infinite possibilities for communication within the Group with its different partners. In Spain, there will be the brands of HC Energía and Naturgas Energía. We are all working in a coordinated manner — marketing, general services, property, information and communications systems — so that our efforts come to fruition. The journey has already started."

at the forefront of transformation."

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Teresa Cristina Quintella, Marketing Manager "The new visual identity of the EDP is not one — it is many, which constitute in their entirety a brand that is richer, more dynamic and innovative. Equally rich, dynamic and innovative was the experience of forming part of the rebranding, in which various teams were involved, both internally and externally, nationally and internationally, in implementing this new global brand."

Inês Lima, Marketing Manager “The new EDP brand has its own life, taking these moments to reveal one of its countless facets. These major changes constitute an enormous inspiration and it is a major challenge to all who have worked with it, in the extent that we must have the courage and the capacity to reinvent ourselves on a daily basis, in a manner that will accomplish all innovation, majesty, dynamism that the new EDP brand will convey."

Margarida Glória, Brand and Communications Department “Strong, Funny, Irreverent, Diverse. I like the new brand and would like to state clearly the name of my company: EDP. I like the multiplicity of the forms and the pictographic universe that illustrates the diversity that enriches and unites us — different languages, continents, countries, all with the same shared vision. I like the sense of innovation and change that it conveys. This is how I like to think of my company."

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