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Metro News

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Volume 6, No.25


By Cheryl Smith Publisher

Excuses are... Collaboration is a beautiful concept. When journalists of color decided there was strength in numbers, I was excited that we were joining together with Asian, Hispanic and Native American journalists. The organization was called UNITY: Journalists of Color. There were so many lessons I learned over the years and I know my life has been enriched by the relationships that have been established and nurtured over the decades. When an opportunity arose to join the Unity Mentoring Project, I didn’t hesitate. I learned so much and made life-long friends. One exercise that further instilled in me the need to know my history, had to be our formal introduction where we talked about who we were and where we were from. That one exercise put the spotlight on the damage that slavery had done to African people. Very few of us (Blacks) could point to a native language or trace back to before 1619. While others could point to Mexico or Spain; Tokyo or the Philippines; the Cherokee or Piyute nation; many Blacks were clueless or someone might jokingly say something like, “well my mom is from the south side of Chicago.� We clearly knew, as everyone else did, that there was a disconnect. Now there was another “exercise� that may be uncomfortable for some or it might make you angry. Well here goes! Part of the Unity Project was getting to know others. With this knowledge, not only would we be better journalists; we’d be better people. Well, as we met in different cities, we went to different places to eat. If the National Association of Hispanic See TRUTH, page 9

Malcolm X film sheds light on leader From Staff Reports

NOTE: Last week there was a major error in Dr. Wall’s article and we apologize for the misrepresentation of her excellent work.

seventies, who was the young civil rights activist from Selma, for a special screening of Malcolm X, in Dallas.

 The screening of this new film, which is set for Saturday, May 12, 2018 at 12:00 pm at the Inspiring Body of Christ Church (IBOC)

See MALCOLM, page 5

Meek Mill says U.S. Criminal Justice System “Made to Keep Minorities Trapped Forever� By Lauren Victoria Burke (NNPA Newswire Contributor)

Wisdom in Soprano By Dr. Brenda Wall Special to Texas Metro News

Film featuring Malcolm X’s Influence on the 1960s Black Power Movement to be screened Mary Liuzzo Lillieboe, the eldest daughter of Viola Luizzo, the only-known white female to be killed during the civil rights movement will be joined by the twin daughters of Malcolm X Shabazz — Malikah and Malaak Shabazz-- and Leroy Moton, now in his


uled business activities.� According to TMZ.com, “The amended order also gives Meek Rapper Meek Mill sat down approval to live in Montgomery with NBC’s Lester Holt to talk Co. The original bail conditions about his experiences required him to live in in the criminal justice neighboring Philadelsystem for a Dateline phia County. Meek interview that aired on still has to submit to at Sunday, May 6. least one urine test per “I had eight years of month.� probation that turned After being sen[into] 16 years of protenced for violating bation,� Mill said in the probation and spendMeek Mill interview. “Something ing almost five months is not working,� in the criminal in prison, Philadelphia rapper justice system. Meek Mill was released on April 24. TMZ.com reported that Judge The Pennsylvania Supreme Genece Brinkley amended the Court ordered an immediate reorder regarding Mill’s bail condi- lease for Mill, whose real name is tions, “and he now has approval Robert Rihmeek Williams, and also to travel outside of Pennsylvania’s instructed the judge in his case to Montgomery County for sched- assign an “unsecured bail.�

On Twitter, Mill thanked God, his family and his public advocates for their love, support and encouragement. “While the past five months have been a nightmare, the prayers, visits, calls, letters and rallies have helped me stay positive,� Mill tweeted. Mill added that he planned, “to work closely with my legal team to overturn this unwarranted conviction and look forward to reuniting with my family and resuming my music career.� Mill was given a two- to fouryear prison sentence in November 2017 for violating his probation stemming from a 2008 gun and drug case. According to Pitchfork.com, when Judge Genece E. Brinkley See MEEK MILL, page 3

During Women’s History Month, we became more aware of exceptional women of Dr. Brenda Wall accomplishment and also sensitive to the statistics that describe the debilitating abuse that many women experience. The one out of three women, who is the victim of some form of violence including sexual assault, intimate partner violence and homicide becomes portrayed with scenarios of secrecy and pain. The devastation can be so overwhelming that we react to the abuse by creating additional pressure. Without realizing it, we begin to see the role of women in marginalized terms of pathology, dysfunction and accept suffering as the generational norm. The dynamics of abuse, control and male vilification give way to gossip, confusion and urban stereotypes of the angry, black woman. We admire the women who overcome such degradation. They are permitted to speak, perhaps, after they have learned an unstated lesson: know your place and abide within the framework that is set before you through a gender privileged lens. This is an incomplete and misguided approach for understanding millions of women in our midst, because we rarely challenge context. We ignore the system of patriarchal control and celebrate a Me Too Movement, which likewise presents See WISDOM, page 3 www.texasmetronews.com

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