Peng, Yu-Ching's portfolio 2021

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Design project






u Y , lio g n tfo e P or P

Contents Adapting Here S I T E 11 STAGE 1


Research, Journal



In memory of_


Incense, In Sense


GIANT bike hostel


Adapt Here

BA graduation design

MA graduation design

BA hostel design program

MA slice design program

Yu-Ching, Peng


BA Graduated-Design project

In memor y of _ Memorial Space for the living In Taiwan, as a result of the taboo of death in our society, the memorial space is far and away from the residents’ life circle. To memory their loves, people usually go to the desolated place in the particular holidays, which shows the memorial events already divided from our daily life. For me, missing our family and friend is a inherent emotion. It is difficult to regulate our emotion to release in certain days and places, it should be like human liberty by memoring day by day. Thus, I decide to re-design the abandon factory, imagining residents would relaxing their pressure while missing their family in this histoirial supernatural infrastructure. By providing the heterogenetal functions; memorial spaces, gallery and event spaces, residents could find the possibility to redefine the meaning of memorying in Taiwanese traditional culture.


Yu-Ching, Peng In memory of _

Navy Fuel Plant

The site is located in the middle of community, used to being a Japanese factory.

Original roof

Funnel structure

Site Analysis- The old structure



Japanese occupation period

Interior Village

The view in the community

Military dependents’ village

Surrounding Analysis


KMT Government Period

Abandened viliage in the factory

Chimney Period of sunshine (summer/ winter)

Resident activities (art/ music/ exhibition)

Currently Situation

Transportaion analysis


Funnel structure

Funnel ‘s CUBES

New roof

Coffee shop

New structure

Future Planning The heterogeneous space

Original structure EXIT stairs

Centre of Activity



Coffee shop


Live House


Entrance /


Funnel structure

Live House

Interior Book store

Funnel ‘s CUBES

The site is located in the middle of community, used to being a Japanese factory.

Funnel structure


Ash storage

Original structure

Village heritage





Ash storage

Memorial space CAF’E


Funnel structure

soul scape

return to land

Book store Gallery



Landscape / Entrance


B1F gallery

buried heritage

1F landscape

B1F Ash storage



Funnel structure

soul scape

return to land

Book store

Memorial route B1 planning 1. ash storage (museum)


2.ash storsge(gallery)

8.ceremony area

3.interactive area

9.ceremony aisle

4.interactive area

10.staff parking

11.staff office

6.digit exhibition

12.activity area 13.classroom

Funnel Structure / memorial routes


Under the funnel structure

Funnel structure

soul scape

return to land

Book store

The interactive box

Memorial space / Gallery

The underground gallery

Re-pure space / memorial routes 紀念動線 / 靈魂的洗禮 從地表慢慢沉潛到地底之中,由生者轉 換成靈魂的身分,以靈魂對靈魂的角度 與空間產生對話,再返回地面,回歸生 活,彷彿經歷一場受洗儀式。

The underground gallery

Back to the land

Interior Square / residents’ space



Interior Square / Lobby

The plannings_

1F planning

1.5F planning

2F planning

3F planning

RF planning

1. lobbey

1. aisle

1. lobbey

1. seating area

1. sky aisle

2.ash storage enterance

2.funnel cube

2.waiting area

2.outside cafe box

3.information counter house aisle enterance

3.outside seating area store & reading area 6.ash storage export

4.back stage


Model making_


MA Graduated-Design project

Incense, In Sense Sensory space as the extension of a person’s willingness.


Yu-Ching, Peng Incense _ In Sense

Incense, In Sense How does incense act as a tangible bridge between the spiritual and material?

信 仰 在 _ 身 軀 所 向 氤 氳 之 中 畢業研究論文裡,我反思家鄉信仰空間的適切與否。 亞洲神像與祭拜過程是否能真實反映我們對自然、對生活的敬愛? 而歐洲教堂裡,巨大垮度與光影設計是否就能暗示人和信仰的關係? 此研究計畫中,以香薰作為媒介,可視化我們的肢體語言,延伸出 神性空間的可能性,讓個體直接參與氛圍、光影的對話裡,形塑出 當下所反映的想望空間。

Aim -

To investigate a sense of beyond vision sensory and re-shape the temporary panorama.

Methodology - Investigating the praying experience (spiritual sensory), and using incense smoke as the medium to re-shape the panorama. Keywords -

Extension of physical movement, Materiality responses, Spiritual engagements, Transcendental vision, Secondary sensory.

entrance / exit

narrow alley altar


To analyze my experience of praying, rather than investigating the magnificent temple, I prefer the small temple located in my household as the religious space to investigate.

worship space

narrow alley

My praying experience

This temple features its unique scale and the religious meaning in our society. It is meaningful for me to analyze what emotions does it bring, and even the secondary senses beyond the primary experience.




