Volume 7, No 7
YO MOMMA’S KITCHEN Coupon inside
October 17, 2018
OUR HISTORY Rita White feted at luncheon
by Cheryl Smith, Publisher
Love on our youth Too often I have heard folks quoting scripture about the way children are raised. A most commonly used scripture is: Proverbs 22:6 King James Version (KJV): “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Folks act like there’s a “good” child who never ever gets into trouble and wouldn’t do anything their parents would be mad, embarrassed or disappointed to hear about. Things happen though. So maybe we should insert “intentionally.” Growing up I would hear my mother telling her friends that she taught us right from wrong but she wouldn’t be so quick to say what her children would or wouldn’t do when she is not around. Sure, she said, she would vouch for some things, but life had taught her to expect the unexpected. Growing up I overheard grown-ups talking about “PKs”, you know, “Preacher’s Kids,” because a child growing up in a home led by a spiritual leader could not possibly sin. See TRUTH, page 6
INSIDE Quit Playin’ By Vincent L. Hall
Passionate, Prepared, Persistent Page 4
New Mount Zion Baptist DR. TOMMY LEE BROWN.... Page 2
JUSTICE for BOTHAM JEAN Lest we forget!
Rita C. White
From Staff Reports
Van Dyke “seemed kind of like he was finally giving the play after they had been rehearsing him for weeks.” It’s that description – that “play” from what has been a tried and true playbook – that has allowed law enforcement officers to repeatedly dodge prosecution or guilty verdicts in the shootings of African Americans. This time, advocates and court watchers noted that jurors didn’t buy it. Their historic verdict not only has resonated throughout the nation, but also with the leaders of the National Newspaper Publishers Association – the Black Press of America, which includes 220 African-American owned newspapers and media companies in the United States. “Black citizens of Chicago are stunned that finally a Chicago policeman has been convicted of murder and they are having peaceful
In June at the 62nd Conclave of the Continental Societies, Inc. in Hampton, VA. Rita C. White was honored for 25 years of service to children and youth. The Dallas Chapter Associate Members are hosting a luncheon in her honor, Saturday, Oct. 20 , 12:30pm at the Grand Lux Restaurant at the Galleria. According to Doncella Milton, “Rita has won every award locally, regionally and national award Continental can bestow on its members.” Members say she “epitomizes the caliber of individuals in character, in community standing, in moral aptitude and attitude.” Mrs. White has held positions of leadership at all three levels of the organization during her extended history as a Continental member, helping to guide the chapter through many years of successful programs and activities. Because of her experiences, Rita always stands as a guiding force in steering Continentals, during those times when the organization needed sound leadership. Her dedication to Continental Societies,
See NNPA, page 2
Southern University Jaguars and Texas Southern University Tigers face off in the inaugural State Fair Showdown, Saturday, Oct. 20. Go to www.statefairshowdown.com for tickets. Pictured: LaQuitta Thomas and Yolanda Jones
NNPA leaders react to historic verdict By Stacy M. Brown
NNPA Newswire Correspondent @StacyBrownMedia
Contradictory, overly rehearsed and simply not believable – those were just a few adjectives jurors in the Laquan McDonald murder trial used after finding former Chicago Police Officer Jason Van Dyke guilty of second-degree murder Van Dyke shot McDonald 16 times in Oct. 2014 and, although McDonald, 17, was carrying a knife, videotaped evidence showed he was veering away from Van Dyke and other officers and he posed no threat. In fact, jurors noted the videotape that showed several officers at the scene with none of them firing a single shot. Van Dyke arrived and immediately opened fire, killing the teenager. One white woman juror told the New York Times that it appeared that during testimony,