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Volume 6, No.22
Metro News
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By Cheryl Smith Publisher
Feed just ONE In classes that I teach at El Centro College, the students have an opportunity to gain extra credit. For the past three to four years, I have presented Minnie’s Food Pantry as an option. I tell them that they can make dona-
What is FAIR, Dallas?
Texas Metro News is launching an extensive series looking at housing in Dallas. It’s 50 years since the Fair Housing Act became law. We’ll take a look at then and now.
In today’s issue, U.S. Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and economist Dr. Julianne Malveaux discuss the Fair Housing Act. Future stories will look at work done by Community Housing De-
velopment Organizations like: City Wide Community Development Corporation, East Dallas Community Organization and Innercity Development Corporation. See FAIR, page 4
By Dorothy J Gentry
Angela Rye
100 ex-offenders walked the stage at the Potter’s House to
applause, standing ovations, tears of joy and shouts of hope. “This is what the Gospel is all about: The Word made flesh,� said Bishop Jakes. “To reach out and to care for those who have been left behind or left out of the system. The sociological impact is huge because it suggests that we cannot really lift people in the community without a concerted effort. “Faith-based entities should
See TRUTH, page 9
Story and picture By Dorothy J Gentry Sports Editor
He walked into a packed press conference at American Airlines Center on crutches and wearing a large boot – a reminder of the ankle surgery he had just last week that ended his season with three games left – and uttered five words: “I’m planning on coming back.� And with that, Dirk Nowitzki – the face of the Dallas Mavericks franchise for the past 20 years – confirmed his plans to
Dirk Nowitzki
Judge Lynn Toler
return to the only team he has ever known. “That’s why I went ahead and got the surgery to kind of get the whole process started, get the rehab process started early, and I plan on coming back,� Nowitzki said “I didn’t really miss a lot of games this year and I felt fine most of the time.� Nowitzki underwent left ankle surgery last Thursday with, he said at the time, the sole purpose of being ready to play again with no problems
Judge Lynn Toler will keynote the 55th Annual V. Alyce Foster Trailblazer Awards Luncheon on Saturday, April 28, 2018 at Noon at the Hilton Anatole Hotel in Dallas, Texas. South Dallas Business & Professional Women’s Club, Inc. will host The Emerald Anniversary of the annual Trailblazer Awards Luncheon and recognize 12 outstanding Trailblazers and Honorees in the Dallas community. The Club will award scholarships to eight deserving graduating seniors. A judge, an actress and producer of the nationally syndicated and Emmy-nominated hit television show, Divorce Court; she has netted immense popularity on the program where she has achieved fame as one of television’s sternest and most intransigent celebrity litigators. People listen to Judge Toler for her sage advice and take away lessons on life. Judge Toler excels at certain behavioral tools, including “reading�
See MAVS, page 12
See TOLER, page 12
See REENTRY, page 12
Dirk plans return for 21st season with Mavs tions, or volunteer their services. I explain to them what happens at Minnie’s and also I share a little history about Plano, Texas because I know most folks think of Plano as affluent. When people think of hunger, they don’t think of Plano, Texas; where Minnie’s is located. Just look at the home page of it’s website - www.plano.gov. A man and young female child appear to be walking a dog, outside of a big, nice home with a neatly manicured front lawn.
Toler to keynote annual luncheon
Reentry Program graduates 2018 Class
T.O.R. I. has done it again. The Texas Offenders Reentry Initiative (T.O.R.I.), created in 2005 by Bishop T.D. Jakes, senior pastor of The Potter’s House, recently held their annual graduation commencement ceremony for the formerly incarcerated men and women who have successfully completed the program. Complete with caps, gowns and diplomas; more than
Dr. Cheryl “Action� Jackson