Also, the transition between the outside and the inside is a significant aspect to define the boundary of life and the divine, the concrete, and the atmosphere, and the visual and the emotional area.


the light from



the top of the alley

Emotions, praying, secondary senses.

the texture of incense ash

the smoke of sticks

the smell of eggs

the golden materiality

the heat of the praying candles

Respond collage

Transcendental perspective

It is meaningful for me to analyze what emotions does it bring, and even try to deconstruct the secondary senses beyond the primary experience. Thus, I start to re-shaped what I experienced in my daily praying worship, try to figure out the logical or practical factor on the transcendental vision.




Elements analysis

Activate the atmosphere


Unknown -

The extension of body willingness

Emotions / Secondary senses

Structure/ Materiality

Body movements/ Faith




The temple is formed by unpretentious materials which provides multiple atmospheres while worshiping, such as the smell of egg shops which besides the temple, the red-painted wooden column, a small amount of golden religious decorations, and the heat of the candles.


The precursor of smoke How the smoke as the extension of a person's will, building the temporary intangible panorama? With the previously mentioned presumption, I light a stick of incense and a bunch of them in my bathroom separately, to observe the amount of smoke they produced, as the precursor before I engage with the temple. The smoke of a stick of incense generates the more straightforward response of my action. While I move the stick, the smoke writes the line with my following behavior. The atmosphere which I create in the room is limited, I could not change or shape my extension of the temporary panorama in the room. On the other hand, a bunch of incense constitutes the continuous fog, which provides a diverse form of my actions. With the change of light, the speed of shaking hand, and the burning time of the incense, I realized that the extension of my willingness finally builds the temporary scenario via the medium of smoke.

Weather condition



natural light


wind direction



artificial light










wind direction


Rainy day

People engagements



wind direction


Temporary Panorama A person’s extension of body willingness



Aft er a ctiv atin g

act ivat ing

Sensory Space/ the extension of body willingness

Sensory Space/ the extension of body willingness

Model prototyping ear





Incense accessories, In Sense in our body.


After solidification, I reconnected these objects as our body extension of activating movements, re-defined them as the accessories, which performance our emotional reflection on the surrounding.

Conclusion What I learnt from my praying experience is by re-shaping the religious space with a spiritual association, by providing the new material and functions which we have not thought before, such as my perspective of the noontime experiments. To sum up, my project gave us the methodology to re-seeing the original religious space in a different point of view, to re-create the new functions of the faith area, of our belief to response to our emotion.


BA Hostel-Design project

GIANT BIKE HOTEL 城 市 _ 乘 室 以捷安特腳踏車做為主題,營造品牌旅店。 將車友的騎乘生活連動維修、展示與車友 聚會等機能,打造Cycling Life的居住體驗!

brand GIANT is the famous bike brand, a 100% Taiwan make, improving cycling lifestyle, and wishing that whole island is friendly to cycling.

purpose Our purpose is to analyse the tradional Taiwanese brand, combining the brand and hotel, creating the value of brand spirit.


Yu-Ching, Peng Cycling Island, Cycling Lifestyle

Oasis in the City The site located in the captal city is surrounded by many buildings. Thus, we aim to create the relaxing and greenly place which provides the comfortable accommondation for the travelers and citizen.

Biking routes = virtual green Thinking of the relationship between the city and the biker, for me, bike routes create the virtual green energy for the city.

image: the biker and the city.

Image source from: Google Map.

“ Cycling lsland, Cycling Lifestyle. ”

Let’s bike in the hotel !


OUTSIDE Cycling with slopes.

The spirit of giant Creating a Cycling Island, fulfilled with biking, we think about the possbility that bikers move with their convenience and flexibly.

INSIDE Multi-convenient ways for them to use bikes. Moreover, the realization of “Cycling Island” by GIANT would be archieved in my hotel.



Bike Elevator

Self - fixed




Cycling Planning

1F FLOOR PLAN/ Reception




a mini bike museum

quick ďŹ x


counter / check in

bakery / bar

Cycling Lifestyle


guest rooms Cycling Island

Cycling Island

guest rooms

common sleeping quarter

X Cycling Lifestyle

lobby 1F


Bike Youth Hotel

Living with GIANT!

GIANT youth hotel , Taipei

GIANT BIKE HOTEL CYCLING Island, cycling lifestyle

3F planning

4F-10F planning the value of brand spirit.



Connecting the slope form, people could display their bike on the wall like a art work.

With all regular common facilities, people are able to park their bikes beside their beds and enjoy the city view on the balcony.


