Center for The Study of The HIstory of Nurs ing
Fall 1988
A New "Room of Our Own" Many ofyou are charter members ofthe Center for the Study of the History of Nursing while some joined just recently; all of us have something to celebrate this fall as our Center re-opens in its newly renovated space. Since July 1985 the archival and research work of the Center has gone forward in rather awkward and rudimentary quarters. Though our collections grew rapidly and important work got done. conditions were less than ideal. But, as you can see from the attached sketches. all that has changed. Early in September the paint will be dry and the carpet down: we will re-shelve the manuscript. print and photograph collections and get back to work on materials not yet catalogued. Research ers, volunteers. and staffwill be able to spread out and work in peace. Most important. however. the historically priceless archival materials will be housed in a secure. humidity and temperature controlled archives. Later in the fall. when every thing is shelved and settled. you will be receiving invitations to opening celebrations and tours. You are the cornerstone on which this new and unique facility is built. The dollars that pay for the new walls. the special air-conditioning. the shelv ing, the furniture all came from you. The total cost of this renovation will be $220.000. and fore sighted nurses and their supporters built it with generous gills. Some of our members deserve special thanks for their generosity. LilliaIi Brunner. Chair of the Advisory Board of the Center and long time advo cate for historical preservation in nursing. and her husband. Matt. have supported the Center steadfastly and liberally since its inception. Their contributions will be recognized in the new Center by naming the special archives area 'The Lillian Sholtis Brunner Archives." This spring the AIumnt Association of the School of Nursing ofthe Hospital ofthe University ofPennsylvania pledged $50,000 to the Center which capped the drive for our renovation expenses. Individual contribu-
tions from AsSOCiation members. as well as s up port from the AsSOCiation itself. will be recognized in the name of the Center's conference room. Special thanks to the anonymous donor who made a challenge grant of $25.000 and to the many other individuals and associations who matched the challenge with their contribu tions. You make the whole initiative possible! (See the honor roU ojall the donors to the Center in the past year, from July 1987 through the present.) Gifts of time and talent are also vital to the life of the Center. Two volunteers work in the Center every week lending expert knowledge and pa1ns ~ taking care to the preservation and cataloging of the collections. Stephanie Stachniewicz and Helen Dopsovic started work when the Center opened. Since then they worked through the huge collections from Edith Nunan and the School of Nursing at Philadelphia General Hospi tal. cleaned and identified photographs. assisted researchers and our archival consultant. and generally improved the quality of life in the Cen ter. We are all indebted to them for their irre placeable contributions. Irene Matthews and Edith Nunan contribute to the Center both by donating valuable historical materials and by doing 'detective' work on several complex histori cal research projects. We hope our improved space will encourage expansions ofour volunteer corps.
Overview of 1987-1988 The Archives: "A Summary of Holdings". prepared by Consult ant Gail Farr in December of 1987. is available on request. The Summary is a convenient overview of the collection which is being continuously worked on to preserve the research materials and to develop finding aids. Since the first of the year, additional acquisitions include: the papers of Linda Aiken. 1973-1987. the records ofthe RWJF
(page 2) Teaching Nursing Home Project, the papers of the Mayor's Commission on Health (Philadelphia. 1983-84). and additional books and photographs from individual donors. Recently. important additions to the PGH Collection were donated. These include portraits of the directors ofnursing. vital papers. and additional photographs. Nego tiations are essential complete to acquire the papers of the Eastern Montgomery County Visit ing Nurse Association and the very large and complete archives of the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing in Philadelphia (closed May 1987). During the year. the approximately 3.000 images in the photograph collection were sorted. num bered and stored. Helpful consultation from Jill Gates Smith of the Special Collections on Women in Medicine at the Medical College ofPennsylvania facilitated this project. The Center responds to frequent requests for photographs and consulta tion on illustration from pUblishers. authors. and film makers. Volunteers working on the collections are creating descriptive entries to aid researchers; these are especially useful in the photograph collection and in identifying artifacts accurately.
sociation. and the Missouri Valley History Confer ence. Student groups from the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Delaware vis ited the Center for orientation to historical mate rials and historical research.
Development Fundraising for the Center has been very success ful this year. IndMdual solicitations fueled by the $25.000 challenge grant, generated the challenge plus nearly $100.000 more in gifts and pledges. Though these funds will be depleted by the cost of renovation. the development goal for this year was met. Plans are underway for continuing the development goal for this year was met. Plans are underway for continuing the development cam paign to create an endowment adequate to stabi lize the Center which will reduce dependence on grants. Membership in the Center more than doubled this year suggesting growing support for its work. Center faculty and students completed for. and won. several grants to su pport historical research. These funds support researchers' time. staff. travel, and supplies essential to quality scholarship.
