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Final Deliverable Package
Our final deliverable package to the DC Office of Planning (DCOP) and DC Office of Energy and Environment (DOEE) aims to provide the needed information and tools to catalyze a communitydriven effort. These deliverables include a storybook, a portfolio of deep dive memos, and sample charrette materials.
We did our own charrette to come up with the site plan for the PEPCO site. The Sample Charrette Materials are intended to help the Anacostia River Corridor community do the same themselves, and develop a realistic development plan for a reimagined PEPCO site based on their needs and desires. We imagined this happening through a series of workshops, and made the materials so that they could be used to reimagine any number of sites along the Anacostia River Corridor, with the PEPCO site just being an example. Our hope would be that a community engagement process like that would be the next step in advocating around the removal of DC-295.
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