MA project 01

Adapting Here 適 應 _ 視 映 在第一篇研究論文中,我意圖探討原生家鄉的城市記憶 是否會影響個體移居新城市的體驗感受? 當陌生空間被 記憶中的某種過往情感連動,適應過程是否開始放大或 渲染城市的空間語彙? 而在個體的適應過程中,是否也 參與了城市演變的過程呢?

As an international student, I am experiencing the process of adapting here. As time goes by, I gradually compose my another hometown here. How long do I get familiar with this new city? Adaptation shows a city and an individual exchange each other’s experiences to achieve a balanced living perspective. When people walking around in an unfamiliar environment, our memories would activate the embodied experience to make us attuned, recalled or sensitivity of the specific elements during exploring. As a consequence, people often manipulate their memories at the subconscious level, aiming to change the unfamiliar atmosphere to the familiar one, feeling like hometown scenes. I aim to visualize this charming adapting process, to open the discussion on how the associated activities would change the city’s original performance, re-forming the multiple functions and appearances inside. Thus, every visitor is one of the collective memories to keep forming the whole city.


Yu-Ching, Peng Adapting Here

Site exploring How long do I get familiar with the block? I started to walk around this area and implement my embodied sensory to experience this site via sketching, audio recording and taping the materiality. I wonder to identify the relationship between this “new� atmosphere and my emotional reflection during exploring.

As an immigrant

For a new city

Move to the new city...

Transform the new city to another hometown.

City is formed by a public memories.

Sketching/ Prototyping

Bring the mementoes from home.

Carry the cultural elements to a new city.

Make the new space feel like home.

Make it more familiar like a hometown.

I walked around and highline the elements which I felt it shaped my walking experience. It was based on my embodied sensory and emotional reflection.

A City

A person

How does a city preform its experience to a person?

How does a person permeate their previous experience in the new environment? During the discussion of Atmospheric Writing workshop⁴, I find out that our previous experience would influence our way of feeling space, which result in the atmosphere of the surrounding was activated by our embodied engaging.

“The city is a collective experiment of man-made experience.” In “ Delirious New York”, Rem Koolhaas³ indicates that architecture could be pursued as a collective experiment in which the entire city became a factory of man-made experience. From this theory, I find out that architecture could be formed as the blocks which shaped the appearance of the cities, covered with several layers of past occupancies, aborted projects, and popular fantasies. It means the cities have a variety of possibilities to provide alternative images to a current that exists. The blocks shaped by a various culture of congestion, which becomes “City within a City”, consisting of the texture of the composition. In this book, it shows cultural congestion impacts on the performance of blocks, which resulted in the city within a city, providing the multiple appearances and lifestyles in our surrounding. But, the activities and the movements of beings could not be limited in the blocks or structure, they keep communicating with each other in between of city. Thus, we could find out, each block not only keeps their independence with their cultural elements, but also be permeated by other individuals moving, reforming the vision of the city.

“Architecture is the buiness of manufacturing adequate shelter for human activities. My favorite form is the sphere. The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to function.” - F.Scott Fitzgerald, The Crack-Up

Fig3. The City of the Captive Globe (1972)

While we attuned by surrounding, it is based on our previous experience which was extracted in subjective memory. So, our memory is a significant element to activate the process of adapting, applying our embodied condition to reflect express an emotional aptitude. Let us more sensitive to the space and aware of how it could be used, even to access something other issues.

⁴ Dave Loder, 'Atmospheric Writing', GSA, Glasgow, 19-20 November 2019

Our memories activate the adaptation An individual often implements memories to their experience at the subconscious level, thus, I need to analyze how memories activate our adapting experience and try to do the experiments to visualizeâ ľ this theory into the physical object. How to visualize the adapting experience?

â ľ Katharine Harmon, You are here: personal geographies and other maps of the imagination, New York: Princeton Architectural Press (2004), pp. 52- 329

The experiment of routes and space I recorded my walking via photos around the site, and then extracting my interesting elements into a computer and then manipulating its scale and color: this fact based on our initial stunning feeling would be connected to our previous experience in an emotional way. And then, I operated these elements to re-built the perspective, the process of re-building the image only depended on my walking memory: this research shows our original cognition would influence our way of understanding space. Ultimately, in this perspective, I add some memorial elements and feeling which comes from my association of hometown: it shows my embodied experience could activate my emotional engaging in a new city, to make it more familiar and show the process of adapting in here.

Route A

Route B

Route C

Route D

Model making process/ Re-building space A

Conclusion To sum up my studies, adaptation shows swapping experiences of a city and individual to achieve a wellbalanced perspective. Once a person starts to embodied experience the unfamiliar surrounding here, it would change the atmosphere of the whole city, to blend and realise the balanced environment. So, our experiences provide the ability to piece the various opportunities of cities, such as Rem Koolhaas said, “The city is a collective experiment of man-made experience.�







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