www.texasmetronews.com TEXAS METRO NEWS February 7, 2018 Volume 6, No.16
Metro News
By Cheryl Smith
Vote them out! It was Malcolm X who talked about issues versus personalities. He said that when we focus on individuals and personalities, our communities suffer because the issues go unaddressed. As we deal with the many issues impacting our city, states, and this country; it is imperative that the pettiness does not impede progress. It’s SID MILLER bad enough we have all the “isms” that we encounter daily and then we also have to deal with stupidity and immaturity! Well, to say I am proud of several members of the Texas Black Legislative Caucus is an understatement. Over the years, I have heard about squabbling and infighting, a failure to collaborate and appear as a unified front, cat fighting and apathy. It seems that folks hold grudges forever and there is no calling out because of fear of retaliation. That is unfortunate because if folks are letting their “petty” differences keep them from collectively addressing issues and working for the good of the people; those elected officials need to be called out and at the appropriate time, voted out! Several members of the Texas Legislature spoke out after Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller tweeted to Cong. Devin Nunes: “Democrats haven’t been this upset over Republicans releasing something since Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves.” In response, the following letter, which was signed by State Senators Royce West See TRUTH, page 10
Derrick Johnson, the president and CEO of the NAACP; Leon Russell, the chairman of the NAACP; Dorothy Leavell, the chairman of the NNPA, and Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., the president and CEO of the NNPA sign a strategic partnership agreement to join forces in focusing on key issues that affect the Black community, during the 2018 NNPA Mid-Winter Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Freddie Allen/AMG/NNPA)
By Stacy M. Brown
(NNPA Newswire Contributor)
The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA), a trade group representing more than 200 Black-owned media companies, signed a
historic, strategic partnership with the NAACP, one of the most influential civil rights groups in the world, during the NNPA’s Mid-Winter Conference in Las Vegas. “Sometimes you have to take a step back See NNPA/NAACP page 14
Did Prosecutors Destroy Evidence in Cosby’s Sexual Assault Case? By Stacy M. Brown
(NNPA Newswire Contributor)
As Montgomery County prosecutors continue to pursue a verdict in the Bill Cosby sexual assault case involving former Temple University employee Andrea Constand, lawyers for the entertainer have filed several motions, including two arguing that the case against him should be dismissed. And, while such motions are considered procedural and are rarely granted, the “Uptown Saturday Night” star has presented a compelling case for
dismissal. According to court documents filed by Cosby’s lawyers, the court should dismiss all charges against Cosby because, by Montgomery County, Pennsylvania prosecutors’ own admission, they have not only failed to disclose evidence, but have also destroyed exculpatory evidence. “Specifically, the prosecution recently disclosed for the first time that, prior to the first trial in this case, a prosecutor and two detectives interviewed See COSBY, page 3
THIS IS BLACK HISTORY Dr. Zan W. Holmes Jr. and Mayor Sylvester Turner If you want to study the history of Black people in America, there are so many names that could come up. While some feel more comfortable discussing those who have transitioned and are no longer seen as a threat; it is imperative that you pay attention to and pay tribute to those who walk this earth with you. On February 16, 2016, two such notables who people will be reading about for centuries to come will be participating in a conversation that is sure to be candid, enlightening, informative and probably entertaining. Rev. Zan W. Holmes Jr. is the person whose mere presence is news and noteworthy. The event, In Conversation: An Evening with Dr. Zan Wesley Holmes Jr., was designed as a fundraiser for a Community Outreach Center that will provide so many services for Dallas residents. Over the years In Conversation has included Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price, U.S. Ambassador Ron Kirk, veteran journalist Roland Martin, and now Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner is the featured guest. The aforementioned will definitely be in our history books because of their significant contributions to society. Mayor Turner is the real deal. He served in the Texas House of Representatives, as did Rev. Holmes. In his first term as mayor of his hometown the graduate of the University of Houston who received his law degree from Harvard, has dealt with some highs and lows--from hosting the Superbowl and dealing with Hurricane Harvey to saluting the World Series Champions, the Houston Astros. A close friend of event honorary chair, TX State Rep. Helen Giddings, the mayor is known for intellect, passion, transparency, commitment and courage. WHAT: In Conversation An Evening with Dr. Zan Wesley Holmes Jr. and The Honorable Sylvester Turner, Mayor of Houston. WHEN: Friday, February 16, 2018 at 7p.m. WHERE: St. Luke “Community” United Methodist Church, 5710 E. R.L. Thornton Freeway, Dallas 75223