The 1987-88 Center staff includes Joan Lynaugh. Director, Karen Buhler-Wilkerson. ArchMst: Gail The collections were moved to the fourth floor of Farr, Archival Consultant: work-study students, the Nursing Education Building in May to clear and volunteers. As of July I, 1988 Lisa Howard the way for renovations to the space occupied by White Joined the staff as an Administrative Assis the Center. When renovations are complete in tant; she will facilitate access to the Center's hold September. 1988 the collections will be securely ings and enable prompt response to requests for located in the Brunner Archives in the Center. information. The Center operates under the gen Finding aids and a computer-based retrieval sys eral direction of its Advisory Board; the Director tem will enable researchers and others. with the reports both to the Dean of the School of Nursing help of staff. to easily use t..'le Archt...·al holdings of and to the Advisory Board which meets twice each the Center. year.
Teaching and Advising Faculty and doctoral studenfs associated with the Center teach and I or participate in N518 - HistOIY of Nursi~ in the U.S. since 1860 and N998 Seminar in Nursin~ HistOlY and Historio~raDhy. In addition. faculty respond to many requests to offer classes or seminars on nursing history or historical research methods. Both faculty and students presented work to national audiences in cluding the American AsSOCiation for the History of Nursing. the American AsSOCiation for the His tory of MediCine. the American Public Health As
, The Cen ter is very in teres ted
in discussions with nurses
hold ing personal papers
or institutions seeking
consultation about their own
historical documents,
(page 3)
Advisory Board. 1987-88 Center for the Study of the ffistory of Nursine Ellen D. Baer Sandra L. Chaff
(resigned May, 1988)
Nadine Landis
Mark Uoyd
(appointed March, 1988)
Thelma M. Schorr
Joan E. Lynaugh
Lillian S. Brunner
M. Louise Fitzpatrick
Charles Rosenberg
Stephanie Stachniewicz
Tina Weintraub (appointed March, 1988) Karen Buhler-Wilkerson I
. Inquiries can be directed to:
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Center for the Study of the History of Nursing 420 Service Drive Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215)898-4502 The Center's hours are 9 - 5. Monday through Friday
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The Center For The Study Of The History Of Nursing
Honor Roll of IX>nors
'lhe Center for the Study of the History of July 1, 1987 - June 30, 1988 Nellie Al:t>ott Lirrla Aiken Laurie Allan-D:Iwning leslie Altieri Alumni Association American Association of Nurse Anesthetists catherine Amato cynthia AOOrews Ellen Baer SUsan Baird Helen Behnke Evelyn Benson Jane Biggs Georgeanna Bittner Jevne Bitzer Nancy Blake
Ruth Bleakley Helen Bowles IX>ris Breighner Betty Lou Bridal Judy Briggs Barbara Brodie Brerrla Brc::M1
Lillian Brc::M1 Lillian Brunner SUsan Erunoli-Stiller Janet Bryant Agnes Buchanan Anne a.rrnham
Maybelle camero M. cameron
Mary carnegie SUsan carper Maryann carr
Joanne carrigan Margaret carroll Elizabeth carter Mary cartier Jeanette <l'laInberlain Rita Chow Alice Chun Elizabeth Ciulla Lydia Clark Beryl Cleary
Elaine Clcuser Betty Cohen Joanne Connor
Kate Constantz
carolyn Cooper
Mary Ann Galvin Mary Anne Gamba
Grace Coulson
Anna Garnbril Margaret Garner
Nanna. Cowlet Maryann Cox JoAnn D I Agostino
Barbara D I Antonio Fred Davis
Rllllip Day Ann Dellaira RaIoona Deloney Ruth Dex
Alma Garside
lois Gerwig Beulah Ghaner Lauren Glass SUsan Gartner
Judith r:xx::kstader Eileen IX>nnelly Helen IX>psov'ic Jean IX>rr Florence IbNns
Marie Goulbun1 Erna Goulding Kathryn Grado Patricia Graham Jane Griffith Lirrla Grinstead Iris Gross Marian Grott Diana Guthrie
Irene CUggan
Mary Hallie
IX>ris Edwards Margaret Edwards ortrud Eilers Mary Eisenann Edna Ellis Geraldine Ellis Antoinette Eroc:h-Deriaz Joan Engelbrecht Ruth Epp~er
Isabel Harris Isabella Harrison
Margaret Dbrorrl
Martha Erdner Jonathan Erlen Judith Eshelman Ruby Evans Margaret Ewen
Ann Fabiszak. Faculty F\mi univ. of PA School of Nurs~ Ja~eline Fawcett SUzanne Feetham
Josephine Feirrlt M. Louise Fitzpatrick
Francine Fleisher loretta Ford Joan Frazier catherine Freeman
cynthia Freurrl Jeanne Frye Sylvia Fuller Grace Gable
Laura Hayman Mary Kather~-Heffren
Lynn Hektor Beth Helwig June Herbert Ruth Herrick Eleanor Herrmann Edythe Hess Florence Hill Esther Hitchner Jane Hogan William Holzemer Jeanne Horn Ja~eline Hott
Hilda Houser Concetta l-hmt Margaret Rust Edward James Ja~eline Jerrehian Karen Johnson Vivian Johnson Marjorie Johnston Hymen Kanaff Ida Kaufman Josetillne Keiser Louise Kershner Marilyn ~ Betty Anne Kishbach
Ruth Knoblock
Margaret KDtzin
Mary Kurey
Alumni Society
LaSalle University Audrey Labar Eleanor I.arnbertsen Nadine Larrlis Lee larrlsburg Nancy Lamer Jan Lee Lee's Health Lines Ibrothy Leonard Helene Ie.vy SUZanne Ie.vy
Edith Lewis Mary Arm Lewis Mary Lifshultz Ada Lipshutz Marj orie IDmbardi Ruth lJ..lbic Barbara I.lrrrl Shirley I.lrrrl Joan E. Lynaugh Mary MacBride Marguerite Manfreda Linda Manko Barbara Marion Linda Martin Ida Martinson Barbara Mason
Bonnie Mauger Margaret f.k:Clure Ruth f.k:Corkle Sarah McCulloch Diane l-k:Givern Margaret ~y Gloria McNeal Esther McNeil carolyn McVeigh Sheila Mehlem Virginia Miller Clara Milona Roberta Mitch Irene Mock Jacqueline Morrill Goldie Morse Karyn Mullen . Mary Alice Musser Janesy fotjers William Nace Ruth Nase
Marilyn Neff
<llarline Neigh
Nancy Newlin Merrol Nirns Alumni Association of Hasp. of the Univ. of Pennsylvania Christy Nye Sally O'Brien Frances O'Neill Arm O'Sullivan Helen Paige Julia Paparella Marj orie Pascale Sarah PatrylCM carol Pauls Hildegard Peplau Vesta Peppennan Maria Fhaneuf Robert Piernonte Mary Jean Pocal yko Jane Pond Susan Quinby catherine Quinn Samuel Radbill Laura Randar Florine Pontzer LDis Randolph Idabelle Ream Regina Reilly K3.thryn Ricci Gail Rice Patricia Richey LDis Riddle ~Rigg
Martha Rogers Marianne Roncoli Rebecca Roure Heli Saannann K3.y Saunders lllcille Savacool Alice Savastio Becky Sclnnitz Paul Schnur Rozella SChotfeldt F. Schreffler Marilyn SChwartz Mary Shea Anne Shewrran Virginia Sicola Elizabeth Siegfried Sigma '!heta Tau, Inc. Elva Singleton catherine Sload Ibrothy Smith Frances Smith
Nancy Snyder Christine Spagna Edna Spangler St.e{:tlanie Stachniewicz Beverly stern Nancy Stock Gladys Stokes cathy stortz Barbara Stratton Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Stnlrnpf Neville Strurnpf Miriam struzyna Grace Sullivan Judith Sullivan Hele.l1 'Ihieler Florence '!holan LDis '!hornpson Barbara '!horp LDrraine Tulman carlette Vance Iblores Vanname Elizabeth Vickers Jeannette waits Nonna Walgrove Ibris Wardell Ellen Warrler Myrtle Watson Deborah weinstein Helen Weinstein Mary Jessica Welfare Martha Wertheim JoAnn West Marion Weygandt Mary Wilby Ruth Willard Margaret Willcox Margaret Williams Ibrothy Wilson Patricia Wilson Elizabeth Wolcott Zane Wolf Virginia Wright Constance Young Helen Yura Clare Ziegler Matching Gift Companies General Electric Corp . R.W.J. Foundation New York Telephone Company